shipment 交货与装运

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• We will fill your future orders promptly and carefully.
• 我方和高兴在长时间延误之后能执行贵 方的订单并相信货物将能及时抵达贵处 满足贵方的急需且定会使贵方十分满意。
• 我方将及时、认真地执行贵方以后的订 单。
• fill v. 执行(定单等)
• Referring to our letters and telexes in respect to Order No. 2170 for 1,000 metric tons of Tin Foil Sheets, so far we have no definite information from you about delivery time, although these goods are contracted for shipment before the end of last month, and our L/C was opened with the Bank of China s early as in March 2001.
• We can fill your order for 300 pieces of filing cabinets very soon.
• 我方很快就能执行300张档 案柜的定货。
• (2) • Dear…:
• Re: Order No. 2170 for 1,000 M/T Tin Foil Sheets
• We are glad to have filled your order after long delay and trust that the goods will reach you in time to meet your urgent need and that they will turn out to your complete satisfaction.
• We are glad to have filled your order after long delay and trust that the goods will reach you in time to meet your urgent need and that they will turn out to your complete satisfaction.
• 我方不得不要求贵公司对 1000美元的帐单给以展期.
• on board 装船
• The bill of lading shows clearly that four cases were taken on board.
• 提单清楚地表明4箱货物已装 船.
• Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignmFra Baidu biblioteknt, as follows:
Unit Seven
• (1) • Dear …:
• Re: Your L/C No. 5757 covering your Order No. 134
• Thank you for your extension of your L/C No. 5757. Today we shipped the above consignment on board S.S. “Nellore” which sails for your port tomorrow.
• 1) One nonnegotiable copy of B/L
• 2) Invoice in duplicate
• 3) Packing list in triplicate • 4) One copy of Manufacturer’s Certificate of Quality • 5) One copy of Insurance Policy • 随函附上有关该批货物的货运单据如下,希查收。 • 1)一份不可转让的提单 • 2)发票一式两份 • 3)装箱单一式三份 • 4)一份制造商质量证明书 • 5)一份保险单
• Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents covering this consignment, as follows:
• 1) One nonnegotiable copy of B/L • 2) Invoice in duplicate • 3) Packing list in triplicate • 4) One copy of Manufacturer’s Certificate of Quality • 5) One copy of Insurance Policy
• We will fill your future orders promptly and carefully. • Sincerely,
• Thank you for your extension of your L/C No. 5757. Today we shipped the above consignment on board S.S. “Nellore” which sails for your port tomorrow.
• 感谢贵方展延第5757号信用证。 我方已于今日将上述货物装上 “Nellore”号轮。该轮将于明日驶 往贵方港口
• extension n. 展期
• We are obliged to ask for an extension of time on your bill for $ 1,000.
• We have been inconvenienced by the delay. You should telex us immediately of the earliest possible date of shipment for our consideration without prejudicing our right to cancel the order and /or lodge claims for our losses.