自考英语二 课件 Unit 8

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e.g.: We must reach out to those in need.
v (4) 译文:他与大家一起分享停止把阻碍看作是麻烦、 困难,相反,应该把它们看作是自身成长并接触他人 向他人学习的机会。
v 13. He stresses the importance of how attitude can be the most powerful tool we have at our disposal and illustrates how the choices we make can have a profound effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.
v what the world would consider作插入语 v 译文:在经历了一段平静无事的孕期,而且没
有任何家族病史预示的情况下,我们可以想象 得到当时他的父母看到这个刚出生的小男孩, 却只发现一个被这个世界认为不完美和畸形的 人时那种打击。
v only to find…不定式表示结果。不定式表 结果时通常前面需要加only,表示出乎意料 的不希望看到的结果。
v (1) through his own life作状语,修饰show。 show的宾语是由that引导的宾语从句, 宾语从句的主干是the major keys are persistence
and choosing to … , rather than allowing…。
v (2) embrace failure as a learning experience 欢迎 失败,把它看成是学习的体验。
v adapt oneself to sth. 使自己适应某情况 e.g.:It took him a while to adapt himself to the
new surrounding.他花了一段时间来适应环境。
v 8. fulfill v. 实现;履行 v fulfill one's dream / word v fulfill one‘s requirement 满足某人的要求
v 14. Nick shows through his own life that the major keys to fulfilling our biggest dreams are persistence and choosing to embrace failure as a learning experience, rather than allowing the guilt and fear of failure to paralyze us.
v (1) There is something to / in sth. ……有意义,有 道理
e.g.: There is something to/in his words. v meet the eye 呈现在眼前;看到 v (2) live a full life 生活充实 v (3) 译文:接着他们意识到,如果一个没有四肢的
v (1) 否定词放在句首句子倒装,如rarely, seldom, in no case(绝不), by no means (绝不), little, hardly等。
v (2) who would inspire and motivate people from all walks of life定语从句,先行词是someone。
v Imperfect adj. 有缺陷的;不完全的;不完 美的
v perfect adj.完美的; 正确的 v perfection n.完美; 完善 v 联想:impossible, impolite, imbalanced
v abnormal v adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的 e.g.:They thought his behavior was abnormal.
v (3) rather than 相当于instead of "而不是“
v (4) rather than allowing the guilt and fear of failure to paralyze us 而不是被失败和恐惧所打倒
v (5)译文:尼克用他的人生来告诉我们实现远大梦 想最关键的就是坚持不懈和选择拥抱失败,把它 看作是一次学习的机会,而非容忍失败带来的内 疚和恐惧使我们瘫痪、麻痹。
v (3) 译文:当时他们不知道而且也没有任何一个人知 道,这个漂亮的无手足的小男孩有一天会启发激励
v inspire v. 激励;鼓舞(用法参考Unit 5, Text A)
v inspiration (形近词参考Unit 4,Text A) v inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的; 激励的; 启发灵
v e.g.:
1).They hurried back home, only to find the door locked.
2). They went to the hospital in a hurry, only to be told their beloved grandpa had already passed away.
disapproval, refuse-refusal等。 v (2) have a profound effect on sth. 对……产生深
v (3) 译文:他强调态度是我们可以支配的最强大的工 具,阐明了我们作出的选择如何对我们自身乃至周 围人的生活产生深远的影响。
v 14. Nick shows through his own life that the major keys to fulfilling our biggest dreams are persistence and choosing to embrace failure as a learning experience, rather than allowing the guilt and fear of failure to paralyze us.
人过得比普通人更充实,那么人生的含义必定超出 了我们目光所及的范畴。
v 12. He shares his view of ceasing to see obstacles as problems, but instead begin to see them as opportunities to grow and reach out to others.
Unit 8
The Great Minds
Text A Life Without Limits
v 1. wrap v. 包, 裹; 卷; 用…缠绕(或围紧) v wrap around〔round〕用…包裹,裹身 e.g.: Wrap your arms around me.
用你的双手抱住我。 A scarf was wrapped around his neck. 一条围巾缠绕在他的脖子上。
v normal adj.正常的; 正规的, e.g.: It’s normal to feel nervous before an exam.
v 4. massive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的
v a massive effort 巨大的努力 v massive air attacks 大规模空袭 v a massive heart attack 严重的心脏病
v 6. adapt v. 适应(新情况) v adapt to 适应 e.g.:The world will be different, and we will
have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 世界会变得不同,我们必须做好准备以适应其
v 2. explanation n. 解释;说明 v explain v.说明;解释 v explanatory adj.说明的;解释的
v 3. Having had an uneventful(平凡的) pregnancy and no family history to expect this condition, imagine the shock his parents felt when they saw their first born, brand new baby boy, only to find he was what the world would consider imperfect and abnormal.
v (1) at our disposal任某人处理;供某人任意使用 v disposal是dispose的名词形式,意为“支配,处理”。 v 联想:al为名词后缀,再如:arrive-arrival, v survive-survival, approve-approval, disapprove-
v 5. disability n.(某种)缺陷,障碍 v able adj.能够的; 有能力的 v ability n.能力,资格; 能耐,才能 v unable adj.不能的,不会的;
v 6. Little did they know that this beautiful limbless baby would one day be someone who would inspire and motivate people from all walks of life, touching lives all over the world.
v persistent adj.持续的; 坚持不懈的
v 16. trick n. 戏法;把戏 v tricky adj.狡猾的
v 17. perseverance n. 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神
v persevere vi.坚忍,熬住; 坚持 e.g.: If you persevere with the work, you'll succeed in
v (1) cease to do sth. 停止做某事,不再做某事 v (2) see…as…: look on / upon …as, view…as,
regard…as v (3) reach out to 接触,联系,把手伸向 e.g.: Online learning helps us reacห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ out to new friends.
v 15. persistence n. 坚持;锲而不舍 v persist v. 坚持 v persist in doing sth. 坚持 … e.g.: They persisted in going there in spite of
the bad weather. 尽管天气很坏, 他们还是坚持去那里。
v fulfilling adj.使人满足的,令人愉快的 v fulfillment n.履行;满足;成就
v 9. effective adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的 e.g.: an effective method
effective date 有效日期 v 比较:efficient adj.有效率的 v ineffective adj.无效果的 v inefficient adj.无效率的,无能的
v 10. altitude n. 海拔;海拔高度 e.g.:altitude sickness 高原反应
v 区分:attitude n.态度; 看法 e.g.: life attitude 生活态度
v 11. Then they realize there's got to be something more to life than meets the eye if a guy without arms and legs is living a fuller life.