

电影 记忆碎片叙事结构分析

电影 记忆碎片叙事结构分析














《记忆碎片》是根据乔纳森·诺兰的短篇小说《Memento Mori》改编而成的悬念影片,影片由克里斯托弗·诺兰导演,盖·皮尔斯、凯莉·安妮·莫斯、乔·潘托里亚诺、小马克·布恩等人主演。
















《记忆碎片》Memento疯狂绞杀你的脑细胞《记忆碎片》Memento出品:美国 2000导演:克里斯托弗·诺兰主演:盖·皮尔斯凯瑞-安·莫斯乔·潘托里亚诺【故事】提示:这是一个无法说清的故事,本剧情仅仅是其中一种解释,这是一部你看一遍肯定无法看懂的电影,也是一部让你自以为看懂但心里还是会隐隐发虚的电影。















Some memories are best forgotten

Some memories are best forgotten


I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that all my actions still have meaning even if I can’t remember them.. I have to believe when my eyes are closed,the world’s still here. Do I believe the world’s still there? Is it still out there? Yeah. We all need memories to remind who we are. I’m no different.
Some memories are best forgotten
克里斯托弗· 诺兰 (Christopher Nolan,1970年7月 30日-),英裔美 国人,电影导演、 编剧、摄影师及制 片人。2000年以电 影《记忆碎片》 (Momento)获得 奥斯卡最佳原创剧 本奖提名。
我要相信世界不是我想象出来的,我要相信我所做 的一切依旧有意义,即使我不记得做过什么,我要相信, 即使闭上眼睛,这世界依然存在。我相不相信世界依然 存在?我们需要记忆去确定自己的身份,我并不例外。
是克里斯托弗· 诺兰导演、 盖· 皮尔斯(GuyPearce), 凯莉-安妮· 莫斯(CarrieAnne Moss),乔· 潘托里 亚诺(Joe Pantoliano), 小马克· 布恩主演的美国 悬念影片。克里斯托弗导 演的第二部影片《记忆的 碎片》(Memento)实现 了一大飞跃,该片改编自 他哥哥未出版的短篇小说, 2000年在欧洲一上映即获 得好评如潮,并在圣丹斯 电影节上捧得Waldo Salt 剧本创作奖。





(黑白片叙述;1:40:00 Teddy 对白)除了拥有不错的工作,Lenny还有一个热爱他的妻子,他们生活幸福。









(黑白片叙述中关于Sammy 的部分;片尾黑白片闪回)Lenny的妻子遭遇强奸后,Lenny一直在寻找击昏他的第二名强奸犯,但是警方不相信一个失忆者的描述,认为根本不存在这个人。

警察Teddy(真名叫John Gammel)同情Lenny,帮他找到了这个叫John G的人。

Lenny杀了John G,但是记不起杀死过他,仍日夜寻找着这个已经死掉的John G。

(1:40:00 Teddy 对白)警察Teddy借着职务之便,伙同毒贩Jimmy等人一起贩毒。

(1:26:00 Teddy 对白)在一次交易中,Teddy打算独吞20万美元的货款,于是利用Lenny失忆并寻凶的特点,谎称毒贩Jimmy就是John G,并向Lenny提供档案资料及见面的地址。


























