Lesson33 教案(A fine day)

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Lesson 33 A fine day

I Aims:

To enable the students to how to use the structure “There be .”

To help the students learn how to use the “present progressive tense “.

To let them know how to describe a better passage about picture.

II Objectives:

1.Knowledge objects:

key vocabulary: shine ,with,over,shave,areoplane ;

Key phrases :be with,walk over,look at,there is/are...,

Target language:

There are some clouds in the sky.

Mr.Jones is with his family .

She is looking at the bidg ship .

They are walking over the bridge.

2.Ability object: T rain students’ speaking skills

III Notions and Functions

★day n.日子


★with prep. 和……在一起

be with:和……在一起

Mrs.Liu is with those children.

★walk v. 走路, 步行

walk over:走过

They are walking over the bridge.

on foot 步行(介词短语)

They are going to school on foot.

★boat n. 船ship n. 轮船


★aeroplane n. 飞机




1.It is a fine / clear day today.

It 单独作用表示“时间或天气” fine 可以指“身体好”、“天气好”、“细微,细致”

2.There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.

There be 句型中的be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“就近原则”,如:

There is a lamp on the table.

There are some apples in the bowl.

There are five books,two pens and a ruler in the school bag.

There is a ruler,two pens and five books in the school bag.

3.Mr. Jones is with his family.

family 家人with 介词,表示“和……一起”

4.Wha t’s Sally looking at?


The ship is going under the bridge.

Tim is looking at an aeroplane.

an aeroplane 泛指一架飞机

The aeroplane is flying over the river.

the aeroplane 第二次提及要用到the


现在进行时(2)(结合Lessons 31~32语法部分。)





VI Presentation steps:

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework exercise.

Recite the text of Lesson31

Step 2.Warm-up

1)Lead in

T: Did you go out with your family ?

S: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

T: But when I have the free time, I often go out with my parents. Because I love my family. I think you love your family, too. Today, it is a fine day .Mr. Jones is walking outside with his family. Do you want to know something about them?

S: Yes

Show the picture,and let them describe it ,using the structure “There be ...”,“He/She is doing...”,to repeat the text.

2 )Listen to tape and repeat the text .

3)More details about the grammar.

4) Have some excrises according to the text of L34

5) Review all the key points we have learned.

V Homework

1 默写并背诵L33课文,于周五晚上上传课文背诵录音;

2 朗诵音标课件单词,于周五晚上传朗诵录音;

3 完成初一同步测试习题一套;

4 每周一三五晚听读课文;

5 下周六正常上课;

VI Assessment:
