中国人民公安大学军事理论课论文题目中日钓岛争端之后中日之间的较量学生姓名戴博学号 20132031003313 年级侦查专业经侦方向侦查大队 13 中队 5区队教务处制I中日钓岛争端之后中日之间的较量--近期围绕中日之间各国的比拼与较量摘要:2012年,日本无端“国有化”钓鱼岛,围绕钓鱼岛所展开的中日之间的较量便一刻也没有停息过,最近,又在东海发生了中日军机异常接近事件,并且日本依仗有美国作为其后盾,在国际社会大放厥词。
关键词:钓鱼岛;日美安保条约;海上军演;军国主义;异常接近;中俄合作II目录一、引言 (1)二、日本及其盟国美国的角度 (1)(一)日本所采取的举动 (1)(二)美国所采取的举措 (2)三、中国及周边邻国的角度 (3)(一)中国所采取的的反制措施 (3)(二)中俄之间的合作 (3)四、结论 (4)参考文献 (5)III一、引言近几年,日本右翼势力呈上升的趋势,尤其是安倍晋三再次上台之后改变策略在钓鱼岛的问题上也越发强硬,并且参拜靖国神社,给世界爱好和平的反法西斯国家和人民造成了巨大伤害。
(B)A.主权上B. 政治上、经济上C.国际地位上D.文化上3、美国的首要国防类型是(A)A.扩张型B.自卫型C.联盟型D.中立型4、日本的国防类型是(C)A.扩张型B.自卫型C.联盟型D.中立型5、瑞士的国防类型是(D)A.扩张型B.自卫型C.联盟型D.中立型A.公民B.政府C.军队D.国家7、国防中第一位的、根本性的目的和任务是(D)A.保卫国家的统一B.保卫国家的领土完整C.保障国家的安全D.捍卫国家主权8、我国的国防产生于哪一个朝代(A)A.夏朝B.隋朝C.春秋战国D.商朝9、我国古代国防的时间跨度是(C)A. 夏朝——1949年B.商朝——1911年C. 夏朝——1840年D.商朝——1949年10、我国古代国防的时间跨度前后算起来有近多少年时间(C)A.5000年B.3500年C.4000年D.4500年11、我国古代的国防工程中的城池建筑最早起始于(B)A.夏朝B.商朝C.隋朝D.春秋战国12、民军制度是哪种社会制度时期里的兵制制度(B )A.原始社会B.奴隶社会C.封建社会D.资本主义社会14、我国历史上第一个辱国丧权的不平等条约是(A)A.中英《南京条约》B.中英《天津条约》C.中法《北京条约》D.中俄《瑷珲条约》A.“马神甫”B.“亚罗号”C.“三元里抗英” D.“禁烟运动”A.“马神甫”B.“亚罗号”C.“三元里抗英”D.“禁烟运动”17、清政府在第二次鸦片战争失败以后,跟英国签订的不平等条约是(B )A.《南京条约》B.《天津条约》C.《北京条约》D.《瑷珲条约》18、清政府在第二次鸦片战争失败以后,跟法国签订的不平等条约是(C )A.《南京条约》B.《天津条约》C.《北京条约》D.《中法新约》19、清政府在第二次鸦片战争失败以后,跟俄国签订的不平等条约是(D )A.《南京条约》B.《天津条约》C.《北京条约》D.《瑷珲条约》A.《南京条约》B.《天津条约》C.《北京条约》D.《中法新约》A.朝鲜B.越南C.印度D.缅甸A.《南京条约》B.《天津条约》C.《北京条约》D.《马关条约》A.150B.160C.170 D.180A.1901B.1911C.1912 D.1914A.五四运动B.妇女解放运动C.文化大革命D.南昌起义A.1927B.1931C.1935 D.1937A.1927B.1931C.1935 D.1937A.政治开明B.军事科技发展C.军队人才培养D.经济发展A.政治开明B.军事科技发展C.军队人才培养D.国家统一、民族团结A.宪法B.国防法规C.兵役法D.国防教育法31、我国国防法规体系的层次中最低的一个层次是(D)A.基本国防法律B.国防法律C.国防法规 D.国防规章A、国防的主体B、国防的客体C、国防的主体和客体D、军队33、我国古代边防建设的代表——长城始建于(A )A、春秋战国B、秦汉C、唐D、明34、我国古代海防建设是始于(D )A、秦朝B、宋朝C、元朝D、明朝35、清朝在甲午战争后开始编练新军,新军采用的兵役制是(D )A、征兵制B、世兵制C、府兵制D、招募制36、《国防教育法》是哪年开始颁布实施的?(B )A、2000B、2001C、2002D、200337、新的《兵役法》是哪年开始颁布实施的?(D )A、1981B、1982C、1983D、1984A、重视边防B、富国强兵C、实边固边D、抵御外来侵略39、我军的军事战略方针是(A )A、积极防御B、积极准备C、积极训练D、积极预防40、我国国防建设的(B )成功爆炸了原子弹。
军事理论2 - 副本
人人网 校内 - 浏览日志 - 各大论文网站账号和密码!不用各位同学注册
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收稿 日期 :2 0 1 3 . 1 0 . 2 1
作者简 介:王玉婷 ,女,苏州大学凤凰传 媒学院新 闻专业,主要从事新媒体 、大众传播 学研 究;李怡君 ,女,苏州 大学凤凰传媒学 院 广播 与电视新 闻专业,主要从事广 播电视新 闻、传 播学研 究。
2 0 1 4 年 第 4期
媒介 批评
乌舍 之众还是理性群体
以人人 网为例探 究热点事件如何发 酵
王 玉婷 ,李怡君
( 苏州大学 凤凰传媒学院 ,江苏 苏州 2 1 5 1 2 3 )
摘 要 :随着 新媒体 时代的到来, 网络 已成为青年学 生获取信 息和发表看 法的重要平 台。本文 以“ 李某某涉嫌强奸案” 为例 ,
