高三课外阅读 choices in life

对生活方式的选择英语作文Choices in Lifestyle: A Deep Dive into Personal Preferences.Lifestyle choices are an integral part of human existence, reflecting our values, beliefs, and priorities. These choices range from the minor decisions we make daily, such as what to eat or how to spend our free time, to the significant ones that shape our lives, like where to live or what career to pursue. The variety and complexity of lifestyle options available today provide us with unprecedented freedom to craft our lives according to our desires and aspirations.Firstly, the choice of where we live significantly impacts our lifestyle. City life, with its hustle and bustle, offers convenience, cultural diversity, and ample opportunities for professional growth. On the other hand, rural or suburban living offers peace and tranquility, closer proximity to nature, and a slower pace of life. Thedecision to settle in a metropolis or a quiet hamlet depends largely on individual preferences and career requirements.Similarly, our career choices play a crucial role in shaping our lifestyle. Some individuals prefer thestability and security of a traditional job, while others are drawn to the冒险 and excitement of entrepreneurship. The choice of a profession not only determines our income and financial stability but also affects our work-life balance, social circle, and overall happiness.In terms of daily activities, lifestyle choices are even more diverse. For instance, some people prefer to spend their evenings curled up with a good book, while others prefer to hit the gym or participate in sports. Similarly, weekend plans could range from attendingcultural events or concerts to simply relaxing at home. These choices not only reflect our interests and hobbies but also contribute to our physical and mental well-being.However, it is important to note that lifestyle choicesare not always black and white. Often, we find ourselves in a situation where we have to strike a balance between different aspects of our lives. For example, someone who chooses a high-powered corporate job might have to compromise on their work-life balance, while someone who opts for a freelance career might enjoy more flexibility but face financial uncertainties.Moreover, lifestyle choices are not static; they evolve over time as our needs, interests, and priorities change. As we grow and experience different stages of life, our lifestyle preferences also undergo transformations. For instance, a young adult might prioritize socializing and exploring new things, while an older individual might value stability and comfort more.In conclusion, lifestyle choices are an integral part of human life, reflecting our values, beliefs, and priorities. They range from the minor decisions we make daily to the significant ones that shape our lives. While these choices provide us with unprecedented freedom tocraft our lives according to our desires, they also comewith responsibilities and challenges. It is, therefore, crucial to make informed and sustainable choices that align with our values and goals, leading to a fulfilling and balanced life.。

未选择的路英文诗歌全诗基调The Road Not Taken An English Poem Exploring Life's Choices。
In life, we are often faced with choices that shape our future. Some decisions may seem insignificant at the time, while others may carry great weight. The poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost beautifully captures the essence of these choices and the impact they have on our lives.The poem begins with the lines, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, / And sorry I could not travel both." These opening lines immediately set the tone of the poem, conveying a sense of regret and longing for the road not taken. The speaker is faced with a fork in the road, symbolizing a pivotal moment in life where a decision must be made.As the poem continues, the speaker reflects on the two paths before him. He observes that both paths are equally appealing, as they are covered in leaves that have not been stepped on. This imagery suggests that both choices are unexplored and hold the potential for new experiences. However, the speaker acknowledges that he cannot take both paths simultaneously, leading to a sense of dilemma and uncertainty.In the third stanza, the speaker examines the first path and describes it as "grassy and wanted wear." This implies that the path is less traveled, hinting at the possibility of uniqueness and individuality. The speaker contemplates the potential outcome of taking this road, imagining that it could make a significant difference in his life. However, he ultimately decides against it, fearing that it may lead to missed opportunities and a sense of regret.The fourth stanza explores the second path, which is described as "just as fair" as the first. The speaker acknowledges that this path is more popular and well-trodden, suggesting that it represents the conventional choices that society often expects us to make. Despite its familiarity, the speaker is uncertain about the outcome of taking this road as well. He contemplates the possibility of conformity and wonders if it will lead to a life filled with regret for not having taken the road less traveled.In the final stanza, the speaker reflects on his decision, stating, "I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference." This concluding statement is often misinterpreted as a celebration of individuality and non-conformity. However, a closer analysis reveals that the speaker is uncertain about the outcome of his decision. He acknowledges that he may never know what would have happened if he had taken the other path, but he finds solace in the fact that he made a choice and embraced the unknown."The Road Not Taken" serves as a reminder that every choice we make has consequences. It highlights the importance of embracing uncertainty and taking risks, as well as the significance of accepting the outcomes of our decisions. The poem encourages us to reflect on the choices we have made and the paths we have taken, reminding us that each decision contributes to the person we become.In conclusion, "The Road Not Taken" is a thought-provoking poem that explores the theme of choices in life. It captures the essence of decision-making, uncertainty, and the impact of our choices on our journey. By examining the paths not taken, the poem encourages us to reflect on our own choices and embrace the unknown. Ultimately, it reminds us that the roads we choose to travel define our unique experiences and shape our lives.。

