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Safety Analysis on the Structure of an Existing Metro Station Impacted

by the Construction of an Adjacent Building

Liheng Ma a, Qinghuai Liang b, Liu Yifan c and He Mingran d

Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China

amaliheng1984@,bqhliang@,c liuyifan@,


Keywords: metro station; adjacent construction; foundation excavation; safety assessment.

Abstract. Structural deformations of the existing metro station caused by adjacent building construction should be controlled strictly so as to keep the normal operation of the existing metro station and guarantee the safety of the station structure. Based on a foundation pit excavation and building project which is adjacent to an existing metro station in Beijing, a 3D finite element model of foundation pit, metro station and surrounding soil is established. Then, the structural deformations of the main body structure (rail area), the passageway and the fire fighting passageway in different construction stages are obtained. The control values of the station structure deformation during building construction process are proposed according to the calculation results.


With the large-scale development and utilization of urban underground space and the rapid construction of urban rail

transit facilities, more and more housing projects are constructed nearby the existing metro station. Foundation pit excavation and new housing load can affect the surrounding soils, causing stress redistribution, breaking the initial equilibrium state and leading to deformation of the station [1]. In order to ensure the safety of the existing station [2], it is necessary to assess the structural safety, and choose the deformation control values before the construction begins. What’s more, the structural deformation of station must be controlled strictly during the whole process of construction. Many scholars had studied on this problem, and got some beneficial results [3-6].

Based on a foundation pit excavation and building construction project, which is adjacent to a existing metro station in Beijing, a 3-D finite element model is established in this paper. Through modeling the whole process of construction, the deformations of multi-parts of station structural at different construction stages are gotten, and the deformation control values are proposed, which is important to ensure the safety of the project.

Engineering Situation

JIAOMENXI underground station of Beijing metro line 4 is located at the crossroads of the MAJIAPUXI road and the SHILIUZHUANG road. The station runs north-south, and is double-layered and three-spanned. The longitudinal span of the station’s main body is 193.4m, the altitude of the station’s bottom plate is 23.5m which is about 6m below the ground. The material for primary station support is C20 early strength shotcrete; the secondary lining material is C35 waterproof concrete, of which the impermeability grade is S10; the material of columns and joint area is C50 concrete; the backfilling plain concrete of station bottom plate is C15.
