34 Comp. Gen. 195 (1954), “Necessary Expense Rule” The expenditure of an appropriation must be for a particular statutory purpose, or necessary and incident to proper execution of the general purpose of the appropriation The expenditure must not be prohibited by law The expenditure must not be otherwise provided for; it must not fall within the scope of some other appropriation
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center
Anti-Deficiency Act (31 USC sections 1341, 1342, & 1517)
• An officer or employee of the United States may not:
– make or authorize an expenditure or obligation that exceeds an appropriation or an apportionment –make or authorize an expenditure or obligation in advance of an appropriation, unless authorized by law –accept voluntary services except to save human life or prevent property damage –make or authorize an expenditure or obligation that exceeds an apportionment or reapportionment, or in excess of the amount specified in a formal subdivision of funds in accordance with agency regulations
第三节 企业的国际化
是指企业日益摆脱单纯的地域界限,以国际市场为导 向,国际性地利用生产要素和管理技能,从事跨国界 的生产经营活动,由国内经营型向跨国经营型的转换 过程
三、 企业国际化的趋势 1、跨国公司已成为推进世界经济一体 化的生力军 2、发达国家企业国际化水平很高
(1)占据跨国公司的绝大多数 (2)投资规模很大、国家企业国际化的发展速度很 快
(1)发展速度快、实力不断增强 (2)投资地域分布既广泛又集中 (3)投资动机多样化但以开拓市场为主
企业母国与东道国关系 产品和行业 经营规模及地址 公司的可见性 东道国政治情况
(2) 企业内部因素
企业的行为 企业对东道国的贡献 经营的当地化 子公司对母公司的依赖性
4、国际企业规避政治风险的主要途 l 预先取得东道国政府的保证 l 增大当地政府或企业的投资比率 l 将投资分散到不同国家 l 大量雇佣当地从业人员 l 增加出口比率 l 牢固地控制关键技术 l 增加在东道国借债的比率 l 增大在东道国采购原材料和零部件
第五节 中国企业的国际化
一、中国企业国际化的必要性和迫切性 1.生产分工的国际化要求 2.世界贸易组织形成的要求 3.世界跨国公司的大发展的要求 4.我国产业政策实现的要求
第一节国际企业的经营环境及其构成 第二节政治环境与政治风险的防范 第三节文化环境与文化差异 第四节国际企业的跨文化管理
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (57)
The Downside of Bureaucratic Control
A control system cannot be effective without consideration
of how people will react to it Three types of responses Rigid bureaucratic behavior occurs when control systems prompt employees to stay out of trouble by following the rules rather than doing the right thing Tactical behavior leads to ineffective behavior because employees try to beat the system Resistance to control occurs because Control systems uncover mistakes, threaten job security and status, and decrease autonomy Control systems can change expertise and power structures Control systems can change the social structure of an organization Control systems may be seen as an invasion of privacy
Control Problems
Bureaucratic Control Systems: The Control Cycle
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (49)
Kinicki/Williams, Management: A Practical Introduction 3e ©2008, McGraw-Hill/Irwin 6
Chapter 16: Control
The four management functions include all of the following except A) implementing B) organizing C) planning D) controlling
Kinicki/Williams, Management: A Practical Introduction 3e ©2008, McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2
16.1 Managing for Productivity
Productivity is defined as outputs divided by inputs where: outputs are the goods and services produced, and inputs are labor, capital, materials, and energy Productivity is important because it determines whether a company will make a profit and affects a country’s standard of living Maintaining productivity depends on control
Kinicki/Williams, Management: A Practical Introduction 3e ©2008, McGraw-Hill/Irwin 12
KLS Consulting LL8C
Why This Topic?