文章编号:1 6 7 2 — 8 1 2 2( 2 0 1 4)0 4 — 0 0 6 3 . 0 2
信 息依赖于媒介 技术,没有传播就没有信息【 ” 。2 0世纪 大部分 是现 在的校友或者 曾经 的同学。主打话题还是 以校 园
8 O年代 以来 ,媒介技术 的革 命使得信 息量激增,信 息传播呈 生活为主 ,很多学生组织和社 团会利用人 人网发布通知 ,无
现多元趋势 ,互联网达成 了受众 与媒介双 向传播 的形式 。随 形之 中使得 社交圈局限在 了话题氛 围相 同的校 园中 ,影响 了 着 电脑 、手 机的普及 ,任何人 都可以通过论坛 、博客 、微博 人人 网用户 的信息接收量 。年龄接近 、经 历类 似的青年学生
等形式 发表 言论 ,表 明观 点。现实中可能沉默 的青年学 生在 由此形成 了一个群体 。群体是无名 氏,无 名 氏不需要为他所 虚拟空 间中拥有 了表达 自己的广 阔空间,言论活跃程度 空前 作 的任何事情承 担责任 ,曾经牢 固约束一个人 的责任感荡然
电子邮件广告方面,在用户注册时,应该询 问用户的意愿,如是否愿意接受以及愿意接 受的电子邮件类型。
另外由于人人网的受众多以学生为主,所以广 告的传播要文明健康,积极向上,避免不能通 过人人广告的审核标准或是被举报。
10 跟传统广告形式相比较,社区圈子活动,P2P人际传播活动等这类的软 性广告和活动,更加突出心理效应,推广方式更容易避免受众的抵触心理, 突出与受众之间的关系,更有利于建立口碑,以及独特的品牌认知,达到 品牌的忠诚度提升。当然,网站自身往往也会推出很多的活动,如果企业 品牌结合进行赞助,这时候往往得到的媒体广告资源也会更多。 投放广告后应先关注投放的广告效果,再决定是否继续投放广告,严 格控制预算和出价,控制性价比。若是以日志、相册等方式宣传产品, 也应注意广告投放时间不宜过长,否则容易引起受众的倦怠性以及反 感。
光粉底液就以游戏奖品的形式出现,参与者在潜移默化的形式下接受产品信息,进 对产品及品牌留下印象。
4. 链 接 式 广 告
这种广告的主要功能是提供通向厂商指定的页面或站点的链接服务,形式多 样,一般幅面很小,可以是一个小图片,小动画,也可以是一个提示性的标 题或文本中的热子。只要受众根据自己的兴趣点击任意感兴趣的标题或关键 字,就可以进入链接的页面。人人网登录页面的中部下方位置,有蓝色字体 的“招聘”,就属于文字链接式广告。由于人人网目前的在线群体大多是学 生,也有部分白领阶层,因而在此发布招聘信息具有相当程度的针对性,目 标受众具体,既宣传了产品,同时也为大学生就业提供了机会。
由于互联网广告具有传统平面和电视广告不具备的互动性和 参与性,因此要更好的强化自身的角色功能,而不仅仅是简 单的品牌曝光。甚至传统广告可以围绕线上互动活动开展。 12在网友传播时要加以监测和引导,借助于网民自 发自主的传播,信息的传播往往会超出企业主的控 制,如果缺乏有效的监测和引导,往往会适得其反。
Existence of initial data satisfying the constraints for the spherically symmetric Einstein
ing the Vlasov equation and it will be seen that it gives rise to new mathematical
features compared to those cases studied up to now. The second is connected
1 Introduction
The global dynamical behavior of self-gravitating matter is a subject of central importance in general relativity. A form of matter which has particularly nice mathematical properties is collisionless matter, described by the Vlasov equation. It has the advantage that it lacks the tendency observed in certain other models, such as perfect fluids, that solutions of the equations of motion of the matter lose differentiability after a finite time. These singularities of the mathematical model form an obstacle to further analysis and prevent the study of the global dynamical properties of the solutions. Collisionless matter is free from these difficulties and there is a growing literature on global properties of solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system [1], [8].
