应用语言学复习(之二)应用语言学练习(之二)1、什么是第一语言?第一语言(first 1anguage)是指一个人出生之后最先接触并获得的语言。
这个意思通常被译作“mother language”。
这个意思通常被译成“native language”。
这个意思则通常被译成“parent language”。
应用语言学第一节概况一、研究意义1. 要真正地认识语言,就必须结合语言应用的研究。
2. 研究语言的应用是为了让语言更好为使用者服务。
3. 现代科学技术的发展,也对语言应用研究提出了新的需求。
4. 社会的一体化进程也需要语言的应用研究。
应用语言学复习资料注意:1. 另一个TERM 是silent way2. 对比关系是听说法和直接法3. 关系是应用语言学与语言学的关系ACT----active control of thoughtAILA/IAAL----international association of applied linguisticsAL----applied linguisticsALAA----applied linguistics association of AustraliaALANA----applied linguistics association of New ZealandALM----the audio-lingual methodASTP----the army specialized training programBAAL----British association of applied linguisticsBICS----basic interpersonal communicative skillsCA----contrastive analysisCAAL/ACLA----Canadian association of applied linguisticsCAGR----compound annual growth rateCAH----the contrastive analysis hypothesisCAL----critical applied linguisticsCALL----computer aided language learningCALP----cognitive/academic language proficiencyCDA----critical discourse analysisCDS----child-directed speakerCLL----community language learningCLT----communicative language teachingCP----co-operative principleCUP----Cambridge University PressESF----the European science foundationEUROSLA----European second language associationFLT----foreign language teachingFLA----first language acquisitionFSI----the Foreign Service institute‟sFUO-finite utterance organizationGCSE----general certificate of second educationGB----government and bindingGUFS----Guangdong University of foreign studiesICT----information and communication technologyIDC----international data corporationInJAL----international Journal of Applied LinguisticsIP----input processingIRAL----international review of applied linguistics in language teaching ISBU----interlanguage studies bulletinIUO----infinite utterance organizationLAD----language acquisition deviceMME----the micro-momentary expression testMLAT----modern language aptitude testNS----native speakerNNS----non-native speakerNUO----nominal utterance organizationOPI----oral proficiency interviewOUP----Oxford University PressPDP----parallel distributed processingPDAQ----the professed difference in attitude questionnaireSLA----second language acquisitionSLI-----special language impairmentSLL----second language learningSLR----second language researchS-R----stimulus-responseSSLA----studies in second language acquisitionTESOL-----teachers of English to speakers of other languageTG----transformational grammar/ transformational-generative grammarTL----theoretical languageTLU----target-like useTOEFL----theTest of English as a Foreign LanguageTRR----total physical responseU of C----University of CalgaryUCLA----university of California Los AngelesUG----universal grammarWCAL----world congress of applied linguisticsZPD----zone of proximal developmentMayes Briggs character types: E/I----extroversion-introversionS/N----sensing-intuitionT/F----thinking-feelingJ/P----judging-perceivingNP----noun-phrase VP----verb-phrase DP----determiner-phraseCP----complementizer phrase IP----infection phrase TP----tense phraseAgrP----agreement phrase PP----prepositional phraseTerms:Language----language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. / A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which the members of a society interact in terms of their total culture. / A language is “a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements”. / Language is “the institution whereby humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbols”.Language is an emotional subject: it belongs to everyone, so most people feel they have a right to hold an opinion about it. Languages are equal on having developed to express the needs of their users, all languages meet the social and psychological needs of their speakers. Language is magical, a mystery which, esp. in its written form, is thought to contain special powers, which only theinitiated are allowed to understand or control.Linguistics----it is the scientific study of human language in all its aspects, providing a methodology for exploring the structure of particular languages and investigates what is universal to all human languages; how languages are different, how language varies over time and between different societies, how language is learnt, and how language is used for human communication.Linguistics may be defined as the scientific study of language. This definition is well accepted because it succinctly pinpoints the objects and methods of linguistics as a discipline.Applied linguistics----it can be defined in a broad sense or in a narrow sense. Broadly speaking, applied linguistics covers more than the teaching and learning of languages. It includes speech pathology and therapy, translation, machine translation and language policy, etc.. In one word, it includes anything to which linguistics could be applied. Foreign and second language learning and teaching research is a central part of applied linguistics. So narrowly speaking, applied linguistics means the application of linguistics findings to language teaching and learning. It is concerned with approaches to language teachers, with language learning, with syllabus design, with materials development and with the assessment and testing of language learning, with the educational policy in general and language learning and teaching policy in particular of a country.Psycholinguistics----it is a sub-discipline of applied linguistics in abroad sense, but psycholinguistics has become an independent discipline through recent developments. Generally speaking, psycholinguistics studies language in relation to the properties of the human mind. As