数字口译-篇章练习Task 1(口译任务1)Import and export of Germany任务要求:下面你将听到一段关于德国的进出口情况的介绍,请在停顿时进行口译。
According to the latest statistic issued by the Bureau of Statistics of Federal Republic of Germany, German import volume from China amounted to 39.9 billion Euros, up by 21.6% in 2005. //China ranked the fourth in source of import of Germany advanced two places used in 2004. The proportion of import volume from China in the total Germany import volume rose from 5.7% to 6.4%.// The volume of German export to China amounted to 21.3 billion Euros, up by 1.4%, and China became the eleventh export destination of Germany, dropped one place used in 2004. The export volume of Germany to China in the total export volume dropped from 2.9% to 2.7%. //The total foreign trading volume of Germany is 1411.8 billion Euros, out of which total import volume is 625.6 billion Euros, up by 8.7% and total export volume is 786.2 billion Euros, up by 7.5%. // France, Holland and US maintained to be the first three source of import of Germany. //Britain, Italy, Belgium, Swiss, Spain and Russia were the fifth to tenth source of import of Germany orderly after China.//France, US, Britain, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Swiss and Poland were the first ten export destinations of Germany.根据德意志联邦共和国统计局最新发布的数据,德国2005年从中国进口总额达到399亿欧元,增加了21.6%。
• (375, 000, 000)
• (452, 000)
• (96, 850, 000, 000)
Supplementary practice
• • • • • • Phenomenal 非凡的,了不起的;惊人的;显著的 It's a phenomenal idea He is a phenomenal runner. Workshop 工场;车间; 研究会;研讨会
• three million two hundred and fifty thousand • thirty-two million five hundred thousand • three hundred and twenty-five million
• 六千零三十亿 • 四百六十一点三亿 • 八点二亿 • 九十五万零三百八十 • 九千九百四十二亿
Unit 6 历史文化
History and Culture
Class Arrangement
• Review • Figures interpreting:
• Theoretical study • Interpreting practice
• Supplementary practice
• B M T
千 百 十 亿 千 百 十 万 千 百 十 个 亿 亿 亿 万 万 万
Recording method:记录方法 • E.G. • One billion three hundred and seventy-five million six hundred thousand • 六十三万五千六百四十一
• three million six hundred and fiftytwo thousand • 3, 652,000 • thirty-six million five hundred and twenty thousand • 36, 520, 000
• •
根据以上规律,请看下面英语句子的汉译: (1) The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.
地球的大小是月球的49倍。(或地球比月球大48倍) (2) Since mid-century, the global economy has nearly quintupled(五倍), While the population has doubled, demand for grain has nearly tripled, and the burning of fossil fuels has increased nearly fourfold. 自本世纪中叶以来,全球经济增长了将近四倍,人口翻了一番。结果,粮食的需求增 加了近两倍,石油燃料增加了近三倍。 (3) Within 30 years there will be twice as many urban people as countryside people in the world.
• • •
• • • • • • • • •
• •
五十岁左右—— more or less fifty (years old); about fifty (years old) 近八十岁了—— nearly/almost eighty (years old) 九十好几了—— well over ninety (years olthree days or so 大约150米处—— somewhere about 150 meters 好几百—— hundreds of 成千上万,千千万万—— thousands of 几十万—— hundreds of thousands of 几百万—— millions of 亿万—— hundreds of millions of
英语数字口译练习English Number Interpretation PracticeWhen it comes to interpreting numbers in English, it's not just about translating the digits; it's about understanding the context and conveying the information accurately. This practice session is designed to help you become more proficient in interpreting numbers in various scenarios, such as dates, times, addresses, and monetary values.1. Dates- 2023年5月21日 - May 21st, 2023- 18世纪 - the 18th century- 公元前221年 - 221 BC2. Times- 7:30 AM - seven thirty in the morning- 3:45 PM - three forty-five in the afternoon- 22:00 - ten o'clock at night3. Addresses- 1234 Main Street - One thousand two hundred thirty-four Main Street- 5678 Oak Avenue - Five thousand six hundred seventy-eight Oak Avenue- 9101 Elm Road - Nine thousand one hundred one Elm Road4. Monetary Values- $10.99 - ten dollars and ninety-nine cents- £20.50 - twenty pounds and fifty pence- €50.75 - fifty euros and seventy-five cents5. Phone Numbers- 123-456-7890 - one two three, four five six, seven eight nine zero- 555-0199 - five five five, zero one nine nine- 1-800-123-4567 - one eight hundred one two three, four five six seven6. Percentages- 50% - fifty percent- 25% - twenty-five percent- 75% - seventy-five percent7. Fractions- 1/2 - one half- 3/4 - three quarters- 1/8 - one eighth8. Temperatures- 37°C - thirty-seven degrees Celsius- 98.6°F - ninety-eight point six degrees Fahrenheit- -20°C - twenty degrees below zero Celsius9. Speeds- 60 km/h - sixty kilometers per hour- 100 mph - one hundred miles per hour- 15 knots - fifteen knots10. Measurements- 2 meters - two meters- 1.5 liters - one point five liters- 0.25 kilograms - zero point two five kilogramsRemember, the key to effective number interpretation is practice. Use these examples to test your skills and improve your ability to convey numerical information in English accurately and fluently.。
