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Section 3
Choose an adjective from the reading that expresses a feeling. To “make the word your own”. Write about a time when you felt this way.
4. It’s important to make people feel that __y_o_u__li_k_e_t_h_e_g_i_f_t_t_h_e_y_g_a_v_e_y_o_u__. __. 5. It’s sometimes easier to __j_u_s_t _g_iv_e__m_o_n__ey____.
Receive a gift with __h_a_p_p_i_n_e_s_s__ Tina’s birthday.
What do you want to give her? Why?
Different ideas of receiving money between Chinese and westerners
Fra Baidu bibliotek
What gifts can make him happy?
John Wilson
The art of giving: (送礼物的艺术) It’s better to give a gift with some thought in it.
The art of giving and receiving: Give a gift with __th_o_u__g_h_t_
John Wilson
How would he feel? Comfortable or uncomfortable?
counts, saying, thought, uncomfortable
To make things easier, some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, however, receiving money can make peopleun__co_m__f_o_r_ta_b_l_e__. “When someone gives格m言e money, 想it j法ust最m重ak要es。me think they’re being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a _s_a_y_in__g__: It’s the thought that _co_u__n_ts__. When someone gives me money, I feel they didn’t think at all.I prefer to receive a gift that has some t_h_o_u_g_h_t_ behind it. I don’t mind if it’s something I don’t need. If someone has thought about a gift for me, it always makes me happy.”
If someone gave you money, what would you feel?
To make things easier, some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, however, receiving money can make people uncomfortable. Jo“hWn hWenilssoonmeone gives me money, it just makes me think they’re being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a saying: It’s the thought that counts. When someone gives me money, I feel they didn’t think at all.I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. I don’t mind if it’s something I don’t need. If someone has thought about a gift for me, it always makes me happy.”
Section 3
1.Receiving money might make _____p_e_o_p_l_e___ u2n. _c_o_m_f_o_r_t_a_b_le_.___ 2. We might pretend to like a gift because __w__e_d_o_n_’_t_w_a_n__t _to__o_f_fe_n_d__th__e_p_e_r_s_o_n_w__ho __g_a_v_e_i_t_t_o_u_s_._____________________. 3. Han Ling wore the sweater____to__m__a_k_e_h_i_s____ ____g_r_a_n_d_p_a_r_e_n_t_s _h_a_p_p_y_.
人教版九年级英语unit13 全单元课件
We receive presents on some special days.
They didn’t like the gifts. What did they do?
The art of receiving (收礼物的艺术)
Whether you like the gift or not,
In China
Giving money as a gift or receiving
money is a usual way.
In Western countries
Giving and receiving money
makes people uncomfortable. It’s the t.hought that counts.