
洲际是全球第一个提供综合性礼 宾服务计划的酒店品牌,只为让 您的入住享受极尽可能。通过特 别设计的礼宾网站、入住前礼宾 电邮、互动地图、宣传片和iPad 应用程序,有关所在地的一切, 我们世界一流的礼宾团队都将为 您提供行家级的意见。
一种全新的综合性会议解决方案, 它能为会议策划者度身定制个性 化的、反应迅速的完美服务,并 带给与会代表印象深刻的会议体 验。我们不只提供最先进的技术 和设备,更凭借独有的本土资讯, 通过“行家会议体验”带给与会者真 正与众不同的、个性化的会议和 活动体验。
商务会议也可以享受定制式服 务。皇冠会议总监,会议便捷 工具包(Handy Meeting Kit) 和会议特色强化(Meeting Enhancement Features)等 一系列可度身定制的产品,全 方位保证会议从咨询到完成的 每一个环节都顺利进行,圆满 成功。
Private and confidential
迎宾体验——当客人走进酒店大门,迎接他们的是时尚 的设计以及我们标志性的香芬和一些最受欢迎艺术家的 音乐。我们还对前台作了重新设计,入住手续的办理过 程将变得更为高效,友好,愉悦。
客房体验—— 现代化的床品,整齐,洁白的新床单和软 硬不一的枕头,满足不同客人的需求。可调节式大流量 沐浴花洒以及外观新颖并能节省更多空间的弧型浴帘杆。 另有其他全新优质卫浴产品带给客人更为周到的呵护。
• 为客人提供耳目一新、引人入胜的入住体验,将酒店所在地的当地特色诠 释得淋漓尽致。
• 为了满足当今旅行者的需求,该品牌让客人感受到精品酒店体贴入微、自 然亲切的待客服务,同时尽显全球最大酒店集团一贯的品质保证。
• 每家酒店都有其创新的自身特色魅力。

洲际酒店集团英文全称(北京、青岛、香港、重庆、阿坝藏族羌族自治州、上海、沈阳、福州、马鞍山Intercontinental Hotels Group英文缩写IHG洲际酒店集团创立于1946 年,是目前全球分布最广、拥有客房最多的专业酒店管理集团—在全球100 多个国家和地区拥有酒店4462 家(美国3471 家,欧洲、中东和非洲701 家,亚太地区290 家),客房超过656,000 间,在建酒店1190 家。
集团旗下拥有七个闻名遐迩的酒店品牌,包括洲际酒店及度假村、皇冠假日酒店及度假村、英迪格酒店、假日酒店、智选假日酒店、Staybridge Suites 品牌酒店以及Candlewood Suites 品牌酒店,竭诚为客人的商务出行、家庭度假、蜜月旅行等提供舒适的下榻环境和贴心周到的卓越服务。
我们在全球设有十个呼叫中心,提供13 种语言的官方网站,拥有一支由8000 多名专业人士组成的全球销售团队,还拥有全球规模最大的酒店忠诚客户计划—优悦会。
目前,优悦会在全球已经拥有超过5,800 万名会员。
通过该计划,优悦会会员可在全球100 个国家和地区的4400 多家酒店尊享会员特权。
自1984 年进入中国市场以来,集团旗下七个品牌中已有五个落户中国,包括洲际酒店及度假村、皇冠假日酒店及度假村、假日酒店、智选假日酒店以及英迪格酒店。

Explore the most global hotel company & the brand Indigo 了解这个最具有全球化的酒店集团 和我们英迪格品牌
Overview 总览
The world’s most global hotel company 最具有全球化的酒店公司 More than 687,000 guest rooms 超过687,000间酒店客房 Operating in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world 在全球113多个国家和地区经营酒店业务 More than 161 million guests a year 每年有接待超过1亿6千万客人
12 12
整体装潢利用波形的木纹,配以 木质柔和的线条,带来黄浦江水 律动的想象 富有设计感的码头元素装饰,唤 起对十六铺码头旧时风貌的记忆
拥有184间客房,包括23间套房。 利用形态各异的装饰品和本土制造的家 具点缀客房,重塑外滩历史。
它不只是另一个精品酒店品牌。 源自一个全新概念:随着客人们的眼光更加成熟,期望越来越高,他们开始寻求 一种与众不同又耳目一新的感觉,同时需要来自他们熟悉和信任的品牌的保障。 英迪格品牌诞生于2002年,第一家英迪格酒店位于亚特兰大 上海外滩英迪格酒店是品牌在亚太区开业的首家酒店

History (3)
• In April of 2003, IHG announced the introduction of a new brand, Hotel Indigo, focused on providing affordable boutique accommodation. • In 2007,IHG announced a worldwide relaunch of the Holiday Inn brand family, comprising Holiday Inn, Express by Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express. The relaunch program will give Holiday Inn a refreshed and contemporary brand image. • By the end of 2010 ,all Holiday Inn hotels open or under development are expected to have implemented the relaunch program, with the first due to open in mid 2008 in the US.
• Holiday Inn offers today’s business and leisure travelers dependability(可靠性,可信任), friendly service, modern facilities and excellent value. • 224,918 rooms, 1,233 hotels
• Strategy
to build the hotel industry’s strongest operating system focused on the biggest markets and segments where scale really counts.

