



• [4]、应用文。
• 英语应用文属于实用型文体,如书信、通知、日 记、广告等。应用文阅读要注意文中具体细节的把 握与理解,弄清作者所传达的实际信息及表达的具 体内容。
• 阅读时采取速读与精读相结合的方法,力求快速精 确地查出试题所设置的关键内容。
具有名词与形容词两种词性的后缀 具有名词与形容词两种词性的后缀 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、说明过程和归纳总结。
-ent 形容词:existent, dependent, emergent 名词: resident, patient
-ic 形容词:periodic, cubic立方形的, 立方体的, magnetic磁性的, electronic 名词:critic评论者、批评家, mechanic技工、机 械师, logic逻辑, rhetoric 修辞学
• [2]、议论文。 • 其论证的常见结构方式有: • 1,总分式 总---分;分----总;总----分---
• 2,并列式 几个论据之间属于平等关系; • 3,递进式 几个论据之间属于递进关系 • 4,对照式 把两种事物加以对比,以彰显
• [3]、说明文。 • 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、
英语记叙文以描写叙述为主,主要描写人物、事件、地点、或过程。 形容词:feminine女性的、阴柔的, riverine 河流的
把握程度不同,从而在有限的时间内抓住文章的脉 名词:heroine女主角,doctrine教义,routine程序、常规
observatory 天文台
llaabvaotroartyor盥搏y 实洗验室,室 获取准确信息,以此提高阅读答题的准确率;


Representative works
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist, William Shakespeare's Hamlet, etc.
Definition: Poetry is a form of lyrical literature that uses language as a medium to express emotions and ideas through rhythm, rhythm, and imagery.
Characteristics: Poetry usually has musicality and visual beauty, moving readers through refined language and rich imagination.
Representative works include William Blake's "Innocent Prophecy", Yeats's "When You're Old", Emily Dickinson's "Because I Can't Stop Waiting for Death", and so on.
the Knights of the Round Table, Beowulf, and Robin Hood
Medical literature genes
Knight Narrative Poetry
Knight Negative Poetry



初中英语作文体裁类型课件**Introduction**In the realm of junior high school English education, essay writing plays a pivotal role in enhancing students' language proficiency and critical thinking skills. This slideshow focuses on various essay genres encountered in junior high school, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of their structure, content, and writing techniques.**Section 1: Narrative Essays**Narrative essays are stories that revolve around a sequence of events. They are often personal accounts that captivate readers through vivid descriptions and emotional appeal. Key elements include a clear plot, engaging characters, and a compelling narrative voice. When writing a narrative essay, students should focus on creating avivid scene, using descriptive language, and maintaining a logical flow of events.**Section 2: Descriptive Essays**Descriptive essays aim to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind by using sensory details. They focus on describing a person, place, object, or experience in a way that evokes emotions and sensations. To excel indescriptive writing, students should practice using figurative language, such as similes and metaphors, to enhance the vividness of their descriptions.**Section 3: Expository Essays**Expository essays are written to explain or clarify a concept, idea, or process. They typically have a clear thesis statement and are organized in a logical, sequential manner. Students should practice breaking down complex topics into manageable parts and using examples and illustrations to support their arguments.**Section 4: Argumentative Essays**Argumentative essays involve presenting a claim or opinion and supporting it with evidence and reasoning. They require students to analyze different viewpoints, evaluate their credibility, and construct a convincing argument. When writing argumentative essays, students should ensurethat their arguments are well-structured, their evidence is reliable, and their language is persuasive.**Section 5: Persuasive Essays**Persuasive essays aim to convince the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action. They often employ emotional appeals and logical arguments to persuade the audience. Students should practice identifying their target audience and tailoring their language and arguments accordingly. Additionally, using personal anecdotes or stories can help make the essay more engaging and convincing.**Conclusion**In conclusion, understanding and mastering thedifferent essay genres encountered in junior high school English is crucial for students' academic success. Through this slideshow, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure, content, and writing techniques required for each genre. With practice and dedication, they can develop their essay writing skills and excel in this important aspect of English language learning.**初中英语作文体裁类型课件****引言**在初中英语教育中,作文写作在提高学生语言能力和批判性思维方面起着关键作用。



With spring coming, the weather is growing warmer and warmer.
Para 1 Our class are planning to have a spring outing and we’d like to invite you to take part in the activity.
Step 4 实战演练
第二节 书面表达
假设你是李华,请你给教Cathy写一封 邮件邀请她一起参观你所在社区将在元 宵节举办的庆祝活动,内容包括:
1.时间:2017年2月11日; 2.活动内容:看花灯,舞狮子,民俗表演 3. 约定时间 元宵节:Lantern Festival
5分钟思考 审题-----介绍信 人称:一,二人称

