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The picture is of a boy who is about to finish his race. Although he is finishing the race, on the track we can see the words that it is just a beginning. When I look at this picture I see that in life, we are often in many races. Often we feel that we have just accomplished something, however, it is just the beginning of something new and exciting.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
From the chart we can see clearly that the number of … has increased from … to …, and then to …. From the table we can see that during the period between … and …, A declined abruptly from … to about …, while B increased sharply from … to …. Seen from the chart, it can be concluded that in the past 5 years, great changes have been taking place in …. As can be seen from the two pictures, a great change has taken place in ….
1. As is shown in the picture(s), the number of … has dramatically decreased / increased. In one picture, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats.
In the picture, we can see that an American girl is wearing the traditional Chinese costume. She looks very beautiful, with a nice smile on her face. As we can see from the picture, a pretty American girl is smiling. Interestingly, she is in traditional Chinese costume. In my opinion, what the picture conveys is beyond a new fashion trend, and it carries cultural implications as well, which is a An American girl in national culture tends to be international. traditional Chinese costume(服装)
In this cartoon, a hen is assuring the public that the eggs she lays are completely round, without any square corners, and that they all have shells and yokes. It seems amusing for the hen to be taking credit for doing nothing more than her duty—to lay ordinary eggs. But there is a deeper social message in this cartoon.
The cartoon depicts a vivid picture in which a runner, dripping sweat, is rushing to the end. Obviously, he wins the match, but this is not the key message conveyed by the picture. The most striking feature of the drawing is that the same line is marked as both “the start” and “the end”, which indicates that although the runner is arriving at the finishing line, a new race is waiting for him.
The two pictures describe a prevailing phenomenon—people are …. We can see that in one phone, …. In the other, ….
As can be seen from the two pictures, a great change has taken place in one flower in different environments. According to the first picture, with the protection of the greenhouse, the flower grows healthy and is in full blossom though it is raining heavily outside. However, when it is put out of the greenhouse, the flower begins to fade, its leaves withering and falling. So it is natural that people believe a green house flower can not stand the exposure to the wind and rain.
The picture shows a lamp all alone in a dark place. However, there is a glorious bright light coming from it. it means that the darker life becomes, the brighter love will shine. The meaning of the picture is that love Love is a lamp that is brightens every dark place. That is, in a brighter in darker places. situation where there is great cruelty, pain, hurt and suffering, love will be more obvious because it is so opposite of the conditions of the situation.
As the two charts show, the population grew rapidly from 1800 in the USA, but the country’s wildlife went extinct quickly during that period.
The two charts show that with the growth of human population, the number of species has decreased rapidly in America, and some species have even vanished from our planets.
As is vividly depicted in the left picture, a man has had David Beckham’s name written on his face. And in the right picture, a man who is having a haircut asks the barber to cut his hair on the model of David Beckham, the popular British soccer star, for which he pays RMB 300.
This drawing is of a runner who is about to break the tape at the end of his run to mark the end of the race. He has a smile on his face for winning this victory. However, this will not be the last race of his life. Indeed, as he breaks the tape and wins this race, he is ready preparing for the next new race.
1. 单独进行描述,再指出不同点 或相同点
In 1900, there were few fishing boats and many fishes. But in 1995, there were plenty of boats and few fishes. The number of fishes is decreasing sharply. 2. 指出关键的不同点,不再加以 分别描述 Compared with 1900, fishes in 1995 were hardly seen but fishing boats were swarming in.
As we can see from the picture, … The picture depicts sth…. In this cartoon, ….
In this cartoon, a hen promises that her eggs have shells and yokes.
For me, what this picture illustrates is that ….
The cartoon symbolically depicts how three sons and a daughter treat their old, helpless father. They each stand in a different corner of a football field. The eldest son kicks out the father, who huddles up into a ball. The other children are prepared to ward him off. It is sad to see none of them is willing to receive their father. The cartoon displays a special football field. In each corner, there is a goalkeeper, namely the three sons and the youngest daughter. In the middle of the field, we can see an elderly person, the father, in the shape of a football. His eldest son is kicking him out, while the other three goalkeepers are getting ready to defend. This is a vivid illustration of the social problem of ….