口译数字练习中译英一、商务部:1-8月我国实际使用外资同比下降3.40% (2012年09月19日11:32:39)新华网消息商务部19日召开例行新闻发布会,商务部新闻发言人沈丹阳通报了2012年1-8月我国商务运行情况,1-8月,全国实现社会消费品零售总额131195亿元,名义同比增长14.1%,扣除价格因素,实际增长11.4%,比上年同期加快0.1个百分点。
二、7月份中国增持美国国债26亿美元(2012年09月18日 22:05:07)新华网华盛顿9月18日电(记者蒋旭峰樊宇)美国财政部18日公布的数据显示,7月份,美国最大债权国中国增持美国国债26亿美元。
三、燕京啤酒6次融资或圈80亿分红仅20亿回报差(2012年09月19日 08:52:23)2012年9月,燕京啤酒再度抛出一份再融资方案,拟募集不超过26.2亿元,较第三轮再融资的金额大幅上升131.86%,如果该方案被实施,那么燕京啤酒将成为首家融资总金额超过80亿元的酒类公司。
数字口译练习(学生讲义)练习1 T op ten most populous countries提示1:你将听到一段关于世界十大人口国人口统计数字的讲话,长度约两分钟,中间没有停顿。
(文字略课堂听译)练习2 单句口译提示:你将听到一些带有数字的句子,请把它们记录下来,并将其译成目的语。
vocabularyannual added value of industryannual total volume of import and exportannual volume of contracted foreign capital,actually utilized foreign capitalinbound tourists,domestic touristsincome from foreign policyvolume of freight handled by ports1)全年工业增加值为62815亿元,比上年增长11.5%。
6)Last year the unemployment rate in the US was nearly 5%.7)European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of 2005.8)The volume of freight handled by ports throughout the country totaled 4 billion tons, up 21.3 percent over the previous year.9)The total number of privately-owned vehicles was 13.65 million, up 12.0 percent.10)The year 2004 saw 1.1billion domestic tourists, up 26.6 percent. Revenue from domestic tourism totaled 471.1 billion yuan, up 36.9 percent.练习3段落翻译段落翻译一Vocabularyfixed asset investment国家信息中心预计,今年全年中国的国内生产总值将增长9.3%,总计13.4万亿元(1.6万亿美元)。
数字练习——循序渐进,难点突破个位数预备(1 line in one breath):123456701348908134678907238349451562673784895916827736745836947058149238417526 635746857968079187394294546327218957481324657989102435768098213546879097328439 541652763874985196287276475386497508419328147256365476587698709817934924456237三位数(包括4、5位数)听写过关练习英读汉译单向练习1 line in one breath exercises (Chinese before English)1.三位数(百-hundred)123 456 789 901 234 567 890 812 345 678 990 723 834 945 156 267 378 489 591 682 773 674 583 694 705 814 923 841 752 663 574 685 796 807 918 739 429 454 632 721 895 748 132 465 798 910 243 576 809 821 354 687 909 732 843 954 165 276 387 498 519 628 727 647 538 649 750 841 932 814 725 636 547 658 769 870 981 793 492 445 623 712 859 784 每天100组练习。
2.四位数(千-thousand)1234 5678 9901 2345 6789 1082 3456 7899 7023 8349 4515 6267 3784 8959 1682 7736 3694 7058 1492 3841 7526 6357 4685 7968 7901 8739 4294 5463 2721 8957 4813 2465 7989 1024 3576 8098 2135 4687 9097 3284 3954 1652 7638 7498 5196 2872 7647 5386 4975 8041 9328 1472 5636 5476 5876 9870 9817 9349 2445 6237 1285 9784混合三位数&四位数:双语双向练习(以英读汉译为主)3.五位数(万-thousand)12345 67899 10234 56789 81203 45678 99072 38349 45156 26737 84895 91682 77367 45836 94705 81492 38417 52663 57468 57968 70918 73942 94546 32721 89574 81324 65798 91024 35768 98201 35468 79097 32843 95416 52763 87498 51962 87276 47538 64975 80419 32814 72563 65476 58769 87098 17934 92445 62371 28597 84643混合三位数&四位数&五位数4.六位数(十万-thousand/0.--- million)123456 789901 234567 890812 345678 990723 834945 156267 379848 959168 277367 458369 470581 492384 175266 357468 579680 791873 942945 463272 189574 813246 579891 204357 680982 135468 790973 284395 416527 638749 851962 872764 753864 975084 193281 472563 654765 876987 981709 349244 562371 285784混合三位数&四位数&五位数&六位数5.七位数(百万-million)1234567 8990123 4567890 8123456 7899072 3834945 1562673 7848959 1682773 6745836 9470581 4923841 7526635 7468579 6807918 7394294 5463272 1895748 1324657 98910243576809 8213546 8790973 2843954 1652763 8749851 9628727 6475386 4975084 1932814 7256365 4765876 9870981 7934924 4562371 2859784混合三位数&四位数&五位数&六位数&七位数6.八位数(千万-hundred)12345678 99012345 67890812 34567899 72038349 45156267 37848959 16827736 74583694 70581492 38417526 63574685 79680791 87394294 54632721 89574813 24657989 10243576 80982135 46879097 32843954 16527638 74985196 28727647 53864975 08419328 14725636 54765876 98709817 93492445 62371285 97844958混合三位数&四位数&五位数&六位数&七位数&八位数7.