生命中重要的选择英语作文Important Choices in Life。
Life is a journey filled with choices. Some choices are small and seemingly insignificant, while others are monumental, shaping the very course of our existence. These important choices often demand careful consideration, as they hold the power to influence our happiness, success, and fulfillment. In this essay, we will explore the significance of important choices in life and how they impact our journey.One of the most crucial choices we face in life is the decision of career path. This decision not only determines our source of income but also plays a significant role in shaping our identity and sense of purpose. For many individuals, choosing a career involves balancing passion with practicality, as they seek a path that aligns with their interests and skills while also providing financial stability. Whether it's pursuing a lifelong dream or optingfor a more secure profession, the choice of career sets the stage for our future endeavors and impacts our overall satisfaction and fulfillment in life.Another pivotal choice we encounter is that of relationships. From friendships to romantic partnerships, the people we choose to surround ourselves with have a profound influence on our well-being and personal growth. Deciding whom to trust, invest time in, and build meaningful connections with can be challenging, yet essential for our emotional and social development. Whether it's choosing a life partner, reconciling with a friend, or setting boundaries with toxic individuals, the quality of our relationships significantly impacts our happiness and mental health.Furthermore, the decision of where to live can also be a crucial one. Whether it's settling in a familiar hometown or embarking on a new adventure in a different city or country, our choice of location can shape our experiences and opportunities. Factors such as climate, culture, job market, and proximity to loved ones all play a role indetermining the suitability of a place to call home. Making the right decision regarding our living environment can contribute to our overall sense of belonging and well-being.Moreover, ethical and moral choices often present themselves throughout our lives, testing our principles and values. From standing up for what is right in the face of adversity to making difficult decisions that prioritize integrity over convenience, our moral compass guides us through challenging situations. These choices not onlydefine our character but also contribute to the kind of society we collectively create.In addition to these major decisions, there are countless smaller choices we make on a daily basis that collectively shape the trajectory of our lives. From choosing what to eat for breakfast to deciding how to spend our free time, each decision reflects our priorities, habits, and aspirations. While these choices may seem insignificant in isolation, their cumulative effect over time can significantly impact our overall well-being and success.In conclusion, life is a series of choices, both big and small, that collectively determine the direction of our journey. From career paths to relationships, where we live to how we navigate ethical dilemmas, the choices we make shape our experiences and shape the person we become. By approaching important decisions with mindfulness, self-awareness, and a clear sense of purpose, we can navigate life's complexities with confidence and create a path that aligns with our values and aspirations.。

高中英语真题:2014高考英语阅读理解、完形填空二轮精品训练(23)含答案(A)As you grow rapidly through your teenage years,you will experience a lot of changes. The changes may seem di fficult and they may seem to happen quickly. Don’t panic!You will deal successfully with them!You are a young adult now!With more responsibility,you will find more freedom to make your own choices. This is a time to be well informed about your choices so that you can ma ke healthy balanced decisions that will help shape your future. You may already know your career path or you may have no id ea at all what you want to do. Both situations are fine!Work hard and the right opportunity will present itself to you.Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices. You will probably want to be independent. But try not to shut yo ur family out of your life. You should learn to think of others eve n though you are old enough to look after yourself. Your familyhave been with you since you came into this world.It is also perfectly natural in this time for you to spend more ti me with your friends than your family. Choose your friends wise ly. A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens.This period is part of the life cycle. There are some people w ho will be with you throughout life’s journey and there will be so me people with whom you part and go separate ways. Leaving school can be hard. The reality is that you may not ever see all of your classmates again.You are a young adult. It is your life. No one can live it for yo u. The choices that you make from now on will be your choices. So making the right choices will be important to you. Life is for l iving. Enjoy your life wisely!56.The best title for this passage would be ______.A.The Choices in LifeB.The Key to SuccessC.Say Goodbye to the PastD.Becoming a Young Adult57.Who do the underlined words“some people”(Paragraph 5)p robably refer to?A.your parents B.your classmates C.true friends D.your relatives58.The author thinks teenage years are ______.A.a period of complete freedomB.too hard for young people to get throughC.an important time for the young to make the right choices D.a very important period for young students to leave their par ents59.Who is the passage mainly written for? A.Teenagers. B.Teachers.C.Young parents. D.Adults.参考答案56---DBCA***************************************************结束Having one of those days—or weeks—when everything seems to annoy you? Even if you do nothing a bout it, your bad mood(心情) will probably go away after some time. But with a little effort, you can forget it much faster—often within a day or two.Walk it offExercise is the most popular bad-mood buster. A person who’s in a bad mood has low energy an d high tension. Taking a fast ten-minute walk, or doing some quick exercises can do wonders to wards changing the bad mood.Tune it outListening to your favorite music for a while can also make ten sion go away quickly, because music starts connection with pas t positive experiences we’ve had.Give yourself a pep talkStop and listen to what’s on your mind. Bad moods are often started by too many negative thoughts. Write them all down on paper, the pessimistic(悲观的) messages you’ve been giving yourself, and then give optimi stic answers. (“I still don’t have a job. ” vs “I have two interviews next week. ”)Reduce your stressRelaxation techniques are wonderful mood-lifters. These include deep breathing, stretching and visualizing, all of which sound complicated(复杂的) but aren’t. One easy way to visualize: close your eyes and p icture a favorite place, such as the beach. Another simple way t o distress is to make a to-do list. One reason for being in a bad mood is feeling you have no options. By taking control over certain areas, you realize you ’re not helpless. You can make changes in your mood and life. Avoid things that won’t improve your moodTV may not help much: you need to increase your energy lev el and stimulate(刺激) your mind—something that the TV show “Neighbors”won’t do. And before y ou reach for that piece of cake and coffee, think about how moo d and food are linked. Sugar and caffeine contribute to depress ed moods. The better choice? Research shows that carbohydra tes, such as potatoes and pasta(面食), produce calming effects on people who have a desire for th em.60.Which of the following may help us stop a bad mood?A. Doing nothing about it.B. Exercising and enjoying music.C. Writing down negative thoughts.D. Talking about it with neighbors.61.Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture th e beach?A. It helps remove bad mood.B. It brings us a new technique.C. It is not complicated to do so.D. It is an area to be easily controlled.62.TV may not improve your mood because it _____.A. shows what happens around youB. does not energize youC. reminds you of eating and drinkingD. produces a calm effect63.Which would be the best title for this passage?A. Energy Level and StressB. How to Beat a Bad MoodC. Bad Mood and Our LifeD. How to Control Your Feeling参考答案60、B ABB*******************************************************结束.完形填空Words:329 难度系数:★★建议用时:15分钟(2012·大纲版压轴卷)Launching a Life with$10 and a DreamGrowing up on a farm in Tennessee,Larry Young was determined to do something else with his life. His father wanted him to follow in his __1__and refused to help Young go to college.__2__ ,with$ 10 in his pocket,Young set off for Tennessee State University,__3__to register.“I walked up to the bursar’s(财务主管) office and threw my two$5 __4__ up there on the counter,”Young sa ys.“I plan to make __5__ out of myself.”Young told t he school official.He saw this country boy and said, “But you ca n’t go to school with $10.”Young said, “But I __6__.”Young was taken to see the school dean,who asked if he could drive a truck.Young had never driven bef ore,but said yes __7__.He got a job carrying trash.“I didn’t know w hat I was doing,but __8__ the grace of God,I did it.That __9__ my tuition,but they didn ’t know I didn’t have a place to stay.”“One morning,the matron(女舍监) of the dormitory __10__ up and saw me-between two mattresses in the dormitory,and it scared her.She broke __11__ and cried when I told her my __12__.And afterwards,she gave me everything __13__ I needed.”Young is __14__ to say he was the first African American to be the director of food sanitation for the Detroit Health Department. Young remembers a female high school student.“She was __1 5__.She came from a family of seven-some of them were on drugs-and she had __16__ right to be mad.So I sit her down and I talk to her.”I said,“Do you see these __17__-way back in the South,in the sticks,I picked cotton.But you see __18__ I am today.”Young ended u p __19__ her.“It’s been over 19 years ago.She’s an executive s ecretary today.”“That is the greatest thing I’ve __20__ done in my life.If you just put your arms around people,they will go forward in life.”said Young.1.A.careers B.jobsC.wishes D.footsteps解析:选D。

