












杜波依斯的代表作包括《黑人的灵魂》(The Souls of Black Folk)和《黑人的奖赏》(The Gift of Black Folk)。















马尔科姆·X《齐默尔曼信托》《齐默尔曼信托》是马尔科姆·X(Malcolm X)的自传体著作。


马尔科姆·X以自己早年贫困、犯罪生涯和逐渐觉醒并加入民权运动组织Nation of Islam等经历,向读者展示了他对于黑人权利的追求与坚持。














美国早期描写黑人文化的小说可谓凤毛麟角,罗伊尔·泰勒(1757 — 1826)的《阿尔及尔俘虏》是其中一部,它也是美国最早的“流浪汉小说”之一。



它以振兴美国黑人文化为主要任务,他们大力推崇黑人本民族的优秀文化,“新黑人”(The New Negro)的形象开始出现在美国文坛。



始于1964年的黑人文艺运动是美国黑人历史上一次新的文艺复兴,是美国黑色权利运动(Black Power Movement)的具体体现,其规模和影响超过了20年代的“哈莱姆文艺复兴”。



强调黑人文化的灵魂和传统,寻求黑人文化的自主性l 1 J。




Black American Literature
A special history Emancipation after the Civil War The Black is presented in a distorted
manner Gone with the Wind Take the biblical terms as a better medium A long process of evolution
The Division
The Vernacular/Oral Tradition The Literature of Slavery and
Freedom Literature of the Reconstruction to
the New Negro Renaissance Harlem Renaissance Realism, Naturalism, and
Modernism The Black Arts Movement Literature since 1970
Oral Tradition
songs and ballads and Work Songs spirituals (黑人圣歌) : sorrow of the singers*
Africans, who were
transported across the
Atlantic as slaves; the slaves
were then sold or traded for
raw materials, which would
be transported back to
Europe to complete the


哈莱 姆 原 来 是 纽约 市 的 一个 荷 兰人 聚 居 区 , 面 临着 南 方 种族 在
隔离 和 白人恐 怖 主 义 的情 况 下 , 8 0 至 12 年 期 间 , 12 年 90 南方 的 黑人 纷纷 迁 往 北 方 , 一 地 区 的 黑人 人 数 逐 渐 增 多 , 白人 则 搬 出 哈 莱 这 一 而

学 ;9世 纪 上 半 期 的 黑人 文 学 ; 北 战 争 之 后 的 黑人 文 学 ; 莱 姆 文 1 南 哈 艺复 兴 ; 二 战 ” 的 黑 人 文 学 。任 何 一 种 文 学 形 式都 与 当时 的 社 会 “ 后 政 治 形 势 有 密 切 的联 系 , 黑人 文学 也 是 如 此 。黑 人文 学 每 个 阶 段 的 发展 都 是 深 受 社会 现 实 和 政 治 背 景 的 影 响 , 时 也 反 映 了黑 人 的 心 同 声 及 当 时 黑 人 所 处 的政 治 地位 和 生 活 状 况 。 研 究 黑 人 文 学 创 作 主 题 , 以看 出 它鲜 明 的演 变 历程 : 最 初 的 反 映社 会 中 存在 的种 族 压 可 从 迫 和 种族 歧 视 , 示 种 族 歧 视给 黑 人 带来 的精 神 伤 害 , 揭 逐渐 转 变 为 侧 重 反 映 黑 人个 性 和 自我 价 值 观 的扭 曲 ,寻求 实现 黑人 个 性 独 立 与 黑 人 女 性解 放 之 路 , 发 展 到现 代 致 力 于探 索 黑 人 的 生存 意 义 , 而 唤 再 从
了的 黑 人 中 开始 出现 了阶 级 分 化 。到 1 9世纪 末 2 世 纪 初 , 种 分 O 这 化 反 映 到 黑人 作 家 队伍 中来 , 方面 出现 了以布 克 ・ 盛顿 为 代 表 一 华 的 主 张 黑人 放 弃 斗 争 , 白人 资 产 阶 级投 降 的反 动 作 家 。另 一 方 面 向 出 现 了 以 杜波 伊 斯 为 代 表 的 进 步 作家 。作 为 一位 著名 的黑 人 学者 、 涛人 、 说 家 、 文 家和 黑人 解 放 运动 领 袖 , 波 伊 斯 一 生坚 持 不懈 小 散 杜 地 致 力于 反 对 种 族 压迫 的斗 争 , 的散 文 集 《 人 的灵 魂 》 他 的 第 他 黑 是