九位数(亿- hundred million)123,456,789 901234567 890812345 678990723 834945156 267378489 591682773 674583694 705814923 841752663 574685796 807918739 429454632 721895748 132465798 910243576 809821354 687909732 843954165 276387498 519628727 647538649 750841932 814725636 547658769 870981793 492445623 712859784混合三位数&四位数&五位数&六位数&七位数&八位数&九位数8.十位数(十亿-billion)2123456789 3901234567 1890812345 4678990723 5834945156 6267378489 7591682773 8674583694 9705814923 1841752663 2574685796 3807918739 4429454632 5721895748 6132465798 7910243576 8809821354 9687909732 1843954165 2276387498 3519628727 4647538649 5750841932 6814725636 7547658769 8870981793 9492445623 1712859784 2512345678 3990123456 4789081234 5567899072 6383494515 7626737848 8959168277 9367458369 2470581492 4384175266 6357468579 8680791873 1942945463 3272189574 5813246579 7891024357 9680982135 2468790973 3284395416 4527638749 9851962872 8764753864 6975084193 2581472563 4654765876 3987098179 7349244562 1371285978混合三位数&四位数&五位数&六位数&七位数&八位数&九位数&十位数9.各种万1万2万3万4万5万6万7万8万9万34万56万78万90万81万23万45万67万89万90万72万38万34万94万51万56万26万73万78万48万95万91万68万27万73万67万45万83万69万47万50万81万49万23万84万17万52万66万35万74万68万57万96万80万79万18万73万94万29万45万46万32万72万18万95万74万81万32万46万57万98万91万20万43万57万68万91万82万13万54万68万79万90万73万28万43万95万41万65万27万63万87万49万85万19万62万87万27万64万75万38万123万456万789万901万234万567万890万812万345万678万990万723万834万945万156万267万378万489万591万682万773万674万583万694万705万814万923万841万752万663万574万685万796万807万918万739万429万454万632万721万895万748万132万465万798万910万243万576万809万821万354万687万909万732万843万954万165万276万387万498万519万628万727万647万538万649万750万841万932万814万725万1234万5678万9901万2345万6789万8102万3456万7899万7203万8349万4515万6267万3784万8959万1682万7736万7458万3694万7058万1492万3841万7526万6357万4685万7968万7091万8739万4294万5463万2721万8957万4813万2465万7989万1024万3576万8098万2135万4687万9097万3284万3954万1652万7638万7498万5196万2872万7647万5386万4975万1千万2千万3千万4千万5千万6千万7千万8千万9千万各种万混合10.亿1亿2亿3亿4亿5亿6亿7亿8亿9亿34亿56亿78亿90亿81亿23亿45亿67亿89亿90亿72亿38亿34亿94亿51亿56亿26亿73亿78亿48亿95亿91亿68亿27亿73亿67亿45亿83亿69亿47亿59亿81亿49亿23亿84亿17亿52亿66亿35亿74亿68亿57亿96亿80亿79亿18亿73亿94亿29亿45亿46亿32亿72亿18亿95亿74亿81亿32亿46亿57亿98亿91亿20亿43亿57亿68亿90亿82亿13亿54亿68亿79亿92亿73亿28亿43亿95亿41亿65亿27亿63亿87亿49亿85亿19亿62亿87亿27亿64亿75亿38亿123亿456亿789亿901亿234亿567亿890亿812亿345亿678亿990亿723亿834亿945亿156亿267亿378亿489亿591亿682亿773亿674亿583亿694亿705亿814亿923亿841亿752亿663亿574亿685亿796亿807亿918亿739亿429亿454亿632亿721亿895亿748亿132亿465亿798亿910亿243亿576亿809亿821亿354亿687亿909亿732亿843亿954亿165亿276亿387亿498亿519亿628亿727亿647亿538亿649亿750亿841亿932亿814亿725亿1234亿5678亿9901亿2345亿6789亿8012亿3456亿7899亿7203亿8349亿4515亿6267亿3784亿8959亿1682亿7736亿7458亿3694亿7058亿1492亿3841亿7526亿6357亿4685亿7968亿7091亿8739亿4294亿5463亿2721亿8957亿4813亿2465亿7989亿1024亿3576亿8098亿2135亿4687亿9097亿3284亿3954亿1652亿7638亿7498亿5196亿2872亿7647亿5386亿4975亿1千亿2千亿3千亿4千亿5千亿6千亿7千亿8千亿9千亿各种亿混合11.各种小数点+万1万2万3万4万5万6万7万8万9万3.4万5.6万7.8万9.2万8.1万2.3万4.5万6.7万8.9万9.4万7.2万3.8万3.4万9.4万5.1万5.6万2.6万7.3万7.8万4.8万9.5万9.1万6.8万2.7万7.3万6.7万4.5万8.3万6.9万4.7万0.5万8.1万4.9万2.3万8.4万1.7万5.2万6.6万3.5万7.4万6.8万5.7万9.6万8.5万7.9万1.8万7.3万9.4万2.9万4.5万4.6万3.2万7.2万1.8万9.5万7.4万8.1万3.2万4.6万5.7万9.8万9.1万0.2万4.3万5.7万6.8万0.9万8.2万1.3万5.4万6.8万7.9万0.9万7.3万2.8万4.3万9.5万4.1万6.5万2.7万6.3万8.7万4.9万8.5万1.9万6.2万8.7万2.7万6.4万7.5万3.8万1.23万4.56万7.89万9.01万2.34万5.67万8.90万8.12万3.45万6.78万9.90万7.23万8.34万9.45万1.56万2.67万3.78万4.89万5.91万6.82万7.73万6.74万5.83万6.94万7.05万8.14万9.23万8.41万7.52万6.63万5.74万6.85万7.96万8.07万9.18万7.39万4.29万4.54万6.32万7.21万8.95万7.48万1.32万4.65万7.98万9.01万2.43万5.76万8.09万8.21万3.54万6.87万9.09万7.32万8.43万9.54万1.65万2.76万3.87万4.98万5.19万6.28万7.27万6.47万5.38万6.49万7.05万8.41万9.32万8.14万1.234万5.678万9.901万2.345万6.789万0.812万3.456万7.899万0.723万8.349万4.515万6.267万3.784万8.959万1.682万7.736万7.458万3.694万7.058万1.492万3.841万7.526万6.357万4.685万7.968万0.791万8.739万4.294万5.463万2.721万8.957万4.813万2.465万7.989万1.024万3.576万8.098万2.135万4.687万9.097万3.284万3.954万1.652万7.638万7.498万5.196万2.872万7.647万5.386万4.975万12.3万45.6万78.9万90.1万23.4万56.7万89.5万81.2万34.5万67.8万99.7万723万83.4万94.5万15.6万26.7万37.8万48.9万59.1万68.2万77.3万67.4万583万69.4万70.5万81.4万92.3万84.1万75.2万66.3万57.4万68.5万79.6万80.7万91.8万73.9万42.9万45.4万63.2万72.1万89.5万74.8万13.2万46.5万79.8万91.3万24.3万57.6万80.9万82.1万35.4万68.7万90.9万73.2万84.3万95.4万16.5万27.6万38.7万49.8万51.9万62.8万72.7万64.7万53.8万64.9万75.8万84.1万93.2万81.4万12.34万56.78万99.01万23.45万67.89万88.12万34.56万78.99万70.23万83.49万45.15万62.67万37.84万89.59万16.82万77.36万74.58万36.94万70.58万14.92万38.41万75.26万63.57万46.85万79.68万70.91万87.39万42.94万54.63万27.21万89.57万48.13万24.65万79.89万10.24万35.76万80.98万21.35万46.87万90.97万32.84万39.54万16.52万76.38万74.98万51.96万28.72万76.47万53.86万49.75万123.4万567.8万990.1万234.5万678.9万801.2万345.6万789.9万702.3万834.9万451.5万626.7万378.4万895.9万168.2万773.6万745.8万369.4万705.8万149.2万384.1万752.6万635.7万468.5万796.8万790.1万873.9万429.4万546.3万272.1万895.7万481.3万246.5万798.9万102.4万357.6万809.8万213.5万468.7万909.7万328.4万395.4万165.2万763.8万749.8万519.6万287.2万764.7万538.6万497.5万各种小数点+万的混合12.