
一、阅读理解1. 主旨大意题:通过阅读文章,理解文章的主要内容和中心思想。
2. 文章结构题:理解文章的结构,包括段落之间的逻辑关系、总分关系等。
3. 推理判断题:通过已有信息进行推理和判断。
4. 事实细节题:理解文章中具体的事实和细节。
5. 词汇题:理解文章中的难词、词组和短语。
6. 推断词义题:根据上下文推断词汇的含义。
7. 作者态度题:理解作者对某个观点或事物的态度。
8. 文章题材题:理解文章的题材或类型。
二、写作1. 英语语法:掌握英语的基本句型和语法规则。
2. 词汇和表达:拓展词汇量,学习各种常用的表达方式。
3. 写作技巧:学习如何组织语言,如何使用连接词、过渡词等来连接句子和段落。
4. 写作结构:学习如何组织文章的结构,包括引言、主体和结论。
5. 写作风格:学习如何表达自己的思想和观点,以及选择适当的语气和语调。
三、听力1. 听取信息:通过听取录音或对话,获取相关信息。
2. 主旨大意题:通过听力材料,理解材料的主要内容和中心思想。
3. 事实细节题:理解听力材料中的具体事实和细节。
4. 推理判断题:通过已有信息进行推理和判断。
5. 对话场景题:根据对话的背景和语境,理解对话的场景和情境。
6. 笔记题:在听力过程中做笔记,抓住关键信息。
7. 听写题:听取音频并正确地听写出来。
四、口语1. 口语交际:学习如何进行日常的口语交际,包括问候、介绍自己、提出建议等。
2. 语音发音:学习正确的发音,包括音标、音节和重音等。
3. 口语流利度:训练口语的流利度和自然度,避免停顿和卡壳。
4. 口语词汇和表达:积累口语所需的词汇和常用的口语表达方式。
5. 口语应答技巧:学习如何有效地回答问题和参与对话。

一、词汇1. 常见词汇学位英语考试对于学生的词汇量要求较高,因此常见词汇的掌握至关重要。
2. 同义词和反义词在学位英语考试中,经常会涉及同义词和反义词的考察,因此学生需要对一些常见的同义词和反义词进行深入的学习和掌握。
3. 词汇拼写和用法学位英语考试中会对学生的词汇拼写和用法进行考查,因此学生需要注重词汇的拼写和用法细节。
4. 词汇记忆方法对于词汇的记忆,学生可以采用多种方法,如记忆卡片、词根词缀法、语境记忆法等。
二、语法1. 基础语法知识学位英语考试对学生的基础语法知识要求较高,包括动词时态、名词单复数、形容词副词等基本语法知识。
2. 长难句分析学位英语考试中常常会出现一些长难句,学生需要能够准确地分析和理解这些句子的结构和意义。
3. 语法填空考试中的语法填空题目要求学生对语法知识有较为深入的了解,能够根据上下文合理地填入适当的词语。
4. 语法练习对于语法知识的掌握,学生可以通过大量的练习来加强自己的掌握程度。
三、阅读1. 阅读理解学位英语考试中的阅读理解题目要求学生能够准确地理解文章中的主旨和细节,并能够准确回答相关问题。
2. 阅读速度在考试中,学生需要具备较快的阅读速度,能够在有限的时间内阅读完考试文章。
3. 题型分析学位英语考试中的阅读题型主要有多选题、判断题、填空题等,学生需要对各种题型进行深入的了解。
4. 阅读训练对于阅读理解的训练,学生可以选择一些精选的阅读材料进行练习,提高自己的阅读能力。
四、写作1. 写作结构在学位英语考试中,写作的结构和逻辑性很重要,学生需要掌握好文章的开头、中间和结尾部分。

作文English in quite a few respects is useful, enough…“”内的内容或斜体字表示是作文题目。
1.Different people have different ideas with regard to n.名词。
●Some people believe argue/ claim that 观点(肯)宾语从句。
如果作文名是一个名词n. knowledge,就直接填上去。
如果作文名是一个句子,例如:computer is important,就加the fact that 作文题。
Computer in quite a few respects is useful (good) enough.●While some other people hold a strong (认为) belief that 观点(否)定语从句。
Computer is not important.Computer is unimportant.Computer is less important. 这种写法最好。
You are ugly.You are less beautiful. 这种写法要好。
●As far as I am concerned, I appreciate (agree) the former’s (前者) idea.2.There are a number of reasons which can account for (explain) this.递进关系:论述时,最重要的观点(原因)放在最后讲。
In the firstplace, reason 1 .in addition (并且,此外), reason 2 and what’s more important, reason 3 .小结论:ThereforeAs a resultAs a consequence●As a consequence, 小结论。

1. 语法知识:学位英语中的语法知识点包括时态、语态、句子结构、从句、名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句等。
2. 词汇知识:学位英语中的词汇知识包括常用词汇、近义词、反义词、词组、派生词等。
3. 阅读技巧:学位英语中的阅读理解部分是考察考生对英文文章的理解能力,需要学会提取关键信息、推理和理解作者的意图等。
4. 写作技巧:学位英语中的写作部分是考察考生的写作能力,需要学会如何构思和组织文章结构,使用合适的语言表达自己的观点或看法。
5. 听力技巧:学位英语中的听力部分是考察考生对英语听力材料的理解能力,需要学会听取关键信息、推理和理解对话或演讲的意思等。
6. 口语技巧:学位英语中的口语部分是考察考生的口语表达能力,需要学会如何用流利的口语表达自己的观点或看法,以及如何回答问题或进行对话。
7. 翻译技巧:学位英语中的翻译部分是考察考生的翻译能力,需要学会如何准确地把中文表达转化为英文表达。

