African-American History美国黑人历史 美国黑人运动(英语)
美国黑人历史 英文

In 1926, Woodson changed the name to Negro History Week. He selected the month of February for the celebration as a way to honor of the birth of two men whose actions drastically altered the future of black Americans. Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. President who issued the Emancipation Proclamation was born on February 12th and Frederick Douglass, one of the nation’s leading abolitionists was born on February 14th. Dr. Carter G. Woodson died in 1950, but his legacy continued on as the celebration of Negro History Week was adopted by cities and organizations across the country. This observance proved especially important during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, a time when the inhumane and unequal treatment of black people in America was being challenged and overturned. The Black Power Movement of the 1970s emphasized racial pride and the significance of collective cultural values. This prompted the ASNLH, now called the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, to change Negro History Week to Black History Week. In 1976, they extended the week to a month-long observance. Black History Month is now recognized and widely celebrated by the entire nation on both a scholarly and commercial level. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History continues to promote, preserve and research black history and culture year-round.


1. 种族隔离的产生美国黑人民权运动的起源可以追溯到数百年前,当时欧洲的殖民者带着大量的黑奴来到新大陆。
2. 黑人民权运动起步20世纪初,黑人社区开始积极地反抗种族隔离政策,从而启动了美国黑人民权运动。
3. 黑人民权领袖早期的黑人民权运动领袖大多数是运动员,例如杰西·欧文斯和约翰·卡洛斯。
4. 黑人民权运动的成就美国黑人民权运动的诸多成就堪称卓越。

Cause of the movement
On December 1,1955,in Montgomery,Rosa Parks refused to obey bus driver's order that she gave up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger after the white section was filled.
literature 19th century: Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin)
20th century: Toni Morrison (Song of Solomon)
Barack Obama
◎Was elected the 44th President in 2008 ◎Won Nobel Peace Prize in 2009
Group 6
Brief introduce about the African-American African-American Civil Rights Movement
Causes of the movement The key event of the movement Results and influence of the movement
It changes America from a country which was against the Black into a community which admits every citizen has equal rights.

美国黑人民权运动(African-American Civil Rights Movement,又译为“非裔美国人民权运动”),美国民权运动的一部分,于1950年代兴起,直至1970年代,乃是经由非暴力的抗议行动,争取非裔美国人民权的群众斗争。
20世纪50年代中期至60年代中期美国黑人反对种族歧视和种族压迫,争取政治经济和社会平等权利,1954年美国联邦最高法院判定教育委员会种族隔离的学校违法,1955年阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市,黑人公民以全面罢乘来反对公车上的黑白隔离措施,1963年华盛顿的林肯纪念馆广场聚集二十五万名群众反种族隔离,美国民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金博士发表著名的演说《我有一个梦》为民权运动的高峰,其他参与的著名人物还有麦尔坎·X (Malcolm X)等人。
1954 年5月17日,美国最高法院为改变美国在国际上的形象,就布朗控诉托布卡教育委员会一案作出判决:公立学校所实行的种族隔离教育是不平等的,违反《美利坚合众国宪法第14条修正案》。
1955 年12月1日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城黑人罗莎·帕克斯夫人在公共汽车上拒绝让座给白人,被捕入狱。
因为她的被捕还引发了蒙哥马利巴士抵制运动(MontgomeryBus Boycott )。