such it studies the relationship between linguistics behavior and psychological processes that are hypothesized to underlie such behavior. In other words, psycholinguistics studies the mental process that a person uses in producing and understanding language, and how humans learn language. There have beenQuestions:1. Why does the examination of social relationships play a crucial role in applied linguistics?1) The first reason is that in the partial move from linguistics applied to applied linguistics, it has been accepted that the social aspect is essential to all understanding of language in use, that in the specific case of language teaching all formal language learning must take account of the context in which that learning takes place and further-more that the context determines and affects that learning.2) The second reason is that there is noticeable now a loss of confidence in the techniques offered by Cordor and widely used in the 1960s and 1970s as general statements of how to proceed. When talking about the change of applied linguistics practice, Davies (1999) argues that it is a move from the linguistics applied to the applied linguistics models.2. The relation between applied linguistics and second language acquisition.Applied linguistics draws on multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical perspectives o address real world issues and problems in which language is central. SLA draws on multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical perspectives to address the specific issue of how people acquire a second language and eh specific problem of why everyone dose not do so successfully.3. The relationship between psycholinguistics and applied linguistics.Psycholinguistics can or should play a role in applied linguistics. The acquisition and use of a second language seem to be the appropriate chunk of applied linguistics in this context. Thepsycholinguistics interest would be in the processing mechanisms involved in using more than one language and the acquisition of additional languages. The applied linguistics interest would be in understanding why language learners behave the way they do. This interpretation means that multilingual processing can be defined as the intersection or shared by interest across psycholinguistics and applied linguistics.4. The relationship between applied linguistics and linguistics.Linguistics and applied linguistics is inherently a multidisciplinary study, drawing on methodologies and theories from many fields, including archaeology, psychology, anthropology, history, literature, philosophy, sociology, social theory, education, the mathematical sciences and computer science. Thus it has contributions to make to a range of study and professional practice areas. Applied linguistics is doing with the Internalized language, and linguistics is doing with the Externalized language. Applied linguistics is really still linguistics happening to be involved in application, which they may label as applied linguistics. Applied linguistics is just another area, part of linguistics. Linguistics differs from applied linguistics, for linguistics focuses on language, while applied linguistics focuses on language practice. Applied linguistics contains linguistics, applied linguistics and linguistics are automated entities, applied linguistics is part of linguistics.5. The relationship between language and applied linguistics.Applied linguistics maintains a close relationship to language. Language is part of applied linguistics. Linguistics is the scientific study of language, while applied linguistics is an approach to understanding language issues in the real world, and therefore applied linguistics is the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems.6. The sub-field of applied linguisticsApplied linguistics can cover a very large area, such as: language acquisition, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, ethno linguistics, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, text linguistics, etc.. All the sub-branches of linguistics could be called applied linguistics except the theoretical linguistics.Assessments:Assessment of grammar-translation or traditional methodIn spite of the virulent attacks that reformers made, the grammar translation or traditional method has maintained itself remarkably well. As we have already noted in our study of language learning, the first language as a reference system is indeed very important for the second language learner. Therefore, translation in one form or another, or other cross lingual techniques can play a certain part in language learning. Moreover, some learners endeavor to understand the grammatical system of the second language. Hence grammar teaching, too, may have some importance for them. Furthermore, thinking about formal features of the second language and translation as a practice technique put the learner into an active problem-solving situation. In the terms of the basic strategies already set out it forms part of the “academic”(explicit) learning strategy. Finally, grammar- translation appears didactically relatively easy to apply. The major defect of grammar-translation lies in the overemphasis on the language as a mass of rules (and exceptions) and in the limitations of practice techniques which never emancipate the learner from the dominance of the first language. In addition, the sheer size of the task of memorization and the lack of coherence with which the language facts have been presented to the learner invalidate the claim, made in the nineteenth century, that this method provides a safe, easy, and practical entry into a second language.Assessment of the direct