African-American Literature

African-American Literature

第 16-18 周:六、七十年代以来的美国 黑人文化(重建身份和重建历史的努 力 ) , 阅 读 莫 里 森 的 代 表 作 (Toni Morrison(1931-): The Bluest Eye, 1970; Song of Solomon, 1977; Beloved, 1987)
第 7-9 周:吟游文学(黑人与白人的文化互动过程中的 模仿、戏仿、曲仿),阅读第一部反映黑人生活的小说 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe) 第 10-12 周:社会动荡与文化耻辱(芝加哥爵士乐的兴 起、流行和影响),阅读休斯和赖特的代表作 (Langston Hughes: Dreams; Richard Right: Native Son) 第 13-15 周:口头文学传统与争取教育权利的斗争(从 惠特利到埃里森的黑人作家危机)阅读拉尔夫·埃里森 的 代 表 作 (Ralph Waldo Ellison: Invisible Man, 1952; Phillis Wheatley(1753-1784) : the first American black poet; James Baldwin(1924-1987): Go Tell It on the Mountain, 1953) (《向苍天呼吁》)
具体安排 第1周:介绍课程性质、内容,了解学生相关 文学背景,简要概括黑人文学历史 第2-3周:再现黑人文化(黑人文化长期被掩 盖的事实和原因,重新被发现的原因和过程)
第4-6周:双重意识(语言、吟唱文学、民俗民谣、宗 教的边缘化),阅读黑人种族意识三代伟大启蒙家道 格 拉 斯 、 华 盛 顿 、 杜 波 伊 斯 的 代 表 作 (Frederick Douglass,1817-1895: 他的三部自传是美国黑人文学的 开山之作, 1840 年的《弗雷德里克·道格拉斯:一个 美国奴隶的叙述》(Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass) ; 1855 年的《我的奴隶生涯和我的自由》 (My Bondage and My Freedom) ;以及1881年的《弗雷 德里克·道格拉斯的生平和时代》(Life and Time of Frederick Douglass). Booker Washington, 1856-1915) : 自传《超越奴役》( Up From Slavery)(1901); Du Bois,1868-1963: The Souls of the Black Folk)



Written Literature (from 1760s)(2)
(4)1940s: Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison (5)50s~60s: a lot of black writers emerged in the civil rights movement: James Baldwin, Brooks, Jones (6)70s~80s: publishing of Root (Alex Haley), Alice Walker The Colour Purple, Toni Morrison (the only black who won Nobel Prize)

in Africa The Middle Passage The Slavery The Emancipation The Migration to the Cities The Integration to the Mainstream The Black Power Movement The Civil Rights Movement
The Middle Passage中间通道

the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of people from African were shipped to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade. Ships departed Europe for African markets with manufactured goods, which were traded for purchased or kidnapped Africans, who were transported across the Atlantic as slaves; the slaves were then sold or traded for raw materials, which would be transported back to Europe to complete the voyage.



美国黑人对美国文学的影响-毕业论文AbstractAmerica has long been known as a nation of immigration, and vast majority of its population is immigrants or descendants of immigrants coming from all over the world. The Blacks form the largest ethnic minority in the US, representing about 12% of the nation’s total population. For a long time, African-Americans gain recognitions in American society. American literature has changed greatly since the immigration of African-Americans. African-American literature makes American literature become more various and colorful. In the process of its development, African-American literature formed its own literary tradition, character and style, which makes it a very important and particular part of American literature. African-American literary has not only moved from margin to the center of literary study, but also has been canonized in the circle of American literary. With the appearance of a number of excellent works, African-American literature has gradually become one of the main streams of the American literature. The study of African-American literature can help us not only understand the details of the literature, but also the development of African-American literature. In this essay, the author will discuss the changes of American literature and the effects of African-Americans on American literature. The main purpose of this essay is analysis the impact of American culture from African Americans and raise realizations of African-Americans attribution to American culture.Keywords: African American, American literature, impacts, American culture摘要美国长期以来被称为移民国家,它人口中的绝大部分都是来自世界各地的移民者和移民者的后代。





