



Wishing to encourage her young son’s progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were 1 , the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the passage to greet her.

Seizing the 2 to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and 3__ explored his way through a door marked “NO ADMITTANCE.” When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and 4 that the child was missing.

Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In __5 , the mother saw her little boy sitting at the key-board, 6__ picking out Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

At that moment, the great piano master made his 7 , quickly moved to the piano, and __8 in the boy’s ear, “Don’t quit. Keep playing.”

Then 9 over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato (伴奏). Together, the old master and the young novice (beginner) transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully 10 experience. The audience was strongly 11 .

That’s the way it is in life. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly 12 . We try our best, but the 13 aren’t exactly graceful flowing music. But when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life’s work 14 can be beautiful.

Next time you set out to 15 great achievements, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, “Don’t quit. Keep playing.”

1. A. seated B. sat C. dressed D. rested

2. A. fact B. difficulty C. opportunity D. risk

3. A. actually B. occasionally C. fortunately D. eventually

4. A. discovered B. told C. accepted D. offered

5. A. joy B. trust C. horror D. pleasure

6. A. quickly B. personally C. generally D. innocently

7. A. entrance B. disappearance C. arrangement D. opening

8. A. shouted B. repeated C. promised D. whispered

9. A. turning B. bending C. rising D. handing

10. A. creative B. effective C. annoying D. fearing 11. A. addicted B. invited C. attacked D. attracted

12. A. abnormal B. remarkable C. unimportant D. ordinary

13. A. goals B. intentions C. results D. purposes

14. A. luckily B. truly C. slightly D. fortunately

15. A. overcome B. enjoy C. accomplish D. become

二. 语法填空

When I was a ten-year-old girl,I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life”. To talk before the whole class!Just imagine how 16(terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that with so many eyes fixed upon me. I had no other 17(choose),though. First I was to draft the speech and that was just a piece of cake for me,because I was a good writer—something to pride myself in. But the hard part 18(lie) in my oral presentation;to read from 19paper was not allowed;I had to give the speech 20my memory and in front of such a big audience!A real trial began when I stood on the platform with my legs 21(tremble) and my mind blank. How much time had passed by,I didn't know. My listeners were still waiting,patiently and without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found 22 back,giving out my speech with difficulty. Finally I finished. After 23seemed to be a hundred years,I found my audience applauding. I made it!From then on,my fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with my confidence building up,I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back,I know the 24(great) difficulty on our way to success is our fear;overcome it,25we will be able to achieve our goals

16.17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.


英语 语言知识运用

Ⅱ、语言知识运用 1、选择填空。(25分) (A)词语替换。选择能替换句中划线部分的词或短语。(5分) ( )31. What's the matter with you? A. sick B. wrong C. the thing D. matter ( )32. He'll return to my hometown next week. A. go on B. go out C. go away D. go back ( )33. They got to the farm at last . A. in the end B. at the end C. at once D. at first ( )34. Last week we had a good time in the Summer Palace. A. laughed at ourselves B. were sad C. enjoyed ourselves D. were sorry ( )35. He can take care of the baby. A. look at B. look over C. look after D. look like (B)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(20分) ( ) 36. We must keep our classroom ____________. A. cleaned B. cleaning C. to clean D. clean ( ) 37. Do you have _________ to tell us ? A. something new B. new something C. some thing new D. some new thing ( ) 38. Lily saw an old woman __________ home. A. on her way to B. on her way C. during her way D. in her way to ( ) 39. —Must I go back home at eight? —No, you__________. A. mustn't B. can't C. never D. needn't ( )40. Please ________ the message _______ your mother. A. give, to B. take, to C. give, for D. take, with ( ) 41. It took her two hours __ her homework yesterday. A. finishing B. finished C. to finish D. finish ( ) 42. Mr wang bought _________ bike for her daughter last night. A. quite nice B. a quite nice C. quite a nice D. quite nice ( )43. Remember _______ at half past six tomorrow morning, please. A. wake me up B. wake up me C. to wake up me D. to wake me up ( ) 44. Would you please _________ away my bag? A. not take B. not to take C. not taking D. not bring ( ) 45. John runs _________ than Tom. A. more faster B. much faster

