职称英语综合类阅读理解第24篇The Romance of Arthur逐句翻译

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The Romance of Arthur亚瑟的传奇

Most cultures have some sort of hero who represents the best values of what its people believe in. 很多文化都有某类能代表他们民族深信的价值观的英雄。The unusual thing about King Arthur is that legends of his heroism have persisted for several centuries and spread far beyond England, the place where they began. 有关亚瑟王的不同寻常的事情就是他的英雄主义传奇已经持续了几个世纪,并且影响力早已超越它所诞生的英国。

The earliest stories of King Arthur represent him as a warrior who fought and subdued the invading Norsemen in the years around A. D. 700. 在有关亚瑟王早期的故事中,他是一个战士,他在公元约700年抗击、震慑入侵的北欧人。This much of the Arthurian tale is probably based on fact. 许多这类亚瑟王的故事大概是基于事实。Whether called Arthur or not, there is a body of evidence supporting the existence of such a warrior. 无论是否叫作亚瑟,大量证据证明是有这样一个战士存在的。It is the later embellishments of the tale whose authenticity is questionable. 后来这些故事被美化修饰,使得它们的真实性受到质疑。According to these, Arthur was born in a castle in Tintagel on the stormy western coast of England and because he was the illegitimate son of King Uther

Pendragon,根据这些故事,我们知道亚瑟出生在位于英国西海岸廷塔杰尔的一座城堡里,这里经常狂风暴雨。由于亚瑟是国王UtherPendragon的私生子,he was spirited away by the magician Merlin and his true identity kept from him. 所以他被巫师Merlin偷偷地带走,因此他不知道自己的真实身份(他的真实身份与他分离)。He became king after freeing the sword Excalibur from the stone into which it was thrust. 在王者之剑从它刺穿的石头中拔出时,他才成为国王。He married the beautiful Guinevere and assembled in his court all the noblest knights of the land, 他娶了美丽的Guinevere,并且召集所有贵族骑士来到他的王宫,including Lancelot, with whom Guinevere would later be unfaithful to him. 这其中就包括Lancelot,后来Guinevere背叛了他。He was finally defeated in battle by his illegitimate son Mordred, and his body was spirited away to the isle of AValon.亚瑟王最终在决斗中被他的私生子Mordred打败,他的尸体被偷偷地运到阿瓦隆岛上。

This romantic tale greatly appealed to the English and the French in the Middle Ages, when the code of chivalry—ideal qualities of knighthood- constituted an important part of many stories. 这个传奇故事对中世纪的英国人和法国人很有吸引力,那个时候骑士精神的道德标准——骑士的理想的品格——是许多故事中很重要的一部分。Tales of the heroism of

Galahad, Percival, Gawain, and many other of Arthur's knights were circulated as well. Galahad,Percival,Gawain,以及其他亚瑟王的骑士的英雄主义故事也都传播开来。

In England today, there are many sites claiming apiece of the Arthurian an legend. 在今天的英国,有许多地方都宣称是亚瑟王传奇遗址的一部分。There is a mined castle at Tintagel. Near Glastonbury are the remains of an ancient abbey where Arthur’s and Guinevere's bodies were supposedly exhumed in the 12th century. 廷塔杰尔还有一座成为废墟的城堡。格拉斯顿堡附近还有一座古代修道院的遗迹,据说亚瑟王和Guinevere的尸体在12世纪就在这里被挖掘出来。Neither of these proves that the legend is true, but they do keep its mystique alive.这些都不能证明传奇的真实性,但是它们却让这种神秘气氛延续下去。


Arthur n.亚瑟(中世纪传奇故事中的不列颠国王,圆桌骑士团的首领)

authenticity n.可靠性,真实性

spirit v.偷偷地带走;拐走;绑架

warrior n. 战士,勇士

chivalry n. 骑士