Fix: Issuer (& Audit Firms)
App Server OS-VersionSupported
DB Server OS-VersionSupported Changes-Count Failures-Count Gaps-Security-Count Gaps-Changes-Count Gaps-QOSR-Count Gaps-Other-Count Production-Server-Count
KLS Consulting1L8LC
APPL Risk Factors (1 of 2)
Vendor-Reputation Months-Post-OriginalImplementation-Date Months-Post-Major-ReleaseDate Version-Supported Users-Count Customization
KLS Consulting 1LL3C
KLS Consulting1L4LC
Model Walk文版
KLS Consulting1L5LC
Run Settings
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (15)
Deciding on Systems Projects
System Service Request (SSR)
A standard form for requesting or proposing systems development work within an organization
The project workbook for the Purchase Fulfillment System project contains nine key documents in both hard-copy and electronic form.
PM Phase 2: Project Planning
✓ Describe the skills required to be an effective project manager.
✓ List and describe the skills and activities of a project manager during project initiation, project planning, project execution, and project closedown.
Spreadsheet software is good for this.
PM Phase 3: Project Execution
Plans created in prior phases are put into action.
Execute baseline project plan Monitor progress against baseline plan Manage changes in baseline plan Maintain project workbook Communicate project status
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (55)
2 Key Issues
President Roosevelt told the conference: "The economic health of every country is a proper matter of concern to all its neighbors, near and distant."
– –
How Bretton Woods reshaped the world
In the summer of 1944, delegates from 44 countries met in the midst of World War II to reshape the world's international financial system. The location of the meeting - The Mount Washington Hotel in rural Bretton Woods, New Hampshire – was to ensure that the delegates would have no distractions and no pressure from lobbyists or congress, as they worked on their plans for post-war reconstruction.
International Finance Extras (Time Permitting)
Participation Ranking (Section 2)
4) Nethra Muralidharan, Elena Ponomareva 3) Andrew Buks, Bernadette Almeda, Sweta Joshi 2) Madhu Varshi
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (40)
payment of bills on time. Planning and measuring financial progress. Completing required tax reports. Making effective investment decisions. Determining available resources for current and future buying.
Objective 1: Identify the main components of wise money management
Daily spending and saving decisions are at the center of financial planning. Decisions must be coordinated with your needs, goals, and personal situations. Money management means the day-to-day financial activities necessary to manage personal economic resources, while working toward long-term financial security.
What to Keep in a Safe Deposit Box
Safe deposit box is for records and items that would be hard to replace.
– – – – – – – – – – Birth, marriage and death certificates. Citizenship and military papers. Adoption and custody papers. Serial numbers and photos of valuables. CDs and credit and banking account numbers. Mortgage papers and titles. List of insurance policy numbers. Stock and bond certificates. Coins and other collectibles. Copy of will.
国际企业管理 ppt课件
企业的规模对其组织设计有着十分明显 的作用。一般说来,组织结构与规模成 正相关关系,但是边际相关度递减,即 规模达到一定程度后,对结构的影响程 度开始减弱。
不列颠大学的琼·伍德沃德在20世纪60年 代提出:组织的结构因技术而变化。她 认为,制造业企业可以分成单件生产型、 大量生产型和连续生产型三类。每一类 企业都有其特定的组织结构形式,成功 的企业是那些能够根据技术的要求而采 取合适的结构安排的企业。
内部化理论---以市场失效\交易成本理论为基础 国际生产折衷理论
第四章 组织与国际企业组织
第一节 企业组织结构的基本理论 一、企业的组织结构 二、企业组织结构的基本理论 1、古典组织结构理论 2、新古典组织结构理论 3、组织结构权变理论 4、环境决定组织结构理论 5、组织经济学理论 6、学习型组织结构理论 这些组织机构特点、优缺点?
