6011431857 SID-UV1ZB 6111431022 SID-UV1ZC 6012431877 SID-UV1ZBB 6011431869 SID-UV1ZP-RASTA 6112431050 SID-UV1ZP-RASTA 6012431883 SID-UV1ZP-RASTB 1015300205 STANDFUSSDREHBARRAL9006P 1016786000 STANDFUSSEINFACHA 6301106065 T-06N/SC 6301262039 T-62N/SB 6301167054 T-67N/SB 6301268028 T-68NC 6402169038 T-69N(KA)/SB 6301269031 T-69N/SC 6116469043 TI2-A1ZKSB 6116469068 TI2-A1ZKSP 产品描述 Z2FS 型阀门采用夹层板设计,是一种双节流止回阀。它用于一个或两个执行器端口的主流量或先导流量 限制。 两个彼此对称对齐的节流止回阀在一个方向上流动并允许在相反方向上的自由回流。 在供应节流的情况下,液压流体通过通道 A6 经由阀座(2)和节流阀芯(3)形成的节流点(1)引导至致 动器 A6。节流阀芯(3)可以通过固定螺丝(4)轴向调节,以调节节流点(1)。 来自致动器 A?的液压流体返回流动使阀座(2)在节流阀芯(3)的方向上抵靠弹簧(5)移动,并且使得 无阻碍的流动作为止回阀。根据安装位置,可能在供应或排放中发生节流效应。 主流限制(版本“2Q”)
安装前,应将阀门作一检查,核对规格型号,鉴定有无损坏,尤其对于阀杆。还要转动几下,看是否歪斜, 因为运输过程中,最易撞歪阀杆。还要清除阀内的杂物。
当温度低于-25°C时须用丁腈橡胶轴密封圈(允许温度范围: 01
增加吸油口S的出口压ዡ力ၠpabዹs或让Vڇg ≤ᇮVg mĂax时ۨ允ଉ许的ԭ转Ă速ՎଉԭĂ
63 … 582
– 6)
01 02 03 04 05
/60 博世力士乐 | 行走机械液压
A11VO | RC 92 500/06.04
项目开始前,有关液压油的选择和应用条件请参见本公 司的样本活页RC 90220(矿物油),RC 90221(环保液压 油)和RC 90223(HF难燃液压油)
按 ISO 4406的20/18/15级
液压油处于高温时(90°C至最高115°C),最低的清洁度 等级为
温度在-25°C至-40°C,应当采取特殊措施,请与我公司 联系。低温操作时的详细信息,请参见RC 90300-03-B。
ټሁ੦ ֮ߌد੦
੦ LR
੦ LR3
੦ LG1
ኟ੦ LG2
ۉጱሁ 12V
੦ LE1
੦ LE2
z2s6 样本说明文档
4 用于阀安装的通孔
5 油口 A,B,P 和 T 带相同的密封圈
6 定位销 ISO 8752-3x8-St(仅限 "/62" 型号)
7 螺塞 SW22
阀安装螺钉(单独订购) 4 颗内六角螺钉 ISO 4762 - M5 - 10.9 4 颗内六角螺钉 N10-24 UNC
注意: 必须根据在截止阀上下安装的组件来选择叠加阀板的阀安装螺钉长度。 根据应用,必须对螺钉类型和紧固扭矩进行调整使其适合各种情况。 有关螺钉所需长度的信息,请咨询力士乐。
注意! 理想密封材料的选择(请参阅第 2 页的订货代码)也取决 于所用液压油的类型。
Bosch Rexroth AG,RC 21548,版本:2013-06
单向阀 | Z2S 7/10
特性曲线 (使用 HLP46 测量,ϑ油 = 40 ± 5 °C [104 ± 9 °F])
压差(bar)[psi] →
单向阀 | Z2S 11/10
Bosch Rexroth AG Hydraulics Zum Eisengießer 1 97816 Lohr am Main, 德国 电话 +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de
Rexroth Rexroth力士乐液压泵样本说明力士乐液压泵样本说明A11VO 2177-e / 08.99上海市东洋液压油泵有限公司联系人:江海电话:021-******** 400-001-8191传真:021-********手机:158********QQ :397049931QQ :2269925193网址: 邮箱:shdypump@地址:上海市嘉定区安亭镇墨玉路28号嘉正国际1301-1305邮编:201805认识A11V(L)OL)O各种控制块泵头阀通轴驱动吸油离心泵可选的泵摆角指示器Size A11VO40607595130190260A11VLO130190260 Speed 30003000270025502350210021001800250025002300350 / 400 barPressure 350 / 400 bar认识A11V (L)O L)O制造商订货型号生产日期轴向柱塞元件的材料号 序列号旋向(从轴端看,此处为逆时针 )A11VO ControllersA11VLO...LRDS功率调节螺钉负载敏感压差压力切断最小排量调节最大排量调节A11VO Controllers Load Sensing LRDS负载感应压力切断功率调节主控制阀块 M4, M7(负载感应节流孔)∆porificeA11VO Controllers恒功率调节原理F1*L1=F2*L2F1*L1=C-恒定值(P*A)*L1=C(P*A)*q=CP*Q=C/AP*Q=功率=恒定值油泵的安装和初次启动过程中的注意事项�液压系统装配前,必须保证油箱、胶管、接头等元件清洁。