福建省厦门工学院附属学校2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题一、阅读理解Things to Do in Yorkshire This SummerHarrogate Music FestivalSince its birth, Harrogate Music Festival has gone from strength to strength. This year, we are celebrating our 50th anniversary. We begin on 1st June with Manchester Camerata and Nicola Benedetti, presenting an amazing programme of Mozart pieces.Dates:1 June-31 JulyTickets:£12-£96Jodie's Fitness Summer ClassesAs the summer months roll in, our Georgian country estate makes the perfect setting for an outdoor fitness session. Come and work out with our qualified personal trainer, Jodie McGregor, on the grounds of the Middleton Lodge estate.We will be holding a free taster session on 23rd May, at 10 am, to demonstrate the variety of effective and active exercises. There are eight spaces available for the taster session. Advance bookingsarerequired(**********************.uk)Dates:23 May-11 JulyTickets: £7.50 per sessionFelt Picture MakingWorking from an inspirational picture, this workshop at Helmsley Arts Centre will teach you the techniques you will need to recreate your picture in wool.We will also discuss the origins of felt, what enables wool fibres to become felt and how the processes we use work.Dates: 12 June-12 JulyTickets: £40 including materialsFigure It Out!-Playing with MathA new exhibition in Halifax uses everyday activities to explain the hidden math principleswe all use on a regular basis. Pack a bag, cut a cake, guess which juice container holds the most liquid, and much more. Discover how architects, product designers and scientists use similar skills in their work.Dates:7 May-10 JuneTickets: Free1.What should you do if you want to attend the taster session of Jodie's fitness classes?A.Join a fitness club.B.Pay a registration fee.C.Make a booking.D.Hire a personal trainer.2.How much is the ticket for Felt Picture Making?A.£7.50.B.£12.C.£40.D.£96.3.Which of the following starts earliest?A.Harrogate Music Festival.B.Jodie's Fitness Summer Classes.C.Felt Picture Making.D.Figure It Out!-Playing with Math.When almost everyone has a mobile phone, why are more than half of Australian homes still paying for a landline (座机)?These days you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Australia over the age of 15 who doesn’t own a mobile phone. In fact plenty of younger kids have one in their pocket. Practically everyone can make and receive calls anywhere, anytime.Still, 55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones according to a survey (调查). Of those Australians who still have a landline, a third concede that it’s not really necessary and they’re keeping it as a security blanket — 19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case of emergencies. I think my home falls into that category.More than half of Australian homes are still choosing to stick with their home phone. Age is naturally a factor (因素)— only 58 percent of Generation Ys still use landlines now and then, compared to 84 percent of Baby Boomers who’ve perhaps had the same home number for 50 years. Age isn’t the only factor; I’d say it’s also to do with the makeup of your household.Generation Xers with young families, like my wife and I, can still find it convenient to have a home phone rather than providing a mobile phone for every family member. That said, to behonest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone (using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).How attached are you to your landline? How long until they go the way of gas street lamps and morning milk deliveries?4.What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about mobile phones?A.Their target users.B.Their wide popularity.C.Their major functions.D.Their complex design.5.What does the underlined word “concede” in paragraph 3 mean?A.Admit.B.Argue.C.Remember.D.Remark.6.What can we say about Baby Boomers?A.They like smartphone games.B.They enjoy guessing callers’ identity.C.They keep using landline phones.D.They are attached to their family.7.What can be inferred about the landline from the last paragraph?A.It remains a family necessity.B.It will fall out of use some day.C.It may increase daily expenses.D.It is as important as the gas light.As you grow rapidly through your teenage years, you will experience a lot of changes. The changes may seem difficult and they may seem to happen quickly. Don’t panic! You will deal successfully with them! You are a young adult now!With more responsibility, you will find more freedom to make your own choices. This is a time to be well informed about your choices so that you can make healthy balanced decisions that will help shape your future. You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all what you want to do. Both situations are fine! Work hard and the right opportunity will present itself to you.Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices. You will probably want to be independent. But try not to shut your family out of your life. You should learn to think of otherseven though you are old enough to look after yourself. Your family have been with you since you came into this world.It is also perfectly natural in this time for you to spend more time with your friends than your family. Choose your friends wisely. A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens.This period is part of the life cycle. There are some people who will be with you throughout life’s journey and there will be some people with whom you part and go separate ways. Leaving school can be hard. The reality is that you may not ever see all of your classmates again.You are a young adult. It is your life. No one can live it for you. The choices that you make from now on will be your choices. So making the right choices will be important to you. Life is for living. Enjoy your life wisely!8.The best title for this passage would be ________.A.The Choices in Life B.The Key to SuccessC.Say Goodbye to the Past D.Becoming a Young Adult9.Who do the underlined words “some people” (Paragraph 5) probably mean?A.your parents.B.your deskmates.C.true friends.D.your relatives.10.The author thinks teenage years are ________.A.a period of complete freedomB.too hard for young people to get throughC.an important time for the young to make the right choicesD.a very important period for young students to leave their parents11.Who is the passage mainly written for?A.Teenagers.B.Teachers.C.Young parents.D.Adults.Can dogs and cats live in peace in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found a new way for success. According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly. Twothirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.However, it wasn’t all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while attacking and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals attack, while a dog doing the same signals admitting defeat.In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behaviour. They are learning how to talk each other’s language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “cat”.What’s interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence. They can learn to read each other’s body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than was previously thought. Once familiar with each other’s presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.The advantage of this research on cats and dogs may not only about pets — to people who don’t get along, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.12.The underlined word “swimmingly” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .A.early B.sweetlyC.quickly D.suprisingly13.Some cats and dogs may fight when .A.they are cold to each otherB.they look away from each otherC.they understand each other’s signals in a wrong wayD.they are introduced at an early age14.What is found surprising about cats and dogs?A.They eat and sleep together.B.They observe each other’s behaviors.C.They learn to speak each other’s language.D.They know something from each other’s voices.15.What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?A.We should learn to live in peace.B.We should know more about animals.C.We should live in peace with animals.D.We should learn more body languages.How to Show RespectWhether you’re talking to your best friend or a stranger, respecting them shows that you’re kind and considerate. Here are some easy ways to show respect in your life.Listen to others.Practice active listening to show you respect others. 16 Nod your head and ask follow-up questions to stay focused in the conversation. Even if you disagree, try to consider the point of view before responding.Confirm (肯定) people’s opinions.When you’re talking to someone, confirm their opinions in your own words. You can also mention their achievements to let them know you see how hard they’ve worked. You could say something like, “What you just said was really cool. 17 ” Or, “I can tell you’ve worked super hard to get your business off the ground.”Apologize when you’re in the wrong.It shows a great deal of maturity (成熟). If you mess up, a simple “I’m sorry” goes a long way. Try not to make excuses for yourself. 18 For example, if you forgot a deadline, you could say, “I’m really sorry. I’ll be setting reminders so this doesn’t happen again.”19Stick to your word. If you commit (承诺) to an event or make plans with someone, come through on your end of the deal. Being reliable shows respect for people’s time. Have your materials in order and complete all the necessary work ahead of time. 20 It can be tough at first, but it’s better to be honest.A.Do what you say you’ll do.B.Just say no if you can’t commit.C.Wait to talk instead of merely listening.D.I can tell you’ve thought a lot about this topic.E.Watch and be quiet when someone else is talking.F.Excuses are useless if you want to correct your mistakes.G.It might also be helpful to have a plan to avoid such mistakes again.二、完形填空My son Nile has left for university. Even Mother seldom 21 now that her grandchild is no longer around. My home has become so 22 in less than one month.As a concerned mother who had little to do, I 23 Nile whenever I could. At first it was through emails. Occasionally I 24 the page of the university to learn about Nile’s campus life, and was filled with 25 to see his greetings: “Hi, Mum! So you’re on the net as well!” Since then I’ve been visiting the website regularly hoping to 26 my child.Recently, our communicating way had another 27 . Nile sent me all kinds of articles through instant messaging: novel, modern, funny... I read them 28 , like a well-behaved pupil. Meanwhile, I had 29 feelings about that. The kid was 30 to learn something from me not that long ago, but he now becomes my teacher! After 31 , I responded with the following email:“Thank you, my son, for all the interesting articles, though I feel confused about the change of our 32 . Despite that, I’ll take it as a loving son’s 33 of his mother. He must be thinking his mother is still young and 34 enough to accept new things. That makes me feel proud.” Now in this way we share ideas, with the instant messages 35 each other.21.A.cares B.leaves C.works D.appears 22.A.distant B.quiet C.dirty D.warm 23.A.contacted B.visited C.helped D.missed 24.A.turned down B.spoke of C.looked through D.checked on 25.A.curiosity B.surprise C.admiration D.anger 26.A.encourage B.impress C.meet D.monitor 27.A.breakthrough B.change C.meaning D.result28.A.secretly B.privately C.carefully D.repeatedly 29.A.strong B.wonderful C.familiar D.mixed 30.A.supposed B.believed C.noticed D.allowed 31.A.searching B.considering C.sharing D.agreeing 32.A.hobbies B.goals C.attitudes D.roles 33.A.description B.instruction C.expectation D.introduction 34.A.open B.energetic C.knowledgeable D.confident 35.A.talking B.freeing C.reminding D.comforting三、选词填空根据内容,从下列方框中选择正确的短语,补全句子,并将选项填写在答题卡相应位置上。
Choices in Life

