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英文主题标识:Roland Barthes 中文文摘:
罗兰·巴特,20 世纪法国重要的思想家、文艺批评家,其符 号学理论具有极强的理论和实践意义,然国内学者对此却鲜有论 述,本文尝试之:
一、结构主义语言学:巴特符号学理论的理论基础和方法论 依据
结构主义语言学指的是以索绪尔、雅各布森、叶尔姆斯列夫、 乔姆斯基等人为代表的现代语言学理论。索绪尔的结构思想以及 一系列概念术语为现代语言学奠定了基础,上述诸人不断努力,
四、巴特符号学理论对当代大众文化研究的意义和局限 巴特将符号学用于大众文化研究,独开大众文化研究的符号 学一派。在西方,巴特的符号学研究方法已融入众多学派之中。 对中国而言,其意义可作如是看:方法借鉴意义和思想解放意义。 其局限表现在:符号学解释在经验上的有效性难以证明;精英主 义立场,看不到大众在神话接受中的反抗力量;形式化倾向,只 注重意义分析,缺乏社会理论基础的支持。 总之,巴特对符号学的贡献有二:一是初步建立了一门符号 科学;二是将符号学用于大众文化分析,显示了符号学强大的社 会批判和阐释力量,后者的意义尤其巨大。巴特的解神话思想会 同福柯、德里达等人,引发了一场后结构主义风暴,在人类思想 史上写下了光辉的一笔。
二、语言乌托邦:巴特符号学理论的理论实质 巴特的符号学理论在 20 世纪西方哲学、美学的语言论转向中 具有严格意义上的语言乌托邦性质。语言乌托邦,本文中,有三 层含义:(1)语言性,语言模式是巴特符号学理论的第一性原理, 他甚至颠覆索绪尔的假设,以符号学为语言学的分支;(2)乌托 邦性,即幻想性,从零度写作到符号学大厦、元语言,均具有浓 郁的理想化色彩;(3)语言乌托邦性,“意为语言性或语言论乌托 邦,亦即符号性或符号论乌托邦。我们用它指 20 世纪西方美学的 语言理想范型崇拜倾向,这意味着关于语言符号、非语言符号或 现代传播媒介问题的探索,被认为是解决美学问题、探索审美和 艺术奥妙的理想途径。” 巴特认为语言和文学是同质的,二者互 为乌托邦。 然而,巴特符号学理论的建构中也包含着解构的力量,庞大 的符号学大厦中隐藏着裂缝,因为语言不仅是乌托邦,也是法西 斯。当巴特对语言的崇拜达到极端时,必然走向它的反面,反语 言,反乌托邦。 三、神话和解神话:巴特符号学理论的社会学主题 “神话”一语,出自巴特的《神话》,巴特从语言学的角度对
完成了语言学上的革命。 巴特符号学理论中处处可见语言学理论的影响。一系列概念、
术语、完全来自语言学,理论体系也是依照语言学的理论体系而 建立,而且巴特用来分析社会中诸现象的符号学方法也来自语言 学。
由是观之,巴特的符号学理论完全建基在结构主义语言学理 论之上,继承了结构主义语言学的优缺点:形式性、科学性、可 操作性和非历史性。
Because Barthes’s semiotics imperial is completely based on structuralist linguistics, it has the advantages and disadvantages of Structuralism linguistics, for example, formality, scientificity, practicality and contrary to history.
Part two: linguistic utopia: the essence of Barthes’s semiotics theory.
Barthes’s semiotics theory appears clearly linguistic utopia nature in the linguistic turn of 20th in west philosophy and aesthetics. Linguistic utopia has three meanings: I Language nature. Linguistic model is the first principle of barthes’s semiotics theory, further more, he overturned Saussure’s view and advocated semiotics is a branch of linguistics. II Utopia nature. From ‘zero writing’to sign imperial and meta- language, all of his semiotics thoughts are charged with idealism. III Linguistic utopia nature. As Mr.wang Yichuan said, ‘it means language or linguistic utopia nature, or sign utopia, we use it to signify the worship tendency to linguistic model in west aesthetics of 20th century, which implies that the exploration about linguistic, nonlinguisticsign or modern media is considered as an ideal way to resolve the problems of aesthetics and art.’ Barthes considered literature is the utopia of language, and language is the utopia of literature, and language and literature is identical in essence.
Roland Barthes is a well-known thinker and literary critic of France in 20th century, and his semiotics theory has profound theoretic and practical significance. But in China few of people spend their time on the study of Roland Barthes’s semiotics theory, the author intends to try on it:
保密级别 内部
学位级别 文学硕士
论文提交日期:2002 年 5 月
论文答辩日期:2002 年 6 月 论文中文题名:罗兰·巴特的符号学理论探析
论 文 英 文 题 名 :The Exploration of Roland Barthes’s
Semiotics Theory
作者及所在单位:张青岭 吉林大学文学院 指导教师及所在单位:张德厚 吉林大学文学院教授 分类标识:B83—064 中文主题标识:罗兰·巴特 符号学 神话
Part one: Structuralism linguistics: the basis of theory and methodology of Barthes’s semiotics theory
Structuralism linguistics refers to modern linguistics theory represented by the following linguists such as Saussure, Jakobson, Hjelmslev, Chomsky, Benveniste etc. Saussure’s structural thought and a series of concepts based a basis for modern linguistics. Under his influence, the above- mentioned figures accomplished a revolution in linguistics, and the revolution affected other disciplines.
Part three: Myth and Demythfication: the sociology theme of Barthes’s semiotics theory.
The term Myth is originated from Mythologies. From the angle of linguistics, Barthes identified as follows: firstly, Myth is a parole, a message, and it is not identified by the message itself but the way it is said; secondly, Myth is a sign system which is made of two arrangements, one of them is the signifier of the other. Further more, Barthes regarded Myth as ‘parole depolitization’, so the term
其做了界定:首先,神话是一种言谈,一种讯息,它不是由讯息 的客体而是由说出讯息的方式来定义的;其次,从意义构成的角 度看,神话是一个二级符号系统,“其中一个系统成为另一个系统 的能指”。巴特还指出,神话是一个“去政治化的言谈”,因此,“解 神话”在巴特那里首先是,指出资产阶级如何以匿名的方式将自 己的意识形态强加于所有社会阶层之上;推而广之,“解神话”就 是指出神话的运作方式以破除迷思。
Barthes’s semiotics theory is filled with linguistics traces. Firstly, a series of terminology in it are come from Structuralism linguistics; Secondly, the system of barthes’s semiotics is completely based on Structuralism linguistics; Lastly, the method barthes using to analyses social signs results from linguistics.
Language is not only utopia but also fascist, the breed of deconstruction is contained in the construction of linguistic utopia. When Barthes’s worship to linguistics had been on its peak, he must go to its reversal side: anti- language, anti- utopia, and this is the late Barthes.
“解神话”的理论武器是含蓄意指符号学。含蓄意指和元语 言均是二级符号系统,不同的是,。前者 用来分析意义的构成,后者为现象命名。
巴特首次成功地将符号学用于当代大众文化分析,显示了符 号学理论的现实批判意义,对后来的大众文化研究产生了深远的 影响。