IHG works with more than 2,000 hotel owners throughout the world. They are our business colleagues and one of our greatest strengths.Successful hotel development depends on matching owners with the right brands and markets. The IHG Global Development website provides the information owners need to learn more, make contact and get started.Developing hotels with us connects owners and their hotels to a host of resources worldwide. We have scale in the largest markets, our global portfolio投资组合has measurable performance and our brands outperform 胜过their market segments细分市场and categories类别. Our brands work hard for our owners, winning guest loyalty and building momentum动力. And our growth projections预测have never been higher: our hotel development pipeline传递途径outpaces超过all of our competitors, which leads to strong, enduring持久global distribution分布.If you would like to learn more about the IHG opportunity, visit the IHG Global Development website. You can download brochures小册子, watch interviews with our leadership team and get acquainted with the award-winning备受赞誉的brands and global operating system that can put your hotel on the map.HistoryWilliam Bass sets up a brewery in Burton-on-Trent. The Bass business thrives兴旺, developing into one of the UK's leading brewers酿酒者.The Bass red triangle becomes the first trademark商标to be registered in the UK.Bass acquires购入a number of well-known regional brewing companies including Mitchells & Butlers in the Midlands (1961), before merging融入with Charringtons in London in 1967. These acquisitions兼并make Bass one of the largest brewers and pub酒馆owners in the UK.Bass makes its first significant象征international move into the hotel industry, buying Holiday Inns International.The Beer Orders legislation立法is passed. This limits the number of tied pubs that major brewers can own and signals a major industry restructuring调整.Bass reduces降低the number of pubs that it owns dramatically and focuses on larger outlets批发商点. At the same time, it directs cashflow现金流转into developing an international hotel business.Bass buys the North American Holiday Inn business and Holiday Inn grows internationally国际性地.Bass launches Holiday Inn Express快捷假日, a complementary brand in the limited service segment.Bass launches Crowne Plaza皇冠假日五星, a move into the upscale迎合高层次消费者hotel market.Bass's pubs酒吧business continues to grow. The business has also become increasingly branded. Bass opens the first O'Neill’s public house小旅馆in 1994 and acquires the restaurant chain Harvester in September 1995.The Harvester acquisition, the development of the All Bar One brand in 1994 and the acquisition of the Browns restaurant chain marks a significant commitment to the growing eating out外出就餐market in the UK.Bass's attempt to acquire half of the Carlsberg-Tetley brewing business in the UK is blocked by the UK government.Bass renews its focus on its hotels and pubs divisions分类. Over the next few years, it sells smaller, non-core非核心businesses such as Gala bingo and Coral bookmakers, along with some of its pubs, including the leased租用的pub business.As the hotel business becomes more purely brand focused, Bass sells its North American midscale hotel buildings, but keeps control of the branding of the hotels through franchise经营权agreements.Bass creates and launches a new hotel brand, Staybridge Suites by Holiday Inn. It's an entry into the profitable赚钱的North American upscale extended stay market. Staybridge Suites becomes the fastest brand in this segment部分to reach 50 units单位in the Americas.Bass acquires the InterContinental hotel company, adding an upper upscale brand to its hotel portfolio. It's an acquisition that brings considerable synergies合并效果and cost savings.The group strengthens its pub division in the UK by cherry picking随意选取550 high-potential sites from Punch Taverns, who had acquired the 3,500 strong pub estate of Allied Domecq联合多美.By acquiring Southern Pacific Hotels Corporation (SPHC) in Australia, Bass confirms its position as the leading hotel company in Asia Pacific.It also acquires Bristol Hotels & Resorts Inc., a US-based hotel management company comprising包含112 hotels operating mainly under leases. This gives the group a stronger management contract presence in the world's largest hotel market.The group sells Bass Brewers to a major Belgian比利时brewer for £2.3 billion十亿.This marks the final step in refocusing再聚焦the group from a domestic家庭的brewing operation to a leading international hospitality retailer – a process that has taken over ten years to complete.It also involves the sale of the Bass name and a change of name to Six Continents PLC – a name that better reflects the global spread of the group's businesses.In February, Six Continents sells 988 smaller, unbranded pubs for £625 million.In April, it acquires the European Posthouse chain of hotels for £810 million. The chain has hotels in strategic战略locations that are suitable for conversion转换to Holiday Inn, consolidating巩固the Holiday Inn brand in the UK and Europe.The group buys the InterContinental Hong Kong for £241 million, strengthening its position in the upscale hotel market in the key Chinese and Asia Pacific markets.On 1 October, Six Continents PLC announces the proposed被提议的separation of the group’s hotels and soft drinks businesses (to be called InterContinental Hotels Group PLC) from the retail零售business (to be called Mitchells & Butlers plc), and the return of £700 million of capital资本输入to shareholders.This process is completed on 15 April 2003. InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) is now a distinct, discrete离散的company, listed in the UK and the US stock markets.In July, IHG sells 16 Staybridge Suites hotels to Hospitality Properties Trust (HPT) and enters into a20-year management agreement.In December, IHG adds the midscale extended-stay长期居住brand Candlewood Suites to its portfolio.In April, IHG announces the introduction of a new brand, Hotel Indigo, focused on providing affordable实惠boutique精品屋accommodation住处.In the same month, the group adopts new standards for selling or re-selling hotel rooms for guest stays through online travel companies.Following the success of the extended-stay Staybridge Suites brand in North America, IHG launches Staybridge Suites UK in April 2005.IHG announces the disposal清理of 100% of its holding in Britvic plc. IHG is now a company with a pure hotels focus.IHG signs an operating joint venture合资企业with All Nippon Airways全日空(ANA). The resulting joint venture – IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan – will be the largest international hotel operator in Japan, the world’s second largest hotel market. The deal sees the introduction of three new brands created for Japan: ANA-InterContinental, ANA-Crowne Plaza and ANA-Holiday Inn.IHG announces a worldwide relaunch of the Holiday Inn brand family, comprising包含Holiday Inn, Express by Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express快捷. The relaunch programme will give Holiday Inn a refreshed and contemporary当代的brand image. All Holiday Inn hotels open or under development are expected to have implemented the relaunch programme by the end of 2010, with the first due to open in mid 2008 in the US.BrandsOur seven hotel brands include some of the best-known and most popular in the world. We've built up a portfolio that covers everything from luxurious upscale hotels in the world's major cities and resorts toreliable family-oriented hotels that offer great service and value.This diverse不同的portfolio means that we have the flexibility灵活性to respond to most types of hotel development opportunity. What's more, our hotel owners can choose the hotel brand that will work for them and maximise尽量增大the potential of a particular特别的site. And whether our guests are travelling for business or leisure安逸, for a honeymoon or a family holiday, we'll have a hotel that's right for them.InterContinental Hotels & Resorts is our most prestigious有名望的hotel brand, located in major cities in over 60 countries worldwide, offering business and leisure travellers the highest level of service and facilities.57,002 rooms, 168 hotels, 62 hotels in the pipeline在准备中Did you know?InterContinental is the world's first hotel brand to provide destination specific concierge门房websites and videos.A dynamic有活力的hotel brand located in nearly 60 countries around the world. Truly international, Crowne Plaza offers premium accommodation, designed for the discerning眼光敏锐的business and leisure traveller who appreciates simplified elegance高雅.103,678 rooms, 376 hotels, 125 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Crowne Plaza Changi airport was ranked among the world’s best airport hotels by Forbes Traveler.A new innovative创新的brand designed for the style-conscious注重风格traveller looking for the individual approach and facilities of a boutique hotel精品饭店. Our hotels are located in urban, mid-town and suburban areas, close to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues throughout America.4,264 rooms, 36 hotels, 57 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Hotel Indigo hotels will be located in urban, mid-town and near-urban markets proximate to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues.Holiday Inn offers today’s business and leisure travellers dependability可靠性, friendly service, modern facilities and excellent value.You’ll find them throughout the world – in small towns and major cities, along quiet roadways and near bustling airports.240,025 rooms, 1,315 hotels, 308 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?100 million guest nights every year globally.A fresh, clean, uncomplicated hotel choice offering comfort, convenience and good value. Holiday Inn Express (or Express by Holiday Inn) is one of the fastest growing hotel brands in its segment.192,264 rooms, 2,101 hotels, 501 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The complimentary Express Start breakfast bar, represented the most rapid food and beverage implementation in the hospitality industry. Available at more than 1,600 hotels in the US.Staybridge Suites is an all-suite hotel brand for extended-stay guests looking for a residential-style住宅式的hotel for business, relocation迁徙or leisure.20,323 rooms, 184 hotels, 110 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?In 2007 Staybridge Suites reached its 100th hotel opening faster than any other brand in the extended-stay segment.Candlewood Suites' high-quality accommodation caters to迎合mid-market business and leisure travellers looking for a multiple多样的night hotel stay.26,996 rooms, 273 hotels, 139 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The first Candlewood Suites property was opened in Wichita, Kansas in 1996.Priority优先Club is the largest reward scheme in the hotel industry, offering our members a variety of privileges特权and rewards as well as unparalleled无比的levels of freedom and choice through our Any Hotel, Anywhere scheme.Did you know?We have 300,000 new members each month and have 52 million members worldwide (as at Interim Results 2010).What are our Winning Ways?IHG’s Winning Ways are how we behave every day – a set of behaviours based on our values that are helping us to become one of the very best companies in the world.They reflect the values that are important to us and were developed through research with our employees across the world into how they behave at work every day – and how they want the people they work with to behave.Our Winning Ways provide a strong sense of shared purpose, and are critical to driving our business performance forward, as well as making us a great, enjoyable place to work. They make us a high-performing organisation that helps deliver our company’s core purpose –‘Great Hotels Guests Love’.The heart of our company has always been our people. It is our people who bring our brands to life for our guests.We operate hotels in three different ways – as a franchisor授予特许者, a manager and on an owned and leased basis.Our business model focuses on managing and franchising hotels, whilst同时our business partners own the bricks and mortar房产. We have approximately 2,000 business partners – hotel owners – throughout the world.FranchisingThis is the largest part of our business: over 3,800 hotels operate under franchise agreements. ManagingWe manage 633 hotels worldwide.OwningWe own 15 hotels worldwide (less than 1% of our portfolio).。

