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奥斯陆歌剧院/斯内赫塔07 07 May 2008 2008年5月By Nico Saieh —Filed under: Institutional Architecture , Selected , Ballet , Marble , Norway , Opera , Steel , Stone , Terrace , Wood由尼科Saieh -提起下:体制结构,选择,芭蕾舞,大理石,挪威,歌剧,钢铁,石材,阳台,木

Architects: Snohetta建筑师:斯内赫塔

Location: Bjørvika, Oslo, Norway地点:Bjørvika,奥斯陆,挪威

Client: Ministry of Church an Cultural Affairs客户:教会的文化事务部

Area: 38.500sqm面积:38.500sqm

Construction start: 2004建设启动:2004

Completion: 2007竣工时间:2007

Contractors: 55 contracts承建商:55合同

Geological Engineer: NGI地质工程师:下一代互联网

Structural Engineer: Reinertsen Engineering ANS结构工程师:赖纳特森工程答

Electrical Engineer: Ingeniør Per Rasmussen AS电气工程师:每拉斯姆森由于Ingeniør Theatre Planning: Theatre Project Consultants剧院规划:剧院工程顾问

Acoustics: Brekke Strand Akustikk, Arup Acoustic声学:布雷克东街Akustikk,奥雅纳声Artists, integrated artwork: Kristian Blystad, Kalle Grude, Jorunn Sannes, Astrid Løvaas og Kirsten Wagle艺术家,集成艺术品:克里斯蒂安Blystad,卡勒格鲁德Jorunn的Sannes,阿斯特丽德Løvaas摹基尔斯滕韦格尔

Photos: Snohetta, Nina Reistad, Statsbygg, Erik Berg & Nicolas Buisson照片:斯内赫塔,尼娜赖斯塔德,Statsbygg,伯格和埃里克尼古拉斯比松

About the Building Client and the User关于创建客户端和用户

Statsbygg is Norway's largest civil property manager, with 650 employees. Statsbygg是挪威最大的民用物业管理的650名员工。It is the state's main consultant on building and property issues, development and management.这是国家的建设和财产问题,发展和管理的主要顾问。Statsbygg is a management company under the Ministry of Renewal and Administration, but provides services and support to all ministries and state organs. Statsbygg是根据重建和行政部管理公司,但提供服务和支持,各部委和国家机关。

In 1998 the National Assembly decides that Statsbygg would be the building client for the new operahouse, responsible for planning and management. 1998年,国民议会决定Statsbygg将是新的歌剧院,规划建设和管理的客户负责。Statsbygg procure services in the private sector, but are responsible for professional coordination and quality control of the consultants, contractors and suppliers. Statsbygg采购私营部门的服务,但专业的协调和质量顾问,承包商和供应商控制的责任。

The Norwegian Opera and Ballet is the building's end user.挪威歌剧院和芭蕾舞团的建设的最终用户。They are Norway's largest music and theatrical institution.他们是挪威最大的音乐和戏剧的机构。Their core purpose is to be the national producer of opera, ballet, music and dance theatre, and concerts.其核心目的是要在歌剧,芭蕾舞,民族音乐和舞蹈制作戏剧和音乐会。They intend to have approx.他们打算为约。300 shows and 250,000 visitors per year. 300个节目和25万人次来参观。The Operahouse will be a workplace for approx.该歌剧院将是约的工作场所。600 employees from more than 50 professions. 600名来自50多个专业的员工。Architect's description建筑师的说明

The operahouse is the realisation of the winning competion entry.该歌剧院是获胜的比赛参赛的实现。Four diagrams, which were part of the entry, explain the building's basic concept.四图,这些条目的一部分,说明该建筑的基本概念。