Universal unfoldings of Laurent polynomials and tt structures
c 0000 (copyright holder)
Hale Waihona Puke C. SABBAHIntroduction The notion of a tt structure on a holomorphic vector bundle is now understood, after the work of C. Hertling [7], as an enrichment of that of harmonic Higgs bundle previously introduced by N. Hitchin and C. Simpson. Given the Higgs field Φ and the harmonic metric h on the holomorphic bundle E on a complex manifold M , the new ingredients needed for a tt∗ structure are a real structure on the associated C ∞ bundle H , a holomorphic endomorphism U of E and a C ∞ endomorphism Q of H subject to some compatibility relations. In the following, we relax the condition for h to be positive definite, and only ask that it is Hermitian and nondegenerate. When needed, we will emphasize the positive definite case. It has been much enlightening in two ways to interpret (cf. [31]) harmonic Higgs bundles as variations of polarized twistor structures of weight 0: firstly, it makes the analogy with variations of Hodge structures more transparent and, secondly, it enables one to do geometry with the external parameter z added for this purpose. From this point of view, the relations satisfied by the endomorphisms U and Q in a tt∗ structure appear as expressing the complete integrability of a connection on the twistor bundle. A nearby (purely holomorphic) notion, that of a Saito structure, has emerged from the work of K. Saito [23] and M. Saito [25] as a basic tool to produce Frobenius manifolds from singularities of holomorphic functions. While it is already present in [7], the bridge between these two notions is made more transparent in §1 by the introduction of a potential for the Higgs field. When the tt∗ structure exists on the tangent bundle of M , we speak of tt∗ geometry, which is a generalization of special geometries on M . Of particular interest for us is the case where M is a Frobenius manifold. In such a case, a Saito structure exists on the tangent bundle together with supplementary symmetry properties, giving rise to a commutative and associative product with unit on T M . Adding a tt∗ structure in a compatible way (i.e., with the help of a potential for the Higgs field) leads to the structure of harmonic Frobenius manifold. The main result we report here (cf. Theorem 4.7) is the existence of a canonical harmonic structure on the canonical Frobenius manifold attached to a convenient and nondegenerate Laurent polynomial. Moreover, the corresponding Hermitian form is positive definite. In this survey article, which contains no original result, we first give (§§1 and 2) a quick overview of tt∗ structures, Saito structures and variations of twistor structures (a more detailed exposition can be found in [7] and [9]). In §3, we explain the Fourier-Laplace method for constructing polarized pure twistor structures starting from a variation of polarized Hodge structure. In §4, we show how to apply this technique to the Gauss-Manin connection of a Laurent polynomial, with the help of M. Saito’s mixed Hodge theory [26]. One can find details for the results of §§3 and 4 in [19, 22], and many other results and applications in [9]. Acknowledgements. The author thanks Ron Donagi and Katrin Wendland, organizers of the conference “From tQFT to tt∗ and integrability”, for having given him the opportunity to talk about the contents of this article.
Angela 女 21岁
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人造地球卫星的倾斜轨道倾角为(0 ,180)
我军某部发射2 枚GPS制导的地对空导弹,击落了1架来翻的敌侦测机。(F)
Period Measurement of AGB Stars in the Outer Galactic Disk
a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /9911139v 1 9 N o v 1999Period Measurement of AGB Starsin the Outer Galactic DiskJun-ichi Nakashima ,1,2B.W.Jiang ,1,3Shuji Deguchi ,4Kozo Sadakane ,2and Yoshikazu Nakada 51Department of Astronomical Science,The Graduate University for Advanced Studies,Nobeyama Radio Observatory,Minamimaki,Minamisaku,Nagano 384-1305E-mail(JN):junichi@nro.nao.ac.jp2Astronomical Institute,Osaka Kyoiku University,Asahigaoka,Kashiwara,Osaka 582-85823Beijing Astronomical Observatory,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100012,P.R.China4Nobeyama Radio Observatory,Minamimaki,Minamisaku,Nagano 384-13055Kiso Observatory,Institute of Astronomy,Faculty of Science,the University of Tokyo,Mitaka,Tokyo 181-8588(Received ;accepted )AbstractLight variation of the 47AGB star candidates in the outer Galactic disk has been monitored at I–band for 5years.Periods were determined well for 18of them and less reliably for the other 25.The average period of the objects is then 500days.According to the period–luminosity relation,the mean luminosity of the sample stars is 10000L •⊙.Based on the absolute luminosity derived from the period–luminosity relation and the apparent luminosity from the observation,the distances to the objects are determined.The distances calculated are slightly greater than those obtained previously on the assumption of constant luminosity of 8000L •⊙.In addition,SiO maser emission was detected for most of the observed objects so that their radial velocities were known accurately.With the assumption of circular rotation in the Galactic disk,the rotation curve and Oort’s constants were derived.Key words:Stars:distance —Stars:late-type —Stars:long-period variables —Stars:stellar dynamics —Galaxy:kinematics and dynamics1.IntroductionUp to now,kinematical investigations of disk popula-tion stars have been made for groups such as OB stars (Fich et al.1989;Brand &Blitz 1993),cepheids (Pont et al.1994),carbon stars (Metzger &Schchter 1994),young open clusters (Hron 1987),planetary nebulas (Schneider &Terzian 1983).However,because of interstellar ex-tinction in the Galactic disk at optical and near-infrared wavelengths,such work has been limited to regions near the Sun.In contrast to the above nearby disk-stars,a sam-ple of color-selected IRAS sources,the Asymptotic Gi-ant Branch (AGB)star candidates,reaches a distance of about 15kpc from the Sun.These color-selected IRAS AGB candidates very often exhibit OH/SiO maser emis-sion (te Lintel-Hekkert et al.1989;Izumiura et al.1994;Jiang et al.1997);accurate radial velocities of stars have been known from the OH/SiO maser observation.Sys-tematic SiO maser searches for AGB star candidates have been made in a wide galactic-longitude range,and a large number of radial velocities have been accumulated (Izu-miura et al.1994;Jiang et al.1997).If the distances of the AGB candidates are known,the radial velocity data can be used to obtain the circular velocity of the Galaxy.In our previous work,distances to the IRAS AGB candidates were estimated on the assumption of a constant luminosity,8000L •⊙(Jiang et al.1997;Deguchi et al.1998).However,once its period of light variation is known,the luminosity of an individual star can be deter-mined from the period–luminosity relation of Mira-type variables (Feast et al.1989;Hughes &Wood 1990).Us-ing period information,we thus expect on improvement in the accuracy with which the fundamental constants of Galactic kinematics can be found.In this paper,we report a result of the 5-year moni-toring observations of light variation in the I–band for 47objects.In the I–band,AGB variables have large vari-No.]Distances of AGB Stars1ation amplitude compared with those at J,H,K.The period can be found relatively easily.We obtained well-determined pulsation periods for18objects.Distances were then estimated from the period–luminosity relation by the two different methods(see section3.2).Estimated distances are compared with those obtained in the previ-ous work.The observed sources are located at l=90◦to 230◦,i.e.,in the outer disk region of the Galaxy,where the presence of halo dark matter is suspected from the flat rotation curve.We plot the rotation curve of the outer disk using our sample.In the past,some the pe-riod measurements were done,in the direction of Bulge (Glass et al.1995;Whitelock et al.1991),and the south polar cap(Whitelock et al.1994).The observations in this paper are thefirst systematic period measurement of Miras on the direction of the outer disk of the Galaxy.2.Observation and Data ReductionThe photometric monitoring observations were carried out using the105/150cm Schmidt telescope at Kiso Ob-servatory,University of Tokyo during1994-1997,and the51cm Cassegrain telescope at Osaka Kyoiku Univer-sity during1997-1998.The CCD camera which was attached to the Schmidt telescope at Kiso Observatory contained a TI Japan TC215chip with an array size1024×1024pixsels.Thefield of view was12.′5×12.′5and one pixsel was0.′′75on the sky.The CCD images were taken in both V and Ifilters for every source at Kiso Ob-servatory.The limiting magnitudes at Kiso were about 20mag in the V–band and19mag in the I–band.In the Kiso photometric system,the V–filter was the same as that in the Johnson system,but the I–filter was centered at8200˚A,bluer than9000˚A of the Johnson system (Jiang1997).The telescope at Osaka Kyoiku Univer-sity had F/12Cassegrain focus and the detector was a liquid–nitrogen cooled CCD camera using an EEV88200 chip with an array size of1152×770pixels.The camera had afield of view of14.′8×10.′1,and it was equipped with Johnson V and Cousin R and I interferencefilters. We used the2×2binning mode(1.′′54pixsels on the sky) throughout the observation at Osaka Kyoiku University. The limiting magnitude at Osaka Kyoiku University was about18mag in the I–band.The CCD images were taken only in one band(I–band)at Osaka Kyoiku University except for calibration images which were taken in both R and Ifilters.The observations were done at Kiso from July1994to January1997,and at Osaka from May1997to November 1998.During the observations at Osaka,we made a color-calibration observation at both Kiso(at September1997) and Osaka(from September1998to November1998). The observation log is given in the Table1where the IRAS name and Julian dates of observations for all the sources are listed.The seeing sizes were typically3′′at both Kiso and Osaka.For the purpose of studying the stellar kinematics and the Galactic rotation,individual light variation periods (to determine the absolute luminosities using period–luminosity relation)and radial velocities are required. Therefore,we needed to choose the candidate Mira-type variables and@SiO maser emitters according to suitable criteria.The sources in the present paper are taken from the list of IRAS sources selected by Jiang et al.(1996). They are the AGB star candidates and are identified in the I–band.They were chosen in terms of1)position (Galactic longitude@between90◦and230◦,Galactic lat-itude between−10◦and10◦),2)theflux qualities(333 at12,25and60µm),3)the IRAS12µmflux density (brighter than3Jy),4)the color C12≡log10(F25/F12), where F12and F25are the IRASflux density at12µm and25µm,(between−0.3and0.3),5)the IRAS vari-ability index(larger than50,Beichman et al.1985).In total,121objects were selected by these criteria.@As a next step,47objects were further selected according to the following criteria,6)previously unknown optical Mi-ras candidates according to the SIMBAD database,7) light variation of the optical(I)counterpart larger than 0.2mag,and freedom from nebulosity(Jiang et al.1996). The positions of the selected stars are known to better than1arcsec and thefinding charts are given by Jiang et al.(1996).The data reduction was performed in a standard way by using the DIGIPHOT and ASTUTIL packages inside the IRAF software package.All the images were de-biased and thenflat-fielded with normalized domeflat images.In each imagefield,5comparison stars for pho-tometric calibration were chosen,within a few arc min-utes around the object.We tried to pick up compar-ison stars having colors as similar as possible to those of the objects in order to reduce the differences between Kiso,Osaka and standard photometric systems.Figure 1shows an example of objectfield images,where C1, C2etc.,denote the photometric comparison stars.Light variation of the objects at I–band can be easily recogniz-able in Figure1.Differential photometry were performed between the comparison stars,and those with light vari-ation larger than0.1mag were rejected for further use as photometric calibration.The magnitudes of comparison stars were obtained by reference to the equatorial stan-dard stars(Landolt1992).Only data obtained on pho-tometric nights were adopted.The standardized magni-tudes of the program objects were then determined by differential photometry with respect to the comparison stars.Figure2displays the photometric results of the47 objects.The normal observational spans are1500days and the number of data points for each source is about 20.The mean I magnitudes,the amplitudes of variation, the number of data points,and the observational time baselines are listed in Table2.2J.Nakashima et al.[Vol.,Fig.1.Examples of I–band images of objectfields.Up-per panels show thefield of IRAS00336+6744.Lower panels are thefield of IRAS04402+3426.Photometric comparison stars are shown by sym-bols as C1–C5.Images were taken by the51cmCassegrain telescope,at Osaka Kyoiku University.3.Period and Distance Determinations3.1.Period DeterminationThe period was determined using the Phase Dispersion Minimization(PDM)method(Stellingwerf1978).The PDM method is well suited to the case of nonsinusoidal time variation covered by only a few irregularly spaced observations.Because our observation is interrupted by the summer season and sometimes also by bad weather during the season when the objects are visible in the night sky,the photometric points are not regularly spaced in time.The type of time variation is presumed known.The PDM method is applied to determine the period of the objects observed.In the PDM method,the data are di-vided by the trial period and ordered in according to the period.Then the average light curve(in a small span) and the dispersion of the data around it are calculated. The minimum value of the dispersion is searched over a range of trial periods.The results of PDM analysis of the observational data are shown in column6,7and8of Table2,which contain the period,the uncertainty in the period and the date of the light maximum respectively, for each object.As can be seen from Table2,some of the period are determined well and some are not,which mainly depends on the parameter theta(normalized dis-persion)during the PDM analysis.As an example,Fig-ure3shows the behavior of theta in both cases of well-defined and uncertain periods.The horizontal axis is the trial period and the vertical axis is the normalized phaseFig.2.The I–band light curves of the47color-selected IRAS PSC sources(names labeled at the lower-light corner).The dots represent the observationalpoints.The solid curve in the diagram is a third-order Fourierfit to the data points,with the pe-riod determined by the PDM method.The periodis shown at upper-right corner when it is well de-fined.dispersion at the trial period.The minima of the phase dispersion indicate candidates for the real period.When the primary minimum of theta is smaller than0.5and twice or more deeper than the secondary minimum,and the corresponding period is shorter than700days,the re-sults are considered to be the true period.In the case of the periods over700days,which is roughly a half the ob-servational span,a large uncertainty is involved because the observational time span is too short.In the theta di-agram,the line profile near the minimum is taken to be parabolic.If we extrapolate this parabola to theta=1, the half width(δP)for the line is given approximately by(Stellingwerf1978);∆P≃P2No.]Distances of AGB Stars3 Figure4shows the histogram of the light variationperiods of the objects.The upper panel shows thehistogram for stars with well-determined period.Thelower panel is for all sources including uncertain peri-ods.The peak of period distribution is at450–500day in the histogram of the present sample.If we rely onthe period–luminosity relation for Miras(Hughes&Wood1990;Feast et al1989),a period420day corresponds toabout8000L•⊙.As far as the present sample is concerned,the mean value of periods tends to be slightly larger than420days.Almost all solutions with a short period(∼100-200days)in the lower panel are false,because of insuffi-cient time resolution.Among these short period sources,however,as far as00336+6744is concerned,the solu-tion satisfies the period detection criteria.Some sourceswith the period longer than700day can be seen in thelower panel of Figure4.These long-period sources werecounted as uncertain,because of insufficient observationtime baseline for calculation by the PDM method.From Figure4,it can be seen that the detection rate of SiO masers is the highest for sources at the period400-500 days.Whitelock et al.(1991)pointed out the absence of periods around350day,in their work in the direction of the Bulge.In our result concerning the direction of the outer disk,the absence Miras around350day can also be seen as well(see Figure4and5).Figure5shows a period–color(C12)diagram.No clear correlation between period and IRAS color can be seen. The data points in Figure5are divided into2groups, namely,a short-period group around200days and a long-period group around500days.It is possible to make the interpretation that the short-period group sources pul-sate in thefirst-overtone mode which is dominant in Mi-ras.Unfortunately,however,most of short period sources did not satisfy the period detection criteria because of in-sufficient time resolution.High time-resolution data are needed to determine the mode of pulsation.The pulsa-tional mode of Miras is a highly controversial issue and remains uncertain(Wood and Sebo1996).3.2.Luminosity CalculationsThe luminosity can be computed from the observed pe-riod and the period–luminosity relation.The luminosity of each individual source has been determined from two slightly different period–luminosity relations.These are period to I magnitude relation(Feast et al1989;Reid et al1988),and the period to bolometric magnitude relation (Hughes&Wood1990;Feast et al1989).Both of these relations were determined from observations of Miras in the LMC.The period–luminosity relation of Miras de-pends on the C/O abundance ratio within the envelope (Feast et al1989).Whether an object is C-rich or O-rich was judged from its IRAS Low Resolution SpectrumFig.3.Examples of theta diagram of the PDM anal-ysis.The left panels show the sources with well-determined periods,the right panels show sourceswith undetermined period.Fig.4.Histogram of period.The upper panel shows the histogram of period for the sources with well-determined period.The lower panel shows the his-togram for all sources,i.e.,it includes the sourceswith uncertain period.(Olnon et al.1986),by detection of the SiO/OH/H2O maser lines(Jiang et al.1997),by the HCN maser line (Loup et al.1993),or by its optical spectrum(Jiang 1997).The assignment to C-rich or O-rich type is shown in column8of Table3.Most of the sources with well-determined periods are found to have O-rich circum-4J.Nakashima et al.[Vol.,Fig.5.Plot of period against IRAS color(C12).Small symbols indicate the sources with uncertain period,that is,these sources did not satisfy the period de-termination criteria.(see text)stellar envelope except for four sources:02272+6327, 05273+2019,05452+2001and05484+3521.The C/O ratio of02272+6327is unknown,while the latter three have C-rich envelopes and their absolute magnitude could not be calculated from their I–band magnitudes because the period to I–band magnitude relation for C-rich Miras was not yet well determined.We adopted the following period–luminosity relations(Hughes&Wood1990;Feast et al.1998;Reid et al.1988)to calculate the luminosities of the objects:I abs=−1.23log P−1.51(σ=0.42)(2) for O-rich stars,M bol abs=−2.91log P+2.59(σ=0.32)(3) for O-rich stars with P<450day,M bol abs=−7.76log P+15.40(σ=0.38)(4) for O-rich stars with P>450day,M bol abs=−1.86log P+0.26(σ=0.13)(5) for C-rich stars,where I abs and M bol abs are average I–band absolute magnitude and bolometric absolute mag-nitude,respectively,andσis the standard deviation of the absolute magnitudes.The luminosity of each star can also be obtained from M bol abs by the following equation (Zombeck1982).M bol abs−4.72=−2.5log(L/L•⊙)(6)The calculated absolute I magnitude and absolute bolo-metric magnitude of the objects from both relations are shown in column2and3of Table3.The absolute I-magnitude are left blank due to the lack of period–I-band absolute magnitude relation.It is known that the slope of the period–luminosity relation of Miras slightly changes at the period of about 450days as indicates in Equations(3)and(4)(Hughes& Wood1990).These relations were obtained from near-infrared observations;most of the energy of the AGB stars is radiated at infrared wavelengths.In contrast, Equations(2)and(5)do not involve this slope change at longer periods.This is because the observations used in deriving equations(2)and(5)were made by photo-graphic plates(Reid et al.1988)which were not sensi-tive enough to the red stars with long periods,i.e.,the number of objects with longer periods was insufficient to reveal the change of slope.In addition,we should be note that I-band period-luminosity relation is likely to be somewhat affected by metallicity difference between LMC and our Galaxy(Feast1996).3.3.Distance Calculations and ResultsDistance is an important fundamental parameter and difficult to determine accurately.Taking the known ab-solute and apparent magnitude,we can estimate the dis-tance of the objects relatively accurately.The distances were calculated by two different methods,one using I magnitude,and the other using the bolometric magni-tude and IRAS12/25micron ratio.3.3.1.METHOD1The distance of each source is determined from the dif-ference between the apparent and absolute I–band mag-nitudes.At the wavelength of the I–band,interstellar extinction corrections must be applied;m−M−A(D)=5log[D/(10pc)](7) where A(D)means the interstellar extinction up to the distance D and m and M are the apparent and absolute magnitude,respectively.Here,two different extinction models are used to define the functional form of A(D). Thefirst model assumes a homogeneus dust distribution on the line of sight(MODEL1),i.e.,the extinction in-creases with distance;A(D)=a(l)D(8) where a(l),the extinction per unit distance,depends on galactic longitude l.It is taken from the optical obser-vations of nearby open clusters within1kpc(Chen et al.1998)and computed for every10degrees in galactic longitude.It varies in the range0.52-1.17mag kpc−1. The known extinction ratio A I/A V(He et al.1995)isNo.]Distances of AGB Stars5 used to convert the extinction in the V–band to that inthe I–band.An alternative model assumes an exponential dust dis-tribution(MODEL2),αI(D)=0.776(mag/kpc)exp[−r−r0z h](9)where r and z are the galactocentric distance and height from the galactic plane,r h and z h are the scale height in radial and perpendicular directions,and r0and z0are the galactocentric distance and height from the galactic plane at the Sun,respectively.We adopt the values,r h= 3.4kpc,z h=40pc,r0=8.5kpc,z0=−14pc(Unavane et al.1998,Kerr&Lynden-Bell1986).The Extinction A(D)is the integration over distance asA(D)= D0αI(D′)dD′(10)The results of distance calculation using Equation(7), (8),(9)and(10),are given in Table4.In Table4, Columns2and4show the calculated distances and columns3and5show the interstellar extinction up to the calculated distance,for models1and2,respectively. The symbol∗in Table4denotes distances further than 10kpc.These apparently large distance may result from, for instance,presence of dust clouds in the line of sight, or from large circumstellar extinction at the star itself. However,no clear evidence of dust clouds in the line of sight of these sources appears in the SIMBAD data base. Figure6shows the positions of the observed sources pro-jected onto the Galactic plane,using the distances calcu-lated by METHOD1.3.3.2.METHOD2In this method,the distance is calculated from the IRAS12µmflux density and the luminosity(which is cal-culated from the absolute bolometric magnitude).The bolometricflux is calculated from the IRAS12µmflux data using a bolometric correction.The relation between the bolometricflux and the IRAS12µmflux is given byF bol=2.5×10−10(erg/s)(BC)12(F12/Jy)(11) where F bol,F12and(BC)12are the bolometricflux,the IRAS12µmflux density,and the bolometric correction, respectively.Approximate formula for(BC)12is given by(van der Veen&Breukers1989)(BC)12=0.7+2.9e−7.5×C12+0.9e1.75×C12(12) The distance can then be calculated asD bol=6J.Nakashima et al.[Vol.,Fig.7.The same as Figure 6but using the distancescalculated by METHOD 2.for METHOD 1(MODEL 1),Θ=220km s −1−15.4(±7.7)km s −1kpc −1×(R −R 0)kpc (15)for MEHOD 2,where R 0equals 8.5kpc.The slope of the rotation curves found in this study tend to be flatter than those obtained previously (Jiang et al.1996).From the rotation curves,the Oort’s constants are computed to be:A =17.5(±3.7)km s −1kpc −1,B =−8.4(±3.7)km s −1kpc −1(for METHOD 1),A =20.6(±3.9)km s −1kpc −1,B =−5.2(±3.9)km s −1kpc −1(for METHOD 2).These value differs slightly from those found in previous investigations,for instance stud-ies of OB star and Cepheid (Frink et al.1996),and IAU standard value (A =15km s −1kpc −1,B =−10km s −1kpc −1)(Kerr &Lynden-Bell 1986).Unfor-tunately,it is difficult to discuss the difference in detail,because of the small size of the present sample.The distances calculated by METHOD 1contain large errors because of the interstellar extinction corrections.Judging from the distribution of nearby interstellar clouds (Chen et al.1998),the errors involved in distance calculation are estimated as a few kpc .On the other hand,interstellar extinction corrections are not needed in the case of METHOD 2.Therefore METHOD 2should give a better distance than METHOD 1.Errors in the case of METHOD 2are estimated at 30%from the uncer-tainties in the period–luminosity relation and observed magnitudes.In the distance calculation of METHOD 2,we rely on the assumption that all energy of a source is radi-ated in the mid-infrared wavelength region.However,the luminosities which are used in this method may Fig.8.The rotation curve of the outer disk,for meth-ods 1(MODEL 1)and 2.The solid lines are fitted to the points corresponding to objects with well-determined periods.be slightly higher than the mid-infrared luminosities bythemselves,because part of the energy is also radiated atnear-infrared and visible wavelengths.In order to obtain more accurate luminosity distances,we need to know the spectral energy distribution of each source.According to the period–luminosity relation,objects at 8000L •⊙have a pulsation period of 420days.A constantvalue of 8000L •⊙was therefore used to determine theluminosity distance in our previous work.On the other hand,the mean pulsation period of objects found in this work is about 500day,which corresponds to 10000L •⊙.5.Conclusion In this paper,we have reported the results of pho-tometric observations to determine the distances of the AGB stars using the period luminosity relation.Periods were well determined for about 18sources of 47color-selected AGB candidates,distributed in the outer disk of the Galaxy.The mean value of the pulsation period is about 500day,which corresponds to 10000L •⊙according to the period–luminosity relation.This is slightly more luminous than the value of 8000L •⊙which was used to de-termine luminosity distance in previous works.Distances were calculated by two different methods,viz.METHOD 1and 2.The results from METHOD 1contain large