Separ ate drinking fountains for whites and blacks. "Colored balconies" in movie theater s. Seats in the back of the bus. Soldiers called out to protect little c hildr en who were trying to go to school.It may be diffic ult to believe these wer e examples of conditions in Americ a less than 40 years ago. The struggle to c hange these c onditions, and to win equal pr otection under the law for citizens of all r ac es, for med the bac kdr op of Martin Luther King's short life.1954 Brown vs. Board of E ducation: U.S. Supr eme Court bans segregation in public schools.1955 Bus boyc ott launched in Montgomery, Ala., after an Afric an-Americ an woman, Rosa Par ks, is arrested Dec ember 1 for r efusing to give up her seat to a white per son .1956 Dec ember 21. After mor e than a year of boyc otting the buses and a legal fight, the Montgomery buses desegr egate.1957 Garfield High Sc hool becomes fir st Seattle high sc hool with mor e than 50 perc ent nonwhite student body. At pr eviously all-white Central High in Little Roc k, Ar k., 1,000 par a trooper s ar e c alled by Pr esident Eisenhower to r estor e or der and escort nine blac k students.1960 The sit-in protest movement begins in February at a Woolworth's lunc h c ounter in Gr eensboro, N.C. and spreads acr oss the nation.1961 Freedom rides begin from Washington, D.C: Gr oups of blac k and white people ride buses through the South to c hallenge segr egation. King makes his only visit to Seattle. He visits numer ous places, including two mor ning assemblies at Garfield High School.1962 Blac ks bec ome the maj ority at Garfield High, 51 perc ent of the student population - a first for Seattle. The school district aver age is 5.3 percent. Two killed, many inj ured in riots as James Mer edith is enrolled as the fir st blac k at the University of Mississippi.1963 Polic e arrest King and other m inister s demonstr ating in Bir m ingham, Ala., then tur n fire hoses and polic e dogs on the marc hers.Medgar Ever s, NAACP leader, is murder ed June 12 as he enter s his home in Jac kson, Miss. About 1,300 people march fr om the Centr al Ar ea to downtown Seattle, demanding gr eater j ob opportunities for blac ks in department stores.The Bon Marc he pr om ises 30 new jobs for blac ks.About 400 people rally at Seattle City Hall to protest delays in passing an open-housing law. In r esponse, the city for m s a 12-member Human Rights Commission but only two blac ks ar e included, pr ompting a sit-in at City Hall and Seattle's first civil-rights arr ests. 250,000 people attend the March on Washington, D.C. urging support for pending civil-rights legislation. The event was highlighted by King's "I have a dr eam" speec h.The Seattle Sc hool District implements a voluntary r acial tr ansfer progr am, mainly aimed at busing black students to mostly white schools.Four girls killed Sept. 15 in bombing of the Sixteenth Str eet Baptist Church in Bir m ingham, Ala.1964 Seattle City Council agr ees to put together an open-housing or dinanc e but insists on putting it on the ballot. Voter s defeat it by a 2-to-1 r atio. It will be four mor e year s before an open-housing ordinanc e bec omes law.Three civil-rights worker s ar e mur der ed in Mississippi.July 2 - Pr esident Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964.Out of 955 people employed by the Seattle Fire Department, just two were Afric an Amer ican, and only one was Asian --- 0.2 and 0.1 percent of the forc e, r espectively. By the end of 1993, the department was 12.2 percent African Americ an and 5.6 percent Asian1965 Malc olm X is murder ed Feb. 21, 1965. Thr ee men ar e c onvicted of his mur der.August 6. President Johnson signs the Vo ting Rights Act of 1965. The act, which King sought, authorized feder al examiner s to r egister qualified voters and suspended devices suc h as liter acy tests that aimed to prevent African Americ ans fr om voting.August 11-16: Watts riots leave 34 dead in Los Angeles.1967 Sam Smith elected Seattle's fir st blac k city c ouncilman.1968 Aar on Dixon bec omes first leader of Blac k Panther Party br anch in Seattle.The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated in Memphis, Tenn., unleashing violence in mor e than 100 cities.In r esponse to King's death, Seattle r esidents hurled firebombs, br oke windows, and pelted motorists with roc ks. Ten thousand people also marched to Seattle Center for a r ally in his memory.Rally at Garfield High in support of Dixon, Larry Gossett, and Carl Miller, sentenc ed to six months in the King County Jail for unlawful assembly in an earlier demonstr ation. Befor e the speakers were finished, fir ebombs and roc ks were flying toward car s c oming down 23rd Avenue. Spor adic riots in Seattle's Ce ntr al Ar ea during the summer.1969 Edwin Pratt, exec utive dir ector of the Seattle Urban League and a moder ate and r espected Afric an Americ an leader, is shot to death while standing in the doorway of his home. The m ur der has never been solved.1977 Seattle Sc hool Boar d adopts a plan designed to eliminate r acial imblanc e in sc hools by fall 1979.1978 Seattle bec omes the largest city in the United States to desegr egate its schools without a c ourt order; nearly one-quarter of the school district's students a r e bused as part of the "Seattle Plan." Two months later, voter s pass an anti-busing initiative. It is later ruled unc onstitutionalIn a blow to efforts to diversify univer sity enr ollment, the U.S. Supr eme Court outlaws racial quotas in a suit brought by Allan Bakke, a white man who had been turned down by the medic al school at Univer sity of Califor nia, Davis.1989 Douglas Wilder of Vir ginia bec omes the nation's first Afric an Amer ican to be elected state governor.1992 The fir st r acially based riots in years erupt in Los Angeles and other cities after a j ury ac quits L.A. polic e offic ers in the videotaped beating of Rodney King, an Afric an Americ an.。



