fourth 翻译
fourth 翻译"Fourth"是一个数词,表示在一系列中的第四个。
下面是一些关于"fourth"的例句和用法:1. "This is the fourth time I've been to Paris."(这是我第四次来巴黎。
)2. "The fourth day of the week is Thursday."(星期四是一周中的第四天。
)3. "She finished in fourth place in the race."(她在比赛中获得第四名。
)4. "The fourth floor of the building is where the offices are located."(大楼的第四层是办公室所在的地方。
)5. "They celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary last week."(他们上周庆祝了他们的第四个结婚纪念日。
)6. "There are four seasons in a year, and autumn is the fourth one."(一年有四个季节,秋天是第四个季节。
)7. "The fourth chapter of the book discusses the impact of technology on society."(这本书的第四章讨论了技术对社会的影响。
)8. "He is the fourth generation to run the family business."(他是家族企业的第四代传人。
)9. "The fourth question on the exam was quite challenging."(考试的第四个问题相当具有挑战性。
3 )风格是翻译的重要组成部分。以朴素语言译朴素语言,以高雅风格 译高雅风格。 4 )风格的性质还取决于读者的要求。他在《新约》的译序中,写过一 段常为人们引用的名言:“但愿每一个妇女都能读到圣保罗的福音和使 徒行传,但愿能把它们译成所有的语言,不仅为苏格兰人和爱尔兰人懂 得,而且也为土耳其人和阿拉伯人懂得。但愿农夫能在梨边吟诵《圣 经》,织工能在织布机边用《圣经》驱散心头的烦闷,旅行者能用《圣 经》消遣以解除旅途的疲劳。”
• 路德的《圣经》德译本是西方翻译史上对民族语言的发展造成了巨大而直接影响的第 一部翻译作品。与古希腊的《七十子希腊文本》、古罗马第一位翻译家安德罗尼柯的 《奥德赛》、哲罗姆的《通俗拉丁文本圣经》齐名,在西方翻译史上占有极其重要的 一席。
• 他的翻译观点可归纳如下:
马丁· 路德(Martin Luther 1483~1546)
• 德国宗教改革运动的领袖和翻译家。他先从希腊语译出《新约》,于1522年出版,后 从希伯来语译出《旧约》,于1534年出版。在翻译中,路德遵循通俗、明了、能为大 众接受的原则, 译文被誉为“第一部民众的《圣经》”。它不仅对德国人的生活和宗 教发生了深远的影响,而且创造了为民众所接受的文学语言形式,对德国语言的统一
帝。 2)《圣经》翻译必须尊重语言习惯。
• 西方翻译在文艺复兴时期的最大特点:
在法国,文学家阿米欧(Jacqucs Amyot)先后用了十七年(1542-1559 年)时间,译出了普鲁塔克的《希腊罗马名人比较列传》(简称《名人 传》)。查普曼(Georga Chapman)1598至1616年译的《伊利亚特》和 《奥德赛》,弗罗里欧(John Florio)1603年所译蒙田的《散文集》,乃是英 语文学译著中一群灿烂的明星。而1611年《钦定圣经译本》的翻译出版则标 志着英国翻译史上又一次大发展。它以其英语风格的地道、通俗和优美赢得 了“英语中最伟大的译著”的盛誉,在长时期里成为英国唯一家喻户晓、人 手一册的经典作品,对现代英语的发展产生了深远的影响。
(三) 文艺复兴时期的西方翻译
十四至十六世纪欧洲发生的文艺复兴运动,是一场思想和文学 的革新运动,也是西方翻译史上的一次大发展。特别是文艺复兴在西 欧各国普遍展开的十六世纪及尔后一个时期,翻译活动达到了前所未 见的高峰。翻译活动深入到思想、政治、哲学、文学、宗教等各个领 域,涉及到古代和当代的主要作品,产生了一大批杰出的翻译家和一 系列优秀的翻译作品。在德国,宗教改革家路德(Martin Luther)顺从 民众的意愿,采用民众的语言,于1522至1534年翻译刊行第一部 “民众的圣经”,开创了现代德语发展的新纪元。
西方翻译史于公元前三世纪揭开它的第一页。从广义上 说,西方最早的译作是公元前三至二世纪之间,七十二名犹 太学者在埃及亚历山大城翻译的《圣经·旧约》,即《七十子
作是在约公元前三世纪中叶安德罗尼柯(Livius Andronicus)在 罗马用拉丁语翻前三世纪问世,因此可以说西方的翻 译活动自古至今已有两千多年的历史了。
那么如何翻译“日本遗弃在华化学武器”呢?日方的翻译是“abandoned chemicalweapons of Japan”和“Japanese abandoned chemicalweapons”。
中 国 翻 译 史 的 四 次 高 潮 与 社 会 文 化
( 安 外 国语 大 学 , 西 西 安 70 6 ) 西 陕 10 1
摘 要 : 译 作 为 一 种 社 会 现 象 ,它 的 出现 和 发展 与 特 定 的 社 翻 会 文化 息 息 相 关 。 本 文在 总 结 几 次翻 译 高潮 的基 础 上 , 述 了翻 论
这样 的划分 有利 于分析 翻译与社 会文 化之 间的相互 作用 。
四次翻译 高潮 使得 翻译不再 是“ 辫” “ 婆” 摆脱 了翻译 只 小 或 媒 , 是一种交流工具 的浅显认识 。接下来 , 重分析这一次次的高潮 着 对于社会 文化 的发展与变迁有着怎样 的影 响, 以及 每一 次翻译 高
需要 条件 , 展 需 要 社会 土 壤 ; 过 来 , 发 反 翻译 事 业 的发 展 也 滋 养 了
翻译 作 为 人 类 的 一 种 交 流 活 动 有 着 悠 久 的 历 史 。纵 观 中 国
几 千年 的翻译史 , 人们 的认 知水平 、 社会 文化发展 状况 以及 其他 种种 因素的发展变化 , 不 同程度 上推 动着 翻译 这项 活动 的发 在
后 日益 形 成 鲜 明的 对 比 , 是 科 技 翻 译 出现 的 历 史 要 求 。 这
经过 了上千 年 , 人们 对翻译有 了正确 的认识 , 那么在不 断修
正 对 翻 译 的认 识 当 中 , 译 作 为 一 项 跨 文 化 活 动 又 经 历 了哪 些 起 翻 伏 ?以 及 这些 起 伏 又是 如何 产 生 以及 对 当 时 的 社 会 又 有 怎 样 的 影响?
潮 又 对某 个 特 定 时 期 的社 会 文 化 发 挥 着 怎 样 的作 用 。
2019年第四次⼯业⾰命外⽂⽂献翻译第四次⼯业⾰命中英⽂2019英⽂The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Occupational Health and Safety, Worker's Compensation and Labor ConditionsJeehee Min,Yangwoo KimAbstractThe “fourth industrial revolution” (FIR) is an age of advanced technology based on information and communication. FIR has a more powerful impact on the economy than in the past. However, the prospects for the labor environment are uncertain. The purpose of this study is to anticipate and prepare for occupational health and safety (OHS) issues.In FIR, nonstandard employment will be common. As a result, it is difficult to receive OHS services and compensation. Excessive trust in new technologies can lead to large-scale or new forms of accidents. Global business networks will cause destruction of workers' biorhythms, some cancers, overwork, and task complexity. The social disconnection because of an independent work will be a risk for worker's mental health. The union bonds will weaken, and it will be difficult to apply standardized OHS regulations to multinational enterprises.To cope with the new OHS issues, we need to establish new concepts of "decent work” and standardize regulations, which apply to enterprises in each country, develop public health as an OHS service, monitor emerging OHS events and networks among independent workers, and nurture experts who are responsible for new OHS issues.Keywords:Fourth industrial revolution,Occupational health and safety,Workers' compensation,Workers' health1. IntroductionKlaus Schwab predicted a new industrial revolution to begin in the near future in the World economy forum Global Challenge Insight Report (The Future of Jobs-Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution[FIR] in 2016). Experts say that the