DBDS6G1X/50K14 溢流阀,
DBDS10G1X/100 溢流阀,
DBDS10G1X/20 溢流阀,
HED80A1X/50K14 压力继电器
PV7-1X/63-71REO7MCO-14A1 泵
DR10-5-52/20YM 溢流阀,
DR6DP2-5X/75YM 溢流阀,
DGMX2-3-PA-CW-B-40 溢流阀,
DGMPC-7-ABK-BAK-11 液控单向阀,
DG4V-3S-2N-M-U-H5-60 电磁阀,
DGMC-5-PT-FW-B-30 溢流阀,
DGMX2-5-PP-FW-B-30 溢流阀,
DBW10B-1- 安全阀,
4WE6J-L10/AG24NS- 电磁阀,
4WEH16B7X/6EG24N9ETK4+2XZ4 电磁换向阀,
DB10-3-52-/315 溢流阀,
M-3SEW6C35/420MG24N9K4 电磁球阀,
ZDR10VP5-3X/200YMV 减压阀,
M4SC-055-3NOO-A502 液压马达(小)
M4SD-113-3NOO-B502 液压马达(大)
DB20-2-52/200 溢流阀,
DBW30-B2-52/3506EG24N9K4/12 电磁溢流阀,
DBW20B2-52/315S6EG24N9K4R12 电磁溢流阀,
DBW30-B2-52/200S6EG24N9K4R12 电磁溢流阀,
S20A1.0 单向阀,
4WRTE16W6-200L-41/6EG24EK31/F1M 主比例阀,
Z2FS6-4X/S2 双单向节流阀,
B → T:qV /2 A → T:qV B → T:堵塞
A → T:qV
注意:符号为 W6-,W8-,W9-,W6A 时,A → T 和 B → T 的连接距离在切换位置 "0" 的各公称剖面的 2 % 以下。
4/28 Bosch Rexroth AG Hydraulics
.WRZ;.WRZE;.WRH RC 29115/08.13
= 无代码 =E
= ET =T
RC 29115/08.13 .WRZ;.WRZE;.WRH
Hydraulics Bosch Rexroth AG
M = V = 无代码 = D3 1)=
A1 = F1 = 无代码 =
K4 1, 4)=
K31 1, 4)=
1)不适用于型号 4WRH 2)适用于型号 "J" → "N",不适用于 "N9"
不带电气位置反馈,不带/带集成电子 RC 29115/08.13 1/28
型号 .WRZ…,.WRZE… 和 .WRH…
规格 10 至 52 组件系列 7X 最大工作压力 350 bar 最大流量 2800 l/min
型号 4WRH…-7X./… 和 型号 4WRH 52…-7XF/…
a 0b
型号 5WRH 52…-7X. AB
a 0b
X = 外部 Y = 外部
X = 外部 Y = 外部
液压阀样本----500f39f6-7161-11ec-b616-7cb59b590d7d 最大流量最大使用压力阀孔加工图代码ep08-2a-01-z-04ep08-2a-01-z-05ep10-2a-01-z-05ep12-2a-01-z-05ep16-2a-01-z-05ep19-2a-01-z-05ep17-2a-01-z-05ep21-2a-01-z-05ep20-2a-01-z-05ep13-2a-01-z-05l/min30407015015040701504040l/min20350巴350巴350巴350巴350巴350巴页码12345678910页码11sv-08sv-08sv-10sv-12sv-16o19-eo17-eo21-esv-20t13a阀孔加工图代码最大流量最大使用压力ep08-2a-01-z-052通常闭型附带弹簧最大流量和最大工作压力阀孔加工图代号ep08-2a-01-z-85ep10-2a-01-z-85ep12-2a-01-z-85ep16-2a-01-z-85ep17-2a-01-z-85ep21-2a-01-z-85l/min407015015070150酒吧350350350页码121314151617sv-08sv-10sv-12sv-16o17-eo21-eep08-x-y-z-04扭矩3-4牛米例如:ep08-2a-01-n-04例如:ep08-2a-01-m-04COELEC-04w6662hex.22.2torque25-35nm3/4"-16unf-2a228最大额定压力:最大额定流量:塞孔代码:35030sv-0825-350.13巴尔/明姆克安装扭矩:重量:工作温度:内部泄漏:-40~120℃0.15cc/min(3滴/分)在最大压力350bar时25um或者更好90%额定电压滤波精度:最低电压要求:103040压力-p(巴)121086420线圈必须单独订购。
