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Jim 1 a very useful book in the shop, 2 it was too expensive for him 3 . He 4 get it from the library,either.So 5 afternoon,he went there to read 6 at a time.One day,he couldn’t find 7 from the usual place and was leaving the shop when he saw an assistant singing 8 ,To his surprise,the assiatant pointed to the book 9 ,"I put it there so as not to be sold out.” Said the assistant.Then he 10 Jim go on with his reading.

( )1、A.took B.bought C.read D.found ( )2、A.but B.so C.or D.and ( )3、A.buy B.to buy C.bought D.buy ( )4、A.could B.couldn’t C.will D.can ( )5、A.every B.one C.this D.yesterday ( )6、A.few B.a few C.little D.a little ( )7、A.the shop B.his way C.the book D.book ( )8、A. the shop B.to him C.to her D.to he ( )9、A.in a corner B.in a shop C.in his bag D.in his hand ( )10、A.let B.helped C.left D.went


Mr.Green lived in a small town,but he worked in 1 Office in a big city, so five days a 2 he went to work 3 train every morning and came home the same way.

One morning he took out his newspaper and begin

4 On the train.Behind him was sitting a man.

5 Wanted to talk with him.So,he tapped( ) Mr.Green on the shoulder and spoke to him,but Mr.Green did not know him.The man said,”You are not living a very interesting life,are you ? You get

6 the same train at the same station at the same time every morning,and you always

7 in the same seat and read the same

8 .”

( )1、A.a B.an C.the D./

( )2、A.week B.year C.day D.month ( )3、A.buyon B.at C.in D.by ( )4、A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading ( )5、A.The boy B. The man C. The girl D. Mr.Green

( )6、A.on B.off C.down D.up ( )7、A.sits B.sit C.sitting D.sitted

( )8、A. book B.story C.books D.newspaper

( )9、A.What B.How C.Which D.Where ( )10、A.sits B. sit C. sitting D. sitted


Fox is an eigth-year-old boy.He is a good boy. He does 1 in all his lessons.He 2 school and he is always active(积极的)in class.Every time the teacher asks a question,Fox always 3 his hand quickly.Sometimes his answer is 4 but the teacher always smiles and says, “Good ,Fox.But 5 a better answer to my question? ”

Yesterday afternoon,the teacher asked the boys and girls a question, “Swallows(燕子)fly to the south before winter 6 ,”he said. “But why don’t cats and dogs do 7 ?”Fox lifted his hand 8 usual.

“Yes,Fox?”said the teacher 9 .

Fox stood up and said,“10 they have no wings(翅膀)”

( )1、A.good B.hard C.well D.bad ( )2、A.loves B.likes a C.gies to a D.enjoys the ( )3、A.gets up B.puts on C.gets on D.puts up ( )4、A.right B.wrong C.easy D.hard ( )5、A.has B.is there C.are there D.have ( )6、A.will come B.is coming es D.is going to