FIR needs to be prepared because it will change the way people work, how they consume, and even how they think.The industrial revolution led to changes in the labor market with machines replacing human labor. The first industrial revolution replaced manual work with the invention of a steam engine and the second industrial revolution enabled mass production using electric energy. The tertiary industrial revolution started the automation era with informatization based on computers and the Internet. In the future, the super intelligence revolution based on the Internet of things, cyber-physical system, and artificial intelligence (AI) will greatly change human intellectual labor.The technologies that will lead the FIR are diverse. Artificial intelligence based on high-speed networks and interfaces would change the production process, and business models based on big data will be popular. The speed actory in Germany, which produces Adidas-personalized sneakers, is a typical example of the innovation of the production process.The world has overcome differences of time and space by the development of information and communication technology, which has developed into a single economic system. The social network system has already changed the way people communicate. In the future, operational technology or cyber-physical system devices will monitor, coordinate, and integrate information in real time. Operational technology will lead to a hyper-connectivity society, with human--machine, machine--machine, and human--human connections.If human labor is replaced by machines, the labor market will be greatly affected. As technology develops, labor productivity increases, and new jobs are created. According to the US Department of Labor, American's factory workers declined by two-thirds from 1960 to 2014, but productivity has increased dramatically. In addition, the average hourly wage from 1973 to 2014 increased by 85%, and new jobs were created in new industries. During the third industrial revolution, manpower shifted from the manufacturing sector to the service sector. The FIR is likely to change what kind of work needs to be performed, not just the number of jobs. For example, the role of product marketers is changing because of the emergence of big data, which is a core technology in the FIR. Instead of market research using current surveys, the use of big data is increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to hire professional staff to collect, store, analyze, and distribute big data. Specifically, spending on the big data in information technology market worldwide has doubled from $27 billion in 2011 to $54 billion in 2016.Thanks to globalization, accelerated by the FIR, multinational corporations could easily exploit the workforce and theenvironment of developing countries. Over the course of history, multinational corporations have established manufacturing factories in developing countries because of low incomes and lenient environmental regulations. As a result, the employment rate of the manufacturing sector in developed countries declined by 19% for 37 years. However, plants result in socioeconomic problems in many developing countries because they are based on loose labor regulations and low wages. In the era of the FIR, manufacturing will be developed in small quantity production systems of various kinds. Factories in developing countries are no longer attractive because low-wage workers can be replaced by automated robots. Rather, it is advantageous to place the production plant near the main market to quickly produce and distribute products. This is called “re-shoring”. In an Adidas Speed factory equipped with this system, AI-based robots perform most of the shoe manufacturing work. Some accessories were made with 3D printers, which reduced employment from 600 people to 10 people. If the re-shoring phenomenon continues, the power of economic development in developing countries will be lost and developing countries will endure a poor and risky working environment to secure price competitiveness.The development of technology is a double-edged sword. You need to be prepared not only for the bright future that technology will bring, but also for the problems that will arise. The purpose of this study is to anticipate and prepare for OHS problems for workers in the era of the FIR.2. Changes in OHS expected in the FIR2.1. Positive aspects in the workplaceNew technologies can be used to create a safe working environment byexcluding humans from harmful workplaces. For example, by applying a deep-learning algorithm to detect human behavior patterns by security cameras, it is possible to monitor for