各种小数点+亿1亿2亿3亿4亿5亿6亿7亿8亿9亿3.4亿5.6亿7.8亿9.2亿8.1亿2.3亿4.5亿6.7亿8.9亿9.4亿7.2亿3.8亿3.4亿9.4亿5.1亿5.6亿2.6亿7.3亿7.8亿4.8亿9.5亿9.1亿6.8亿2.7亿7.3亿6.7亿4.5亿8.3亿6.9亿4.7亿0.5亿8.1亿4.9亿2.3亿8.4亿1.7亿5.2亿6.6亿3.5亿7.4亿6.8亿5.7亿9.6亿8.4亿7.9亿1.8亿7.3亿9.4亿2.9亿4.5亿4.6亿3.2亿7.2亿1.8亿9.5亿7.4亿8.1亿3.2亿4.6亿5.7亿9.8亿9.1亿0.2亿4.3亿5.7亿6.8亿0.9亿8.2亿1.3亿5.4亿6.8亿7.9亿0.9亿7.3亿2.8亿4.3亿9.5亿4.1亿6.5亿2.7亿6.3亿8.7亿4.9亿8.5亿1.9亿6.2亿8.7亿2.7亿6.4亿7.5亿3.8亿1.23亿4.56亿7.89亿9.01亿2.34亿5.67亿8.90亿8.12亿3.45亿6.78亿9. 05亿7.23亿8.34亿9.45亿1.56亿2.67亿3.78亿4.89亿5.91亿6.82亿7.73亿6.74亿5.83亿6.94亿7.05亿8.14亿9.23亿8.41亿7.52亿6.63亿5.74亿6.85亿7.96亿8.07亿9.18亿7.39亿4.29亿4.54亿6.32亿7.21亿8.95亿7.48亿1.32亿4.65亿7.98亿9.10亿2.43亿5.76亿8.09亿8.21亿3.54亿6.87亿9.09亿7.32亿8.43亿9.54亿1.65亿2.76亿3.87亿4.98亿5.19亿6.28亿7.27亿6.47亿5.38亿6.49亿7.50亿8.41亿9.32亿8.14亿1.234亿5.678亿9.901亿2.345亿6.789亿0.812亿3.456亿7.899亿0.723亿8.349亿4.515亿6.267亿3.784亿8.959亿1.682亿7.736亿7.458亿3.694亿7.058亿1.492亿3.841亿7.526亿6.357亿4.685亿7.968亿0.791亿8.739亿4.294亿5.463亿2.721亿8.957亿4.813亿2.465亿7.989亿1.024亿3.576亿8.098亿2.135亿4.687亿9.097亿3.284亿3.954亿1.652亿7.638亿7.498亿5.196亿2.872亿7.647亿5.386亿4.975亿12.3亿45.6亿78.9亿90.1亿23.4亿56.7亿89.5亿81.2亿34.5亿67.8亿99.7亿723亿83.4亿94.5亿15.6亿26.7亿37.8亿48.9亿59.1亿68.2亿77.3亿67.4亿583亿69.4亿70.5亿81.4亿92.3亿84.1亿75.2亿66.3亿57.4亿68.5亿79.6亿80.7亿91.8亿73.9亿42.9亿45.4亿63.2亿72.1亿89.5亿74.8亿13.2亿46.5亿79.8亿91.3亿24.3亿57.6亿80.9亿82.1亿35.4亿68.7亿90.9亿73.2亿84.3亿95.4亿16.5亿27.6亿38.7亿49.8亿51.9亿62.8亿72.7亿64.7亿53.8亿64.9亿75.8亿84.1亿93.2亿81.4亿12.34亿56.78亿99.01亿23.45亿67.89亿88.12亿34.56亿78.99亿70.23亿83.49亿45.15亿62.67亿37.84亿89.59亿16.82亿77.36亿74.58亿36.94亿70.58亿14.92亿38.41亿75.26亿63.57亿46.85亿79.68亿70.91亿87.39亿42.94亿54.63亿27.21亿89.57亿48.13亿24.65亿79.89亿10.24亿35.76亿80.98亿21.35亿46.87亿90.97亿32.84亿39.54亿16.52亿76.38亿74.98亿51.96亿28.72亿76.47亿53.86亿49.75亿123.4亿567.8亿990.1亿234.5亿678.9亿801.2亿345.6亿789.9亿702.3亿834.9亿451.5亿626.7亿378.4亿895.9亿168.2亿773.6亿745.8亿369.4亿705.8亿149.2亿384.1亿752.6亿635.7亿468.5亿796.8亿790.1亿873.9亿429.4亿546.3亿272.1亿895.7亿481.3亿246.5亿798.9亿102.4亿357.6亿809.8亿213.5亿468.7亿909.7亿328.4亿395.4亿165.2亿763.8亿749.8亿519.6亿287.2亿764.7亿538.6亿497.5亿各种小数点+亿的混合123456789901234567890812345678990723834945156267378489591682773674583694705 814923841752663574685796807918739429454632721895748132465798910243576809821 354687909732843954165276387498519628727647538649750841932814725636547658769 870981793492445623712859784数字练习点3划4trillion, billion, million, thousand9万90 thousand90万0.90 million (900 thousand)390万 3.90 million (3 million 900 thousand啰嗦)7390万73.90 million (73million900 thousand啰嗦)17390万173.90 million (173million900thousand啰嗦)117390万(11万7390万)1,173.90million (1billion173million and 900 thousand-啰. 1173.90million)1339724852人13亿3972万4852人,1,339,724,852增加7390万人40152万户124461万人3611人3,6118930人8,93011146人11,14614032人14,03233961人33,96138788人38,78835701人35,70126779人26,77966557万人665,57million67415万人香港特别行政区居民234829人234,829澳门特别行政区居民21201人21,201外籍人员593832人593,832合计1020145人1,020,145=1m20t1451.人口总量。
Unit four Figures in Interpreting教学目的:1. 了解中英数位表达及分段方式的差异,通过单纯数字、带单位的数字及带数字的句子口译练习,初步掌握中英数字互译的方法和技巧;2. 熟悉有关国际商务和世界贸易的相关词汇、表达,以及有关背景知识;3. 通过模仿或模拟口译实践提高英语表达和运用能力。
教学重点:1. 中英数位表达差异;2. 数字中英互译的三阶段练习;3. 国际贸易与经济全球化的常用词汇和表达;4. 与世界贸易相关的背景知识及用语表达。
I. 有关数字的各种表达及注意事项1. 整数的译法和读法迅速无误识别数字的前提是必须能够流利地读出数字。
?1,234 读作:one thousand,two hundred and thirty-four4,567,809 读作:four million,five hundred and sixty-seventhousand,eight hundred and nine5,678,120,000 读作:five billion,six hundred and seventy-eight million,one hundred and twe nty thousand 百位数和百位数以上的数的读法英国人和美国人不同,英国人在百位数和十位数之间用and,美国人常常不用。
?????????126?????? 读作one hundred(and)twenty-six???????? 3,862??? ?读作three thousand, eight hundred(and)sixty-two???????? 489,932???读作four thousand(and)eight-nine thousand,nine hundred(and)thiety-two? 以one开始的较大数字,通俗的用法或表示大概数字时,可用不定冠词a代替one,如:He's written a thousand poems.????? “千”有时可转换成“百”来表示,尤其在通俗用法中,如:?????? The fee is about eleven hundred yuan.(费用约一千一百元。
650,000, and the income from European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of 2005.