高考语文 语言知识与运用满分答题精华总结

高考语文满分答题精华总结 第二板块:语言知识与运用(27分) 高分口诀:审题干,明确答题方向审题文回应暗含要求 1、字音字形辨析题:(注意:语音不考虑声调,错别字今年不单独命题。) 字音题:【答题技巧】(1)常见多音字标“次读音”正确的可能性大,标“常读音”正确的可能性小。形声字标“不同声旁读音”的正确可能性大,标“同声旁读音”的正确可能性小。常见字标音正确的可能性小。生僻字一般不会标错音。(2)广东人区分舌尖前音和舌尖后音,塞擦音的送气音与不送气音,后响复韵母的“ie”与“uè”难度很大,必须矫正。(3)善用排除法。 【答题知识】①正确把握形声字的读音,利用形声字声旁能表读音的功能识记一些难读字,如:屣xi、狰zhen;记住形声字的声旁字与字的读音不一致的字,如:谄chan、陷xian、焰yan、旖yi、嗔chen。②注意区别形近字,如:“刺”与“剌”、“陡”与“徙”、“赢”与“羸”。③注意多音多义字的读音。多音多义的读音是考查的重点。多音常常是因为“多义”,所以因义定音是多音字正音的重要方法,如:“卡”做音译语素时读ka,卡车、卡宾枪,取和“不畅通”有关义项时,读qia,关卡、发卡、卡壳。④注意口语与书面语的读音区别,如“哈”,书面语中读ha,在方言或口语中读ha或ha;“露”,书面语中读lu,口语中常读lou。⑤注意一般词语与专用词语的读音区别,如:街谈巷xian议、巷han道。 字形题【答题技巧】基本方法为以“义”定“形”。(1)从形旁入手。如“弩”和“驽”,“肓”与“盲”。(2)从词义入成手,如“迫不及待”中的“及”是“等到”的意思,不是“急迫”的意思。(3)从词语的结构入手。如“文过饰非,幽愁暗恨”,并列式词语,“文”和“饰”,“幽”与”暗”互训。再如:穷形尽相、和颜悦色等。(4)从成语的出处入手。如:察言观色、墨守成规等。 【答题知识】错:(1)因形近而错。如将“病入膏肓”写成“病入膏盲”,将“脍炙人口”写成“脍灸人口”,“不胫而走”写成“不径而走”等。(2)因音同或音近而错。如“一筹莫展”写成“一愁莫展”等。(3)受上一个字或下一个字的影响而错。如将“安排”写成“按排”,“灯泡”写成“灯炮”,“清晰”写成“清淅”。(4)因音近义通而错。如“弱不禁风”写成“弱不经风”,“墨守成规”写成“墨守陈规”。(5)因音同音近而错。如“籍贯”写成“藉贯”,“销赃”写成“消赃”等。 2.词语运用题


《英语学科知识与教学能力》(初级中学) 一、考试目标 1. 英语学科知识与能力 具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言能力;具备从事初中英语教学所需要的英语语言能力;能理解有关英语国家的语言、历史和文化等相关知识。 2.英语学科教学知识与能力 掌握基本的、适合初中英语教学的学科教学知识和英语课程标准知识,并能用以指导初中英语教学。 3.英语学科教学设计能力 能够根据英语学科特点,针对初中学生的认知特点、语言水平和学习需要选择并设计合理的教学内容,形成完整合理的教学方案。 4. 英语学科教学实施能力 理解初中英语课堂教学实施的基本原则和方法,具备实施语言课堂教学的基本能力;能够依据教学设计,根据教学实际情况,采用恰当的教学手段,引导学生进行有效学习。 5. 英语学科教学评价知识与能力 了解初中英语课堂教学评价的基本知识和方法,能够对学生的语言学习进行恰当的评价;了解教学反思的基本方法和策略,能够对自己的课堂教学实践进行反思,提出改进的思路。 二、考试模块内容与要求 (一) 语言知识与能力 1.掌握英语语言的基础知识,了解语言研究中与英语教学相关的基本概念和内容,并能在课堂教学中加以运用。 2.具有良好的英语语言运用能力,包括用英语进行书面表达、获取教学资源和信息、表达思想情感和与学生良好沟通的能力;能够筛选并改编适合初中学生英语水平的教学材料。 3. 能在语篇中理解英语国家的语言、历史和文学等相关的社会文化知识。