chemical leaks or worker accidents in real time. If a dangerous situation is recognized, the relevant system can alert the operator, safety officer, or responsible department immediately to prevent the accident in advance. In fact, in the New Boliden mine in Sweden, robots can be used for safe work. The use of virtual reality technology and smart glass in safety education can enhance the effectiveness of education. It is also possible to prevent musculoskeletal disorders by wearing a wearable robot that supports human strength.2.2. Negative aspects in the workplace: globalizationGlobalization is a pre-existing concept, which existed before the debate of the fourth industrial evolution. As a result, it is a precondition of the FIR with the development of information and communication technology and AI technology. Friedman states that “the world is flat,” in which the social and cultural standards of individual countries are unified into global standards through the proliferation of financial capitalism as well as the development of transportation and communication. Globalization would be accelerated by the FIR and eventually, it would affect working conditions.Because multinational corporations take advantage of loosening labor regulations in developing countries to increase productivity, workers in developing countries work in hazardous workplaces without proper welfare. Child labor and forced labor, which are prohibited in most developed countries, occur in developing countries. There are often no provisions for minimum wages and maximum working hours. As a result, the ILO proposed the “Rule of the Game” as a global standard in 2014, but it was not enforced and could not be introduced into industrial sites in many countries.Globalization affects working time, where shifts or night shifts increase. Birth describes time--space compression as a change in the concept of time due to globalization. Human time is divided into the local time, an individual's biological time, and social time, which constitutes labor conditions. Because of globalization and the development of information and communication, time--space compression adaptsto the time of work, not the biological time of the person. At this time, the biological cycles for a location on the globe and the time of his work are desynchronized, which causes many problems.2.3. Negative aspect in the workplace: automationWhen automation or robots replace simple and repetitive tasks, workers feel uneasy about employment and their livelihood. Work insecurity refers to “fear of unemployment and difficulty of re-employment”. The ILO has extended work insecurity beyond the level of employment and wages to a comprehensive concept. In addition, it is difficult to maintain an individual work--life balance without negotiating working conditions such as working hours, wages, paid time off, and improving the workplace with an employer. ILO redefines job insecurity. In addition, when social safety nets such as public pension payments, sick leave, annual leave, and maternity leave are not guaranteed, when there is no opportunity for job turnover or promotions, or when basic human rights such as discrimination or joining unions willfully are ignored, employment instability is affected.Increased employment instability can increase mental illness. 2012 and 2014 automation workers in high-risk occupations complained of anxiety and poor health. In particular, workers feel insecure about their jobs if they feel that their jobs are asubstitute for robots and experience worsening poverty and health as wages decrease and welfare benefits of employers decrease.Also, automation introduced to increase productivity and quality of life would paradoxically result in increased human labor time. For example, if an autonomous vehicle is introduced, it would be possible to enjoy leisure activities instead of driving during travel. However, humans could be forced to do more work to improve productivity. In this case, driving stress may be replaced by work-related stress.Human beings could be in charge of tasks with poor working conditions. For example, if an automation machine malfunctions, the worker should repair the machine manually. Most industrial accidents occur during this time such that it is demanded that all machinery should be shut off and worker's security should be guaranteed. However, in many cases, safety checks are carried out without stoppingthe machine for upkeep. Recently, there was a death in Republic of Korea, where a worker who was directly checking the conveyor belt in a thermal power plant was killed by the belt.2.4. Negative aspect in the workplace: on-demand economyIn