uncertainty,because of the interstellar extinction correc-tions.METHOD 2is more reliable than METHOD 1,because interstellar extinction corrections are not needed.No.]Distances of AGB Stars7Characteristics of individual objects are also deter-mined;IRAS00336+6744is the only object which sat-isfies the criteria of period determination amongst the objects with PDM solution shorter than300days;IRAS 04209+4800potentially has a pulsation period longer than800day.But period determination criteria were not always satisfied in the present analysis,because of the insufficient time span of the observations.The authors thank the staffof Kiso observatory and Astronomical Institute,Osaka Kyoiku Univ.,for their help during the long term observations.They also thank I.S.Glass for reading the manuscript and the comments. One of the authors(B.W.J.)received a Japanese gov-ernment scholarship for foreign students.This research was supported by the Grant in-aid for Scientific Research (C)No.08640337and10640238of Ministry of Education, Science,Sports and Culture.ReferencesAlves D.,Alcock C.,Marshall S.,Minniti D.,Allsman R., Axelrod T.,Freeman K.,Peterson B.et al.1998,IAUS 190,47Arimoto J.,Sadakane K.1996,Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku Univ.(III),45(1),131Bedding T.R.,Zijlstra A.A.1998,ApJL506,47Beichman C.A.,Neugebauer G.,Habing H.J.,Clegg P.E.,Chester T.J.1985,IRAS Catalogues&Atlases Explanatory Supplement,US Government Printing Of-fice,Washinton DCBessell M.S.1990,PASP102,1181Binney J.,Dehnen W.1997,MNRAS287,L5Brand J.,Blitz L.1993,A&A275,67Burton W.B.,Gordon M.A.1978,A&A63,7Caldwell J.A.R.,Coulson I.M.1985,MNRAS212,879Chen B.,Vergely J.L.Valette B.,Carraro G.1998,A&A 336,137Clemens D.P.1985,ApJ295,422Deguchi S.,Matsumoto S.,Wood P.R.1998,PASJ50,597 Feast M.W.1996,MNRAS278,11Feast M.W.,Glass I.S.,Whitelock P.A.,Catchpole R.M.1989, MNRAS241,375Fernie J.D.1989,PASP101,225Fich M.,Blitz L.,Stark A.A.1989,ApJ342,272Frink S.,Fuchs B.,Roeser S.,Wielen R.1996,A&A314,430 Glass I.S.,Whitelock P.A.,Catchpole R.M.,Feast M.W.1995, MNRAS273,383He L.,Whittet D.C.B.,Kilkenny D.,Jones J.H.S.1995,ApJS 101,335Hron J.1987,A&A176,34Hughes S.M.G.,Wood P.R.1990,AJ99,784Izumiura H.1990,Ph.D.thesis,Univ.of TokyoIzumiura H.,Deguchi S.,Hashimoto O.,Nakada Y.,Onaka T.,Ono T.,Ukita N.,Yamamura I.1994,ApJ437,419 Jewell P.R.,Snyder L.E.,Walmsley C.M.,Wilson T.L.,Gen-sheimer P.D.1991,A&A242,211Jiang B.W.1998,PASP110,214Jiang B.W.,Deguchi S.,Nakada Y.1996,AJ111,231Jiang B.W.,Deguchi S.,Hu J.Y.,Yamashita T.,NishiharaE.,Matsumoto S.,Nakada Y.1997,AJ113,1315Jiang B.W.,Deguchi S.,Yamamura I.,Nakada Y.,Cho S.H., Yamagata T.1996,ApJS106,463Kerr F.J.,Lynden-Bell D.1986,MNRAS221,1023Landolt A.U.1992,AJ104,340Lee S.G.,Kim E.,Lee H.M.1994,J.Korean Astro.Soc.27,133 Loup C.,Forveille T.,Omont A.,Paul J.F.1993,A&AS99, 291Merrifield M.R.1992,AJ103,1552Metzger M.R.,Schechter P.L.1994,ApJ420,177 Nakashima J.,Deguchi S.,Izumiura H.1999,to be published Nemec A.F.L.,Nemec J,M,1985,AJ90,2317Olnon F.M.,Raimond E.,and IRAS Science Team1986, A&AS65,607Pont F.,Mayor M.,Burki G.1994,A&A285,415Reid N.,Glass I.S.,Catchpole R.M.1988,MNRAS232,53 Schneider S.E.,Terzian Y.1983,ApJL274,L61Sofue Y.astro-ph/9808011Stellingwerf R.F.1978,ApJ224,953te Lintel-Hekkert P.,Versteege-Hensel H.A.,Habing H.J., Wiertz M.1989,A&AS78,399Unavane M.,Gilmore G.,Epchtein N.,Simon G.,Tiphene D., de Batz B.1998,MNRAS295,119van der Veen W.E.C.J.,Breukers R.J.L.H.1989,A&A213,133 van Leeuwen F.,Feast M.W.,Whitelock P.A.,Yudin B.1997, MNRAS287,955Walker G.1987,Astronomical Observations,Cambridge Univ.Press,p.47Whitelock P.A.,Feast M.W.,Catchpole R.M.1991,MNRAS 248,276Whitelock P.A.,Menzies J.,Feast M.W.,Marang F.,CarterB.,Roberts G.,Catchpole R.M.,Chapman J.1994,MN-RAS267,711Wood P.R.,Sebo K.M.1996,MNRAS282,958Zombeck M.V.1982,Hand Book of Space Astronomy&As-trophysics,Cambridge Univ.Press,p.102。
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2008 年人人网推出开放平台战略以后,大量第三方网络公司、编程爱好者为人人网开发了网页版互联网小应用程序和网页游戏,大量的社会化网络游戏为用户之间的互动提供了更多更丰富的途径,也推动了中国互联网平台化方向的发展。
人人网人人网logo 人人网是由千橡集团将旗下著名的校内网更名而来。
人人网为整个中国互联网用户提供服务的SNS 社交网站,给不同身份的人提供了一个互动交流平台,提高用户之间的交流效率,通过提供发布日志、保存相册、音乐视频等站内外资源分享等功能搭建了一个功能丰富高效的用户交流互动平台。
公司名称:人人 外文名称:R enren Inc 成立时间: 2010年12月”千橡互动“正式更名“人人公司” 经营范围: 网络信息服务 公司性质: 外商独资 目录展开编辑本段LOGO含义人人网首席执行官陈一舟LOGO由两个抽象的人字变形,人字成圈形寓意每个人的人际圈,同时俩个人字中间发生交集。
编辑本段网站来源人人网站(renren. com)于1999年5月创立。
一、研究背景1,社交网络的兴起社交网络即社交网络服务,源自英文SNS(Social Network Service)的翻译,中文直译为社会性网络服务或社会化网络服务,意译为社交网络服务。
社交网络含义包括硬件、软件、服务及应用,由于四字构成的词组更符合中国人的构词习惯,因此人们习惯上用社交网络来代指SNS(Social Network Service)。
社交服务网站的发展验证了“六度分隔理论”(Six Degrees of Separation),即“人际关系脉络方面你必然可以通过不超出六位中间人间接与世上任意先生女士相识”。
图 1 社交网络发展的四个阶段社交网络发展的进程如下图所示:图 2 社交网络发展的进程从图中,可以看出,当前是社交网络发展快速膨胀发展的一个时期,无论是用户人数还是商业价值上都在快速增长。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
人造地球卫星的倾斜轨道倾角为______ 运载火箭大多向东发射,这主要是利用()来获取一定的惯性力,降低推进剂的消耗人造地球卫星倾斜轨道的轨道倾角为____. 以侦测敌人的雷达和电台的位置以及频率等有关参数为主要任务的人造地球卫星叫电子侦察卫星。
敌方雷达波长50CM,我方播撒箔条的长度为(25CM )时效果最好。
对敌人无线电台进行有效干扰必须使我方_________对准敌方接收设备的_______ 电子战争中我方尽可能采用小功率电台,其产生的效果是_______。
无线电通信侦查中的测向是指_____. 激光技术在激光形成过程中激励源的作用是____实现粒子数反转的。
激光行程中激励源的作用是------- 雨雪天,激光武器使用效果不佳的原因是()。
F 航天技术1、我国60年代发射了....(忘了具体数据,反正是正确数据)地球同步轨道通讯卫星。
T 激光技术1、大气激光通信保密性好,是因为它辐射的无线电波不易被探测。
F || 三.选择题(单选或多选)精确制导技术1、我军发现一架来犯敌机,在有效距离内,当即发射____导弹,将敌机击落。
(2232 7.9公里/秒;2332 大于7.9公里/秒;2323 小于7.9公里/秒;3222 0公里/秒;)电子对抗1、战时我通信站发现一敌人电台信号,立即对其实施同频率干扰,这种方式叫做____干扰(2323扫频式;3332欺骗式;3323瞄准式;2322阻塞式;2333杂波)2、雷达要实现侦察的条件3、雷达干扰的条件4、箔条的干扰类型5、某侦察机飞临敌人阵地上空侦查时,受敌方地面雷达跟踪,飞行员撒下干扰箔条,此种手段叫()干扰。
(第三代热像仪;SR微光夜视仪;第四代微光夜视仪;HBG主动式红外夜视仪)夜视观察敌方经过伪装的坦克和装甲车辆,可使用2322 夜视仪。