Last year the unemployment rate in the US was nearly 5%.
two percent in the 1 quarter of 2005. st The annual volume of contracted foreign capital is USD 153.
65 million, up 12. 1548 trillion, an increase of 35. 3 percent over the previous year.
▪ 7. European unemployment fell by roughly 全年合同外资金额为1,535亿美元,增长33.
游外汇收入257亿美元,增长47.9%。 European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of 2005.
European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of 2005. 去年美国的失业率接近5%。
5. 全年入境旅游人数10,904万人次,国际旅 6 billion, an increase of 13.
1.In 2001, China's GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing anaverage annual increase of 9.3 percent.二00一年,我国国内生产总值达到九万五千九百三十三亿元,比一九八九年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三。
注意triple(增长三倍)这样的以非数字形式出现的“数据”,特别要引起注意,类似的还有:double, quadruple [kwɑːˈdruːpl] adj.四倍的;四部分的adj.四倍的;四部分的, tertiary [ˈtɜːrʃieri] adj.第三的, 高等教育的The tertiary industry in our nation has grown rapidly in recent years. 近几年我国的第三产业增长很快。
Tertiary education follows secondary education.2. Efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020.国内生产总值到二0二0年力争比二000年翻两番。
2.The earth's moon is located an average of 239,000 miles from the earth. It has a diameter of2,136 miles, and its gravity is one-sixth that of earth's.月亮离地球约有239,000英里远,其直径为2136英里,重力为地球的1/64. Unemployment has risen to over three million for the first time in six years and analysts expect the jobless total to rise by a further 40,000 this month. Manufacturing output has meanwhile steadied, after a nought point five per cent decrease last month.失业人数六年来首次突破3百万。
• 67% is spoken as “sixty-seven percent”
Rates and ratios
• Japan has a population density of 329 inhabitants per square kilometer. • In 1992 unemployment in Britain stood at almost eight percent; approximately s unemployed. • The ratio one (worker) in twelve is written as 1:12.
Figures (1)
Cardinal numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, rates, ratios, totals, trends
Cardinal numbers
• 1. There is no plural “S” after hundred, thousand, million and billion when they are part of a number: $2,000,000 is said as “two million dollars” • 2. Cardinal numbers can be plural when used on their own: thousands of people, millions of books
• • • • Of, by, to, at There was a rise of 6%. The figure rose by 3%. The figure of the middle school students in China will rise to 127 million. • The inflation stood/stayed at 4%. • The sales of the company’s products fell/dropped by 5% last year.
基础口译专题三:数字口译I. Interpreting Cardinal Numbers(基数词)1. Numbers Smaller than One Hundred(1).1-12: three,twelve(2).13-19: fourteen,fifteen(3).20-90: forty,fifty(4).二十一21: twenty-one(5).九十九99: ninety-nine2. Three- and Four-Digit Numbers(百、千)(1).Three-Digite.g.:八百九十七(897)in AmE: eight hundred ninety-sevenin BrE: eight hundred and ninety-seven(2).Four-Digite.g.:二千零六(2,006)3. Five- and Six-Digit Numbers(万、十万)(1).Five-Digit (万)e.g.:二万一千五百三十六(21,356)=21千5百3十6twenty-one thousand, five hundred and thirty-six (in BrE)(2).Six-Digit(十万)e.g.:十万(100,000)=100千(one hundred thousand)八十八万八千八百(888,800)4. Seven-,Eight- and Nine-Digit Numbers(百万、千万、亿)a. 一百万(1,000,000)=one millionb. 二百六十万(2,600,000)=two million, six hundred thousandc. 一千万(10,000,000)=10个百万(ten million)d. 二千二百三十四万五千(22,345,000)=22m,345the. 一亿(100,000,000)=100个百万f. 二亿七千七百七十七万七千(277,777,000)=277百万777千5. Ten- and More-Than-Ten-Digit Numbers(十亿及十亿以上)a.十亿(1,000,000,000)one billion (in AmE)one thousand million(in BrE)b.十一亿七千五百万(1,175,000,000)c.一百亿(10,000,000,000)=10b/10,000md. 一千亿(100,000,000,000)=100个十亿e. 一万亿(1,000,000,000,000)=one trillionf. 二万三千亿(2,300,000,000,000)=2.3trillionII. Pronouncing Fractions(分数) and Decimals(小数)1. Fractions(1). Fractions the Numerator(分子)of Which Is Onea.五分之一:one-fifthb.二分之一:a/one halfc.四分之一:a/one quarterd.四分之三:three quarters(2).Fractions the Numerator of Which Is Not Onea.十分之九:nine-tenthsb.千分之三:three-thousandths [ˈθauzənθ](3).Fractions with Big Numerators and Denominators(分母)a. 五十三分之七十九:seventy-nine over fifty-threeb. 九十五分之二十六:twenty-six over ninety- five(4).Fractions with Both Whole and Fractional Numbers(带分数)full number 整数a. 五又三分之二:five and two-thirdsb. 六又二分之一:six and a halfc. 九又四分之三:nine and three quarters2. Decimals(1).0.8: point eight; zero/naught point eight0.323:point three two three; zero/naught point three two three0.0009%:zero/naught point ooonine percent(2).9.007:nine point ooseven98.53%: ninety-eight point five three percent(3).几点几万、几点几亿a. 零点六万(0.6万):6,000b. 零点九亿(0.9亿):90,000,000c. 零点八五亿(0.85亿):85,000,000d.八点八万(8.8万): 88,000e.三十六点零九万(36.09万):360,900f. 437.98 万:4,379,800g. 8.4 亿:840,000,000h. 22.2 亿:2,220,000,000III. Interpreting Indefinite Numbers(不确定数目)1. Approximate Numbers(大约)(1).