the on-demand economy, workers are independent contractors and it is difficult to earn a certain income because “demand” changes every day (sometimes every hour). In the on-demand economy, workers need to find work day-by-day or even every hour as independent contractors. Therefore, they endure the risk of fluctuating revenue, which was a primary role of corporations. In this situation, workers cannot avoid stress and instability. Like most people with temporary jobs, on-demand economy workers rather than by choice, often choose on-demand jobs because they do not have a fixed job. Because they are treated as private businesses, legal protection as a worker is difficult. Currently, independent workers are not part of the “worker” class defined by labor laws and on-demand employers are not obliged to provide welfare including pensions, insurance, paid time off, maternity leave, and sick leave. This is because, through the platform, the consumer and supplier of labor interact and provide labor outside the supervision and direction of the employer. This type of economy has the advantage of creating new employment opportunities and enabling flexible work, but it is hard to distinguish between individual operators and workers. Therefore, it is hard to provide legal protection for OHS. In the case of employment relations, platform companies must provide various pensions, insurance, and leave based on labor laws, but in the platform business, employers are not obliged to provide welfare. Therefore, they are not subject to restrictions regarding wages and working hours guaranteed by various labor laws in the employment relationship. As a result, it is difficult to receive social insurance benefits. In the United States, there was a lawsuit in which Uber drivers argued that they should be treated as Uber employees and they demanded payment of the cost of doing business on the premise of an employment relationship. In the United Kingdom, there was a lawsuit raised by Uber drivers claiming the right to a minimum wage and vacation. Also, in Republic of Korea, there was a lawsuitcase that injured delivery man who are enrolled in delivery agency received compensation. And Republic of Korea Worker's Compensation & Welfare Service collects compensations from the delivery agency, but agency filed a lawsuit for cancellation of the taxation. They declared that worker was not their employees, and the delivery agency do not have any responsibility for the delivery man. As such an example, it is hard to adapt traditional concept for employment to new employment. To respond to new employment relations, the Korean government has recently extended the concept of “workers” in the Industrial Safety and Health Law as “those who provide work for wages to businesses or workplaces of any kind”.2.5. Who should be responsible for providing OHS to on-demand business?The Korean Occupational Safety and Health Act imposes OHS obligations on the government, employers, and workers. The government has the responsibility for disaster prevention of workplaces such as establishing and enforcing OHS policies, research and development of technology for safety and health, and the installation and operation of facilities. The employer is obliged to comply with the Industrial Safety and Health Act, the standards for the prevention of industrial accidents, and to provide a comfortable work environment and working conditions. Workers are obliged to observe the precautions necessary to prevent industrial accidents and to observe measures to prevent industrial accidents.At present, the social security system for some special independent workers as worker is the only worker's compensation insurance in Republic of Korea. However, if a worker works for several companies, he/she can only partake in a voluntary subscription scheme where he/she pays a 100% premium. Under current law, it is impossible for an employer to pay workers compensation insurance for platform workers. In addition, because the employee is not a worker (a worker under the Labor Standards Act) for a single employer, the employer's liability and obligation regarding OHS services is not imposed. Therefore, it is difficult for platform workers to manage chronic diseases, work-related diseases, and occupational diseases due to difficulties in health examination and health care.3. Missions of OHS to prepare for the FIR3.1. Re-definition of decent workLabor is indispensable. Even if a machine replaces labor, human labor is indispensable. Labor is also necessary for the development of human beings, both culturally and psychologically. Labor is also needed to contribute to society and to protect the