派克Parker定量斜轴柱塞泵F11 F12中文样本

PARKER马达F11-010-MB-CV供应部:1385 07 13 656(林经理)0595 - 287 67920详细描述:特点从能量转换的观点来看,液压泵与液压马达是可逆工作的液压元件,向任何一种液压泵输入工作液体,都可使其变成液压马达工况;反之,当液压马达的主轴由外力矩驱动旋转时,也可变为液压泵工况。
额定转速高于500r/min 的属于高速液压马达,额定转速低于500r/min的属于低速液压马达。

专售进口派克马达F11需要请拨打:《150-5979(8003)》(吴工)0595/<2876—7801> (扣扣):77-188-32-47公司的技术核心人员是许多国际和德国标准的委员会的委员,直接参与工业、建筑、医疗、交通等领域有关电气安全和测量标准的制定,这使公司具备了潜在的发展优势,并奠定了公司在低压系统漏电保护技术上的全球领先地位。
Parker Hannifin派克汉尼汾是全球一流的运动控制公司, 致力于提供用户一流的服务. 派克是唯一能够给用户提供全方位液压,气动,和机电一体化运动控制方案的制造商之一。
派克公司气动部门,兼并了众多世界著名的气动工厂,使派克气动产品日益壮大,在气动行业中名列前茅,派克旗下的著名品牌:Atlas Automation、SchraderBellows、Telepneumatic、wilkerson、Miller、sempress、Watis、maxam、climax、invensys、ParkerKuroda、Parker TAIYO。
英格索兰气动马达150BMPE88R54-12C德国KRACHT克拉克泵KF40RF1-232-D15SPM大泵连杆瓦2P112860DERRCIK德瑞克振动筛手压油泵G0001992 COREMO科锐盟制动器E4-A1934 DERRICK交流电动机EX30-15-415-007-J DERRICK德瑞克电机EX-2.5HP415/50HZ/3PH 福伊特齿轮泵IPV6-80-101PLT迷你抛绳器M-75MOOG穆格伺服阀743F003ARiovibro测振仪Vm-63a艾默生充电模块HD22010-2诺冠减压阀20AG-X6G/PH100FMC泵M1832HD英格索兰启动马达KK6M现货MOOG伺服阀D631-102C现货GEMU双作用角座阀514-50D-137531GEMU単作用角座阀514-15D-137514 National油封456967v意大利INTERPUMP高压柱塞泵W2141现货ARCOTRONICS电容C20ALGR5680AA0K PRATISSOLI泵KLS36现货INTERPUMP高压柱塞泵W2141威格士减压阀XG2V-6BW-10罗斯蒙特差压变送器3051CD2A22A1AB4M5罗斯蒙特压力变送器3051GP3A2B21AB4M5 Calpeda科沛达水泵TP100EUFM流量开关MN-DSF320LM-16FTCSI50RF现货CAT猫牌柱塞泵5CP3120CSSCAT猫牌柱塞泵5CP3120CSSG1丹佛斯油泵VBHM-D-4-10现货FLOJET泵04300-242现货NUFLO流量计9A-100009536ASCO电磁阀EF8320G202/24DC霍纳编码器HIS1017252现货TROMBETTA启动器NO684-1261-212马勒过滤器PI3405-012现货NOP油泵TOP-206HB马祖奇齿轮泵ALP4A-D-130-S1英格索兰气动马达ST400ICAR72贺德克压力传感器EDS1791P-600-009Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3785609TYPE SER NO.F12-090-MF-IV-K-000-000-0Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3785518TYPE SER NO.F12-090-MF-IV-D-000-000-0Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3780784TYPE SER NO.F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-000-0Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3780767TYPE SER NO.F12-080-MF-IV-K-000-000-0Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3799989TYPE SER NO.F12-060-MF-IV-K-000-000-0Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3799988TYPE SER NO.F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3799999TYPE SER NO.F11 060 MS SV T 000Parker PUMP and Motor DivisionPart No.3703665TYPE SER NO.F11 005 MB CN K 000F12-060-MS-SV-T-000液压加气马达CNG加气站泉州双环专业供应派克Parker马达,型号齐全。
斜轴式轴向柱塞定量液压泵 马达 F11 F12 系列说明书

/马达/pmde2Parker HannifinPump & Motor Division Europe Trollhättan, Sweden液压泵/马达F11/F12 系列样本 MSG30-8249/CN换算系数1 kg ..............................................................................2.20 lb 1 N .............................................................................0.225 lbf 1 Nm .....................................................................0.738 lbf ft 1 bar ..........................................................................14.5 psi 1 l .................................................................0.264 US gallon 1 cm 3 ...................................................................0.061 cu in 1 mm ..........................................................................0.039 in 1°C ..........................................................................5/9(°F-32)1 kW ............................................................................1.34 hp换算系数1 lb ............................................................................0.454 kg 1 lbf .............................................................................4.448 N 1 lbf ft .....................................................................1.356 Nm 1 psi ..................................................................0.068948 bar 1 US gallon .................................................................3.785 l 1 cu in .................................................................16.387 cm 31 in ............................................................................25.4 mm 1°F .........................................................................9/5°C + 321 hp ........................................................................0.7457 kW扭矩 (M)M =[Nm]液压马达基本公式流量 (q)q = [l/min]功率 (P) P = [kW]D x n1000 x ηv D x Δp x ηhm63q x Δp x ηt600D - 排量 [cm 3/rev] n - 轴转速 [rpm] ηv - 容积效率Δp - 进油口和出油口之间的压差 [bar] ηhm - 机械效率 ηt - 总效率(ηt = ηv x ηhm )扭矩 (M)M = [Nm]液压泵基本公式流量 (q)q = [l/min]功率 (P)P = [kW]D x n x ηv1000 D x Δp63 x ηhmq x Δp600 x ηtD - 排量 [cm 3/rev] n - 轴转速 [rpm] ηv - 容积效率Δp - 进油口和出油口之间的压差 [bar] ηhm - 机械效率 ηt - 总效率(ηt = ηv x ηhm )销售条件本样本中的各种产品均由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司和授权经销商销售。
进口柱塞泵马达液压原理图集锦 之6 派克PARKER

第六部,派克PARKER液压柱塞泵马达PV系列柱塞泵PV 系列带标准压力补偿器的泵,代号F*S带负荷传感补偿器的泵,代号FFC PV 系列带功率补偿器的泵,代号*LB PV系列带电液排量控制的泵,代号*PV PV系列压力补偿器 PV系列标准的压力补偿器根据系统的实际需要调节泵的排量,以保持恒定的压力。
先导流量是1-1.5 l/min。
远程压力补偿器的FR1型在其顶部提供NG6界面, DIN24340 (CETOP 03 在RP35H, NFPA D03)。
所有远程压力补偿器工厂设定好15 bar 的压差。
工厂设定压差是 10 bar,到补偿器的输入信号是在主流管路上阻尼器的压差。

美国PARKER派克变量柱塞泵PA VC10038R4222技术资料美国PARKER派克变量柱塞泵PA VC10038R4222所有控制均通过对斜盘的正确定位来实现。
PA VC10038R4222特征:• 高强度铸铁壳体• 内置增压器• 高转速能力—2600 RPM• 插装式控制可现场更换• 可更换的青铜复合的配流盘• 放气阀用于快速灌注• 动压式缸体轴承• 水- 乙二醇液体可额定压力下工作• 过滤器和/或冷却泄漏管最高压力7 bar(100 PSI)• 通轴能力PA VC100系列柱塞泵控制方式• 压力补偿• 远程压力补偿• 负载传感• 功率(转速)限制• 功率限制和负载传感• 可调最大排量挡铁• 电液压力• 电液流量和压力(伺服控制)• 低压待机PA VC10038R4222技术规格额定压力:出口:207 bar (3000 PSI)连续(P1)248 bar (3600 PSI)间歇(P3)进口: 1.7 bar (25 PSI)最高1.7 bar (5 In. Hg.)最低@ 1800 RPM (其他转速见进口曲线)控制泄漏: 7 bar (100 PSI)最高额定转速: 600 ~ 2600 RPM工作温度范围: – 40°C 至71°C(– 40°F 至160°F)壳体材料:铸铁过滤: 保持SAE 等级4, ISO 16/13,安装: SAE C 2 螺栓法兰安装或者在SAE C 4 螺栓法兰安装上对角。
美国PARKER派克变量柱塞泵PA VC10038R4222技术资料PARKER变量柱塞泵设有安全阀作为超载保护,安全阀的全回流压力为泵额定排除压力的1.5倍,也可在允许排出压力范围内根据实际需要另外调整。
PARKER 液压泵 VP1 系列 变量 说明书

液压泵VP1 系列变量样本 9129 8222-02/C 2002年 1月3-10- 2Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)轴向柱塞泵 - 变量VP1 系列样本 HY02-8029/C技术资料派克公司保留改进产品的权力,恕不预先告之。
目录页码 3-10-概述3设计3技术规格4订货资料4VP1 剖视图4安装尺寸5管路直径5BPV-VP1 旁通阀6FDV-VP1 卸荷阀6VP1 管接头套件6VP1 在负载传感系统中7 VP1-LS 负载传感控制8通轴连接9安装和起动10换算系数1 kg 2.20 lb 1 N 0.225 lbf 1 Nm 0.738 lbf ft 1 bar 14.5 psi 1 l 0.264 US gallon 1 cm 30.061 cu in 1 mm 0.039 in 9/5°C + 32 1 °F3-10- 3Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)轴向柱塞泵 - 变量VP1 系列样本 HY02-8029/C技术资料3设计大角度—紧凑设计泵的设计允许柱塞和滑履/斜盘间的角度大(20o ),因此结构紧凑,外部尺寸小。
寿命长VP1 泵设计用于具有负载传感系统的车辆,既坚固又简单,仅有几个运动零件,可靠性高,使用寿命长。
VP1 是世界上第一台用于车辆应用的变量泵,它能够和变速箱动力输出轴紧偶合或者和满足ISO 标准7653-1985的独立动力输出轴(例如发动机动力输出轴)联接。
Parker Hannifin 卡克尔汽缸泵系列F1和VP1产品介绍说明书