The more choices, the more hesitates in our life. The choices are colourful and seductive, so we make sure stick to ourselves and don't lose ourselves. A comprehensive analysis of ourselves is necessary to ensure that making choices.Learning to use our lengths to overcome difficulties and resisting the temptation until there is success coming.
The choice is important,because it can decide the direction and fate in the future.So whenever and whatever facing what kind of choices, we should be prudent to make a decision.The life doesn't have any opportunities to let us turn our heads, and all the things maybe become very different.There are opportunities and challenges in the choices, what we can do is facing up to them and gossipping them.Don't scare off choices, but also don't make a choice casually.

生活的选择英语作文Life is a series of choices, each one shaping our future and defining who we are. Here's a composition on the choices in life:The Choices of LifeEvery morning, we wake up to a world full of possibilities. The choices we make, from the mundane to the significant, are the threads that weave the tapestry of our lives.The Small ChoicesOur day begins with small choices. What to wear, what to eat for breakfast, or whether to take the bus or walk to school. These decisions may seem trivial, but they set the tone forour day. They reflect our personality, our mood, and our priorities. Choosing to wear a favorite outfit can boost our confidence, while opting for a healthy breakfast can energize us for the day ahead.The Medium ChoicesAs the day progresses, we encounter medium-sized choices. Deciding which class to focus on, which project to prioritize, or which friend to spend lunchtime with are all decisionsthat can have a more lasting impact. These choices can affect our academic performance, our relationships, and our social standing. They require a bit more thought and consideration, but they also provide opportunities for growth and learning.The Big ChoicesThen there are the big choices—the ones that can change the course of our lives. Choosing a career path, deciding to move to a new city, or committing to a significant relationship are decisions that require courage and foresight. These choices are not made lightly, as they have the power to shape our future in profound ways.The Importance of ChoicesThe importance of making wise choices cannot be overstated. Each decision, no matter how small, contributes to the person we become. It's not just about the destination, but also about the journey. The choices we make along the way help us learn, adapt, and grow.The Freedom in ChoicesUltimately, the freedom to choose is a gift. It allows us to take control of our lives and to make decisions that align with our values and aspirations. While some choices may lead to challenges and setbacks, they also provide opportunities for resilience and self-discovery.ConclusionIn the end, life is a collection of choices. Some are easy, some are hard, and some are life-changing. But each one is an opportunity to shape our destiny and to become the person we want to be. So, let us embrace the choices that life presents to us, and let us make them with wisdom, courage, and an open heart.This composition touches on the various types of choices we encounter in life, from the everyday decisions to the life-altering ones, and the impact they have on our personal development and future.。

经典句子-高考必备-英语作文-2021备战高考:2021-05-261、Life is about learning to dance in the rain.人生是要学会在雨中舞蹈。
(邓文迪)2、Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitute s.有些人永远不会被遗忘,有些人永远只是代替品。
3、Life is too short to give another minute to, anyoneor anything that doesn’t make you happy.生命太短,一分钟都不能留给那些让你不快的人或事。
4、The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equa l mind and heart finds and publishes it. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)最深的思想或感情就如同深睡的矿藏,在等待着同样深沉的头脑与心灵去发现和开采。
(爱默生)5、When you want knowledge like you want air under water then you will get it.当你需要知识就像你在水底需要空气时,你准能得到它。
-Socrates(古希腊哲学家苏格拉底)----------------------------------------------------------------------6、We aim above the mark to hit the mark.我们瞄准时箭头稍高出靶心,才能射中靶心。
7、Every new day begins with possibilities. It's up to us to fill it wi th the ...以无限的可能性开始每一天。
Unit 7 Book 1 Choices in Life

The biggest one he had ever met in his life.
3. Did he make the right choice in the end ? Yes, he did and he started his new life after the operation.
Practice 2
Listen to a passage and fill in the blanks.
Each day we all make many choices ; most of these choices are small — what to wear, what to eat, what to do with any leisure time we might happen to have, to name just a few. Still, there are many important choices that we make in life — which university to attend , what to study, what type of job to seek, whom to marry, etc. Sometimes we may become tired of making choices, but we always know that we will continue to make them as long as we live, because that is better than having them made for us. It is not surprising that one of the most common old sayings in English is “you pay your money and you make your choice”, meaning that you can do what you want to when it comes to making a choice but then you will have to live with the outcome .

My dad is a kind, gentle man, and a man of few words. Throughout my life, he offered advice rarely. But the words were always appropriate to the situation I was facing.As a teen when I struggled with making se nse of the world around me, he said, “All things are relative.” He taught me the right view of the world. When I was offered the opportunity to be a manager of an organization as an undergraduate student, I asked him for advice because he was a senior mana ger of a large company. His advice was simple, “Only when you become the manager can you have a vision for how you can make the organization better; management isn't about power and it's about leadership.” I learned what I needed was not only to be respons ible for my team but also to have leading ability. When I was feeling down, he explained, “Think that you make the wrong choices in life, sometimes.”My dad is 86 now, living on his own and enjoying life while struggling with the challenges that aging brings. He keeps a positive attitude despite long pain and the losses that come in life. Although we live quite far away from each other, we talk daily on the phone, and he shares the joys of my young family. As I tell him how we're heading off cycling or on a trip or out to play tennis, now his typical response is, “Do it while you can.” This is very important. We can't be sure of the future. My father's advice is like the ancient dictum(格言)of “ carpe diem”— seize the day and enjoy it to the fullest.M y dad rarely “lectured me”. He trusted me, and helped me when I needed help. His patience and wisdom have been true gifts in my life. As I doubt my ability and my motivation, I recall his most recent gift of wisdom, “Do it while you can”. It's enough to “just get me started”.(1)Why did the author's dad tell him “All things are relative.”? (No more than 10 words) (2)What qualities should a manager have according to the author? (No more than 5 words) (3)What is the purpose of the author's father talking with him on the phone every day? (No more than 10 words)(4)How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? (No more than 10 words)(5)How do you feel about the ancient dictum of “carpe diem”? (No more than 20 words) 【答案】(1)To teach the author the right view of the world.(2)Both responsibility and leading ability.(3)Learning (To learn) more about the pleasure of the author's family.(4)His father's words make him take action.(5)(One possible version:) I totally agree with it, because I think one should seize the day to enjoy his life without regret.【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。
高三英语阅读素材 Life is about choices 幸福可以选择