dignity and value of individuals. In a world where jobs are scarce, employment opportunities must be fair. In other words, it is necessary to discuss who is going to perform decent work and bad work. It is also necessary to renew the definition of working hours in the situation where fragmented labor is universalized and globalization causes social time constraints to gradually disappear.To date, ideal jobs have been thought of as stable jobs where workers receive fixed salaries. However, as nonstandard employment becomes popular, it is necessary to re-establish the concept of stable jobs and good jobs. In the “Declaration of Social Justice for a Fair Globalization” adopted in 2008, the ILO “convinced that in a world of growing interdependence and complexity and the internationalization of production: the fundamental values of freedom, human dignity, social justice, security and nondiscrimination are essential for sustainable economic and social development and efficiency”. Decent work should in volve many dimensions. It means not only productivity, fair income, and workplace safety, but also guarantee of social security for the family, individual self-development and social integration, freedom of individual expression, and participation of union labor in the workplace. In other words, the concept of decent work is a set of values that go beyond fixed, high wages, stable working hours, and stable employment conditions.3.2. Paradigm shift of OHSAn occupational disease is a disease caused by the working environment or conditions for the purpose of livelihood. Occupational diseases are not limited to specific organs, so treatment is difficult. Therefore, OHS emphasizes prevention and reward rather than focusing on treatment or rehabilitation. Occupational medicine originated from industrial medicine centering on occupational diseases in manufacturing and it was extended to occupational medicine, which encompasses the entire occupation.Currently, most of the OHS services are in business units. However, as the employment relations change with the FIR, the units and responsibilities for managing workers exposed to harmful factors become unclear. Currently, OHS services in asbestos business units cannot take care of independent workers employed on a project-by-project basis. In other words, OHS services should be changed from an employer-centric to a public health approach, as set out in the WHO's Health and Safety Convention.The same is true of industrial accidents. In case of working as a project unit, it is difficult to apply the present system that estimates and compensates based on exposure to harmful factors. In other words, in the age of the FIR, labor is not continuous or constant. In such a working environment, there is a lack of grounds for judging whether an individual's illness is caused by a certain occupation. Even if there are many problems in the current industrial accident compensation systems, in the current systems, there are the consensus that specific jobs must have specific risk factors in common. So, it was possible to assess job hazard analysis by job groups. However, when constant and continuous jobs are scarce, and people have more than one job by their needs, it was hard to assess risk of jobs. Furthermore, in this situation, current industrial accident compensation system cannot protect independent workers. Therefore, this should also be changed from an employer-centered approach to a public-health approach.Each country has to make institutional arrangements and broad legislative measures to ensure that the ILO's international labor standards apply equally to its own regulations and policies. International labor standards cover basic agreements. The Equal Remuneration Convention seeks to ensure that a worker who provides equal value is not discriminated on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, political opinion, socioeconomic status, social origin, or age. Particularly, the freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, OHS, and the protection of employment and discrimination are necessary. Wages of temporary workers should not be lower than those of other workers who do the same or similar things. In addition, temporary workers should be provided with maternity protection, paid leave, paid holidays, andsick leave.Each country should also prepare for the labor market, which has no national boundaries because of the development of the FIR technology. International standard rules are required for working conditions. A labor market in developing countries should no longer be viewed in terms of being regulation-free. In 2019, the ILO describes labor standards in