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三、用带-ever的引导词 (如whoever, whatever) 引导的主语从句一般不后置。
Whoever leaves the room last should close the door.
Whatever we do must be in the interests of the people.
Word study
Let’s review the useful words and expressions in the passage.
adj. relating to all Christians or the whole Christian Church; n. member of the Roman Catholic Church
通过上面的表格的练习,我们可以发 现词性的改变可以在其词根加上成分, 单词的词性就会改变。这就是我们要 学到的“后缀”。
Suffixation 后缀
A suffix is a particle, which is added to the end of a root. Suffixes do not change the meaning of the root, but its part of speech.
e.g. meaning → meaningless think → thinker
1. Suffixes used as a noun signifier
2. Suffixes used as an adjective signifier
3. Suffixes used as a verb signifier
四、it作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 it作形式主语代替主语从句, 主要是为
了平衡句子结构, 主语从句的连接词有变 化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部 分进行强调, 无论强调的是什么成分, 都可 用连词that。被强调部分指人是也可用 who/whom。例如:
It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film.
spread all over the world.
2. 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 连接词/从属连词that, whether, if 不充 当从句的任何成分 连接代词: what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which. 连接副词: when, where, how, why
Exercise: Complete these sentences, using new words form the text. 1. A __fe_d_e_r_a_l__ country consists of a group of states. 2. That is the biggest of C__a_t_h_o_li_c church I have ever seen. 3. The _m__a_jo_r_i_ty_ of us voted for Mr. Red, who then became chairman of the committee.
8. To make the crossing from Shandong to the Northeast, our ancestor suffered all kinds of _h_a_r_d_s_h_i_p_s_. 9. The people from South to North _K_o_r_e_a__ are called Korean. 10. Nobody knows who will be e_l_e_c_te_d__ as president or vice president of this country.
e.g. lead (v.)→ leadership (n.) ill (adj.)→ illness (n.)
Although each suffix has its own meaning, it can’t be used separately without the root.
However, some suffixes add new meanings to the newly formed words.
Look at the following clauses in the sentences and think about what role do these clauses play in the sentences. •What attracts people to California is its pleasant climate and relaxed lifestyle. 主语 •This is why each year a great number of people from all over the world try to immigrate to California. 表语 •However, most applicants know that they have very little chance of getting a visa.宾语
4. The _M__in_i_s_tr_y_ of Education is one of the government department. 5. The economic __b_o_o_m___ in recent years has created more job opportunities. 6. _I_t_a_ly____ shaped like a boot lies in the south of Europe. 7. We should draw a _d_i_st_i_n_c_ti_o_n_ between right and wrong.
注意: 连词that, whether在从句中不担任 句子成分, 只起连接作用, 不能省略 (注: if不可用来引导主语从句)
二、用it 作形式主语的结构 (1) It is+名词+从句
It is a fact that … 事实是…… It is an honor that ……非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that…是常识 (2) It is+形容词+从句 (多用 should) It is natural that… 很自然…… It is strange that… 奇怪的是……
1. 概念 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句
(Noun Clauses)。 名词从句的功能相当于名 词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、 表语、同位语、介词宾语等, 因此根据它在 句中不同的语法功能, 名词从句又可分别称 为主语从句(Subject Clause)、宾语从句 (Object Clause)、表语从句(Predicative Clause) 和同位语从句(Appositive Clause)。
v. make or prepare sth. by putting substances, etc together; be able to be combined; make a suitable combination
n. mixing or being mixed; combination of two or more substances
子成分, 如主语、宾语、表语, 而that则不 然, 即不担任成分。例如:
What you said yesterday is right. That she is still alive is a consolation.
句子结构: 主句 + 连接词(引导词) + 宾语从句 连接词:
What he wants to tell us is not clear.
I believe (that) he is honest.
The question is who (which of you) will be
the next speaker.
The news that he had landed on the moon
(3) It is + 不及物动词+从句 It seems that… 似乎…… It happened that… 碰巧…… It appears that… 似乎……
(4) It is + 过去分词+从句 It is reported that… 据报道…… It has been proved that… 已证实… It is said that… 据说……
n. the greater number or part; most
n. person who has come to love permanently in a foreign country n. portion of every hundred
make a living numerous, abundant, a great number of
从属连词that, whether, if 连接代词 who, whom, whose, which, what 连接副词 where, how, why, when
He has got a pen. I think… I think (that) he has got a pen. Where do they study English? Lily asks… Lily asks where they study English. Will you help me? I ask… I ask if you will help me.
一、主语从句在复合句中作主语, 它可 以位于句首, 但常见的主语从句多放在 句末, 句首则用形式主语it。 1. That the earth is round is true. 2. = It is true that the earth is
2. Whether he will come hasn’t been decided. = It hasn’t been decided whether he will come.
人教课标版 高二 选修 8 Unit 1
Useful words and expressions
Complete the chart with the new words from the text.
majority hardship
Pakistani Danish
It is certain that he will come. It is said that some American friends will visit our school next week. It happened that we were out for a walk yesterday evening. It doesn’t matter whether I stay or not.
It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not.
It is in the morning that the mur来自百度文库er took place.
It is John that broke the window.
五、what与that在引导主语从句时的区别 what引导主语从句时在从句中充当句
3. 不可省略的连词: 1) 介词后的连词 2) 引导主语从句和同位语从句的连
词不可省略。 That she was chosen made us very happy. We heard the news that our team had won.
Noun clause
Subject Clause (主语从句) Object Clause (宾语从句) Predicative Clause (表语从句)