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7. 能修饰可数和不可数名词的词

lots of a lot of plenty of quantities of a quantity of
8. 可数名词和不可数名词之间的转换
用名词的正确形式填空 Experience 1. _______ is the best teacher. It is a experiences week before he could tell his _______. ( experience) 2.Language _______ is an instrument of communication. He can speak several languages ________. ( language) life begin? They gave their 3. How did _____ ____ lives for their country. (life) 4. How is business ______? He has a business _______ in London. ( business)
thieves mosquitoes
watch lady fox fly brush tomato I inch half kilo piano calf passer-by go-between grown-up girl friend sister-in-law man servant looker-on watches tomatoes calves grown-ups ladies foxes inches halves passers-by girl friends men servants flies brushes pianos kilos go-betweens sisters-in-law lookers-on
定语 6. She made a paper flower. 7. Here is my sister’s address. 定语 8. They have great concern for us students. 同位语 呼语 9. Take a seat, Miss Lake. 10. The meeting lasted an hour. 11. We made him our monitor. 状语 宾语补足语
3. 名词作主语和谓语一致问题
1) 集合名词: family team class group audience committee government … 2) many a student 和 more than a student 单数谓语 3) every/each/no boy and every/each/no girl wants to go there. 4) 以s 结尾的一些词作主语economics, physics news, politics, mathematics, statistics 跟单数 谓语
15. 我婶婶的家
16. 文具店
和Mary 的桌子 18. Tom 和Mary 的桌子 19. 李博士的车 20. men’s and women’s clothes 21. the dog’s teeth
17. Tom
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
女自行车 儿童节 药房 博士学位 一个星期的假 十块钱的邮票 肉铺 面包房 理发店
1. 2.
4. 5. 6. 7.
my sister’s car the editor-in-chief’s office the girl’s sister’s husband’s father workers’ rest home children’s books Professor Li’s report a bird’s-eye view

clothes trousers socks gloves pants shoes scissors (剪刀) scales (天平, 称) thanks congratulations surroundings (环境) belongings (财产, 所有物) glasses
4. 常被当作可数名词的不可数名词
8. 9. 10. 11.
正在开花 去做礼拜 在住院 一种极好的茶 请来两份冰激凌
二. 三.
英语中的名词后加 “’s” 表示所有关系, 称为名词所有格, 用于人和高级动物后, 但 表示时间, 人的集体名词,国家,城市,某些机 构的名词后也可以加. 不能加的,就以of 构成短语表示所以关系. 有些名词的所有格可表示商店,教堂,家等.
1. 2.
我姐姐的车 总编辑室 这姑娘姐夫的父 亲
4. 5. 6. 7.
工人疗养院 儿童读物 李教授的报告 鸟瞰图
8. 9.
11. 12. 13. 14.
today’s paper ten minutes’ drive government’s policy majority’s view city’s busiest street the hotel’s strange room Saint Paul’s
progress information baggage jewelry equipment knowledge advice furniture luggage weather trouble homework fun work news paper (纸张)
5. 修饰可数名词的词

few, a few, many, a great/good many, a large number of, a lot of, lots of , plenty of quantities of
6. 修饰不可数名词的词

little, a little, much, a great deal of, a large amount of, a quantity of, quantities of lots of a lot of plenty of
22. 23. 24.
28. 29. 30.
a woman’s bike Children’s Day the chemist’s Doctor’s degree a week’s holiday ten-dollar’s worth of stamps the butcher’s the baker’s the barber’s
今天的报纸 9. 十分钟的车程 10. 政府的政策 11. 大多数的意见 12. 城市最热闹的街 道 13. 旅馆奇怪的房间 14. 圣保罗大教堂
15. 16.
my aunt’s a stationer’s Tom’s and Mary’s desks Tom and Mary’s desk a car of Dr. Li’s 男女服装 狗的牙齿

1. a paper
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2. an iron
3. a wood 4. a beauty
a youth 6. an authority 7. room for improvement
报纸 熨斗 一片树林 美人 青年人 权威人士 改进余地
8. be in flower 9. go to church 10.be in hospital 11.a wonderful tea 12.Two ice-creams, please. 13.financial difficulties
hope 5. Where there is life, there is _____.
Parents have high ______for their hopes children. (hope) 6. Several other women expressedagreement ______. I’m sorry you could not come to an agreement _____. (agreement) 7. There is not much meat _____on the bone. meats Many cold ____ are too expensive for us to buy. (meat) 8. I don’t care for coffee _____. We asked for two _____. ( coffee) coffees
31. 32. 33. 34.
李磊家 她头发的颜色 一张我妈妈的相片 我的一个朋友 I did it for friendship’s sake She was at her wit’s end.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
Li Lei’s the colour of her hair a picture of my mother’s a friend of mine 我是出于友谊而做 这件事的. 她已经江朗才尽.

1. 可数名词的复数

给出下列名词的复数形式 policeman child ox mouse tooth goose foot potato hero leaf shelf roof life baby monkey branch thief mosquito
policemen children oxen mice teeth geese feet potatoes heroes leaves shelves roofs lives babies monkeys
2. 名词作定语和形容词作定语不同
比较下列名词和形容词作定语的不同 gold coins golden sunshine heart trouble hearty welcome silver dollar silvery hair snow mountain snowy table-cloth press conference family planning
1. 2. 3.
名词在句子中的作用 名词作定语和形容词作定语不同 名词作主语和谓语一致问题
1. 名词在句子中的作用
1. 2.
指出下列句子中名词的作用 The train is approaching. 主语 She became my closest friend. 表语 He speaks good English. 宾语 I did it for the country. 介词宾语
Brief Revision of Noun
一. 可数名词和不可数名词 二. 名词所有格 三. 名词在句子中的作用 四. 高考焦点
制作人: 殷玉燕
1.可数名词的复数 2.单复数同形的名词 3.常以复数出现的名词 4.常被当作可数名词的不可数名词 5.修饰可数名词的词 6.修饰不可数名词的词 7.能修饰可数和不可数名词的词 8.可数名词和不可数名词之间的转换
2. 单复数同形的名词
deer works (作品,著作,工厂)
means (方式,Fra Baidu bibliotek段)
fish fruit species (种类), series(连续,丛书) Chinese Japanese jin li yuan
3. 常以复数出现的名词