international markets under the title “Rules of the game”. It must be ensured that labor does not interfere with personal freedom and safety, and does not undermine its dignity. In other words, labor standards of international markets are being proposed so that the aim of human labor is to improve the life of humanity as a whole, not for economic development itself.3.3. Need for a network replacing the traditional labor union to claim the new rights of independent workersWith the FIR, traditional unions have difficulty negotiating with their employers. The labor union participation rate in developed countries is decreasing compared with the 1970s. As various work relationships such as suppliers,subcontractors, non-governmental organizations, and other labor relations are applied, and the characteristics of workers such as women, youth, and immigrants are diversified, labor organization innovation is needed.As technology is developed, globalization promotes the decentralization of production. Multinational corporations now design and produce new products and manage production lines for workers in their home countries. This is a system which constructs and produces factories in middle-income or developing countries which are also consumer markets. At this time, workers in their home countries can demand a safe working environment by organizing labor unions based on relatively strong labor laws and social safety networks in developed countries. Workers in developing countries are likely to have little bargaining power in their relationship with employers because they cannot organize trade unions in their own countries, where social and legal infrastructures are lacking.Thus, in the era of the FIR, where the on-demand business will become the dominant employment relationship, a new type of union is needed to represent theinterests of independent workers. Unions based on a single workplace should also learn about the employment relationship between on-demand and platform businesses. The new union should go beyond the workplace to be a union of industrial units or a community-based union.The new union should first demand the right of the independent worker and understand that industrial accidents caused by new technologies are unpredictable. In particular, the employer must disclose to workers all the health hazards that may arise in the event of a new chemical or physical process used at the manufacturing stage in a transparent manner. The nature of the employment relationship of the platform business is likely to be attributed to the individual independent worker. In addition to efforts to clarify responsibility, it is necessary to disclose information on harmful substances and harmful environments including trade secrets.3.4. Government policyBecause of the effects of the FIR, a large number of jobs will be replaced by machines and new jobs will be created. There is a concern of mass unemployment in the transitional period of technological change. Capital income is overwhelmingly higher than labor income and mass unemployment is likely to make a society unstable. In addition, when nonstandard employment becomes mainstream, there is a concern that the number of workers who cannot be protected by the current labor law is likely to increase. Furthermore, there is a need for social security for those without capital. The gap between the rich and the poor is an element of social unrest. Therefore, redistribution of the profits of capital by means of a robot tax or basic income system is being considered.It is necessary to reform the system to protect workers' health rights. With the expansion of platform business, on-demand business may make the business owner unclear and the entity that is responsible for providing the OHS service may disappear. Therefore, to broaden the scope of OHS service and compensation, it is necessary to revise the definition of ‘full property’ or ‘worker character.”We must establish a system to monitor the emergence of new forms of OHS issues, nurture experts to be responsible for changing OHS issues, and enact newlabor laws and social insurance systems according to changes of the labor environment.4. ConclusionsTo cope with the emerging OHS issues in the fourth industrial revolution era, we need to establish new concepts of ‘decent work’,” and standardized regulations which apply to enterprises in each country, to develop public health as an OHS service, surveil emerging OHS events and networks among independent workers, and nurture experts to be responsible for new OHS issues.中⽂第四次⼯业⾰命及其对职业健康与安全、⼯⼈薪酬和劳动条件的影响摘要“第四次⼯业⾰命”是基于信息和通信的先进技术时代。
