37 The lottery ticket

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The lottery ticket

Ivan Dmitritch

Ivan Dmitritch, a middle-class man who lived with his family on an income of twelve hundred a year

He was very well satisfied with his lot,

He sat down on the sofa after supper and began reading the newspaper.

Ivan Dmitr itch’s wife made a Lottery

The number is “series 9, 499, number 26.”

Find out the list of drawing

○1Ivan Dmitritch had no faith in lottery luck, but his eye was caught by the figure9, 499!

He felt an agreeable chill in the pit of the stomach; tingling and terrible and sweet! Ivan Dmitritch gave a board, senseless smile, like a baby when a bright object is shown it.

His wife smiled too; and did not try to find out the number of the wining ticket

○2They find out the 26

The husband wife began laughing and starting at one another in silence.

They beginning to imagination

Ivan Dmitritch ,holding the paper in his hand ,walked several times from corner to corner ,and only when he had recovered from the first impression itself which was so possible .

一.Ivan Dmitritch thought if the ticket is belong to him

First of all, of course ,spent twenty-five thousand on real property in the shape of an estate ;ten thousand on immediate expenses ,new furnishing…traveling …paying debts ,and so on …the other forty thousand he would put in the bank and get interest on it

He thinks they shouldn’t need a summer villa, and pictures came crowding on his imagination, each more gracious and poetical then the last.

二.His wife said that it would be nice to buy an estate, also dreaming, and from her face it was evident that she was enchanted by her thoughts

三.He walked about the room and went on thinking .all the bad things occurred to his wife 四.He thought of her relations,

五.he looked his wife ,not with a smile now ,but with hatred .she glanced at him too ,and also with hatred and anger .she had her own daydreams ,her own plants ,her own reflections ;she understood perfectly well what her husband’s dream were ,she know who would be the first to try to grab her winnings.

六.Finally, both of them were angry


[Lottery ]n 抽彩,抽签. Something that is regarded as a chance event eg. , surviving an accident is

something of a lottery

[Lapse] v 过期,失效a mistake resulting from inattention eg.the bread is lapse a long time [Interest] n 股权,产权(law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something eg. You expect that the advice will be in your best interest

[Pit ]n 凹,窝. A sizeable whole eg.we have seen a snake pit of threats

[Tingling] adj 震颤的。刺痛的a somatic sensation as from many tiny prickles eg, At very high intensities, nuclear radiations cause itching and tingling of the skin. [Tantalize] v惹弄,逗引harass with persistent criticism or carping

For get up the job, the women tantalize her boss at home

[Estate] n 庄园everything you own; all of your assets and liabilities eg. He is a real estate agent [Serene] adj 宁静的,安详的completely clear and fine eg. Faineants does not means serene, soul's hollowness just is its tortousome.

[Ladybird] n 瓢虫small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests eg .I hate the ladybird in the summer

[Saunter] v 闲逛a careless leisurely gait eg..it’s a good way to walk after eating .

[Shed] n 棚,小屋an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage

Eg one thousand years ago, people were lived in the shed

[Opaque] adj 不透明的not clear; not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy eg ,It was a opaque cup

[Flit] v 突然转变. A sudden quick movement eg. He can’t stand the truth that he lost her parents [Enchant] v 使陶醉sth made the people feel better then in truth eg. His beauty sounds made me enchant in it.

[Radish] n 小萝卜a vegetable very small eg. Rabbit’s favorite is radish [Illustrated] adj 有插图的a kind of picture in the article eg. My little brother love the story with illustrated

[Slumber] n 睡眠the time or the quantilty of sleep eg .usually ,I have a little time to sleep ,so I have a bad slumber.

[Fowl] n 家禽an animal in home eg .in my home ,the fowl include chicken ,duck ect [Despondently] adv 沮丧地with a bad feeling and no confidence eg. He failed with the final exam that he was so despondently to go home

[Begrudge] v 吝啬a person who gave little money eg. He was a begrudge person who give her wife little money

[Saturated] adj 充满的filled with eg. My eyes saturated with tears
