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) contralateral hemiplegia ) contralateral hemiparesthesia ) contralateral hemianopia
) midbrain — Ⅲ、Ⅳ nucleus ) pons —Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ nucleus ) medullar — Ⅸ、Ⅹ、Ⅺ、Ⅻ nucleus
1.Motor: nucleus of facial N. superior part: bilateral corticobulbar tract
emotional expression M. of facial superior part bottom part: contralateral corticobulbar tract
Occipital lobe
Vision, visual sense or opticum center Lesion of one side: hemianopia
Language center (dominant hemisphere) damage
Inferior frontal gyrus — motor aphasia Posterior part of superior temporal gyrus —
1. sensory disorder: peripheral lesion, central lesion
2. motor disorder: 3. Absent corneal reflex 4. Lower jaw hyperreflexia
Ⅶ Facial N
basifacial emotional expression muscle 2.Sensory: tasting on anterior 2/3 tongue 3.Parasympathetic N.: submandibular gland,
sublingual gland, lacrimal gland
Ⅱ Optic Nerve
optic ganglion cell → optic N→ optic chiasma → optic tract
→ lateral geniculate body → optic radiation→ occipital lobe
vision center
2. Motor: motor nucleus of trigeminal N. → asticatory muscles 3. Reflection: corneal reflex:
cornea → ophthalmic branch of Trigeminal N→ principal sensory nucleus →nucleus of facial N.→facial N.→ orbicularis oculi
Anterior part of claw: olfactory, tasting sensation center 4 seizure, epileptic attack, epileptic seizure: claw attack
Posterior part of superior temporal gyrus: 4 sensory aphasia
sensory aphasia; receptive aphasia Posterior part of middle temporal lobe — amnesic aphasia ;
Middle frontal gyrus — agraphia Angular gyrus — alexia
)optic neuropathy — total blindness of one side ) lesion of optic chiasma — bitemporal hemianopsia )lesion of optic tract — contralaterally hemianopia ) lesion of optic radiation
① visual deterioration—eye disease and/or optic neuropathy ② papilledema in fundus oculi:increased intracranial pressure ③ optic atrophy
Neurology General Introduction
Steps in the diagnosis of neurologic diseases
• Anatomic diagnosis • Pathologic or etiologic diagnosis
Nervous System
Central nervous system: ¾ cerebral hemispheres ¾ brainstem ¾ cerebellum ¾ spinal cord Peripheral nervous system: ¾ cranial nerve(except olfactory and optic N.) ¾ spinal nerve Autonomic nervous system
Occipital lobe-appreciation of vision.
Frontal Lobe
Pre-frontal lobe: psychiatric symptoms Precentral gyrus: motor center Posterior part of middle frontal gyrus:gaze center Posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus:
1. Peripheral facial paralysis: ¾paralysis of unilateral emotional expression M. ¾reduced tasting on 2/3 anterior tongue ¾hyperacusis
Somnolence Stupor Coma
Internal capsule
) white matter fibers among lenticular nucleus thalamus and caudate nucleus
) pyramidal tract, thalamocortic tract and optic radiation
Lesion: crossing paralysis
) ipsilateral peripheral palsy of cranial nerve )contralateral central hemiplegia and hemiparesthesia
Cranial Nerves
I Olfactory N II Optic N. Ⅲ Oculomotor N. Ⅳ Trochlear N. Ⅴ Trigeminal N. Ⅵ Abducent N. Ⅶ Facial N. Ⅷ Vestibulocochlear N. Ⅸ Glossopharyngeal N. Ⅹ Vagus N. Ⅺ Accessory N. Ⅻ Hypoglossal N.
Temporal lobe- memory and emotions, in the dominant hemisphere, comprehension of speech.
Parietal lobe-sensation of the opposite side of the body and appreciation of space, especially in the non-dominant hemisphere.
nominal aphasia
Consciousness —state of awareness of self and surroundings maintenance of consciousness— ascending reticular activating system
Broca’s aphasia, or motor aphasia
Parietal lobe
Postcentral gyrus: perceptual center
Angular gyrus: read center Alexia or syntactical aphasia
Temporal lobe
¾ Motor fiber Ⅲ: levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, medial rectus,
inferior rectus, inferior oblique muscle Ⅳ: superior oblique muscle Ⅵ: Lateral rectus muscle ¾ Parasympathetic fiber
The anatomy of brain and symptoms of lesion
Function of cerebral hemispheres
Frontal lobe- motor control of the opposite side of the body, insight and control of emotions, in the dominant hemisphere, output of speech.
1. Sensation:
① trigeminal ganglion — ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular
② nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal N. - pain sensation & thalposis
principal sensory nucleus — tactile sensation mesencephalic nucleus — deep sensation
total- contralaterally hemianopia partial—contralaterally quadrant hemianopia ) cortical lesion—hemianopia, sparing of macula
Ⅲ, Ⅳ,Ⅵ nerves
¾ Oculomotor N. — ¾ Trochlear N. — →cavernous sinus→ superior orbital fissure ¾ Abducent N. —
Ⅰ Olfactory N.
bipolar olfactory neurons → olfactory bulb → olfactory tract → olfactory center
(1) Bilateral hyposmia: nasal mucosa lesion (2) Unilateral hyposmia: lesion of anterior cranium fossa
¾ ophthalmoplegia: ) Ⅲ N. impairment:drooping eyelid, abduction position of
eye, unable to make upper, down & internal movements, pupil dilation, diplopia
¾ light reflex: light → retina → optic N → midbrain E-W nucleus →
oculomotor N → ciliary ganglion →sphincter muscle of pupil )
Ⅴ Trigeminal Nerves