African-American Literature

第 16-18 周:六、七十年代以来的美国 黑人文化(重建身份和重建历史的努 力 ) , 阅 读 莫 里 森 的 代 表 作 (Toni Morrison(1931-): The Bluest Eye, 1970; Song of Solomon, 1977; Beloved, 1987)
第 7-9 周:吟游文学(黑人与白人的文化互动过程中的 模仿、戏仿、曲仿),阅读第一部反映黑人生活的小说 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe) 第 10-12 周:社会动荡与文化耻辱(芝加哥爵士乐的兴 起、流行和影响),阅读休斯和赖特的代表作 (Langston Hughes: Dreams; Richard Right: Native Son) 第 13-15 周:口头文学传统与争取教育权利的斗争(从 惠特利到埃里森的黑人作家危机)阅读拉尔夫·埃里森 的 代 表 作 (Ralph Waldo Ellison: Invisible Man, 1952; Phillis Wheatley(1753-1784) : the first American black poet; James Baldwin(1924-1987): Go Tell It on the Mountain, 1953) (《向苍天呼吁》)
具体安排 第1周:介绍课程性质、内容,了解学生相关 文学背景,简要概括黑人文学历史 第2-3周:再现黑人文化(黑人文化长期被掩 盖的事实和原因,重新被发现的原因和过程)
第4-6周:双重意识(语言、吟唱文学、民俗民谣、宗 教的边缘化),阅读黑人种族意识三代伟大启蒙家道 格 拉 斯 、 华 盛 顿 、 杜 波 伊 斯 的 代 表 作 (Frederick Douglass,1817-1895: 他的三部自传是美国黑人文学的 开山之作, 1840 年的《弗雷德里克·道格拉斯:一个 美国奴隶的叙述》(Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass) ; 1855 年的《我的奴隶生涯和我的自由》 (My Bondage and My Freedom) ;以及1881年的《弗雷 德里克·道格拉斯的生平和时代》(Life and Time of Frederick Douglass). Booker Washington, 1856-1915) : 自传《超越奴役》( Up From Slavery)(1901); Du Bois,1868-1963: The Souls of the Black Folk)

In 1964 L.B. President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Finally,They Won!!!
● It changed the life of the African Americans. ● It also have a profound impact on Americans' life and
Sports Man
Musicians of The Black
------Something about hip-hop
First,Jazz Then,Blues Last,Rap---Hip-Hop---Hippie culture
In March, 1963,Birmingham, the request to cancel the entire city isolation system.
On August 28, 1963 250,000 people (1/4 for Caucasian) tomarch to Washington, the request "was freeimmediately".
Height: 184cm
Hometown: Mount Vernon, New York
Date of birth: December 28, 1954
Occupation: Actor, Director