翻译原则: Dolet (1540)set out five principles in order of importance as follows(Munday, 2001): 1. The translator must perfectly understand the sense and material of the original author, although he should feel free to clarify obscurities. 译者必须透彻理解原文的意义和内容, 灵活澄清模棱两可之处。 2. The translator should have a perfect knowledge of both SL and TL, so as not to lessen the majesty of the language. 译者必须精通原语和译语,不破坏语言的美。 3. The translator should avoid word-for-word renderings. 译者必须避免逐词对译。 4. The translator should avoid Latinate and unusual forms. 译者应避免使用拉丁语和不寻 常的语言形式。(即强调使用民族语言和习惯用法的重要性)。 5. The translator should assemble and liaise words eloquently to avoid clumsiness. 译者 必娴熟搭配运用词语,使译文不致笨拙晦涩。
• 路德的《圣经》德译本是西方翻译史上对民族语言的发展造成了巨大而直接影响的第 一部翻译作品。与古希腊的《七十子希腊文本》、古罗马第一位翻译家安德罗尼柯的 《奥德赛》、哲罗姆的《通俗拉丁文本圣经》齐名,在西方翻译史上占有极其重要的 一席。
CHAPTER SIXPOLICY PORMULATION"All great truth begin as blasphemies."George B.ShawIn this chapter, we examine how policies are formulated. By the term policy formulation, we mean the stage of the policy process where pertinent and acceptable courses of action for dealing with some particular public problem are identified and enacted into law. Each of stages in the policymaking process is theoretically distinct, but they nevertheless merge in practice. For example, the nature of the problem affects whether or not it gets onto the agenda, as well as whether or not a course of action is finally enacted into law. Let us examine the policy formulation stage in a bit more depth.第六章政策形成“所有伟大的真理都起源于对神明的亵渎。
”——萧伯纳(George B.Shaw)在这一章中,我们会研究政策是如何形成的。
高中历史史学动态 哈佛所见《四世同堂》译稿以及《饥荒》的回译素材
比如,在第二十五章,宪兵来巡查防空准备,责打李四爷失职,遭到反抗后兽性发作,"四双后跟带着钉子的靴子,像四辆坦克车似的,一齐向老人的两条腿踢过来"(Four pairs of boots like four tanks with nails on the heels kicked together at the old man's legs)。
7. This cutting-edge semi-conductor will be widely used in such devices as next-generation digital appliances and home-use consoles. 这种先进的半导体将被广泛的应用与下一代数字电器和家用控制 器。 8. Abolishing the housing loan tax break would reduce the number of housing starts by 100,000, which translates into an economic loss of 600 million dollars. 废除住房贷款税额将减少住房开工户数10万户,折算成经济损失 就是6亿美元。 9. Preferential tax treatment that the U.S. Government extends to corporations runs counter to a WTO agreement that bans exports subsidies. 美国政府给予公司的税收优惠政策违反了WTO禁止出口补贴的协 议。
Hale Waihona Puke
4. In economic field, large companies are feeling the impacts of both constantly technological progress and of the newest production methods. 在经济领域,大公司正感受到技术进步和最新生产方法的双重影 响。 5. Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their tactics in coping with the constantly changing international political climate. 在应对多变的国际政治环境方面,大国和小国都有自己的策略。 6. Additional money easing was intended to prevent the injection of public funds into HSBC Holdings PLC from causing uncertainties over the financial system before it was late. 附加的货币宽松政策旨在防止公共资金注入汇丰控股有限公司, 以免造成金融体系的混乱。
关键词:翻译高潮;翻译理论;发展中图分类号:H059文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0823(2002)03-0048-04翻译是不同民族进行交流的重要媒体之一。
从中国四次翻译高峰期看翻译理论的发展葛薇(空军工程大学理学院,陕西西安710051)On The Development of Translation Theories from the Perspective of FourTranslation ClimaxesGe Wei(Air Force University of Engineering, College of Science,Xi’an, Shaanxi 710051)摘要:我国翻译发展史上曾出现过四次翻译高潮,与之伴生的是翻译理论的同步发展。
关键词:翻译高潮翻译理论翻译史Abstract: There are four translation climaxes in Chinese history, which are accompanied by the development of translation theory. Chinese translation theories developed from word-to-word translation to free translation, and then to creative translation by which the translator would combine with a variety of translation methods according to actual needs. Chinese translation theories have been developing and improving on the basis of traditional translation theories.Keywords: translation climax, translation theory, translation history收稿日期:2012-03-10作者简介:葛薇(1982-),女,陕西户县人,英语语言文学教研室,助教,硕士,从事翻译理论与实践研究。
To prevent such damage, concrete should be protectedfrom loss of moisture for at least 7 days and, in more sensitive work, up to 14 days. When high early strength cements are used, curing periods can be cut in half. Curing can be achieved by keeping exposed surfaces continually wet through sprinkling, ponding, covering with plastic film, or by the use of sealing compounds, which, when properly used, form evaporation retarding membranes. In addition to improved strength, proper moist-curing provides better shrinkage control. To protect the concrete against low temperatures during cold weather, the mixing water and, occasionally, the aggregates are heated, temperature insulation is used where possible, and special admixtures, particularly calcium chloride, are employed. When air temperatures are very low, external heat may have to be supplied in addition to insulation.
