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全国卷短文改错解题技巧 1





1. 考冠词

2. 考名词(记住典型不可数名词:fun, progress, furniture, advice, information)

3. 考形容词/副词

填形容词:①adj.(作定语) +名词②系动词be/feel/get/become + adj.(作表语) 填副词:①副词常在句首或句未②副词在动词前或动词后




5. 考连词before/after if / unless when/until/because

6. 考介词

7. 考谓语

主动:①does三单式②did 过去式③have/has/had done 完成时

④ is/are/was/were doing进行时⑤ will do

被动:①is/are done ②was/were done ③have/has/had been done

④ is/are/was/were being done ⑤ will be done

8. 考非谓语

主动:①doing②having done ③to do ④to have done

被动:①done ②having been done ③to be done ④being done

9. 考一般的状语从句,定语从句,名词性从句

10. 考感到…..的(excited /interested /disappointed /surprised)

令人……的(exciting /interesting /disappointing /surprising)

一. 多一个词

1. 多了冠词(记住不用冠词的情况)

球类棋类和游戏,非特指的三餐,惟一职位名词前,go to school (bed, church, town, class, college, etc) ,by bus /by plane /by train, 用于某些独立结构中(如:The teacher came in, book in hand. ), 但是in a/the bus, on a/the/my bike

2. 多了“be”类①不是被动,不要在动词前乱加be ②是被动(但是非谓语的被动),也不要乱加be

3. 多了“have”类

不是完成时态,别乱加have (如果没有典型完成时标志,用一般过去式就可以了have/has/had played →played )

4. 多了to

1) 记住不用to的两个动词let/make

Make sb to do sth; let sb to do sth have sb to do sth

2) 记住以下句子里home, downtown是副词,不要to

①Go to home ②go to abroad (abroad也是副词)

③Tomorrow I’ll go to downtown with my sister.

☆但是I went to my uncle’s home. (要to,这里home是名词)

5. 宾语从句(已有how/what/ where引导),多了that

I don’t know that what he said.

I don’t know that when/why/where he goes.

6. each time/ every time / the moment/ the first time可以直接引导时间状语从句,再加when 就多余了

Each time/ Every time when I remember my grandma, I feel warm.

The moment when I arrive in Beijing, I will call you.

I knew we would be good friends the first time when I met her.


①At the moment when you want to give up, think about why you have come this far.

②Paul and I met for the first time when we were both at university.

③I still well remember the first time when I met her.

7. 定语从句,多了代词(which/who已经指代名词了)

Honghong is a lovely girl whom many boys love her in secret.

8. 及物动词,多了介词( marry with, serve for )


serve for the people (错) 因为serve是及物动词

serve as a doctor/ work as a doctor 作为一个医生

9. 意思重复again/retell, although/but, because/so, most/favorite

①Retell the story again

②This is my most favorite food.

二. 少了一个词



Play the piano (但是play music)



④少了to, 如: ask sb to do sth / sb. is made to do sth


agree with; approve of; suffer from; adapt to; apply for

graduate from

⑥少了副词up, down, on., away


三. 记住固定搭配

at home and abroad go abroad heart and soul

neither ... nor / either … or not ... but / not … until

so … that /such … that as … as / such … as

四. 经常区分以下考点

1. and / but / or / so / while

2. however / besides / therefore / otherwise