黑人一般从事笨重和 最受轻视的职业 平均工 资是白人的 1/3 或 1/2 , 失业率高。大多数的白人 拥有自己的住房,而大多 数黑人都是寄人篱下,租 房居住,且在租房过程中 也会因肤色被房东刁难。
多地禁止和限制黑人教育, 在美国南部的一些州甚至出台法律 要求黑人奴隶不得受教育,尽管黑 人中的自由人可以接受教育,由于 种族隔离政策,他们与白人分开学 习,受教育机会也是有限的,教育 质量普遍低下,仅传授一些基本的 生活技能。
● 在富兰克林·罗斯福任总统期内,
联邦政府任命了一大批黑人进入联邦 各部门。 ● 黑人第一次被罗斯福称为“我们的 黑人公民”。
祖父条款 ● 吉姆·克劳法
种族隔离的法律 因为剥夺了黑人学童的入学权利 而违宪
终止了 美国社会中存在已久白人和黑人 必须分别就读不同公立学校的种 族隔离现象。
中文名称:美国黑人民权运动 外文名称:African-American Civil Rights Movement 运动时间:1955年-1968年 运动地点:美国 代表人物:马丁· 路德· 金、罗莎· 帕克斯
16-19世纪 ● 欧洲殖民者从非洲劫运大批黑人 奴隶到美洲
● 黑奴被运入今美国境内,主要在 南部诸州的棉花、甘蔗种植场和矿 山当苦工
1861年-1910年: 为争取平等普选权而斗争
● 林肯在 1863 年 1 月 1 日发表《解放黑 人奴隶宣言》,黑人在法律上成为自由 人。 ● 美国国会先后在 1865 年、 1868 年和 1870 年通过宪法第 13 、 14 和 15 条修正 案,将自由权、公民权和选举权赋予黑 人。
1911年-1950年: 黑人的参政力量不断上升
在美国内战后种族隔离依然盛 行的美国南方,法律明确规定黑 人与白人在公车、餐馆等公共场 所内需分隔,且黑人必须给白人 让座。
美国黑人文化历史 [自动保存的]
![美国黑人文化历史 [自动保存的]](
African-American Civil Rights Movement Causes of The Civil Rights Movement Contents of The Civil Rights Movement Results of The Movement And its Inflution
In 1964 L.B. President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".
The leader of the movement of civil right
Martin Luther King , Jr. _320x240_2.00M_h.264.flv
The Atlantic slave trade
African-American's Success
History of The Black
当黑人来到北美“新大陆”,他们并没有获 得新的生命和自由。残酷的剥削和压迫一直 笼罩着他们,肤色歧视如影随形,即使是到 了自诩为“人权卫士”的美利坚合众国。
------Something about hip-hop
First,Jazz Then,Blues Last,Rap---Hip-Hop---Hippie culture It contains: 1,Rap 2,Breakdancing 3,Graffiti art(涂鸦艺术)
the Black into a community which admit every citizen has equal rights.

1896年美国联邦最高法院作出“普莱西诉弗格森案”(Plessy v. Ferguson)判决,确立对黑人采行“隔离但平等”措施的合法性时,无异对南方黑人人权造成严重的打击,最高法院判决中有关“隔离”的部份被执行得十分彻底,但有关“平等”的部份则不然,导致南方出现更多种族隔离制度法令,甚至连在工厂、医院及军队都采取种族隔离制度。


1963年8月28日,美国历史上有名气的华盛顿自由行动“I Have a Dream”就是在这一天进行的。

Racial segregation. By law, public facilities and government services such as education were divided into separate "white" and "colored" domains. Disenfranchisement. (剥夺公民选举 权)Black voters were forced off the voting rolls, and elections were made more complicated. Exploitation. Increased economic oppression of blacks, Latinos, and Asians, denial of economic opportunities, and widespread employment discrimination. Violence. Individual, police, organizational, and mass racial violence against blacks.
Montgomery Bus Boycott 蒙哥马利巴士抵制运动
• Under the system of segregation used on Montgomery buses, white people who boarded the bus took seats in the front rows, filling the bus toward the back. Black people who boarded the bus took seats in the back rows, filling the bus toward the front. • Eventually, the two sections would meet, and the bus would be full. If other black people boarded the bus, they were required to stand. • If another white person boarded the bus, then everyone in the black row nearest the front had to get up and stand, so that a new row for white people could be created.

