Unit7 ReadingA&B教案 学案(1)
牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit7 ReadingⅠ 精品教案

Then ask the students to read the report about Audrey Hepburn, play therecordingfor them to listen.
3.Play the recordingagain, pause if necessary to explain some new words or names of films.
Unit7 ReadingⅠ精品教案
Unit7 FilmsReadingⅠ
1.To understand key vocabulary related to a profile of Audrey Hepburn.
2.To know some information about Audrey Hepburn.
Step5 Fill in the blanks
Ask the students to listen then try to retell the article. Then read it together.
Step 6Consolidation
Have a discussion.
Did her success only depend on her beauty?
1.Some names of Audrey’s films.
人教版九年级全册 英语 课件 Unit 7 Section A Reading (共15张PPT)

First, let’s learn some uoem.
What a tiny baby! (very small)
stay by one’s side 陪伴在某人身旁 sing to sb 为某人唱歌
The baby is crying. The mother is staying by her side.
She is singing to her.
The baby is running through the field.
run through the field 在田野上奔跑 fall and hurt himself 跌倒受伤
But he fell and hurt himself.
Mom gave the baby a hug and lifted her up.
When I was seven coughing badly, she said no icecream for me. But I talked back loudly, “I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!” When I was nine watching scary movies, she said it’d give me awful dreams. But I shouted back angrily, “I should be allowed to
talk back to sb 同某人顶嘴
During the process of growing up, is there anything that you feel regretful?
adj. 感到遗憾的,懊悔的 regret v. 感到遗憾, 懊悔
译林版英语七年级上册Unit7 第七单元Reading

Aim1.review the last lesson’s grammar.2.The learn the new words and phrases3.though learning the Reading text, to achieve the ability of writing a famous person.Previous content (Grammar)although与though的区别和用法1.用作连词表示“虽然”,两者大致同义,可换用,只是although 比though 更为正式。
2. althugh引导的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中。
3. althugh引导的从句不能与but, hwever连用,但可与yet, still连用。
so+形容词+a/an+名词About Audrey Hepburnsuch+a/an+形容词+名词Reading1.learn the new words and phrasesWords1. all-time2. actress3. dancer4. lead5. role6. mark7 lifetime 8. peacefully9 UNICEF = United Nations International Children’s Emergency FundPhrases1.the lead role2. a world-famous actress3. play the role of4. a big success5. catch one’s attention6. pass awayDiscuss:1. Can you tell me something about your favorite film stars?2. How much do you know about Audrey Hepburn?Reading Questions:1.When and where was Audrey Hepburn born?2.What did Hepburn dream of when she was a child?3.What event marked the beginning of Hepburn’s successful career?4.What film won her the Oscar for Best Actress?5.What charity did Hepburn work closely with in the last few years of her life?6.When did Audrey Hepburn pass away?Andrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood’s all-time --------------(最伟大的女演员之一). When she --------(安详的去世) in her sleep, the world felt sad about -------(失去) a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.As a child, she loved dancing and ----(梦想) becoming a ballet dancer. While ----(出演) in France, her beauty and charm -------------------(吸引作家的注意力). Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for ------(主角) in Gigi.The event --------(标志着......的开始) Audrey’s successful career. Then she----------------(被选中力扮演的主角)of a princess in Roman Holiday. This film was-----------------(取得巨大的成功) and she won an Oscar. She (最后一次露面) in the film Always. Audrey’s achievements -------(超越)the film industry. She spent her last few years ----------(紧密合作) with UNICEF -------(目的是) she could help poor children in different parts of the world.About Audrey HepburnHepburn was --- great --- she was remembered by us.She danced --- well --- she dreamt of becoming a dancer.She was --- a great actress ---- she was remembered by us.She acted in --- many films --- she was famous to people.-----Hepburn had never played any major roles in the film, Colette wanted her to play the lead role in Gigi.Hepburn devoted herself into UNICEF, ------- nobody asked her to do that.After Reading this article, let’s think about how to describe a famous person. Personal details (background)Acting career or some stories about her/himCharity work (meaningful things)What people think of her/him。
沪教牛津版-英语-八年级上-unit 7 Reading