1.新闻特 写则是 用形象 的事实 说话。 它常常 抓住事 物有特 征的一 面进行 描述, 比消息 更细腻 、更生 动、更 形象。

2.由于新 闻特写 的画面 感特别 强,因 此常给 读者以 身临其 境的感 受。

3.“花香蝶自来,题好一半文”,一篇文 章有一 个好的 标题, 就像一 个人有 一双明 亮有神 的眼睛 一样, 留给别 人的是 将是十 分美好 而深刻 的印象 ,同时 也是文 学修养 ,语言 功底, 思想魅 力的最 直接的 流露, 从考试 的角度 来说, 更是作 文质量 高底的 一杆标 尺。

4.对于话题作文的拟题我们一定要多 一些有 针对性 的训练 ,掌握 一定的 技巧, 达到需 要应用 时信手 拈来, 出语不 俗的效 果,感 动自己 ,征服 读者。

5.这些根据材料提供的话题,进一步 挖深、 提炼出 来的题 目,源 源源于 材料而 高于材 料,加 进去个 体的感 悟与理 解,充 满了理 性的光 辉,于 平凡中 见奇倔 ,也是 很多喜 欢定议 论文的 同学拟 题一种 好方法 ,很有 思想深 度。


Focus on what’s described Order to describe (center around the typical
characteristics and features) Diction (vividness)
Example: Life on a Farm (Description)
Learn to Write
Chapter Ⅲ: composition
Lecture One: forms of composition
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2)
(e.gins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So,
my cousin and I were really in hot water.
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
1. Narration(叙述文): writing about events, actions, or incidents
In chronological order The first person or the third person Event: beginning, development and ending (past


humorous words always make people laugh. As a result, the work is popular with people of all ages. As for the story, the characters overcome challenges with teamwork, and we can learn a lesson from that. When it comes to the theme, the book encourages readers to fight for their dream firmly and never give up, which gives strength to realize their dream. For the reasons above,the book is well worth reading-
4.It is a film that can deeply touch you and even make you laugh to tears.
3-2 描述阅读感悟(涉及电影、书籍主题)
1.Frozen 2 conveys a message that should be all clear to us---life will give you frustrations over and over again, and friends or families won’t always by our side. Sometimes we have to solve problems on our own, the only thing we have to do is to trust ourselves and others.


• ...
《阿Q正传》——鲁迅 《老人与海》——海明 《透明的红罗卜》、 威(美)
《野种》、《你的行 《鸳之死》——维尔 为使我们恐惧》—— 加(意大利) 莫言
(there great masters of short
《摩罗诗力说》、《文化偏 stories in the world)
• Novella (中篇小说)
• Short story (短篇小说)
• Mini-story (微型小说)
• 长篇小说 长篇小说字数最为不定,字数差距最大。有十几万
字的(这算是长篇小说字数的底线了),更有上百万字甚至几百 万字的长篇小说。如此长篇小说还可分为小长篇(一般的在十几 万到三十万字间),中长篇(一般的是五六十万字),大长篇 (一般要在八十万字以上),超长篇(一般的要达到一百五十万 字)巨长篇(往往是几百万字数的,像二百多万字,三百多万字 甚至过五百万字的)。
• A Tale of Two Cities---Charles John Huffam Dickens
• Gone with the Wind---Margaret Mitchell
• The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe--Daniel·Defoe
• David Copperfield---Charles John Huffam Dickens


outstanding movie will be shown in our campus. Welcome to join us end enjoy it! Here are some relevant details about it.
To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing together, which is about the development of our beloved school; as a result, it will be not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, it will be in the library from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon on June 9th. What’s more, everyone will be welcome to take part in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments.
To begin with, a new stadium has been built up, which has become the new landmark in our school. Moreover, a large number of sports events are able to be held, including PingPong, football as well as basketball. As for me, I like basketball best since it can give me strength to face the difficulties in my life.



But thy eternaBlutsyuomur myouetrh sshhalal nllont foadtef,ade, Nor lose possNeosr swiollnyoou flotshe athte fbaeairutyththoaut yoouwp’ossts;ess; Nor shall DeaNBtheocrbawursialelgidnetamhthyoceultaeiwrmnaaylnovuderfesoerry’hsoitsuoiwnwilnhl,liisvesfhoraevdeer.,
Old words:
Dost/doest=do (2nd sing), doth/doeth=does Hast=have (2nd sing), hath= has , hadst=had (past) layst, mak’st, canst, whilst
我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节 与轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的 要求,有些词也要重读,有些要轻读。如He went to town
to buy a book. I’m glad to hear the news. 英文中有重读和 轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合 起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来起伏跌宕,抑扬顿 挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。多音节单词有重音和次重音, 次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。读下面 这两句诗:
打开。pate,脑袋。 fancy,动词:以为,想象。)


