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18 Invaluable Pieces Of Advice For Recent College Grads

We recently asked netizens to tell us the best post-grad advice they’ve ever received. Here’s what they had to say: 最近,我们向网友做了个调查:大学毕业后,你收到的最好的建议是什么。以下是他们给出的答案:

1. Your major doesn’t have to define who you are in life.

你所学的专业并不能决定你人生的方向。“As a liberal arts degree holder, the best advice I received from my dean was that

my major didn’t define who I had to be in life.”—Es Tee Smith, Facebook


2. The only thing you have to be is yourself.


“The best advice I ever received came from ’90s pop god, Ethan Hawke, in Reality Bites: ‘Honey, the only thing you have to be by the age of 23 is yourself.’”—courtneys61



3. Put on your big girl pants.


“My sassy grammy said, ‘Alex, you just gotta put on your big girl pants, put on some lipstick, and accomplish your dreams. You got this baby girl. No one can hold you down. And if they try to, give them a swift kick in the ass.’”—alexandralmarth



4. You have to jump.


“You’re going to jump alone, with no one else beside you. But you’re GONNA jump. Just remember you don’t jump the

same as everyone else. Your timeline isn’t theirs. They might land a big dream job in a month, and maybe you’ll get yours a year from now, or even 10 years. But you will get there. First though, you have to jump.”—MelisCapozio


5. “You’re now your own personal brand. Be sure to market wisely.”—Margaret

Aprison, Facebook


6. No one really knows what they’re doing!


“The last week of classes before graduation I had a meltdown, and my professor looked at me and said ‘no one actually knows what they’re doing. All of these adults you look up to, and admire, they’re all making this shit up as they go. You’re not all alone in this big scary world. I promise.’”—lailar


7. You are your biggest obstacle.


“‘You are your biggest obstacle,’spoken by the best teacher/friend I’ve ever had. She didn’t BS us but told us we are the only ones to blame if we don’t like our situation.”—lizv4367ed200 “我的一位良师益友说过:‘人最大的障碍是自己。’她没跟我们长篇大论,而是告诉我们,当