methodThe direct method was the first of the methods in which the impetus came both from the inventiveness of a few practitioners and from the critical and theoretical thought about the nature of language learning situation one of language use and to train the learner to abandon the first language as the frame of reference. It demanded inventiveness on the part of teachers and led to the development of new non-translational techniques of language instruction. The use of a text as a basis of language learning, demonstrations of pictures and objects, the emphasis on question and answer, spoken narratives, dictation, imitation, and a host of new types of grammatical exercises have resulted from the direct method. Language pedagogy in the present century, for example, Palmer in the twenties and the audio-lingual and audiovisual methods in the fifties and sixties, adopted many of the techniques first developed by direct method teachers. On the L1-L2 issue, the direct method constitutes a radical attempt to exclude L1 in L2 learning.Two major problems have persistently troubled direct method teaching. One has been how to convey meaning without translating, and how to safeguard against misunderstanding without reference to the first language. Another has been how to apply the direct method beyond elementary stages of language learning. The direct method—has extended the repertoire of language instruction in the early stages of teaching, but has added relatively little to the teaching of advanced learners. In a way, particularly because of the insistence on the use of the second language in classroom communication, the direct method can legitimately be looked upon as a predecessor of present-day …immersion‟ techniques.Assessment of the audio-lingual methodIn the early sixties audiolingualism had raised hopes of ushering in a golden age of language learning. By the end of the decade it became the whipping boy for all that was wrong with language teaching. Its theoretical basis was found to be weak. But also in practical terms its hopes had not been fulfilled. Empirical research did not conclusively establish its superiority, and teachers, using audio-lingual materials and applying the audio-lingual method conscientiously, complained about the lack of effectiveness of the techniques in the long run and the boredom they engendered among students.In view of these criticisms, it is necessary to remind oneself of the major contributions of audiolingualism to language teaching. First, it was among the first theories to recommend the development of a language teaching theory on declared linguistic and psychological principles. Second, it attempted to make language learning accessible to large groups of ordinary learners. In other words, this theory proposed that language teaching should be organized in such a way as not to demand great intellectual feats of abstract reasoning to learn a language. Third, it stressed syntactical progression, while previously methods had tended to be preoccupied with vocabulary and morphology. Fourth, it led to the development of simple techniques, without translation, of varied, graded, and intensive practice of specific features of the language. Last, it developed the separation of the language skills into a pedagogical device. The audio-lingual method introduced specifically designed techniques of auditory and oral practice, while previously oral practice had been simply textbook exercises read aloud, and the sequencing of different language skills had not been treated consistently as pedagogically relevant.1. The oral approach and situational language teaching----Harild Palmer & A.S. Hornby, teacher‟s role is ________________2. The audio-lingual method----Bloomfield, teacher‟s role is the dominator of the whole process.3. Communicative language teaching----Noam Chomsky, the role is the facilitator, participator, needs analyst, counselor, and group process manager.4. Total physical response----James Asher, the role is the instructor of the whole process.5. The silent way----Caleb Gattegno, the role is dramatist.6. Community language learning----Charles A., the role is the counselor.7. The natural way----Tracy Terrell, the role is the provider of the target language, the classroom atmosphere and the rich activities.8. Suggestopedia----Georgi Lozanov, the role is to create situations.Comparing TPR & CLL:Differences:1) At the level of design, TPR typically has a written syllabus with paced introduction of structures and vocabulary; CLL has no syllabus and operates out of what learners feel they need to know.2) At the level of teacher‟s role, in TPR the teachers‟role is one of drill master, director, and motivator; in CLL the teacher/knower is counselor, supporter, and facilitator.3) About the learners, in TPR learners are physically active and mobile; CLL learners are sedentary and in a fixed configuration4) About the relationship, TPR assumes no particular relationship among learners and emphasizes the importance of individuals acting alone; CLL is rooted in a communal relationship between learners and teachers acting supportively and in concert.5) At the level of procedure, TPR language practice is largely mechanical, with much emphasis on listening; CLL language practice if innovative, with emphasis on production.Similarities:1)In approach, both TPR and CLL see stress, defensiveness, and embarrassment as the majorblocks to successful language learning.2)They both see the learners‟commitment, attention, and group participating as central toovercoming these barriers.3)They both view the stages of adult language learning as recapitulations of the stages ofchildhood learning.4)Both CLL and TPR consider mediation, memory, and recall of linguistic elements to be centralissues.5)They both hold that learning is multimodal.6)At the level of design, both of them assumed that materials can be locally produced as needed.。