Life is about choices 幸福可以选择迈克尔是个天生的乐天派,他总是能保持良好的情绪,总是能说出很多积极的话来。
Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I'd be twins!" He was a natural motivator.If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Michael and asked him, "I don' t get it. You can' t be positive all the time. How do you do it?"Michael replied, each morning I wake up and say to myself 'Mike, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.""Yeah, right. It isn't that easy." I protested."Yes it is, " Michael said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line is: It's your choice how you live life. " I reflected on what Michael said.Soon thereafter, I left the big enterprise that I had worked in for years to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often though about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard Michael was involved in a serious accident, falling off 60 feet from a communications tower.After l8 hours of surgery, and weeks of intensive care, Michael was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back. I saw Michael about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place."The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon-to-born daughter," Michael replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, remembered I had twochoices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live." "Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Michael continued, "... the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the operation room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, l read 'He's a dead man.' I knew I needed to take action." "What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me" said Michael. "She asked me if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I said. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled", 'Gravity'" Over their laughter, I told them, 'I'm choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead'."Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.I learned from him that every day we have a choice to live fully. Attitude is everything..。

ENGLISH ON CAMPUS2023年20期总第668期课程思政赋能英语阅读教学——以人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit2 Reading and Thinking板块的教学为例摘 要:Reading and Thinking是高中英语课程的重要课型之一。
本文基于课程思政理念,以人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit2的课文 “Mother of ten thousand babies”为例,探讨如何在高中英语阅读教学中融入思政元素。
新编大学英语综合教程Unit7 Choices in life

For example(比如)
Say nothing and act as if it didn’t bother you . But···
Ask them to get me away.
三·What wouldigh school girl · · · · · · · · If you were the manager ,what would you do? Case2 Edward is studying · · · · · · · · If you were Edward , what would you do? Case3 Xiao Ling gets admission· · · · · · · If you were Xiao Ling, what would you do?
我总是做我 不能做的,以 便我可以学 习如何去做。
Oh, my god.
to dare is to lose one's footing momentarily.to not dare is to lose oneself. -Soren Kierkegaard
敢就是暂时失去地 位。不敢就是失去 自己。 -索伦· 阿拜· 克尔凯 戈尔
I am always doing that which i cannot do ,in order that i may learn how to do it. -Pabio Picasso
Words and wxpressions
shoplifter商店行窃的人 punish惩罚 afford担负得起 criticize severely严厉批评 Letter of apology致歉信 loan贷款 Feel guilty有负罪感 moral education道德教育 Opportunity机遇 give up放弃 Scholarship奖学金 pull through(使)度过(难关) Persuade sb. Out of doing sth.劝阻某人做某事 sacrifice· · · for· · ·为· · · · · · 牺牲· · · · · · Have more trust in others更加信任别人

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英语短文阅读:生活是一种选择 Life is a Choice

英语短文阅读:生活是一种选择 Life is a ChoiceLife is a choice. We can choose how we want to live our lives, what kind of people we want to be, and how we want to impact the world. We can choose to be positive, to make a difference, and to be a light in the darkness.We can choose to be kind, to show compassion, and to spread love. We can choose to be brave, to stand up for what we believe in, and to make a difference. We can choose to be generous, to help those in need, and to make the world a better place.The choices we make will shape our lives and determine our future. We can choose to be happy, to enjoy the little things, and to live life to the fullest. We can choose to be strong, to never give up, and to keep fighting. We can choose to be wise, to learn from our mistakes, and to never stop growing.Life is a choice. We can choose to be great, to do something meaningful, and to leave a lasting legacy. We can choose to be courageous, to take risks, and to never be afraid to fail. We can choose to be hopeful, to believe in ourselves, and to never give up on our dreams.No matter what choices we make, we will always have the power to shape our lives and determine our future. We can choose to be the best version of ourselves, to make a difference, and to live alife of purpose. Life is a choice. Choose wisely.。

有选择的英语作文Title: The Art of Selectivity: Making Choices in Life。
Life is an intricate web of choices, each one leadingus down a different path, shaping our journey andultimately defining who we are. The ability to choose is a gift, but it can also be a burden. In this essay, we delve into the art of selectivity, exploring the significance of making choices and the impact they have on our lives.First and foremost, it is essential to understand the power of choice. Every decision we make, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, has consequences. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we lay our heads down at night, we are constantly making choices – what to wear, what to eat, how to spend our time. These seemingly mundane decisions shape the course of our day and, by extension, our lives.However, not all choices are created equal. Somedecisions carry far greater weight than others, requiring careful consideration and contemplation. It is during these moments of choice that our character is truly tested. Do we follow the path of least resistance, or do we summon the courage to make the difficult decisions that align with our values and aspirations?The art of selectivity lies in our ability to discern between what is essential and what is extraneous. Itrequires us to prioritize our goals and values, to distinguish between what truly matters and what is merely a distraction. In a world filled with endless options and distractions, this ability to focus on what is truly important is more valuable than ever.Moreover, selectivity is not just about saying "yes" to the right things; it also involves saying "no" to thethings that do not serve us. This can be one of the most challenging aspects of decision-making, as it oftenrequires us to confront our fears and insecurities. However, it is only by letting go of the things that hold us backthat we can create space for growth and transformation.In essence, selectivity is about taking ownership of our lives and accepting responsibility for the choices we make. It is about recognizing that we have the power to shape our own destiny, and that every decision we make is an opportunity to move closer to our goals and aspirations. By embracing the art of selectivity, we can live with greater intentionality and purpose, making the most of the precious time we have been given.In conclusion, the art of selectivity is a fundamental aspect of the human experience. It is through our choices that we define ourselves and shape our destiny. By learning to prioritize what is truly important and letting go of the rest, we can live with greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment. So let us embrace the power of choice and wield it wisely, for it is through selectivity that we can truly make the most of our lives.。