学位外语知识点总结大全第一章:语法一. 词类1. 名词名词的单复数变化规则名词所有格的构成方式名词的分类及用法2. 代词人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词的用法和区别代词的格的构成方式3. 动词动词的时态、语态和语气不同类型的动词(及物、不及物、系动词)的用法和区别动词的不定式、动名词和分词的用法4. 形容词和副词形容词和副词的比较级和最高级形容词和副词的修饰对象和修饰方式形容词和副词的句中位置5. 数词基数词和序数词的用法和区别数词的构成和读法数词的用法注意事项6. 介词介词的基本用法常用的固定介词搭配及其用法并列连词和从属连词的用法和区别连接词语的连词和分句的连词的用法8. 冠词定冠词和不定冠词的用法和区别冠词的特殊用法9. 句子成分主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语在句子中的位置和构成方式句子成分的语序和搭配规则二. 句型1. 简单句构成简单句的基本成分简单句的主谓一致和时态一致问题2. 复合句常见的复合句结构和连接词不同类型的从句构成方式和用法3. 并列句并列句的构成方式和连接词并列句的并列成分及其使用方式4. 祈使句祈使句的构成和用法祈使句的否定和虚拟形式5. 疑问句基本疑问句和特殊疑问句的构成方式和用法疑问句的反意疑问句的构成方式和使用规则感叹句的构成和用法感叹句的语气和修饰成分三. 语法习惯1. 主谓一致主语和谓语在人称和数上的一致问题主语和谓语在时态和语态上的一致问题2. 时态和语态不同类型的动词在句子中的时态和语态使用规则时态和语态在句子中的逻辑关系和修饰方式3. 语气和语调句子中不同类型的语气和语调的使用规则句子中语气和语调的表达方式和表达目的第二章:词汇一. 词汇量1. 日常词汇生活中常用的词汇及其用法和搭配与人、事、物相关的词汇2. 专业词汇与专业相关的词汇及其用法和搭配行业术语和专业名词的词汇量和掌握方式3. 情景词汇不同场景中常用的词汇及其使用规则不同情景下词汇的推测和表达方式二. 词汇构词英语中常见的词根及其构词方式词根与词缀的搭配规则和构词技巧2. 词缀前缀、后缀和词根在构词中的作用和运用不同类型的词缀在构词中的使用规则和搭配方式3. 合成词合成词的构成方式和词义变化规则常见的合成词及其用法示例三. 词语搭配1. 搭配规则常用词语的搭配规则和语义搭配技巧相关词语的搭配方式和使用方法2. 固定搭配词语固定搭配及其用法规则固定搭配在句子中的运用技巧和意义表达3. 习惯搭配口语和书面语中常见的习惯搭配习惯搭配在交际中的使用方式和交流技巧四. 词语用法1. 词义辨析近义词和异义词的区别和用法辨析词义的转义和比喻表达2. 词语用法常见词语的多种用法和搭配方式不同词性词语的灵活用法和语境解释3. 词语考察常见词语的考察形式和解题技巧词汇题在考试中的注意事项和解答策略第三章:阅读一. 阅读理解1. 阅读技巧快速阅读和精读技巧阅读中引导注意力的方法和技巧2. 阅读题型不同类型的阅读题目及其解题思路阅读中的细节题和主旨题的解答技巧3. 阅读素材多种文体和话题的阅读素材不同题材下的词汇、语法和句型特点二. 阅读理解能力1. 词汇理解阅读理解中的生词词汇处理技巧词义推测和词义辨析的解题技巧2. 文章结构不同文章结构和段落结构的特点文章中逻辑关系的表达方式和解析方法3. 阅读推理根据文章推理出隐含信息的技巧分析作者观点和态度的解读方法三. 阅读素材分析1. 文学类文本文学作品的语言特点和表达方式文学作品中的情感、形象和主题2. 新闻类文本新闻报道的语言风格和写作手法新闻中的信息呈现方式和新闻价值追求3. 学术类文本学术论文的语言风格和表达方式学术文章中的逻辑结构和论证方法第四章:听力一. 听力技巧1. 听力训练不同类型的听力训练方法和技巧提高听力的实用方法和技术2. 听力题型不同题型的听力题目及其解题思路听力中的细节理解和主旨把握技巧3. 听力素材多种语境和场景的听力素材不同听力素材下的词汇、语法和句型特点二. 听力理解能力1. 基本信息听力中对基本信息的捕捉和理解听力中不同信息表达方式和解读技巧2. 细节信息听力中对细节信息的辨别和把握听力中细节信息的思维输入和思维输出3. 推理信息通过听力推理出隐含信息的技巧分析说话者观点和态度的解读方法三. 听力素材分析1. 对话对话中的日常交流和情景表达对话中的语速、语调和表达方式2. 新闻报道新闻报道的语言风格和信息传递新闻报道中的事件描述和态度呈现3. 学术演讲学术演讲的语言规范和论述结构学术演讲中的逻辑思维和研究观点第五章:口语一. 口语表达1. 口语技能流利口语的基本技巧和训练方法口语表达的准确和实时性管理2. 口语话题日常生活中常见的口语话题不同情景下的口语交际技巧和策略3. 口语素材多种话题和场景的口语表达素材不同口语素材下的词汇、语法和句型特点二. 口语能力1. 对话交际日常对话交际的基本规范和技巧双向交流的逻辑思维和互动表达2. 讲演表达讲演表达的语言规范和主题概括讲演表达的控场和情感表达3. 辩论演讲辩论演讲的辩证思维和逻辑讲述辩论演讲的策略和观点阐释三. 口语素材分析1. 交际对话日常交际对话的场景和语境交际对话中的表达方式和语气处理2. 讲故事讲故事的情节设计和表达技巧讲故事的语气和节奏控制3. 个人陈述个人陈述的主题和内容选择个人陈述的表达方式和情感表达第六章:写作一. 写作技巧1. 写作结构不同类型文章的写作结构和框架文章的段落结构和逻辑发展2. 写作技法写作中的丰富文辞和表达方法写作中的修辞手法和逻辑推理3. 写作素材多种写作素材的应用和展示不同写作素材下的词汇、语法和句型特点二. 写作能力1. 语言表达写作中的信息传递和情感表达写作中的语言规范和修辞技巧2. 逻辑思维写作中的逻辑结构和文章主题文章的论证方法和观点表达3. 文体转换不同文体下的写作特点和表达方式文体转换中的语气和语调处理三. 写作素材分析1. 议论文议论文的论证方式和观点表达议论文的立意、中心和结尾2. 散文和随笔散文和随笔的情感表达和人文关怀散文和随笔的语言特点和篇章安排3. 实用文实用文的信息呈现和逻辑结构实用文的书面语规范和文字风格。



1. 语法知识:复习英语的基础语法知识,包括时态、语态、倒装、虚拟语气、关系代词等。
2. 词汇和词组:积累常见的学术词汇和词组,包括科技、经济、文化、教育等领域的词汇。
3. 阅读理解:练习阅读理解技巧,包括快速阅读、扫读和细读。
4. 写作技巧:学习常用写作句型和表达方式,包括引用、比较、举例、总结等。
5. 翻译技巧:练习英汉互译和句子翻译,学会找出句子的主干和关键词,理解句子的上下文和语境,正确翻译句子的意思。
6. 听力技巧:多进行听力训练,包括听取学术演讲、讨论和讲座的能力。
7. 口语技巧:练习口语表达和交流能力,包括自我介绍、讨论话题、发表观点和回答问题。

1 as people continre to grow and age ,our body systems continue to change,at a certain stage in your life,your body system will begin to be weaker ,your joints may become stiff it may become more difficult for you to see and hear.the slow change of againg carses our bodies to lose some of their ability to recover from disease and injury .in order to live longer ,we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us to ward the end of our livesmany factors contribute to your health a well -balanced diet plays an important role .the amount and type of exercises you get is another factor .your living environment and the amount of presure you are under is still another .but scientists studying aging want to know:why do people get old?they hope that by examining the aging process on the level of cells,medical science may be able to make life longer随着人们继续增长和年龄,我们的身体系统的不断变化,在你生活中的某些阶段,你的身体系统将开始疲软,你的关节可能变得僵硬,它可能会变得更加困难,给你看和hear.失去一些疾病和损伤恢复的能力为了活得更长,我们一直试图以减缓或阻止这一进程,使我们病房我们的生活结束许多因素有助于您的健康,良好的均衡饮食中起着重要作用。