直到20世纪初,才渐趋成熟,在两次世界大战之间赶上了世界水平而进入黄金时代殖民地时代的戏剧戏剧等文艺活动由于受清教主义的束缚和教会的敌视而被视为一种―罪恶‖,尽管如此,17和18世纪仍然出现个别欧洲移民创作的剧本,例如,W.达尔贝(William Darby) 1665年写的《裸者和幼兽》(Ye Bare and Ye Cubb)是迄今已知的第一出北美戏剧,但已失传18世纪的戏剧•American subjects began to be treated seriously. The first tragedy is The Contrast(1787) by Royal Tyler. It is considered ―typical American play‖ about American soldiers.19世纪的戏剧–poetical plays, esp in the first half of a group of playwrights–after civil war: realism, melodrama情节剧, emotional incidents (domestic melodrama), with simple plots•The latter half of the 19th century was a time of great change for the American theater. It was atime of tremendous growth in population in America, especially in cities on the East Coast. Americans had more leisure time and better standards of living, and they looked to the theater to provide entertainment. As the population of the country grew rapidly, the number of theaters in large and mid-size cities grew as well. From the 1850s until the turn of the century, thousands of new theaters were built•The 1828 election of Andrew Jackson as President of the United States fueled the spirit ofnationalism that had been growing in the country. Hallmarks of the nationalistic movement were patriotism, optimism, and idealism, and these values were reflected in the American theater. Romanticism, the dominant aesthetic mode in writing and the arts in Europe, was embraced in America theater as well but was blended with nationalistic overtones, producing more democratic and populist themes•Another aspect of the prosperity of this era was the growth of businesses serving the theater industry. Especially in New York City, there was tremendous growth of businesses such as dramatic agencies, costume shops, theater suppliers, photography studios, trade newspapers, boarding houses公寓and hotels, and restaurants catering to the theater trade20世纪的戏剧separation from the old tradition•1920s: ―Little Theatre Movement‖ began after 1912, Washington Square Players华盛顿广场剧团, Provincetown普罗温斯顿剧团Players (New York City, Greenage Village). They are freed from the conventional theatre and can be as experimental as they like.As the new medium of cinema was beginning to replace theatre as a source of large-scale spectacle, the Little Theatre Movement developed in the United States around 1912. In several large cities, beginning with Chicago, Boston, Seattle and Detroit companies formed to produce more intimate, noncommercial, and reform-minded致力改革的entertainments•1930s: Eugene O‘Ne il, Clifford Odets•Post-war: second climax of American drama, Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman•60s: Theatre of the Absurd, Edward AlbeeEugene O’Neil尤金·奥尼尔(1888-1953)作品•Bound East for Cardiff《东航卡迪夫》•Beyond the Horizon《天边外》•The Emperor Jones《琼斯皇帝》•The Hairy Ape《毛猿》•Desire under the Elms《榆树下》•The Iceman Cometh《卖冰的人来了》•Long Day‘s Journey into Night《长夜漫漫路迢迢》point of view•His purpose is to get the root of human desires and frustrations.人的欲望和挫败的根源•He showed most characters in his plays as seeking meaning and purpose in their lives, some through love, some through religion, some through revenge, all met disappointment.•The characters seem to share O‘Neil‘s perplexities of human nature人性的困惑. As a result of his tragic and nihilistic虚无主义view of life, his works, in general, indicated chaos混乱andhopelessness无望.The Hairy Ape•《毛猿》(1922)是作者在完成《安娜·克里斯蒂》(Anna Christie)的同时又创作的一部兼有现实主义、表现主义和象征主义的戏剧•主人公扬克(Yank)是一艘远洋轮船上的司炉,以身强力壮得到同伴的敬畏而自豪,但遭到旅客中一个有钱的女人的侮辱,便到去寻找他的生活地位,最后只好与动物园的一只大猩猩结交朋友,结果却死在它的大力拥抱之中。






