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The17th Century English literature

At the Reformation, the translation of liturgy and Bible into vernacular languages provided new literary models.
• The King James Bible, one of the biggest translation projects in the history of English up to this time, was started in 1604 and completed in 1611. It represents the culmination of a tradition of Bible translation into English from the original languages that began with the work of William Tyndale (previous translations into English had relied on the Vulgate). It became the standard Bible of the Church of England, and some consider it one of the greatest literary works of all time.
Poetic and dramatic works
• 1631: Il Penseroso • 1634: A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634 commonly known as Comus (a masque) • 1638: Lycidas • 1645: Poems of Mr John Milton, Both English and Latin • 1655: On the Late Massacre in Piedmont • 1667: Paradise Lost • 1671: Paradise Regained • 1671: Samson Agonistes • 1673: Poems, &c, Upon Several Occasions
Francis Bacon
• Francis Bacon, (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist, author and pioneer of the scientific method. Although his political career ended in disgrace, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution.
• Elizabethan drama displays a “modern” perception of the world:full of moral doubts and political insecurities,where the right of those who wield power to do so is put in question.
Elizabethan Drama
Flowering of cultural and intellectual life in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries which is known as ‘‘The Renaissance’’. Drama is one of the most successful and long-lasting expressions of the development of British culture. The theatre was opened in London in 1576.
诗的第二部分描写老年贝奥武 甫的事迹。他从丹麦凯旋回国 后被立为王储,在国王去世后 成为高特人的统治者,清明治 理国家50 年。当他年老时,有 一条火龙因为看守的宝物被盗 而发怒,喷火焚烧,祸害乡里。 年迈的贝尔武甫为解救人民, 披甲执盾,率臣卜前去斩杀毒 龙。他在年轻勇敢的侄儿威格 拉夫(Wiglaf)的帮助下,杀死了 凶猛的火龙,自己也身负重伤 死去。人民在哀悼中为他举行 了火葬。 意义:《贝奥武甫》反映了盎格鲁 -撒克逊时代英国民族的历史和 思想情感,具有史诗的广阔和 庄严气概。《贝奥武甫》也反 映了七八世纪英国的风貌,有 许多封建因素和基督教色彩。
The works of Shakespeare
Tragedies:Hamlet.Othello.King Lear.Macbeth.Romeo and Juliet Comedies:The Taming of the Shrew.A Midsummer Night’s Dream.Twelfth Night.The Tempest. Histories plays:Richard 3.Richard 2.Henry 5.Henry 14 Julius Caesar.Antony.Cleopatra.
The New Atlantis Essays The Wisdom of the Ancients Meditationes Sacrae Theological Tracts
John Milton
• John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet, polemicist, a scholarly man of letters, and a civil servant for the Commonwealth (republic) of England under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known
亚瑟王(King Arthur)是5世纪英国 最富有传奇色彩的国王。人们 对他感性认识更多的是来自神 话传说,没有人大量涉足过亚 瑟王的真实生活,他就像一个 迷,等待着发掘与探索。可任 何一个英雄都不可能由来无踪。 亚瑟王是英格兰传说中的国王, 圆桌骑士团的首领,一位近乎 神话般的传奇人物。他是罗马 帝国瓦解之后,率领圆桌骑士 团统一了不列颠群岛,被后人 尊称为亚瑟王
The 18th Century’s literature
• 18th-century English literature is marked by a rather large shift from the mood and tone of 17th-century. • After the revolution of 1688,king James was given up the throne and withdraw, the Whigs and the Tories ruled England from 1689 until Mary’s death in 1694. • At this time, the novel became the main form
The notable playwrights
Christopher Marlowe(1564-1593)-The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. Ben Jonson William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
He is probably the best-known literary figure in the world. He came from a middle-class family in Stratford-upon-Avon,and then became a successful playwright and director of a theatre company in London. His plays fall into categories, or classes.
故事情节:故事敘說有29名朝聖者(pilgrims)聚集在倫敦一家客店,整 裝前往70英裡外的坎特伯雷(Canterbury)。店主哈里‧貝利自告奮 勇擔任導遊,並在晚飯後提議在往返途中每人各講兩個故事,以解五 天旅途中的無聊寂寞,看誰的故事講得最好,可以免費吃一餐好飯。 這些朝聖者,有騎士、僧侶、侍從、商人、匠人、紡織匠、醫生、地 主、農夫、海員、家庭主婦等,代表了廣泛的社會階層。他們講述的 內容,主要包括愛情和騎士探險傳奇、宗教和道德故事、滑稽故事、 動物寓言等24個故事。 特点: 一、它展现了广阔的社会画面。香客来自社会各个阶层:骑士、僧 侣、学者、律师、商人、手工业者、自耕农、磨坊主等。 二、它综合 采用了中世纪的各种文学体裁,有骑士传奇、圣徒传、布道文、寓言 等。 三、总序和开场白中对人物的描写和故事本身饶有趣味,充满幽 默感。 四、语言带上了讲述人自身的特征,每人所讲的故事都体现出 讲述人的身份、趣味、爱好、职业和生活经验。
杰弗里·乔叟 杰弗里 乔叟(1343—1400) 乔叟
杰弗里 ·乔叟生于富商之家,与王室关系密切,年轻时随军出征在法 国被俘,被英国赎回。后曾数度出使比利时、法国和意大利等欧洲大 陆国家,还担任过海关官员和法官等重要公职,生活阅历丰富。被誉 为“英国诗歌之夫”。他的主要作品有《公爵夫人之书》、《百鸟议 “英国诗歌之夫” 会》、《声誉之堂》、《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》以及他的代表作《坎 特伯雷故事》。
中古时期( 世纪—1485) 中古时期 约5世纪 世纪
《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf) 杰弗里·乔叟 杰弗里 乔叟 Geoffrey Chaucer 坎特伯雷故事》 《坎特伯雷故事》 (The Canterbury Tales) ) 亚瑟王( 亚瑟王(King Author) )
背景: 它是五世纪中叶,央格鲁—撒克逊时期最重要的一部文学作品, 被认为是英国的名族史诗 名族史诗。这部口头流传的长篇叙事诗大约写成于公 名族史诗 元8 世纪,此时正值中国的唐朝。现在的手抄本是在公元10 世纪写成 的。 故事情节:长达3000 余行的《贝奥武甫》讲述的是古代英雄与魔怪搏斗 的传奇冒险故事。贝奥武甫是6世纪的一个历史人物,但在诗人们的 笔下,他成了一位神话中的英雄人物。这位瑞典南部高特族(Goth)的 年青贵族,闻知妖魔格兰代尔(Grendel)屡屡夜袭丹麦国王霍兹加 (Hrothgar)的宴会厅,杀害并掳走醉卧酣睡的武士,便带14 名勇士渡 海相助。霍兹加国王在“鹿厅”(Mead Hall, or Heorot)中款待客人们。 当晚,贝奥武甫与同伴们留宿屡遭血劫的“鹿厅”,格兰代尔闯入攫 食武士,贝奥武甫与格兰代尔一场恶斗,以超人的臂力战胜了妖魔, 并扯断了他的一只胳膊,负了致命伤的格兰代尔逃走。贝奥武甫的功 绩得到称颂,国王酬以厚礼。但是格兰代尔的母亲为儿子报仇,再次 来袭,抓走了国王的亲信爱斯舍尔。贝奥武甫追踪到潭内洞穴,用洞 中的魔剑砍杀了母怪,又取下格兰代尔的首级归来。贝奥武甫青年时 期的功绩构成了长诗的第一部分