(二)语言教学知识与能力 1.了解英语教学基本理论,包括语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观等对初中英语教学的指导作用。 2.理解《全日制义务教育普通初级中学英语课程标准(实验)》的目标内容(语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识),以及课程标准的其他相关知识,并能在教学设计与实施中运用。 3.掌握英语语言知识(语音、词汇、语法等)的教学基本原则、讲解和练习方法。 4.掌握英语语言技能(听、说、读、写)的教学原则和训练方法。 5.能结合英语社会文化语境,设计并实施英语知识和技能的教学与训练。 (三)教学设计 1.了解初中学生的认知特征、已有的英语知识、语言能力和学习需求,能够说明教学内容与学生已学知识之间的联系。 2.理解课程标准的目标要求,能够根据学生的特点选择恰当的教学内容。 3.掌握根据恰当的教学内容,设定合理、明确与具体的教学目标。 4.能根据教学目标,创设教学情景、设计有效的教学活动、安排合理的教学过程、编制辅助教学材料。 5.能够根据教学内容和教学过程,设计有效的学习评估活动。 (四)教学实施与评价 1.掌握英语课堂教学的基本步骤与方法,能够创设教学情景,激发学习动机,引导学生参与语言学习活动。 2.掌握指导学生学习的方法和策略,能依据英语学科特点和学生的认知特征,根据教学实际情况,恰当地运用语言讲解、互动练习、提问、反馈等方法,帮助学生有效学习。 3.掌握课堂管理基本方法,熟悉课堂活动常用组织形式,能在教学活动中以学生为中心组织教学,能在课堂教学的不同阶段中发挥教师的作用。 4.掌握课堂总结的方法,能适时地对教学内容进行归纳、总结与评价,科学合理地布置作业。


语言知识应用篇 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 William, an old French name, was introduced to England by William the Conqueror and 1. ________ (quick) became extremely popular. By the 13th century, it was the most common 2. ________ (give) name among English men. William was of Viking origin. Though he spoke a dialect of French and grew 3. ________ in Normandy, he and other Normans descended from Scandinavian invaders. One of William's relatives, Rollo, 4. ________ (conquer) Normandy in northern France with other Vikings in the late 9th and early 10th centuries. Just over two weeks before the Battle of Hastings in October 1066, William had invaded England, claiming (宣称) his right to the English kingdom. According to Norman historians, King Edward promised 5. ________ (pass) his kingdom to William. On his deathbed, however, Edward gave the kingdom to Harold Godwinson, head of the leading noble (贵族的) family in England and 6. ________ (powerful) than the king himself. In January 1066, King Edward died, and Harold Godwinson 7. ________ (announce) himself as King Harold II. William immediately fought with him. After his victory at the Battle of Hastings, William marched on London. On Christmas Day of 1066, he was crowned ( 加冕) the first Norman king of England in Westminster Abbey, and the Anglo-Saxon period of English history came to 8. ________ end. French became the language of the king's court and gradually mixed with the Anglo-Saxon tongue to give birth 9. ________ modern English. William I proved an effective king of England and made great 10. ________ (achieve).


项目名称:迎接大学语言教学的挑战-强化英语和汉语的 语言知识和运用能力 主要负责大学:香港城市大学 参与的教资会资助大学:香港浸会大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学 项目负责人:香港城市大学 韩礼德语言研究及智能应用中心主任/ 翻译及语言学系教授 卫真道教授 计划旨在提升大学生的中、英语文知识和运用能力,协助大学生达到高等教育的语文要求。计划由四个互容互补的研究子项目组成,提供多元的、能兼顾教和学的需求的平台,帮助学生提升中英文能力。 第一个研究子项目致力开发一个智能网上写作系统,让大学生能够更熟练地完成英语写作,并为应对更具挑战性的职场和学术写作任务作好准备。透过本项目,学生将能全面掌握理解和应用英语的技巧,其内容涵盖面广,从日常用语到论文写作都有所囊括。 第二个研究子项目期望学生能够透过对中、英文有效使用的自主探索,提升语言能力,并对语言学习产生深远的影响。要达到以上目标,学习必须涵盖以下五个模块:学习动机(Motivation)、参与感(Engagement)、关联性(Relevance)、创意(Innovation)及知识传播(Transferring of knowledge)。这个MERIT课程鼓励学生主动参与,在探索创新的学习活动当中发现问题,并利用创意寻找解决方案,以达到知识传递的目标。学生将合作建立名为“我有答案"(Ask-Me-Why)的网站,分享和公布学习成果。 第三个研究子项目以提高成年人的汉语水平(包括书面语和口语(粤语及普通话))和沟通技巧为目标,建立名为“国际汉语沙龙"(International Chinese Language Salon,ICLS)的线上多媒体学习平台。该平台将提供互动说话训练和在线写作指导,每名学生都会收到学习反馈。此外,平台上还能找到各式各样的在线学习资源,例如影片教学、录音教材、实用的语法和语音参考指引等等。 第四个研究子项目的目标是撰写《香港学生英语发音指南》An English Pronunciation Guide for Cantonese Students in Hong Kong一书,书的内容包括:(1)