“about,around,roughly,approximately,some, more or less, in the neighborhood of”(before the numbers)(2) “or so, or thereabout, in the rough”(after)2. Numbers Smaller than Round Numbers(少于)“fewer than, less than, under, below, within”3. Numbers With the Meaning of “Nearly”(将近)“nearly, almost, toward,close on”4.Indefinite Numbers Which Mean “More Than”(多于)(1). “more than, over,above,upwards of" before)(2). “and more, odd, and odd "after)5. Interpreting Numbers Which are Between Particular Numbers(介于)“from…to…; between…and…”6. Indefinite Numbers Which are Adjacent(相邻数目)“or”7. Indefinite Numbers Like “数十”,“数百”(1).tens of(20-99); dozens of(24-99);scores of(40-99); decades of(20-99)(2).hundreds of(200-999);several hundred; by the hundred(3).thousands of(2,000-9,999)(4).tens of thousands of(5).hundreds of thousands of(6).millions of(7).tens of millions of(8).hundreds of millions of(9).billions of练一练:Cardinal Numbers(1). 9632940→963,2940→9,632,940(2). 301230→30,1230→301,230(3). 101879171→1, 0187,9171→101,879,171(4). 1634544358→16,3454,4358→1,634,544,358(5). 377126771662187→377,1267,7166,2187→377,126,771,662,187Fractional and Decimal Numbers(1). 三分之一→one-third(2). 九分之五→five-ninths(3). 五十三分之三十二→thirty-two over fifty-three(4). 0.4→point four(5). 0.00059%→point o o o five nine percent(6). 32.87%→thirty-two point eight seven percent(7).489.49万→489.49×10000→4百万89.49万→(4,894,900)3. Indefinite Numbers(1). 二十人左右→about/around/some/approximately/roughly/in the neighborhood of twenty people →twenty people or so/or thereabout/in the rough(2). 少于一千美元→fewer than /less than /under/ below/ within one thousand dollars(3). 将近五十岁→nearly/ almost/ toward fifty years old(4). 四千到五千公里→from four thousand to five thousand kilometers (between…and…)(5). 两个或两个以上→two or more(6). 好几万/成千上万→tens of thousands of数字口译练习(1)将您听到的一组数据记录下来,并译成目的语1. 英汉数字转换8,666 801,806 2,009,005363,605,401 45,060,130945,063,505 1,278,865,00012.5million 15.28billion1.03 trillion2. 汉英数字转换203.7亿 1.306万123.45公顷42.192公里60.25公斤600.53亿美元5.8万元166.68万吨866.9万人次436.75万名新生IV. Expressing Multiples(倍数)1. 英语表示倍数(包括基数)(1)….times as adj./adv asThis building is three times as high as that one.(2). …times adj./adv.(comparative form) thanA is three times taller thanB =A is three times as tall as B.(3). …times the (或者its, that of) +n.A is three times the height of B.(4).v.(double/triple/quadruple/(quintuple/sextuple/septuple)-fold/octuple/nonuple)The salaries have tripled , compared with what they were ten years ago.2.汉语表示倍数(1). 甲是乙的n倍/甲已增加到乙的n倍(包括基数)(2). 甲比乙增加了n倍/ 甲比乙翻了n番(不包括基数)3. 表示“甲是乙的两倍”“twice as …as; twice the number/size/length of; as…again as; to increase by 100%; double”(1).他们今年的产量是去年的两倍。
● 8,666●57thousand●801thousand●363 million●945 billion●12.5 million 1.03 trillion, 15.28 billion●6万 3.5万●35万 5.45万●278万 3679万●5000万 489.46万●4亿7千万 31.87亿●61亿 1050.8亿●201亿 3.9亿●5万亿 50.2万亿●45万亿四千三百八十六二百七十四点九五万五千九百三十二十一万零八百四十一五十四万九千六百三十八二百七十四万三千六百九十四八千八百五十九万七千三百二十二亿三千七百一十五万零二百三十六十六亿八千九百九十万三千七百五十四七百零四亿九千三百五十七万九千零四十八One hundred and thirteen point eight fourSix thousand four hundred and thirty-oneSeventy hundred and forty-twoEight hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and fiveNine hundred and sixty-five thousand and seventy-sevenFour million eight hundred and three thousand seven hundred and twelve Ninety-four million two hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and twenty-sixFive hundred and thirty million one hundred and thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and forty-sevenTwo billion five hundred and thirty-three million eight hundred and five thousand one hundred and oneThirty-seven billion nine hundred and twenty-five million four hundred and forty-one and thirty-eight练习:英汉数字转换1.8,6662.801,8063.2,009,0054.363,605,4015.45,060,1306.945,063,5057.1,278,865,0008.12.5million9.15.28 billion10.1.03 trillion 汉英数字转换1.203.7亿2. 1.306万3.123.45公顷4.42.192公里5.60.25公斤6.600.53亿美元7. 5.8万元8.166.68万吨9.866.9万人次10.436.75万名新生到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右。
DAY 1Answer:E-C:1. 1.3b (最常听到的数字,因为中国有13亿人)2. 2.05 (小数点后面的数字要单个报出)3. 738,567 (听英文数字时,我们一般在数字下面每隔3位打一个“,”)4. 1/55. 38.9%C-E:1. 3652. 5/1000 (“千分之”的读法为“per thousand”)3. 8.694. 70.12%5. 36'9870'0108 (听中文数字时,我们一般在数字上面打一个“'”)====DAY 2Answer:E-C:1. 25/10002. 3,845,9673. 673.44. 70.125. 12,001,102,010C-E:1. 10兆(兆的单位为“trillion”)2. 25万(即可读成“0.25m”,也可读成“250th”)3. 387'64654. 123'2007'89635. 50.05%===DAY 3Answer:Part 1 E-C:2. 10,0433. 0.234. 576.0045. 36,570,012,001,220(这个有些难度,大家记得每个逗号之间是3位数字,记得补0哦!)Paert 2 C-E:1. 100万2. 365'40953. 23123.434. 123.23%5. 45/1000(“千分之”这个既可以用45 per thousand,也可以用45 out of 1000)Part 3 Passage interpretingDespite the slowdown of economic growth in the world's major economies and the ma nifestation of various risks, China's GDP grew by 7.8 percent in 2012 and the rise in the CPI(Consumer Price Index) fell back to 2.6 percent. China's annual grain output i n 2012 reached589.57 million tons, registering the second nine-year consecutive gro wth since the founding ofthe People's Republic of China in 1949, topping the 500-milli on-ton mark for six years in a row.===DAY 4Answer:Part 1 E-C:1. 23.5342. 78.4%3. 56,764,3854. 1,345,023,5675. 45%Paert 2 C-E:1. 45万2. 34.5万3. 6570'0412'00204. 96705. 6'5475.34DAY 5Answer:Part 1 E-C:1. 123/23452. 345.64. 34,654,003,638,0045. 765.03Paert 2 C-E:1. 