America is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected. Though responsibility requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment. We find the fullness of life not only in options, but also in commitments.美国是一个尊重并期盼个人责任心的国家。
Sometimes in life we are called to do great things. But more often we are called to do small things with great love. I, therefore, ask you to seek a common good beyond your own comfort; to serve your nation, beginning with your neighbor.生活中有时我们被召唤去从事伟业。
Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves.美国人慷慨、坚强、正直。
While many of our citizens prosper, some Americans doubt the promise, even the justice of our own country. These people may have ambitions and aspirations, but they are limited by such elements as failing schools and the circumstances of their birth.在许多国人获得成功的同时,也有一些美国人对我们国家的承诺,甚至对我们国家本身的公正,表示怀疑。
各位同学,再接再厉,两个故事!1. Michelangelo and a politician arrive at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter proclaims, “He‟s here! He‟s here!” and ushers the politician inside as trumpets sound and angels sing.As Michelangelo follows, the gates slam in his face. Shaken, he knocks. St. Peter appears. “I don‟t understand,” Michelangelo says. “I have served God all my life through my work, and I arrive here and am completely ignored in the midst of the tremendous welcome for, of all people, a politician!”“I‟m sorry,” says St. Peter. “We have many artists and religious people in heaven. But this is our first politician!”2. The Secret of a Successful MarriageA couple was celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. Their domestic tranquility had long been the talk of the town. A local newspaper reporter was inquiring as to the secret of their long and happy marriage.“Well, it dates back to our honeymoon,” explained the man. “We visited the Grand Canyon and took a trip down to the bottom of the canyon by pack mule. We hadn‟t gone too far when my wife‟s mule stumbled. My wife quietly said, …That‟s once.‟ We proceeded a little farther when the mule stumbled again. Once more my wife quietly said, …That‟s twice.‟ We hadn‟t gone a half-mile when the mule stumbled a third time. My wife promptly removed a revolver from her pocket and shot the mule dead. I started to protest over her treatment of the mule when she looked at me and quietly said …That‟s once.‟ And we lived happily ever after.”。
富兰克林罗斯福 第四次就职演说翻译
富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D.Roosevelt)第四次就职演说翻译首席大法官先生,副总统先生,我的朋友们:你们能够理解、并且我相信也会赞同我的愿望,把这次就职典礼办成一个简简单单的仪式,而我则只发表一个简短的演说。
(1) …Blessed by year round good weather, Spain is a magnet for sun-worshippers and holidaymakers… 西班牙蒙上帝保佑,一年四季,天 气很好,宛如一块磁铁,吸引着酷 爱阳光、爱度假的人们……
Original English 1: I love tiger cat…British movies on public television, fluffy blouses, the nuclear family…(Helen Snow, My China Years) Chinese Version A: 我爱虎猫,…(爱)电视上放映的英国影片,有 绒毛的短衫,核心家庭,… Chinese Version B: 我喜欢豹猫,…喜欢公共电视台播放的英国电影, 喜欢蓬松柔软件的棉毛衫,喜欢一夫一妻制的家 庭,…
a word, literal translation and free translation are both indispensable and supplementary to each other. In the process of translating, we should adopt these two methods flexibly and appropriately.
(2 ) When you translate sentences which are dissimilar in structure or figure of speech, free translation should be used.
(3) And when you translate sentences which are partly similar and partly dissimilar in structure or figure of speech, the two methods should be flexibly and cleverly combined.
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1. We are very grateful to you for your effort to come all the way from China to present this document to us.
2. The use of bio-chemical weapons is a sheer violation of international laws – the Geneva Convention in particular.
3. We have advocated the principle of peaceful coexistence, which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa.
4. In economic field, large companies are feeling the impacts of both constantly technological progress and of the newest production methods.
5. Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their tactics in coping with the constantly changing international political climate.
6. Additional money easing was intended to prevent the injection of public funds into HSBC Holdings PLC from causing uncertainties over the financial system before it was late.
7. This cutting-edge semi-conductor will be widely used in such devices as next-generation digital appliances and home-use consoles.
8. Abolishing the housing loan tax break would reduce the number of housing starts by 100,000, which translates into an economic loss of 600 million dollars.
9. Preferential tax treatment that the U.S. Government extends to corporations runs counter to a WTO agreement that bans exports subsidies.