语言知识运用练(三) (建议用时:25分钟) Ⅰ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (2017·安徽百所重点高中二模) Ten years ago, a doctor told me something was wrong with my lung and I had to give up work at once and went to bed.I was totally __1__ and felt I was suddenly placed under __2__ of death with an indefinite reprieve(缓刑). After careful thought, I __3__ my affairs; then I went home and got into bed.But 2 years later, I left my bed and __4__ the long climb back.It was another year __5__ I made it. I speak of this experience because these past years have __6__ me what to value and what to believe.I __7__ now that this world is not my oyster(牡蛎) to be opened but my __8__ to be grasped. I’ve also learned that it’s necessary to __9__ those little, all-important things I never thought I would __10__ before: the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree, the __11__ of sunlight on running water. I seem now, with some of the __12__ freshness of childhood, to hear and see. How well, __13__,I recall the touch of the earth the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed. It was like __14__ one’s citizenship in a world one had nearly lost. Frequently, I __15__ myself that I need make notes of this __16__ I’m living in now, because in it I’m well,__17__ doing what I like best.It won’t always be like this,__18__ I’ll make the most of it and be grateful.I __19__ all this to that long time spent in bed. Wiser people come to this __20__ without having to acquire it the hard way. But I wasn’t wise enough.I’m wiser now, a little, and happier. 1.A.confused B.shocked C.determined D.annoyed 2.A.trial B.pressure C.sentence D.control 3.A.made up B.set up C.took up D.cleared up 4.A.recalled B.began C.avoided D.accepted 5.A.when B.after C.since D.before 6.A.assigned B.taught C.treated D.assured 7.A.admit B.demand C.expect D.realize


例说语言知识与运用技巧 未 2009-05-06 0622 1、字音字形辨析题: 字音题:【答题技巧】(1)常见多音字标“次读音”正确的可能性大,标“常读音”正确的可能性小。形声字标“不同声旁读音”的正确可能性大,标“同声旁读音”的正确可能性小。常见字标音正确的可能性小。生僻字一般不会标错音。(2) 广东人区分舌尖前音和舌尖后音,塞擦音的送气音与不送气音,后响复韵母的“ie”与“uè”难度很大,必须矫正。(3)善用排除法。 【答题知识】①正确把握形声字的读音,利用形声字声旁能表读音的功能识记一些难读字,如屣xi、狰zhen ;记住形声字的声旁字与字的读音不一致的字,如谄cha n、陷xi an、焰y an、旖yi 、嗔chen。②注意区别形近字,如“刺”与“剌”、“陡”与“徙”、“赢”与“羸”。③注意多音多义字的读音。多音多义的读音是考查的重点。多音常常是因为“多义”,所以因义定音是多音字正音的重要方法,如“卡”做音译语素时读ka,卡车、卡宾枪,取和“不畅通”有关义项时,读qia,关卡、发卡、卡壳。④注意口语与书面语的读音区别,如“哈”,书面语中读ha,在方言或口语中读ha 或 ha ;“露”,书面语中读lu ,口语中常读lou。⑤注意一般词语与专用词语的读音区别,如街谈巷xian 议、巷han 道。 字形题【答题技巧】基本方法为以“义”定“形”。(1)从形旁入手。如“弩”和“驽”,“肓”与“盲”。(2)从词义入成手,如“迫不及待”中的“及”是“等到”的意思,不是“急迫”的意思。(3)