美国黑人史(African American history)The history of migration and development of African AmericansContent abstract:Black for us, that is, an ordinary and extraordinary noun, black on the world stage figure can be seen everywhere, music, film, literature, sports... They... In different places, blooming out of their unique charm on different jobs. However, looking back at the history of blacks, that a long, bitter and bloody "century", really, a "cannot bear to think of the past century".When it comes to the history of black people, we have to mention two aspects: migration and development. The migration of black people is not only a change in space, but also reflects the level of knowledge, ideology, and the development of the whole nation. Similarly, the development of black people can not do without migration. It can be said that migration and development are the two main themes of the history of black people. They are always interwoven in the course of history, running through every corner.Key word:Black people, liberty, civil rights, triangle trade, declaration of emancipation, civil rights movement, Martin Ruud KimText:Modern society is a melting pot, a cultural cluster, ethnicintertwined. Black for us, that is, an ordinary and extraordinary noun, black on the world stage figure can be seen everywhere, music, film, literature, sports... They... In different places, blooming out of their unique charm on different jobs. However, looking back at the history of blacks, that a long, bitter and bloody "century", really, a "cannot bear to think of the past century".When it comes to the history of black people, we have to mention two aspects: migration and development. The migration of black people is not only a change in space, but also reflects the level of knowledge, ideology, and the development of the whole nation. Similarly, the development of black people can not do without migration. It can be said that migration and development are the two main themes of the history of black people. They are always interwoven in the course of history, running through every corner.One, the Negro in the triangle tradeThis history can be traced back to the end of fifteenth Century began with Columbo discovered America, has opened up a new route between Europe and america. At that time, in the development of commercial trade, in the expansion, from the view of the world, the two continents of Europe and Asia trade developed in Western Europe, the Nordic countries, Asia is thousands of miles away, and the Americas, Africa is much closer, it is the "black triangle trade" to provide favorable factors. So Portugal, Spain, Britain, France and so on began to colonize. In America they created plantations, the development of gold and silver, because it needs plenty of cheap labor, driven byprofit, the colonists so greedy eyes on uncivilized Africa started evil slave trade. According to historical records, John of England in 1562 - Sir Hawkins from Sierra Leone in exchange for the shipment of slaves, skins and sugar in Haiti, became the richest man in Portsmouth in return after. Because of the staggering profits, the queen Elizabeth and the Privy Council also invested in his second voyage. He followed the previous steps, loaded with a boat of silver, and became the richest man in britain. It was the acquiescence of the government in slave trade that made the slave trade more rampant. European colonial countries are all involved. Some Europeans were looking for profits, and they joined the ranks. So, after 400 years, the triangle trade started. Simple black on the distant unknown territory, such as the opening of Paduola box, began their tragic fate.Large scale black triangle trade in sixteenth Century". European slave traders began to load salt, cloth, rum and so on from their own country, and changed their slaves in Africa into the Atlantic along the so-called central route, replacing sugar, tobacco and rice in the americas. In the west of Europe, the Gulf of Guinea in Africa, and the West Indies in the Americas, the route roughly forms a triangular shape, which is also called black triangle trade because of the black people being trafficked". At first, the slave traders looted the blacks by plundering,Later, they changed their ways, using the so-called trade way. The slavers to Africa, and the commodity value is very low and the black tribes of the unitary long black young and strong exchange. Is still in the state of barbarism black tribes andtribal leader in the slaver of mischief, small disputes, black like general merchandise by slave traders purchase.Then, with the black slave ship sailing across the central route across the Atlantic, the ships carrying African blacks to the Americas tend to be overloaded with four or five hundred ships, nearly thousands of people. The black man entered the ship and entered the living coffin. The air in the cabin is dirty and the food is very bad, so it is easy to make people suffer from various diseases. The black people who have died or have been infected with various diseases are thrown into the sea and suffered