关于InterContinental 洲际酒店集团(英国)一、集团简介洲际酒店集团发家于1777年的第一家巴斯(Bass)酿酒厂;1988年购入Holiday Inns International后,开始涉足宾馆业;2003年4月,随着Six Continents PLC将集团的酒店业务和软饮料业务从零售业中(公司名称为Mitchells & Butlers plc)分离,洲际酒店集团(IHG)正式成立。
目前,洲际酒店集团是全球最大及网络分布最广的酒店管理集团,拥有洲际酒店及度假村、皇冠假日酒店、英迪格酒店、假日酒店、智选/快捷假日酒店、假日酒店度假村(Holiday Inn Resort)、假日酒店度假俱乐部(Holiday Inn Club Vacations)、华邑酒店及度假村、Even酒店、宿之桥酒店公寓(Staybridge Suites)、蜡木酒店公寓(Candlewood Suites)共11个酒店品牌(其中,华邑品牌仅针对中国市场,Even品牌目前仅针对美国市场),覆盖高、中、低档酒店市场。
(注:洲际官网称自己旗下只有9大品牌,不包括“假日酒店度假村(Holiday Inn Resort)、假日酒店度假俱乐部(Holiday Inn Club Vacations)”这两个品牌,但是在酒店数量、酒店房间数计算的时候,会列为独立品牌进行计算)截止2015年1月31日,洲际酒店集团在全球100多个国家和地区拥有已开业酒店4,912家,在建签约酒店1,237家,已开业客房总数721,595间,客房数位居全球第一,同时也是目前为止跨国经营范围最广的国际酒店集团。