M和LS之间的∆P为15 bar 时设定
09 14 RC 66152/10.03 | LT RC 64 125/07.05 | 型号 SX
行走机械液压 /4 行走机械液压 | | 博世力士乐 /18
A\B切换至T,阀芯流量为120 L/min时的压差 压差,单位为 bar ����������������������������
���������������������������������� 压差,单位为 bar ��来自��� �� �� ���
�� �
压差,单位为 bar ���������������������
压差,单位为 bar (P - T) ���������������������������
�� ��� ��� ��������������������� 流量,单位为 L/min
优先流量,单位为 L/min �������������������������
09 14 RC 66152/10.03 | LT RC 64 125/07.05 | 型号 SX
行走机械液压 /4 行走机械液压 | | 博世力士乐 /18
概述 结构 说明 型号 安装位置 油口 通径 液压 最大允许流量 泄油流量(at 100 bar, 36 mm2/s) 每个油口的最高工作压力 P, M, LS, D, DL S A, B T 油口的最高控制压力 a, b bar 35 我们建议使用6到25 bar的控制曲线,以及进油压力 (4TH6-70曲线) 液压油
= ν = Z 41 mm 2/s
= = Z 50 = ºC
1 2
!"#$%&10 bar
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123. !"
!"#$%&'()*+,-./"01234 !"#$%&'()*+%,-. qv = 1100 L/min !"#Pmax = 350bar !"#$15bar !"#$%&'()*+,-./#01 p
C F G H P T V Z S) 2)
2) 3)
!"#$%&"'()*+, P pilot ≥ 2 x P tank + P pilot min S !" 16 C, F, G , H, P, T, V, Z !"#P T !" #$!%& ' !" ()*+,-. !P T ! 6.5bar !"#$% !
6) 7)
C, F, G, H, P, T, V, Z, S 2) !"#$ !"#$% 4WEH 10... 280bar H-4WEH 10... 315bar "6A" RE 23 177 !"16, 7X !"6E" RC 23 178
DIN 51 524 8) HL HLP RE 90 221 HETG VDMA 24 568 9) 9) HEES
类型为 WM. 的阀是通过机械,手动方式操作的方向滑阀, 而 WN,WP 和 WHD 类型的阀则是通过流体方式操作的。 这些阀控制流体的启动,停止和方向。 这些方向阀的基本构成为壳体(1),一个启动元件(2.1) (滚轮柱塞,手柄,旋钮)或两个启动元件(2.2)(液压,气 动执行机构),控制阀芯(3)和一个或两个复位弹簧(4)。 在非操作条件下,控制阀芯(3)由复位弹簧(4)固定(在通 过制动器(5)完成旋钮操作的情况下)在中心或初始位置 (带液压或气动启动的脉冲阀芯除外)。 启动元件将控制阀芯(3)移动到所需位置。
内容 特点 订货代码 阀芯符号 启动元件 功能,横截面 技术数据 特性曲线 性能限制 单元尺寸 页码 1 2 3 4,5 6 7,8 9 9 10 至 12
– 直动式方向滑阀 – 启动类型: • 滚轮柱塞 • 手柄 • 旋钮 • 气动 • 液压 – 符合 ISO 4401-05-04-0-05,NFPA T3.5.1 R2 和 ANSI B93-7 D05 的油口安装面 – 有关底板的信息,请参阅样本 RC 45054(单独订购)
=A =C =D
0 P T A B 0 P T
= .A 1)
= .B 1)
= E 1)
A B a P T b A B a P T b
=F =G =B =H =Y =J =L =M =P =Q =R =T =U
– 带阀芯位置 "a" 的阀芯符号 E: 订货代码 ..EA..