司。认为多国公司的第一标准就是在许多国家从事经营,第二个 标准就是它在哪些国家从事研究开发和生产制造,第三个标准就 使股票所有权必须多国的。 (三)美国维农认为:跨国公司控制着一大群在不同国家的公司 的总公司,使用一个共同的人力和财力资源。
经营额标准是一公司在国外营业额相对 或者绝对额作为划分标准。
联合经营的组织结构,以项目为主联合 起来,随着联合企业经营所处的不同阶 段,组织安排也会发生持续不断的变化。
被称为凯立茨的关联组织,是一种大型的,通 常是横向联合的、紧密合作和工作的公司群体。
日本并不是唯一采用这种关联组织安排的国家, 美国大型的跨国企业也在创造它们自己的凯立 茨关联组织。现在越来越多的美国公司正在合 作以努力提高它们的竞争力,抵消来自外国凯 立茨式关联组织影响。
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (10)
• It said that the new government should pay off the millions of dollars in debts owed by the Confederate government to other countries and to individual citizens. • The nation should pay for the cost of their help. • Further, by the federal government assuming the states’ debts, this would give the states a strong interest in the success of the new governmgton
• Congress set up a cabinet with three departments:
– The State Department to handle relations with other nations, headed by Thomas Jefferson – The Treasury Department to deal with financial matters, headed by Alexander Hamilton – The War Department to provide for the national defense, headed by Henry Knox
–He would establish precedents that would shape the future of the United States. –He would make many decisions especially about the structure of government.
金融全球化是指一国的金融活动跨越国界日益与国际金融 活动融合在一起,即资金的筹集、分配和运用超越国家了界限 ,在全球范围内进行。
·全球各地的金融市场和金融机构日益紧密地联系在一起。 ·世界各国的金融政策取向一体化。 ·银行国际化促进了对外直接投资的发展。
20世纪70年代初至80年代末,西欧和日本的经济实力增强, 美国跨国公司的地位相对受到削弱,国际直接投资格局逐步由美 国占绝对优势向多极化方向发展。这时期,越来越多的企业在制 定和实施跨国经营战略时,从全球市场角度配置资源,跨国公司 的国际投资行为日益多样化。
全球化3.0阶段世界变成“迷你型”的了。在全球化3.0版 本下,主要的问题是:在全球竞争机会中个人究竟处在什么 位置?个人可以如何与他人进行全球合作?
经济全球化是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资 本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全 球范围的有机经济整体。经济全球化是当代世界经济的重要特征 之一,也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。
第二节 跨国经营与国内经营的差异
跨国经营活动跨越不同的主权国家,决定了它要面临着 比国内商务活动更为复杂的商务环境。由于各国政体和国体 的差异,企业可能面临着政治制度、法律制度等与国内不同 的政治法律环境;由于经济体制、经济发展水平、基础设施 水平、税收制度及货币汇率制度等不同而使企业面临着与国 内不同的经济环境;由于语言、文化传统、价值观、消费习 惯等不同而使企业面临着与国内不同的社会文化环境;由于 自然环境、地理位置、资源等不同而使企业面临着与国内不 同的地理环境等。这些都大大增加了跨国经营的难度。
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (18)
CHAPTER 23 – Working Capital Management – General Issues
23 - 9
Working Capital Management
Exhaustion of Liquid Resources
Firms can „run out‟ of liquid financial resources in a number of ways:
3,000 2,500 2,250 375 -125 125 0 600 -600
3,500 3,000 2,625 375 0 0 0 700 -700
CHAPTER 23 – Working Capital Management – General Issues
23 - 11
An Integrated Approach to Net Working Capital Management
CHAPTER 23 – Working Capital Management – General Issues
23 - 7
Good Working Capital Management
• Characterized by:
1. The maintenance of optimal cash balances 2. The investment of any excess liquid funds in marketable securities that provide the best return possible, considering any liquidity or default-risk constraints 3. Proper management of accounts receivable 4. An efficient inventory management system 5. Maintaining an appropriate level of short-term financing, in the least expensive and most flexible manner possible.
management 企业管理类英文版PPT课件 (44)
Consolidation for Efficiency, cont.