Proof of Life《生命的证据(2000)》完整中英文对照剧本

Proof of Life《生命的证据(2000)》完整中英文对照剧本

以下针对“皮耶蓝哇绑♥架♥案”进行结案说明简报This is the conclusive Kidnap andRansom Report for Mr. Pierre Lenoir.地点:车♥臣♥,Location: Chechnya.结果:顺利完成Result:结果:顺利完成Positive.本案经由AGP保险公♥司♥承接We were contracted by AGP underwriters who insured the victim.蓝哇先生于1月21日,在俄军占领区内Mr. Lenoir was abducted January 21 from Russian-held territory...遭遇到车♥臣♥反抗军绑♥架♥ members of the Chechen Nationalist Militia.对方首先开价美金500万元Their first demand was for $5million.我无法与车♥臣♥方面直接对话,因为俄军监视我的一举一动My ability to negotiate directly with the Chechens...我无法与车♥臣♥方面直接对话,因为俄军监视我的一举一动...was subverted by Russian military command...我无法与车♥臣♥方面直接对话,因为俄军监视我的一举一动...who monitoredmy every move.经过36天的谈判,对方答应赎金降为75万After 36 days...经过36天的谈判,对方答应赎金降为75万...lhadnegotiated the finalransom figure down to $750,000.我在2月27日午夜,确认人♥质♥平安活着Finalproof of life was received midnight Wednesday, February 27.第二天早上,俄军告知,不准我出面亲自递交赎款The next morning, l was informedby the Russians...第二天早上,俄军告知,不准我出面亲自递交赎款...that l wouldbeprohibited from personally delivering the ransom.然而若把赎款交给这些人,期望他们把人♥质♥平安赎回Any confidence that these men would deliver the ransom money...显然完全不可能...andreturn the hostage safely, had, by this point, been dissipated.告诉你们上校,任务交给他了Tell your colonel...告诉你们上校,任务交给他了's his responsibility now.他接到命令,如果他搞砸,我会叫他吃不消He's got his orders. He fucks about...他接到命令,如果他搞砸,我会叫他吃不消...l'll be the least of his problems.知道了Got it考虑到蓝哇的绑匪要求期限紧迫Factoring the time-sensitive interests of the group holding Lenoir...与伦敦总部联络又极困难...the limited communication available with the London office...加上俄军坚持不许我随行,要由他们递交赎款...and the Russian insistence...加上俄军坚持不许我随行,要由他们递交赎款...that they, and they alone, deliver the ransom payment.因此我在别无选择之下lmade the decision that there was simply no alternative...交付俄军最需要的精神粮食...but to give the Russians exactly what they wanted.确保赎款仍在我手上后,我私下与车♥臣♥方面搭上线Knowing that l'dretain possession of the ransom money...确保赎款仍在我手上后,我私下与车♥臣♥方面搭上线...l'dmanaged to contact the Chechens privately.我们同意在另一地点交钱We hadagreed to rendezvous at an alternative location.当地的交通工具十分有限Transport options in this area are limited.开车Drive!因此我只有尽力而为So l did the best that l could.绑♥架♥蓝哇先生的主谋集团,过去两年涉及10多宗绑♥架♥案The group holding Mr. Lenoir...绑♥架♥蓝哇先生的主谋集团,过去两年涉及10多宗绑♥架♥案...was responsible for a dozen kidnappings over thepast two years.实战经验丰富的游击队,火力强,机动性高,神出鬼没This is a battle-testedguerrilla militia.实战经验丰富的游击队,火力强,机动性高,神出鬼没They are well-armed, highly mobile and extremely unpredictable.蓝哇先生的健康状况极佳,以人♥质♥的标准而言Mr. Lenoir was found to be in an excellent state of health...蓝哇先生的健康状况极佳,以人♥质♥的标准而言...considering the circumstances.我成功摆脱俄军,却不知有多少时间可供行动l sent the Russians away. l don't know how much time we've got.在对方确认金额无误后,蓝哇先生被交到我们手中Following a review of the ransom payment.在对方确认金额无误后,蓝哇先生被交到我们手中Mr. Lenoir was released into our care.营救行动成功与否的因素,在于运输计划的密切配合The success of this extraction depended on a brisk, timely, transfer schedule. 然而我们还是不够快速We were, however, not quite fast enough.直升机Airborne!快,我们正遭受攻击Come in hot, Joe. This place is going loud!立刻撤退,重覆,立刻撤退Evac emergency RV. Repeat, ERV.