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3. 2013年全国I卷 你知道,我的叔叔李明要去你居住的城市参加 一个会议。 You know, my uncle Li Ming is going to the city where you live to attend an international meeting.
我让叔叔带去你之前想要的中国画。 I’ve asked my uncle to bring you the Chinese painting you have asked for before.
2. 2017年全国II卷
随着中国剪纸艺术展的临近,我写信邀请你 来观展。此次展览将会在下周日艺术馆内举 行。
With the Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition approaching, I’m writing to invite you to attend this art exhibition, which will be held in the art gallery next Sunday.
2. 我的家乡在深圳,在这里人们可以常常看 见大海。
I live in Shenzhen where people can often see the ocean.
2. 题干中只有一个孤立的简单句 找到中心词,用定语从句将其Байду номын сангаас富。 For example: 西安是一个历史名城。 Xi’an is a famous historical city.
Practice: a. I feel great honor to host the contest.
b. The contest is sponsored by the Students’ Union.
_I_f_e_e_l_g_r_e_a_t_h_o_n_o_r_t_o__h_o_s_t _th__e_c_o_n_t_e_s_t _s_p_o_n_s_o_r_e_d_ _b_y__th_e__S_t_u_d_e_n_t_s_’ _U_n_io_n__. _____________________
小明是一个热心肠的人。 Xiao Ming is a warm-hearted man.
Xiao Ming is a warm-hearted man, who always lends a hand to others.
I would like to do a part-time job,
Practice: 即将到来的端午节是中国的传统节日。 小明是一个热心肠的人。 The upcoming Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese traditional festival.
The upcoming Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese traditional festival, which is celebrated to honor our national hero, Qu Yuan.
How to use Attribute Clause in writing
Part 1:高考满分作文中的定语从句欣赏
1. 2017年全国I卷
2. 毫无疑问,唐诗是中国文化不可缺少的一部 分,非常值得学习。
3. Undoubtedly, Tang poems is an indispensable part of Chinese culture, which is worth learning very well.
Part 2:如何写出定语从句 1. 题干中出现两句涉及同一事物的简单句。 2. For example: 3. 我们班是一个大家庭。 4. 这个大家庭包括11名男生和21名女生。
5. Our class is a big family which consists of 11 boys and 21 girls.
Xi’an is a famous historical city, which has a long history of more than 2700 years and a large number of historical sites, such as Dayan Towel, Xi’an Wall and so on.
Travelling is one of my choices,
I would like to do voluntary work,
请你写一篇英语短文简单介绍一个中国的 传统节日,要使用定语从句。字数80词左 右。
可参考必修三Unit 1内容