=V =W
2.1 X 1 3 4 5
TA 2.2 4 1
A P B 3
TB 4
类型 4WMM 10 E3X/F/...(带制动器)
A轴向柱塞单元名称型号编号版本第二册目录|行走机械液压 1/2⑤定量马达A2FM轴向柱塞定量马达A2FE插装式定量马达定量马达A4FM定量马达A10FM A10FE⑥变量马达轴向柱塞变量马达A6VMA6VE变量插装式马达双排量马达A10VM、插装式⑦常规要求及备件矿物油基液压油液用于轴向活塞件元件的环保型液压RC 91001RC 91008RC 91120RC 91172RC 91604RC 91606RC 91703RC 90220RC 90221A2FMA2FEA4FMA10FM/EA6VMA6VEA10VM/E07.0504.0504.0006.0605.0606.0506.0405.0301.02油HEES、HEPG和HETG使用HF油液的轴向柱塞元件万向轴连接法兰吸油管冲洗与补油阀SV功率阀LABVD平衡阀通用通轴驱动RC 90223RC 95001RC 95004RC 95512RC 95514RC 95522RC 9558111.9911.0002.9712.9809.9905.0312.05 SVLABVDfür A4VSA10VEA 轴向柱塞单元名称 型号 编号 版本⑧ 外啮合齿轮元件⑨ 径向柱塞马达⑩ 减速机2/2 行走机械液压 | 第二册目录外啮合齿轮泵F 型外啮合齿轮泵静音型外啮合齿轮马达液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)径向柱塞马达(多行程)MCR 5型液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)紧凑型静液压传动装置HYDROTRACGFT 用于定量或变量马达紧凑型静液压传动装置HYDROTRAC 带内置液压双速马达A10VT 回速减速机MOBILEX回转驱动MOBILEX GFB 带斜盘马达A10FD回转驱动MOBILEX GFB 适用于变桨和偏航调节卷扬减速机MOBILEX GFT-W 行星减速机REDULUSRC 10089RC 10095RC 14026RC 15205RC 15206RC 15207RC 15208RC 15209RC 77110RC 77111RC 77201RC 77204RC 76111RC 77502RC 76120AZPF AZPSAZMF, AZMN, AZMGMCR03MCR05MCR10MCR15MCR20GFT GFT 7-40GFB GFB GFB GFT-W GMH/GME08.0405.0401.0502.9806.0602.9810.9403.9507.0407.0405.0603.0109.0405.0410.05。
ZDRE-10 力士乐样本
RC 29279/12.10 ZDRE;ZDREE
Hydraulics Bosch Rexroth AG
注意事项 – 在直动式方向阀上,壳体连接面上缺少用于油口 X 和 Y 的 密封件。为防止液压油流出,必须插塞 P2 至 X 的先导供油 以及方向阀和 ZDRE(E)之间的先导泄油(型号 XL)。 – 通过从 P 到 B 的阀芯间隙的泄漏可导致通道 B 中的压力逐 渐增大! – 与 ZDRE(E)结合使用的先导式比例方向阀必须具有外部 先导供油。
� �
� ��
�� � �
� ��
类型 ZDRE(E)10…2X/…XY
类型 ZDRE(E)10…2X/…Y 例如 类型 4WRZ �
例如 类型 4WRE 10 � � � � � � � �
� � � �
�� � �
� ��
�� � �
� ��
类型 ZDRE(E)10…2X/…XL 插塞
先导供油/泄油 Y = 从油口 P2 对方向阀先导供油,对方向阀和 ZDRE 外部先导泄油 XY =对方向阀外部先导供油,对方向阀和 ZDRE 外部 先导泄油 L = 从 P2 对方向阀先导供油,对方向阀内部先导泄油 ZDRE 外部先导泄油 XL = 从 P2 至 X 的先导供油已插塞(直动式方向阀不 需要先导油),方向阀的先导泄油已插塞(直动式 方向阀`不需要先导泄油),对 ZDRE 外部先导泄油 注意: 如果底板上没有提供先导供油,请使用叠加 阀板 HSZ 10 B097-3X/M01 进行供油。
电源电压 公称电压 下限值 上限值 电流消耗 要求的保险丝 输入 输出 电压 电流 实际电流值 符合 EN 60529 的阀防护类型 VDC VDC VDC A A V mA mV 24 21 35 ≤ 1.5 2,慢速熔断 0 至 10 4 至 20 1 mV 1mA IP 65,已安装和锁定配合连接器
1/184/3 proportional directional control valve, without position control, with on-board electronics (OBE)Type 4WRBAE..E.. /..W..Nominal size (NG) 6, 10Unit series 2XMaximum working pressure P, A, B 315 bar, T 250 barNominal flow rate Q nom 18...32 l/min (NG6), 35...65 l/min (NG10)RE 29051/01.06Replaces: 09.05Overview of ContentsContents PageFeatures 1Ordering data 2Preferred types2Symbols 2Function, sectional diagram 3Accessories 4T echnical data5 to 7On-board trigger electronics 8 to 11Characteristic curves 12 to 15Unit dimensions16 and 17Features– D irectly controlled NG6 and NG10 valves with positive overlap and on-board electronics– A ctuated on both sides, standard symbols E, W – A djustable by means of the setpoint in the on-board electronics, see Characteristic Curves– V alves are preset at the factory, ramp is set to minimum ramp time and overlap (Q min at 0.8 V) to Q nom at 8 V– F or subplate attachment, mounting hole configuration NG6 to ISO 4401-03-02-0-94, NG10 to ISO 4401-05-04-0-94– S ubplates as per catalog sheet, RE 45053 for NG6, RE 45055 for NG10 (order separately)– P lug-in connector to DIN 43563-AM6, see catalog sheet RE 08008 (order separately)– D ata for the on-board trigger electronics• Complies with CE, EMC directives EN 61000-6-2: 2002-08 and EN 61000-6-3: 2002-08• U B = 24 V nom DC• Electrical connection 6P+PE • Signal actuation– Standard 0...