quite miserable. After arriving in America, blacks were sold again, sent to plantations, and became slaves. The slaves in colonial oppression under the hard work, the rapid development of the plantation, planting garden main get a lot of sugar, tobacco, tea and other raw materials, earn great wealth.Two. Blacks after the founding of the United StatesWith the signing of the Paris peace treaty of 1783, the United States emerged as an independent nation on the world stage. After the founding of the United States of America, the federal constitution was drawn up. But the constitution preserves slavery and preserves the slave trade. By 1860, black slaves in the United States had reached 4 million. Freedom and rights are the foundation of the United States and the core of the American faith. But in the realm of freedom and rights, the non free group - Blacks - suffered slavery and discrimination in the early days of the republic. So the call for freedom and rights sweeping the people, the impact of history. The vigorouscivil rights movement began.Initially, the writers for the sword to come out many pens, cautionary works. In 1852, by the Lincoln as "launched a war of the little woman and a famous American writer Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote" Uncle Tom's cabin "is one of them. Uncle Tom's cabin, translated into "black slaves call heaven records", is a realistic novel. The book revolves around the story of an experienced black slave uncle Tom, and describes his experience of being slaves and slave owners per capita. This sentimental novel profoundly depicts the cruel nature of slavery, and believes that the love of Christians can overcome all kinds of injuries caused by the enslavement of human compatriots. The novel is the best selling novel in the nineteenth Century (and the second best seller, second only to the best selling book, the Bible) and is considered to be one of the major reasons for the rise of slavery in the 1850s. Stowe because of concern about the fate of slaves and become the most prominent abolitionist writers in support of A. At the same time. Wordsworth and Henry. Longfellow, a realistic poet wrote lots of poems, such as "slave dream" the little boy lying on the uncut finished rice estimate, still holding a scythe, his bare chested, disheveled hair, has been buried in sediment. In the dream suddenly floating mist and shadow, he once again see the homeland. In the dream the vast picture, the majesty of the Niger river flows; walking from the plains of the palm tree, his ears like kings, with vigorous strides, flowing with the camels ringing down the mountain buzz. Once again he saw his black queen, she stands in the middle of the children; they put her arms around his neck, they kiss his cheek. They held his hand tightly! The tears gushed from his sleeping eyes, until into the sand. Immediately, he rode on ahorse and rode along the banks of the Niger river. The stiff rope is in the hands of shining gold, the sonorous tinkling, he can feel every time jump, bronze scabbard in steed body repeatedly hit. Like a bloody Jing Yang Kei scoop on the front, it is bright in the Flamingo fly, from morning to night, he followed them with a long trip, Mercedes Benz in the acid bean tree on the plain.Until his eyes emerge kaffir cottage roof, and forever churning the vast ocean. The night, his ears around the lion's roar, and the mole dog screams, and the call of hippo. As he stepped on the reeds and walked along the dark river, the steps of the hippo were like the drumbeat of loud drums, and echoed through his brilliant dreams. The woods, launched thousands of voice calls for free, the wind blew from the desert, that sounds so wild, so relaxed, he suddenly woke up from sleep, began to smile toward the tempest of joy smile. He no longer felt the slave whips, no longer feel the scorching sun, because death has been lit place, the lost body lying down, locked old shackles, and that soul has been crushed, and thrown from the flesh!After the first shot in the American literary world, politicians actively passed on legal and other ways to give blacks freedom and civil rights. Whether white, black or yellow, brown people of Martin Ruud Kim will not be unfamiliar, although he died when he was only 38 years old, but in the short 16 years of his career to the left of the wealth of the mind is immortal. People can't forget the exciting speech before Lincoln Memorial in August 28, 1963, "I have a dream". Forget his contribution to the struggle for black rights and freedoms. "When this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring fromevery village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last free at last!""Mention" January 1, 1863 "Declaration of the liberation of black slaves, where the local people are still within any state against the United States, or designated part of a state that is held as slaves of the people should be at that time and forever free......". The "United States of America constitution" the Thirteenth Amendment (1865) stipulated that "at any place within the United States by the United States jurisdiction, slavery and forced labour may exist, but as for legally convicted people crime punishment except". There are "civil rights law allows the prosecution of the United States in 1964 all public facilities and school segregation of the federal judiciary, and the continuing racial discrimination public plans to stop federal funding...... 