1. Leech’s 7 types of meanings(1). conceptual meaning (logical meaning, cognitive meaning, or denotative meaning, 外延意义)It is denotative in that it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to. Denotative meaning is the objective reflection of world.(2). Connotative meaning(内涵意义)Connotative meaning is what is communicated by virtual of what language refers to. It refers to the emotional association which a word or a phrase suggests in one’s mind.The characteristics:A.in cannot stand by itself and is always dependent on denotativemeaningB.connotations may be different according to different person, age,society, country or time.C.In different languages, some words may have the same connotativemeaning.D.Connotation is unstable.(3) social or stylistic meaningSocial meaning is the meaning that a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use.(4) affective meaningAffective meaning is connected with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer.(5) reflected meaningWhat is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression is called reflected meaning, like euphemistic expression.(6) collocative meaning(组合意义,like handsome woman:仪态端庄)Collocative meaning is what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur in the environment of another word.(7) thematic meaning (主题意义,强调句子的组织和语序)Thematic meaning is what communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.2. Referential meaningThe theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory.Semantic triangle: word (concept) thing4 ways to explain a word, like deskA. by pointing to a desk and saying this is the deskB. by describing its shape and feature or functionC. paraphraseD. translationSense(涵义)----reference(指称)connotation(内涵)----denotation(外延) (but not every word has a reference, like god, ghost)3. (1)synonymy (strict synonymy and loose synonymy)Strict synonymy refers to the situation in which two synonymous words can be interchangeable in all possible contexts of use.Loose synonymy or near synonymy may be substitutable in particular contexts, but not substitutable across a range of contexts.(2) antonymyG: gradable CV: converse CP: conplementary(3) hyponymy(上下位关系)4. (1) A proposition is what is expressed by a declarative sentence when that sentence is uttered to make a statement.Logic connectives and symbolsOne-place connective: negation~two-place connective: conjunction∧disjunction ∨implication →equivalence ←→argument(主目) and predicate(谓词) in Socrates in a man are Socrates and man.(2) universal quantifiers(全称量词) existential quantifier(存在量词) 5. Cognitive linguistics is a newly established approach to the study of language that emerged in the 1970s as a reaction against the dominantgenerative paradigm which pursues an autonomous view of language. Cognitive linguistics is based on human experiences of the world and the way they perceive and conceptualize the world.Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways through specificity, different mental scanning, directionality, vantage point, figure-ground segregation, etc.Construal operations are conceptualizing processes used in language process by human beings. (phycologically)Image schema is a recurring , dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. (a center-periphery schema, a containment schema, a cycle schema, a force schema, a link schema, a part-whole schema, a path schema, a scale schema, a verticality schema)Metaphor involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is constructed in terms of the other.Target domain is the experience being described by the metaphor.A source domain is the means that we use in order to describe the experience.Ontological metaphor means that human experiences with physical objects provide the basis for ways of viewing events, activities, emotions, ideas, etc.Structural metaphor plays the most important role because it allows us to go beyond orientation and referring and gives us the possibility to structure one concept according to another.Orientational metaphor gives a concept a spatial orientation.6. It is self-evident that language learning can take place when the learner has enough access to input in the target language. The input may come in written or spoken form. Ideally, materials at all levels should provede frequent exposure to authentic input which is rich and varied. According to Krashen’s input hypothesis, learners acquire language as a result of comprehending input addressed to them. (i+1 principle)7. The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as interlanguage. Interlanguage is often understood as a language system between the target language and the learner’s native language.8. Based on this distinction, we assume that syllabus design is more of a pedagogical nature, whereas curriculum development is an educational planning issue.(1) Structural syllabus is a grammar oriented syllabus based on a selection of language items and structures.(2) Situaltional syllabus dose not have a strong linguistic basis, yet it can be assumed that the situationalists accept the viem that language is used for communication.(3) Communicative syllabus aims at the learner’s communicative competence.