从词语的结构入手。如“文过饰非,幽愁暗恨”,并列式词语,“文”和“饰”,“幽”与”暗”互训。再如穷形尽相、和颜悦色等。(4)从成语的出处入手。如察言观色、墨守成规等。 【答题知识】错(1)因形近而错。如将“病入膏肓”写成“病入膏盲”,将“脍炙人口”写成“脍灸人口”,“不胫而 走”写成“不径而走”等。(2)因音同或音近而错。如“一筹莫展”写成“一愁莫展”等。(3)受上一个字或下一个字 的影响而错。如将“安排”写成“按排”,“灯泡”写成“灯炮”,“清晰”写成“清淅”。(4)因音近义通而错。如“弱 不禁风”写成“弱不经风”,“墨守成规”写成“墨守陈规”。(5)因音同音近而错。如“籍贯”写成“藉贯”,“销赃”写成“消赃”等。 2.词语运用题 【答题技巧】(1)语素分析:“留同析异”,分析出不同的语素进行组词再作区别。比如“学历”与“学力”,都是偏正结构的词,其中“学”是意义相同的部分,可不予比辨析,而应对“历”和“力”进行比较。“历”是指经历,即在哪些等级学校学过,毕业还是肄业;“力”是指程度、能力、水平。(2)语境分析:对词语的运用,一定要在上下文中找到相应的信息,重点是使用场合上的搭配。(3)语素都不相同的词语,重点从用法方面考虑。


语言知识运用练(五) 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 [2019·兰州实战模拟] Bob Charland used to work as a nightclub security guard. He was beaten so severely in the __1__ twice by people he'd kicked out of the bar, most recently in 2015, and it __2__ his brain. In 2017, he learned he had a cyst (囊肿) in the back of his brain. He had memory loss and severe headaches. “My doctor said my brain looked as though it __3__ to a 70-year-old man,” said Charland. The doctor said there was no way to __4__ the disease. __5__ it would take his life. He thought about contacting Death with Dignity. He didn't want to be a __6__ to anybody. But then, he received a call from an advisor at an underprivileged (贫 困的) school, wondering if he had some extra bikes he could __7__. He, in fact, did have some extra bikes. “That __8__ my thought,” said Charland. Some people with a __9__ disease set out to __10__ and see the world. Charland decided to devote whatever time he had __11__ to giving bikes to underprivileged children. Since the spring of 2017, Charland has spent more than $10, 000 of his own money __12__ about 1,000 bikes for __13__. He works with police officers to help deliver the bikes and __14__ to local schools, adjust seats and handlebars and give children bicycle safety lessons. Many of the children he brings bikes to live in high-crime neighborhoods, and their only previous experiences with police have been __15__. He often takes extra time to connect with them and is now known in some neighborhoods as “Bob the Bike Guy”. “To spend time with these kids and see their smiles is an amazing feeling,” said Charland. “Sometimes, for the first tim e in a long time, they see that somebody __16__.” He devotes every Tuesday night to turning shabby old bikes into functioning, pretty ones. Charland said he thinks he chose bikes as a way to help kids because


语言知识运用(一) 完形填空 Mr. Swales was talking about what people do all day. He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to be when they __1__. He called on Billy Mitzer first. “My daddy works in a bank,” Billy Mitzer said. “I guess I want to work in a b ank too. There's lots of __2__ in the bank.” “My parents have a grocery store,” Emmy Disalvo said. “Papa's behind the __3__ and Mama keeps the cash register. But I want to be an airline pilot.” Jodie liked it when Mr Swales asked them __4__ like this. He was about to call on Jodie __5__ the girls in the back row burst out __6__. Shirley Danes shouted,“Jodie's Daddy is a __7__!Pee-yoo! ” Everybody in the class laughed out loud. Everybody except Jodie,that is. She felt her face turn bright __8__. She looked around the whole __9__. Everyone was laughing. Some kids were __10__ holding their noses. Jodie looked at Mr. Swales. He was __11__. He almost never raised his voice,but now he did. “Silence! I want everybody quiet this instant.” The laughter stopped __12__. The sound of cars and people going by out on the street came __13__ the windows. “You should be __14__ of yourselves,” Mr Swales said. “Being a garbageman is a(n) __15__ and very useful job. We should all be __16__ to Mr. Harris.” “Garbage is a serious matter. I think you all owe Jodie a(n) __17__.” Mr. Swales went on. “And after that,you're all going to write Jodie's father,Mr Harris,a nice __18__ to tell him how much you appreciate what he does for all of us.” Mr. Swales came to Jodie's desk and __19__ her on the shoulder. “I'm sorry this happened,” he said. “But remember,hard work done well is something to be __20__ of. There's nothing wrong with being a garbageman,absolutely not.” 1. A. brought up B. got up C. made up D. grew up 2. A. information B. money C. equipment D. business 3. A. counter B. shelf C. door D. goods 4. A. chances B. problems C. questions D. suggestions