【考生须知】先以重点为主,范围大的为辅!以自己最好的水平来对待,即使不会也不要空卷,以便酌情处理!目录1.词汇2.阅读理解3.完形填空4.汉译英5.改错-------------------------------------1.词汇(重点提取)2.You can go there, (on condition that)you don’t come back late fordinner.3.The number of people (out of work)now is greater than it was last yearthis time.4.You are old enough to (earn) yourown living.5.He was (charged) with murder.6.He (longed for) the day when hewould see his home again.7.Whatever the rule is, you may besure he will keep (to) it.8.In England. Winter is (associatedwith) snow, long nights and verycold weather.9.The old man wished his son to takehis duties (seriously).10.She is such an irritation woman. Idon’t known how you can (put upwith) her.11.Yes, Mr. Jones. I realized that youare anxious for promotion, but areyou prepared to (take on) the extraresponsibility?12.The police accused him of settingfire to the apartment but he denied(having been) in the area on thenight of the fire.13.Always keep a bucket of water handy(in case of) fire.14.It never (occurred) to me that hewould defeat the strong boxer. 15.Steam trains (gave way to) electrictrains soon after the war.16.Perhaps economy is the solution (to)your financial troubles.17. A man’s worth lies not so much inwhat he has (as) in what he is. 18.The new laws threaten to (deprive)many people of the most elementaryfreedoms.19.It is desired that he (get)everything ready before nine.20.Without my glasses I can hardly(make out) what has been written inthe letter.21.Do you think it’s fair to keep abird (confined) in a cage all thetime?22.Being engaged in the research work,Mr. Smith seldom goes anywhere(apart from) his office.23.It is reported that there is nobetter (substitute) for mother’smilk.24.Science is still largely ignorant(of) the causes of many kinds ofcancer.25.Braile, the universally accepted(system) of sixty-threecharacters.26.I still can’t (figure out) why shemarried a man like that.27.(As) to the question ofrefreshments, I should thinklemonade and sandwiches will besufficient.28.My sister (keeps up) her shorthandability by taking notes inshorthand during lecture.29.My brother has promised that he willtake (us all out) for dinner nextSunday.30.The meeting was put off because we(objected to having) a needingwithout Prof. Brown.31.Li Ying is famous (for) her spokenEnglish (in) our school.32.They were such good friends. I wassurprised when they (fell out).33.When their mother came, the twochildren pretended (to work attheir lessons) very hard, thoughthey did nothing.34.In summer the swamp usually (swarmswith) mosquitoes and other insects.35.It was (as much of a success) as weexpected.36.He insisted that he was quite(innocent of) the charge.37.Don’t (count on) going abroad thissummer, we may not have enoughmoney.38.I shall not bring with me any moneytill you have (figured out) the sunwhich you require.39.On entering another country, atourist will have to (pass through)the customs.40.Do you remember (being introduced)to Mr. Smith during last visit?41.If you want to telephone him, youwill have to (look up) the number inthe book.42.The doctor was always (concernedabout) the poor and the sick, oftengiving them free medical service.43.The city began to open to theoutside world only this year, but itis working hard to (make up for) thelost time.44.I have two friends but (neither) ofthem likes to go fishing with me.45.He spoke in a quite distant voice asthough his thought (were far away).46.I feel like (going) to the cinemawith my friends.47.Let’s have another try, (shallwe)?48.I wouldn’t get (into) that mess ifI were you.49.Don’t you think it is time you(gave up) smoking?词汇(补充60道)1、Peter, whom everyone suspected,(turned out) to be innocent.2、If a piece of iron (is heated) to ahigh temperature, it begins tomelt.3、The teacher said this Hope School(was built) two years ago.4、If you had told me in advance, I(would have met) you at the airport.5、Sometimes I wish I (would live) ina different time and a differentplace.6、It is necessary that this machinetool (be oiled) every day.7、That young man still denies (havingstarted) the first behind thestore.8、There is something wrong with my TVset. I must have it (checked).9、I regret (to inform) you that thematerials you ordered are out ofstock.10、Zhou Lan insisted on (being sent) toword in Xinjiang .11、Throughout the United States,insurance laws follow a generalpattern (although) provisions canvary from state to state.12、Thanks for a lovely evening. We haveto go now (or) we’ll miss our bus.13、Since there were no witnesses, noone was aware (of what) he had said.14、Not once (did the gentleman mention)his view of life.15、Let’s start early in the morning,(shall we?)16、We moved to the front row (so that)we could hear and see better.17、The school bus was (held up) by athick fog.18、The travelers (covered) 400 miles aday by car.19、It was in that small room (that)they worked hard and dreamed ofbetter days to come.20、Bacon and scrambled eggs (is) thestandard American breakfast.21、She has wanted to become a nurse(ever) since she was a young girl.22、Neither John nor I (am) able topersuade Richard’s grandfather toattend the wedding.23、It is from my grandparents (that) Ilearned a lot.24、Don’t forget to write to me, (willyou?)25、English is used by more people thanis (any other) language exceptChinese.26、Don’t interfere (in) matters thatdon’t concern you.27、He seems (immune to) any persuasionfor the never changes his mind oncehe has made a decision.28、Did that exhibition you wereplanning ever come (off)?29、The professor paused as if(expecting) his students to askquestions on the point he had justmade.30、“Do you have work to do thisweekend?”“Yes, I have to write a(two-thousand-word) paper.”31、The teacher spoke so fast that itwas hard for the students to (takein) what he was saying.32、By the end of last month, the palacemuseum (had been visited) by thegreens five times.33、No permission has (been given) foranybody to take photos here.34、Don’t come tomorrow, I’d rather(you came) next weekend.35、It is desired that he (carry out)his plan.36、The suggestion that the mayor(present) the prizes was acceptedby everyone.37、All things (considered), our tripwill have to be called off.38、You should really avoid your(father’s staying) at home aloneas he is very ill.39、I would appreciate (your keeping)it a seceet.40、(Seen) by millions millions everynight, television advertisementsare a powerful means, ofcommunication.41、He made the suggestion (that) theycarry on their conversation inEnglish.42、The two officers rushed to the sceneof the crime (the moment) theyreceived the report from the oldcouple.43、He was ( so deep in the bookthat )he had no ides it was alreadysupper time.44、In no way (does the temperatureequal the amount of heat)45、You never told us why you were onehour late for the last meeting, (didyou?)46、Take pride in being a universitystudent but don’t (look down on )those who never went to college.47、He walked ( excessively ) fast ,Iwasn’t able to catch up with him inspite of y great efforts.48、I’ll have a cup of coffee and (twopieces of bread)49、Let me introduce you (to ) Mr. Adams50、It was through his uncle’sinfluence (that) Philip obtainedhis position with the biggest oilcompany in the country.51、It is because he is kind and modest(that ) he wins the respect ofothers.52、I am too busy these days. I wouldrather all of you ( came ) next monthfor a dinner .53、They would sooner (go) for a drink54、Your temperature has dropped, soyou (needn’t) take that medicine.55、Mrs. Bliss kept the door and thewindows shut lest the noise outside(should interfere with ) herson’s sleep.56、(Should) anyone come, ask hi to waitfor a minute.57、Given the opportunity , she mightwell have become an excellentactress.58、If you really want to buy this brandof recorder, we have a few models( to choose from)59、The human body is composed of organs,each (having) ,a definite job todo .60、We have made up our minds andnothing can prevent us (carrying),on the experiment.--------------------------------------阅读理解1.The development of Jamestown inVirginia during the second half theseventeenth century was closely relatedto the making and the use of bricks ……and by 1699 Jamestown had collapsed intoa pile of rubble with only there or fourhabitable houses.1. In the first half of 1600’s mostbuilding in Jamestown were probably(wood)2. Which of the following was NOT a reasonfor using brick in construction? (Thetimber was not of good quality)3. It can be inferred from the passage hatsettlers who built with bricks in the1600’s were (obeving the laws)4. It can be inferred from the passage thatprior to the action of the VirginiaCompany of London, Jamestown had aninsufficient number of (medicalfacilities)5. According to be passage, whateventually happened to Jamestown? (It waspractically destroyed)2.Russian-born Max Weber grew up in NewYoke …… elements of the urban landscapeskyscrapers, flashing light, and hurryingpeople.1. Which of the following would be the mostappropriate title for this passage? (AnInnovative American Artist)2. The painting discussed in the passagecan be found in (Washington)3. “Rush Hour, New York” was completedin the (early twentieth century)4. The mood of planning “Rush Hour, NewYoke”can be best described as (vigorous)5. According to the passage, an element offuturism that Weber’s painting displaysis the (impression of movement)3.Anybody over seventy who was brought upin a country village or town finds thesocial customs of young people todaystrangely familiar …… possessive andjealous of all rivals.1. The practice of going steady is similarto a custom first popular (before 1900)2. According to the article, the question“why have our young people reverted sosharply to the ways of an earlier ear?”(can not be answered definitely)3. The Second Word War can not be regardedas the cause of the change because (thecustom of going steady started before1939)4. According to the author, going steadymay have been revived during the GreatDepression because (the practice wasregarded by young men as a wiseinvestment)5. According to the author, the custom ofgoing steady is better for (both boys andgirls)4.At the bottom of the world lies a mighty continent still wrapped in the ice age and …… within the same distance of the South Pole there is not a single tree, industry or settlement.1. The best title for this selection would be (The Unknown Continent)2. At the time this article was written, our knowledge of Antarctic was (very limited)3. The Antarctic is bordered by the (Pacific Ocean;India Ocean;Atlantic Ocean)4. The Antarctic is made uninhabitable primarily by (cold air)5. According to this article (weather conditions within a 2,000miles radius of the South Pole make settlements impractical)5.In spite of the strong opposition to new and stricter environment laws ……Perhaps, then, the chemical producers will begin to behave more responsibly.1. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? (Possible Solutions to Chemical Pollution)2. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage?(A general statement is given and possible ways are presented)3. Which of the following is true of the governments mentioned in the passage? (They think chemicals do little harm to the health of humans)4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? (Government think chemicals bring them more economic benefits than economic costs)5. According to the passage, what will happen if the governments stop the use of some chemicals? (The economy of the countries will suffer)6.Believe it or not, optical illusion can cut highway crashes …… The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.1. The passage mainly discusses (a new way of highway speed control)2. On road painted with chevrons drivers tend to feel that (they should slow down their speed)3. The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former (will have a longer effect on drivers)4. The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans (try out the Japanese method in certain areas)5. What does the author say about straight, horizontal bars painted across roads? (They tend to be ignored by drivers in a short period of time)7.Testing has replaced teaching in most public schools …… They are taught to be so concerned with grade that they have no time or ease of mind to think about meaning, and reread things if necessary.1. The author gives an account of Erica’s performance in her study in order to (show there is something wrong with current practice in teaching)2. Which of the following is true according to the passage? (Preparation for a test of a skill does not necessarily mean the acquisition of that skill)3. The author insists that (teachers pay more attention to the nature and quality of what is taught)4. We can safely conclude that (test obsession may cause educational problems)5. By “crisis of comprehension”the author means many students (are unable to understand what they read, though they do reasonably well on standardized tests) 8.Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public ……emphasizing something—all of which means that, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.1. It is hart explain what a painter issaying because (a painter uses shapes andcolors instead of words)2. An artist’s choice of shapes andcolors indicates that he believes them tobe (worth looking at)3. The writer says that contemporaryartists might say their choice of subject(only provides interesting patterns)4. The write says that contemporary artcontains (subjects chosen partly fortheir meaning)5. Implied but not stated;(one must lookbeyond shape and color to find what theartist is saving)9.There are various ways in whichindividual economic units can interactwith one another …… progress may bedifficult to achieve. A stagnant societymay result.1. What is the main purpose of the passage?(To outline contrasting types of economicsystem)2. In the second paragraph, the word“real” in “real good” could best bereplaced by which of the following?(Concrete)3. According to the passage, a bartereconomy can lead to (difficulties for thetraders)4. According to the passage, who has thegreatest degree of control in anadministered system? (The government)5. Which of the following is not mentionedby the author as a criterion fordetermining a person’s place in atraditional society? (Age)10.A few weeks ago I was talking to aschool inspector in one of the fashionabledistricts of inspector in one of thefashionable districts of Paris …… areundergoing a new surge of popularity, andcompetition to get into the best of themhas now become intense.1. The French school inspector has longbeen a supporter of (private schools)2. The French state education system (doesnot guarantee the competence of teachers)3. Private schools in France today (enjoythe prestige of becoming the place to sendone’s children to)4. Lack of discipline among students isrampant in state school (almosteverywhere in France)5. French children who wish to go to thebest private schools can do so by (takinghighly competitive examinations)11.For centuries man dreamed of achievingvertical flight …… they deliver peopleacross town, fly to and from airports,assist in rescue work, and aid in thesearch for missing or wanted persons.1. What is a helicopter? (An aircraft thatcan fly up vertically)2. What is said about the development ofthe helicopter (Some people thought theywould become widely used by the averageindividual)3. Under what conditions are helicoptersfound to be almost indispensable? (Forurgent missions to inaccessible places)4. How has the use of helicoptersdeveloped? (They are often used for rescuework)5. On what principle do helicopters work?