(4) Task-based syllabus are more concerned with the classroom processed which stimulate learning than with the language knowledge or skills that students are supposed to master.Current trends in syllabus design:The co-existence of the old and the new; the emphasis on the learning process; the inclusion of non-linguistic objectives in syllabus; the emergence of the multi-syllabus.9. The study of the roles that the native language plays in known as the research of language transfer.Contrastive analysis is a way of comparing languages in order to determine potential errors for the ultimate purpose of isolating what needs to be learned and what dose not need to be learned in a second language learning situation.Gradually CA was replaced by the error analysis movement, a major claim of which is that many errors made by L2 learners were caused by factors other than L1 interference.5 errors (omissions, additions, double markings, misformations, misorderings)10. A corpus is a collection of texts input into a computer. Language corpora make it possible for materials developers to select authentic, natural and typical language.(1) general corpora: a general reference corpus is not a collection of material from different specialist areas technical, dialectal, juvenile, etc. it is a collection of material which is broadly homogeneous, but which is gathered from a variety of sources so that the individuality of a source is obscured, unless the researcher isolates a particular text.(2) specialized corpora: this kind of corpus is useful for language for specific purposes.(3) sample corpora: this is a kind of genre-based corpus. It is a collection of a large number of short extracts randomly selected from all kinds of genres.(4) monitor corpora: this kind of corpus in gigantic, ever moving store of text.11. validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is meant to measure, or can be used successfully for the purposes for which it is intended. (content validity refers to the degree to which a test adequately and sufficiently measures the particular skills or behavior it sets out toa measure. Construct validity assumes the existence of certain learning theories or constructs which underlie the acquisition of abilities and skills. Thus it refers to the degree to which the items in a test feflect the essential aspects of the theory on which the test is based.)Reliability means stability or consistency of test scores.Test distinguished by use: (achievement tests or attainment tests, aims to measure how much of a language the learner has learned with reference to a particular couse of study or program of instruction. proficiency tests, aims to measure how much of a language the learner knows with reference to a particular task which he will be required to perform.aptitude tests, is designed to measure the learner’s probable performance in a second language which he has not started to learn. diagnostic tests, is designed to show what skills or knowledge learners do not know, to diagnose their areas of difficulty, and to enable the teacher to identify their specific areas of weaknesses and problems so that he is able to plan the most appropriate remedial program. placement tests, is designed to place learners at an appropriate level in program or course. It aims to sort new students into teaching groups so that they can start a course or a program at approximately the same level.)Tests distinguished by the standard for measuring( criterion-referenced tests, norm-referenced tests)Tests distinguished by linguistic levels and skillsTests distinguished by the system of scoring ( subjective tests and objective tests)Tests distinguished by the nature of the test ( discrete-point tests integrative tests)Standard deviation is the most common measure of the dispersion of a series of scores and the most stable index of variability.Percentile ranks of any given score if a value indicating the percent of cases falling ar or below that score.12. Types of research categorized by the duration of the study (in longitudinal study, an individual or group is studied over a period of time. Cross-sectional study refers to the study of a group of different individuals or subjects at s single point in time, in order to measure or study a particular topic or aspect of language development.)Types of research categorized by the design and methodology (quantitative research is also called positivistic research. Qualitative research is also called naturalistic, ethnographic or postpositivistic research.)。
一,填空1. 应用语言学是语言学的组成部分,语言学大体可分为本体语言学,理论语言学和应用语言学2. 新词新语的概念定义:指新近出现的词语3. 60年代末,世界上第一个计算机网络——阿帕网4. 对外汉语教学的测试项目有教学过程测试汉语水平测试, 其中 1989年《汉语水平测试》 (HSK 正式开始。
5. 问卷调查方法:表格调查,问卷调查,访问调查,电话调查,文案调查,实地调查等6. 张颂主编的《中国播音学》的问世,宣告了一个新学科的诞生标志着中国播音学的正式诞生。
7. 《新华字典》是我国现代汉语规范的最重要成果。
8. 语言的人文性是语言在发展变化中所表现的文化特性。
二,简答题一, 问卷调查法的三个基本原则:一个问题在什么程度上会影响回答人尽量表现自己? 一个问题在什么程度上会影响回答人通过预测研究者想听什么, 想发现什么而进行不必要的帮忙?一个问题在什么程度上会问一些回答人自己并不确切知道的信息, 或者是自己不大可能了解的信息?问卷调查的效果取决于上述三种考虑。
二, 语言人文性理论三个基本方面:第一, 语言在文化中的反映, 主要指可以通过文化背景或者文化现象来考察语言的一些特点或者变化规律。
它可以分为两个方面一是作为文化的直接产物, 二是作为文化内部的有机组成部分, 与其他因素一起共同促成历史上的文化分化整合及变化。
第二,文化在语言中的反映,指语言作为文化载体,文化总是不断给语言施加影响并且不时地留下痕迹, 是我们能够通过语言的发展历程看到文化的变化轨迹。
第三,在语言与文化互相作用的关系中反映,及语言的一些文化特性同时也是文化的一些语言特性, 二者在现象或者表现形式上有差异,但实质上反映的是相同或者相近的本质或者规律。
三, 简要说明不同时期对普通话的不同称谓:春秋时候孔夫子时代管共同语叫雅言。
3、语言学习:所谓语言学习(Language Learning)就是在儿童习得母语之后,在正式的场合(如课堂)里进行的获得第二语言或外语的过程,这个过程有成有败,和语言习得不同。
4、语言习得:心理语言学家认为,每个人的母语都是在他1岁半至6岁之间,随着发育成长而在周围环境的作用下自然获得的,这就是语言习得(Language Acquisition)。
B)质量的准则:不要说自知是虚假的话或者提供虚假信息C) 关系准则:a)说与谈话目的相关联的话b)前后话语要关联D)方式准则:a) 说话要清楚、明了,避免晦涩歧义b) 简炼井井有条※礼貌原则:言语交际应遵守的规范,礼貌准则是得体原则的一个重要准则。
(4). 数学语言学:运用中国在代数、计算机科学、统计学等领域的概念和方法来研究语言的数学属性。