直升机,我看到你了Airborne, l have a visual!空地中间有两棵枯树,我在树的西方50码处There are two dead trees in the center of the field.空地中间有两棵枯树,我在树的西方50码处l'm 50 yards to the west of the south tree.不准搞砸,约瑟,快给我下来Don't give me any shit, Joseph. l've got injured cargo. Get your ass down!快走Go!本次行动由于车♥臣♥与俄军不配合,整体而言并不算顺利This extraction didn't go down well for the Chechens or our Russian hosts. 我以绑♥架♥谈判顾问的身份,在当地的行动遭受限制As a result...我以绑♥架♥谈判顾问的身份,在当地的行动遭受限制 ability to function as a Kidnap andRansom consultant in the area...反而对任务造成影响...has been permanently compromised.蓝哇先生经机动医疗小组检查,并依据他的保险公♥司♥要求Mr. Lenoir was examined by mobile medical...蓝哇先生经机动医疗小组检查,并依据他的保险公♥司♥要求...and as per his insurance company's request...他已被转送到雅典接受治疗...transported to Athens yesterday for surgical treatment.目前我们与三家保险公♥司♥签约At this time, we have contracts with all three insurance underwriters... 提供前苏联地区的绑♥架♥赎金谈判救援服务...holding K and R policies in the west-Asian, post-Soviet republics.该地区政经情势剧烈转型,需要特别严格的保安措施This area is clearly in a critical state of transition...该地区政经情势剧烈转型,需要特别严格的保安措施...and demands the most vigorous security precautions.三家公♥司♥去年收了多少保费?What did they bill last year, our three underwriters?多少?Total premium?美金2800万 -多少赎金?$28 million. And the ransom total?付了多少赎金出去?Paid out on policies?2600万$26 million.妈的Bloody hell.和保险公♥司♥安排个会,提醒他们一下Set up some premium meetings. Wave the red flag a bit.干得好,泰瑞,辛苦了Excellent job, Terry. Thank you.你的表现永远一流As always, outstanding.长官Sir.下个案子是哪里?巴基斯坦Where are we next? Pakistan?还是哥伦比亚?Colombia?喂Hello.彼得,是你吗?Peter, is that you?是我,你听得到吗?今天晚上......Baby, it's me.是我,你听得到吗?今天晚上......Can you hear me? lt's about tonight.我在买♥♥晚上吃的菜l'm shopping for dinner.好消息是,我一定赶回去The goodnews is, l'll definitely be back.是吗?还有呢?Yeah? Go on.今晚有个晚宴,我们一定要参加,慈善活动We've got to go to this thing tonight. The dinner. The charity event.你在开玩笑吧?You're kidding, right?不,我现在工地有大♥麻♥烦No. l'm getting completely screwedhere.公♥司♥答应的设备一件也没运来,全都还在美国None of my equipment's here. None of the stufftheypromised.60个员工在丛林痴痴地等,什么事也做不了l've got 60 guys running around thejungle with nothing to do.简直是乱搞,我今晚一定要问个清楚Something is really messed up here.简直是乱搞,我今晚一定要问个清楚l'm going to pin these bastards down tonight.真要我跟一桌石油大亨吃饭吗?You really want to put me at a table full of oil executives?他们都是一群大男生,对你这种小嬉皮不足为奇They're big boys. They can stand up to a little hippie like you.我可以把我的想法告诉他们吗?Can l tell them what l think of them?算了,如果你不想参加......lf you really want to skip it--不,我会去啦,而且我保证会乖乖地No, l'll go, l'll be there.不,我会去啦,而且我保证会乖乖地And l'll be on my best behavior.太好了Great.谢谢你,爱丽丝Thank you, Alice. l mean it.我得向诺玛借件礼服l'llhave to borrow a dress from Norma.司机山卓去接你时,顺便把我的西装拿到机场Get Sandro to drop my tux by the airfield before he stops back andpicks you up. 好啦,放心,不过,拜托你别逼我跟那些人混Yeah, don't worry about it.好啦,放心,不过,拜托你别逼我跟那些人混Please don't leave me hanging out there with thosepeople.路上小心Andbe careful.我会的,我爱你l will. l love you.彼得,现在设备状况怎样了?Peter, what's happening? What about the equipment?一切都搞定了,我晚上会跟奎德公♥司♥的人见面Everything is taken care of.一切都搞定了,我晚上会跟奎德公♥司♥的人见面l'm meeting with the guys from Quad Carbon tonight.