人生选择英语作文Life is a series of choices, each one shaping the path wetake and the person we become. The decisions we make, whether big or small, can have a profound impact on our future. This essay will explore the significance of choices in life andhow they can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.The Importance of Decision MakingEvery day, we make decisions that can range from what to wear, to what career to pursue. The importance of decision makinglies in its ability to direct our life's course. It isthrough these choices that we define our values, set our goals, and determine our priorities.Facing CrossroadsAt certain points in life, we encounter crossroads where the stakes are high, and the decisions we make can alter our trajectory significantly. For instance, choosing a university, deciding on a career path, or even selecting a life partnerare all pivotal moments that require careful consideration.The Role of Values and BeliefsOur values and beliefs play a crucial role in guiding our choices. They serve as a moral compass, helping us tonavigate through life's complexities. When faced withdifficult decisions, aligning our choices with our core values can provide clarity and peace of mind.The Impact of Choices on Personal GrowthThe choices we make contribute to our personal growth. Each decision, whether it leads to success or failure, offers an opportunity to learn and develop. It is through these experiences that we gain wisdom, resilience, and a deeper understanding of ourselves.Embracing UncertaintyMaking choices also means embracing uncertainty. It is impossible to predict the outcome of every decision with certainty. However, it is this very uncertainty that can lead to unexpected opportunities and new beginnings.The Power of ResilienceWhen our choices lead us down a challenging path, resilience becomes our greatest ally. It is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and to learn from our mistakes that allows us to grow stronger and more capable.ConclusionIn conclusion, life is a tapestry woven from the choices we make. Each thread, whether bright or dark, contributes to the overall pattern of our existence. By making thoughtful decisions, staying true to our values, and embracing thejourney with resilience, we can create a life that is rich in meaning and fulfillment.。
Choices in our life1