C vocabulary
C1 The words in italics explain the meanings of some words on page 99. Find these words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary.
1 We go to school to learn new
things and to train our m__i_n_d__(the
brain) (line 4)
2. Sometimes _s_i_ll_y__things are
easy to remember (stupid) (line 5)
have trouble with sth He has trouble with his study. 他学习遇到困难。 麦克学习不努力,所有他做作业
Mike doesn’t study hard , so he has some trouble __w_i_th___
his study.
Millie To remember something more easily
Try to (8)_u_n_d_e_r_s_ta_n__d_ something well. (e.g) (9)_H_o__w_t_h_e__w_a_t_e_r_c_y_c_le___ ________w_o_r_k_s_.______________
Star mountain February baby river apple monkey
window computer soldier
初中英语_人教版八年级下Unit7 Reading教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Unit7 Would you mind keepingyour voice down?……………………………………………………………………………………一.教师寄语:If everyone helps a bit, we’ll live in a better life!二.目标呈现:(一).知识目标:1.词汇:term, etiquette, behavior, voice, public, litter,cigarette,normal, Asian, impolite, careful, allow, cough, sneeze,break, smoke, criticize, drop, pick,behave,politely,comfortable.2.短语:at first, keep…down, take care, break the rule,put out,pick…up3.句型:Would you mind doing this or would you mind not doingthat?...(二).能力目标:培养学生的交际能力,树立社会公德意识。
三.学习过程【Step1】. Warming upWhat have you seen in the video?【Step2】. Leading in1.What are they doing in the pictures?Picture1 Picture2Picture3 Picture42. What are they doing in the picture?1. 2.3. 4.5.【Step3】Fast readingWhat is the passage about?【Step4】Intensive reading1. Para.1 What does “etiquette” mean?2. Para.2 Is the etiquette the same in every culture or in every situation?Give some examples.3.Paras.3&4 If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette,we may politelygive them some suggestions.4. Read the whole passage.Match the paragraphs with the best summaries.Para1: Para2: Para3: Para4:A.The way people behave is different in different culturesand situations.B. Sometimes, rules of etiquette are the same almost everywhere.C. Etiquette is very important idea to understand.D. We might want to ask someone to behave more politely ifwe see them breaking a rule of etiquette.5. Reading strategy: topic sentences.【Step5】Conclusion What we have learnt today?【Step6】能力提升1.At school ,we have seen some impolite behavior . Make a list.2.Solutions. You can make proposals (倡议书) or some signs.【Step7】Homework Surf the internet andfind out the rulers of etiquette that aredifferent in foreign countries and sharewith your partner.教学反思本节课是一节阅读课,标题是“Would you mind keeping your voice down?”我从三个方面进行了课后反思。

Google An yonewho h as ev er us ed th e Int ernet hasseenGoogl e, an d man y peo ple w ouldjust“goog le it”wh en th ey tr y tofindinfor matio n abo ut so methi ng on theInter net.As t he wo rld’s most popu lar I ntern et se archengin e, Go ogleis on e ofthe g reate stex ample s ofonlin e suc cessIt a ll be gan i n Jan uary1996as aresea rch p rojec t atStanf ord U niver sityby Ph.D. s tuden t Lar ry Pa ge. Tryin g tofinda bet ter w ay fo r web user s tosearc h for rele vantpages, Pag e hadan i dea t hat t his c ouldbe ac hieve d byexami ningthe r elati onshi ps be tween webpages.He thou ght t hat w eb pa ges w hichhad t he mo st li nks t o the m fro m oth er we b pag es mu st be themostpopul ar. T he te chniq ue ap peare d tobe su ccess ful.Pageand h is pa rtner Serg ey Br in se t uptheir comp any o n Sep tembe r 7,1998and r egist eredthe g ooglthe f ollow ing w eek.Thesearc h eng ine q uickl y gre w inpopul arity andin 2000 Go oglebeganto s ell a dvert ising on t heirwebsi te. After a fe w yea rs of grow th fu eledby ea ger i nvest ors,Googl e wen t pub lic.ManyGoogl e emp loyee s bec ame i nstan t mil liona ires.Goog le ha s rec ently acqu iredYouTu be.co m whi ch is theInter net’s larg est v ideos harin g web siteand c ontin ues t o add newfeatu res every dayinclu dingtoolbars, emai l, an d adv ertis ing.Of co urse, with grow th an d suc cessthere also come s com petit ion.Micr osoft hasrecen tly t riedto ac quire Yaho o inorder to c ompet e wit h Goo gle i n theInte rnetsearc h eng ine a rea.G oogle hasrecen tly a cquir ed Yo uTube.com whic h isthe I ntern et’slarge st vi deosh aring webs ite a nd co ntinu es to addnew f eatur es ev ery d ay in cludi ng to ol ba rs, e mail, andadver tisin g. Of cour se, withgrowt h and succ ess t herealsocomes comp etiti on. M icros oft h as re centl y tri ed to acqu ire Y ahooin or der t o com petewithGoogl e inthe I ntern et se archengin e are a.To day,Googl e own s You Tube, Blog ger a nd ot her h ot we bsite s and hasbecom e thelead er in term s ofad-ba sed r evenu e onthe w eb. The b rainchild of t wo st udent s has beco me abilli on-do llarcompa ny an d one of t he be st-kn own t radem arksin th e wor ld. Googl e’s h istor y ser ves a s a p erfec t mod el an d ins pirat ion f or In terne t ent repre neurstoda yUni t 1 R eadin g A 谷歌上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。

