武术术语 汉英词汇

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勾手hook hand

握拳Make a fist

冲拳Punch fist/Thrust punch

亮掌Flash palm

推掌Push palm

砸拳Smash fist


正踢腿Front kick

侧踢Sideway kick to front

外摆腿Outside circle kick

里合腿Inside circle kick

弹腿冲拳Snap kick with thrust punching

单拍脚single slap kick

双拍脚Double slap kick

抡臂单拍脚Circle arms and single slap kick


弓步Bow stance/bow step

马步Horse stance/horse step

仆步Crouch stance / Crouch step

虚步Empty stance /Empty step

歇步Crossed leg resting stance /Crossed leg resting step 弧形步Circular walking step

前压腿Front stretching of the leg

侧压腿Side stretching of the leg


拳术Hand form

南拳Southern hand form

刀术Broadsword form

剑术Straight sword form

棍术Staff form/ stick form

枪术spear form

太极拳Tai chi form/Tai ji form

太极剑Tai chi straight sword form

腾空飞脚Jumping/flying front kick

腾空摆莲Jumping lotus kick

腾空旋风脚Jumping whirlwind kick

腾空正踢腿Jumping/flying front raise kick

侧空翻Cartwheel /no hands cartweel

提膝平衡Balance with one knee raised


旋子转体Butterfly twist

鲤鱼打挺Carp skip-up

马步冲拳thrust punch in horse stance

弓步侧冲拳Punching sideway in bow stance

里合腿接弓步Inside kick into bow stance

弓步劈拳Chop fist in bow stance

歇步勾手亮掌Hook hand and flash palm in rest stance 扣腿平衡Balance with one leg crossed behind

抡臂砸拳Circle arms into smash fist

前滚翻forward roll

侧摔side slam/side fall

仆步抡拍Circle arms and slap floor in crouch stance/step 仆步穿掌Thread palm in crouch stance/step