(A propeller on top)12.In many ways, our society is simply notgeared for the kinds of lives that theelderly must lead …… This picture is instriking contrast to the treatment ofvenerable patriarchs in many societies.1. What would the most appropriate titlebe for this selection? (Failure of Carefor the Elderly)2. Which sentence best states the mainidea of the selection? (Our society is notgeared for the kinds of lives the elderlymust lead)3. The write believes that children whoplace a parent in a nursing home should(investigate it first)4. We can conclude from this passage thatthe writer feel (a country that that canhelp people live longer should also beable to care for them better)5. Thewriter complains (about theindifference of some people towardsnursing homes;about the inadequacy ofequipment in nursing homes)13.A very rapid increase in the number ofships sailing between American andEuropean ports began almost immediatelyafter the end of the war of 1812 in orderto meet …… only began to replace them inthe 1850’s.1. The first transatlantic voyage by apacket mentioned by the author was from(New York to Liverpool)2. According to the author, in whichdecade of the nineteenth century did asteamship first attempt to compete withthe transatlantic packets? (The thirties)3. Which of the following was themost .important in the development of thefast packets? (The increase in the numberof people who wanted to go to America)4. The elapsed time of the fastesttransatlantic crossing mentioned by theauthor was 13 days and (11.5hours)5. The size of the Amity was about(450tons)14.Tere seens never to have been acivilization without toys, but when andhow they developed is unkown………….Eachrattle is the product of the artistictastes of the times and subject to thelimitations of available materials.1.The reason why the toys most boys playwith are different ffrom those that girlsplay with are different from those thatgirls play with is that (their socialroles are rigidly determined)2.One aspect of “the universality oftoys”lies in the fact that (the basiccharacteristics of toys ate the same theworld over)3.Which of the follwing is the author’sview on the historical development oftoys?(Toys have remained basically thesame all through the centuries.)4.Tegarded as a kind of art form, toys (arenot characterized by technologicalprogress.)5.The author uses the example of a rattleto show that (even a simple toy can mirrorthe aristic tastes of the time.)15.Unless we spend money to spot andprevent asteroids(小行星)now, one mightcrash into Earth and destroy life as weknow it, say some scientists………..”Theworld has less to fear from doomsday(毁灭性的)rocks than from a great nuclearfleet set against them.”Said a New YorkTimes article.1.What does the passage say aboutasteroids and meteoroids(They areheavenly bodies similar in nature.)2.What do scientists say about thecollision of an asteroid with Earth?(It isvery unlikely but the danger exits.)3.What do people think of the suggestionof using nuclear weapons to alter thecourse of asteroids?(It may create moreproblems than it might solve.)4.We can conclude from the passagethat(workable solutions still have to befound to prevent a collision of asteroidswith Earth.)5.Which of the following best describesthe author’s tone in thispassage?(Objective.)16.Amtrak(美国铁路客运公司)wasexperiencing a downswing in ridership(客运量)along the lines comprising its railsystem…………Results wereimpressive.The Empire Buider, which wasfocused on in one ad, enjoyed a 15 percentin crease in profits on its Chicago toSeattle rout.1.What’s the author’s purpose inwriting this passage (To illustrate theimportant role of persuasivecommunication in changing consumerattitudes.)2.It can be inferred from the passage thatthe drop in Amtrak ridership was due to thefact that (trains were not the fastest andmost convenient form of transportation)3.To encourage consumers to travel bytrain,DDB Needham emphasized (theadventurous aspects of train trips)4.The train ads were placed amongfamily-oriented TV progtams involvingnature and America because (mosttravel-lovers and nervous fliers werebelieved to be among the audiences.)5.According to the passage,the EmpireBuilder enjoyed an increase in ridershipand profits because (the attractivenessof its name and route was effectivelyadvertised.)17.Why does cream go bad faster thanbutter?.......The key will be to thiswhile keeping the salad cream liquid andnot turning it into a solid lump.1.The significance of Brocklehurst’sresearch is that (it suggesteda way tokeep some foods fresh withoutpreservatives.)2.According to the researchers,creamsours faster than (it suggested a way tokeep some foods fresh withoutpreservatives.)3.According to Brocklehurst,we can keepcream fresh by (altering its structure).4.The word”colonies”(Line 2, Para 4)refers to (bacteria communities.)mercial application of the researchfinding will be possible if salad creamcan be made resistant to bacterial attack(while retaining its liquid form.)18.Long after the 1998 World Cup was won,disappointed fans were still cursing thedisputed refereeing(裁判)decisions thatdenied victory to their team……Ifkeeping up with the action is not soimportant, their physical condition isless critical.1.The experiment conducted by theresearcher was meant to(analyze thecauses of errors made by footballreferees )2.The number of refereeing errors inthe experimental matches was( quiteunexpected)3.The findings of the experiment showthat (errors are more likely when areferee keeps chose to the ball.)4.The word “officials”(Line2,Para,4) most probablyrefers to (the referees of thefootball tournament)5.What is one of the possibleconclusions of the experiment? (Ageshould not be the chiefconsideration in choosing afootball referee )19.While still in its early stages,welfare reform has already been judged agreat success in many states—at least ingetting people off welfare……Mr. Rectorand others argued that once”the habit ofdependency is cracked, ”then the countrycan make other policy changes aimed atimproving living standards.1.From the passage, it can be seenthat the author (considers welfarereform to be fundamentallysuccessful)2.Why aren’t people enjoying betterlives when they have jobs?(becausetheir wages are low.)3.What is worth noting from theexample of Athens County is that(greater efforts should be made toimprove people’s livingstandards)4.From the passage we know thatwelfare reform aims at ( rebuildingthe work ethic)5.According to passage, before thewelfare reform was carriedout,( the poor used to rely ongovernment aid )20.Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships……Finally, other people may give us instrumental support-financial aid, material resources, and needed services-that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.1.Interpersonal relationships areimportant because(they areindispensable to people’s socialwell-being)2.Research shows that people’sphysical and mental health (hasmuch to do with the amount ofsupport they get from others)3.Which of the following is closest inmeaning to the word “cushions(Line1,para,2)?(Lessens the effect of) 4.Helping a sick neighbor with somerepair Work is an example of(instrumental support)5.Social companionship is beneficialin that ( it draws our attentionaway from our worries and troubles ) -------------------------------------- 完形填空1. An American warship once paid a visit (to) a port in a hit country where the British base invited the officers of the American warship to a party (ashore) Now, American like their drinks to have plenty of ice in them, (even) in a cold climate, but at the time the warship’s visit to the British (hardly) ever had ice, even in (the hottest) countries.The captain of the American ship did not want to have drink warm drinks at the British party, but it (would have been) very impolite to (refuse) the British captain’s invitation, so the American captain (accepted), but an hour before party was (due) to begin, sent a small boat ashore to his host with several large tins of ice from the warship’s refrigerators.When the American offices went ashore for the party, they were looking forward to (having) plenty of ice in their drinks. They were (therefore) very surprised when, (on) their arrival, they were served drinks with no ice in them at all, they thought that the servants might (perhaps) not yet have had time to (unpack) the ice that had been sent from the ship, but the party continued, and (still) there was no ice. Of course, the American officers were too (polite) to ask what had happened to the ice that they had sent. When the party at last (came) to an end, the American captain thanked his British host for the pleasant party. Then the secret of the ice came (out) The British captain thanked the American captain for it and said. “It (allowed) me to have the first really cold bath I had in this line.”2. Men have travelled ever since they first appeared on the earth. In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to (find) new places where their herds could fee, or to escape fro (hostile) neighbors, or to find more (favorable) climates. They travelled on foot. Their (journeys) were long, tiring, and often dangerous. They protected themselves with simple (weapons) such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, and by lighting fires at night and, (above) all, but keeping together.Being intelligent and creative, they soon (discovered) easier ways of their domesticated animals; they hollowed outtree (trunks) and, by using bits of wood(as) paddles, were able to travel acrosswater.Later they travelled, not fromnecessity, but (for) they joy andexcitement of seeing and experiencing newthings, is still the main (reason) why wetravel today.Traveling, of course, has now becomea (highly) organized business. There arecars and jet airliners, all of (which)provide us (with) comforts and security.This sounds wonderful. (But) there aredifficulties. If you want to go (abroad),you need a passport and a visa, tickets,luggage, and a hundred and one (other)things. If you lose any of them, yourjourney may be (ruined).Scientists have invented machinesthat can explore (outer) space.Eventually there will be cheap dayexcursions to the moon and honeymoons onVenus. People will be able to fly from oneplanet to another in little arrow shapedtubes. I say “people” because I have nointention of being one of them.3. The best known and (loved) of all ourmany Christmas songs “Silent Night”waswritten in Oberndorf, a tiny village inBavarian mountains. (On) Christmas Eve,1818, Oberndorf had been (isolated) by asever snowstorm, but (still) theinhabitants cheerfully prepared for theChristmas festivities. Then theydiscovered, to their (disappointment),that the organ had broken (down).A village schoolmaster and churchorganist knew how unhappy the people wouldbe, for music was the (heart) of all theircelebration.So he went to the assistant priest(牧师) and suggested that the priest (write)a special song for the Christmascelebration. The priest (promised) to dohis best. Towards evening with the lovelywords of the song “Silent Night”. Thenthe schoolmaster composed a melody(曲调)to (fit) the words.On Christmas morning, the beautifulcarol(颂歌) was sung (for) the first time.A guitar was the (only) accompaniment andthe words “Silent Night, Holy night, allis calm, all is bright.” (sounded) pureand clear in the Bavarian (air). The song(was not brought) to England until onehundred years age. Times have changed, but“Silent Night”has (remained). It isstill sung (in all) comers of the world(where) people commemorate the birth ofChrist.4..Most children with healthy appetitesare ready to eat almost anything thatis……food(unless)……..The(way)…an(attractively)….child(whether)……never(discuss)…..allow(anybody)…mother(refuses)……is(likely)……it(for)….probably(will)…..a(supposed)….good(idea)…….him(come)….as(much)….child (during)…..not(allow)…….will (soon)….food(so)…Under(no)…哄骗(or) forced to eat.5.During recent years we have heard muchabout “race”: how…….the (whole)phenomenon……ually (from)the…….But (if) you ….not(tell)…..There is (nothing)……to(indicate)…biood (All) types…the(same)….will (vary)…..race.(Nor)does……..brain (ever)….weak(mind)…….hda (small)…….reasonably,(accurate)…..race. (Given)……race(cause)…..people, (and)……a(peculiar)……new (that)….anything(in) the past.--------------------------------------1.汉译英2.这样孩子们就够不着了:(so that itwould be beyond the children’sreach)3.调换一台:(turn it in for anotherone)4.中国发生了巨大的变化:(Greatchanges have taken place in China)5.确定了他作为电影导演的名气:(Whichestablished his fame as a filmdirector)6.比等待更好的了:(better than wait)7.调查研究表明老年人戒烟比年轻人要容易些:(Research indicates thatold people find it easier than youngpeople to give up smoking)8.工会主席将辞职这一消息迄今还未得到证实:(The news that the presidentof the Labor Union will soon resignhasn’t yet been confirmed)9.我认为凭他十多年的教学经验,迪克能够胜任这项工作:(I think, with hisexperience in teaching for morethan 10 years, Dick is qualified forthe jobs)10.珍妮尽量控制自己,不让人看出她很紧张:(Jane held tight onto herself inorder not to let others see that shewas nervous)11.如果没有空气,地球上就不可能产生任何生命:(Without air, there shouldnot have had any life on the earth)12.史密斯先生越老越热爱生活:(Theolder Mr. Smith is, the more heloves life)13.只有你提前付款,我们才能同意你的订单:(We can agree to your order oncondition that you pay in advance)14.他意识到他没有权利这样说他的父亲:(He realized that he no right tosay things about his father)15.你看到报纸的头条新闻了吗?(Haveyou read the leading story in thenewspaper)16.他们又唱又跳已经两个小时了:(Theyhave been singing and dancing fortwo hours)17.--------------------------------------1.英译汉2.Probably no other topic has gainedmore attention from managementresearchers in the past few decadesthan leadership. (在过去的十年里,可能没有任何其他话题比领导艺术更受到管理研究者的关注)3.We are not in a position to acceptyour offer because another supplierin your market offers us the similararticle at a price 5% lower. (我们不能接受你方报盘,因为你地市场另一供货商报给我们类似产品价格比你方要低5%)4.This year the production of iron intheir plant has gone up by threetimes, and of steel by 13%. (今年,他们厂的铁产量上升了3倍,钢产量增长了13%)5.His failure to observe the safetyregulations resulted in an accidentto the machinery. (他没有遵守安全规则,结果机器出了故障)6.Teaching apes language has beenvery successful if we are willing toaccept other forms than just thespoken English. (如果我们愿意承认,语言除了仅仅说出单词之外还有其他形式,那么教类人猿学语言的尝试还是很成功的)7.They are not conscious of theirmovement, Their speed is notstudied, They are just humancreatures in a human environment,trying to adapt themselves to asocial situation. (他们并未注意自己的动作,他们的发言也不是预先准备好的,他们只是人类环境中的人,试图调整自己以适应社会环境)8.Positive memories improve aperson’s self-image which has animportant effect on a person’sactions and accomplishments. (积极的记忆可以改善一个人的自我形象,而且我形象对一个人的行为和成就有着重要的影响)9.Will you need an experienced deskclerk for your hotel next summer?(不知贵旅馆明年夏天是否需要一名有经验的前台服务员?)10.If you are buying a car, you may payfor it out of savings. (如果你要买一辆汽车,你可以用自己的储蓄存款支付)11.We have the pleasure to introduceourselves to you with a view tobuilding up business relations withyour firm. (我们有幸向您自我介绍,以期与贵公司建立业务关系)12.In the past, human societies tendedto adopt values whose aim was toinsure that the society would notdie out. (过去。