±10 V (A1) – Version 2...12...20 mA (F1)• Valve curves calibrated at the factoryOrdering dataFunction, sectional diagramGeneralDirectly operated type 4WRBAE 4/3 proportional directional control valves without position control, with on-board electronics, are available in nominal sizes 6 and 10.Hysteresis is < 6 % for the NG6 and < 8 % for the NG10.The valve electronics are integrated and are preset during valve testing. The operating limits are largely determined by the available magnetic force, see characteristic curves.Basic principleT o adjust the oil flow rate, a setpoint is set in the valve elec-tronics. Based on the polarity and magnitude of this setpoint, the electronics control the solenoid coil “a” or “b” with thea ppropriate amount of magnetic force. The proportional sole-noid converts the current to a mechanical force, with which an armature plunger acts on a spool to push against the spring. If the magnetic force and the spring force are the same, this produces a spool position in conformity with the spring characteristic curve. If the drop in pressure is minimal (< 30 bar) the throttling function takes effect, if the pressure drop is greater, the operating limits (see characteristic curves) must be observed.The pressure drop at the valve is reliably limited by the use of an external pressure compensator with shuttle valve.Manual auxiliary overrideNG6Regelmagnet RegelmagnetManual auxiliary overrideValve bodySolenoid “a”Solenoid “b”Electronics(see page 4)Manual auxiliary overrideManual auxiliary overrideValve bodySolenoid “a”Solenoid “b”Electronics(see page 4)NG10Testing and service equipmentT est box type VT-PE-TB3, see RE 30065Measuring adapter 6PE+PE type VT-PA-2, see RE 30068AccessoriesTypeMaterial Number (4x) f ISO 4762-M5x30-10.9Cheese-head bolts NG6 2 910 151 166(4x) f ISO 4762-M6x35-10.9Cheese-head bolts NG10 2 910 151 207*Plug-in connector 6P+PE, see also RE 08008KS 1 834 482 022KS 1 834 482 026MS 1 834 482 023MS1 834 482 024KS 90°1 834 484 252Technical dataPort P, A, B: 315Port T: 250* N ominal flowThis is always based on a pressure differential of ∆p = 5 bar at the throttling point.Where other pressure differentials are involved, the flow is calculated according to the following formula: ∆p XQ x = Q nom ·Ί 5However, the operating limits must be borne in mind. If they are exceeded, the ensuing flow forces lead to un-controllable spool movements. Pressure compensators are used to reliably limit ∆p .Ϲ 6 Ϲ 8 Ϲ 3 Ϲ 5 50901) T he purity classes stated for the components must becomplied with in hydraulic systems. Effective filtration prevents problems and also extends the service life of components.For a selection of filters, see catalog sheets RE 50070, RE 50076 and RE 50081.Technical dataNote:Power supply 40 V DCnom, max. 31 V DC, max. ripple 2 V DC.Valve in center position:Version 0...