世界著名酒店集团介绍——IHG章佳杰著联系方式:*******************一、集团概述:洲际集团(Internal HOTEL Group),简称IHG,是目前全球最大的酒店管理集团。
集团旗下拥有:洲际(Internal Continental)、皇冠(Crowne Plaza)、假日(Holiday Inn)、快捷(Express by Holiday Inn)、英迪格(Indigo)、致桥(Staybridge)、肯德伍德(Candlewood) 7大品牌。
二、发展简介:1951年美国著名企业家Kemmons Wilons带着母亲、妻子和5个孩子,驾驶着汽车,兴致勃勃前往华盛顿特区,打算在那里过一个愉快的假日。
洲际酒店集团由泛美航空公司创建于1946年,之后几经转手,在1998年英国著名的啤酒制造商巴斯集团(Bass)以29亿美元从日本Saison收购了洲际酒店集团的187间单体酒店,20世纪90年代,巴斯集团又全盘接受了Kemmons Wilons 所创立的假日酒店集团,2000年,巴斯集团又耗子1.28亿英镑,取得了Hale 国际有限公司的59间酒店经营权,同年一并吞并英国Post House酒店集团的79间酒店。
世界知名酒店之洲际酒店 InterContinental

相关链接:【中国饭店业国际品牌10强】假日酒店创建56周年之历史回顾 A Review on Holiday Inn's 56th Anniversary(本人1996-1999年曾经在深圳洲际酒店上班)1. InterContinental 洲际酒店集团2006年连续第3年排名世界酒店集团第1位,房间增长了0.9%。
2006中国饭店业国际品牌10强之1. 洲际酒店集团根据2005年7月美国《HOTELS》杂志公布2004年的统计,洲际集团(英)在100多个国家有酒店3540座、房间534202间,列第1位;2003年列第1位,酒店3520座、房间536318间。
英国洲际酒店集团PLC (伦敦股票交易所:IHG,纽约股票交易所:IHG(ADRs)),拥有多个酒店品牌,包括洲际(R)酒店、皇冠假日(R)酒店、假日(R)酒店、假日快捷(R)酒店、Staybridge Suites(R)、Candlewood Suites(R) 和Hotel Indigo(TM)。
此外,集团还拥有英国第二大软性饮料生产商Britvic 公司47.5%的控股权。

洲际酒店集团InterContinentalHotelsGroup文化价值体系第一篇:洲际酒店集团InterContinental Hotels Group文化价值体系洲际酒店集团InterContinental Hotels Group简称IHG,洲际酒店集团成立于1946年,是目前全球最大级网络分布最广的专业化酒店集团,拥有InterContinental, Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites等酒店品牌。
到目前为止,洲际酒店在100多个国家和地区拥有4462家酒店,客房超过656,000 间,在建酒店1190 家。
其中,洲际酒店集团授权经营的酒店约占总数的 85%,代管酒店约占 14%,集团拥有的酒店不足 1%。
洲际酒店集团的使命:To create the world’s leading places to meet, relax & dream营造一个世界顶级的供人相聚,令人放松,众人向往的地方。
洲际酒店集团的愿景:Transform the business to be the most preferred, admired andsuccessful Hotel Company the world over.成为世界上在酒店业内最令人认可和称赞、最成功的酒店管理集团。

十大酒店集团简介NO.1.InterContinenTal洲际酒店集团(英).ichotelsgroup.小注:IHG集团旗下有Inter Continental(洲际)、Crowne plaza(皇冠假日)、Holiday Inn(假日酒店)、Express By Holiday Inn(快捷假日)、Candlewood、Staybridge、Indigo 7个品牌,其中前4个是酒店品牌,后3个是公寓品牌。
重点品牌简介:名称:洲际档次:5星-白金5星中华区数量:5家洲际酒店海景嘉福酒店锦江汤臣洲际大酒店金融街洲际酒店洲际酒店中华区旗舰店:洲际酒店(全港最贵酒店)即将开业:九寨天堂洲际酒店、华侨城洲际酒店、北辰洲际酒店(奥运主会场酒店)品牌简介:Inter Continental是集团的顶级品牌(曾经是全球酒店业顶级奢华品牌之一,与Ritz-Carlton、Four Seasons齐名,自从被六洲集团收购后,品质大不如从前,一个没落的一流品牌),近年来随着洲际集团的迅速扩,Inter Continental这个牌子已陆续出现在国一、二城市中。
Inter Continental和奥林匹克是全球合作伙伴,一般而言,举办过奥运会或是有奥林匹克中心的城市大都会在主会场附近有一座Inter Continental酒店。
竞争对手:Grand Hyatt、Regent、Peninsula、JW-Marriott名称:皇冠假日档次:5星中华区数量:17家中华区旗舰店:五洲皇冠假日酒店即将开业:太阳宫皇冠假日、海景皇冠假日、太平洋皇冠假日、江阴皇冠假日、萧山皇冠假日竞争对手:Hyatt Regency、Marriott、Renaissance、Sheraton、SHangri-La名称:假日酒店档次:4星中华区数量:>40家中华区旗舰店:丽都假日酒店即将开业:10家竞争对手:Days、Count Yard、Four Points By Sheraton、Novotel、Park PlazaNO.2.Cendant 温德姆(原胜腾)酒店集团(美).Cendant.小注:Cendant(圣达特)集团是世界上首席的服务业销售公司;世界财富500(FORTUNE 500)之一;全美50强企业之一;经营围主要包括:旅游服务业——在酒店方面集中了九个全美知名品牌,在全世界拥有6千余家酒店,超过55万间客房;他在全球100多个国家和地区管理着3500多个分时度假酒店;CENDANT集团公司注重拥有的这些知名品牌在国际市场上的开拓,并发挥集团优势,利用各服务业的行业互补,使其更具竞争力。