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一 MeaningSemantics: the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.7 types of meaning: conceptual: denotive; the central partConnotativeSocialAffectiveReflectedCollocativeThematicConnotation: 内涵意义additional, emotive meaningDenotation : 外表意义 the act of indicating or pointing out by nameReferential theory: the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for.缺点:there is sth behind the concrete thing we can see with our eyes; and that abstract thing is called concept.Semantic triangle: the theory which explicitly employs the notion “concept”. It believes that the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct; it is mediated by concept.word concept thingLeech’s conceptual meaning has two sides: sense and referenceSense: the abstract properties of an entityReference: the concrete entities having these properties(sense is like connotation; reference is like denotation)Sense relations: synonym; antonymy; hyponymyAntonymy: gradable antonymy: differ in terms of degree;good/bad;long/shortComplementary antonymy: two words are absolutely contrary alive/dead;male/femaleConverse antonymy: relational opposites; always two sides; buy/sell; lend/borrow Hyponymy: 下位词hypernym(superordinate): 上位词eg: flower (上位词):(下位词) lily; carnation………二 linguistics and foreign language teachinglinguistics and language learning:grammar and language learning:“FOCUS ON FORM” takes a balance between “purely form-based approaches” and “purely meaning-based approaches”; it believes that language learning should be generally meaning-focused and communication-oriented, it is still necessary and beneficial to focus on form occasionally.缺点:what elements of language are most amenable to focus on form; 两个影响因素:UG & complexity of language structures.input and in language learning:meaning-focus: authentic input; that is the input should vary in style,mode medium, and purpose.Krashen’s input hypothesis:“i+1”principle---input不能过度超出或过度低于人的当前水平optimal input包括: premodified input---the matetial is finely tuned in advance to the learner’s current level; interactively modified input---material is modified whenn the teacher and the speaker interacts(更好一点).interlanguage in language learning:interlanguage---the type of language constructed by seccond or foreign learners who are still in process of learning; it is often understood as a language system between the target language and the learner’s native language.对其研究主要在两方面: 1, investigate the psychological, biological, nerological mechanism involved in the process; 2, investigate the linguistic features of the interlanguage(尚未收到很多人关注)linguistic and language teachingthe discourse-based view of LT:focus ono complete spoken and written texts on the social and culturlal contexts in which such language operates; it aims at developing discourse competence, which is similar to communicative competence.communicative competence:it refers to what a language knows about how a language is used in particular situation for effective and appropriate communication; it includes knowledge of grammar,vocabulary,rules of speaking, how to use and respond to different types of speech acts and social conventions.在这种理论下,有两种主要教学方法: communicative language teaching(CLT)---real world tasks; task-based language teaching(TBLT)---pedagogical tasks缺点:overemphasize the role of external factors in the process and ignore the internal learning process(similar to behavioristic view of LA); overstress the role of language of competence and functions and fails to notice the universal principles.the universal grammar of LT:Chomsky’s UG, or TGlanguage learning is not a matter of habit formation but an activity of building and testing hypothesis;input is deficient in two ways: input is claimed to degenerate cze it is damaged by performance features; input is devoid of grammar corrections缺点: 1, acquisition part is second important in UG2, it is only concerned of linguistic grammar and neglects the perpheral grammar 3, it discarded the prmary function of language---communication4, SLA seldom do empirical researchlinguistics and syllabus designsyllabus:a specification of what taked place in the classroom, which usually cotains the aims and contents of teaching in a given course; it is part of curriculum.curriculum: a broad concept; provides general statements of the rationale of language,L-L, L-T; detailed sppecification of aims, objectives and target of L-L; implementation of a program; including the entire insturctional process :materials, equipment, examination and the training of teachers, in short, all pedagogical measures related to schooling or the substance of courses.syllabus design: pedagogical narure; curriculum development:educational issuetheoretical views behind syllabus design分为两个步骤1, selecting teaching materialsstructural view: select the kernel elements of the structural systemfunctional view: select the most frequently occurring functions and notions of language2, grading teaching materialsstaging: the division of the course into time segmentssequencing: deciding the order in which the items shuld be taughttypes of syllabus1, the structural syllabus:grammar-oriented syllabus;discrete-point grammar teaching2, situational syllabus:believes that language is used for communication; adopts aural-oral teaching method; practice under a certain topic and situation (ex.at the air port)3, communicative syllabus: based on a notional-functional syllabus; emphasizes the processof communication4, task-based syllabus:6个制定标准1, have a clear purpose2, have some degree of resemblance to real world events3, involve informations eeking, processing and conveying4, the students in some modes of doing sth5, involve the meaning-focus use of language6, end with a tangible productcurrent trends of syllabus design1, the co-existence of the old and the new(old:gramatical and lexical syllabus; new: thecontent and the task-based syllabus)2, the emphasis on the learning process3, the inclusion of