8B Unit 7 International CharitiesReading A 教学设计Learning aims:1. Grasp the new words and expressions2. Context guessing meaning from context.3. Read the article, to understand the status of the ORBIS doctor's job.4. Retell the conversation with the help of the key words and phrases5. Be ready to support charitiesLearning Focus:1. Context guessing meaning from context.2. Read the article, to understand the status of the ORBIS doctor's job.Learning difficulty:Retell the conversation with the help of the key words and phrasesLearning proceduresStep 1. Exchange daily greetings with each otherStep 2. RevisionShow some pictures of the charities, and ask the students to name them.T: Class, look at the screen. There are some logos of the charities. Please name them .S: OK. The y are ORBIS, Oxfam, WWF and UNICEF.T: Good, read after me together.Step 3 Lead-inIntroduce the functions of ORBIS with the help of a video.T: Look at the logo, what does it mean?S: It’s ORBIS.T: Yes. Do you know what functions it has? Who does it help?S: ORBIS works to help people with eye problems.T: Yes. But How does it work?S: It uses a plane to visit poor areas.T: Good. Now let’s enjoy a video to know more about ORBIS and pay attention to the new words and phrases related to the dialogueStep 4 Play the video and grasp the new words and phrases.T: OK. Boys and girls , I think you have learnt more about ORBIS, right?S: Yes.T: And there are some new words and phrases on the screen. Now, Let’s grasp them together.(Read the new words and phrases aloud)New words:1. people with eye problems 眼病患者2. blindness 失明3. case 病例4. cure 治愈5. medical treatment 医疗6. afford 买得起7. charity8. on board 登机9. operate动手术10. seeagain 重见光明11. proud 自豪的12. carry on with…继续开展Step 5 Draw the logo of ORBIS to find the deep meanings of itT: Now, boys and girls , please look at the logo and try to draw it by yourselves.At the same time, you’d better think about how many meaningsthere are in the logo of ORBIS.S: OK.T: I think you are good at drawing. Now I ask one of you to draw it on the blackboard.( Ask a student to draw the logo on the blackboard.)T: Thanks, you’ve done a good job. Boys and girls , let’s give him some cheers. Now, tell me how many meanings there are in the logo. You canhave a discussion.( Have a discussion)T: How many meanings are there in the logo?S: I think there are 2.T: Well, what are they?S: One is an eye, the other is a plane.T: Good, and anything else?S:Sorry,I can’t .T: Never mind, you will find it after answering my three questions. Now, look at the screen and answer them one by one.Q1: Why is there an eye in the logo?S:Because it works to help people with eye problems in poor areas.Q2: Why is there a plane in it?S:Because ORBIS uses a plane to visit poor countries.T: Good, so much for the first 2 meanings. Now ,the third meaning comes.Q3: Why is the orbit(轨道) incomplete(不完整的)?S:Sorry, I don’t know.T: That’s OK. You can have a discussion.( have a discussion)T: Now, please tell me the reason.S: Because it means more work is needed .T: Good, you are right. More work is needed. And more money is needed tocarry on with the work. Do you think if ORBIS does a meaningful job?S: Yes, of course.Step 6: Fast readingTalk about the structure of the dialogue after watching the video.T: Now ,let’s enjoy a video of the conversation. At the same time, you must think about how many parts there are in the dialogue.S:OK.( Play the video)T:Now,tell me how many parts do it have?S:4 parts.T: Yes, but how to divide it?S: Part 1: (Line 1-6) , Part 2:(Line 7-15) , Part 3. (Line 16-20)and Part4. (Line 21-26)T: Yes, I agree. Now what are their main ideas, please look at the paper and finish Ex.1练习如下:一、把每一个部分和对应的主题句连起来、Part 1 (line 1 ---6) A. Dr Ma’s work and his feelingPart 2 (line 7--15) B. Something about blindnessPart 3 (line 16-20) C. Dr Ma’s hopePart 4 (line 21-26) D. the work of ORBIST: Now, let’s have a check.S: Part 1 ,B Part2, D Part 3,A Part 4,C.T: Yes , You are right.Step 7 Careful readingT: Now, let’s study each part one by one. At the same time , finish the exercises ,please.A. Part 1T: I will ask 2 students to read Part One. After that , please finish Ex.2 in the paper.T: Time is up, let’s have a check.S1: Sentence 1 is wrong, change heart into eyeS2: Sentence 2 is wrong,change all into about 80%..S3: Sentence 3 is rightT: Yes, I think so.B. Part 2T: I will show you a video . You’d better fill in the form after that.C. Part3T: Boys, play the interviewer. And girls , act Dr. Ma. Read Part 3 together.( Read Part 3 in roles)T: Good. Now please finish Ex.4.习题如下:四、读16-20行,回答下面的问题1. How many operations did Dr Ma do during his lastvisit?T: I think it’s very easy to finish them. Let’s check the answers together.S1: 150 operationsS2: Because he can help more people to see again and improve their lives.T: You ’ve done a good job.D. Part4T: Let’s listen to the tape and finish Ex.5练习如下:五、读21-26行,完成下面的判断题T/F错误的,进行订正。
人教版新目标九年级unit7 SectionA Reading(3a-3c)公开课一等奖优秀课件

