托马斯哈代 Thomas Hardy

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2.1 Birth and death
➢Dorset Country was far away from modern industrial civilization.
➢His life in this area was the background of his novels.
Ashes in Westminster Abbey Poet’s Corner
married in 1914
2.3 Education
➢His mother educated him with Vergilius’ works.
➢He attended Mr.Last’s Academy for Young Gentlemen in Dorchester learning Latin.
➢Naturalism (自然主义)
using science to study human
➢Modernism (现代主义)
public , private , objective, subjective , individual and inner being
➢Existentialist literature(存在主义文 学), the Theatre of absurd(荒诞派戏 剧 ), black humour(黑色幽默)
1.First wife:
Emma Lavinia Gifford
married in 1874
Her death in 1912 had a traumatic effect on him . (A Pair Blue Eyes)
2.Second wife
his secretary
Florence Emily Dugdale
➢Influenced by Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
a skeptic(怀疑论者)
2.5 Works
Double Firsts (双料冠军)
Novel Poetry
2.5.1 Some Novels:
Jude the obscure;
Heart was buried at Stinsford with Emma.
2.2 Family
• Father :a stonemason and local builder ;good at playing violin.
• Mother: well-read, interested in folklore and cultural tradition.
➢At the age of 16,he learned to be a architect.
2.4 Experience 2.4.1 Attitude to society
➢He once worked for architects.
➢He was acutely conscious of class divisions and his social inferiority.
• 1.Background:The New Century 1.1 Historical Background 1.2 Cultural Background
• 2.Life and works 2.1 Birth and death 2.2 Family 2.3 Education 2.4 Experience 2.5 Works
3. Features
Fatalism (宿命论)
Tragedy (悲剧性)
3.1 Conflict
Hardy saw man beaten down by forces and
sought to record man’s eternal struggle with
➢Two World Wars
wenku.baidu.com.2 Cultural Background
Science ➢Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
lose of religious faith (达尔文的进化论)
➢Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (爱因斯坦相对论) Irrational philosophy (非理性主义)
Economical depression & social unrest(经济大萧条&社会动荡不安)
➢The conflict between low wage earners and the capitalist
➢Women’s cry for equality with men
➢The Irish nationalist movement for independence
The Return of the Native ;
Tess of the D'Urbervilles ;
The Mayor of Casterbridge .
2.5.2 Poetry
➢Wessex Tales (1888) ➢A group of Noble Dames(1891) ➢Life’s little Ironies(1894) ➢A Changed Man
➢He was interested in social reform.
2.4 Experience 2.4.2 Attitude to religion
➢Make friends with Harvey Moule
➢Worked on churches
➢The Oxford Movement
a passionate supporters of religion
• 3.Features 3.1 Conflict 3.2 Fatalism 3.3 Tragedy
The Victorian Age (1837--1901)
The Turn of the century
The twentieth Century
1.1 Historical Background