Choices in our lifeA book will be remembered by the people not only because of its plots but on the account of its spirit. What can we learn from this short story? It shows, in my opinion, how important this skill is and how valuable if we can handle it-----CHOOSE. Our life just seems to be a long journey. We may meet with a variety of difficulties that can be regarded as various crossroads, which makes us have to face them and learn to deal with them.According to the story of <man woman and child>, many vivid dialogues have been used to conduct all the contradictories, as well as choices.First, each pair of lovers may have an original choice that can gather them. Image the scene that a beautiful girl and a head some boy who already be matched well by computer are sitting face to face. What are they turning over at that time? Whether they have the same hobby, whether they can get along with each other well, whether there will be any chance that they can marry……Now, they have to decide who is the most important companion.A. get togetherB. go away and find a better oneAs a result, the similarity in them leads to their successful marriage. It is the first choice that results in the later story,Life is not always as what you are thinking about and it sometimes even go against what you have planned. After 18 years perfectly satisfactory and peaceful life, a sudden idea came from Mr. Beckwith’s friend Bob shocks Dr. Beckwith. A little boy , Nicole, now is all alone because of his independent mother death. He has been turned out to be son of Mr. Beckwith on account of a wild affair when he was on business in France. It is almost a shock for Mr. Beckwith. He can not believe it. In other words, he can not accept the truth. The second choice appears. What can Mr. Beckwith do or what should Mr. Beckwith do?A.leave the little boy wandering in the streetB.take him home and live with his familyObviously, he can not choose A due to the responsibility. However, what about B? How disappointing and crazy will Sheila be when she knows his dishonesty? And what will she do when she force to accept an completely stronger who is the son of her husband and another woman. At night, Mr. Beckwith have a discussion with his wife, somewhat like a confession. Disappointed,dead-alive, depression, really she is. If I were Sheila, I might also don’t know what to do.A.adopt this strangerB.don’t forgive her husband and divorceAt last, she comes to terms with a requirement that the child can only live for a month. Though she permits the little boy to live in the house, she can not accept him.As for the two children, it is more charming for them to have a companion to play with. They can do what ever they would like to together, playing games, having supper and the rest. One day, one of Bob’s colleagues comes around and plays games with the little boy, Nicole. After that, he finds Nicole’s good sense of football .Impressed by the well-behaved boy, Sheila, as well as the family, isgradually fond of him. The more sensible the boy is, the guiltier Sheila feels. The idea that it is all her husband’s faults and there is no business of the boy comes up to Sheila's mind. She becomes to accept the special member of her own family. On the contrary, another crossing is around corner. One night, Nicole falls asleep with the lamp on when he is reading a book. At that time, Sheila happens to pass his room and find it. She comes into the room to turning off the light when suddenly a picture of a woman appears. All of a sudden, envy mixed with a little anger strikes to her heart. How should she treats the boy correctly?A.take care of himB.continue to regard him as a strangerHaving thought twice, she makes up her mind to take care of the boy.Although she can accept the kid, she can’t forgive her husband, however. What’s worse, there happens to be a workmate loves her. The next day, at the office, the mate asks her to write a book. In the afternoon, the mate goes to her house, while she needs a man to talk. Indeed, she needs a man to do her a favor to solve some problem. As for a victim, she can’t put the same sorrow to her husband. This royal woman decides to live with her husband.In these months, the three kids don’t know the secret until one day, while Bob’s friend’s son who loves Jessica tells her truth that Nicole is the son of her father, which heard from his parents’ talking. At that moment, Jessica feels like felling down from the cliff, lonely anxious and desperate. Before long, Nicole gets to know the truth, too. What should he do?A.stay at the homeB.go back to ParisSheila realizes that kids have known the fact. Mr. Beckwith feels sorry to the kid, asking him to stay. But Nicole insists to leaving. One month has passed, they have to send the boy away. That day he sends Nicole to the airport, a heavy rain comes which makes Bob and Nicole have a chance to stay together. They talk in the office, watch a concert, both feeling happy and warm.Due to being caught in the rain, Nicole catches a disaster and has to have an operation. Before the operation, the doc needs a family’s sign, but however, Bob tells the doc that Nicole is his illegitimate child. Knowing the kid is sick, the family are anxious. They wish the kid to recover soon and go back to the house. A child without parents has a warm family willing to accept himself, what beautiful thing it is! What will Nicole choose? Stay or leave?Finally, Nicole decides to go back to Paris to start the life his mother arranged for him. His mother wanted him to go to a good school and have a happy and independent life. At the airport, Bob sees him off, feeing disappointed, but proud of having such a son.Look back onFlowers come into bloom all the sameLife will be what it is all the sameYouth is a strange thing. She always drags her long tail so that people feel as if she had not slipped away.There are too many Unbearable burdens that we ought not to bear. Sometimes some people can’t afford to study. Parents’ divorce, lost love, alcohol, sex, crime, even drug and suicide…… We slip up and become stronger and stronger.hi。