Visit our homepage for additional support/pmdeConversion factors1 kg ...............................................................2.20 lb 1 N ..............................................................0.225 lbf 1 Nm .........................................................0.738 lbf ft 1 bar .............................................................14.5 psi 1 l .....................................................0.264 US gallon 1 cm3.......................................................0.061 cu in 1 mm ...........................................................0.039 in9/ 5 °C + 32 ............................................................1°F1 kW ..............................................................1.34 hpContent PageF1 PumpFixed Displacement – Axial Piston Pump, SAE version ..............................................................................4 – 7 VP1 PumpVariable Displacement – Axial Piston Pump. SAE version .........................................................................8 – 14 Pump and line selection .....................................................................................................................15 – 17 Suction fittings and fitting kits . (18)Installation and start up, F1 and VP1 ....................................................................................................19 – 21F1 PumpF1-SAEContents ...........................................................................................Page General Information .. (5)F1 Pump SAE (5)Specifications (6)Pump cross section (6)Installation Dimensions, F1-25, -41, -51 and -61 (SAE) (7)Ordering code (SAE) (7)Port size (7)Standard SAE versions (7)Pump and Line selection (15)Suction fittings (18)Installation and start up (19)Piston_lockingLeif A./990806F1 piston with laminated piston ring.F1 piston-to-shaft locking.Series F1 is a further development of our well known 'truck pump', the F1. The F1 offers many additional val-ues for operators of cargo cranes, hook loaders, skip loaders, forest cranes, concrete mixers and similar truck applications.Series F1 is a very efficient and straight forward pump design with unsurpassed reliability.Its small envelope size gives a simple and inexpensive installation.Features:• Laminated piston rings – low leakage • Positive synchronisation with timing gear • Operating pressure up to 350 bar (5076 psi)• Installation above the reservoir level possible • Tolerates low temperatures and high temperature shocks • Shaft end and mounting flange meet the standard SAE-B• 4 sizes -25 / -41 / -51 / -61 cm 3/rev 1.56 / 2.50 / 3.12 / 3.63 cu in/rev ... thanks to:- 45° bent-axis angle- Optimal inlet port geometry in the end cap - Single housing design- Spherical pistons – high speeds - Laminated piston rings – low leakage - Positive synchronisation with timing gear - Installation above the reservoir level possible - Tolerates low temperatures and high temperature shocks - Shaft end and mounting flange meet the SAE standard for all sizesF1 Pump SAEF1_61_SAE_cross_ny.eps 1. Input shaft 2. Bearings 3. Shaft seal 4. Housing 5. Timing gear 6. Barrel support 7. Piston withpiston ring 8. Cylinder barrel9. End capNOTE: For noise level information, contact Parker Hannifin.Specifications1) Theoretical values2) Valid at an inlet pressure of 1.0 bar/15 psi (abs.) when operating on mineral oil at a viscosity of 30 mm 2/s (cSt)/150 SUS.F1_SAE_ny5.eps Leif A./06-08-078Installation dimensions, F1-25, -41, -51 and -61 (SAE)Dimensions in mm [inches]The suction 1/16"-12 UN(x4)16]SAE J498b, class 1.Ordering code (SAE)Example: F1- 61 - R U - S V - SF1 size25, 41, 51 or 61 Shaft rotation R Right hand L Left handMain port U SAE O-ring, UN threadsShaft end S SAE spline "B" splineShaft seal V FPM Mounting flangeS SAE "B"1) BSP-to-SAE adapter(included)Standard SAE versions Port sizeVP1 PumpContents ...........................................................................................Page General Information . (9)Specifications (10)VP1-095/-110/-130 cross section (10)LS control (for VP1-095/-110/-130) (11)Installation Dimensions (for VP1-095/-110/-130) (12)Ordering information (13)VP1 in load sensing systems (13)Systems comparison (13)Standard model numbers (13)LS load sensing control function (14)LS control adjustments (14)Hydraulic schematic for VP1-095/-110/-130 (14)Pump and Line selection (15)Suction fittings (18)Installation and start up (19)VP1 Pump SAEDesignLarge angle – compact designThe pump design permits a large angle, 20°, betweenpiston and slipper shoe/swashplate, providing compact-ness and small outer dimensions.Long life The VP1 is designed for trucks with hydraulic load sensing systems. It is sturdy, yet simple, with few moving parts. The result is a reliable pump with long service life.The VP1 is a variable displacement pump for truck applications. It can be close-coupled to a gearbox PTO (power take-off) or to a coupling independent PTO (e.g. an engine PTO).An application that makes full use of all the features of the VP1 is truck cranes with a load sensing system. The complex systems of refuse collection vehicles and sew-age trucks as well as various combinations of tippers, cranes, snow ploughs, and salt/sand spreaders can also be greatly simplified and optimised with the VP1 pump.The VP1 provides the hydraulic system with the correct amount of fluid at precisely the right moment, effectively reducing energy consumption and heat generation. This means a smoother and quieter hydraulic system with much reduced impact on the environment.The VP1 is highly efficient and extremely light. It is reliable, economical and easy to install.The 3 sizes, VP1-095, -110 and -130 have small installa-tion dimensions.The VP1 is suitable for all load sensing systems, regardless of make.Features• Variable displacement• Low noise level• High power-to-weight ratio • Compact and light• Highly efficient • Sturdy design• Withstands low temperatures Retainer plateThe retainer plate (refer to the cut-away illustration in next page) is of a heavy duty design which makes the pump withstand high shaft speeds and fast speed changes.(e.g. engine PTO).Specifications1) M ax 6 seconds in any one minute.2)A t an inlet pressure of 1.0 bar (abs.) with mineral oil at a viscosity of 30 mm 2/s (cSt).VP1-095/-110/-130 cross section1. Shaft seal2. Roller bearing3.‘Upper’ purge plug 4. Bearing shell 5. Setting screw(pressure relief valve) 6. Setting bushing (standby pressure) 7. Control8. Piston with piston shoe 9. ‘Upper’ setting piston (control pressure) 10. Needle bearing 11. Shaft12. Drain hole, shaft seals 13. ‘Lower’ purge plug 14. Bearing housing 15. Swash plate 16. Retainer plate17. ‘Lower’ setting piston (pump pressure) 18. Cylinder barrel 19. Valve plate 20. Barrel housing21. SAE C 4 bolt flangeLS control (for VP1-095/-110/-130)3. B asic valve setting (factory set) DO NOT TOUCH!LS control cross section.To be connected 1. S ignal pressure cut-off 2. Counter nut, 4. S tandby pressure setting, factory set at 25 bar (362.6 psi);(1 turn = 17 bar) (1 turn = 246.6 psi)bushing 4LS control ports.VP1-095/-110/-130Dimensions in mm [inches]View A–ALeft hand rotating pumpView A–ARight hand rotating pumpVP1 in load sensing systemsWhen installed in a load sensing system, the VP1 supplies the correct amount of flow required by the various work functions currently engaged.This means that energy consumption and heat generation are minimised and much reduced in comparison with a fixed displacement pump used in the same system. Diagram 1 shows the required power (flow times pres-sure) in a constant flow system with a fixed displacement pump.Diagram 2 shows the sharply reduced power requirement in a load sensing system with a variable displacement pump such as the VP1.In both cases the pump pressure is slightly higher than what is required by the heaviest load (’Load 2’) but the VP1, because of the much smaller flow being delivered, needs only the power indicated by the shaded area ’Load power’. In a constant flow system, on the other hand, excess fluid is shunted to tank and the corresponding power, ’Wasted power’ (shown in diagram 1), is a heat loss.Pressure Corner powerp Max p Load Q Load 1-3Q MaxFlowWasted powerLoad power L o a d 1L o a d 2L o a d 3PressureCorner powerp Maxp LoadQ Load 1-3Q MaxFlowWasted powerLoad powerL o a d 1L o a d 2L o a d 3Diagram 1. Constant flow system with a fixed displacement pump.Diagram 2. Constant flow system with a variabledisplacement pump (e.g. VP1).Consequently, the desired direc-tion of rotation must be stated when ordering .S SAE C 4 bolt* Simultaneous operation of loads with non-equal flows and pressures; refer to the above diagrams.Systems comparisonLS load sensing control functionRefer to corresponding hydraulic schematic below.A selected 'opening' of the directional control valve spool corresponds to a certain flow to the work function. This flow, in turn, creates a pressure differential over the spool and, consequently, also a ∆p between the pump outlet and the LS port.When the differential pressure decreases (e.g. the direc-tional valve is ‘opened’ further) the ∆p also decreases and the LS valve spool moves to the left. The pressure to the setting pistons then decreases and the pump displace-ment increases.The increase in pump displacement stops when the ∆p finally reaches the setting (e.g. 25 bar) and the forces acting on the valve spool are equal.If there is no LS signal pressure (e.g. when the directional valve is in the neutral, no-flow position) the pump only delivers sufficient flow to maintain the standby pressure as determined by the ∆p setting.Hydraulic schematic for VP1-095/-110/-130To work function1. D irectional, load sensing control valve2. Load signal orifice (1.0 mm)3. Gauge port4. S ignal pressure limiter adjustment5. Standby (∆p) pressure adjustment6. S ystem pressure dampening orifice (fixed)7. B leed-off nozzle (1.2 mm)LS control adjustments Pressure limiter* Note : Max allowed pressure for size VP1-130 is 370 bar LS load sensing valveThe factory setting, and the standard orifice sizes shown in the corresponding schematic below, will usually pro-vide an acceptable directional valve characteristic as well as system stability.For additional information, contact Parker Hannifin.Flow and torque formulas(no regard to efficiency)Flow: Q = [l/min]where: D is pump displacement [cm 3/rev] n is shaft speed [rpm] Torque: M = [Nm]where: D is pump displacement [cm 3/rev] p is utilised pressure [bar]D x p63D x n 1000Pump selection F1The following table shows pump flow at selected PTO gear ratios and engine rpm's.NOTE:- Make sure max torque and bending moment (due to the weight of the pump) of the utilised PTO are not exceeded. (The approx. center of gravity of the various pump sizes are shown in the installation drawings).