Dear Sirs, Contract No.3485 Referring to1our previous2letters, we wish to call your attention to3the fact that up to the present moment4no news has come from you about the shipment under the subject contract.(提及以前的函电和交易) As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing5us for a timely6delivery.(解释及时交货的重要性) Under the circumstances7, it is obviously8impossible for us to further extend our L/C No.8769, which expires9on 2ndMay, and we are obliged to10remind you of11this matter once again.(进一步解释不能 展期信用证) As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned12, we hope you will let us have your shipping advice13without delay14.(希望早日发货) Yours faithfully,
Keep Customer Informed the Ship Date & ETA 告知客人装运和预计到港时间 货物出运后,必须再次告知客户具
Could you do something to advance your shipment?
They hold a discussion on the time of shipment for fireworks.
I want the goods to be delivered in June.
After shipment, it will be altogether four to five weeks before the goods can reach our retailers.
The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. "Dong Feng".
We ship most of our oil in bulk.
We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A.
cargo mark 货物装运标志
Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?
An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment.
loading certificate 装货证明书
• 装运涉及面很广,通常书写有关装运的 信函有几种目的: • 催促早日装运; • 修改装船条款; • 寄发装船通知; • 寄送装船单据等等。
• 合同一般会规定货物装运完毕后,卖方必 须立即向买方发出装船通知(Shipping Advice),其内容包括合同号(或订单)、 商品名称、数量、货值、船名及启航日期 等。对于按CFR条件下的交易,装船通知 尤为重要。(why) • 装运通知可以采用定型函稿或普通函件。
• Requesting Earlier Delivery • Dear Sirs, • We refer to our purchase contract No. 177 under the terms of the contract that the delivery time is scheduled of May 2005. We would now like to bring delivery forward to March /April 2005. • We offer our sincere apologies since we realize that the change of delivery date will probably bring inconvenience to you. We know that you will consider that we would not ask for earlier delivery if we did not have compelling reasons for doing so. • In view of our long pleasant relations, we would be very grateful if you would make a special effort to meet our request. • We look forward to hearing further from you at an early date. • Yours faithfully,
外贸口语08-shipment advance shipment提前装运 shipment提前装运
Something unexpected compels us to seek your cooperation by advancing shipment of the goods under S/C No.730 from Aug./ July. 以外的情况迫使我们寻求贵方配合,请将第730号售货确认书 以外的情况迫使我们寻求贵方配合,请将第730号售货确认书 项下货物装运期由8/9月份提前到7 项下货物装运期由8/9月份提前到7月. It is stipulated that shipment is to be made in October. However, we shall appreciate the advanced shipment to September to enable us to catch the busy season. 按规定应于10月装运,但是如蒙贵方设法提前于9 按规定应于10月装运,但是如蒙贵方设法提前于9月交货以使 我方赶上旺季,则不胜感激. Since there is no direct steamer sailing from here to your port prior to March 5th, we are extremely sorry for our inability to advance the shipment as requested. 由于3 由于3月5日前,此地无直达船驶往贵方港口,歉难按要求提前 装运,请谅. advise (inform, notify) sb. We take pleasure in advising you that we have today shipped the goods under your Order No.756 on board S/S "Peace" which sails for your Peace" port tomorrow. 我方高兴地通知贵方,第二季度56号订单之货物已于今日 我方高兴地通知贵方,第二季度56号订单之货物已于今日 装上"和平" 装上"和平"号轮,该轮将于明日驶往贵方港口. We are pleased to inform you that the goods under S/C No.3125 went forward per M.V. "Washington" of the Pacific Line on May 7, and Washington" the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. 兹通知3125号销售确认书项下货物已于5 兹通知3125号销售确认书项下货物已于5月7日装上太平 洋航运公司"华盛顿" 洋航运公司"华盛顿"号轮,有关货样已于该轮启航前航 邮给了贵方
expedite shipment 加速装运
hasten shipment 加紧装运
表示平均装运 to make shipment in three equal lots 分三次平均装运 1) 合同规定需分两批等量装运。 The contract stipulated that the shipment should be made in two equal lots. 表示某月份装运 for shipment in May for shipment during June and July shipment May for May shipment
Urging shipment
1. expiration n. 期满;终止 期满; 1) 这批货物必须在许可证期满前运到。 The shipment must arrive here before the expiration of the license. 2. catch the brisk demand 赶上销售旺季 3. shipment n. 装运 make shipment effect shipment handle shipment 装运 装运 装运 rush shipment shipment date shipment time 赶快装运 装运期 装运期
• 7. Although the cartons are light and easy to handle, we don't think they are strong enough to be shipped. • 8. The fragile goods should be wrapped in soft material and firmly packed in cardboard box. • 9. Each case should be lined with foam plastics in order to protect the goods against press. • 10. All measurements of each case must not exceed 1.5m x lm x lm. • 11. In order to facilitate selling, it would be better to pack the goods with equally assorted colors. • 12. Bar codes should be marked on the inner packing. • 13. Usually we use two languages on the labels-English and Chinese.