【本科】学位英语0102 30303 2According to the time table, the train for Beijing ______ at 9 pm., from Monday to Friday.A.was leavingB.is leavingC.leavesD.has leftThe proposal ________ at the meeting now is of great importance to our department.A.being discussedB.to be discussingC.having discussedD.discussingThe team is going out to hold a party tomorrow after it ________ the project.pletespletedC.will completeD.will have completedShe was quite sure that she _____ the door before she left the office.A.will lockB.would lockC.has lockedD.had lockedWhy don’t have to hurry as the bus ______ for London at five in the evening.A.leavesB.leftC.has been leavingD.has leftLast week two engineers _____ to help solve the technical problems of the project.A.have sentB.were sentC.sentD.had sentIn the last few years, our company _____ a great deal of attention to building up company culture.A.paysB.would payC.is payingD.has been paying302时态讲解——将来进行时一、形式:will+be+doing二、用法:将来特定时间正在干的事情例如:At this time tomorrow,I'll be lying on the beach.When he comes to my house tomorrow,I will be writing the report.三、句型变化1.否定:will be+not+doing2.疑问:will提前句首时态练习1.Where ________ you ___________(stay) this time next year?2.Don't call her now. I'm sure that she ____________(sleep) at the moment.3.I think she ______________(find) studying interesting in the future.02will be staying is sleeping will find02时态讲解——将来完成时一、形式:will+have+done二、用法:将来的之前例如:By the end of the month he will have trained 600 horses.You will have reached Shanghai by this time tomorrow.三、句型变化1.否定:will+have+not+done2.疑问:will提前句首I need the job badly, as my money ____ out by the end od the next month.(201671)A.has runB.will runC.will have runD.will be runningWe are confident that we _____ our export sales by 15 percent by the end of this year.A.increaseB.had increasedC.would increaseD.will have increasedBy the end of next year, I _________ for the company for 10 years.A.workB.am workingC.had workedD.will have worked02时态讲解——过去将来时一、形式:①would+do②was/were going to do ③was/were (about) to do二、用法:从过去的某一时间来看将来要发生的动作或呈现的状态例如:She was sixty-six. In three years,she would be sixty-nine.三、句型变化1.否定:①would+not+do②was/were+not+ going to do ③was/were+not+ to do2.疑问:①would提前②was/were提前③was/were提前Jenny said she _____her holiday in China.A.spentB.would spentC.was going to spentD.would spend—What did your son say in the letter?—He told me that he ______ the Disney World the next day.A.will visitB.has visitedC.is going to visitD.would visitI hoped Tina ______ to my birthday party on time the next Wednesday.A.to comeB.is comingC.will comeD.would comeWe were not sure whether they ______ more vegetables.A.are going to growB.were going to growC.will growD.have grownShe ______ to work when the telephone rang.A.is goingB.will goC.was about to goD.is to go现在将来过去现在某时刻将来某时刻过去某个时刻现在将来过去现在完成时过去完成时将来完成时我明白了。
个人总结北京学位英语考试要点 汉译英