1.当我还是一个小婴儿时,整夜哭闹, 妈妈给我唱歌,陪伴在我身边。
Careful reading
Part 3
I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.
Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best!
Careful reading
Part 3
Is the writer regretful? Why ?
I was __g_o_in_g_o_ut with friends she said, “Please be back by ten!”
I regret talking, not listening to Mom.
知识点 1 tiny /'taɪni/ adj. 极小的,微小的 eg:He lived in a tiny cottage. 他住在一所极小的屋子里。
知识点 4 【高频】regret /rɪ'ɡret/ v.& n.感到遗憾; 懊悔
考向【辨析】 regret doing sth.与regret to do sth.
regret doing 了某事”,事
I regret troubling you for so long. 我很抱歉麻烦 了你那么久。
I regret ____B____ my daughter to the
shopping center. She is always running
D.to take

How can you guess the meaning ?
• 1. It has very sensitive leaves which work as traps. A. be able to feel B. hurting • 2. This thirsty plant collects up to eight tonnes of water during brief periods of rain. A. short time B. long time • 3. It has sharp leaves to help protect its precious water. A. valuable B. more than enough
which works as traps 充当定语修饰leaves
请在本文中,找出更多的定语从句 (P4L2)There is a special kind of Acacia tree that is defended by armies of ants. (P4L3)The fierce ants attack any other animals which approach, and even destroy other trees which grow nearby.
1.诸如,例如 such as 2.敏感的叶子 sensitive leaves 3.充当 work as 4.从…逃脱 escape from 5.呈现各种形状和大小 in all shapes and sizes 6. 如此…以致… so……that…… one 7.最不寻常的植物之一 of the most unusual plants 8.高达8吨的水 up to eight tonnes of water 9.在短暂的雨季 during brief periods of rain 10.与…发展紧密的关系

Read and enjoy the beauty of the sounds.
Snow rhymes with __g_r_o_w___. Away rhymes with ___d_a_y___. Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day.
Read the poem with feelings.
Winter days are full of snow, When trees and flowers forget to grow, And the birds fly far away, To find a warm and sunny day.
forget to grow,
Birds fly far away to find • And the birds fly far
a warm and sunny place. away
• To find a warm and
sunny day.
my article
the writer’s poem诗歌
fly a kite a perfect time
windy and bright 风和日丽
hide from the April showers
bees and butterflies shower
tem peratu re(温度) / 'tem p rə tʃə (r) /
牛津译林英语 七年级上册Unit7Reading 1 Going shopping(共17张PPT)