他妈妈说他就像个小孩子一样His mom said he was exactly the same as a baby.她说得没错She's right, you know.宝贝Hey, baby.你终于来了,彼得我还在担心你呢l was worried about you.我就说他一定会赶来的 -嗨,彼得l told you he'd make it. Hi, Peter.我们入席吧 -待会里面见Let's find our tables. We'll see you inside.瞧瞧你,诺玛的礼服挺合身的Look at you, all decked out in Norma's duds.我第一次穿得像个总裁夫人lt's my debut as a corporate wife.看不出来,你还有模有样Whatever it is...看不出来,你还有模有样 is working.若要我常常这么打扮,你就得常常回家来l'm dressing like this all the time now. You ought to come around more often. 我会好好补偿你的 -说得好l guess l got some making up to do. l guess so.怎么搞的?连个通报也没有l just want to know what the hell is going on.没人打电♥话♥通知吗? -没有,Nobody called? No.我一整天没出门l was there all day.你们好,抱歉来晚了Hey, y'all. Sorry we're late.人都跑哪去了? -没人通知你吗?Where is everybody? Nobody called you?你在开我玩笑吗?Are you shitting me?今早费纳和巴迪都回休士顿了,好像有重要的会Fellner, Buddy and their gang left for Houston this morning. A powwow.佩姬说她跟老公走了大概所有的老婆都走了,Peggy said if he was going, she was going. l guess all the girls jumped on that.就只剩我们了So, it's just us.迟到好过不到Better late than never.艾薇告诉你了吗?So, lvy tell you?休士顿Houston.一早他们都走了,费纳还包了架飞机This morning. All of them. Fellner chartered a plane.休士顿那边怎么了?What's in Houston?有新资金进来New money.彼得,你看Peter, look.公♥司♥财务怎会亏损?How did it get so bad so fast?拜托,你怎么都搞不清楚状况?Come on, man.拜托,你怎么都搞不清楚状况?Where the hell have you been?我一直在盖水坝l've been trying to build a dam.你有时候也该搞清楚公♥司♥情势Pick your head up every now and then, take a look around.你盖水坝是公♥司♥用来做公♥关♥的,这只是公益形象工程You're building a charity water project.你盖水坝是公♥司♥用来做公♥关♥的,这只是公益形象工程As for the company, you're nothing but a humanitarian window-dressing. 公♥司♥来这里投资,我们搞砸了Quad Carbon came down here looking for a lucky break and we got nailed. 几十亿做出来的输油管,一滴油也送不出去We've a billion-dollar pipeline that hasn't spit out a gallon yet.现在油价都涨翻了,结果一点好处也捞不到Oil prices are going through the roof. We can't take advantage of it.今天股市收盘,公♥司♥股价跌了10元,还持续下跌You know, market close today...今天股市收盘,公♥司♥股价跌了10元,还持续下跌...Quad Carbon stock down $10 and falling.对手都在虎视眈眈The vultures are circling.谁在休士顿虎视眈眈?Which vulture is in Houston?奥克登石油lt's Octonal.也只有这种财大气粗的公♥司♥,才有办法在这种地方吃得开They're the only ones big enough to come and get this thing on track.彼得,你看Peter, look!彼得,你看Peter, look!你可能不清楚,但这工程对我非常重要Maybe you missed it, but this happens to be a big deal for me.这个我了解l think l know that.可是你似乎并不在意You sure don't act like it.也许这是个警讯,也许是提醒我们该回美国了Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it's just a sign that we should go home.告诉我,这个工程半途而废,意义在哪里?You tell me. This all falls apart, this goes away, what was the point?什么意义? -我不知道,任何一切?The point of what? l don't know. How about everything?非洲?埃及?还有泰国?How about Africa? How about Egypt? How about Thailand?八年来搞的那些烂工程,替一群混♥蛋♥工作了八年How about eight years of shit postings? Eight years of working for assholes. 整整八年为白♥痴♥们卖♥♥命Eight years of working on somebody else's bad ideas.等等,我不知你说什么,Wait. l don't get it here.突然间,过去八年全成了狗屁?Suddenly the last eight years, that's just all shit now?我有这么说吗?ls that what l said? l thought...我以为这是我们想要的日子...we were doing what we wanted to do.我以为我们要一辈子生活在一起l thought we were living our lives together.