学位英语答题技巧一、阅读理解(每段第一句,第二句,最后一句找文章主要内容出现最多的词汇)二、单项选择(考语法、固定搭配)三、挑错(考语法、固定搭配)四、英译汉(常用句型,语句通顺即可,不用每个单词都翻译)五、完形填空(考语法、固定搭配,根据上下文找答案,句首和句尾一般不设置空)六、汉译英(常用句型,注意谓语动词时态)2015051. I would rather stay at home to read books on the weekend.周末,我宁愿待在家里看看书。
2. This country is famous for its beautiful lakes.这个国家以其美丽的湖泊而闻名于世。
3. What do you usually do in your spare time ?在业余时间里你通常做些什么?4. They have difficulty in understanding Chinese.他们理解汉语还有些难度5. It is cold outside and you’d better put on a jacket.你最好穿上夹克,外面冷。
201511076. The students are busy preparing for the exam.同学们都在忙着准备考试。
7.You should listen to the teacher.你应该听老师的话。
8. Please bring an umbrella in case it rains.请带把雨伞以防下雨。
9. Tom plays basketball every afternoon.汤姆每天下午打篮球。
10.Football is a sport that develops thecooperation [ko,ɑpə'reʃən] between children and others.足球是一项培养孩子跟别人合作的运动。