Use your body languages. (使用肢体语言)
A: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you ? B: I want to buy … A: Just a minute . Here are/ is…
Take a look. B: How much do/does it/they cost ?
Task1. Have a free talk
What presents do you want to buy for your friend’s birthday?
clothes shop
gift shop
I want to buy_______ in the ________.
shoe shop
sports shop
toy shop
What can I do for you ?
Unit7 School clubs第一课时Reading Ⅰ课件ppt

a. take
b. look at or buy
2. When you attend a class, you __b___ it.
a. leave
b. go to have
3. When a mum teaches her child to make a cake, she ___a___. a. show him/her how to do it b. makes it for him/her
power n. 力量
/ˈpaʊə(r)/ the power of ......的力量 e.g. Only now can I begin to apprehend the power of these forces.
attend v. 参加
/əˈtend/ attention n. 注意 e.g. Last month, they attend the Club Fair.
Let’s do it
red jacket. It _d_i_s_a_p__p_e__a_r_e_d__! I wanted to buy _a_n_o__t_h_e__r one. But a few minutes later, an old lady found it and gave it back to me! I was very __s_u_r_p__r_is_e__d__. People in small towns are so nice! Do you have fairs like this in your country? Best wishes, Kelly
Photography Club Robot Club Rocket Club Solar Power Club
九年级Unit 7Section A Reading (3a-3c) 优秀说课稿

九年级Unit 7 teenagers should be allowed to choose theirown clothesSection A Reading (3a-3c)的说课稿一、分析教学内容本课时是section A 第二课时,是一个阅读课。
When I was…/when I did …/ when I was…But…; 第二是使用押韵, 本诗歌共16行,分为三部分。
对过去时和when 引导的句子,熟悉并能正确使用基本用法。
对现在分词crying 等用法不理解。
三、教学目标1.Knowledge Objects掌握本课重要的单词和句型2. Ability Objects培养学生良好的听、说、读、写能力继续巩固情态动词的被动语态3. Moral Objects欣赏诗歌,感受母爱的伟大。
四、教学重难点教学重点:Read the poem aloud and fluently. Then finish the exercises of reading.教学难点:Writing. (Express thanks to our mom and write the words down.)五、教法和学法:任务法、情景教学法、归纳法和小组合作探究法。

Lin Tao quickly ran to Mrs Sun’s bathroom. He poured water over his clothes to protect himself. ⑤ Then he rushed into the kitchen. ⑥ There was heavy smoke and the fire was very hot. He put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun and helped her out. Later some firemen came and put out the fire.
Lin Tao is 20 years old. He was brave enough to save his
neighbour from a fire. ①
温馨提示:此符号表示 “考点精讲点拨”链接。
On 10 May, Lin Tao was at home alone. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting “Fire! Fire! Help!” He ran outside and saw a lot of smoke from next door.② He went in and found his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. ③ Her left leg was badly hurt and she could not get out. ④
Daniel: Yes. Many visitors gave him flowers and cards.
Simon: That’s nice.
新标准大学英语第四册 unit 7 active reading 1 课文及译文

A clearing is a small area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes 空地
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
An orchard is an area of land on which fruit trees are grown 果园
A quarry is place, often a hole in the ground, from where stones are extracted 采石场
Large private house 庄园 马路对面
on the other side of the road
A small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large house 偏房,下房
A groundsman is a person whose job is to look after a park or sports ground 管理员
也很听话。 他们会静静地在屋里或花园里一起玩耍。渐渐地, played quietly together inside or in the garden, and gradually grew
他们长大了,也长高了。 最让我感到愉快的一个记忆是:在 older and taller. One of my happiest memories is of one warm
Golden memories I can still remember the men who built the walls, and raised the roof, even though it was many families ago. The master from the manor house over the way needed a lodge for his groundsman to live, and found a clearing in the huge orchard which ran up and down the hills. He sent workman to bring the golden stone from the local quarry and they spent three months building two cottages in the park.

Unit 2 目录
• • • • • • • •
Reading A巩固练习(一) Reading B巩固练习(一) Listening 巩固练习(一) Language 巩固练习(一) Writing巩固练习(一) More practice巩固练习(一) 巩固练习(二) 第二单元测试
• Language 巩固练习(一) 1-5. Tuesday, June, the Great Wall, John, Uncle Li; • 6-10. Spring Festival, Canada, the Baiyun Mountains, London, No. 3 Middle School • (二) 1-6. But, and, so, and, so, but
广州(上海)牛津英语八年级下册Unit7 Reading A

A1 Pre-reading Discuss and say whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with these statement.
1. When you get old, your memory gets better. D 2. Making pictures in your mind helps you remember things.
-- Oh, that’s in the article by Tony (10)_______.
-- What does the story about President Kennedy’s death show us?
-- It shows that when a
dramatic (11)___________ thing happens, people remember it well.
This makes it the longest word in the world! (P98)
动词make在此句意为“使、让”。 make sb +名词“使某人成 为„„”。例如: If you listen to me, I can make you the richest man in the world. 如果你听我的,我可以让你成为世 界上最富有的人。
A3 Ken and Penny are talking about memory. Complete their conversation.
-- Why couldn’t Ben’s grandad remember the other two things?
-- Oh, that was just part of his joke (1)_____. It shows that people forget things when they get old (2)_______.