- Make sure max allowed output torque from the PTO is not exceeded.- Contact Parker Hannifin if the inlet (suction) pressure is believed to be less than 1.0 bar (absolute);insufficient inlet pressure can cause noise and pump damage because of cavitation.Line selection all pumpsA suitable pump size for a truck application can be se-lected as follows:Operating conditionsAs an example, a cargo crane specifies: •Flow: 60 – 80 l/min (15.84 – 21.12 gpm) Pressure: 230 bar (3336 psi) Diesel engine speed ≈ 800 rpmDetermine pump speedAs example a PTO with a Gear Ratio of 1:1.54. The pump speed will be: • 800 x 1.54 ≈ 1200 rpmSelect a suitable pump sizeUse diagram 1 and select a pump that will provide 60 – 80 l/min at 1200 rpm.Follow line 'a' (1200 rpm) until it crosses line 'b' (70 l/min).• F1-61 is a suitable choiceRequired input torqueMake sure the PTO and the gear-boxt olerates the pump torque. Use diagram 2 to obtain the required pump torque.Follow a line from 'c' (230 bar) until it c rosses the F1-61 line (the selected pump).• Read 220 Nm (at 'd')NOTE: A rule-of-thumb is to select theh ighest PTO ratio and the smallest pump size that meets the crane specification with-out exceeding the pump speed, p ressure, and power limitations.Diagram 2.Diagram 1.Inlet (suction)line‘b’ Flow [l/min]Flow [gpm]Pump speed [rpm]Torque [Nm] / [lbf • f]Pressure [bar] &[psi]1450290143515802Table 1. Outlet (pressure) lineIn order to obtain sufficient inlet (suction) pressure to the pump, low noise level and low heat generation, flow speeds shown in table 2, right, should not be exceeded. From table 1 (page 13), select the smallest line d imension that meets the flow speed recommendation; example: • At 100 l/min 26.42 gpm , a 50 mm 2" suction line and a 25 mm 1" pressure line is needed.NOTE: Long inlet (suction) lines, low inlet pressure (caused by e.g. a reservoir positioned below the pump) and/or low temperatures may require larger line d imensions.Alternatively, the pump speed will have to be lowered to avoid pump cavitation (which may cause noise, deterio-rating performance and pump damage). Example 1 Pressure line Q = 65 l/min 17.17 gpm d = 3/4"v = 3.8 m/s 12.47 feet/s Example 2Suction line Q = 50 l/min 13.21 gpm v = 0.8 m/s 2.62 foot/s d = 1 1/2"NomogramFlow – Line dimension – Flow velocitydiametre [Ø mm]Table 3.1gpm=3.785 l/min 1 l/min=0.264 gpm 1 foot/s=0.305 m/s 1 m/s=3.281 feet/s 1psi=0.0689 bar 1 bar=14.504 psiTable 2.Truck HydraulicsCatalogue MSG30-8220/UK Suction fittings for series F1, VP1-095, -110 and -130’Straight’ suction fittings for F1, VP1-095/-110/-13045° suction fittings for F1, VP1-095/-110/-13090° suction fittings for F1, VP1-095/-110/-130145° suction fitting for F1, VP1-095/-110/-13090° fitting145° fittingA ’suction fitting’ consists of a straight, 45°, 90° or 135°suction fitting, clamps, cap screws and O-ring.Spare partsAdditional Hold-down-clamp kit consists of: hold-down-clamp cap screw and O-ring Ordering no. 378 1321Additional Hold-down-clamp kit for mounting on BPV Ordering no. 378 24391) Recommended for size F1-25.2) Recommended for size F1-41,-51,-61. 3)(3 clamps and 3 screws)Installation Dimensions FittingsLeif A./05-03-08F1plus_e.eps Leif A./05-03-29Leif A./05-03-29Installation and start-up for F1Drain lineFixed displacement pumps don’t need an external drain line as they are internally drained.When the pump is mounted in a Engine-PTO we recommend a drain line from the bypass valve directly to oil tank.FiltrationFiltration should follow ISO standard 4406, code 20/18/13.To obtain the longest life of fixed dis-placement pumps, we recommend an oil cleanliness of 10 µm (absolute).Start-upMake sure the entire hydraulic system is clean before filling it with a recommended hydraulic fluid.In particular, make sure the pump is filled (to at least 50 %) as the internal leakage does not provide sufficient lubrication at start-up.FluidsThe fixed displacement pumps data shown in the specifications for each pump in chapter 1 and 2 are valid when operating on high quality, min-eral based hydraulic oil.Type HLP (according to DIN 51524) hydraulic oil is suitable as well as biologically degradeable fluids like natural and synthetic esters and polyalfaolefins.The utilised hydraulic fluid shall meet one of the following Swedish standards:- SS 15 54 34- SMR Hydraulic Oil Standard 1996-2.Contact Parker Hannifin for further information. NOTE:- ATF (automatic transmission fluid) and API type CD engine oils mayalso be useable.- Seals are made of nitrile rubber;make sure the utilised fluid is com-patible with this material.Fluid temperatureMain circuit: Max 75 °C, 167 °F .Direction of rotationThe pictures above show direction of flow vs. shaft rotation.The direction of rotation can be changed (i.e. from right hand to left hand) by turning the end cap.Remove the four cap screws and turn the end cap about half a turn while making sure it stays in contact with the barrel housing.Re-fit the cap screws and torque to 59 – 74 lbf ft (80 – 100 Nm).InstallationMake sure max torque and bending moment (due to the weight of the pump) of the utilised PTO are not exceeded. (The approx. center of gravity of the various pump sizes areshown in the installation drawings). NOTE:In order to obtain the longest bearinglife, the pump should be installed ac-cording to the information shown onpage 20 "Pump bearing life".Fluid viscosityRecommended viscosity:20 to 30 mm 2/s (cSt).Operating viscosity limits:- Min 10 mm 2/s; max 400 mm 2/s.- At start-up, max 4000 mm 2/s.clockwise) rotating pump.clockwise) rotating pump.Before start-up, the housing mustbe filled with hydraulic fluid.Pump_positions_GB.eps Leif A./020115Pump_positions_GB.eps Leif A./020115Pump_positions_GB.eps Leif A./020115Fig. 1.Fig. 2.Fig. 3.Truck HydraulicsCatalogue MSG30-8220/UKFig. 8. VP1 should be installed below the reservoir fluid level.Purging should be performed when the pump is connected to the reservoir and the system is filled with fluid.Fluid temperatureMain circuit: Max 75 °C 167 °F .ViscosityRecommended viscosity: 20 to 30 mm 2/s (cSt).Operating viscosity limits: 10 to 400 mm 2/s.At start-up:Max 1000 mm 2/s.FiltrationTo obtain long VP1 life, we recommend a filtration level of:• 25 µm (absolute) in clean environment or at low pressures.• 10 µm (absolute) in contaminated environment or at high pressures.Filtration should meet ISO standard 4406: code 20/18/13.Drain lineThe LS valve requires a separate drain line; it should be routed directly to the reservoir (refer to fig. 8).Start-upMake sure the entire hydraulic system is clean before filling it with a recommended fluid.In addition, the VP1 pump must be purged to remove any entrapped air in the pump housing; utilise the uppermost purge port (fig. 8).Before start-up, open the plug, purge the pump,Direction of rotationThe basic VP1 pump is uni-directional; there is a left hand and a right hand version (indicated by the arrow on the side of the VP1 pump (fig. 4 and 5).Consequently, the required direction of rotation must be stated when ordering the pump.InstallationThe VP1 can be installed (close-coupled) directly on a PTO.Before start-up, the pump must be filled with hydraulic fluid and purged. Utilise the uppermost purge plug (refer to the installation drawing on page 12, c hapter 2).Figure 6 (page 19) shows two ways of installing a gear on the VP1 shaft. On a non-geared or a geared PTO with support bearings, the pump shaft is usually installed directly in the internally splined PTO output shaft.Make sure max torque and bending moment (due to the weight of the pump) of the utilised PTO are not exceeded. (The approx. center of gravity of the various pump sizes are shown in the installation drawings).Hydraulic fluidsThe VP1 data shown in the specifications onpage 10 are valid when operating on a high quality, min-eral based fluid.Hydraulic fluids type HLP (DIN 51524), ATF (automatic transmission fluids), and API type CD engine oils are suitable.Fig. 4. Left hand rotating pump.Fig. 5. Right hand rotating pump.Installation and start-up for VP1Installation and start upVP1 SAEOffer of SalePlease contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.Parker Hannifin Ltd. Tachbrook Park Drive Tachbrook Park, Warwick, CV34 6TU United Kingdom Catalogue MSG30-8220/UK 01/2022© 2022 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.European Product Information Centre Free phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA)Europe, Middle East, AfricaAE – United Arab Emirates, DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100BE/NL/LU – Benelux, Hendrik Ido AmbachtTel: +31 (0)541 585 000BY – Belarus, MinskTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00CH – Switzerland, EtoyTel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00CZ – Czech Republic, PragueTel: +420 284 083 111DE – Germany, KaarstTel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00ES – Spain, MadridTel: +34 902 330 001FI – Finland, VantaaTel: +358 (0)20 753 2500FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25HU – Hungary, BudaörsTel: +36 23 885 470IE – Ireland, DublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370IL – IsraelTel: +39 02 45 19 21IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21NO – Norway, AskerTel: +47 66 75 34 00PL – Poland, WarsawTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00PT – PortugalTel: +351 22 999 7360RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382RU – Russia, MoscowTel: +7 495 645-2156SE – Sweden, BoråsTel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650TR – Turkey, IstanbulTel: +90 216 4997081UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878ZA – South Africa,Kempton ParkTel: +27 (0)11 961 0700North AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, ClevelandTel: +1 216 896 3000Asia PacificAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, ShanghaiTel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, TokyoTel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand,Mt WellingtonTel: +64 9 574 1744SG – SingaporeTel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, BangkokTel: +662 186 7000TW – Taiwan, TaipeiTel: +886 2 2298 8987Parker WorldwideSouth AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos AiresTel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil,Sao Jose dos CamposTel: +55 080 0727 5374CL – Chile, SantiagoTel: +56 22 303 9640MX – Mexico, TolucaTel: +52 72 2275 4200。

