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Para. 4-14
Para. 15-17
4. Useful Expressions
long for bleed… for… opt to do sth. drum up business yield to get/be involved in lecture sb. about sth. get around get the cheapest bid make a gradual shift away from… jump off lend oneself to… sit on convict of
社会安全法案是全国性的,为保障所有人的权益而设立。除公共 援助金外,大部分福利措施是不论贫富人人皆得的。值得一提的 是,社安局规定,领取社会安全金的人员不一定要住在美国境内, 以方便生活在海外的退休人士。 The social security act is a national, set up to protect the interests of all. In addition to public assistance, the majority of welfare measures for all irrespective of who have. It is worth mentioning that, the provisions of the social security board, to receive social security payments for personnel do not live in the USA territory, in order to facilitate the retirees living abroad. 除了社会安全法案所包括的上述福利政策之外,美国还有很多涉 及生活、工作各个方面的社会福利,比较常见的有以下几类: In addition to the welfare policy, including the social security act, there are a lot of life, USArelates to all aspects of the work of social welfare, the more common are the following categories:
Words and Expressions
sticky adj.(origin) 黏的 (extension) involving problems; difficult or awkward The relationship between the two country is going through a sticky patch. 两国关系正在经历一段困难时期。
• 1、联邦社会保险 • 1, the social insurance • 联邦社会保险是为就职人士设立的,在职或曾经工作过 的本人及其家属都可参加,主要包括退休金 (Retirement Benefits)、抚恤金(Survivor’s Benefits)、伤残金(Disability Benefits)和医疗福利 (Medicare Benefits)等。
the disabled / handicapped / crippled, normal, abnormal, weird, lower, equal, fair, optimistic, pessimistic disability, prejudice, bias, unwanted attention, goodwill, good intention, ill will, ill intention treat sb. as..., look down upon, stare and point, regard fairly, unfairly, unequally
1. Structure of Text
This part is about how people concerned behave under the present welfare system: Clients cheat the system for more money while caseworkers, like detectives, expect the clients to bow down to them and beg. Several events are narrated to illustrate the problems with the present welfare system: welfare caseworkers try to find anything unreported, welfare clients have difficulties in obtaining help, and the law does not encourage clients to make a gradual shift away from welfare. Dealing with what should be done with the present welfare system
Section A
Topics for Discussion
1. How do people treat disabled people? What about you?
2. According to you, how do we (our government and every one of us) help the disabled people? 3. According to you, how do the disabled people help themselves? 4.Do you know someone else who is disabled but has set a good example for us? Introduce one or two to your classmates.
Words and Expressions
Convict v. 定罪 n.囚犯
我掌握一切证据来给这个年轻犯人定罪。 I have all the evidence to convict this young criminal.
美国社会福利简介 Introduction to social welfare system American
• 国现行的社会福利制度是从1936年社会安全法 案(Social Security Act)实行之后,逐步完善起来 的。社会安全法案包含如下几类福利措施: • America current social welfare system is from the social security act of 1936 (Social SecurityAct) after the introduction, gradually improve. The Social Security Act contains the followingbenefits:
、工作保险 One, job security 1、失业保险金 (unemployment Insurance) 1, unemployment insurance (unemployment Insurance) 失业保险金是一种保险制度。每月从受保人工资中扣除部分来投 保,受保人一旦失业即可获赔,获赔金额一般是原工资的一半。 Unemployment insurance is an insurance system. Monthly wages from the insured to the insured, once the insured unemployment can be compensated, the amount awarded is half of the original salary. 2、工人赔偿金( Worker’s Compensation Program) 2, workers' compensation (Worker 's Compensation Program) 由雇主向州政府或保险公司投保,工人因工受伤即可申领。具体 赔偿金额和时期由雇主所交的保费多少而定,同时也能报销一定 的医疗费用。工人赔偿金非美籍人士亦可申请,且不会影响他日 转换身份或入籍。
• 只要是遭辞退失业的,不管有无积蓄都可申请。一般补 助期是6至9个月,按各州不同情况可能会有所延长。 • As long as the laid-off unemployed, regardless of whether the savings can apply. Generalgrant period is 6 to 9 months, according to the different states that may be extended.
渴望/盼望 向······榨取 ······ 选择…… 招揽生意 向……屈服 卷入/潜心于······ 就某事训斥某人 四处走动 拿到最低的报价 逐渐脱离…… 突然脱离/摆脱 适宜于······; 同意参与 ······ 任职,任…代表,担任
2. Words and Expressions
Leak: n. 泄漏;漏洞,裂缝 vt. 使渗漏,泄露 vi. 漏,渗;泄漏 Leak out 泄露出去 1、你要保证这份文件不被泄露出去。 You should guarantee that the file won’t be leaked out. 2、One of the employees was responsible for the leak. 一雇员对泄密负有责任。
• Federal insurance office is set up for the people, working or have worked for himself and his family can participate in, including pension, pension (Retirement Benefits) (Survivor 'sB enefits) (Disability Benefits), disability benefits and health benefits (Medicare Benefits). • 2、失业补助金( Unemployment Compensation) • 2, the unemployment subsidy (Unemployment Compensation)
assistance) 3, public assistance (public assistance) 专为低收入或无收入的失明者、老人、残障者及无收入的家庭 而设。由州政府按各自生活条件发放,申请者将接受调查以证 明有申领资格。 Designed for low income or no income and blind, elderly, disabled and no income families.Issued by the state government according to their living conditions, the applicant will be investigated to prove eligibility. 4、孕妇与儿童福利 4, maternal and child welfare 为保护和增进孕妇及儿童的健康而设,并不分派现金,而是提 供健康服务。 For the protection and promotion of maternal and child health, is not distributable cash, but to provide health services.