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1 摘要的撰写

摘要( abstract,亦称文摘)作为对研究论文正文的精练概括,非常便于读者在最短的时间内了解全文内容。


目前英文摘要存在的普遍弊病是可读性不强, 信息量不够。其中的原因多种多样,最主要的是作者不得要领,写作缺乏逻辑性,尤其在准确表达内容和语法修辞上,亟待提高。英文摘要的语言必须符合英文的语法规定和表达习惯。

许多出版物都对摘要有特定的要求,出版者通常在“Guidelines for Authors”中提供详细要求。



An abstract is a concise summary of your work. “A well prepared abstract enables readers to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety ” ( American National Standards Institute, 1979). Abstracts should state the objectives of the project, describe the methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings (Day, 1988).





1)信息性(报道性)摘要( Informative Abstract)


几乎所有科技出版物要求的均为Informative Abstract。

Informative Abstract:

- communicate specific information from the report, article, or paper.

- include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report , article, or paper.

- provide the report, article, or paper’s results, conclusions, and recommendations.

- are short———from a paragraph to a page or two, depending upon the length of the original work being abstracted. Usually informative abstracts are 10% or less of the length of the original piece.

- allow readers to decide whether they want to read the report, article, or paper.


A troop of Guinea baboons living in an enclosure was exposed every day and for twelve consecutive days to a

new object. The new object and the object ( s) of the previous day ( s) were presented simultaneously in the compound. [method]. The troop as a whole demonstrated excellent abilities to rapidly react to the new objects: 11 out of 12 new objects were discovered within a maximum of 3 min of their first presentation and were furthermore the first to be approached. [ results]An analysis conducted on data from age and sex subgroup showed the preponderant part played by juveniles and by some adult males in the discovery process and subsequent contacts with objects. [method, result ] The results are discussed within the conceptual frame of “cognitive mapping. ”In addition, the extent to which social factors ( e. g. , dominance) and perceptual and cognitive factors might determine the differential role of subgroups in the exploration and manipulation of objects is examined. [ reference to discussion ] [ Beh.96. 1986, 103 ]

2)指示性摘要( Indicative Abstract , Descriptive Abstract)

指示性摘要即介绍性摘要,也称陈述性摘要。它主要介绍论文的论题,或者概括表述研究的目的, 用简单的几句话使读者对论文所研究的主要内容有一概括的了解,不需要介绍方法、结果、结论的具体内容,也不需要用数据进行定量描述。

Indicative Abstract:

- tell readers what information the report, article, or paper contains.

- include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper.

- do not provide results, conclusions, or recommendations.

- are always very short, usually under 100 words.

- introduce the subject to readers, who must then read the report, article , or paper to find out the author’s results, conclusions, or recommendations.


Fast and slow magneto acoustic shocks are studied

in the framework of relativistic magneto fluid dynamics

with the Synge equation of state. [objective, method ]

An approximate analytical solution is presented in a particular case. [ ref. to result ] The general case is treated by numerical methods. [ ref. to methods ] [ Phys. Flu. 30, 1987, 3045 ]



而变化。若无特殊要求,信息性摘要通常以150~250 words为宜,不多于250 words; 指示性摘要以100~150 words为宜。有些学术期刊规定摘要的长度不能超过一定的字数,作者在投稿前应查询拟投稿期刊的有关规定。若无摘要长度的规定,作者可参照该期刊上所刊登论文的摘要的通常长度。一般来说,国际会议的通知中对摘要的长度均有明确规定。


摘要既然是一篇浓缩的研究论文,其结构就应当与科技论文的结构是相对应的,需要有4个组成部分: ①研究的目的; ②研究的过程和采用的方法; ③主要结果或发现; ④主要结论和推论。

1)研究的目的(Objective or purpose)


development of model, synthesis of polyketone, 尤其在社会科学论文中更常见。

2)研究的过程与采用的方法( Process and Methods)