IHG works with more than 2,000 hotel owners throughout the world. They are our business colleagues and one of our greatest strengths.Successful hotel development depends on matching owners with the right brands and markets. The IHG Global Development website provides the information owners need to learn more, make contact and get started.Developing hotels with us connects owners and their hotels to a host of resources worldwide. We have scale in the largest markets, our global portfolio投资组合has measurable performance and our brands outperform 胜过their market segments细分市场and categories类别. Our brands work hard for our owners, winning guest loyalty and building momentum动力. And our growth projections预测have never been higher: our hotel development pipeline传递途径outpaces超过all of our competitors, which leads to strong, enduring持久global distribution分布.If you would like to learn more about the IHG opportunity, visit the IHG Global Development website. You can download brochures小册子, watch interviews with our leadership team and get acquainted with the award-winning备受赞誉的brands and global operating system that can put your hotel on the map.HistoryWilliam Bass sets up a brewery in Burton-on-Trent. The Bass business thrives兴旺, developing into one of the UK's leading brewers酿酒者.The Bass red triangle becomes the first trademark商标to be registered in the UK.Bass acquires购入a number of well-known regional brewing companies including Mitchells & Butlers in the Midlands (1961), before merging融入with Charringtons in London in 1967. These acquisitions兼并make Bass one of the largest brewers and pub酒馆owners in the UK.Bass makes its first significant象征international move into the hotel industry, buying Holiday Inns International.The Beer Orders legislation立法is passed. This limits the number of tied pubs that major brewers can own and signals a major industry restructuring调整.Bass reduces降低the number of pubs that it owns dramatically and focuses on larger outlets批发商点. At the same time, it directs cashflow现金流转into developing an international hotel business.Bass buys the North American Holiday Inn business and Holiday Inn grows internationally国际性地.Bass launches Holiday Inn Express快捷假日, a complementary brand in the limited service segment.Bass launches Crowne Plaza皇冠假日五星, a move into the upscale迎合高层次消费者hotel market.Bass's pubs酒吧business continues to grow. The business has also become increasingly branded. Bass opens the first O'Neill’s public house小旅馆in 1994 and acquires the restaurant chain Harvester in September 1995.The Harvester acquisition, the development of the All Bar One brand in 1994 and the acquisition of the Browns restaurant chain marks a significant commitment to the growing eating out外出就餐market in the UK.Bass's attempt to acquire half of the Carlsberg-Tetley brewing business in the UK is blocked by the UK government.Bass renews its focus on its hotels and pubs divisions分类. Over the next few years, it sells smaller, non-core非核心businesses such as Gala bingo and Coral bookmakers, along with some of its pubs, including the leased租用的pub business.As the hotel business becomes more purely brand focused, Bass sells its North American midscale hotel buildings, but keeps control of the branding of the hotels through franchise经营权agreements.Bass creates and launches a new hotel brand, Staybridge Suites by Holiday Inn. It's an entry into the profitable赚钱的North American upscale extended stay market. Staybridge Suites becomes the fastest brand in this segment部分to reach 50 units单位in the Americas.Bass acquires the InterContinental hotel company, adding an upper upscale brand to its hotel portfolio. It's an acquisition that brings considerable synergies合并效果and cost savings.The group strengthens its pub division in the UK by cherry picking随意选取550 high-potential sites from Punch Taverns, who had acquired the 3,500 strong pub estate of Allied Domecq联合多美.By acquiring Southern Pacific Hotels Corporation (SPHC) in Australia, Bass confirms its position as the leading hotel company in Asia Pacific.It also acquires Bristol Hotels & Resorts Inc., a US-based hotel management company comprising包含112 hotels operating mainly under leases. This gives the group a stronger management contract presence in the world's largest hotel market.The group sells Bass Brewers to a major Belgian比利时brewer for £2.3 billion十亿.This marks the final step in refocusing再聚焦the group from a domestic家庭的brewing operation to a leading international hospitality retailer – a process that has taken over ten years to complete.It also involves the sale of the Bass name and a change of name to Six Continents PLC – a name that better reflects the global spread of the group's businesses.In February, Six Continents sells 988 smaller, unbranded pubs for £625 million.In April, it acquires the European Posthouse chain of hotels for £810 million. The chain has hotels in strategic战略locations that are suitable for conversion转换to Holiday Inn, consolidating巩固the Holiday Inn brand in the UK and Europe.The group buys the InterContinental Hong Kong for £241 million, strengthening its position in the upscale hotel market in the key Chinese and Asia Pacific markets.On 1 October, Six Continents PLC announces the proposed被提议的separation of the group’s hotels and soft drinks businesses (to be called InterContinental Hotels Group PLC) from the retail零售business (to be called Mitchells & Butlers plc), and the return of £700 million of capital资本输入to shareholders.This process is completed on 15 April 2003. InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) is now a distinct, discrete离散的company, listed in the UK and the US stock markets.In July, IHG sells 16 Staybridge Suites hotels to Hospitality Properties Trust (HPT) and enters into a20-year management agreement.In December, IHG adds the midscale extended-stay长期居住brand Candlewood Suites to its portfolio.In April, IHG announces the introduction of a new brand, Hotel Indigo, focused on providing affordable实惠boutique精品屋accommodation住处.In the same month, the group adopts new standards for selling or re-selling hotel rooms for guest stays through online travel companies.Following the success of the extended-stay Staybridge Suites brand