作为一个较为年轻的国度,美国一直崇尚青年文化,把青少年视为国家的未来,对其成长问题极为重视,因此诞生了以赫曼·麦尔维尔(Herman Melville,1819—1891)、马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835—1910)为首的成长小说作家以及他们脍炙人口的作品《白鲸》(Moby Dick,1851)、《汤姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,1876)等。





美国著名黑人学者杜波依斯(Du Bois,1868—1963)早在1903年就通过作品《黑人的灵魂》(The Souls of Black Folk)说:“美国黑人的历史是抗争的历史。




“他们不让我活,我就杀人。或许杀人不对, 我想我也并不想真正杀人。可我一想起为什 么杀人,我开始感觉到我需要的是什么,开 始感觉到我是怎样一个人……”
赖特将小说取名为《土生子》,意在揭示美 国社会对比格犯罪应负的责任。他力图说明: 黑人的野蛮凶暴既非天性也非民族性,而是 美国社会制度使然。作为土生土长的美国人, 比格的性格是美国社会文明的产物,他的行 为和结局是由美国社会及其歧视黑人的法律 所造成。
“抗议小说”的经典之作《土生子》(Native Son) :1940
赖特:“有关《汤姆叔叔的孩子们》的评论开始出 现时,我意识到自己犯了一个极其天真的错误。我 发现自己写的书连银行家的闺秀们也会去读,会为 之掉泪,并且感觉良好。于是我发誓,如果再写小 说,我要叫任何人也无法掉泪;小说要写得冷酷而 深刻,读者必须直面这部书,毫无泪水的慰藉。正 是这种心态促使我极其认真地动手去写。”
第五节 美国黑人文学和托尼·莫里 森
在诗歌方面,黑人诗人休斯(Langstm Hughes)、海登(Robert Hayden)、安 吉罗(Maya Angelou)、达夫(Rita Dove) 等人是美国诗坛重要的声音,他们的诗篇大 大拓宽了美国诗歌的领域。
博恩在其开拓性研究《美国黑人小说》中指 出:“美国黑人小说,一如美国黑人生活, 和美国白人的小说既相像又不同。当其跟随 (通常落后几步)美国小说主要历史进程的 同时,又有自己另外的生活,这生活发源于 一种完全不同的少数裔民族文化的土壤。”



4. Harlem Renaissance哈莱姆文艺复 兴(1920 -- 1940 )
• novelist Zora Neale Hurston佐拉· 尼尔· 赫斯顿, Their Eyes Were Watching God《他们眼望上苍》(1937) 是黑人文学中第一部充分展示黑人女子内心女性意识觉醒的作品. 她 让一位黑人妇女而不是男人独领风骚,使被遮蔽的女性自信与自强重 新成为社会的关注点,一改美国黑人文学的性别模式,塑造出一个寻 找自我、表现自我、肯定自我的黑人女性.
• Booker T. Washington布克· 华盛顿 (1856–1915) • In contrast to Du Bois, Washington believed that Blacks should first lift themselves up and prove themselves the equal of whites before asking for an end to racism.种族偏
Black American Novels 美国黑人小说
1. Early African American novelists
• William Wells Brown (1814–84) and Victor Séjour (1817– 74) produced the earliest works of fiction小说. • Séjour published his short story "Le Mulâtre" ("The Mulatto") in 1837. • It is the first known fiction by an African American, but as it was written in French and published in a French journal, it had apparently no influence on later American literature. Séjour never returned to African-American themes in his subsequent works.


