±10 Vat UD –EՅ ±0.2 VVersion 4...20 mAat ID –E= 12 mAՅ ±0.4 mAConnectionFor electrical data, see page 6 and Operating Instructions 1 819 929 083Technical notes for the cableDesign: – Multi-wire cable – Extra-finely stranded wire to VDE 0295, Class 6 – Safety earth conductor, green/yellow – Cu braided shield Typ: – e.g. Ölflex-FD 855 CP (from Lappkabel company)No. of wires: – Determined by type of valve, plug type and signal assignment Cable Ø: – 0.75 mm 2 up to 20 m long – 1.0 mm 2 up to 40 m long Outside Ø: – 9.4...11.8 mm – Pg11– 12.7...13.5 mm – Pg16ImportantPower supply 24 V DC nom ,if voltage drops below 18 V DC, rapid shutdown resembling “Enable OFF” takes place internally.In addition, with the “mA signal” version:I D–E м 3 mA – valve is activeI D–E Ϲ 2 mA – valve is deactivated.Electrical signals (e.g. actual values) emitted via the trigger electronics must not be used to shut down safety-relevantm achine functions!(Also see European Standard, “T echnical Safety Requirements for Fluid-Powered Systems and Components – Hydraulics”, EN 982).On-board trigger electronics Circuit diagram/pin assignment0...±10 VVersion A1: UD –EOn-board trigger electronics Circuit diagram/pin assignment4...12...20 mAVersion F1: ID –EOn-board trigger electronicsR sh = 200 ΩIINOUTPin assignmentVersion A1: U D – E 0...±10 V R i = 100 k ΩPin assignment 6P+PEVersion F1: I D – E 4...12...20 mA R sh = 200 ΩOn-board trigger electronicsValve adjustment4/3 proportional directional control valves with on-board electronics without position control are preset at the factory.Valves without position control are subject to broader toler-ances than valves with position control. Therefore, the design of the valves allows them to be adjusted when installed in the machine.First, slacken the screws, then open the lid to set the para-meters using potentiometers.NoteThe characteristic curve and dither frequency are factory-set. We recommend that you only alter P2...P6 if absolutely necessary.The P1 ramp is adjustable:0.05...5 s for 0.8...10 V, or 12.6...20 mA signal change.For other possibilities, see valve curves.Adjusting the electronicsFirst, slacken the screws,then open the lid to set the parameters.Version: U D – E = 0...±10 V Version: I D – E = 4...12...20 mACharacteristic curves NG6 (measured with HLP 46,oil= 40 °C ±5 °C)UD–E[V]1)ID–E[mA]2)UD–E[V]1)ID–E[mA]2) Qnom= 18 l/minQnom= 32 l/minSee page 11for adjusting the electronics1) Version: UE= 0...±10 V2) Version: IE= 4...12...20 mA= 40 °C ±5 °C) Characteristic curves NG6 (measured with HLP 46,oilOperating limitsCharacteristic curves NG10 (measured with HLP 46,oil= 40 °C ±5 °C)Qnom= 35 l/minSee page 11for adjusting the electronics1) Version: UE = 0...±10 V2) Version: IE = 4...12...20 mAQ[I/min]I D–E[mA]2)U D–E[V]1)–Q[I/min]I D–E[mA]2)U D–E[V]1)–Hinweis/Remark/Note:Qnom= 65 l/min= 40 °C ±5 °C) Characteristic curves NG10 (measured with HLP 46,oilOperating limitsUnit dimensions NG6 (nominal dimensions in mm)Required surface quality of mating componentMounting hole configuration: NG6 (ISO 4401-03-02-0-94)For subplates, see catalog sheet RE 450531) Deviates from standard 2) T hread depth:Ferrous metal 1.5 x ØNon-ferrous 2 x ØNot included in scope of deliveryLED for solenoid B LED for solenoid AUnit dimensions NG10 (nominal dimensions in mm)Not included in scope of deliveryRequired surface quality of mating componentMounting hole configuration: NG10 (ISO 4401-05-04-0-94)For subplates, see catalog sheet RE 450551) Deviates from standard 2) T hread depth:Ferrous metal 1.5 x Ø*Non-ferrous 2 x Ø* NG10 min. 10.5 mmLED for solenoid B LED for solenoid ABosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.Notes。
