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2.To effect shipment 装运
• Shipment is to be effected (made) during March/April. • 3至4月份装船。 • The shipment of bath towels under contract No.756 will be effected by M.V. “Goddess”, which is scheduled to leave here on 20 June. • 第756号项下浴巾的货物将由“女神”轮装 运,该轮定于6月20日起航。
• 3. For the goods under our Contract No. XXX we have booked space on SS “Victory” which is due to arrive in EMP on/about 10 April. For loading arrangements, please communicate with our shipping agent Singapore XXX Corporation. • 我方已在“胜利”轮上订妥舱位,以装XXX号 合同项下之货,该轮定于4月10日或4月10日 左右到达欧洲主要港口。至于装船事项请与我 方运输代理新加坡XXX公司接洽。
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5.To advance (postpone) shipment 提前(推迟)装运
6. To mark 刷唛
• Please ensure that all the cases are marked clearly with our initials in a triangle, under which comes the destination with the contract number below. • 请务必清楚地在所有箱子上将我公司首字 母写在三角形内,其下方为目的港名,下 面为合同编号。
3. To be airmailed 空邮
• In compliance with the terms of the contract, a full set of duplicate documents were airmailed to you immediately after the goods were shipped. • 按照合同条款,在货物装船后即将全套单 据副本空邮给你方。 • 正本/副本单据: • original/duplicate document
• 7. Your shipment should be effected in two equal monthly lots during November and December. • 你方的货物应在11月份及12月份两次等量装运。 • 8. We are pleased to inform you that the goods under S/C No. XXX went forward per SS “Washington” of the Pacific line on 8 March and the relevant samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. • 兹通知XXX号销售确认书项下货物已于3月8日装 太平洋航运公司“华盛顿”号轮,有关货样已于 该轮启程前空邮你方。
Ⅱ. Shipping Advice
1. To advise (inform, notify) sb. 通知某人
• We take pleasure in advising you that we have today shipped the goods under you Order No. 756 on board S/S “Peace” which sails for your port tomorrow. • 我们高兴地通知你方,756号订单之货物已 于今日装上“和平”号轮,该轮将于明日 驶往你方港口。
2. To ship goods by S.S (M.V) 由…轮装运货物
• Please try your utmost to ship our goods by S.S. “Peace” which is due to arrive at Hamburg on 8 May, and confirm by return that the goods will be ready in time. • 请尽力用“和平”号轮装运我方货物,该 轮定于5月8日抵汉堡。请函复确认货物将 按时备妥。
• It is stipulated the shipment is to be made in October. However, we shall appreciate it if you will manage to advance the shipment to September, to enable is to catch the busy season. • 按规定应于10月装运,但是如蒙你方设法提前于 9月交货,以使我方赶上旺季,则不胜感激。 • As the market is sluggish, please postpone the shipment of our ordered goods to March. • 因市场疲软,所订购货物请延迟至3月发货,
1. Shipping documents covering… 的装运单据
2. To be sent through…bank 由某银行转交
• The originals of the shipping documents are being sent to you through the Bank of China. • 装运单据正本通过中国银行寄送你方。 • The Commercial Invoice and Insurance Policy, together with clean on board ocean Bill of Lading have been set through the National Bank. • 商业发票、保险单和清洁已装船海运提单 已交国家银行转送。
4. To make a partial shipment 分批装运
• If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment of 50 tons of rice in July and the balance of 50 tons in August. • 如果你方要求提前装运,我们只能于7月分 批装运其中的50吨大米,其余的50吨将于8 月装运。
• 6. The shipping containers can be opened at both sides for loading and unloading at the same time. They are watertight and airtight and can be loaded and locked at the factory. • 船运集装箱能两头开启供同时装货及卸货,船运 集装箱是防水和密封的,在厂内可以装货,也可 锁上。
Sentences Examples
• 1. Since there is no direct steamer sailing from here to your port prior to May 15, we are extremely sorry for our inability to advance the shipment as requested. • 由于5月15日前没有直达班轮从这里驶往你港,我 方十分抱歉,不能按你方要求提前发货。 • 2. If you require earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment of 50 tons of XX in June, and the balance of 50 tons of XX in July. • 如果你方要求提前交货,我方只能分批发货,在6 月发出50吨XX,其余50吨则在7月发出。
3. To be transshipped (at)转船
• We have pleasure in notifying you that we have shipped today by m.v. “Yellow River” 200 cartons of alarm clocks. They are to be transshipped at Hong Kong and are expected to reach your port early next month. • 兹通知已由“黄河”号轮发运200箱闹钟。 此货物将在新加坡转船,预定于下月初到 达你方港口。
Ⅱ. Shipping Documents
• Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment, which comprises: the commercial invoice, bill of lading, packing list, certificate of origin and insurance certificate. • 现附上这批货物的装运单据一套,包括商 业发票、提单、装箱单、原产地证书和保 险凭证。
• 请预定所需的舱位,以保证及时装运所订购的货 物。
4. Within the stipulated time 在规定时间内
• As our users are in urgent need of the consignment, please get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time. • 由于我方客户急需此货物,请按规定的时 间发运。
• 4. We have been informed that your Company is now operating a shipping container service of the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean route. We are writing to you for asking some particulars of this service. Charges for using the service are also expected to be offered. • 我方获悉贵公司正在营运印度洋及地中海的船 运集装箱服务。我方现写信你方咨询该项服务 的详细情况,并望提供使用该项服务的费用。
3. To book shipping space 订舱位
• As soon as shipping space is booked, we shall advise you of the name of the ship on which the goods are to be sent. • 一俟订舱后,我方将告知装运货物的船名。 • Please book the necessary shipping space in advance to ensure timely dispatch of the goods ordered.
Sentence Patterns
Ⅰ. Shipping Instructions
1. To be ready for shipment 备妥待运
• We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered are ready for shipment. Please let us have your instructions for shipping marks and dispatch. • 我们高兴地通知你方所订购的货物已备妥 待运,请告知唛头及装运要求。
• 5. The shipping containers are of two sizes, namely 10ft and 20ft long and built to take loads up to 2 - 4 tons respectively.
• 船运集装箱有两种尺寸,10英尺及20英 尺长,装载量分别为2~4吨。