Unit12(第35讲—第37讲) Text A How Dictionaries Are Made 本课主要单词 1. mainly adv. 主要地;⼤部分地 1) I don't know what his interests are, because we talk mainly about work when we meet. (我不知道他的兴趣是什么,因为我们见⾯时主要谈⼯作。
) 2) The visitors were mainly students from Mainland China.(来访者多半是来⾃中国⼤陆的学⽣。
) 3) He quit the job mainly because of health problem.(他辞了那份⼯⽤是由于健康原因。
) 2. grammarian n. 语法学家 -ian或-an是⼀个名词后缀,表⽰“…地⽅的⼈”,“精通…的⼈”,“信奉…的⼈”,如:American(美国⼈),Italian(意⼤利⼈),Musician(⾳乐家),Historian(历史学家),Confucian(儒家),Christian(基督徒) grammarian这个单词是由grammar加后缀-ian 构成的。
3. supreme adj. 的;极度的,最主要的 1)He enjoys supreme power in this country(他在这个国家享有⾄⾼⽆上的权⼒。
) 2)They are fulfilling a task of supreme importance.(他们正在完成⼀项极其重要的任务。
) 3)No one expected that he would change his idea at the supreme moment.(谁也没料到他会在决定性的时刻改变主意。
) Supreme court(美国联邦(州)法院。
) The supreme commander (统帅) Supreme Soviet (前苏联苏维埃) 4. authority n. 官⽅,*;权利,权威 1)The government is the highest authority in the country(政府是国家的权利机构) 2)Have you talked it over with the authorities concerned?(你已经跟有关*讨论过这个问题了吗?) 3)What authority do you have for entering this house?(你有什么权利进这个屋⼦?) 4)Who is the authority on this subject?(谁是这门学科的权威?) 5)Chinese parents have more authority over their children(中国的⽗母对孩⼦更有权威。

学位英语知识点复习资料【优秀4篇】一、词汇与语法篇1. 常用词汇积累(1)学术相关词汇:thesis(论文)、research(研究)、analysis(分析)、conclusion(结论)等。
(3)动词短语:account for(解释)、contribute to(贡献)、cope with(应对)等。
2. 关键语法点巩固(1)时态:熟练运用一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时等。
二、阅读理解篇1. 提高阅读速度(1)跳读:快速浏览文章,抓住主题和关键信息。
2. 策略性解题(1)事实细节题:直接在文章中寻找答案。
三、完形填空篇1. 培养语感2. 注意上下文联系在解题过程中,关注上下文之间的联系,尤其是代词、转折词等。
四、写作篇1. 提高写作能力(1)积累素材:多阅读优秀文章,学习写作技巧。
2. 熟悉写作模板学位英语知识点复习资料【优秀4篇】三、听力理解篇1. 提升听力技巧(1)预测能力:在听前根据题目和选项预测对话或短文的内容。
2. 培养日常听力习惯(1)多听英语广播、新闻、电影等,提高对不同口音和语速的适应能力。
四、翻译篇1. 掌握翻译技巧(1)直译与意译相结合:根据语境灵活运用直译和意译。
学位英语 课堂笔记(1)

要求会写1.Develop ment 发展(名词后缀)[di'veləp]2.Information 信息[,ɪnfə'meiʃən]3.technology 技术[tek'nɔlədʒi]4.reduced price 降低价格[[rɪ`djust]]munication(交流)products(产品)[kə,mju:ni'keiʃən] [prais]6.necessity 必需品[ni'sesiti]7.obvious 显而易见的['ɔbviəs]8.shorten 缩短['ʃɔ:tn]9.distance 距离['distəns]10.between 在……之间[bi'twi:n]11.convenient 方便[kən'vi:njənt]12.thanks to it 由于13.contact 联系['kɔntækt]14.any time and any where 随时随地15.however 然而无论如何[hau'evə]16.notice 注意['nəutis]17.bring 带来18. trouble 麻烦、打扰['trʌbl]19. press 按[pres]20. shout 呼喊shout loudly 大声叫喊[ʃaut] [`laʊdlɪ]21.in public 在公共场合['pʌblik]22.as if 好像似乎23.present 存在的['prezənt]24.ring响铃25.continuously持续不断26.formal 正式的['fɔ:məl]27.occasion 场合[ə'keiʒən]28.around 在周围[ə'raund]29.noise 噪音[nɔiz]30.concentration 专心[,kɔnsən'treiʃən]31.what they are doing 他们正在做些什么事情。

2、名词的数:单数、复数3、复数:规则的复数形式和不规则的复数形式;常见的规则复数形式:(1)一般在词尾加-s:flowers, sisters,machines,months(2)以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词加-es:buses,boxes,watches,dishes(3)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,变y为i,再加-es:countries, factories, stories(4)以-f或-fe结尾的名词,通常变f或fe为v,再加-es:knives, shelves, lives(5)以“辅音字母+o”结尾的名词加-es:tomatoes, potatoes, heroes常见的不规则复数形式:(1)改变单数名词内部元音使其变为复数。
例如:man—men woman—women foot—feet tooth—teeth(2)在单数名词词尾加-ren或-en。
例如:child——children ox—oxen(3)复数形式与单数形式相同。
例如:sheep—sheep deer—deer means—means(4)一些外来词仍保留其原来的名词复数形式。
例如:basis—bases thesis—theses analysis—analyses(5)表示“某国人”的名词的单、复数形式因习惯不同而各异。
例如:Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, Portuguese等。
例如:German, American, Australian, Canadian, Italian, Belgian, Greek, Hungarian, Swede, Arab等。

学位英语阅读和翻译部分笔记密码:chengkaoI. 汉译英部分:1. 先确定所需词组2.语法结构和时态3.找出汉语句中的主语和谓语81.在房子前面的大树下放着一张桌子。
Under the tree in front of the house is a table.Medicine----take effect/have effectSide effectThere is a table under the tree in front of the house.82.他二十七岁时开始学英语。
At 27, he began to study English.83.全球化也正在改变人们的生活方式。
I have seen the film for a few times.85.这就是他五年前住过的房子。
It is/was sth+that…It is the house that he lived in five years ago.It is/was sb+who/whom…It is/was not until…+that…81.我们期待和你一起工作。
Expect to do sthLook forward to doing sthWe look forward to working with you.82.他一到上海就给我打了一个长途电话。
As soon as, make along distance callHe made/gave a long distance call for me as soon as he arrived in Shanghai.83.你知道会议开始的确切时间吗?Do you know what exact time the meeting begins?Do you know the exact time of the meeting?84.她将成功归因于努力工作。