1 请注意上述货物须在6月15日前装运,并按发票金额150%投保综合险。
Please see to it that the obove-mentioned goods are to be shipped before 15th June and insured against All Risks for 150% of the invoice value. We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only for 110% of the invoice value, therefore, the extra premium will be borne by us.2 有关保险的索赔案件应尽快提交保险公司或其代理商以便他们有足够时间去向造成过错的有关方面进行追偿。
An insurance claim should be submitted to the insurance company or its agent as promptly as possible so as to provide the insurance company or its agent with ample time to pursue recovery from the relative party at fault.3 我们遗憾的通知你们,发票所列第8箱,内装10台打印机,在货到达时,其中8台严重受损。
We regret to inform you that Case No.8 was invoiced as containing 10 type writters, eight of which badly damaged upon arrival. We enclose an inspection certificate issued by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau and the shipping agent’s statement and hope that no diffi culty will arise in the settlement of our above claim amounting to US$3,000.00.4 在没有得到你方明确的保险要求情况下,我们按惯例把你所订购之货按发票金额110%投保了水渍险。
外贸英语口语Unit 10 Shipment
Mr. Chen: Well, you want the goods within five weeks. It is really a very short deadline in this business.
Mr. Blake: In that case, couldn’t your engineers find a way to re-schedule just a little, say one more week?
(10)The goods are transshipped at Copenhagen and are expected to reach your port in early September.
Dialogue 1 Talking about the Delivery Date Mr. Chen: Well, let’s get started with this delivery time. Mr. Blake: Let’s see how we get on. Mr. Chen: Right. We can deliver the products in eight weeks. Mr. Blake: Why it takes so long? Mr. Chen: Well, it’s pretty normal in this kind of operation. Did you expect we could
deliver more promptly? Mr. Blake: We need delivery of five weeks maximum, with four weeks for installation. Mr. Chen: I understand what you mean, but that would be very difficult. You see we
Useful sentences abou of the notice of appeal is enclosed for the Respondent. 已附上给答辩人该上诉通知函副本。 2. We wait on you with the circular contain the announcement of our commence business. 我们际此开业之机,为广招徕,特此奉上通知函。 3. We shall advise you when the shipment is made. 装运时,我们将另函通知。 4. We enclose a debit note on which the charges be bill. 随函寄去借方通知一纸,各项费用均已列明。
1. CFR/CPT交易条件下拍发装运通知的必要性。因 货物运输和保险分别由不同的当事人操作,所以受益人有 义务向申请人对货物装运情况给予及时、充分的通知,以 便进口商保险,否则如漏发通知,则货物越过船舷后的风 险仍由受益人承担。 2. 通知应按规定的方式、时间、内容、份数发出。 3. 几个近似概念的区别。shipping advice(装运通 知)是由出口商(受益人)发给进口商(申请人)的; shipping instructions 意思是“装运须知”,一般是进 口商发给出口商的;shipping note/ bill指装货通知单/船 货清单;shipping order简称S/O,含义是装货单/关单/ 下货纸(是海关放行和命令船方将单据上载明的货物装船 的文件)
5. I must advise you of the specifications of the goods. 我必须通知货物的规格. 6. As soon as we get this notice , our consignments are insured. 只要我们拿到了这份通知 我们的货物就受保了. 7. Kindly reply this mail as soon as possible to indicate your willingness. 希望您能够尽快回复这封邮件,并提出您的相关需求. 8. The negotiating bank must note each negotiation on that advice. 议付行必须注意通知上的每一个议付条件.