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目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。
Parker Hannifin 水力泵和动力分割器分类 F12 系列服务手册说明书

Effective: April, 2011Supersedes:March, 2011Bulletin HY30-5504-M1/UKService Manual Series F122Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKList of contents PageGeneral information ...................................................................................3Specifications ............................................................................................4Disassembling ....................................................................................5 - 10Assembling F12-30/40/60/80/90/110/125 .........................................11 - 16Change of shaft seal ...............................................................................17Valve plates .............................................................................................18Splitview F12-150.................................................................................... 19Assembling F12-150......................................................................... 20 - 22Splitview F12-250.................................................................................... 23Assembling F12-250......................................................................... 24 - 28Test procedure.. (29)Conversion factors1 kg = 2.2046 lb 1 N = 0.22481 lbf 1 bar = 14.504 psi 1 l = 0.21997 UK gallon 1 l = 0.26417 US gallon1 cm 3= 0.061024 in 31 m = 3.2808 feet 1 mm = 0.03937 in 9/5 °C + 32 = °FOffer of SalePlease contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or sys-tem in the current product catalogue. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.WARNING!3Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKGeneral informationF12 is bent axis, fixed displacement heavy-duty motor/pump seris. They can be used in numerous applications in both open and closed loop circuits.Series F12 conforms to current ISO and SAE mounting flange and shaft end configu -rations. A very compact cartridge version is also available.Frame sizes: F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110, -125, -150, -250.Thanks to the unique spherical piston de-sign, F12 motors can be used at unusually high shaft speeds. Operating pressures to 480 bar provides for the high output power capability.The 40° angle between shaft and cylinder barrel allows for a very compact, lightweight motor/pump.The laminated piston ring offers important advantages such as low internal leakage and thermal shock resistance.The pump version has highly engineered valve plates for increased selfpriming speed and low noise, available with left and right hand rotation.The F12 motors produce very high torque at start-up as well as at low speeds.Our unique timing gear design synchronizes shaft and cylinder barrel, making the F12 very tolerant to high ’G’ forces and torsional vibrations.Heavy duty roller bearings permit substan-tial external axial and radial shaft loads.The F12’s have a simple and straightfor-ward design with very few moving parts, making them very reliable motors/pumps.The unique piston locking, timing gear and bearing set-up as well as the limited num-ber of parts add up to a very robust design with long service life and, above all, proven reliability.F12 cross section1. Barrel housing2. Valve plate3. Cylinder barrel4. Piston with piston ring5. Timing gear6. Tapered roller bearing7. Bearing housing8. Shaft seal9. Output/input shaft4Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKOperating temeratureThe following temperatures should not be exceeded (N shaft seals): Drain fluid: 90 o C.FPM shaft seals (type V ) can be used to 115 o C drain fluid temperature.NOTE: The temperature should be measured at the utilized drain port.Continuous operation may require case flushing inorder to meet the viscosity and temperature limitations.For further information we refer to:Catalogue HY30-8249/UKFrame sizeF12-030F12-040F12-060F12-080F12-090F12-110F12-125F12-150F12-250Displacement (cm 3/rev) Pressure max intermittent 1) (bar)480480480480420480480420420max continuous (bar)420420420420350420420350350Motor operating speed max intermittent 1) (rpm)7 300 6 700 5 800 5 300 5 000 4 800 4 60035003000max continuous (rpm) 6 700 6 100 5 300 4 800 4 600 4 400 4 20032002700min continuous (rpm)505050505050505050Max pump sefprimingspeed 2)L or R function; max (rpm)31502870 2 500 2 300 2 250 2 200 2 10017001500Motor input flow max intermittent 1) (l/min)219256347426465528575525726max continuous (l/min)201244317386428484525480653Main circuit temp.3)max (o C)808080808080808080min (o C)-40-40-40-40-40-40-40-40-40Mass moment of inertia(x10-3) (kg m 2)1.72.9 Intemittent: max 6 seconds in any one minute.2) Selfpriming speed valid at sea level.3) See also below, operating temperature.5Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKDisassembleFasten the unit in a vice. Loosen the 4 boults (item 491).491Disassemble the barrel housing (item 110). Make sure that the valve plate doesn’t fall out when lifting the barrel housing off.Remove the cylinder barrel (item 411). Take the shim (item 488) away.1104114886Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKRemove the barrel support (item 430).Disassemble the pistons (item 440).Remove the O-ring (item 221).4304402217Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UK237Disassemble the retaining ring (item 237).231Remove the seal carrier (item 231).225Remove the O-ring (item 225).8Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UK478Disassemble the retaining ring (item 478).476Remove the spacer washer (item 476).311211Place the bearing housing (item 211) on a tube. Press uot the shaft (item 311) by pres-sing on the shaft end.9Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKRemove the small tappered roller bearing (item 470).Tap the small bearing ring off with a mandrel.Tap the large bearing ring off with a mandrel.47010Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKPlace the ring gear (item 452) on a tube. Press the shaft (item 311) out with a press.452311TubePress down the bearing ring (item 460) in the bearing housing (item 211) with a press. Use a tube to match the outer diameter off the bearing ring.211Press down the bearing ring (item 470) in the bearing housing (item 211) with a press. Use a tube to match the outer diameter off the bearing ring.211Press down the tappered roller bearing (item 460) and the ring gear (item 452) on the shaft with a press. Use a tube (see page 16).460452Assemble F12-30/40/60/80/90/110 and 125Press down the Bearing (item 470) witha press until correct preload is achieved.Install the spacer washer (item 476). 476Install the retaining ring (item 478).478Install the O-ring (item 225).225Install the seal carrier (item 231). 231Install the retaining ring (item 237). 237Install the O-ring (item 221).221440Install the pistons (item 440).430Install the barrel support (item 430).488Install the shim (item 488).411Install the cylinder barrel (item 411). Ensure correct timing. (marking - punch mark)Put some grease on the valve plate (item 121) and install it into the barrel housing (item 110).Make sure you have installed the valve plate correct (see page 18).121110Install the barrel housing (item 110).Fasten two bolts and secure that the back-lash is between 0,1 - 0,3 mm. Check it with a feeler gauge in the drain port.At the same time double check the timing,(marking - punch mark).110...Fasten the 4 boults (item 491) to specified torque.F12-030 65 ± 10 Nm F12-040 65 ± 10 Nm F12-060 65 ± 10 Nm F12-080 115 ± 10 Nm F12-090 115 ± 10 Nm F12-110 115 ± 10 Nm F12-125 115 ± 10 Nm F12-150 220 ± 35 Nm F12-250 220 ± 35 Nm491Type ØA ØB ØC F12-030 60 49 42F12-040 65 58 52F12-060 73 64 57F12-080/090 74 70 62F12-110/125 82 75 67F12-150/250 97 - 82Tools to be used to facilitate theinstallation of the tappered roller bearings.Remove the retaining ring (item 237).Remove the seal carrier (item 231).Tap the shaft seal out with hammer andmandrel.Tap the new shaft seal back with a tube anda hammer.The outside diameter on the tube is 65mm. 237231Change of shaft sealValve plates F12Following valve plates can be fitted in F12.RGXR = R.H. rotation, pump operationG = L.H. rotation, internal drain, motor operationX = Bi-directional, pump operation, high self priming speedAgainst cylinder barrelAgainst cylinder barrelMLM = Bi-directional, motor operationL = L.H. rotation, pump operationAgainst cylinder barrel491464460452321440411431121310486488222221130110415237236233211475474470Splitview F12-150Assembly F12-1501. Press down the tappered roller bea-ring (item 460) and the ring gear (item 452) on the shaft with a press. Use atube (see page 16). 2. Carefully press down the tappered roller bearing (item 470) until correct preload of the bearing package isachieved. Use a tube (see page 16).3. Assemble the lock washers (item 474) and the round nut (item 475). Tap in the lock washers to lock the roundnut.4. Assemble the pistons (item 440). Lubricate the ball sockets before assembling.Assembly F12-1505. Assemble the valve plate (item 121) in the barrel housing (item 110). Make sure you have installed the valve plate correct (see page 18).6. Tap down the cylinder barrel (item 411) with barrel retaining ring (item 431) and needle bearings (item 415) Use a plastic collar.7. Assemble the shims (item 488) and the guide spacer (item 486). Lo-cate one opening in the guide spacer against the drain connection on the barrel housing.8. Assemble the bearing package withpistons.Assembly F12-1509. Make sure the timing is correct.10. Assemble the shaft seal (item 233) and the support ring (item 236). Locate the chamfer on the support ring down-wards.Tap it down with a plastic collar.11. Assemble the retaining ring (item 237). Lubricate the shaft seal before assembling the housing.12. Assemble the bearing housing (item 211), tap it down with a plastic hammer.Torque the screws to 220 ± 35 Nm.488*3429428493*3222321413*3424411440*9414423224415*2422425433427426475474470464460452237211233236130481491*4111223310Splitview F12-250Assembly F12-2501. Press down the tappered roller bea-ring (item 460) and the ring gear (item 452) on the shaft with a press. Use a tube (see page 16).2. Carefully press down the tappered roller bearing (item 470) until correct preload of the bearing package is achieved. Use a tube (see page 16).3. Assemble the lock washers (item 474) and the round nut (item 475). Tap in the lock washers to lock the round nut.4. Assemble the shaft seal (item 233) and the support ring (item 236). Locate the chamfer on the support ring down-wards.Tap it down with a plastic collar. Assemble the retaining ring (item 237). Lubricate the shaft seal before assem-bling the housing.Assembly F12-2505. Tap down the bearing package into the bearing housing (item 211) by usinga plastic collar and a plastic hammer.6. Assemble the pistons (item 440). Lubricate the ball sockets before assembling.7. Assemble the tap rol bearing (item 425), the disc spring (item 433), the spacer washer (item 426) and the re-taining ring (item 427).8. Press down the bearing ring (item 425), the spacer sleeve (item 422), the neddle bearings (item 415) and the retaining ring (item 414).Locate the needle bearings against the retaining ring.Assemble the spring pins (item 413)and the sliding plate (item 424).Assembly F12-2509. Assemble the cylinder barrel (item 411) on the pistons (item 440). Make sure the timing is correct.10. Assemble the O-ring (item 222) on the barrel housing (item 481). Lubricate the O-ring.11. Assemble the barrel housing. Make sure the cylinder barrel is in correct position by holding the barrel spindle (item 423). Tap the housing down witha plastic hammer.12. Assemble the O-rings (item 223 and 224) on the end cap (item 111).Lubricate the O-rings.Assembly F12-25013. Place the end cap on to the barrel housing until the O-ring is entered. 14. Fit a long screw (M12) to the barrel spindle and pull the barrel spindle up with a universal pliers.15. Knock down the end cap with a plastic hammer and fit shims (item 488) and hexagon screws (item 493). Torque the screws to 330 ± 10 Nm. 16. Install the cap screw (item 428) thatsecures the barrel spindle.Assembly F12-25017. Torque the cap screw to 40 - 45 Nm and back off 1/3 off a turn to obtain correct axial play.18. Hit the cap screw one time to obtain back-lash. Make sure the back-lash is correct.The general condition of the unit can be established by checking the drain flow. Remove the drain line and keep the drain port above a suitable container. Run the unit at normal speed and pressurize the system to 2000-3000 psi. (150 - 200 bar)Measure the drain flow for one minute; if it exceeds the maximum figures shown below, the unit is worn or damaged internally and should be replaced or repaired. Also, check for leakage at the shaft seal and between the bearing and barrel housings.Series Normalcu.in./min Normall/minMaxgpm.Maxl/minF12-030240.4.55 2.0 F12-040300.5.65 2.5 F12-060430.7.70 2.7 F12-08061 1.0.80 3.0 F12-09061 1.0.80 3.0 F12-11061 1.0.80 3.0 F12-12561 1.0.80 3.0 F12-15073 1.2.80 3.0 F12-25092 1.5.80 3.0Notes:31Parker Hannifin Pump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UK Notes:Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Flygmotorvägen 2SE-461 82 Trollhättan SwedenTel: +46 (0)520 40 45 00 Fax: +46 (0)520 371 05 。
巴克尔(Parker)速度传感器Series F10 F11 F12和V12 V14 T12 说明书

