Jack London杰克伦敦简介
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His work is concrete, vivid and profound, and it reflects people's lives of all levels in the United States. In this sense, London is indeed one of the typical representatives of American society and culture at that time.
我宁愿是燃烧过后的灰烬也不愿为地上的灰尘! 我宁愿让点点星火猛烈燃烧殆尽也不愿任其干腐. 我宁愿做一闪而过的流星,让每一点碎片都擦出火光,也不愿做死寂的恒星. 人的职责是生活,而不是存在. 我不会浪费时间试图延长寿命. 但,我会用尽生命中的每一秒.
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死亡 之谜
杰克·伦敦死于吸毒过量。1916年11月 21日,星期二,杰克·伦敦计划第二天 去纽约,而且打算中途绕道去看看芝 加哥赛牲会,买一些良种牛,但是那 天晚上他却服用了过量的吗啡死去了。 他桌上有个本子,上面写了些计算药 量的数字。那时他患着尿毒症,但医 生认为把尿毒症看做他的死因是不能 叫人信服的。那么只有两种解释:自 杀,或者是计算药量错误。从他白天 的安排来看,不像是自杀;但那么重 要的药量计算竟也会出错也叫人难以 接受。
他的作品独树一帜,充满筋肉暴突的生活和阳刚之 气,最受男子汉的欢迎。有人说在他之前的美国小说大 都是为姑娘们写的,而他的作品则属于全体读者,不但 普通读者欢迎,就是大家闺秀们也喜欢放下窗帘关上大 门偷偷去品味他那精力旺盛、气势逼人的作品。火一样 的性格——杰克·伦敦就是这样的性格。他血管里有火, 生气勃勃,一身丈夫气,喜欢粗犷强烈的生活,他喜欢 叱咤风云,每每参加斗争常要斗争到极限。他把冒险里 的困难当做享受,把拓荒中的遭遇当做欢乐。我们在 《海狼》里看见了许多的令人荡气回肠的经历,尽管这 些已经经过了艺术的折射。
London had always explored the true meaning of his life. His exploration spirit and his faith of never yielding to any pressure have been praised by many people
冒险 生活
他原可以在成功与安定的环境里继续写作, 但他不是个安分人,他的血管里燃烧着火 焰,总是渴望着新的沸腾的生活,于是他 开始了记者生涯。应美国新闻社的委派, 他去非洲采访波尔战争,到了伦敦,新闻 社中途改变了计划,来电不要他去了。这 时他却以美国水手的身份到伦敦贫民窟中 住了三个多月,深入那里的生活,作了详 细得调查。1904年他接受了赫斯特报系的 聘请,去远东采访日俄战争的消息。这时 杰克·伦敦已经誉满全国,有了丰厚的经济 收入,但他仍不满足于平静的生活。1906 年,他决定建造一艘船,自己驾着去环游 世界。
原名为约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦(John Griffith London),他在一个既无固定职业又无固定居所的 家庭中长大。24岁开始写作,去世时年仅40岁。 从1900年起,他连续发表和出版了许多小说,讲 述美国下层人民的生活故事,揭露资本主义社会 的罪恶。
他的作品大都带有浓厚的社会主义和个人主义 色彩。他的作品在全世界都广为流传,是最受 中国读者欢迎的外国作家之一。他一生著述颇 丰,16年中留下了19部长篇小说、150多篇短篇 小说以及大量文学报告集,还写了3个剧本以及 相当多的随笔和论文。
London was part of the radical literary group “The Crowd” in San Francisco and a passionate advocate of unionization(工会), socialism, and the rights of workers. He wrote several powerful works dealing with these topics.
Jack London
Presented BY Jasmine
Jack London,(1876 – 1916 )was an American author, journalist, and social activist. A pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction, he was one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone.
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London used his whole life to travel around the world, with his footsteps covering different social levels cultures and societies of the United States.
Love of LБайду номын сангаасfe
This is the most famous novel written by Jack London. The book talks about the process of a lost gold digger’s struggle for survival. He even meets a sick wolf in his route and wins the fight with it. At last, he successfully gets survived and his life takes on an altogether new glory. This story vividly shows the greatness of humanity and persistence.
I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Main Works
The Call of the Wild
It is a short adventure novel by Jack London published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in the Santa Clara Valley of California when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He progressively reverts to a wild state in the harsh climate, where he is forced to fight to dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the veneer of civilization and relies on primordial instinct and learned experience to emerge as a leader in the wild.
Key Words
辱华 作家
于1904年报道日俄战争之后,在旧金 山报纸上发表《黄祸》一文,1908年 和1910年分别写了两部所谓小说《中 国佬》和《空前绝后的入侵》,以及 其他涉及中国海外移民题材的《白与 黄》《黄丝帕》《陈阿春》《阿金的 眼泪》等多篇作品。在这一连串精心 炮制的“黄色传说”里,作者不吝惜 笔墨,污蔑中国人为“劣等民族”, 是对欧美白人世界构成威胁的“黄 祸”,必须对之实施“种族灭绝”, 世界才能实现和平。
White Fang
The name of the book's eponymous character, a wild wolf dog. First serialized in Outing magazine, it was published in 1906. The story takes place in Yukon Territory, Canada, during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush and details White Fang's journey to domestication.
美国传记小说家欧文·斯通在他的《马背上的水手》 里称他是美国无产阶级文学之父。列宁在病榻上时,曾 特意请人朗读小说,其中就有杰克·伦敦的短篇小说 《热爱生命》。列宁给予这部小说很高的评价。他的作 品不仅在美国本土广泛流传,而且受到世界各国人民的 欢迎。他在现代美国文学和世界文学都享有崇高地位。