
Kunqu Opera, Six hundred Years of Tradition

Definition: Kunqu Opera, also known as "Kunqiang", "kunju", is a type of dramatic opera, mainly devoted to chuanqi (romance). With a history of six hundred years, Kunqu Opera is considered as the "mother of Chinese operas".

Origin: At the end of Yuan dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, some tunes grew popular and spread to the south of the Yangzi River, then formed the Kunshan tune. It had taken two hundred years for Kunqu Opera to develop into Kunju. Starting as melodies sung by the common people, it wasn't until two hundred years later that the first play Huanshaji was written and officially incorporated these tunes into drama.

Peak: From teh Mid Ming Dynasty to the Mid Qing Dynasty Kunqu Opera reached its peak. Yu Qiuyu once said, "In Chinese history, no other type of drama had fascinated the entire nation for two hundred years like Kunqu Opera did." The annual Huqiu Opera Competition is an especially important occasion, drawing all kinds of people from high officials and celebrities, to ordinary people and stall keepers, marching to the Huqiu Mountain in Suzhou to strut their stuff. Round after round, only the best of the best are crowned as winners.

Decline: After reaching the royal court, Kunqu Opera grew apart from the masses. The competition between Beijing Opera and Kunqu Opera eventually ended with Kunqu Opera in decline from the Mid Qing Dynasty as Beijing Opera was thought to be easier to learn and more popular. Before the Chinese Liberation, Kunqu Opera was almost extinct.

Difference between Kunqu and Kunju: today the two are almost the same and both can be used to name the

opera. But in early times, Kunqu only had tunes (qu) and no plots.

Difference between Kunqu Opera and Beijing Opera: Besides the difference in tunes, the plays of Kunqu Opera adopt the standardized and classical form of Chinese operas and their authors are mainly writers, playwrights and intellecturals. The storylines of Beijing Opera are plain, and their traditional playwrights are of mid and lower society. In Kunqu Opera, the performers dance and sing at the same time; in Beijing Opera, traditionally, singing and dancing do not happen at the same time - the artists sing only when they are stand still.

Main Instruments: flute. Kunqu Opera falls into Qupai style, being very particular with literary rules and meters. On the other hand, Yue Opera or Shaoxing Opera and Beijing Opera fall into the Banqiang style, being more casual, they're the pop songs of the opera family mainly using huqin as the instrument.

Main Roles: sheng (male characters), dan (female characters), jing ("painted face" characters), mo (main male characters), chou (clown), wai (old male characters), tie (old female characters); seven roles.

Well-known Plays of Kunqu Opera: The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu, Yu Zan Ji by gao Lian, The Kite by Li Yu, 15 Guan by Zhu Suchen, The Peach Blossom Fan by Kong Shangren, The Palace of Eternal Youth by Hong Sheng.

Main Style Features: junban (light makeup). First a basic red face is applied, and then the final touch, painting the eyes, eyebrows and mouth. All the makeup comes from MARIES paint. After the makeup is done, the actor wraps his head, does the eyebrows, tightens the water-like gauze and puts on the cap, underclothes and layers upon layers of costumes. For the actresses, the makeup

is more complicated, especially with wrapping the head.

Looking at Jefferey Zhang Jun with his iPhone, one can hardly imagine the young male character on the stage bathed in ancient charms is in fact this man. He hasn't applied any makeup and his hair is spiky. Yet when we talk about the Kunqu Opera, he immediately becomes serious.

When you first started learning opera, did it ever occur to you that it would become your life-long career?
Not at all, but the moment I stepped into this circle, my life changed. I think I'm lucky. On one hand, I am in the middle of a fast-developing society enjoying the fulfillment it has brought to us; on the other hand, my work is closely related to the origin of traditional culture. In 1998, my (Chinese zodiac) birth year, something happened and I thought I should do something to gain control over my own life. At the end of that year, I started involving myself in the popularization of Kunqu Opera, touring around varied universities. I realized that I could have my own audience as long as I worked hard, and I got a sense of belonging.

When I was in school, we got up at 6 a.m, followed by one hour morning exercises which included stamina training, running the stairs, and practicing stage walking and spinning. After breakfast, we did tumbles on a mat.

In the afternoon, we studied plays, practiced with sword and spear, learned how to wave the water-sleeves, and do hand gestures. After dinner, we had time for independent study - some practiced skills, some practiced singing. One other day, that same period was for cultural study, and we would do homework and practice calligraphy. At 9 p.m, we turned off the lights and went to bed.

What do you enjoy most in this process?
I like dressing up as a ghost and sneaking up on girls. We had a lot of costumes at that time, we wore baggy clothes during practice, and we had all kinds of bonds, weapons, and very long artificial beards. When we boarded at Shanghai No.3 Girls High School, we had a two-story practice building. We tied a rope around our waist, letting our costumes fly and wearing our beards. Whenever someone came, we would jump down from the second floor. Sometimes, we fooled girls to come over, and scared them out of their minds!

What do you find most fascinating about Kunqu Opera?
The tunes, I guess. But generally speaking, I think Kunqu is very quiet. In this high-speed society and among all the restlessness, Kunqu boasts a very unique artistic vision.