in North America, IHG launches Staybridge Suites UK in April 2005.IHG announces the disposal清理of 100% of its holding in Britvic plc. IHG is now a company with a pure hotels focus.IHG signs an operating joint venture合资企业with All Nippon Airways全日空(ANA). The resulting joint venture – IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan – will be the largest international hotel operator in Japan, the world’s second largest hotel market. The deal sees the introduction of three new brands created for Japan: ANA-InterContinental, ANA-Crowne Plaza and ANA-Holiday Inn.IHG announces a worldwide relaunch of the Holiday Inn brand family, comprising包含Holiday Inn, Express by Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express快捷. The relaunch programme will give Holiday Inn a refreshed and contemporary当代的brand image. All Holiday Inn hotels open or under development are expected to have implemented the relaunch programme by the end of 2010, with the first due to open in mid 2008 in the US.BrandsOur seven hotel brands include some of the best-known and most popular in the world. We've built up a portfolio that covers everything from luxurious upscale hotels in the world's major cities and resorts toreliable family-oriented hotels that offer great service and value.This diverse不同的portfolio means that we have the flexibility灵活性to respond to most types of hotel development opportunity. What's more, our hotel owners can choose the hotel brand that will work for them and maximise尽量增大the potential of a particular特别的site. And whether our guests are travelling for business or leisure安逸, for a honeymoon or a family holiday, we'll have a hotel that's right for them.InterContinental Hotels & Resorts is our most prestigious有名望的hotel brand, located in major cities in over 60 countries worldwide, offering business and leisure travellers the highest level of service and facilities.57,002 rooms, 168 hotels, 62 hotels in the pipeline在准备中Did you know?InterContinental is the world's first hotel brand to provide destination specific concierge门房websites and videos.A dynamic有活力的hotel brand located in nearly 60 countries around the world. Truly international, Crowne Plaza offers premium accommodation, designed for the discerning眼光敏锐的business and leisure traveller who appreciates simplified elegance高雅.103,678 rooms, 376 hotels, 125 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Crowne Plaza Changi airport was ranked among the world’s best airport hotels by Forbes Traveler.A new innovative创新的brand designed for the style-conscious注重风格traveller looking for the individual approach and facilities of a boutique hotel精品饭店. Our hotels are located in urban, mid-town and suburban areas, close to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues throughout America.4,264 rooms, 36 hotels, 57 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Hotel Indigo hotels will be located in urban, mid-town and near-urban markets proximate to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues.Holiday Inn offers today’s business and leisure travellers dependability可靠性, friendly service, modern facilities and excellent value.You’ll find them throughout the world – in small towns and major cities, along quiet roadways and near bustling airports.240,025 rooms, 1,315 hotels, 308 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?100 million guest nights every year globally.A fresh, clean, uncomplicated hotel choice offering comfort, convenience and good value. Holiday Inn Express (or Express by Holiday Inn) is one of the fastest growing hotel brands in its segment.192,264 rooms, 2,101 hotels, 501 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The complimentary Express Start breakfast bar, represented the most rapid food and beverage implementation in the hospitality industry. Available at more than 1,600 hotels in the US.Staybridge Suites is an all-suite hotel brand for extended-stay guests looking for a residential-style住宅式的hotel for business, relocation迁徙or leisure.20,323 rooms, 184 hotels, 110 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?In 2007 Staybridge Suites reached its 100th hotel opening faster than any other brand in the extended-stay segment.Candlewood Suites' high-quality accommodation caters to迎合mid-market business and leisure travellers looking for a multiple多样的night hotel stay.26,996 rooms, 273 hotels, 139 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The first Candlewood Suites property was opened in Wichita, Kansas in 1996.Priority优先Club is the largest reward scheme in the hotel industry, offering our members a variety of privileges特权and rewards as well as unparalleled无比的levels of freedom and choice through our Any Hotel, Anywhere scheme.Did you know?We have 300,000 new members each month and have 52 million members worldwide (as at Interim Results 2010).What are our Winning Ways?IHG’s Winning Ways are how we behave every day – a set of behaviours based on our values that are helping us to become one of the very best companies in the world.They reflect the values that are important to us and were developed through research with our employees across the world into how they behave at work every day – and how they want the people they work with to behave.Our Winning Ways provide a strong sense of shared purpose, and are critical to driving our business performance forward, as well as making us a great, enjoyable place to work. They make us a high-performing organisation that helps deliver our company’s core purpose –‘Great Hotels Guests Love’.The heart of our company has always been our people. It is our people who bring our brands to life for our guests.We operate hotels in three different ways – as a franchisor授予特许者, a manager and on an owned and leased basis.Our business model focuses on managing and franchising hotels, whilst同时our business partners own the bricks and mortar房产. We have approximately 2,000 business partners – hotel owners – throughout the world.FranchisingThis is the largest part of our business: over 3,800 hotels operate under franchise agreements. ManagingWe manage 633 hotels worldwide.OwningWe own 15 hotels worldwide (less than 1% of our portfolio).。