34.54万2. 45亿3. 0.64. 1/105. 546'9700'5345Part 3 Passage interpretingThe number of domestic tourists in 2012 totaled 2.96 billion, and the number of Chin esecitizens making trips abroad reached 83.18 million, up 12.1 percent and 18.4perce nt,respectively, over the previous year. Among them, those making trips abroad forp rivate purpose reached 77.06 million, a year-on-year increase of 20.2 percent, accoun ting for92.6 percent of the total. Active and steady efforts have been made to promo te urbanization.From 2008 to 2012, a total of 84.63 million rural laborers moved to ci ties and towns, raisingthe urbanization rate from 45.9 percent to 52.6 percent and eff ecting a historic change inChina's urban-rural structure.2012年全年国内出游人数达29.6亿人次,比上年增长12.1%;国内居民出境人数8318万人次,增长18.4%。
口译数字1.数字的读法千thousand, 百万million, 十亿billion 万亿trillion4,500 forty-five hundred, four thousand and five hundred, four thousand five hundred 650万six point five million, six million five hundred thousand房间、门牌号码读法2103房间room twenty-one o three分数(fraction)、小数(decimal)读法1/6 one sixth3/10 three tenths0.1 point 1, zero point one, naught point one21.24 twenty-one point two four带分数(mixed fraction)five and two seventh不确定的数字及其他十几个more than a dozen of / over a dozen of几十个tens of / dozens of / scores of成百hundreds of几千thousands of十几万/几十万hundreds of thousands of四六开forty-sixty三五成群in small groups三三两两in twos and threes两周半two weeks and a half / two and a half weeks四个半天four half days左起第三人the third person from the left正数positive number负数negative number-5 minus five高达:come up to, amount up to, reach, total口语数字练习A1.中国的人口是13亿。
概率 probability 吞吐量 throughput 生活费指数 the cost-of-living index 物价指数 the price index 成倍增长 increase several-fold 货币的贬值 devaluation of the currency 升值 appreciation 法郎 franc 英镑 pound 美元 dollar 日元 yen
Ask your partner to read the figures or sentence for you, then vice versa according to the following steps 1. 听原文(不看文本), 记下所有的数字。 2. 再听一遍 —— 校对,补缺 3. 有必要的话重复第二步。 4. 实在听不出来的校对原文。
数字变化趋势的说法 peak level off, take off, soaring, shoot up, upsurge, increase fluctuate fall, bottom out, collapse, panic, slump recover(反弹) 用来形容变化程度的形容词:remarkably, markedly, sharply, dramatically, significant, considerable, etc.
连续五年 for five consecutive years for the five years in a row/ in succession/ on end 总产值创历史最高 total output value hit a record high/ an all-time high 增长百分之几十 increase by double-digit percentages 产量比1997年增长了2倍 The output has increased 3 times/ registered a three-fold increase/ increase 200% compared with 1997. 今年第一季度的产量比去年同期增加了12.5% The production increased 12.5% between January and March compared with the corresponding period/ same time last year. The production was up 12.5% year-on-year between January and March.
数字口译基础练习Part A.3,899 3,908 7009 879 30,009 90,591 79,301 67,900 780,120 504,781Part B.六万五十七万四百六十七万九百六十一万五千九百三十三万七百五十万十一亿七千五百万三千五百三十八万五千九亿三千六百七十七万七千Part C.1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890.2. The natural reserve takes up an area of 123,880,000 square kilometers.3. The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters.4. The number of college graduated will climbto a record high of 328 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000.5. Austrilia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000.Part D.以下是世界上五个主要英语国家的人口与国土面积的情况,请听译成汉语。
The United States has a population of 301,257,800, with a total area of 9,372,610 square kilometers, or 3,618,765 square miles.Canada ,a country with a population of only 31,519,500, has a total area slightly larger than that of the United States, that is , an area of 9,946,140 square kilometers, or 3,851,788 square miles.The United Kingdom, whose population amounts to 60,315,600, has a total land area of 244,820 square kilometers, or 94,525 square miles.Austrilia, with its land-mass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 20,268,900.Of five English-speaking countries, New Zealand has the smallest population of only 4,805,300, with a territory of 268,680 suare kilometers, or 103,723 square mile.Part E.中国的劳动力有七亿400千万,而欧洲所有发达国家的劳动力只有4亿3000万。
t rillion, billion,million,thousand,8 8 8 , 8 8 8 ,8 8 8 ,8 88 ,8 8 8万十亿百万千,亿,亿,万,一.数字的记录1.英语数字:a. 五位以下的数字如实记。
例:110b, 609tr, 20m.b. 每三位一个单元,听到trillion, billion, million, thousand 打“----”或“, ”.例如:309 million 5 thousand 3 hundred and 2: 309,005,302汉语数字:1.五位以下的数字如实记。
例:十三亿五千四百万零八百: 13 5400 0800二. 数字的翻译1.汉译英:万1)如果含“万”的数字里有小数点,在翻译前,把小数点从右向左移两位,单位变成million”(百万)”,或者向右移一位变成逗号,此逗号代表“千”。
79651.3万----->796.513 million8840.95万----->88.409 million76.9万--→769 thousand345.8万----->3,458 thousand 或3.458 million2)如果含“万”的数字里没有小数点,在翻译前,给数字后加0,再加逗号,此逗号代表“千”,其他方法同上。
33482万----->334.82 million776543万----->7765.43 million342万----->3.42 million2.汉译英:亿十亿:billion,亿:hundred million,“亿”之前一位是billion 1)如果数字为“十亿”以上,则小数点左移一位,单位变成billion。
378亿----->37.8billion12385亿----->1238.5 billion35亿----->3.5 billion2)如果数字为“亿”以下(包含“亿”),翻译方法同”万”为单位的数字。
