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Mind map
1、Summary 2、History 3、Importance 4、Notes 5、Examples 6、Advantages
Mind mapping is an effective mode of thinking, applied to memory, learning, thinking, called the mind map, which is a revolutionary thinking tool. Mind mapping uses the skills of both images and texts, setting up a memory link between the theme of the key words and colors.
(1)Distinct levels (2)Well organized (3)Simple images
First stage
Take out a piece of paper and some watercolor pen. In the center of the paper, draw a picture that represents the "fruit" in your mind. Use watercolor pen as far as possible to play.
Highlight the key
(1)Use the central figure, the sub theme 3-7;
(2)Use color images as far as possible;
(3)Three or more colors to be used in the central figure.;
Use Association
(1)The arrow can be used when connect the branches;
(2)Use codes; (3)Use all kinds of colors, icons and symbols.;
Form personal style
Second stage
From the "fruit" graphic center, draw some rough lines radiating out. Each line uses a different color. These branches represent your main idea of "fruit". In each branch, the words clearly marked with the word, so that when you think of the concept of "fruit", these words will immediately jump out of the brain.
Now you have completed your first mind map.It is filled with symbols, codes, lines, words, colors and images. All of these can make your brain more efficient and more enjoyable to work.
Clearly understood
(1)Put the paper across the table, start from the central;
(2)Each line only write a keyword;
( 3 ) Make sure thickness of different level themes ’ lines reasonable; (4)The spacing should be arranged reasonably.
( 1 ) Thinking chaos is not conducive to solving problems, so as learning and life . Where there is no idea, there is no way. ( 2 ) Different ways of thinking can reflect the differences of human intelligence and ability. The right way of thinking can easily solve problems, the wrong way of thinking needing a lot of time, patience, increasing the probability of error.
thinking ability and strong memory.
1)Just like the structure of human brain; 2)Highlighting the focus and level of thinking; 3)Enhancing associative function; 4)Make use of the processing and memory ability of human brain for images.
a mind map of colors
a mind map of animals
Improve learning efficiency, enhance understanding and memory. Focus on key points of knowledge. Stimulate the right brain, play the whole function of the brain.
Inventor ——Tony Buzan ,the president of the British mind
foundation, known as the "father of memory".
Effects:Enhance the user's overall planning, three-dimensional
Third stage
Now, let's expand the mind map. Look at every major branch of the key words. Do these words make you think of more words? According to the things you associate with each word, more branches turn up from each keyword. Then finish the same job as the first stage: write down each keyword clearly on the line. Use the first level key words to trigger inspiration.