Bulletin MSG30-8303-INSTSpeed Sensor Series F10/F11/F12 and V12/V14/T12Valid for sensor 3722481Effective: March, 2023Supersedes: November, 2022Visit our homepage for additional support/pmdeGeneral InformationThe sensor consists of a ferrostat differ-ential (Dual Channel) speed sensor and a seal nut. The sensor installs in a threaded hole in the housing. The sensor output is a2 phase shifted square wave signal withina frequency rang of 0 Hz to 15 kHz. The sensor detects both speed and direction of rotation. The sensor withstands high as well as low temperatures and is highly moisture protected (IP68).Technical DataPower supply 10V to 30V protectedagainst reverse polarity. Current Max 20 mA. consumption (without load)Signal output • 2 phase shifted signals square waves• Open collector outputswith 10 Kohm pull-up,Imax = -20 mA.Frequency Min 0 Hz max 15 kHz Insulation Housing and electronicsgalvanically separated(500V/50Hz/1 min)Operating -40 to +125 °C temperature [-40 to +255 °F]Protection class IP68 (DIN 40050)SensorIP67 (DIN 40050)ConnectorSensor head Max 25 bar pressure [360 psi]Weight 0.15 kg(incl. cable) [0.33 lb]Sensing distance 0.1 to 2.0 mm;1.0 recom.[0.004 to 0.08 in;0.04 recom.]Transistor NPNAmplifier variant Variant; .02 SHWOutput 1: SpeedOutput 2: SpeedOutput type: Open Col. CABLEMaterialPUR castingLength 260 mmNo. of wires 4-Wire area 4 x 0.34 mm²Connector M12X1, Male,Straight 4 PinBending radiusMin 50 mm [1 in]Installation Procedure • I nstall the sensor in the threaded hole (M12x1) of the F10-30-125/V12/V14/T12bearing housing; turn the sensor until its head just touches the ring gear teeth (F10/F12) or the shaft head (F12-250/V12/V14/T12); refer to the installation drawing above.• O n *F10-5-19/F11 the pistons positionsmust be known before mounting the sen-sor. Install the sensor in the threaded hole(M12x1) of the F11 barrel housing; turnthe sensor until its head just touches thepiston.• W hen mounting the sensor in the thread-ed hole be sure that you also rotate the cable so the cable not get twisted.• B ack off the sensor one turn (counter clockwise).• I f required, back it off further until the sensor guiding hole centerline is either as shown in Fig. 1 & 2 or 180° opposite.• T ighten the seal nut; max 12 Nm (100 lb in). Be sure that the position of the guid-ing mark is correct.• I f you only use one signal, we recommend you to use S2 cable.ConnectionSensor wires are susceptible to radiated noise. Therefore, the following shoud be noted:- The sensor wires must be installed as far away as possible from electricalmachines and must not run in parallel with power cables in the vicinity.The maximum cable length that can be uti-lized is dependent on sensor voltage, how the cable is installed, and cable capacitance and inductance. It is, however, always ad-vantageous to keep the distance as short as possible. The sensor cable supplied can be lengthened via a terminal box located in an IP20 protected connection area (per DIN 40050).Pulse diagram:Connections:M12X1, Male, Straight 4 Pin Pin 1 RED - VDCInstallation InformationAs the sensor has a built-in differential Hall effect device, the sensor housing must bealigned according to the drawing (Fig. 1& 2) of the Speed Sensor Installation picture. If it is not, the sensor may not function properly and noise immunity decreases. The sensor is non-sensitive to oil and the stainless steel housing withstands hazardous environment conditions.S1S2directions of rotation directions of rotation 13Speed sensor intallation, F10-30-125, F12, V12,V14Fig. 1Bearing housingFixed and Variable MotorsSeries F10/F11/F12 and V12/V14/T12Bulletin MSG30-8303-INSTMarketing informationOffer of SalePlease contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.Position notification regarding Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC:Products made by the Pump & Motor Division Europe (PMDE) of Parker Hannifin are excluded from the scope of the machinery directive following the “Cetop” Position Paper on the implementation of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC in the Fluid Power Industry.All PMDE products are designed and manufactured considering the basic as well as the proven safety principles according to: • ISO 13849-1:2015 • SS-EN ISO 4413:2010so that the machines in which the products are incorporated meet the essential health and safety requirements.Confirmations for components to be proven component, e. g. for validation of hydraulic systems, can only be provided after an analysis of the specific application, as the fact to be a proven component mainly depends on the specific application.Christian Jäger General MangerPump & Motor Division EuropeParker Hannifin Manufacturing Sweden AB Pump & Motor Division Europe Flygmotorvägen 2 MSG30-8303-INST 461 82 Trollhättan Art. No 3722353-01SwedenTel. +46 (0)520 40 45 00 © Copyright /pmdeAll rights reserved。

Operating ManualThank you for your choice of Parker product. Please read this operating manual carefully and use the product correctly. Keep this operating manual in case questions arise about this product in the future. If this operating manual becomes unreadable or lost, consult our distributors or Parker sales offices.For Safety UseThe following safety precautions are provided to prevent damage and injury to personnel and to provide instructions on the correct usage of this product. These precautions are classified into 3 categories: “CAUTION”, ”WARNING”, and “DANGER” according to the severity of possible injury or damage and the likelihood of such injury or damage. Be sure to comply with all precautions. Also comply with safety regulations such as JIS B 8370(*1), Industrial Safety and Health Law, and High Pressure Gas Safety Law, and ISO 4414(*2).Danger:Indicates an impeding hazardous situation whichmay arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in serious personal injury or death.Warning:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in serious personal injury or death.Caution:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may arise due to improper handling or operationand could result in personal injury or property-damage-only accidents.*1 JIS B8370 : General Rules for Pneumatic Systems*2 ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power recommendations for the application of equipment totransmission control system.● This product is designed for air blowgun.Do not use it for other purposes.● Use compressed air from an air compressor.Do not use air from a high pressure tank or any other gas.● Do not blow air from air blowgun towards personnel or animals.Direct air blow or substance blown by air blow can potentially cause injury for humans or animals.● Wear safety glasses and ear plugs.Regardless of the use of this product, wear safety glasses and earplugs when operating an air blowgun. Without proper protection, injury to eyes due to blown dust or noise induced deafness would be potentially caused.● Do not disassemble or modify this product.Disassembling or modification may causes safety accidents in addition to operation failure.● Attach a pipe fitting or joint properly.If a pipe fitting or joint are attached improperly, it may cause danger such as hose whip due to unplugged piping. Confirm the connection of hose, tube or coupler joint is tight as well as the connection to this product prior to use.● Do not use for medical equipment or cooking equipmentThis product contains a small amount of lubricant. If there is concern for contamination due to lubricant, do not use.SpecificationsFluid Compressed air Pressure Range 0.35 to 0.8MPaMaximum Flow *1 1300L/min (@0.5MPa) Ambient Temperature*210 to 50℃ Pulse Adjustment Range5 to 15HzPort SizeIN Rc1/4OUTR1/4Weight155g*1 “Maximum Flow” in this case is the flow capacity of this product,and actual flow consumption is depending on the attached air blowgun.*2 If the temperature is under the specified temperature, pulse blowmay be unstable. In this case, please use it as continuous blow temporally for a while to reach specified temperature. This product works correctly within the specified ambient temperature.Connection≪取付例≫1. Before Piping, thoroughly flush the inside of each pipe toremove chips, machining oil, and dust etc. If sealing tape is used for the thread, leave 1.5 to 2 thread turns unwrapped. Do not use liquid sealant. It has possibility to contaminate the product and may cause malfunction.Push-in fitting or joint such as coupler(Sold Separately) Air Saver Unit for Air Blowgun“Air Saver Module” HASV08R9IM-E009-aIssued :Jan.14.2016Air blowgun“Air Saver Module”HASV08R Reference blowgun:Parker LegrisPart Number: 0659 00 13(Sold Separately)WarningCaution<Example of attachment>2.When installing piping or a joint, prevent contamination of chips or sealing agent. Also tightening torque should be within the range indicated below.Port Size Tightening Torque (N ・m)R ・Rc1/412 to 143.An air filter (Nominal filtration rating of 5 micron or smaller) must be placed upstream of piping. There is no need for additional lubrication.4. Attach the piping towards the direction of air flow described on the body. If it is opposite direction, this product does not work.5.This product must be attached directly to an air blow gun. If connected with any part such as coupler, it has the possibility to decrease the capability due to pressure loss.6.This product is not water & drip proof. Do not install this product in a place with direct water contact (rain, etc). Also install this product in a place without dew condensation or direct sunlight.Product Function[Pulse Adjustment Screw]This is a throttle valve for pulse ON time adjustment (Approx.5 to 15 Hz). When tightening this screw clockwise with flat-bladedscrewdriver, the air ON time will be longer. When loosening the screw counter clockwise, the air ON time will be shorter. The air OFF time is fixed for approx. 30ms. Adjust the air ON time in accordance with using air blowgun or object. Control angle is approx. single rotation of the screw. When tightening at the end of clockwise, it will stop air output, however it is not malfunction.[Pulse/ Continuous Switching Button]Press this button when requiring continuous blow. When pushing this button, air blows continuously. To keep continuous blow, press this button and turn the button 90 degrees. To release from this mode, press this button and turn counter clockwise for pulse blow mode.DimensionsNotes for Usage● Discharge drain from upstream air filter periodically. If periodic drain discharge is difficult, Parker recommends setting up an air filter with automatic drain.● Maintenance compressor periodically. If sludge, which isproduced in compressor oil, enters pneumatic equipment, it will cause operation failure of pneumatic equipment. Coalescing filter removes oil and sludge which cannot be removed by air filter. Parker recommends setting up a coalescing filter.Effect of Pulse BlowIn many factories, air blow accounts for more than 50% of total compressed air consumption. Pulse blow can be a measure forsaving energy by reducing the consumption of compressed air while maintaining the same capability of air blow operation.・Hole machining, tap, chip removing of complex shape work ・Removing stuck dust or viscous liquid ・Blowing at narrow space・Reducing load of compressor ・Energy saving activityPulse blow is especially effective for works listed above, however it is not for all applications. There is a possibility to reduce the removal effectiveness depending on the air blowgun. Parker recommends attaching to an air blowgun that has nozzle diameter bigger than I.D.2mm and low pressure loss.Also, for the case of using reduced pressure for air supply, installing this product without regulator enables a low energy loss circuit, which provides improved blow effectiveness compared to the current circuit.Kuroda Pneumatics Ltd(Parker Hannifin Automation Division Japan)10243 Kamakazu, Asahi city, Chiba 289-2505, JapanE-mail:********************10HzWhen screwing, seal tape may enters the product and cause malfunction.Leave space of 1.5 -2 turnsUse half width seal tape. It may reduce cost as well. Cut with knife.(Not good)(Good) Air Blow Gun Connecting Port (R1/4)Pulse Control Trimmer[Note] ● Please contact our distributors or Parker for after-sales service. ● Please keep this operating manual.15HzPressure Supply Port (Rc1/4)Vent HolePulse/ContinuousSwitching ButtonFlow Flow Current Circuit Pulse Blow A i r C o n s u m p t i o n L /m i nA i r C o n s u m p t i o n L /m i nTime (sec)Time (sec) Pulse Adjustment Screw (ON Time Control)Pulse/ Continuous Switching button Time Time。
Parker Hannifin 流控制阀门系列F的技术信息说明书

