可能有用 帕金森病运动并发症影响因素的研究进展

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and the risk of Parkinson disease[J].Ann Neurol,2005,58(5): 797-800. Weisskopf MG,O’Reilly E。Chen H,et a1.PIasma uralt and risk of Parkinson’s disease【j].Am J Epidemini,2007,166(5):561—567. MoOse A.Redr_【gucz LA,Logroscino G。et a1.Gout and risk of Par- kinson disease-,a prospective study[J].Neurology,2007,69(17): 1696.1700. de Vera M.Rah眦n MM,Rankin J.et a1.Gout and the risk ofPar-
have done a lot of researches jn factors affecting levodopa.induced motor complications in Parkinson’s dis. ease.It is considered to be affected by many factors,such as the severity and COUrse of diseases.1evodopa dose and treatment schedules.However。the age of onset is a protective factor。and different drugs can delay
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the appearance of motor complications.
Key words:Parkinsen’s disease;Motor complications:Factors
但长期服用左旋多巴可出现 运动并发症,包括症状波动 和运动障碍(又称异动症)。 国外文献报道,左旋多巴治 疗4—6年后症状波动的发 生率为12%一60%,异动症 的发生率为8%一64%…。 产生运动并发症的病理机制 尚未完全明确,目前多数研 究认为与多巴胺受体的波动 性刺激、黑质纹状体的变性
acid to protect spinal cord neurons from glutamate toxicity[J]. Gila.2007.55(5):463—472.
10achimeseu AG.Brennan DM,Hoar BM,et a1.Serum uric acid is
an independent predictor of all—cause mortality in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease[J].Arthritis Rheum,2008,58(2): 623-630.
摘要:帕金森病是一种常见于中老年人的运动障碍疾病,目前治疗以多巴胺替代疗法为主,但长 多巴是最有效的治疗药物。
川 ㈣ 吲 I三I 剐
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First够妇据d ftan—chun,PENG Guo-guang.(Neurology Depanment,fk
Hospital。Chongqing Medical Uni-
vmity.c^ongqing 400016。饥ina)
Abstract:Parkinson’s disease is a common movement discrders in the middle and old aged people.At present,lhe most important treatment method is dopamine replacement therapy,but the long·term use of levo- dopa is associated with the development of motor complications.In recent years.scholars at home and abroad
帕金森病是一种常见于中老年人的运动障碍疾 程度以及谷氨酸受体的作用有关‰31,同时受多种因
病。临床表现为静止性震颤、运动迟缓、肌强直和姿 素的影响,现对影响帕金森病运动并发症产生的因
势异常等。目前,在帕金森病的症状性治疗中,左旋 素进行综述。
l帕金森病发病年龄 目前认为帕金森病运动并发症的出现与发病
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de IJau LM.Koudstaal PJ,Hofman A.et a1.Serum uric acid 1evels
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Di啾xU Research Progress of the Factors for Motor Complications of Parkinson’s