简介洲际酒店集团InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG)是一个全球化的酒店集团,在全球100多个国家和地区经营和特许经营着超过4,400家酒店,超过660,000间客房。
“洲际”旗下的酒店品牌有洲际酒店及度假村(InterContinental Hotels & Resorts),假日酒店及假日度假酒店(Holiday Inn),皇冠假日酒店(Crowne Plaza Hotels),智选假日酒店(Holiday Inn Express),英迪格酒店(Indigo) 。
美国企业家凯蒙斯?威尔逊(Kemmons Wilson)在一次举家出外度假时,有感于所入住的饭店缺乏宾至如归的服务及收费过高,遂于1952年在美国田纳西州孟斐斯开设了第一间假日饭店。
Wilson 先生其后还成为连锁经营的先驱。
Day 33讲义 IHG(洲际酒店集团)

InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)At IHG, we’re committed to delivering True Hospitality for everyone. We believe in making you feel welcome and valued, wherever you are in the world. That’s because we truly care about people and the communities we serve, and because we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality of service.Each of our hotel brands caters to guests in their own distinct way. And our reach spans the globe. So, whether you’re travelling for business, fun with friends and family, or pure luxury, we have a hotel for you.We look forward to seeing you soon.一、核心词汇intercontinental [,ɪntɚ,kɑntɪ’nentl]adj. 洲际的;大陆间的deliver [dɪ’lɪvɚ] vt. 递送;发表;给……接生community [kəˈmjunətɪ] n. 社区pride [praɪd] vt. 使得意,以……而自豪 n. 自豪;骄傲provide [prə’vaɪd] vt. 提供brand [brænd] n. 品牌;商标 vt. 给……打烙印cater [ˈkeɪtɚ] vt. 提供饮食及服务;迎合;满足需要distinct [dɪ’stɪŋkt]adj. 明显的;明显不同的span [spæn] n. 跨度 vt. 跨越globe [gləʊb] n. 球体;全球pure[pjʊr] adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的luxury[ˈlʌkʃərɪ] n. 奢侈,奢华二、核心表达be committed to sth./doing sth.致力于某事/做某事believe in sth./doing sth.信奉某事/做某事pride oneself on sth. 为……而自豪;对……引以为荣cater to sb. 迎合某人;满足某人的需要span the globe遍布全球三、参考译文洲际酒店集团洲际酒店集团致力于为每一位宾客提供充满真情实意的热情款待。

洲际酒店集团求助编辑编辑本段皇冠假日酒店(Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts),假日快捷(Holiday Express),英迪格(Indigo)品牌酒店 ,Candlewood品牌酒店 ,Staybridge 公寓式酒店等品牌。
编辑本段英文简介InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) is the world’s most global hotel company and the largest by number of rooms. The Group has over 4,400 owned, leased, managed and franchised hotels and 660,000 guest rooms across nearly 100 countries and territories.编辑本段历史背景1777年,英国巴斯(BASS)集团成立,成为英国第一家独立注册商标的集团。
美国企业家凯蒙斯?威尔逊(Kemmons Wilson)在一次举家出外度假时,有感于所入住的饭店缺乏宾至如归的服务及收费过高,遂于1952年在美国田纳西州孟斐斯开设了第一间假日饭店。
Wilson 先生其后还成为连锁经营的先驱。
洲际酒店集团InterContinental Hotels Group文化价值体系

洲际酒店集团InterContinental Hotels Group简称IHG,洲际酒店集团成立于1946年,是目前全球最大级网络分布最广的专业化酒店集团,拥有InterContinental, Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites 等酒店品牌。
到目前为止,洲际酒店在100多个国家和地区拥有4462家酒店,客房超过656,000 间,在建酒店1190 家。
洲际酒店集团的使命:T o create the world’s leading places to meet, relax & dream营造一个世界顶级的供人相聚,令人放松,众人向往的地方。
洲际酒店集团的愿景:Transform the business to be the most preferred, admired andsuccessful Hotel Company the world over.成为世界上在酒店业内最令人认可和称赞、最成功的酒店管理集团。
IHG 英国洲际酒店

洲际酒店集团洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels Group)是全球,亚洲和中国第一大酒店管理集团。
拥有客房数居世界第一, 目前在全球100多个国家和地区拥有、管理、出租或托管全世界3700多家酒店,约560,000间客房。