产品详细信息S型直通单向阀图形符号型号说明①系列代号:S型直通单向阀②公称通径:06、08、10、15、20、25、32 mm③结构形式:A=管式、B=板式④开启压力:0=不装弹簧、1=0.05Mpa、2=0.15Mpa、3=0.3Mpa、5=0.5Mpa⑤连接螺纹:1=英制、2=公制技术参数工作压力:31.5MPa温度范围:-30~+80℃粘度范围:2.8~500平方毫米/s工作介质:矿物油外形尺寸通径型号最大流量尺寸(mm)L E S T M06 S06A*/115 58 22 19 12M14×1.5 S06A*/2 G1/408 S08A*/130 58 28 24 12M18×1.5 S08A*/2 G3/810 S10A*/140 72 34.5 30 14M22×1.5 S10A*/2 G1/215 S15A*/1120 85 41.5 36 16M27×2 S15A*/2 G3/420 S20A*/1200 98 53 46 18M33×2 S20A*/2 G125 S25A*/1300 120 69 60 20M42×2 S25A*/2 G 11/430 S30A*/1400 132 75 65 22M48×2 S30A*/2 G 11/2其它阀系列价格供用户或设计院工程项目做预算管夹阀价格表口径手动电动DN50 450 1350 DN65 690 1575 DN80 1020 3375 DN100 1500 4050 DN125 1950 4500 DN150 **** **** DN200 4350 8400 DN250 7050 9750 DN300 12450 17700 DN350 21450 71700 DN400 29250 35400电动二通阀价格名称型号通径价格三速温控开关液晶显示温控开关大中小电动二通阀(风机管盘)VA70101.6mpa≤180℃DN15 87 37.5 78 75 72DN20 87 37.5 78 75 72DN25 127.5 37.5 78 75 72 HYDF1.6mpa≤120℃DN15 97.5 34.5 78 75 72DN20 97.5 34.5 78 75 72DN25 127.5 34.5 78 75 72名称通径价格电动二通阀配套驱动器,传感器,变压器,温度控制器DN25 600 DN32 630 DN40 675 DN50 720 DN65 1125 DN80 1575 DN100 1725 DN125 2100 DN150 23400 DN200 3450 DN250 5250 DN300 7800 DN350 9750 DN400 12900产品名称通径DN工作压力(mpa)1.6(Z)2.5(c)Y416XY110X 减压稳压阀25/110 225 270 32/110 285 345 40/110 315 382.5 50/110 345 42050 585 70565 630 75080 757.5 900 100 915 1095 125 1470 1770 150 1800 21750JM744X气动,80 825 990 100 900 1080液动快开排泥阀125 1575 1890 150 **** **** 200 1950 2340 250 3150 3780 300 4650 5580产品名称公称通径工作压(mpa)1.0/1.6CARX 复合式排气阀DN20DN25DN32DN40 507 DN50 507 DN65 591 DN80 637.5 DN100 675 DN125 862.5 DN150 1125 DN200 2250产品名称公称通径工作(mpa)1.0/1.6排气阀DN40 216 DN50 216 DN65 262.5 DN80 300 DN100 328.5 DN125 337.5 DN150 394.5 DN200 694.5 DN250 1125 DN300 1500 DN350底阀价格底阀H42F-6P口径4Ni 8Ni 普料DN15DN20DN25DN32DN40 172.5 217.5 135 DN50 240 277.5 150 DN65 315 382.5 210 DN80 457.5 517.5 277.5 DN100 525 570 307.5 DN125 720 900 540 DN150 **** ****.5 757.5 DN200 1650 2182.5 1140 DN250 2400 2775 1650 DN300 3450 3975 2625型号口径单位单价(元)双门底阀DN40 只255 DN50 只300 DN80 只495电动二通阀价格名称型号通径价格三速温控开关液晶显示温控开关大中小电动二通阀(风机管盘)VA70101.6mpa≤180℃DN15 87 37.5 78 75 72DN20 87 37.5 78 75 72DN25 127.5 37.5 78 75 72 HYDF1.6mpa≤120℃DN15 97.5 34.5 78 75 72DN20 97.5 34.5 78 75 72DN25 127.5 34.5 78 75 72名称通径价格电动二通阀配套驱动器,传感器,变压器,温度控制器DN25 600 DN32 630 DN40 675 DN50 720 DN65 1125 DN80 1575 DN100 1725 DN125 2100 DN150 23400 DN200 3450 DN250 5250 DN300 7800 DN350 9750 DN400 12900呼吸阀阻火器价格型号呼吸阀GFQ-2 阻火呼吸阀ZFQ-1 呼吸阀QZF-89 口径铸钢不锈钢铸钢不锈钢铸钢不锈钢DN25 187.5 450 255 502.5 //DN32 262.5 585 315 675 //DN40 277.5 660 330 705 //DN50 315 727.5 360 795 765 1905 DN65 397.5 922.5 465 1125 1005 2505 DN80 465 1170 555 1327.5 1080 2760 DN100 585 1417.5 705 1590 1215 3120 DN125 727.5 2100 915 2280 2085 4485 DN150 952.5 2415 1125 2670 2715 5880 DN200 