1965 vote aimed at the complete elimination of the southern states of black voters set various discriminatory voting restrictions... 1968... Congress passed the civil rights movement at the end of an important civil rights act, prohibiting acts of racial discrimination in the rental and sale of housing area. "Obviously, after 100 years of struggle black finally ushered in their own light, as Martin Ruud Kim's dream was" one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"Three, today's black peopleToday's world is a big stage of strong competition, black, white, yellow people in different areas to show their style. Although some people in the invisible corner there still exists some discrimination, but equality and freedom has been integrated into the world, culture, history, has become a necessary part of today's society, become an indispensable part of people's value orientation. Have to say, the black is a dazzling pearl, as if disgraceful to release the incomparable charm. Whitney Houston, Willl Smith, DorotheaHite, Obama and so on. These are known to every family. There are 500 of the wealth of American Express black president Chernot, Merrill Lynch black president O'neal...... now we can loudly say: Blacks have been getting rid of the history of humiliation, stand up.Reference:Emancipation Proclamation of black slavesThe constitution of the United States of AmericaI have a dreamHenry Wordsworth Longfellow Poetry AnthologyE20914056 Tang Ruiwen09 software engineering of School of computer science and technology。
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From Slave To the Summit of White House
• Great contribution to American Revolution, Anti-fascist war and American economic culture.
• Agriculture The iron and steel industry • Automobile industry • Athlete
Western Africa
Virginia 1619
Southern United States
Congo Angola
More and more slaves
Hard word
Sickness or death
Arrival the port
American Revolution
1775—1783 The independent war broke out in 1776.
Middle of 19th century
The armed struggle between western farmers and free state immigration and southern slave owners broke out in Kansas.
Civil War(1861-1865)
1865(Lincoln died)—now
Another story…
The first Klan was founded in 1865, as a terrorist organization by veterans of the Army. As a secret group, the Klan targeted freedmen (free black man) by threats and violence, including murder.
Barrack Hussein Obama II the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office.
White and Black
Rosa Parks with Dr. Martin Luther King
“I’m not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”
Colin Powell
the 65th United States Secretary of State the first African American in that position.
Condoleezza Rice
the 66th United States Secretary of State the second woman
As the leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. King has become a national icon in the history of American.
16th century— 1865(Lincoln died)
The Atlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 16th through to the 19th centuries.
The first batch of black slaves
• The 16th president of American (1861) • The symbol of black liberation
In Sep, 1982, he enacted the “Emancipation Proclamation” to abolish the slavery completely in the system. What’s more, Lincoln also ordered to free slaves formally in 1863.
Black people were put to death illegally.
At the same time, the 14th case of the American Constitution was approved. From then on, black people could enjoy the equal right just as the white did. In 1870,the 15th case came to the public, black people achieved the voting right.
In Mississipi, Hilemu liphils as the first black man came on the political stage. He worked as the senator for an entire year. It was almost a miracle at that time.
However, there stillБайду номын сангаасexisted the slavery.
American Constitution (1787)
“All people are equal” (exclude the black) No right to vote No freedom, property and dignity
The Bus Boycott was led by King and it lasted for 385 days. King's role in the bus boycott transformed him into a national figure and the best-known spokesman of the civil rights movement.
Martin Luther King
The 1992 Los Angeles Riots were a race riot and the subsequent lootings, arsons and civil disturbance. In total, 53 people were killed during the riots and over 2,000 people were injured, 10000 people were arrested.
Hilemu liphils
Rosa Parks(Born 1913) , her refusal to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Alabama, resulted in a city-wide boycott of the bus company and stirred the civil rights movement across the nation.
Since then, black people began to free from the chains of slave. In the same year, the Thirteenth Amendment was enacted.
Slavery was formally treated as illegal.