Shipment装运Brief Introduction在对外贸易中,按时装运进出口货物,及时将货物从厂方运至目的地,对完成进出口交易、满足市场需要、减少货物积压和提高商品的竞争能力,都起着积极重要的作用。
但是,在国际商务中,由于采用F.O.B、C.F.R 和 C.I.F 三种价格术语,卖方只要根据合同的有关规定将货物装上船,取得提单,就算交货。
Basic Expressions1. How long does it usually take you to make a delivery?通常你方需要多长时间交货?2. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within three months afterre ceipt of the covering L/C.一般说来,我们在收到有关的信用证后三个月内可交货。
3. Could you possibly advance shipment further more?你方能不能再提前一点交货?4. I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C.我希望你们能在收到我方信用证后马上装运。
• to make delivery of the goods 交货 to take delivery of the goods 提货 • ]unloading/discharging 卸货 loading list 装船单 • loading charge 装船费 loading certificate 装货证明书 • loading days 装货天数,装载时间 load off 卸货 • Male's Receipt 大副收据
一、装运时间(time of shipment) 装运时间( ) 又称为装运期, 又称为装运期,指卖方将合同规定的货物装 上运输工具或交给承运人的期限。 上运输工具或交给承运人的期限。 (一)装运时间的规定方法
• 明确规定具体装运时间
如:7月份装运、 月份装运、 7/8/9月份装运 月份装运、 7/8/9月份装运、装 运期不迟于7 31日 运期不迟于7月31日、 9月底或以前装运
loaded on Deck (货物)装于甲板上 Shipping Instructions Form 装船指示单 shipping documents 装船单据 cargo mark 货物装运标志
(4)应注意国外港口有无重名问题。在买卖合同 应注意国外港口有无重名问题。 应注意国外港口有无重名问题 中应明确注明装运港或目的港所在国家和地区 的名称。 的名称。
(5)如采用选择港口规定,要注意各选择港口不宜太多, 如采用选择港口规定,要注意各选择港口不宜太多, 如采用选择港口规定 一般不超过三个,而且必须在同一航区、同一航线上。 一般不超过三个,而且必须在同一航区、同一航线上。
2、也可分别规定两个或两个以上的装运港或目的 、 如装运港:新港/ 大连/青岛/上海。 港 如装运港:新港/上海 ;大连/青岛/上海。 目的港:伦敦/ 目的港:伦敦/利物浦 。
Ⅱ Terminologies
2 货运单据(shipping documents) 货运单据( ) Shipping instruction 装船须知 shipping advice 装运通知;装船通知 装运通知;
Shipping advice 是“装运通知”,是由出口商(卖主)发给 进口商(买主)的。而shipping instructions 则是“装运须 知”,是进口商(买主)发给出口商(卖主)的。
4 the season
由于圣诞销售旺季即将来临,买主催促我们 立即交货,否则他们就赶不上季节。 As the Christmas shopping season is drawing near, buyers urge us for an immediate shipment. Otherwise, they would behind the season. 返回
Unit Six Shipment
Ⅰ Background
Shipment is a very important part Shipment can be made by many ways Shipment covers a wide range of work When negotiating shipment, the shipping time is the key point.
2 instructing shipping date
Shipment will be made/ effected/arranged 例句: 剩余货物将在11月上旬装船 11 The remainder of the goods will be shipped in early November.
Shipment 装运
Sentences concerning shipment and reply
3 kinds of letter concerning shipment
• • • • • • Shipping Advice 装货通知(主动) The letter urging shipment 催货信 The letter advising shipment 装运通知(被动)
Shipping Advice may include
• 很高兴通知你们,货物已装上“东风”号, 该轮从6月16日出发,希望货物完好无损第 到达目的地。 • We are pleased to advise you that the cargo per S.S. “Dongfeng” will go forward on 16th June and hope that it will arrive at the destination in perfect condition.
• book: • We are glad that we have ( ) your order for 150 bicycles. • Since we have run out of stock, we cannot accept any more ( ). • We are eager to know when we can put the business to ( ).
Kinds of letters concerning shipment
Shipment 商务英语300句unit14
Dialogue 1
A: Now we have settled the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment during September?
-- 我明白。
-- 另外,通过销售渠道以及繁琐的公文程序,起码要花上几个星 期。这样从装船后到我们的零售商收到货物,总共要用四、五 个星期。因此,十月份前货物必须装船,否则我们就赶不上销 售季节了。
B: But our factories are fully committed for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter.
12. Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us.
13. We’ll try our best to advance shipment to September.
Basic Expressions
1. How long does it usually take you to make a delivery?
2. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within three months after
★频道为友整理的《外贸英语⼝语句型:装运 Shipment》,供⼤家参考学习。
(⼀) The shipment has arrived in good condition. 运到之货情况良好 I hope you'll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment. 我希望您能对第⼀批货感到满意。
Please exercise better care with future shipments. 对今后装运的货,请多加注意。
Can last shipment be duplicated? 上次装运的货能再卖⼀批吗? We regret we can't ship as you desired. 很抱歉,我们不能按你们的要求装船。
We'll send vessels to pick up the cargo at Huangpu. 我们将派船只在黄埔装运。
There is an over-shipment of 200 lbs. 货物多装了200磅。
Can we short-ship 5 tons? 我们可以少装5吨吗? Please hold shipment pending our instructions. 请在我们通知之前暂停装货。
The goods are all ready for shipment. 货物已经准备好待装运。
I've got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London. 关于上次装运到伦敦的那批货,我不得不抱怨你。
The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. "Dong Feng". 货已装上“东风”号轮船。
We ship most of our oil in bulk. 我们装运的油多数是散装的。
向客户发送装运单据的电子版或 扫描件,以便客户在目的地清关 和提货。
与客户确认收货地址和联系方式 ,确保货物能够准确送达目的地 。
在货物运输过程中,外贸人员 需要持续关注货物的状态,确 保货物安全到达目的地。
在货物到达目的地后,与客户 确认收货情况,确保货物没有 损坏或丢失。
确保货物按时、按质、按量地送达目的地,满足客 户需求。
提高外贸交易的效率和可靠性,促进国际贸易的发 展。
在装运前,外贸人员需要与供应商或客户确认订单 的详细信息,包括产品名称、数量、规格、包装要 求等。
如果发生异常情况,如货物损 坏或丢失,外贸人员需要及时 与客户协商处理方式,并协助 客户解决问题。
选择适当的包装材料,如 木箱、纸箱、塑料袋等, 以确保货物在运输过程中 不受损坏。
在包装内部加入防震材料, 如泡沫垫或气泡袋,以减 少货物在运输过程中的震 动和碰撞。
外贸函电shipment装运过程 中需要遵守不同国家和地区的 法律法规和贸易政策,及时了 解和应对各种贸易壁垒,以确 保货物顺利通关。
随着信息技术的发展,外贸函电shipment装运 应加强信息化建设,提高信息化水平,实现信息 共享和数据交换,提高装运效率和准确性。
二、常见问题和解决方法1. 问题:供应商无法按时交货。
2. 问题:运输延误导致货物无法按时到达目的地。
3. 问题:货物在运输过程中损坏或丢失。
三、专业术语和表达方式1. “on time shipment”意为“按时交货”,用于描述供应商按照合同约定的时间将货物装运的情况。
2. “early shipment”意为“提前交货”,用于描述供应商在合同约定的时间之前将货物装运的情况。
3. “unscheduled shipment”意为“提前发货或突击发货”,用于描述供应商在紧急情况下将货物装运的情况。
商务英语基础 Unit 18 Shipment 装运 课件
In September at the latest.
Situation:The importer asks the exporter to advance shipment, because his customer needs the goods badly.
The following may be useful: Could you possibly advance shipment? Our customer is in urgent need of the goods. The earliest shipment we can make is early May. We’ll try our best to advance shipment to August. I’m afraid that we can’t meet your requirements, for there will be no shipping space for next month. …
3. In negotiating shipment terms, time of shipment is very important
Business Reading
(2) Finding faults
Write “ T” for true, “ F” or “ NM” for false according to the text. ( T ) 1. Shipment refers to the loading of goods on board a ship. (F ) 2. In international trade, road transport is the most important means of shipment. ( F ) 3. The three parties involved in most shipments are: the consignor, the consignee and the ship. ( F ) 4. Transshipment means shipment is made in several lots by several carriers sailing on different dates. ( T ) 5. “Shipment on or before May 15th” means shipment must be made not later than May 15th. ( F ) 6. “Shipment as soon as possible” means that shipment will be made at any time in the future.