1425 3367.5 1635 3795 3135 8625 DN250 1897.5 4560 2250 5355 4485 11115 DN300 3360 6555 3825 7905 5700 15015型号管道阴火器GYW-1 管道阻火器GZW-1 阻火器ZGB-1 口径铸钢不锈钢铸钢不锈钢铸钢不锈钢DN25 210 420 240 555 210 420 DN32 285 675 315 900 255 570 DN40 315 765 345 1005 270 600 DN50 360 870 390 1170 315 690DN65 420 1125 465 1635 345 840 DN80 555 1380 600 1815 450 1035 DN100 660 1635 720 2250 555 1305 DN125 810 2325 1005 3795 660 1980 DN150 **** **** 1350 4830 915 2325 DN200 1635 4320 1980 6645 1290 3150 DN250 2325 5865 2670 9495 1635 4395阻火透气帽公称通径铝合金铸钢不锈钢单价(元)单价(元)DN40 105 150 420 DN50 105 195 450 DN80 210 375 780 DN100 345 450 990 DN150 825 810 1635 DN200 1020 1065 2595型号公称通径铸钢不锈钢单价(元)单价(元)网型阻火器HGS一07DN25 382.5 570 DN40 630 1050 DN50 697.5 1125 DN65 900 1695 DN80 1035 1905 DN100 1417.5 2505 DN150 **** **** DN200 4050 7245 DN250 4275 10530 DN300 6007.5 13455管道砾石阻火器口径DN25 DN50 0N65 DN80 DN100 DN150 铸钢375 600 690 780 1080 1635流量计价格名称通径价格LDE智能型DN15 3300电磁流量计DN20 3300 DN25 3300 DN32 3450 DN40 3450 DN50 3450 DN65 3450 DN80 3450 DN100 3600 DN125 3750 DN150 4050 DN200 4800 DN250 5700 DN300 7200 DN350 7800 DN400 9300 DN500 10800 DN600 13500 DN700 16500 DN800 21750 DN900 24750 DN1000 28500 DN1200 36000名称通径价格涡街流量计DN25 3450 DN32 3525 DN40 3600 DN50 3750 DN65 3900 DN80 4275 DN100 4500 DN125 5250 DN150 6300 DN200 8250 DN250 9750 DN300 11700水处理器价格多功能微电子水处理器DN20 1125 DN25 1125 DN32 1200 DN40 1200 DN50 1200 DN65 1275 DN80 1350 DN100 1500 DN125 1650 DN150 1875 DN200 2400 DN250 3000 DN300 3600 DN350 4200 DN400 5700 DN450 6750 DN500 8400 DN600 9000 DN700 12750 DN800 16500 DN900 21000 DN1000 24750名称通径价格内磁水处理器DN25 1500 DN32 1650 DN40 1725 DN50 1950DN6522502550 DN80 2550 DN100 3000 DN125 3750 DN150 4350 DN200 5700DN250 7350DN300 8700DN400 11250DN500 14250DN600 18000 橡胶接头价格KXT(JGD)可曲挠橡胶接头规格单球单球翻边单球翻边双球变径球l.OMPa 1.6MPa 2.5MPa l.OMPa 1.6MPa 1.OMPa规格型号1.OMPa DN25 61.5 61.5 118.5DN32 99 99 165 65×50 313.5 DN40 108 108 174 111 80×65 394.5 DN50 115.5 115.5 214.5 120 165 100×65 435 DN65 151.5 151.5 280.5 162 202.5 100×80 472.5 DN80 169.5 169.5 313.5 175.5 250.5 100×125 571.5 DN100 198 198 346.5 208.5 292.5 100×150 708 DN125 300 300 561 334.5 442.5 125×150 708 DN150 351 351 750 417 457.5 538.5 200×100 1170 DN200 487.5 544.5 1125 624 690 703.5 200x125 1170 DN250 646.5 792 1560 867 952.5 1056 200x150 1170 DN300 888 1015.5 2205 1224 1350 1287 250×125 1497 DN350 1023 1270.5 2352 1306.5 1440 2118 250×150 1497 DN400 1339.5 1639.5 3255 1809 1995 2178 250×200 1497 DN450 1617 2178 4200 22885.5 2565 0 300X200 1665 DN500 1815 2722.5 5460 3033 3337.5 4290 300×250 1665 DN600 2392.5 8070 4483.5 4935 6154.5 350X200 1873.5KXT(JGD) 可曲挠橡胶接头规格单球单球翻边单球翻边双球变径球l.OMPa 1.6MPa 2.5MPa l.OMPa 1.6MPa 1.OMPa规格型号1.OMPaDN700 3157.5 9892.5 5494.5 6045 7590 350*300 1873.5 DN800 4290 12022.5 6679.5 7350 8745 400*300 2068.5 DN900 5313 7986 8790 0 400*350 2236.5 DN1000 6135 9438 10380 12243 1200*800 32670DN1100 82500 备注以上产品橡胶为天然胶, 法兰锻钢。
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图1-1 S型单向阀
图2-1 板式阀结构图
图2-2 板式阀结构图
特性曲线s mm v /41=℃50=t 外形及连接尺寸(单位:mm ) 管式阀外型及连接尺寸:
NG681015202530 D1H710131722283642 D2681015202530 D3H811141824303844行程4445577 L11625 L219182127292942 L3445563 L4597383 L518182328334147重量kg。