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21世纪, 孙致礼,《中国翻译》发表文章认为:“我国二十一世纪的文学翻译 将以异化为主基调,这将是提高文学翻译水平的必由之径”。蔡平,认为: “无论从翻译的本质目的还是从翻译的实践来看,翻译的方法(特别是文 学翻译)只能以归化为主基调。”王宁,认为“……对于文学翻译这样一种 艺术性和创造性成分极高的再创造实践,用简单的非此即彼式的二元对立 模式对一篇译文进行对与错的判断是. 远远不够的。”
译文1表现出深厚的语言功底,可惜不留给读者任何联想空间。虽说 不失优美,但原文的含蓄已不存在。
Application in Translation
Deposit vs.定金 Burden of proof vs. 举证责任 Beyond a reasonable doubt:排除合理怀疑
前款规定的人员,索取他人财物或者非法收受他人财物,犯 前款罪的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。 Where a person stated in the preceding paragraph extorts money and goods from others or illegally accepts money and goods from others to commit the aforementioned crime, he is to be sentenced to more than five years but not more than ten years of fixed term imprisonment and a fine.
❖ Foreignization, an ethno-deviant pressure on those values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text,sending the readers abroad.
Dynamic equivalence and formal equivalence are two approaches to translation. Dynamic equivalence (also known as functional equivalence) attempts to convey the thought expressed in a source text (if necessary, at the expense of literalness, original word order, the source text's grammatical voice, etc.). Formal equivalence attempts to render the text word-for-word (if necessary, at the expense of natural expression in the target language). The two approaches represent emphasis, respectively, on readability and on literal fidelity to the source text. There is no sharp boundary between dyna.mic and formal equivalence.
Application in Translation
1. O’er old trees wreathed with rotten vine fly evening crows; ’Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear stream flows; On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes.
Debates Abroad
Foreignization: Friedrich Schleiermacher /Lawrence Venuti /Francis Newman Domestivation: Eugene Nida/Alexander Tytler
Debates at Home
2. Withered rattans, wrinkled trees, and evening ravens; Small bridge, sparkling brook, and smoking kettle; Ancient road, west wind, and a gaunt horse away from house.
近百年来我国出现的一些翻译大家,从晚清时期的严复、 林纾,到上个世纪三四十年代的朱生豪、吕叔湘、张谷若, 一直到建国后的杨必等人,个个都是“归化派”的代表。
而在“异化派”的代表译家中,鲁迅应该是最具代表性的 一位,虽然他是中国新文化运动的旗手,但其译作因为过于 拘泥于原作,故而远不像其创作. 那样广受欢迎。
“新译”法,被梁启超称颂为“意 译直
Debates at Home
我国近代翻译西学的活动中,我们不难发现:与注重保留原 文的语言文化特色的“异化派”相比,注重适应目标语的 语言文化规范的“归化派”一直占有明显的优势。
Studies Abroad
Ancient Rome: word-for-word translation vs. sense-for-sense translation
(Cicero/St. Jerome)

18~19th century: On the Different Ways of Translation
Foreignization & Domestication 异化与归化
❖ Foreignization and domestication are first termed by the American translation theorist Lawrence Venuti in his book The Translator’s Invisibility
❖ Domestication, an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target language cultural values, bringing the author of the source language into the target language culture.
Debates at Home
新中国成立后到文革前,茅盾、傅雷(不在形似,而在神似)、钱钟书(化 境),我国建国后的文学翻译家大多以“艺术创造性的翻译”为目标,追 求“神似”,向往“化境”,力求使自己的译文读起来不像译作,但异化 的翻译策略始终未受到重视。
20世纪最后二十年,翻译研究得到迅速恢复和发展。《外国语》,《外语 界》,《中国翻译》,《翻译通讯》等学刊相继创办,“翻译学”的概念 也被提出。翻译理论建设也迅速发展起来。1987年,刘英凯在《现代外语》 上发表的《归化———翻译的歧路》一文,文中尖锐地批评了归化译法, 认为这是“翻译的歧路”,并大力倡导移植法,让其在翻译中占有“主导 地位”。从此,国内关于归化和异化策略孰优孰劣的争辩一直没有停止过。
(Friedrich Schleiermacher)

Contemporary translation field: Foreignizition vs. Domestication
(Eugene Nida/Lawrence Venuti)
Dynamic and formal equivalence