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第三章 资信调查
掌握资信调查的渠道 熟悉调查内容
Ⅰ. Introduction

(l)国外企业的组织机构情况,包括企业的性质、创建历史、内部 组织机构、主要负责人及担任的职务、分支机构等。 (2)政治情况,主要指企业负责人的政治背景,与政界的关系以及 对我国的政治态度等。 (3)资信情况,它包括企业的资金和信用这两个方面。资金是指企 业的注册资本、财产以及资产负债情况等;信用是指企业的经营 作风、履约信誉等。 (4)经营范围,主要是指企业生产或经营的商品、经营的性质,是 代理商、生产商,还是零售批发商等。 (5)经营能力,每年的营业额、销售渠道、经营方式以及在当地和 国际市场上的贸易关系等。
Yours faithfully
Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of 10th March. We are gratified to receive your request for men and women's raincoats on approval. As we have not previously done business together, perhaps you will kindly agree to supply either the usual trade references, or the name of a bank to which we may refer. As soon as these enquiries are satisfactorily settled, we shall be happy to send you the items you mention in your letter. We sincerely hope this will be the beginning of long and pleasant business cooperation. We shall do our best to make it so. Yours sincerely,
Dear Sirs, This is in reply to your enquiry dated April 8th about the credit status of Da Cheng Mechanical Equipment Company. we regret we have to make an unfavorable account. We found that the company is now being pressed by several creditors and its position is precarious. Therefore, we deem it rather advisable for you to refrain from having relations with that company. This information is strictly confidential and is given without responsibility on our part.
(二)回复资信调查信函的写作步骤及常 见的表达方式
的意愿 2、有利的答复 2、不利的答复 3、希望对方对所提供的报告保密
1、感谢对方的信任,表达愿意提 供信息的意愿
you for your inquiry about the business standing of… we are pleased to supply you the following information. (2)We can thoroughly recommend the firm you inquired about… (3)We welcome the opportunity to report favorably on…
these years our relations with them have been consistently an entirely satisfactory. (2)We welcome this opportunity to assure you of our complete confidence in… (3)After some difficulties during the first year, the firm has met its liabilities regularly and punctually.
information we receive from you, of course, will be held in strict confidence. (2)We thank you for your courtesy and assure you of strict confidence. (3)For your convenience in replying, a question is enclosed, together with a stamped, addressed envelop.
Our own experience with them has not been satisfactory. (2)Recent difficulties that seem to be due to bad management have resulted in considerable borrowing at a high rate of interest. (3)Our records show that some of their accounts have been outstanding for long periods.
We appreciate your early reply. Yours faithfully
You would greatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to the present financial position of the firm named on the attached slip. As we are on the point of transacting some important business with them, we should like to know exactly how their credit stands. Any information you may give me will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential. It would give us great pleasure to be able to render you a similar service should opportunity occur. Messrs. Smith & Co., of your city, desires to open an account with us, and has given us your name as a reference.

We should be very grateful to you for any information you can give us about their reputation and credit-worthiness. (2) We should be obliged if you would let us know… (3)Since it is our first transaction with this firm, we should greatly appreciate your advice as to what limit you consider them safe.
Dear Sirs,
You are kindly requested to provide us with the information on the credit and business operation of Andson Salt Import Company. Please be convinced that all the materials you supply to us will be kept absolutely secret, for which you will not take any responsibilities.
一、要求对方提供营业执照复印件。要特别注意注册资本、 主营业务、和企业名称及地址;
二、亲自调查或委托调查。对外商的资信调查有许多途径, 可以向银行、驻外商务机构、资信机构、商会或同业公会或 我国的有关外贸公司调查。
Ⅱ、Writing Skills
(一) 资信调查信函的写作步骤及常见的表达方式
(一)资信调查信函的写作步骤及常见Leabharlann Baidu表达方式
1、直截了当地说明写信意图 2、说明想要调查的细节和原因 3、保证保守秘密

(1)Our prospective customers…have given us your name as a banking reference. (2)…have referred us to you that… for information concerning their standing. (3) They state that they have done business with you for the past two years and have given us the name of your company as a reference.
(2)公司背景:介绍公司的注册情况、历史、隶属关系等; (3)业务情况:介绍公司的业务范围、供货来源、市场分布等; (4)付款记录:介绍公司以往对外付款记录等; (5)财务情况:介绍公司财务情况及营业发展趋势; (6)银行往来:主要往来银行及关系; (7)公共记录:介绍公司的法律诉讼、抵押记录等; (8)综合评估:对与该公司交易时应注意的问题、应采用的结算方 式、信用额度和放账期等进行评估。
consider this information for which we accept no responsibility as strictly confidential. (2)We offer this information in strict confidence and with good faith. (3)We hope that we have been of assistance to you, and that you will recognize the importance of keeping this communication strictly private.