第一部分:重点词汇1. put down 放下shut down 把…关上cut down 砍掉come down 下来、落下slow down 减缓、放慢sit down 坐下write down 写下get down 下来,降落2. after all 毕竟.终究after that 于是.然后day after day 日复一日地one after another 相继.挨次soon after 不久以后the day after tomorrow 后天3. come up with 找到、提出catch up with 赶上wake up 弄醒、醒来send up 发射open up 开设、开办grow up 长大pick up 拾起、捡起hands up 举手eat up 吃光clean up 打扫干净give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 放弃做某事4. arrive at/in + n. 到达get to +n. 到达reach + n. 到达arrive / get +adv. 到达5. get…back 退还,送回去.取回give back 归还come back 回来at the back of 在…的后面on the way (back)home 在回家路上6. at least 至少at breakfast 早餐时at desk 在桌前at once立刻,马上at school 在上学at the same time 同时at work 在工作be good at=do well in 擅长laugh at 嘲笑not…at all 一点也不at first 起初at night 在晚上at noon 中午at the age of // when sb. was…years old 在…岁时at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于at the beginning of the twenty-first century 在21世纪初at the end of 在…终点、结尾at the moment // now现在at the foot of 在…脚下at Christmas 在圣诞节at any moment 任何时候at times(sometimes) 有时,偶尔at the doctor’s 在医务室be bad at不擅长7. for example 例如for ever 永远be good for 对…有益be bad for 对…有害for long=for a long time 长期for short 简称be short for 是…的简称TV is short for “television”8. come true 实现come down 下来come from=be from 来自,出生于come in/into 进入,进来come on 赶快come over 过来come along 走吧,过来,快点come and go 来来去去come up 上来come out 出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来9. even though=even if 即使、虽然、尽管10. be pleased with 对…感到满意be covered with 被…覆盖be busy with忙于做某事Be filled with 装满be satisfied with 对….满意deal with sth. 应对、处理finish with完成某事be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事well done 干得好11.be proud of 以…自豪speak highly of 称赞be afraid of 害怕hear of 听说(hear from sb.收到某人的来信)of course=certainly 当然可以plenty of= a lot of 许多11. by the way 顺便说by oneself 单独,独自by the end of 到…为至by the time (引起时间状语从句)到…的时候one by one 依次by air / plane 乘飞机by bus / train / car 乘公共汽车/火车/轿车catch a bus 赶公交车get on / off the bus上/下车take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去12. do / try one’s best 尽力do one’s homework 做家庭作业do (the/some) shopping 购物do the cooking 烹饪do some cleaning 打扫do the / some washing 洗衣服do sport 做运动13. early in the morning 一大早in the early spring 初春in my early days 我幼年时期14. make a contribution to 贡献给、捐献make a telephone call to sb. // ring sb. up // give sb. a call // phone sb.给某人打电话connect…to…把…与…连接起来be close to 靠近(某地)give birth to 生(孩子)lose to sb 输给sb .15. either…or… 或者…或者…on either side of the street 街道任何一边on each side of the street 街道每一边on both sides of the street 街道两边16. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事(表示状态继续)keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事(表示动作反复进行) practise doing sth. 练习做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事finish doing sth. 做完某事go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事)17. go on to do sth. 接着做某事(另一事)go straight along 沿着…一直往前走go down 下降go for a walk 散步go over 复习go shopping 买东西go to the cinema 去看电影go well 进展顺利go off to 动身前往go out 外出go to work 去上班go up 上升18. think about 考虑think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到think over 仔细考虑think out 想出talk about 谈论worry about 担心How / What about…?…怎么样?19. borrow…from … 从…借…lend…to… 把…借给…from door to door 挨家挨户from time to time 时时from now on 从今以后from then on 从那以后be different from 与…不同learn…from… 向…学习20. get dressed 穿衣get into 进入get / be lost 丢失get off / on下/ 上车get on well with sb. 与某人相处得好get out of 从…出来get ready for +n. 为…做准备get ready to do sth. 准备做某事get / go to sleep (fall asleep) 入睡be asleep 睡着get warm 变暧get well 康复get a chance 有机会、得到机会21. look for 寻找wait for 等候look after=take care of 照看look like 看起来像look over 检查,复习look out 小心,从里向外看look the same 看起来一样look up 向上看,查单词look around 环视look forward to 期望look through 温习,检查22. set off 出发、动身put off 推迟keep off 避开、不靠近…drop off 放下(某物)turn off 关jump off 跳离take off 脱(衣),(飞机)起飞23. half a kilo 半千克half an hour 半小时in half 分成两半half of the day 半天24. do eye exercises 做眼保健操do morning exercises 做早操take (more) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book 练习本25. take part in 参加hand in 上交in hospital 住院in surprise 吃惊地in the sun 在阳光下in trouble 处于困境in a minute / moment马上26. leave for… 动身去某地27. feed on 以…为主食live on 继续活着base on 以…为根据carry on 坚持、继续下去and so on 等等on the other hand 另一方面on foot 步行28. be famous for 以..著名be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋be interested in 对…感兴趣be born 出生be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…be amazed at 对..感到惊讶29. move away 移开move to (搬)移到30. search the Internet 上网31. make sure 确信make a dialogue 编对话make a mistake 犯错误by mistake 由于疏忽make a noise 吵闹make faces 做鬼脸make friends (with) 和..交朋友make room for 给..让地方make tea 沏茶make money 赚钱make a decision 作出决定32. used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事33. leave sth+介词短语“把……忘记在某处”34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事35. hear sb. to do (doing)sth. 听见某人做某事36. help sb. (to) do sth .//help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事with one’s help 在某人的帮助下with pleasure 乐意37. the summer holiday(s)vocation 暑假the winter holiday(s)/vocation 寒假38. step into 走进pour into 倒入… put….into 翻译成divide into分成translate into翻译成39. in the first 第一for the first time 第一次at first 起初a firs t language 母语first of all 首先40. leave a message for sb. 给某人留条give / take sb. a message 给某人捎口信41. take photos / pictures 照像take away 拿走take out 取出work out 算出take care 当心take medicine 服药take one’s temperature 量体温take one’s time 别着急take a walk 散步take place 发生42. learn by oneself / teach oneself 自学learn by heart 背熟43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) 一年半44. have a try 尝试,努力try out 尝试、试验find out 找出,查明have a good / wonderful / great / time 玩得开心have a (bad) cold (重)感冒have a meeting / walk / watch 开会/散步/比赛have sports 进行体育活动have nothing / sth. to do with 与..无(有)关have no idea 不知道have (one’s) medicine 服药45. offer sb sth. 给某人提供某物46. win first prize 获一等奖47. all over the world= around the world =throughout the world 全世界48. all kinds of 各种各样的49. neither… nor 既不…也不….50. not only … but also … 不但…而且both… and ……和…都51. the more , the better 越多越好52. all one’s life 一生53. as soon as 一…就…as soon as possible 尽可能早地、尽快as well = too也as much as 至多as little as 至少regard …as 把…当作…as if 好像54. no matter 无论…55 ever since 从那以后,此后一直56. so far 到目前为止or so大约57. another two hours (=two more hours ) 又(再) 2个小时58. three times a week 一周三次59. the number of… 的数量a (large / good) number of / large numbers of / many 许多60. less than少于, less and less 越来越少61. …is another way of saying… 什么是..的另一说法Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.62. not…until… 直到…才…63. be like 像feel like +n./V-ing 想要like best 最喜欢, would like to 想要64. the 24 hour clock 24 小时制65. wash away 冲走run away 逃跑take away 带走66. before long 不久long before / ago 很久以前for long =for a long time 长期no longer = not. .any longer 不再67. more or less = about 或多或少,大约more than = over 多于,超过68. every year 每年every four years 每隔四年every other day 每隔一天everyday English / life 日常英语/生活69. next to 紧挨着next door 隔壁,邻居next year 明年next time 下次70. receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某人的来信71. on show = on display 展览72.be filled with / be full of 充满…73. thank to =because of 由于74. some day =one day (将来)某一天all day 终日day and night 日日夜夜in a day or two 一两天内in the old days 从前,旧社会from day to day (day after day) 日复一日the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天Tree Planting Day 植树节Women’s Day 妇女节75. keep / stop / prevent… (from) doing sth. 防止(阻止)…做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事76. nice and +adj. = very +adj. 很,非常77. a place (places) of interest 名胜78. three quarters of the information on the Internet 因特网上四分之三的信息two thirds of the books 三分之二的书79. credit card 信用卡80. the increasing population 增长着的人口81. a path of travel 旅行路线82. point at / to 指向83. by sea = by ship 乘船by the sea = on the sea 在海边at sea在海上84. set one’s mind to do sth. 一心想做某事85. multiply…by… 乘以…86. See you! 再见You see. 你知道,你明白,你瞧Let me see. 让我想想see sb. off 给某人送行see a / the doctor 看病see sb . do / doing sth. 看见某人做某事87. some…others 一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)one…another 一个..另一个(三者或以上)one…the other 一个…另一个(总数二个) each other彼此88. be worn out 穿旧,磨坏check out 核实,检查write out 写出take sth. out of 从…拿出/取出某物89. in this way 用这种方法in a few year’s time 几年以后in space 在太空in and out of class 在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes 在最后十五分钟里in the second half 在下半场later in one’s life 在某人后半身in the air 在空中in the open air 在户外90. give sb. an injection给某人打针, get an injection打针91. have been to 去过某地have gone to 到某地去了92. here + be+ 名词+ for+某人( Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信.)93. be far behind +某人(He is far behind others. 他落后于别人)94. one of + adj. 最高级+复数名词95. take +某物+with +某人(You’d better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上雨伞)96. prefer to= like…better than 宁愿,更喜欢prefer + V-ing (to do sth.) ( I prefer doing (to do) it myself .我喜欢自己做那件事).Would / should 等情态动词+ prefer +不定式. (I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿自己做那件事)prefer +名词(v-ing) + to+名词(v-ing) (I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球)prefer +不定式(名词)+ rather than + 不带to的不定式,(I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢走着去那里, 而不愿乘车)prefer + 名词(代词) to do sth. (We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)97. 人+ spend +time (money) +(in) doing sth. (I spent over two hours (in) finishing my homework.我花了两个多小时完成家庭作业.)人+ spend + time (money) + on +名词, (He spent 1,000 on the TV set .他花了一千元买电视机)人+ pay + money +for +sth. ( He paid ten yuan for the book .他花了10元钱买那本书.)It + takes (will take, / took…) + sb. + time (money) + to do sth. (It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there bybus.乘车去那里只花你10分钟)物sth+ cost + (sb.) + money, (The dictionary cost me 20 yuan .我花20元钱买了那本词典)98. do with + sb. / sth. (What have you done with the pork ? 那些肉你怎么处理了?)99. mind + if 从句, (Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)mind + V-ing, (Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)100. what…for? / why…? (What do you learn English for? = Why do you learn English?)101. need + 名词(v-ing), (The students need some help.学生们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)102. “be used for+ 名词(v-ing),”被用来做.. (A writing brush is used for writing.)“be used as+名词”, 被作为…使用(English is used as the first language in none of these countries. )“be used by+动作执行者”, 被…使用,103. be made of 由…制造(This table is made of wood .这张课桌是木制的)be made from由…制成(This kind of paper is made from wood . 这种纸是用木材制成的)be made in+地点, “某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+人, “由谁制造的” (This kite is made byKate . )104. more developed countries发达国家, less developed countries不发达国家,developing countries发展中国家105. be worth + money (V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China. This book is well worth reading.worth reading.这本书很值得一读.106. the Summer Palace 颐和园Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故宫the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂the Temple of Heaven天坛the Great Green Wall 绿色长城Peking Opera 京剧PLA 中国人民解放军PRC 中华人民共和国the Party 中国共产党the League 共青团The Forbidden City紫禁城军事博物馆the Military Museum the Palace Museum故宫107. a digital camera 数字照相机a doctor for animals = an animal doctor 动物医生108. so + 形/副+that 从句(The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter .这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长)so + many / few+ 复数名词+that从句(He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow. 他有那么多书,我不知道借哪一本)so + much / little+ 不可数名词+that从句(She has so little money that she can’t buy anything .她钱太少,什么也买不到.)so+ 形容词+a / an +单数名词+that从句(This is so good a book that all of us like reading it )such +a / an+ 形容词+单数名词+ at从句(This is such an interesting story that all of us like it)such +形容词+复数名词+that从句. such +形容词+不可数名词+that从句(It is such fine weather today that many childrenare playing outside)109. tell sb about sth.告诉某人关于某事, tell sb+从句, tell sb. to do sth.让某人做某事tell a lie说谎, tell a story讲故事, thank you for +n ./V-ing 谢谢你… too + adj. / adv. + to + v.太…而不能, toomuch(修饰名词)太多,过分, much too(修饰adj./adv.)太110. hope / wish+不定式(或从句), wish sb. to do sth. What do you mean by…?= What does… mean?…是什么意思?一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事promise to do sth. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词:aim to do sth. 打算做某事fail to do sth. 未能做某事long to do sth. 渴望做某事happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事teach sb. to do sth .教某人做某事tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型:汉语说:“害怕某人做某事”,但英语不说fear sb. to do sth.。
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学位英语阅读和翻译部分笔记rendachengkao2010@密码:chengkaoI. 汉译英部分:1. 先确定所需词组2.语法结构和时态3.找出汉语句中的主语和谓语81.在房子前面的大树下放着一张桌子。
Under the tree in front of the house is a table.Medicine----take effect/have effectSide effectThere is a table under the tree in front of the house.82.他二十七岁时开始学英语。
At 27, he began to study English.83.全球化也正在改变人们的生活方式。
I have seen the film for a few times.85.这就是他五年前住过的房子。
It is/was sth+that…It is the house that he lived in five years ago.It is/was sb+who/whom…It is/was not until…+that…81.我们期待和你一起工作。
Expect to do sthLook forward to doing sthWe look forward to working with you.82.他一到上海就给我打了一个长途电话。
As soon as, make along distance callHe made/gave a long distance call for me as soon as he arrived in Shanghai.83.你知道会议开始的确切时间吗?Do you know what exact time the meeting begins?Do you know the exact time of the meeting?84.她将成功归因于努力工作。
Owe…to…/attribute to…She owes her success to hard work.85.村里的每个人都喜欢他,因为他对人很友好。
Everyone in the village likes him because he is very kind/friendly to all.81、每当听到这首歌时,我就会想起你。
When hearing the song, I will recall you.82、由于很多学生缺席,我们不得不将会议延期。
Be absent from, put offBecause many students are absent, we have to put off the meeting.83、他们5年前搬走了,但我们还保持着联系。
Keep in touch with each otherSince they moved five years before, we have kept in touch with each other.84、每当听到这首歌时,我就会想起你。
Avoid talking with himBefore getting more details, I want to avoid talking with him.81. 我想说的是,在奥运会上做志愿者(volunteer)对于年轻人是有意义的事。
What I want to say is that it is very meaningful for the youth to work/serve as a volunteer in the Olympic Games.82. 简而言之,每个人都应该为自己的行为负责。
In short/in a word/in brief, everyone should be responsible for his behaviors/manners.83. 我下决心一个月内在功课上要赶上同学们。
Decide to do/make up my mind to do, catch/keep up withI have decided to catch up with the other students in study within a month.84. 在我看来,他们很难掩盖事实真相。
In my view/From my point of view/As for me, it is difficult/hard for them to cover the truth.85. 直到会议结束那位经理一直保持沉默不语。
Until the end of the meeting, the manager kept silent.81如果我是他,我就会尽最大的努力按时完成任务。
Try one’s best to do sthComplete the taskIf I were him, I would try my best to complete the task on time.82 我不记得在哪见过他。
I don’t remember where I met/saw/have seen/met him.83 这所大学提供了他所期望的一切。
This university offers what he expected.84 我们一得出结论就通知你。
As soon as, conclude/reach a conclusion, informWe will inform you as soon as we conclude.85 你们应该充分利用每一个机会说英语。
Make good use of/take advantage ofY ou should make good use of every opportunity to speak English.Every other week2005年4月1.To my surprise, his English is so good.To my surprise, he speaks English very well.2.It is time for the meeting. Let’s turn off the radio.3.carry out, decide to do sthIn spite of/Despite the difficulties, we still decide to carry out our plan.4. The earth we are in/live in is a big ball/sphere.5. learn from sbWe should learn from Mr. Li because he has rich working experience.Sb be familiar with sthSth be familiar to sbTell right from wrong2005年11月81.正是那棵树在洪水中救了他们的命。
Save one’s lifeIt is the tree that saved their lives in the flood.82.我们无法想象在那个遥远的星球上存在什么东西。
We can not imagine/We wonder what there is/exists in the faraway/distant planet.83.他今早上学又迟到了。
He went to school late again this morning. He must have stayed up late last night.84.父母没有预料到孩子的问题这样难回答。
Expect to do sthThe parents did not expect their children’s questions so hard to answer.85.然而,在那个国家还有成千上万的年轻人却很难找到工作。
However, there are thousands of young people difficult/hard to find jobs in that country.2007年4月81.事实上,水污染的危害远不止这点。
In fact, the harm of the water pollution is far more than this.82.这个问题不像我们最初想象的那么复杂。
This problem is not as complicated as we expected/thought.83.如果你那时没有及时离开,我无法想象会发生什么情况。
If you had not left in time, I can not imagine what would have happened then.84.他们发现在下午6点前不可能完成这项工作。
They found it impossible to finish the work before 6 p.m.85.由于我没有读过这本书,所以我无法对此作出评论。
Because I have not read the book, I can not make any comment on it.2011年5月81.最近发生在日本的地震改变了地球表面。
Change, surfaceRecently, the earthquake in Japan has changed the earth surface.82.13岁以下的儿童应坐在后座。
Back seatsThe children under 13 should take the back seats.May I take the seat?83.我星期天从不早起。
I never get up early on Sundays.84.孩子的性格受家庭环境影响很大。
Character, affectThe children’s characters are greatly affected by their family surroundings.85.由于我离开得匆忙,忘记带课本了。
So…that…I left so hurriedly that I forgot to bring my textbooks. Because I left hurriedly, I forgot….be known asSingapore is known as the Lion City.Egypt is known for its Pyramids.S.Korea is known as an economic dragon in Asia. Keep up withCatch up withLeave/fall behind81.他们试图想出一个解决这个问题的办法。