第五节 美国黑人文学

第五节 美国黑人文学
一、作家呼唤黑人的自我意识与自我反思: 《最蓝的眼睛》(1970) 二、作家对黑人历史的反思:《宠儿》 (1988) 三、作家对寻根主题的理性思考:《所罗门 之歌》(1977)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
二、爱丽丝· 沃克的《紫色》与“姐妹情谊”
一、美国黑人文学的女性文学的杰出代表 1、美国黑人女性的自我意识的觉醒,反抗美 国白人的种族压迫与美国黑人男性的性别压 迫的“双重压迫”。 2、美国黑人女性的经济与精神都从对男性的 依附走向独立。 3、美国黑人女性的“姐妹情谊”。
三、托尼· 莫里森的黑人文学
美国黑人文学与托尼· 莫里森
一、美国黑人文学的发展 二、爱丽丝· 沃克的《紫色》与“姐妹情谊” 三、托尼· 莫里森的黑人文学
一、第一个阶段:20世纪上半叶,反映美国黑人文 学的觉醒意识。 二、第二个阶段:20世纪30年代后期至20世纪70年 代,表现美国黑人文学对种族歧视的抗议。代表作 是理查德· 赖特的中篇集《汤姆大叔的孩子们》 (1938)和代表作《土生子》(1940)。 三、第三个阶段:20世纪70、80年代至今,表现美 国黑人文学的“融合”时期。代表作是爱丽丝· 沃克 的《紫色》,托尼· 莫里森标志美国黑人文学得到世 界的认可。

Black American Literature(美国黑人文学)

Black American Literature(美国黑人文学)

Black American LiteratureThe Black American Literature can also called African-American literature, is the body of literature produced in the United States by writers of African descent. It begins with the works of such late 18th-century writers as Phillis Wheatley(菲莉斯·惠特莉)and Olaudah Equiano(阿罗德·爱克伊诺), reaching early high points with slave narratives of the nineteenth century. The Harlem Renaissance(哈莱姆文艺复兴)of the 1920s was a time of flowering of literature and the arts. Writers of African-American literature have been recognized by the highest awards, including the Nobel Prize to Toni Morrison(托尼·莫里森). Among the themes and issues explored in this literature are the role of African Americans within the larger American society, African-American culture, racism, slavery, and equality. African-American writing has tended to incorporate oral forms, such as spirituals, sermons, gospel music, blues and rap.As African Americans' place in American society has changed over the centuries, so, has the focus of African-American literature. Before the American Civil War, the literature primarily consisted of memoirs by people who had escaped from slavery; the genre of slave narratives included accounts of life under slavery and the path of justice and redemption(救赎)to freedom. At the turn of the 20th century, non-fiction works by authors such as W. E. B. Du Bois(杜波依斯William Edward Burghardt Du Bois)and Booker T. Washington(布克·华盛顿)debated whether to confront or appease racist attitudes in the United States. During the American Civil Rights movement, authors such as Richard Wright(理查德·怀特)and Gwendolyn Brooks(格温多琳·布鲁克斯)wrote about issues of racial segregation and black nationalism. Today, African-American literature has become accepted as an integral part of American literature, with books such as Roots: The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley(亚历克斯·哈利), The Color Purple (1982) by Alice Walker(艾丽斯· 沃克), which won the Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖); and Beloved by Toni Morrison achieving both best-selling and award-winning status.In broad terms, African-American literature can be defined as writings by people of African descent living in the United States. It is highly varied. African-American literature has generally focused on the role of African Americans within the larger American society and what it means to be an American. As Princeton University(普林斯顿大学)professor Albert J. Raboteau has said, all African-American study "speaks to the deeper meaning of the African-American presence in this nation. This presence has always been a test case of the nation's claims to freedom, democracy, equality, the inclusiveness of all." African-American literature explores the issues of freedom and equality long denied to Blacks in the United States, along with further themes such as African-American culture, racism, religion, slavery, a sense of home,and more.Characteristics and themesAfrican-American literature has been created within the larger realm(领域) of post-colonial literature (后殖民文学), although scholars distinguish between the two, saying that "African American literature differs from most post-colonial literature in that it is written by members of a minority community who reside within a nation of vast wealth and economic power."African-American oral culture is rich in poetry, including spirituals, gospel music(福音音乐), blues and rap. This oral poetry also appears in the African-American tradition of Christian sermons, which make use of deliberate repetition, cadence(节奏)and alliteration. African-American literature—especially written poetry, but also prose—has a strong tradition of incorporating all of these forms of oral poetry. These characteristics do not occur in all works by African-American writers.Some scholars resist using Western literary theory to analyze African-American literature. As the Harvard literary scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr.(小亨利‧路易斯‧盖茨)said, "My desire has been to allow the black tradition to speak for itself about its nature and various functions, rather than to read it, or analyze it, in terms of literary theories borrowed whole from other traditions, appropriated from without." One trope common to African-American literature is Signification. Gates claims that signifying ―is a trope in which are subsumed several other rhetorical tropes(修辞比喻), including metaphor, metonymy(转喻), synecdoche (提喻), and irony, and also hyperbole(夸张法)an litotes(曲言法), and metalepsis(进一步转喻法).‖ Signification also refers to the way in which African-American ―authors read and critique other African American texts in an act of rhetorical self-definition‖HistoryEarly African American literatureAfrican American history predates the emergence of the United States as an independent country, and African-American literature has similarly deep roots.Lucy Terry(路西特里)is the author of the oldest known piece of African-American literature: "Bars Fight". Although written in 1746, the poem was not published until 1855, when it was included in Josiah Holland's History of Western Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州).The poet Phillis Wheatley(菲莉斯·惠特莉) (1753–84) published her book Poems on Various Subjects in 1773, three years before American independence. Born in Senegal(塞内加尔), Wheatley was captured and sold into slavery at the age of seven. Brought to America, she was owned by a Boston merchant. By the time she was sixteen, she had mastered her new language of English. Her poetry was praised by many of the leading figures of the American Revolution, including George Washington, who thanked her for a poem written in his honor. Some whites found it hard to believe that a Black woman could write such refinedpoetry. Wheatley had to defend herself in court to prove that she had written her work. Some critics cite Wheatley's successful defense as the first recognition of African-American literature.Phillis Wheatley William Wells Brow Our NigAnother early African-American author was Jupiter Hammon (1711–1806). Hammon, considered the first published Black writer in America, published his poem "An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ with Penitential Cries" as a broadside in early 1761. In 1778 he wrote an ode to Phillis Wheatley, in which he discussed their shared humanity and common bonds. In 1786, Hammon gave his "Address to the Negroes of the State of New York". Writing at the age of 76 after a lifetime of slavery, Hammon said, "If we should ever get to Heaven, we shall find nobody to reproach us for being black, or for being slaves." He also promoted the idea of a gradual emancipation(释放)as a way to end slavery. Hammon is thought to have been a slave until his death. His speech was later reprinted by several abolitionist groups(废奴组织).William Wells Brown (1814–84) and Victor Séjour (1817–74) produced the earliest works of fiction by African-American writers. Séjour was born free in New Orleans(新奥尔良)and moved to France at the age of 19. There he published his short story "Le Mulâtre" ("The Mulatto"黑白混血儿) in 1837. It is the first known fiction by an African American, but as it was written in French and published in a French journal, it had apparently no influence on later American literature. Séjour never returned to African-American themes in his subsequent works. Brown, on the other hand, was a prominent abolitionist, lecturer, novelist, playwright, and historian in the United States. Born into slavery in the South, Brown escaped to the North, where he worked for abolitionist causes and was a prolific writer. Brown wrote Clotel; or, The President's Daughter (1853), considered to be the first novel written by an African American. It was based on the persistent rumor that president Thomas Jefferson had fathered a daughter with his slave Sally Hemings(塞利·海明斯). The novel was first published in England.The first African-American novel published in the United States was Harriet Wilson's Our Nig (1859). It expressed the difficulties of lives of northern free Blacks.。


