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词,如nothing, nobody, none, neither, little, few, never, hardly等。

例如:1) A:Tom does well in maths.

B:Tom doesn’t do well in maths.

2) A:He has much to do.

B:He has nothing to do.

3) A:All of my classmates like art.

B:None of my classmates likes art.


例如:1) A:My brother often has breakfast at school.

B:Does your brother often have breakfast at school?

2) A:Tom’s already weak in English.

B:Tom’s already weak in English, isn’t he ?

3) A:The red light changes every two minutes.

B:How often does the red light change?


例如:1)A:This is an interesting book.

B:What an interesting book this is!

或 How interesting this book is!




2)“到达”get to—reach—arrive in/at;

3)“收到…来信”hear from—get a letter from

—receive a letter from—have a letter from

4)“擅长于…”be good at —do well in

5)“有空”be free—have time;

6)“入睡”go to sleep—get to sleep—fall asleep;

7)“玩得开心”enjoy oneself—have a good time;

8)“给…打电话”call sb—telephone sb—ring sb. a call

—make a telephone to sb.

9)“飞往…”fly to…—go to…by air/plane

10)“自学”teach oneself—learn…by oneself


12)“在…差”be weak in…—do badly in…

13)“能/会”can—be able to

14)“更喜欢”like…better than…—prefer…to…

15)“充满了”be full of…—be filled with…

16)“放弃做某事”give up doing…—stop doing…

17)“不再” no longer—not …any longer

18)“照顾/保管” take care of…—look after

19)“展览” on show—on display

20)“阻止…干…”stop…from doing—keep/prevent…from doing…

21)“由于” thanks to—because of…

22)“举手”hands up—put up one’s hands

23)“最后,终于”at last—in the end

24)“与…不同” be different from…—be not the same as…


26)“乘公汽/火车/的” go to…by bus/train/taxi—take a bus /train to

27)“乘自行车去…” go to…by bike—ride a bike to…

28)“为…感到自豪” be proud of…—be the pride of…

29)“步行去…” walk to…—go to…on foot

30)“独自地”by oneself —alone等。

例如:A:The children had a good time in the park.

B:The children enjoyed themselves in the park.



1)It seems that 从句→Somebody seems(to be)+adj/n

2)It’s kind of sb. to do…→Somebody is kind to do…

3)What does…mean?→What do you mean by…?

或What’s the meaning of…?

4)There is something wrong with…→Something is wrong with…


6)What’s wrong with…?→What’s the matte with…?

7)How is…?→What’s…like…?

8)How do you like…?→What do you think of?

9)It’s time that…→It’s time for sb. to do…

10)It’s said that…→People say that…

11)Can I help you? →What can I do for you?

例如: A:I went to bed after I finished my homework.

B:I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework.


例如: 1)A:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, they’ll go to the park.

B:Unless it rains tomorrow, they’ll go to the park.

2)A:If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late.

B:Hurry up, or you’ll be late.

3)A:Fish can’t live if there is no water.

B:Fish can’t live without water.




buy—have, borrow—keep, die—be dead, open—be open,

join—be in+组织/be a +成员,begin—be on, leave—be away from, close—be closed, arrive in/ get to/ come/go to—be in/at,