Module Eight Terms & ConditionsTask 1 ShipmentTeaching ProceduresTask 1 ShipmentStep 1: Check on students9 previewing work (Presentation) 15,Work in groups・ Try to collect the relevant information about shipment and prepare for a three-minute presentation to share the information to the whole class・(The presentation should be facilitated by ppt) Ss can refer to the following questions:1.How many means of transport are there in international trade(classify according to different vehicles)? Which one is the mostcommonly used? (table 1)2.What parties are likely to be involved in sea / ocean transport? (eg.Shipper, Freight company)(possible answer: shipper 发货人I托运人,consignee 收货人,carrier 承运人,freight/ shipping agent/forwarder 货运代理人,freight company 运输公司,logistics company 物流公』)3.How about freight charges? Who will pay the freight charges? (table2, Pl 18)(After each presentation, Ss or the teacher may have a brief comment.The teacher can show table 1 and table 2 to the Ss.)Step 2: New knowledge and skillsSituation: Lars Olthoff, the manager of European Trailer Operation, the Hannover branch of Schenker AG Germany (a logistics company), was asked to arrange for the transport of dangerous goods from Britain to Germany. He is looking for a British carrier (Morrison Freight).Task A: Dialogue 1 (Reading) 15,Lars Olthoff calls Alan Turner of Morrison Freight pic in UK. Ask Ss to read the dialogue, make them understood and try to complete the table:1.class 3 lighter fluid: Introducing Symbols of the United Nations(UN) Committee for the Transport of Dangerous Goods2.route: search the route on “Google M ap" on the internetTask B: Dialogue 2 (Listening) 5,Ss listen to the phone call Allan calls back and find the price Morrison quoted for the transport.€750 (without ferry or Eurotunnel)€950 (ferry included)Task C: Comparing and Counting (Group work) 20,Now Lars has to make a decision. He has collected some information from the internet. If he wants to ship on Schenker's own account, the price for the Eurotunnel will be €245.00, for the ferry it will be €255.00.Read the materials, do some comparison and decide which method of shipping should be booked.1.Eurotunnel or P&O Ferries? And why?P&O Ferries, because the Eurotunnel has a maximum carriagerestriction of 250 liters per transport unit, while this lot of goodsweighs 19 tons and P&O ferries says there is no quantity limit.2.Morrison or Schenker? (Which one should Lars do the booking ofMorrison?)Lars should do the booking of Morrison Freight. With Schenker the ferry would cost €255, but with Morrison the ferry only cost€200(€950・ €750).3.What is the final freight fee for this transport?€950Task D: Completing the transport order 10,Ss try to help Lars to complete the transport order with the words fromthe box. (P71)Step 3: ConsolidationTask E: Filling in the B/L 20,Work in groups, and try to fill in the B/L (column 1-21) with all the information we have got in the tasks before. Please pay attention that some columns may not be filled now.Step 4: Assignment 5,Work in groups・ Try to collect the relevant information about payment and prepare for a three-minute presentation to share the information to the whole class. (The presentation should be facilitated by ppt)Step 5: Reflection1.Ss have difficulty in understanding the teaching material, especially some proper nouns (name of company, place, person etc.)2.Ss' knowledge about international shipment is limited, and not so solid.3.Ss don't make full preparation before class・。
Letter 13-1
• • • • Under reference JKB/ JG 文号JKB/ JG Port of destination目的港 Shipping mark 运输标志 Will not hold themselves responsible for wrong delivery对误交货物概不负责 • Irrespective of delay at the port of discharge 在卸货港耽误多久无妨
• Dear sirs, • We have received your letter of June 17th. With regard to our purchase Contract No.80616 for 3,000 sets of Double Offset Ring Spanners, we write to inform you as follows: • According to the contract stipulations, the aforesaid goods should be shipped in three lots in April, June and August, but up to the present moment even the first lot has not been shipped. Our end-users are waiting for the goods and they are very much surprised that you should have been much behind with the delivery.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
㈠ 定期装运即明确规定具体期限 限于某月或某几个月内装运。 for shipment during October 1999 限于某月某日前装运。 shipment on or before 15 November 1999 ㈡ 近期装运:采用某些术语表示装运期 immediate shipment立即装运 prompt shipment即期装运(各国对它的解释不尽相同。美国指合同 签订后三周内装船,而英国是在签约后两周内装运。) shipment as soon as possible尽快装运 对上述表达法,建议我们在实际业务活动中尽可能避免使用这种含糊 而又容易引起不必要的贸易纠纷的表达法。 ㈢ 不定期装运即规定在收到信用证后若干天装运。 shipment within 30 days after receipt of the L/C
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Pay freight bill 支付运费
Send the bill of lading to customer, or the bank acting as intermediary 发送提单至客户或中间人银行