Technical Information Series FGeneral DescriptionSeries F flow control valves provide precise control of flow and shut-off in one direction, and automatically permit full flow in the opposite direction.OperationA two-step needle allows fine adjustment at low flow by using the first three turns of the adjusting knob. The next three turns open the valve to full flow, and also provide standard throttling adjustments.Features• The exclusive “Colorflow” color-band reference scale on the valve stem is a great convenience and time-saver in setting the valve originally and in returning it to any previous setting.• A simple set screw locks the valve on any desired setting.• A tamperproof option (T) feature is also available toprevent accidental or intentional adjustment of flow setting.SpecificationsMaximumBrass: 140 Bar (2000 PSI); Operating except for F1600 brass Pressurewhich is 35 Bar (500 PSI) Steel &345 Bar (5000 PSI) for Stainless 200 thru 1220;Steel: 207 Bar (3000 PSI) forall other sizesMaterial Body See ordering code Knob Steel - Zinc plated Spring 316 Stainless Steel Needle 416 Stainless Steel Poppet 416 Stainless Steel Retainer 416 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 303 Stainless SteelBodiesPoppets Soft seal poppet in brass 200 - 820 sizesSolid metal 416 stainless steel poppet on all other sizes andstylesNominal0.4 Bar (5 PSI) standardCracking Pressure Temperature Range -40°C to +121°Cof Seal Compound (-40°F to +250°F) Nitrile (standard) -26°C to +205°C(-15°F to +400°F) FluorocarbonThis product can expose you to chemicals including Lead, Nickel (Metallic), or 1,3-Butadiene which are known to the State of California to go to .Code Description O mit Standard 4 Fine Metering (200, 400, 420, 600, 620, 820 sizes)Code Description B Brass S Steel SS* Stainless Steel Code Description Omit NPTF/SAE ★8 BSPT ★★9 BSPPFOptionsSeriesSizeMaterialNeedle Options Other Options Seal CompoundDesign Series NOTE: Not required when ordering.* Not available above 1200 size.Code Description Omit Standard Knob T * Tamperproof F Finger ScrewOrdering InformationSeries F200 * 1/8" 400 *† 1/4" 420 #4 SAE 600 *† 3/8" 620 #6 SAE 800 *† 1/2"820 *† #8 SAE 1020 #10 SAE 1200 * 3/4"1220 #12 SAE 1600 * 1"1620 #16 SAE2000 1 1/4"2020 #20 SAE 2400 1 1/2"2420 #24 SAE 3200 2"3220 #32 SAE* Sizes available in Brass.† Sizes available in Stainless Steel.Code Size Code Size Code Size ★ Code 8 can be used withsizes 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200 Steel only★★ Code 9 can be used withsizes 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400.Effective Free Flow Free Flow Orifice Area, Effective Model Rate, Max. Orifice Area Free Flow Control Flow Control FlowNumber LPM (GPM) in. 2 C v in. 2 C vF200 11 (3) 0.023 0.53 0.0102 0.230 F420 11 (3) 0.023 0.53 0.0102 0.230 F400 19 (5) 0.068 1.56 0.0194 0.433 F620 19 (5) 0.068 1.56 0.0194 0.433 F600 30 (8) 0.099 2.27 0.0344 0.787 F820 30 (8) 0.099 2.27 0.0344 0.787 F800 57 (15) 0.224 5.11 0.0427 0.976 F1020 57 (15) 0.224 5.11 0.0427 0.976 F1200 95 (25) 0.348 7.95 0.1080 2.470 F122095 (25)0.3487.950.10802.470F1600 151 (40) 0.453 10.35 0.2300 5.250 F1620 151 (40) 0.453 10.35 0.3070 7.000 F2000 265 (70) 0.855 19.52 0.2300 5.250 F2020 265 (70) 0.855 19.52 0.3710 8.470 F2400 379 (100) 0.955 21.82 0.2300 5.250 F2420 379 (100) 0.955 21.82 0.3710 8.470 F3200 568 (150) 1.046 23.90 0.2300 5.250 F3220568 (150)1.04623.900.601013.410Series F Brass and Stainless Steel Valves can be used for both air and oil service.* Available in 400, 600 800, and 820 sizes only.Code DescriptionOmit Nitrile (Standard) V Fluorocarbon (Standard on S tainless Steel)Model Number Effective Orifice Area Control Flow in.2 Effective Control FlowC vF400-40.00440.0758F600-40.00970.153F620-40.00440.0758F820-40.00970.153Performance Curves Series FInch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**)HEDCClosedBOpenGF Sq.A (Both Ends)G FASTControlled FlowKnob OptionsPinTamperproofOption (Code “T”)permanently locksknob at desiredflow setting byinstalling a pin inpredrilled hole.Finger screwOption (Code“F”) providesthis thumb-screw in placeof set screw.Dimensions Series FModel WeightNumber kg (lbs) A B C D E F G HF2000.1(0.3)1/8–27NPTF 39.1 35.3 50.8 32.5 16.0 7.9 19.1(1.54) (1.39) (2.00) (1.28) (0.63) (0.31) (0.75)F4000.2(0.5)1/4–18NPTF 45.5 40.4 66.8 42.2 20.6 10.4 20.6(1.79) (1.59) (2.63) (1.66) (0.81) (0.41) (0.81)F4200.2(0.5)7/16–20UNF 41.4 37.6 68.3 42.9 20.6 10.4 19.1#4SAE (1.63) (1.48) (2.69) (1.69) (0.81) (0.41) (0.75)F6000.3(0.7)3/8–18NPTF 55.4 49.5 69.9 44.5 25.4 12.7 25.4(2.18) (1.95) (2.75) (1.75) (1.00) (0.50) (1.00)F6200.3(0.7)9/16–18UNF 47.7 42.7 79.2 48.8 25.4 12.7 20.6#6SAE (1.88) (1.68) (3.12) (1.92) (1.00) (0.50) (0.81)F800 0.7(1.5)1/2–14NPTF 68.6 61.5 87.4 56.6 31.8 16.0 30.2(2.70) (2.42) (3.44) (2.23) (1.25) (0.63) (1.19)F8200.5(1.1)3/4–16UNF 56.9 51.1 88.9 53.8 28.4 14.2 25.4#8SAE (2.24) (2.01) (3.50) (2.12) (1.12) (0.56) (1.00)F1020 0.8(1.8)7/8–14UNF 68.6 61.5 101.6 65.0 31.8 15.7 30.2#10SAE (2.70) (2.42) (4.00) (2.56) (1.25) (0.62) (1.19)F1200 1.2 (2.6)3/4–14NPTF 85.9 71.4 98.6 65.5 38.1 19.1 35.1(3.38) (2.81) (3.88) (2.58) (1.50) (0.75) (1.38)F1220 1.2 (2.6) 1 1/6–12 UN 85.9 71.4 117.3 76.5 38.1 19.1 35.1#12SAE (3.38) (2.81) (4.62) (3.01) (1.50) (0.75) (1.38)F1600 2.3 (5.1) 1–11 1/2 NPTF 123.7 106.9 127.0 81.8 44.5 22.4 47.8(4.87) (4.21) (5.00) (3.22) (1.75) (0.88) (1.88)*F1620 2.3 (5.1) 1 5/16–12 UN 130.8 114.0 142.7 88.9 57.2 28.4 47.8#16SAE (5.15) (4.49) (5.62) (3.50) (2.25) (1.12) (1.88)*F2000 3.7 (8.2) 1 1/4–11 1/2 NPTF 130.0 113.3 143.0 98.6 57.2 28.7 47.8(5.12) (4.46) (5.63) (3.88) (2.25) (1.13) (1.88)*F2020 3.7 (8.2) 1 5/8–12 UN 140.2 123.4 165.1 108.0 69.9 35.1 47.8#20SAE (5.52) (4.86) (6.50) (4.25) (2.75) (1.38) (1.88)*F2400 4.6 (10.2) 1 1/2–11 1/2 NPTF 136.4 119.6 143.0 113.5 69.9 35.1 47.8(5.37) (4.71) (5.63) (4.47) (2.75) (1.38) (1.88)*F2420 4.6 (10.2) 1 7/8–12 UN-2B 143.5 126.7 184.2 127.0 76.2 38.1 47.8#24SAE (5.65) (4.99) (7.25) (5.00) (3.00) (1.50) (1.88)*F3200 7.9 (17.4) 2–11 1/2 NPTF 146.1 129.3 165.1 134.9 88.9 44.5 47.8(5.75) (5.09) (6.50) (5.31) (3.50) (1.75) (1.88)*F3220 7.9 (17.4) 2 1/2–12 UN 163.6 139.4 228.6 155.7 101.6 50.8 47.8#32SAE (6.44) (5.49) (9.00) (6.13) (4.00) (2.00) (1.88)**=Hex。
派克 F12-030-LF-IV-Z-000-000-0(3782080)