2020中考语文复习同步导练:第1部分 语言知识及其运用 专题6

专题六同步导练 基础测试 1.给下面这则新闻拟写标题最恰当的一项是 ( ) 本报讯 5月28日,新宁广场公共停车场综合改造工程开工。这个总面积约10万平方米,总投资8. 47亿元的综合改造项目将于明年完工,届时,新宁广场及周边地区停车难的现象将得到有效缓解。 据了解,新宁广场综合停车场项目位于新宁广场北侧地下,建设内容包括广场改造、地下停车场、地下车行通道、人行过街通道、商业区、人防工程及未来轻轨站点预留等。停车场项目工期分为两个阶段,第一阶段为地下停车场改造和绿地改造工程,计划将在年内完成主体施工,明年6月以前完成绿地改造;第二阶段为通道建设,该建设将在“十二五”规划建设期内完成。 A新宁广场停车场工程开工 B新宁广场公共停车场综合改造工程开工 C新宁广场公共停车场综合改造工程5月28日开工 D.新宁广场停车场项目工期将分为两个阶段完成 2.概括下面语段内容。(不超过15个字) 对于胸怀大志的创业者,世博会的滋养和熏陶改变了他们的人生轨迹。18岁的诺贝尔参观了1851年伦敦世博会,对科学的向往压倒了对文学的迷恋;布鲁奈尔和鲁赛尔就是在1851年伦敦世博会上结识后,敲定了建造“大东方”号巨轮的方案;从斯德哥尔摩赶到费城参加1876年世博会的安德鲁受到美国飞行家怀斯的启蒙,成了瑞典热气球航行的‘先驱;幼年的福特因随父亲参加1876年费城世博会而爱上机械,1893年他专程奔赴芝加哥世博会并见到戴姆勒的汽车后,激发了一生中最重要的灵感。 3.阅读下面一则新闻报道,请用一句话概括其主要内容。 本报讯多年来,交通拥堵一直是兰州经济社会发展的瓶颈。1月28日,记者从兰州市发展和改革工作会议上了解到,2010年兰州将加快一批重大交通项目建设,交通拥堵现象也有望得到改观。 2010年兰州将全面推进城市中心区、三滩地区以及安宁新城区、榆中东城区、西固石化城道路的改扩建与新建。同时,有计划地对老城区道路进行整治改造,加快东西向交通主干道建设,抓好欣月湖路、烈士陵园路、南城根、雁园路、T605#规划路、T603#路延伸工程,实施中山桥、七里河黄河大桥、中立桥的维修加固工作。加快通渭路、中心滩、深安、雁青黄河大桥的建设步伐。 4.用一句话概括下面这则新闻报道的内容。(字数不超出空格的限制) 《宁夏日报》5月11日讯作为民航西北管理局“十一五”期间计划新建的5个机场之一的六盘山机场,以2015年为设计目标年,满足年旅客吞吐量2万人次,货邮吞吐量530吨的需要。设计机型为波音737和空客320系列以下飞机使用,飞行区等级为4C级。经过三年多的建设,5月10日12时20分,北京中心一架桨状560型飞机经过1小时50分左右的飞行,安全平稳地降落在固原六盘山机场。这次试飞的成功,为机场6月26日通航奠定了基础。六盘山机场的投入使用,将成为打通固原通往全国乃至世界的空中通道。

2020年高考英语二轮复习考情分析与核心整合试题:语言知识运用练(六) Word版含解析

语言知识运用练(六) 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 [2019·南昌二模] In a clean, clinical room, my best friend was dying in my arms. His eyes, dark brown and trusting, would soon __1__ forever. Heartbroken, I said, “Flash, you __2__ so much happiness to me. I will do something good as a __3__.” Flash came into my __4__ when I was nine. From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home, he __5__ my family with joy. Then, __6__ happened. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11. Then my grandma, who was my __7__,passed away. My sister developed Crohn's disease and while being tested, __8__ a heart attack. I was being bullied at school and started to __9__ classes and avoid seeing people. Flash soon gave me all the __10__ he could offer. There were times when I felt there was no __11__,but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me. I knew he was __12__ there for me. I knew he understood. Now after 15 years, Flash was __13__. I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him. I __14__ in a non-profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3,500 hours to __15__ children with special needs, which completely changed my life. I learned to love the __16__ I had been on, and even accept the __17__ bits. I still miss Flash. It was him that had somehow __18__ me to help others. Flash's death was one of the __19__ moments of my life. But it was also an inspiring moment that __20__ who I was — in the best possible way — forever. 体裁:记叙文题材:个人经历主题:狗狗去世让我加入志愿者行列