1. This steamer is due to sail for Shanghai at or about the 10th March.
2. Your full cooperation in this respect will hig hly appreciate.
3. We await for youEr xsehripcpisieng advice by cable.
Teaching procedures 1 Business knowledge
2 Procedures for shipment
3 The Study of Letters
5 Knowledge consolidation
Business knowledge to impart 知识传授
4. Our payment term are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoic e value.
5. Please see to it that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay.
Procedures for shipment of goods
Fill in the customs forms and send them to the customs 填写海关表并寄送至海关
Arrange adequate packing, including shipping marks 安排足够的包装包括装船标记
The study of letters 船务相关信息的信函
发送装运 指示
Urging shipment
修改装运 条款
发送装船 通知
Amending shipping clauses
Sending shipping advice
Purposes of letters concerning shipment
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully, Leeyoun
Notes to Letter One
1. amount to:总计,共计 e.g. His debts amount to five thousand dollars
Next page
Useful Expressions 5. be supposed to do 应该做 due to
车、船预定到达….. cooperation with 与某人合作
full cooperation
全面合作 advance
Read the following sentences and make corrections.
Next page
Letter One
So you are supposed to ship the goods by the steamer “Red Star” of Fast Co., which is due t o sail from your city to our port on or about May 15.
Letter One- Shipping Instruction
K. Ly Trade Co., Ltd. Hangangno 2-ga
Yongsan-guSeoul 140-010 South Korea
June 3, 2006 Bester Import & Export Co., Ltd. 1886 Sichuan North Road Shanghai 200001 China Dear Sirs, We have the pleasure of informing you that th
Letter Two
25 tons of potatoes. We wish to remind you that we have had no news from you about shipment of the goods. As we mentioned in our last letter, we are in urgent need of the goods and we may be compelled to seek an alternative source of supply. Under the ci rcumstances, it is not possible for us to extend fu rther our letter of credit No. AA111, which expires on June 5. Please understand how serious and urgent it is for us to resolve this matter.
The plane is due at London at five.
Next page
Notes to Letter One
5. Thanking you in advance for your cooperatio n.
对贵方的合作深表感谢。 该句式用在结尾处,类似的句式有: Your close(kind)cooperation will be highly appreciated. 对贵公司的友好合作深表感谢。
a very important
a wide range of
in international
The importance
of shipment
3 parties
means of
involved in
(by truck, by train or by airplane.)
4. Our payment term is confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.
5. Please see to them that the letter of credits are established with the least possible dela y.
Letter Two Urging for Prompt Shipment
K. Ly Trade Co., Ltd.Hangangno 2-ga, Yongsan-gu Seoul 140-010South Korea
May 8, 2006 Bester Import & Export Co., Ltd. 1886 Sichuan North Road Shanghai 200001 China Dear Sirs, We refer to the contract No. ABC123 covering Next
Port of loading
Port of destination
Shipping space
Business knowledge to impart 知识传授
Shipping instruction
预定到达 日期
transshipment not allowed /not permitted /prohibited
Business knowledge to impart 知识传授
Sea transport 海运
Air transport 空运
Rail transport 铁路运输
road transport 公路运输
Modes of Shipment 运输模式
Multi-modal transport 多模式运输
2. It is of great importance:“……非常重要”,也 可以用it is very important来表述。
e.g. It is of great importance that the total qua ntity would be delivered by one shipment. 所有数量的货物一次装运发货是非常重要的。
trade transport
Business knowledge to impart 知识传授
Three parties involved in international trade transport
carrier consigner
收货方 承运商 发货方 broker 中间人、代理商
estimated time
of arrival (ETA)
estimated time of departure (ETD)
BHale Waihona Puke siness knowledge to impart 知识传授
goods 货物
shipment date 发货日期
enclosed documents
shipping advice (发货通知)