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Unit 7 EnvironmentReading AObjectives1 To learn the cause of the Greenhouse Effect2 To learn how to be a green consumerTeaching procedureWarming-up1.Cartoon talk2.Show some relevant pictures about the pollution.Before readingAsk the questions below:1. What do you think of these behaviors to the environment?2. Do you know what other behaviors human beings harm the environment?During the process, some new words, such as greenhouse effect, atmosphere, cause, food, soil, environmentally friendly, can be imbedded.While reading1.Ask students to read the first paragraph and the headings in the review. Then try to answerfour questions:1. What is the name of the book?2. A consumer buys and uses things. What do you think a green consumer is?3. What do you think the main topic of the book is?4.How many topics does the review cover?Key:1. The Young Green Consumer Guide.2. A consumer that only buys and uses “environmentally friendly” things.3. The main topic of the book is to save Earth.4. 4.2.Scan the rest of the text and then answer the questions below:1. What lets sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out?2. What is making the greenhouse effect worse?3. What will create mountains of rubbish and pollute our land and seas?4. What is the book asking us to become?Key:1. The atmosphere around Earth.2. The burning and cutting down of trees.3. Our habit of using things once and then throwing them away.4. The book is asking us to become “green consumers”.After-reading:1. Do the exercise in A3.2. Questions: How can we act as green consumers to protect the environment?3. Explain some language points.学案Reading A1.根据短文和首字母提示,写出短文中所缺单词的正确形式。
The young Green C_____ Guide says that our world is in danger because we have many e_____ problems.Our first problem is the greenhouse effect.It will c_____ the level of seas to rise and d_____ cities and even whole countries.The second one is the act that people d rainforests.It will cause f_____ because trees can help hold the s_____ .Our last problem is people’s bad habits of using thing s.They throw away everything after they use it once.And this C _____mountains of rubbish and it p_____ our land and sea.2.用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1)The professor’s talk was SO_____ that I nearly fell asleep.(1ife).2)The factory near our school lets out a lot 0I_____ gases every day.(harm)3)People create mountains of rubbish and this causes lots of(pollute).4)Think it over before you take_____ .(act)5)The act of destroying rainforests is making the greenhouse effect much_____ (bad).6)We should only buy and use“environmentally friendly”things to_____ our world.(safe) 3.根据中文意思填写所缺的单词,每条横线限填一个单词。
_____ _____ _____ learn English well,we must do lot of practice.2)树木对我们很重要,因为它们吸收二氧化碳而释放氧气。
Trees are important to US because they_____ _____ carbon dioxide (二氧化碳)and let out oxygen(氧气).3)早睡早起的习惯使我舅舅很健康。
_____ _____ _____ sleeping early and getting up early keeps my uncle healthy.4)我希望每个人都能成为“绿色消费者”。
I hope everyone can be a_____ _____ .5)现在我们使用环保袋,因为它们不会污染和破坏环境。
Now we use “environmentally friendly’’bags because they won’t_____ or_____ the environment.6)他爸爸费了很大劲才阻止了他放弃学习英语。
His father tried very hard to_____ him _____ _____ up learning English.Reading BObjectives1 To learn the expressions of different kinds of pollution2 To learn how to convey one’s own view on environment and pollutionTeaching procedureReview:The teacher reviews what have been taught in Reading A.Pre-task:1.Ask students to describe the picture in B1;2.Look at the words and phrases and label the picture with the correct letters;3.Check the answer in B1.While-task:1. Before reading, ask students to look at the title “Head to Head” and predict what the article inB2 is about.2.Fast readingRead the article and answer the questions:1) This article probably comes from___.a. a websiteb. a newspaper for students2) What do Forest Smith and John Green do? Do you think they will have the same ideas?Check the answers.3.Detailed readingRead the article again and complete the table below.4.Explain some language points.Post-reading-- Discussion:Which view do you support? Please give your reasons.Homework:1.Make a research on the people who contribute to the environmental protection.2.Do a survey about the view on our pollution problems. Interview at least eight students. Usethe form in B3 to help you. Make notes of their answers and report your findings to the class.3.Do the relevant exercise.学案Reading B1.翻译下列短语。