2020版高考二轮复习25分钟语言知识运用练1语言知识运用练(一)(英语 解析版)

语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 My seven-y ear-old daughter always has her nose in a book. She even continued __1__ in the car on the long drive to summer camp, where she lost the book. This is the first lost __2__ book in my life. In my childhood, my parents had always expected me to be __3__, but we were poor, and I didn’t __4__ books. I had to borrow books. My library books lived on a __5__ shelf while they were mine, and it __6__ me when I had to return them to the library on the due day. However, my daughter has __7__ books now than I owned during my whole childhood. So it’s probably my __8__ that she didn’t cherish the books. “Sorry, I can’t find it,” my daughter said with a shrug, “We just pay $20 for the book. What’s the big __9__?” The missing library book just met with a cold __10__ from her, but it met with nail-biting __11__ from me. I walked into the library in a deep __12__ as if I had lost the book. Feeling the need to make her feel __13__ for the book, I asked her to do the household chores. She agreed to clean up all the pets’houses __14__ my paying the library book. I’d meant the chores to be __15__! Surprisingly, she was enjoying herself. I took a picture of her lovely back. So, did I win or lose at __16__? Did I teach her the __17__ of keeping a library book if the picture I took shows she is working __18__? To my __19__, my little girl knew what __20__ in her life. She could devote herself to the chores as much as to the books. 1.A.driving B.thinking C.reading D.viewing 2.A.school B.reference C.story D.library 3.A.powerful B.practical C.academic D.employed 4.A.write B.own C.order D.love 5.A.wasted B.dusty C.present D.specific 6.A.pained B.companied C.abandoned D.lost 7.A.fewer B.better C.cheaper D.more

2021年高考语文专题复习:语言知识与运用 答题知识与技巧

2021年高考语文专题复习:语言知识与运用答题知识与技巧 1、字音字形辨析题: 字音题: 【答题技巧】 (1)常见多音字标“次读音”正确的可能性大,标“常读音”正确的可能性小。形声字标“不同声旁读音”的正确可能性大,标“同声旁读音”的正确可能性小。常见字标音正确的可能性小。生僻字一般不会标错音。 (2)浙江人区分翘不翘舌,前鼻音和后鼻音的难度很大,必须矫正。 (3)善用排除法。 【答题知识】 (1)正确把握形声字的读音,利用形声字声旁能表读音的功能识记一些难读字,如:屣xi、狰zhen;记住形声字的声旁字与字的读音不一致的字,如:谄chan、陷xian、焰yan、旖yi、嗔chen。 (2)注意区别形近字,如:“刺”与“剌”、“陡”与“徙”、“赢”与“羸”。 ⑶注意多音多义字的读音。多音多义的读音是考查的重点。多音常常是因为“多义”,所以因义定音是多音字正音的重要方法,如:“卡”做音译语素时读ka,卡车、卡宾枪,取和“不畅通”有关义项时,读qia,关卡、发卡、卡壳。 ⑷注意口语与书面语的读音区别,如“哈”,书面语中读ha,在方言或口语中读ha或ha;“露”,书面语中读lu,口语中常读lou。 ⑸注意一般词语与专用词语的读音区别,如:街谈巷xian议、巷hang道。 字形题 【答题技巧】基本方法为以“义”定“形”。 (1)从形旁入手。如“弩”和“驽”,“肓”与“盲”。 (2)从词义入手,如“迫不及待”中的“及”是“等到”的意思,不是“急迫”的意思。(3)从词语的结构入手。如“文过饰非,幽愁暗恨”,并列式词语,“文”和“饰”,“幽”与”暗”互训。再如:穷形尽相、和颜悦色等。 (4)从成语的出处入手。如:察言观色、墨守成规等。 【答题知识】