• 全国财政收入(不含债务收入)完成8642亿元 (1041.2亿美元),比上年增长16.7%;财政 支出(不含债务支出)9197亿元(1108亿美 元),增长15.9%;支大于收555亿元(66.9亿 美元),其中中央财政赤字560亿元(67.5亿 美元),控制在预算目标之内。中央财政债务 收入2447亿元(298.4亿美元),完成预算的 99.6%。货币供应量增长17.3%。全年现金投放 1376亿元(165.8亿美元),超过计划控制目 标176亿元(21.2亿美元);全部金融机构存 款增加12940亿元(1559亿美元),增长18.6%; 贷款增加10703亿元(1289.5亿美元),增长 16.7%。适时下调贷款利率,减轻了企业负担。 国家外汇储备达到历史最高水平,年末为1399 亿美元,比年初增加349亿美元。
• 4. “billion以上”的数字用“亿”表示,原 数小数点右移一位。 • 1.3 b • = 13亿 • 15.7 b • = 157亿 • 26.55 b • = 265.5亿
• 532.1万 = 5.321m • 67.32亿 = 6.732b
• 3000万 = 30m • 956.7b = 9567亿 • 489.3m = 4.893亿
• → 4,021,907,650,301
• → four trillion, twenty-one billion, nine hundred and seven million, six hundred and fifty thousand, three hundred and one
• • • • •
• 练习一:顺背训练 把数字按照3-9位一组的形式分成若干组。 让译员一组一组或两组两组地听辨数字, 然后口头用译语复述出来。可以从一组 三位数字开始,练到两组九位数字。练 习时不得记笔记。
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11. In 1999, China's gross domestic product (GDP), which came to only RMB 362.41 billion yuan in 1978, amounted to 7955.3 billion yuan, 20fold increase over 1978. China ranks No.7 in terms of total supply and demand and No.1 in terms of economic growth rate.
1.In 2001, China's GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent.
2. Efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020.
概率 probability 吞吐量 throughput 生活费指数 the cost-of-living index 物价指数 the price index 成倍增长 increase several-fold 货币的贬值 devaluation of the currency 升值 appreciation 法郎 franc 英镑 pound 美元 dollar 日元 yen
4.Unemployment has risen to over three million for the first time in six years and analysts expect the jobless total to rise by a further 40,000 this month. Manufacturing output has meanwhile steadied, after a nought point five per cent decrease last month.
3.The earth's moon is located an average of 239,000 miles from the earth. It has a diameter of 2,136 miles, and its gravity is one-sixth that of earth's.
2倍 double, twice as much as, twice the amount of, to increase by 100% over last year 3 倍 triple, three times as much as, three times the amount of, to increase by 200% 4 倍 quadruple, four times/folds, to increase by 300% 5 倍 quintuple, five times/folds, to double and redouble
10. China's GDP in 1997 amounts to US$902 billion. This figure ranks No.7 behind USA (US$7819.3 billion), Japan (US$4223.4 billion), German (US$2115.4 billion), France (US$1393.8 billion), Britain (US$1278.4 billion) and Italy (US$ 1146.2 billion). From 1979 to 1997, China's average annual growth rate is 9.8 percent, 6.5 percentage points higher than that of the world.
连续五年 for five consecutive years for the five years in a row/ in succession/ on end 总产值创历史最高 total output value hit a record high/ an all-time high 增长百分之几十 increase by double-digit percentages 产量比1997年增长了2倍 The output has increased 3 times/ registered a three-fold increase/ increase 200% compared with 1997. 今年第一季度的产量比去年同期增加了12.5% The production increased 12.5% between January and March compared with the corresponding period/ same time last year. The production was up 12.5% year-on-year between January and March.
5.Except Xinjiang, output value of the secondary industry of other Chinese provinces occupies more than 40% of its GDP, while output value of the tertiary industry occupies more than 30% in most of the provinces.
销售额 sales volume 利润额 profit margin 投资总额 total investment 投资回报 returns 高回报率 high returns 营业额 business volume/turnover 贸易额 foreign trade volume
7.The amount of savings of urban and rural residents have increased over 71.4 per cent from 21.06 billion yuan in 1978 to 1,520.35 billion yuan in 1993.
6.Steel production this week totalled 327 289 metric tonnes, down 1.4% from 332 103 tonnes a week earlier but up 9.8% from 298 100 tonnes in the same week of 2003.
数字口译练习业率 unemployment rate 通货膨胀率 inflation rate 增长率 growth rate 出生率 birth rate 死亡率 death rate, mortality (rate) 婴儿死亡率 fetal mortality 利率 interest rate 汇率,兑换率 exchange rate 收入 earning, income, revenue 总收入 gross income/ earnings 净收入 net income 毛利, 总利润 gross profit/ benefit
Ask your partner to read the figures or sentence for you, then vice versa according to the following steps 1. 听原文(不看文本), 记下所有的数字。 2. 再听一遍 —— 校对,补缺 3. 有必要的话重复第二步。 4. 实在听不出来的校对原文。
8.As compared with the same period last year, the price of rice, wheat, maize and soybean rose by 16.2%, 18.1%, 22.8% and 29.5% respectively.
9.With over 40,000 US-invested enterprises, the paid-in value of the total US investment in China now stands at 43 billion US dollars. Of the top 500 US companies, more than 400 have come to China, and most of them are making a handsome profit.
通货膨胀已得到控制 The inflation has been brought under control. 遏制通货膨胀 curb/check/curtail the inflation. 股市指数突破1300大关 The stock index broke the 1300-point mark. 当日指数以1120点收盘 The index closed/ finished/ ended at 1120 on that day. 联合国安理会投票,三票赞成,一票反对, 一票弃权 The UN Security Council voted with three pros, one con and one abstention.
数字变化趋势的说法 peak level off, take off, soaring, shoot up, upsurge, increase fluctuate fall, bottom out, collapse, panic, slump recover(反弹) 用来形容变化程度的形容词:remarkably, markedly, sharply, dramatically, significant, considerable, etc.