王柔化 长春工程学院 东北师范大学
摘 要 :在美 国 四百多年 的文化 历史发 展历程 中,美 国黑 人文 学 中涌 现 出了大量优 秀 的文学作 品 ,但 长期 以来 由于 各种政治历史原因,美国黑人文学作品并没有受到重视,一直处于美 国文学的边缘状态。美国黑人文学经历 了三次发展 高潮,在美国文学中逐渐取得了一定的地位,进入 了正常的发展轨道。本文将通过分析,对美国黑人文学的三次高潮进 行 初步探 讨 。 关键 词 :美 国;黑人文 学; 三次高潮 ;初 步探讨

四 、美国黑人文学的第 三次高潮

4 -
——ຫໍສະໝຸດ 浅谈美国黑人文学的三次高潮

子 》为代 表 的文学 作品 。通过 这些文 学作 品,黑 人作家 深 刻地 反 映了美 国当 时的社 会情 况,描 述 了处于社 会底 层的 黑 人 的真实生 活 。这 是美 国黑 人文 学 的第 二次 高潮 ,在这 时期,美 国黑人文 学经历 了 “ 反抗 ”阶段 ,通过 “ 反抗 ” 阶段 ,黑 人文学发生 了追求与 白人文学 同等地位 的转变 第 二 次 高潮 的社 会 背 景 主要 有 以下 两个 方 面 。一 方 面 ,2 O 世纪 3 0年代 美 国经 历 了严重 的经 济 危机 ,整 个美 国的经济 失去 了原有 的活 力和 动力 , 白人 对黑 人的压 迫和 欺 凌不 断加倍 ,种族 矛盾 空前 强化 ;另一 方面 ,黑人 积极 进 行 了一 系列 的反抗 斗争 ,为 追求平 等地 位 的转变提 供 了 基 本的社 会环 境基 础 。在 这样 的环境 基础 下 ,黑人作 家一 改 文学作 品 中逆来 顺受 的黑人 形象 ,创造 了一 个个 有血有 肉的黑人 形象 ,促进 了第二 次高潮 的到来 。 第 二次高 潮时 期的 作 品多为批 判性 小说 ,具有深 刻 的 社 会批 判意义 ,对 美 国民众 的思想解 放和 意识 改变 具有重 要 的历史 推动 意义 。



美国黑人文学中的种族关系与社会正义1. 简介美国黑人文学是指由非洲裔美国人创作的文学作品。



2. 种族关系2.1 奴隶制度与种族歧视美国黑人文学起源于奴隶制时期,当时非洲裔美国人被剥夺了自由和基本权利。


2.2 种族认同与自我认同在种族问题上,美国黑人文学经常探讨黑人个体对自身种族身份和文化传统的认同。


2.3 种族关系的演变随着时间的推移,种族关系在美国社会中发生了变化。



3. 社会正义3.1 对抗压迫与剥夺在追求社会正义方面,黑人文学表达了对压迫和剥夺的抗争。


3.2 消除种族主义与歧视美国黑人文学强调消除种族主义和歧视对于实现社会正义的重要性。


3.3 引领反思与启发美国黑人文学通过展示非洲裔美国人历史上曾经遭受过的压迫、不公和冷漠,引导读者反思现实中存在的不公平现象,并激励他们为实现社会正义做出积极的贡献。

4. 结论美国黑人文学在揭示种族关系和呼吁社会正义方面起到了重要作用。














例如,欧内斯特·海明威在《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea)中描述的老渔夫就成为了现代主义文学中的代表人物。






著名的后现代小说家托马斯·品钦(Thomas Pynchon)在其作品《重力彩虹》(Gravity's Rainbow)中采用了多元的叙述方式,通过对人物的多重角度描写,以及连续不断的突然转换叙述位置,使作品变得非常复杂和有趣。





