nonlinguistic objectives in syllabus(whole-person development)4, the emergence of multi-syllabusconstrastive analysis and error anaysisCA: compares L1 and L2 in order to determine potential errors for ultimate purpose of isolating what needs to be learned and what doesn’t need to be learned; the goal is topredict what areas will be easy to learn and what areas are difficult to learn; was early associated with behaviourism and structuralism; gradually replaced by “the study ofcross-linguistic influencdes”.EA: errors made by L2 learners caused by factor other than L1 inteference分为两类1, source of errors:interlingual errors(or transfer errors语际差错): occur when the learner misuses an item cze it shares features with an item in the native languageintralingual errors(developmental errors 又叫语内差错):occur within the target language, such as overgeneralization2, the nature of errors5 types: omissions; additions; double marking; misformation; misdorderingEA过程包括:recognition(identification): before producing a sentence, we ask ourselves wthether it’s gramatically correct; overt or covert errorsdescription: 1,先compare the errors to the correct ones--bilingual comparison2, description:the staged in which errors are made:presystematic/sys/postsysthe general nature of erroe(见上)the levels of language: phonology, lexicon, grammar, and discourseexplanation: why did the learner commit the errors---the sources of the errorsthe interlingual transferthe intralingual transfertransfer of training:cze fixed modes of training; such errors called induced errorscommunication strategies:the conscious employment of a verbal or nonverbal mechanism for communicating an idea when precise linguistic forms are for some reason not readily available to the learn at a point; 4种: avoidance/prefabricated patterns/appeal to authority/language switchcognitive and affective factors: styles of thinking and personality application of error analysis: 4 types1, correction of errors in the classroom(what to correct depends on the following) the gravity of the error in refwerence to the effectiveness of communicationthe degree of linguistic deviancthe objective of a certain lesson2, providing explanation3, curricula and teaching materials4, remedial teaching缺点: 1, it’s inadequate to rely on errors to study how L2 is learned2, lack of precision and specificity in the defeinition of error categories3, over-stress production date and fails to account for error avoidance4, confusion of error description and explanationerror:arise from the learner’s lack of knowledge and competencemistake: occur when the learner fails to perform their competence due to lack of attention or other factorsfossilization: it refers to the relatively permanent incorporation or internalization of incorrect linguisti forms into a person’s second language competence due to some cognitive and affective factorspidginization: it refers to a process by which a pifgin develops; the L2 acquisition is a process of oversoming pidginization and adopting the TL exclusively.corpus linguistics language teachingtypes of corpus: in terms of function, 4 types1, general corpora: a collection of materials broadly homogeneous an dis gathered from a variet of sources2, specialized corpora:3, sample corpora: gene-based ; randomly selected from all kinds of genres4, monitor corpora: ever moving store of textwhat uses can we make of corpora?1, frequency ifo2, context and co-text ifo:(contexts are the situational environment; co-texts are the linguistic environments)3, gramatically ifo4, collocation and phraseology5, pragmatics ifo三 what is applied linguistics?definition and scope:narrow view: it particularly refers to foreign language teachingthe broad view: a combination of linguistics with psychology, pedagogy, mathematics, electronics....; any definable area of human endeavor to which the “investigation of thetheories, methods and empirical findings of linguistics could be applied”the intermediate view: the study of lang teaching and learninglinuistics 到 applied linguistics 到 language teachingtheoretical basesnature of AIwhat is language?1, structuralists(Saussure): interested in the structure of language; the uniqueness ofdifferent language2, sociologists(Halliday): an activity consisitng of listening, speaking, reading andwriting3, behaviourists(Skinner): operant behaviour and equate human beings with pigeons4, transformationalists(Chomsky): an internalized system of rules and equate human beingswith automators; university of language rules四 L1 acquisition涉及的几个问题1, it is concerned with competence or performance?不同派别不同看法2, child acquire L1 by nature or nuture?that is to say : external environmental; language acquisition devece(LAD)?3, how is L1 acquired----imitation and practice:early periodcreative hypothesis-testing: Chomsky supports the univeristy of languagemajor L1 acquisition theories1,behaviouristic theories: follow the empiricist approach; “black box”: what goes intoit is stimulus and what comes out of it is response; the goal of behaviorists is to discoverand creat predictable relationships (associations) between stimulus and response.imitation-reinforcement theoryS-R-R: stumli-response-reinforcement; fails to account for the abstract nature oflanguage, the creativity of language use by the child and the acquisition of the meaning .mediation theories: the goal is to fill the “black box” with postluated internalpsychological stucuturs and process; meanig is an interna replica of an external response/2,cognitive theories:nativist theories(the innateness hypothesis):the child is born with the biological basis for the language acquisition; Chomsky’s UGand calls black box LAD, he reagrds it as “the genetically