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Take Risks When There’s No DangerWallace wilkinsMany of us have grown up with warnings to be careful. When people leave one another, for example, they often say,”Take care.” Taking these words seriously could inhibit your development. Imagine how differently you might have developed if your friends and family said to you, ”Take risks.”Pause to consider how different you might be. Do you imagine that if you take more risks in the future you will be extremely successful? Or does the thought cross your mind that you might become physically injured or harmed?When dealing with risks, many people often believe that risk brings danger. This is because our language confuses dangers with the possibilities of discomfort or disapproval that risk brings. When considering taking a risk, some people will imagine:“if I’m not careful, he’ll kill me!”“I would just die!”“I’d fall to pieces!”Can you think of similar expressions? If you color your thoughts about the future with alarming thoughts, you will inhibit your action. However, those alarms.Those mistaken expressions do not describe what actually happens when you try to change something. You are not likely to be killed or fall to pieces. If the outcome isn’t what you had hoped, you may experience some mild discomfort, and that’s all. Mild discomfort is part of the risk for achieving final success.When those strong expressions bother you, you won’t take a risk. The only things that will be “killed” are your initiative, your confi dence, and your advancement.You can advance your career by knowing the differences between risk and danger. Here’s the difference: Risk is when an outcome is uncertain. Danger is when your flesh will be torn.Some new ideas succeed. Some don’t. Th e risk of failure does not make the future dangerous. Your flesh will not get torn during most changes.For many people, public speaking is a great example of confusing risk with danger. I know a manager who used to be frightened by the thought of speaking in front of an audience. Of course, he did not know what the outcome would be before his first speech. Instead of thinking that it was only a risk, he created excessive anxiety as if it was dangerous. Even though he knew it was not likely, he imagined that the audience might throw objects at him, or attack him like an angry crowd.While anxious, he took the risk and gave his first speech. He found that the audience was casually supportive. With his new skill, he has developed into a more positive, successful leader. He still makes a few mistakes during his speeches. But no audience has ever torn his flesh!Each time you do something new or different, you are faced with a risk. The next time you face uncertainty about the future, separate risk from danger. If you know that danger is likely.I suggest that you avoid the dangerous situation unless you know that you can manage the danger.If you determine that danger is not likely, then think about possible results that may occur in the future. I f it seems the future is safe, put your plans into practice. You don’t have to be certain about what will happen before you take action.You can use these danger-free, risk-taking strategies immediately. The next time you leave someone, notice if the o ther person says, “Take care.” Surprise your friend by saying“Take risks!”Take Risks When There’s No DangerPart 1 Structural InformationPara. 1~2 The _____________of not taking risks.Para. 3~9 The common practice of confusing ____________ and the reason for doing so.Para. 10~13 The differences between ____________ and a manager’s good example of _________.Para. 14~16 The _________ of determining whether there is danger and the author’s _________ about taking risks if there is no danger.Part 2 Content Information1.According to the author, what are the negative effects of not taking risks?2.Why do many people often believe that risk brings danger?3.What are the differences between risk and danger?4.Why can the manager, who used to be frightened by the thought of speaking in front of an audience, become apositive and successful leader?5.According to the author, what is the first step you should take before putting your plan into practice?Reading comprehension1) The author thinks that warnings for one to take care _________.A. should be taken seriouslyB. should not be givenC. could have negative effectsD. could help people develop2) According to the author, many people_________.A. take unnecessary risksB. think risk brings dangerC. are willing to take risksD. believe risk leads to success3) The author uses strong expressions such as “I’d fall to pieces” to show__________.A. some people are needlessly alarmedB. some people are very imaginativeC. what kind of danger risk might bringD. what prevents people from taking risks4) The author thinks the most outcome you will have by taking risks is that _________.A. your flesh will be tornB. you will be faced with dangerC. you will experience mild discomfortD. you will be laughed at5) According to the author, the manager was ______________.A. a cowardB. excessively anxiousC. asking for trouble when he gave the speechD. sure audiences would throw objects at him6) The author thinks to take action you _________.A. do not have to be clear about the future outcomeB. do not have to know whether there will be danger or notC. should be ready to face the danger it bringsD. should know how to deal with the possible outcome7) The passage is mainly about _____________.A. the importance of making speechesB. not taking unnecessary risksC. not being afraid of dangersD. the importance of risk takingSummaryWhen (1) __________ risks, many people often (2) ________ risk with danger. In fact, there are (3) __________ between them. Risk is when an outcome is (4) _________ , while danger is when your flesh will be (5) __________. When planning to do something, your choice of taking risks or not will (6) __________ quite different results. If you often choose not to take risks, in the long run your (7) _________, confidence and development will be “killed”. On the contrary, if you like taking risks, you may be extremely successful in the future. Therefore, the author suggests (8) __________ when there is no danger.。