• 凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》《二刻拍案惊奇 》等
• Novella (中篇小说)
• Short story (短篇小说)
• Mini-story (微型小说)
• 长篇小说 长篇小说字数最为不定,字数差距最大。有十几万
字旳(这算是长篇小说字数旳底线了),更有上百万字甚至几百 万字旳长篇小说。如此长篇小说还可分为小长篇(一般旳在十几 万到三十万字间),中长篇(一般旳是五六十万字),大长篇( 一般要在八十万字以上),超长篇(一般旳要到达一百五十万字 )巨长篇(往往是几百万字数旳,像二百多万字,三百多万字甚 至过五百万字旳)。
《飘》——玛格丽特·米切尔 《鲁滨孙
漂流记》——笛福 《大卫·科波菲
尔》——狄更斯 《茶花女》——小仲

• War and Peace/Resurrection/ Anna karenina---Лев Николаевич Толстой
网游小说 (新时代旳产物,源于网络游戏)
老人与海》——海明 《透明旳红罗卜》、《野种》、《你旳行为

小说的分类 英语ppt

小说的分类 英语ppt

• • • • • • • •
fantastic novel 玄幻小说 military novel 军事小说 ye yan novel 冶艳小说 overhead historical novel 架空历史小说 other space's novel 穿越小说 magic novel 魔幻小说 YY novel YY小说 ...
• 《水浒传》、《三国演义》等 • 《狂人日记》、《腐蚀》、《少年维特之 烦恼》(The Sorrows of Young Werther)等 • 《少年维特之烦恼》、《新爱洛绮丝》等 • 《童年》、《在人间》、《我的大学》等
4. In terms of language form 按 语言形式分
却未 在与 枝群 头芳 独同 欢温 笑暖
1. In terms of coverage and capacity 按篇幅和容量分
• Novel (长篇小说) • Novella (中篇小说) • Short story (短篇小说) • Mini-stor最为不定,字数差距最大。有十几万 字的(这算是长篇小说字数的底线了),更有上百万字甚至几百 万字的长篇小说。如此长篇小说还可分为小长篇(一般的在十几 万到三十万字间),中长篇(一般的是五六十万字),大长篇 (一般要在八十万字以上),超长篇(一般的要达到一百五十万 字)巨长篇(往往是几百万字数的,像二百多万字,三百多万字 甚至过五百万字的)。 一般认为,篇幅在三万字至十万字之间的小说,也 有少数十几万字也算是中篇而不算做长篇。
• • • • 《麦琪的礼物》——欧· 亨利 《丈夫支出帐本中的一页》——马克· 吐温 《永远的门》——邵宝健 《喂——出来》——星新一
2. In terms of the content 按 内容分
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(优选)英语文学体裁介绍课 件.
What is Genre?
Genre - a category, in literature or other media, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
For example, science fiction and fantasy are two different genres in literature.
All catBiblioteka gories of books or stories can be called either fiction or non-fiction.
a made up story
can tell about things that could happen
is read for fun
Biography/Autobiography Essay Narrative Nonfiction Informational (science, sports,
history, economy, etc.) Speech
Adventure Stories featuring physical action often around a mission usually involving killing and robbing. Many times set in forbidding locales such as jungles, deserts, or mountains.
e.g. the four tragedies by W. Shakespeare: Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear
Narration demonstrating a useful truth, especially in which animals speak as humans; legendary, supernatural tale.
characters may be like real people or imaginary
has facts that can be checked and proven
the author is an expert on this information
Why recognizing genres is important?
(1) On the simplest level, grouping works offers us an orderly way to talk about an otherwise bewildering number of literary texts.
Can you classify the following genres into two categories, namely, fiction and non-fiction?
adventure, biography/autobiography, drama, essay, fable, fairy tale, fantasy, folklore, historical fiction, horror, humor, informational, legend, mystery, mythology, narrative nonfiction, poetry, realistic fiction, romance, science fiction, short story, speech, tall tale, thriller
Adventure Drama Fable Fairy Tale Fantasy Folklore Historical Fiction Horror Humor Legend
Mystery Mythology Poetry Realistic Fiction Romance Science Fiction Short Story Tall Tale Thriller
(2) More importantly, if we recognize the genre of a text, we may also have a better idea of its intended overall structure and subject / main idea.
(3) Finally, a genre approach can deepen our sense of the value of any single text, by allowing us to view it comparatively, alongside many other texts of its type.
Fiction with strange or other worldly settings or characters; using magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, and/or setting.
e.g. Aesop's Fables
Fairy Tale
Story about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children.
e.g. Fairytales written by Grimm brothers Fairytales written by Hans C. Anderson
e.g. Robinson Crusoe Moby Dick
Stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical performance, where conflicts and emotion are expressed through dialogue and action.