• Gradually over the 20th century, the states
assumed more responsibility to oversee education • In 1937-38, the first year keeping such statistics, the U.S. had 119,001 school districts • In 2000-01, the total number of school districts totaled 14,859
Chapter 9 The Structure of School Finance Systems
Education Is a State Responsibility
• States have the responsibility to plan
for and deliver a system of free, public education • States also have the duty to equalize funding based on the localities’ fiscal capacity to pay for educational programs
52.1 43.4 46.8
% of Revenue by Source
Region & State 50 states and DC Federal 7.3 State 50.2 Local 42.5
New England
●The geography order of enterprise market extend: local market-----area market----national market-----abroad neighbor market-----global market ●The evolvement of enterprise multinational operation ●The reason of gradualism
3. Economic policy has more and more effect on world economy
Section 2 The internationalization of enterprise operation 一、The internationalization of enterprise operation 二、Two angle of view of internationalization
●International pact and organization
2.World economy collectivization、area trend
Two main tide of world economy integration :
●Company integration
●Area integration
四 . The necessity and stringency of Chinese enterprise internationalization
●The form and development of international enterprise ●Management environment and multi-culture management of international enterprise ●Strategy management of international enterprise ●Marketing management of international enterprise ●Foreign direct investment of international enterprise ●Production Management and Technology Transfer of International Enterprise
企业管理 英文版
Enterprises generally refers to for the purpose of profit, the use of a variety of factors of production, to provide goods or services to the market, independent management and losses, corporate and independent accounting or other social organizations. The purpose of the enterprise is profit. Its mission is to achieve maximum benefits to investors, customers, employees, society and so on.There are several factors promote value creation, competition of the enterprise.First is the prime cost.In the real market, value creation through to get higher than the opportunity cost of capital investment income to achieve.More investment is higher than the cost of capital gains, to create greater value.Second is the quality. Quality is what built the enterprises. If you do not have good quality and reputation, the consequences can’t imagine.If the enterprise wants to live in the competition, you must make all the staff to improve quality consciousness,strengthen the management of production scene and use the quality supervision.To do this, it can promote the development of enterprises.Third is the flexibility.The flexibility of the enterprise needs to break the hierarchical structure is used.This makes the different groups of employees can use fundamentally different employment policy.Fourth is the time.From the business point of view, time is a kind of management resources.The time is irreversible.So it’s very naturally to save time, achieve maximumoutput and strive to create more value.An appropriate amount of inventory will make production more smoothly.A reasonable combination of orders will enable enterprises to gain greater benefits.Enterprises need to carry out the process optimization strategy.Enterprises can carry out mass production in certain circumstances.This can save time and improve efficiency.Operation links need to have continuity.Enterprise development strategy is not in a fixed order.In general, it has to conduct an investigation, put forward a strategic, seek advice, make a strategic decision. Strategic investigation should have the shackles of broad vision and long-term planning, good at using the intuitive and flexible thinking, break through the traditional ideas, seize and main and deep problems of the enterprise development strategy in order to make investigation.Strategic investigation needs to be clear the relations of things, including space connection, time connection, tangible connection and intangible connection.The draft of development strategy is based on the investigation of strategic.The draft of development strategy need not be specific,systematic, rigorous, but to elaborate the core comprehensive.In order to prevent the strategic mistakes, improve the strategic level,between the time of proposed draft development strategy and development strategy,the enterprise needs to take advice from the parties concerned about the whole or part of the social problems,especially the industry and strategy of expert opinion.Strategic decision has milepost sense on the development of enterprise.In order to overall interests and long-term interests of enterprise, in the decision of enterprise development strategy to develop democracy adequately, listen to the views of various departments, especially the different views.The development strategy of the enterprise should be made by the enterprise leadership collective decision-making.As the technology, management, marketing and other needs continuous innovation, enterprise development strategy also requires constant innovation.The innovation of enterprise development strategy is to study and formulate new enterprise development strategy.Enterprise development strategy should keep relative stable, relative stable does not mean have no change.Enterprises should analyze the key factors affecting the development of enterprises and objective summary, and to determine the specific influencing factors in strategic choice in step. Enterprises should make the strategic choice scheme firstly, then evaluate strategic alternatives, finally select the most suitable development strategy for the enterprise under current conditions.。