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Langston Hughes1.LifeGeneral idea: James Mercer Langston Hughes was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist. He was one of the earliest innovators of the then-new literary art form jazz poetry. Hughes is best known for his work during the Harlem Renaissance.Life experience:Hughes was born February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. His parents divorced when he was a small child, and his father moved to Mexico. He was raised by his grandmother until he was thirteen, when he moved to Lincoln, Illinois, to live with his mother and her husband, before the family eventually settled in Cleveland, Ohio. It was in Lincoln, Illinois, that Hughes began writing poetry. Following graduation, he spent a year in Mexico and a year at Columbia University. During these years, he held odd jobs as an assistant cook, launderer, and a busboy, and travelled to Africa and Europe working as a seaman. In November 1924, he moved to Washington, D.C. Hughes's first book of poetry, The Weary Blues, was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1926. He finished his college education at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania three years later. Langston Hughes died of complications from prostate cancer in May 22, 1967, in New York.2.Works(1) Poetry collections∙The Weary Blues, Knopf, 1926∙Fine Clothes to the Jew, Knopf, 1927∙The Negro Mother and Other Dramatic Recitations, 1931∙Dear Lovely Death, 1931∙The Dream Keeper and Other Poems, Knopf, 1932∙Scottsboro Limited: Four Poems and a Play, Golden Stair Press, N.Y., 1932∙Let America Be America Again, 1938∙Shakespeare in Harlem, Knopf, 1942∙Freedom's Plow, 1943∙Fields of Wonder, Knopf, 1947∙One-Way Ticket, 1949∙Montage of a Dream Deferred, Holt, 1951∙Selected Poems of Langston Hughes, 1958∙Ask Your Mama: 12 Moods for Jazz, Hill & Wang, 1961∙The Panther and the Lash: Poems of Our Times, 1967∙The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, Knopf, 1994(2) Novels and short story collections∙Not Without Laughter. Knopf, 1930∙The Ways of White Folks. Knopf, 1934∙Simple Speaks His Mind. 1950∙Laughing to Keep from Crying, Holt, 1952∙Simple Takes a Wife. 1953∙Sweet Flypaper of Life, photographs by Roy DeCarava. 1955∙Tambourines to Glory 1958∙The Best of Simple. 1961∙Simple's Uncle Sam. 1965∙Something in Common and Other Stories. Hill & Wang, 1963∙Short Stories of Langston Hughes. Hill & Wang, 1996(3) Non-fiction books∙The Big Sea. New York: Knopf, 1940∙Famous American Negroes. 1954∙I Wonder as I Wander. New York: Rinehart & Co., 1956∙ A Pictorial History of the Negro in America, with Milton Meltzer.1956∙Famous Negro Heroes of America. 1958∙Fight for Freedom: The Story of the NAACP. 1962(4) Major plays∙Mule Bone, with Zora Neale Hurston. 1931∙Mulatto. 1935 (renamed The Barrier, an opera, in 1950)∙Troubled Island, with William Grant Still. 1936∙Little Ham. 1936∙Emperor of Haiti. 1936∙Don't You Want to be Free? 1938∙Street Scene, contributed lyrics. 1947∙Tambourines to glory. 1956∙Simply Heavenly. 1957∙Black Nativity. 1961∙Five Plays by Langston Hughes. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1963.∙Jericho-Jim Crow. 1964(5) Books for children∙Popo and Fifina, with Arna Bontemps. 1932∙The First Book of the Negroes. 1952∙The First Book of Jazz. 1954∙Marian Anderson: Famous Concert Singer. with Steven C. Tracy 1954∙The First Book of Rhythms. 1954∙The First Book of the West Indies. 1956∙First Book of Africa. 1964∙Black Misery. Illustrated by Arouni. 1969, reprinted by Oxford University Press, 1994.3.Sample:The Negro Speaks of Rivers(1)The Negro Speaks of RiversI've known rivers:I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.My soul has grown deep like the rivers.I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turned all golden in the sunset.I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers.My soul has grown deep like the rivers.(2) Analysis: “The 1920s were the years of Manhattan’s black Renaissance. . . .White people began to come to Harlem in droves. Forseveral years they packed the expensive Cotton Club on Lenox Avenue. But I was never there, because the Cotton Club was a Jim Crow club for gangsters and monied whites. They were not cordial to Negro patronage, unless you were a celebrity like Bojangles. So Harlem Negroes did not like the Cotton Club and never appreciated its Jim Crow policy in the very heart of their dark community. Nor did ordinary Negroes like the growing influx of whites toward Harlem after sundown, flooding the little cabarets and bars where formerly only colored people laughed and sang, and where now the strangers were given the best ringside tables to sit and stare at the Negro customers—like amusing animals in a zoo.(3) His style: Unlike other notable black poets of the period, Hughes refused to differentiate between his personal experience and the common experience of black America, he wanted to tell the stories of his people in ways that reflected their actual culture, including both their suffering and their love of music, laughter and language itself.He would also use humor, loneliness, and despair, to imitate the sound of blues and jazz music with words.4. Conclusion(1) Hughes famously wrote about the period that "the negro was in vogue" which was later paraphrased as "when Harlem was in vogue".(2) In his memory, his residence at 20 East 127th Street in Harlem, New Y ork City, has been given landmark status by the New Y ork City Preservation Commission, and East 127th Street has been renamed "Langston Hughes Place."(3) Hughes is also known for his engagement with the world of jazz and the influence it had on his writing, as in "Montage of a Dream Deferred." His life and work were enormously important in shaping the artistic contributions of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s.。