方法:(180)(6521)(9038)派克滤芯941040Q派克泵正确型号PVP1630R212派克3129320263双联泵PV016R1K1T1NDLZ 派克柱塞泵PARKER派克取力器852XGAKP-F6XS派克E341L01 7341LDC1LNM8派克S16-86286-0派克VP01 54 0Q B1派克F11-250-QF-SH-S-000派克F12-030-HS-SH-T-000-000-0派克电磁阀PHS541D-15-240V-D-L派克F12-030-LF-IV-Z-000-000-0(3782080)派克高压滤芯941040Q派克马达F12-060-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3799998派克压力传感器SCP-400-34-07派克放大器PCD00A-400-22派克放大器PWD00A-400-19派克比例阀TEA063EW09B2NLWJ派克TG0530MS050AAAB派克马达型号F11-010-MB-CV-K-209 零件号3798391派克液压泵3249110393派克F11-005-MB-CN-K-000 序列号3703665派克滤芯2040TM-OR派克F12-060-RS-SV-T-000-000-0 序列号不变3780017派克柱塞泵现在的型号是DP14R-310D品牌派克型号f12-125-mf-cv-c-000-000-p 序列号3786814派克F12-040-MF-IV-K-000-000-0序列号3799526派克液压泵3249110393派克TG0405MS030AAAA派克TE0195AS100AAAA品牌派克已升级为F11-005-MB-CV-K-209-000-0 序列号3782009派克电磁阀PVACPPSMN35派克F12-060-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 (3799988)派克F12-030-MF-CV-C-235-L01-P 3799833派克F12-030-MF-CV-K-000-000-P HYDRAULIC MOTOR 3781717派克E12-030-MF-CV-C-235-000-P HYDRAULIC MOTOR 3799840派克货号3249218038 PGM330A842CZEB15-25派克电磁阀型号:N3156500149派克马达F1-101-R-__-_-000 HYDRAULIC PUMP 序列号3781100派克PMD-chemnitz.PT.NO 3349111785.1661046. SER.NO 19/08 1394521/001派克D1VW004CNJW派克报价型号D1VW004CNJW91派克现在的型号是F12-040-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 序列号3799525派克F11-012-HB-CV-K-000-000-0派克马达F11-005-MB-CV-K-000-000-0派克马达确认是否F11-010-MB-CV-K-000-000-0派克电磁阀201DG2LVK7-481865C2派克马达F11-019-MB-CN-K-000 序列号3703516派克马达现在的型号是F12-040-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 序列号3799526派克马达F12-030-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 序列号3799844派克液压马达,型号:110A-088-AS-0派克气动阀型号:8V1-P8VE-11AO-SSV-P 厂家料号:119097派克现在的型号是PRDM2PP21KVS派克阀D1VW020BVYCF派克112A-071-AM-0-F油泵派克112A-106-At-0-F油泵派克传感器SCPSD-600-14-15-LI/A派克传感器SCPSD-250-14-15-LI/A派克F12-040-MF-IH-D-000-000-0派克滤芯2408派克F11-010-MB-CV-K-000-000-0序列号3706030派克接头Parke Y6Y6-4-6C MAWP 60KPSI E 1052品牌派克型号4818653DD5LF-230VAC-8W电磁线圈派克叠加式液压锁H06SDV派克马达现在的型号为F12-110-MF-IV-D-000-000-0 序列号3781530派克OR25NB派克PT.NO 3339112079 3222305404 SER.NO. 41-05-77568471023品牌:派克电磁阀型号:8W-U12LB-GSS-HT-SPL500,DN6,材质:316,阀门长度:64mm派克PARKER 水管801-6-BLU派克PARKER 水管801-6-RED此型号按捆出售派克滤芯:3PP19-098A A10V071DFR1/31L-PSC62KO2-S0225派克PT.NO 3339112079 3222305404SER.NO. 41-05-77568471023派克VE03-ESC012C2 电磁阀派克F11-005-MB-CV-K-209-000-0 序列号3782009 派克马达TF0080EW260AABM派克电磁阀查到的是DSAEV207P04ELAF派克管接头3780634派克马达正确型号F1-081-R---000 序列号3781080 派克接头另外端螺纹外径20黄色端的外径也是20,内径12型号F12-CH8派克液压泵7049111085派克接头FF-501-8FB G1/2派克接头FF-502-8FB G1/2派克接头FF-751-12FB G3/4派克接头FF-752-12FB G3/4ZP14T,派克滤芯正确型号FM2DDDSV 派克减压阀派克型号:DX3-621-70派克F12-110-MF-RH-K-000派克阀型号:DG4V-3-2A-H-M-U1-B6-60-EN38派克马达F11-019-RB-CV-K-000-000-0派克马达F12-250-QF-SH-F-000-000-0 序列号3787182派克双联齿轮泵3339121250派克气阀型号PVL-B101618W2派克阀D41FH831E1NE0048派克泵P7DR1A4B2AOO派克齿轮泵P51A478BE0225-07派克马达F12-040-MF-CV-C-000-000-0 序列号3799520派克马达正确型号F12-110-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 序列号3781534 PCMS800S20 派克阀品牌parker 派克马达型号F12-110-MF-CV-C-000-000-P派克马达F12-080-MF-IV-D-000-000-0派克TG0625MS050AAAB派克马达F12-090-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 件号3785609派克马达F12-080-MF-CV-C-000-000-0派克齿轮泵报价型号P25X378BEIT27−7派克D41FHE01C1NE00派克D41FHE01C1NE00派克泵升级型号为PV080R1K1T1NMMC派克阀D3FBE01MC0NG00派克比例阀D3FB01MCONGOO派克正确型号V14-160-IVC-EOR3N-P350-P-00-P350-P-00-160/070-200 序列号3785520 PARKER派克泵型号PV023R1K1T1N100派克马达F11-010-MB-CN-K-000派克确型号为:F11-005-HU-CV-K-000-000-0派克F11-010-MB-CN-K-000派克柱塞泵PV62R1EC00PB派克F12-110-RF-IV-K-000-000-0派克报价型号为F12-110-RF-IV-K-000-000-0 序列号3781558报价型号应是PV62R1EC00PB 派克轴向柱塞泵派克齿轮泵3139115017派克取力器267XGFJP-M5AK派克取力器852XGAKP-F6XS派克电磁阀D3W4CNJW30DP14R-310C 派克派克压力传感器SCP-400-34-07 400bar 4-20MA 12-30V派克马达F12-110-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 序列号3781534派克马达F12-110-MF-IV-D-000-000-0派克马达新型号是F12-080-MF-IV-K-000-000-0 序列号3780772派克V14-160-IVD-EOH3N-N000-N-00-160/075-200派克液压泵型号:M4807510S20NB 序列号:816V009。
Parker Hannifin 泵动机系列F11iP应用指南说明书