In the process of popularizing and reviving Kunqu Opera, whom do you think should be remembered as very important contributors?
the five hundred people. I think we should be grateful to those who have devoted themselves to Kunqu Opera - all the artists on and behind the stage, actors, actresses, bands, stage designers and managers

- about five hundred people, in all. they have preserved the spirit of Kunqu, and without these people using their bodies as media to pass on this tradition any effort would be meaningless. In recent years, cultural masters like Pai Hsien-yung, Yu Qiuyu, and Yu Dan have contributed a lot to Kunqu Opera too.

You don't mind Kunqu Opera taking on a fashionable or Shanghai style look, do you ?
I always think that we should first ensure the integrity of the Kunqu tradition, and this should never be compromised. I don't feel comfortable with those who write creative plays, hoping to win over both the mainstream and young audience. I think we can take some elements from Kunqu to mix with other artistic forms. But if you want to see the traditional, welcome to the theatre at No.9 Shaoxing Road and see The Peony Pavilion.

How long should a new play be rehearsed before its first performance?
Take the Place of Eternal Youth for example, the rehearsal has taken three years. Most plays need to be rehearsed for at least six months to a year.

What kind of preparation should be made once

you decide to rehearse a play?
Sagas of the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty are the main themes of our plays today. After a play is chosen, we spend several months doing research to find out if it's feasible. If it's proved to be feasible, we find a playwriter to abridge the story, otherwise it will take many days to stage a single play. After we get the abridged edition, usually after six months, we need another one month to discuss and revise them, and pass it to the composer to fill in the meters. the eighth month we get the tuned play and start rehearsing. In about two months, we start from nothing to an on-stage version. Now it has already passed ten months, and the last month is devoted to dress-rehearsal and performance. generally speaking, it takes ten years to make a good play.

How early do you need to arrive before a performance to prepare yourself? What kind of preparation needs to be done?
According to the Chinese tradition, a play usually starts at 7:15 p.m. or 7:30 p.m., and I usually arrive at five o'clock. I take one and half hours for dressing up and trying my voice, and everything should be ready by about seven o'clock. The rest of the time, I calm down and get ready for staging. Girls have to arrive earlier for more complicated preparations.

我们的舞台是镜框式的,观众所能看到的只是展现在面前的一方大概一百来个平方的小舞台,但是你越过那些幕布,你看到的后台完全会是另外一个大空间.什么样的人都有,干什么的人都有:有人打PSP,有人发短信,有人正襟危坐,有人打情骂俏......任何一种很自我很放松的状态,当你把一个脚伸到幕布外面的时候,就完全归到舞台上了,你就是情景里那个任务的喜怒哀乐.我们有时也会"使坏"逗台上的人.台上演太监宫女的,好些戏往往一站就是半小时.我们有时一群人站在台口的幕布那里,就逗台上的配角,他们眼睛的余光能看见我们.舞台的绝妙之处在于,你在台上想笑,越想忍越忍不住.然后舞台监督就会过来骂:"干什么?!" 大剧场,我们不敢,但在小剧场,实在无聊时,我们以此为乐.
What's the environment like at backstage with the actors?
Our stage is the typical proscenium stage, the audience can only see the small stage of about one-hundred square meters at front, but once you cross the curtains, it's a totally different space. All kinds of people are doing all kinds of things: playing Playstation, texting friends, fooling

around... any kind of self-indulgence or relaxation changes very suddenly once you step the first foot from behind the curtain. You are directly in the character, and you share his exact emotions.
Sometimes we enjoy a bit of mischief on stage. Those playing eunuchs and maids sometimes have to stand on stand in the same spot for thirty minutes. We stand behind the curtain teasing them. This is the most fantastic thing of th stage. The more you want to refrain from laughing the more likely you can't help but bursting out into laughter. The stage manager would shout at us, "What the hell are you doing?"

What about the proscenium? have you had any accidents?
For civil plays, we mostly fear forgetting lines. And for military plays we worry about dropping our caps. One can still forget lines during even the most familiar play, especially when the lines are very lengthy. Once I watched a play, and there were three performers on the stage. When one finished the lines another was supposed to continue, and the other would go on. But it was all silent for two seconds and we got worried. They managed to botch the lines, backed to the beginning and started all-over again, and the audience didn't notice it. But the actress still could not remember the lines and struck at the same part and then they repeated it again, and again she failed to spit out the lines!
The most interesting thing once happend to my teacher was he broke his belt on the stage. The costume pants do not have elastic. He stood up and found the belt was broken. He used one hand to hold the belt and went on performing. Since then, I developed an obsessive-compulsive disorder and would use

two belts thereafter. One of my classmates found his belt was loosened in the middle of a tumble, and he fastened it in the air and landed like nothing had happened.
What I'm afraid most is botching the lines. Whenever I get overly anxious I have the same dream: all the makeup is done and I'm ready to go on stage, but all of a sudden, I realize that I haven't recited the lines yet. And then I wake up with a start sweating all-over.

What do you think of the strategic role of the backstage? What's it like?
The backstage is our hometown. the proscenium belongs to the audience, and the backstage belongs to us. to us actors and actresses, two places are everything: the floor for rehearsing and backstage.