determined language faculty”“the innate component of human mind that yield particular language through the interaction with presented experience”;they researched the systematic nature of child language acquisition, which they call pivot grammars;缺点:focus on the form of language ; fails to notice the functioncognitive theories:the linguistic development lags behind conceptual development;4 stages of intellectual develpment of chilathe sensory-motor stage(0-2)the preoperational stage(2-7)the concrete operational stage(7-11)the formal operational stage(11-16)五 L2 learningsecond language:is used to refer to a non-native language learned and used within one country and a community where it has official status or a recognized function外国留学生在中国学汉语foreign language: a non-native language learned and used outside the country or community where it has official status中国学生在中国学英语the goal of L2 learning :native-like proficiency: grammatical competence; sociolinguistic com; strategic com; the task of L2 learning:two-fold: competence sideperformance sidedifferences between child and adult L2 learners:the biological explanationthe cognitive explanationthe affective explanation: affect the strength of affective filter(stengthed in puberty) other factors: BICS(basic interpersonal communication skills)CALP(cognitive/academic language proficience)Major L2 learning theories1, the interlanguage theory:the collective name of second language users’ language and calls it transitional competence; reflects the cognitive learning strategy and communicative strategy2, the monitor theorythe acquisition-learning hypothesis: the most fundenmental; acquisition is subconscious and the learni gis consciousthe monitor hypothesis: acquisition initiates our utterance and is responsible for our fluency while learniing only has one function---monitor or editorthe natual order hypothesis:there is a predictable, natural order for the acquisition of grammatical structures in L2; if the goal is language acquisition, grammatical sequencing is not necessary while conscious learning is on the contrary.the input hypothesis: “i+1”the affective filter hypothesis: the affective variables act to impede or facilitate the language acquisition; Krashen beleves that comprehensible input and the strength of the filter are the real causes of L2 acquisition.3, the creative construction model:based on Chomsky’s linguistic theory of “creative aspects of language use”; “creative construction”refers to the process by which learners gradually reconstruct ruels for speeches they hear, guided by innate mechanisms which cause them to formulate certain types of hypothesis about the language systen they acquired, until the mismatch between what they are exposed to and what they produce is resolved.affective filter(情感过滤): it refers to the conscious or unconscious motives and needs of the learner such as motivation, self-confidence and anxiety; it controls the entry of the input.cognitive organizer: the internal processing system that is responsible for the learner’s gradual organization of the new language system.linguistic monitor:self-editing process by which learners are concerned about linguistic form, using conscious rules to produce sentences.六 Language testingwhat is a test?aims: researchprogressguide to teaching and the currriculumrepresenting teminal behaviorRequirements of a good test:1,vadility(效度):the degree to which a test measures what it is meant to measureface vadility: the degree to which a test appears to measure the abilities or knowledge it claims to measurecontent validity: the degree to which a test adequately and sufficiently measures the particular skills or behavior it sets out to measureconstruct validity: the degree to which the items in a test reflect the essential aspects of the theory or the construt on which the test is basedempirical validity: comparing the test with other testsconcurrent validity(共时效度)predicitive validity(预测效度)2, reliability: stability or consistency of test scores;5个影响因素: the extent of the sample of materials selected for testingthe administration of the testscoring the testtest instructionspersonal factorsmeasuring in three major ways:test-retest reliabity:re-administer the same test to the same group after several time parallel form reliability: administer parallel forms of the same test to the same group split-half reliability: split the test in halves and find put their correlation 3, discrimination: the degree to which a test can distinguish among better and weaker students4, practicality: the usability of a test, or practical considerationsTypes of language test1, tests distinguished by useachievement tests or attainment tests:考察学过的知识(期末考试)proficiency test考察知识综合运用能力,不局限某一课程;重点是future performance(四六级考试)aptitude test: 考察未学过的知识diagnostic test:考察未掌握的知识点(模拟考)placement test:分班考试2, tests by the standard for measuringcriterion-referenced test(标准参照): according to a particular external criterion which has been agreed upon(到60分及格)norm-referenced test(常模参照): how a performance of a student or a group compares wuth that of other groups whose score are used as a form.(如:年龄组比赛)3, tests by linguistic levels and skillslinguistic levels: phonology/vocabulary/grammarlinguistic skills: listening/reading/speaking/writing4, tests by the system of scoring: subjective or objective scoring5, tests by nature of the test: discrete-point test/integrative testInterpreting test resultsmeasures of central tendencythe median(中数)the arithmetic mean(平均数)the mode(众数)measures of dispersionrange(值域): the difference between the highest and the loweststandard deviation(标准差SD): the most stable “index of variability”variance(方差):SD的平方percentile ranks/scales。