Bulletin HY30-8251/UK Application GuideSaw Motor Series F11iPEffective: June 10, 2009 Supersedes: January 16, 2009Leif A./07-04-092Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenHydraulic Saw Motors Series F11iPBulletin HY30-8251/UKApplication GuideConversion factors1 kg .................................................................2.20 lb 1 N ...............................................................0.225 lbf 1 Nm .........................................................0.738 lbf ft 1 bar ..............................................................14.5 psi 1 l ......................................................0.264 US gallon 1 cm 3 ........................................................0.061 cu in 1 mm .............................................................0.039 in 9/5°C + 32 ..............................................................°F DECLARATION BY THE MANUFACTURER (Directive 98/37/EG, Art. 4.2 and Annex II, sub B)PROHIBITION TO PUT INTO SERVICEParker Hannifin AB Trollhättan declare with this declaration that our products:- Are intended to be incorporated into machinery or to be assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by Directive 98/37/EG.- Are in accordance with technical specification stated in our product catalogue.- And furthermore declares that it is not allowed to put the machinery into service until the machinery into which it is to be incorporated or of which it is to be a component has been found and declared to be in conformity with the provisions of Directive 98/37/EG and with national implementing legislation, i.e. as a whole, including the machinery referred to in this declaration.Parker Hannifin ABT rollhättanLars EliassonLean and Quality Manager.ContentsPageThe optimal saw motor ............................................3Specifications ..........................................................4Ordering information ................................................4Standard model numbers ........................................4Hydraulic fluids ........................................................4Chain saw function ..................................................5Installation dimensions - left hand operating motor ........6Installation dimensions - right hand operating motor .. (7)3Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division T rollhättan, SwedenHydraulic Saw Motors Series F11iPBulletin HY30-8251/UKApplication Guide Parker Hannifin holds a leading position when it comes to product and application knowledge, dedicated to serve the forestry machine market.We offer hydraulic components such as pumps, cylin-ders, motors, directional control valves and remote controls, as well as electronic equipment, suitable for mostforestry machines.IntroductionParker Hannifin offers an extensive range of compo-nents suitable for forestry machines and will assist with an optimal technical solution to obtain the most cost-efficient system.Based on many years of experience from forestry appli-cations, product development at Parker Hannifin has always been focused on helping manufacturers obtain the best possible performance from their machines. Many of our products are developed in direct and close co-operation with our customers.The optimal saw motorSeries F11 motors have proven extremely reliable in demanding applications such as chain saw drives. Primarily due to the 40 degree bent-axis design,spherical pistons (with laminated piston rings) and gear timing, extremely high speeds can be permitted, and the reliability is not affected even at low-temperature start-ups.Based on the well proven F11 design, the saw bar can be mounted directly on the motor housing, and the chain sprocket can be installs on the motor shaft without the need for additional bearingsThe saw motor unit has integrated functions for start/stop and speed control, which means long motor life.The saw motor also controls the saw bar feed function, which provides optimal chain speed and saw perform-ance during the entire cutting process.To further enhance the saw function and, at the same time, reduce weight, cost and installation dimensions, Parker Hannifin has thus develop ed a motor unit which is specifically dedicated to chain saws. Benefits• Simple installation means lower cost • Low overall weight • Compact installation• Reduced motor shaft loading • Improved performance • Controlled cutting process.Saw motor requirements and recommendations In order to obtain the most satisfactory function of the saw motor, the hydraulic system of the machine must be able to maintain a system pressure through the whole cut of at least 220 bar at the motor; higher pressure levels (up to max allowed for the motor) will, of course, increase the performance even further.Through the whole cut the corresponding flow into the unit should, at least, be:- 180 l/min @ 8 500 rpm and 14-tooth chain sprocket - 195 l/min @ 9 200 rpm and 13-tooth chain sprocket - 210 l/min @ 9 900 rpm and 12-tooth chain sprocket. As a consequence, the pump must be able to deliver at least a 5% higher flow than what is shown above to properly secure the saw function.In order to utilize the full potential of the saw motor, it is most important to minimize pressure losses in the hydraulic system as much as possible. Avoid using so called 'banjo' couplings and make sure there are no sharp bends in the utilized hydraulic hoses, couplings and hydraulic piping.The saw motor unit has a motor flushing function which is integrated with the sword feed function. By connecting the drain port "D" directly to tank, additional flushing will usually not be required.As the saw bar feed function is of a re-generative type (refer to the saw function on page 5) a 40/30 or 40/25 mm feed cylinder is recommended; this will ensure the best cutting performance of the saw.If another cylinder configuration is being considered, please contact Parker Hannifin.The electric signal to the 'start/stop' solenoid whichstarts the cutting cycle must be of the 'no ramp' type, so that the saw motor can start immediately without delay; otherwise, there may be a risk of motor break-down.NOTE: The chain saw function is covered on page 5.WARNINGThe saw motor must not, under any circumstances,operate without load for more than 5 seconds; there is otherwise a risk of motor break-down!!g.ai4Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenHydraulic Saw Motors Series F11iPBulletin HY30-8251/UKApplication Guide Please note:- Parker Hannifin will assign a specific model number to a saw motor based on customer application data (sprocket number of teeth, cylinder configuration, etc.).- When the unit is delivered from the factory, all valve settings are sealed.- Please refer to the ordering information below.Hydraulic fluidsThe saw motor data shown in the specification above are valid when operating on a high quality, mineral based fluid with a minimum of contamination.Hydraulic fluids type HLP (DIN 51524), A TF (automatic trans-mission fluid), and API type CD engine oils are suitable.Operating temperatureThe fluid temperature in the main hydraulic system must not exceed 70 °C; the drain fluid must not exceed 115 °C. NOTE: Fluid temperature should be measured at the utilized motor drain port.ViscosityThe ideal viscosity for the saw motor is 15–30 mm 2/s (cSt).When the hydraulic system has reached full operating temperature, the drain fluid viscosity must not be lower than 8 mm 2/s (measured at the utilized motor drain port).Max start-up viscosity: 1 000 mm 2/s.FiltrationLong saw motor life can be expected if fluid cleanleness meets or exceeds 'ISO code 18/13' (according to ISO 4406).Under normal operating conditions a filtration level of 10 μm (absolute) is recommended.Standard model numbersModelOrdering Number of chain Sword feed number number sprocket teethcylinder [mm]F11-019-IL-CS-K-000-000-2-012/025 378 6315 12 40/25 F11-019-IL-WS-K-000-000-1-012/030 378 6316 12 40/30 F11-019-IR-WS-K-000-000-1-014/025 378 6317 14 40/25F11-019-IR-WS-K-000-000-3-012/030378 63181240/30SpecificationsBasic motor frame size F11-19 Displacement [cm 3/r] 19.0 Pressure (at the motor) [bar] max intermittent 1) 300 max operating 280 min operating 220min stand-by 20Case pressure 2) [bar] max 6 min 3 Max shaft speed [rpm] 10 000 Min flow [l/min] 2103) Shaft torque (theor.)at 100 bar [Nm] 30.2Mass moment of inertia(x10-3) [kg m 2] 0.88x10-3Weight [kg] 17 Soleniod valveVoltage [VDC] 24Current [A] 0.6 Power [W] 14 Connector Deutsch DT04-2P1) Max 6 seconds in any one minute2) Should be measured at drain port D3) Min flow with a 12-tooth chain sprocket (min 195 l/min with a 13-tooth sprocket and min 180 l/min with a 14-tooth sprocket)Ordering information5Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division T rollhättan, SwedenHydraulic Saw Motors Series F11iPBulletin HY30-8251/UKApplication Guide Functional_schematic_return.aiLeif A./07-05-10Cutting mode (refer to the top schematic)The machine operator activates the start/stop function '4' which starts the saw motor. When the motor reaches operating speed, the cylinder piston side (port 'E') is drained and the cutting bar starts to move 'down'.The drain flow (through port 'E' and valve '2'), provides cooling to the motor case.Chain saw functionReturn mode (refer to the bottom schematic)When the tree or log has been cut through, theoperator de-activates the start/stop solenoid valve '4'. Valve spools '2' and '3' move to the 'up' position and them otor stops turning.At the same time both sides of the cylinder are pressu-rized and the cutting bar moves 'up' to the start position (because of the re-generative cylinder/valve hook-up).- The connected spool valve functions, '2' and '3', control the speed of the motor as well as the saw bar speed.NOTE: - The pressure compensated pump is operating during the entire cutting cycle. - The pressure reducing valve, '1', reduces the pressure to the saw bar cylinder.6Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenHydraulic Saw Motors Series F11iPBulletin HY30-8251/UKApplication GuideSaw_motor_ports_L.H.ai Leif A./07-05-11Section B–B (scale 2:1)378 5708_L_H_ny6.ai Leif A./07-05-14φInstallation dimensions - left hand operating saw motorPressure 'Start/stop' solenoid valve;f 8 H8 )Pressure port A(pipe thread; ISO 228-G 3/4"; min 14 deep)Case drain port C(pipe thread; ISO 228-G 3/8"; min 14 deep)Saw bar feed (piston side); port E(pipe thread;ISO 228-G 3/8"; min 14 deep)Return port B(pipe thread; ISO 228-G 3/4"; min 14 deep))Saw bar feed (piston rod side); port F 3Chain lubrication; port S Chain tensioning; port R ISO 228-G 1/8Note: The saw motor is shown7Parker HannifinPump and Motor DivisionT rollhättan, Sweden Hydraulic Saw Motors Series F11iPBulletin HY30-8251/UKApplication GuideSaw_motor_ports_R.H.ai Leif A./07-05-11378 5184_R_H_ny7.aiInstallation dimensions - right hand operating saw motorSection B–B 'Start/stop' solenoid valve;,(Pressure port B (pipe thread; ISO 228-G 3/4"; min 16 deep)Case drain port C(pipe thread; ISO 228-G 3/8"; min 14 deep)Saw bar feed (piston side); port E(pipe thread;ISO 228-G 3/8"; min 14 deep)Return port A (pipe thread; ISO 228-G 3/4"; min 14 deep)R S 1/8"; min 9 deep)Right hand operating saw motor (the solenoid valve removed forclarity).Saw bar feed (piston rod side); port F 3Note: The saw motor is shownBulletin HY30-8251/UK. PDF 06/2009Your local authorized Parker distributor© 2009 Parker Hannifin Corporation. 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液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。
目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。

变量柱塞泵PAVC系列样本 2600-101-1/C 2002年 1月轴向柱塞泵 - 变量PAVC 系列3-8- 2Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)样本HY02-8029/C技术资料概述 - PAVC 系列通用........................................................................................................3 - 11PAVC 33/38 系列.............................................................................................................12 - 19性能资料.............................................................................................................................12订货资料.............................................................................................................................13性能数据......................................................................................................................14 -16尺寸 - 后油口和侧油口泵.............................................................................................17 - 18尺寸 - 电液泵.......................................................................................................................19PAVC 65 系列..................................................................................................................20 - 26性能资料.............................................................................................................................20订货资料.............................................................................................................................21性能数据.....................................................................................................................22 - 23尺寸 - 后油口和顶部油口泵.........................................................................................24 - 25尺寸 - 电液泵.......................................................................................................................26PAVC 100 系列................................................................................................................28 - 37性能资料.............................................................................................................................28订货资料.............................................................................................................................29性能数据.....................................................................................................................30 - 31尺寸 - 后油口泵...........................................................................................................32 - 33尺寸 - 顶部/顶部油口泵...............................................................................................34 - 35尺寸 - 通轴泵...............................................................................................................35 - 36尺寸 - 电液泵.......................................................................................................................37控制选项 - PAVC 系列通用..............................................................................................38 - 39安装资料 - PAVC 系列通用..............................................................................................40 - 43目录页码 3-8-轴向柱塞泵 - 变量PAVC 系列3-8- 3Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)3样本HY02-8029/C技术资料速查参考数据表排量泵流量*近似噪声级 dB(A)在1800 RPM ,最大泵型号CM 3/REV @ 21 bar (300 PSI)@ 全流量 1800 RPM (1200 RPM)排量和207 bar(IN 3/REV)in LPM (GPM)34 bar 69 bar 138 bar 207 bar (3000 PSI)1200 RPM 1800 RPM (500 PSI)(1000 PSI)(2000 PSI)(3000 PSI)下的输入功率PAVC3333 (2.0)39.4 (10.4)59.0 (15.6)75 (69)76 (72)78 (75)79 (77)21.3 kw (28.5 hp)3000 207 (3000)PAVC3838 (2.3)45.0 (11.9)67.8 (17.9)75 (69)76 (72)78 (75)79 (77)24.6 kw (33.0 hp)3000207 (3000)PAVC6565 (4.0)78.7 (20.8)118.1 (31.2)77 (75)78 (76)80 (78)81 (79)43.1 kw (57.8 hp)3000207 (3000)PAVC100100 (6.1)119.6 (31.6)179.8 (47.5)83 (77)82 (78)82 (79)85 (80)71.2 kw (95.5 hp)2600207 (3000)*由于诸如安装,油箱形式,设备布置等许多不同因素均影响噪声级,不能假定以上读数将等于现场读数,以上数值在选择合适的泵时用作指导。

F12-60 F12-110
排量cm3/rev: 59.8 110.1
最⾼泵⾃吸转速rpm: 2350 2200
最⾼间歇⼯作压⼒bar: 480 480
最⾼连续⼯作压⼒bar: 420 420
H型轴封,1500rpm最⾼壳体压⼒bar 12 9.5
流体粘度最⾼mm2/s: 1000 1000
流体粘度最低mm2/s: 8 8
流体清洁度等级(ISO代号4406): 18/13 18/13
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一百多个培训PPT、一千多个进口品牌、一万多本产品样本 尽在 或 www.查诺斯.com
产品参数 在线样本浏览
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