洲际酒店集团介绍及其营销策略洲际酒店集团介绍及其营销策略一、基本介绍【简介】洲际酒店集团InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG)是一个全球化的酒店集团,在全球100多个国家和地区经营和特许经营着超过4,400家酒店,超过660,000间客房。
“洲际”旗下的酒店品牌有洲际酒店(InterContinental Hotels & Resorts),假日酒店(Holiday Inn),皇冠假日酒店(Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts),假日快捷(Holiday Express),英迪格(Indigo)品牌酒店,Candlewood品牌酒店,Staybridge公寓式酒店等品牌。
集团旗下七个品牌(一)洲际酒店及度假村(二)皇冠假日酒店及度假村(三)假日酒店及度假村(四)快捷假日(五)Staybridge Suites(六)CandleWood Suites(七)Indigo洲际酒店在中国地区的分布:香港洲际酒店重庆洲际酒店九寨沟九寨天堂洲际大饭店上海锦江汤臣大酒店沈阳洲际酒店福州洲际大酒店马鞍山海外海皇冠假日酒店重庆滨江皇冠假日酒店北京中成天坛假日酒店海南饭店三亚亚龙湾假日渡假酒店【历史背景】1777年,英国巴斯(BASS)集团成立,成为英国第一家独立注册商标的集团。
美国企业家凯蒙斯?威尔逊(Kemmons Wilson)在一次举家出外度假时,有感于所入住的饭店缺乏宾至如归的服务及收费过高,遂于1952年在美国田纳西州孟斐斯开设了第一间假日饭店。
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IHG works with more than 2,000 hotel owners throughout the world. They are our business colleagues and one of our greatest strengths.Successful hotel development depends on matching owners with the right brands and markets. The IHG Global Development website provides the information owners need to learn more, make contact and get started.HistoryWilliam Bass sets up a brewery in Burton-on-Trent. The Bass business thrives兴旺, developing into one of the UK's leading brewers酿酒者.The Bass red triangle becomes the first trademark商标to be registered in the UK.Bass acquires购入a number of well-known regional brewing companies including Mitchells & Butlers in the Midlands (1961), before merging融入with Charringtons in London in 1967. These acquisitions兼并make Bass one of the largest brewers and pub酒馆owners in the UK.Bass makes its first significant象征international move into the hotel industry, buying Holiday Inns International.The Beer Orders legislation立法is passed. This limits the number of tied pubs that major brewers can own and signals a major industry restructuring调整.Bass reduces降低the number of pubs that it owns dramatically and focuses on larger outlets批发商点. At the same time, it directs cashflow现金流转into developing an international hotel business.Bass buys the North American Holiday Inn business and Holiday Inn grows internationally国际性地.Bass launches Holiday Inn Express快捷假日, a complementary brand in the limited service segment.Bass launches Crowne Plaza皇冠假日五星, a move into the upscale迎合高层次消费者hotel market.Bass's pubs酒吧business continues to grow. The business has also become increasingly branded. Bass opens the first O'Neill’s public house小旅馆in 1994 and acquires the restaurant chain Harvester in September 1995.The Harvester acquisition, the development of the All Bar One brand in 1994 and the acquisition of the Browns restaurant chain marks a significant commitment to the growing eating out外出就餐market in the UK.BrandsOur seven hotel brands include some of the best-known and most popular in the world. We've built up a portfolio that covers everything from luxurious upscale hotels in the world's major cities and resorts to reliable family-oriented hotels that offer great service and value.This diverse不同的portfolio means that we have the flexibility灵活性to respond to most types of hotel development opportunity. What's more, our hotel owners can choose the hotel brand that will work for them and maximise尽量增大the potential of a particular特别的site. And whether our guests are travelling for business or leisure安逸, for a honeymoon or a family holiday, we'll have a hotel that's right for them.InterContinental Hotels & Resorts is our most prestigious有名望的hotel brand, located in major cities in over 60 countries worldwide, offering business and leisure travellers the highest level of service and facilities.57,002 rooms, 168 hotels, 62 hotels in the pipeline在准备中Did you know?InterContinental is the world's first hotel brand to provide destination specific concierge门房websites and videos.A dynamic有活力的hotel brand located in nearly 60 countries around the world. Truly international, Crowne Plaza offers premium accommodation, designed for the discerning眼光敏锐的business and leisure traveller who appreciates simplified elegance高雅.103,678 rooms, 376 hotels, 125 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Crowne Plaza Changi airport was ranked among the world’s best airport hotels by Forbes Traveler.A new innovative创新的brand designed for the style-conscious注重风格traveller looking for the individual approach and facilities of a boutique hotel精品饭店. Our hotels are located in urban, mid-town and suburban areas, close to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues throughout America.4,264 rooms, 36 hotels, 57 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?Hotel Indigo hotels will be located in urban, mid-town and near-urban markets proximate to businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues.Holiday Inn offers today’s business and leisure travellers dep endability可靠性, friendly service, modern facilities and excellent value.You’ll find them throughout the world – in small towns and major cities, along quiet roadways and near bustling airports.240,025 rooms, 1,315 hotels, 308 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?100 million guest nights every year globally.A fresh, clean, uncomplicated hotel choice offering comfort, convenience and good value. Holiday Inn Express (or Express by Holiday Inn) is one of the fastest growing hotel brands in its segment.192,264 rooms, 2,101 hotels, 501 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The complimentary Express Start breakfast bar, represented the most rapid food and beverage implementation in the hospitality industry. Available at more than 1,600 hotels in the US.Staybridge Suites is an all-suite hotel brand for extended-stay guests looking for a residential-style住宅式的hotel for business, relocation迁徙or leisure.20,323 rooms, 184 hotels, 110 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?In 2007 Staybridge Suites reached its 100th hotel opening faster than any other brand in the extended-stay segment.Candlewood Suites' high-quality accommodation caters to迎合mid-market business and leisure travellers looking for a multiple多样的night hotel stay.26,996 rooms, 273 hotels, 139 hotels in the pipelineDid you know?The first Candlewood Suites property was opened in Wichita, Kansas in 1996.Priority优先Club is the largest reward scheme in the hotel industry, offering our members a variety of privileges特权and rewards as well as unparalleled无比的levels of freedom and choice through our Any Hotel, Anywhere scheme.Did you know?We have 300,000 new members each month and have 52 million members worldwide (as at Interim Results 2010).What are our Winning Ways?IHG’s Winning Ways are how we behave every day – a set of behaviours based on our values that are helping us to become one of the very best companies in the world.They reflect the values that are important to us and were developed through research with our employees across the world into how they behave at work every day – and how they want the people they work with to behave.Our Winning Ways provide a strong sense of shared purpose, and are critical to driving our business performance forward, as well as making us a great, enjoyable place to work. They make us a high-performing organisation that helps deliver our company’s core purpose –‘Great Hotels Guests Love’.The heart of our company has always been our people. It is our people who bring our brands to life for our guests.We operate hotels in three different ways – as a franchisor授予特许者, a manager and on an owned and leased basis.Our business model focuses on managing and franchising hotels, whilst同时our business partners own the bricks and mortar房产. We have approximately 2,000 business partners – hotel owners – throughout the world.FranchisingThis is the largest part of our business: over 3,800 hotels operate under franchise agreements.ManagingWe manage 633 hotels worldwide.OwningWe own 15 hotels worldwide (less than 1% of our portfolio).。