我不是这个意思,这不只是一份工作That's not what l said. This isn't just a job!这是我等了一辈子的机会This is everything l have prepared for my entire life!若照杰瑞说的,奥克登公♥司♥来接管一切,我就完了lf Jerry's right, if it's Octonal, they come in and take this over, l'm fucked!我倒不担心,也许奥克登石油也想盖水坝l wouldn't get too upset about it.我倒不担心,也许奥克登石油也想盖水坝Maybe Octonal wants a dam of their very own.奥克登不要水坝,他们只爱钱Octonal doesn't build dams, they kick ass.他们才不管这些居民死活,他们眼里只有钱They don't care about these people. lt's all about profits.我不懂,你在生什么气?你自己想替石油公♥司♥工作的l don't get it. What is the surprise here? You wanted to work for an oil company. 我不是替石油公♥司♥工作,这不是我来这的目的l don't work for an oil company. That's not what l'm doing here!我在盖水坝,可以救人命的l'm building a dam that will save people's lives!你盖水坝,所以石油公♥司♥才可拿到油管工程合约You are building a dam so an oil company can get a pipeline contract.只要能盖水坝,管谁付工程款 -显然,这下子没人付钱了Who cares who pays for it? Apparently, no one!你喝醉了You're drunk.不,不,彼得......No, Peter.这不是我们要的生活This isn't us.我们回家吧 -太好了,Let's just go home. Great.谢谢你的支持That is so supportive.反正你也不喜欢这里You don't like this place either.我喜欢这个工程 -我根本没事做l like the project. l don't have a project!那就去找点事来做Then find a fucking project!可恶Damn.好好运用你的天份和经验,你想想看Use your talent, your experience.这里有25家广♥告♥代理商,有食品和药品的计划There's got to be 25 agencies working down here.这里有25家广♥告♥代理商,有食品和药品的计划There's food projects, health-care projects.他们一定会争取你加入的Any one of them would be thrilled to have you on their staff.我真不明白,无论我们到哪,你都能很快融入当地社会l don't get this.我真不明白,无论我们到哪,你都能很快融入当地社会You've hit the ground running every place we've ever gone.很抱歉,我无法很快达到要求l'm sorry l'm not bouncing back fast enough for you.来这里五个月了,你居然也不想学学本地语言Five months here, you haven't even started to learn the language. 我才不要在第三世界怀孕l am not getting pregnant again in the Third World.不要再提非洲的事,别把那件事再扯进来No, not Africa.不要再提非洲的事,别把那件事再扯进来We're not gonna bring that into this.那件事吗? -对,那件事"That"? Yes, that.你到底何时才会忘记?都结束了,一切都过去了When the hell are you gonna move on? lt's over. lt happened.没人愿意它发生,别再提了 -我才不想忘记lt wasn't meant to be. Get over it! l don't want to move on!我不想提了,我只想活在现在Well, l have. And goddamn it, l'm right here. Right now.我的事业前途就快垮了,而我们居然又回到老问题My whole situation is falling apart and somehow, we're back to this agenda. 我不是什么老问题l am not an agenda.你知道吗?You know what?你回美国去吧,我是说真的Go home.你回美国去吧,我是说真的l'm serious.回家休息一阵子Take a break.反正这是你想要的,不是吗?Well, it's what you want.反正这是你想要的,不是吗?lsn't it?我从没这么说l never said that.那就算是我要你回去吧Then l guess it's me.不,不行,泰德,你要告诉奥克登石油No.我们得到本地政♥府♥大力支持Ted, tell Octonalhow much local support we've got down here.我不知该跟你说什么l don't know what to tell you.我们在休士顿努力寻求买♥♥主We're in Houston looking for help.奥克登石油有他们的作事方式Octonal has their own way of doing things.有许多人会为这工程奋斗到底l'm not the only one who's going to fight for this.彼得,我觉得你好像在威胁我,但你搞不清楚......lf that's a threat, l'm not sure what that is. But, you lose sight....不,不......泰德,我听不清楚No. Ted, you're breaking up.你别搞不清楚自己的分量Don't lose track of where you stand in the food chain around here.我的人为这工程都豁出去了l've got people here who've burned their bridges to come work with us.我听不到l can barely hear you.听得到吗?Can you hear me?泰德,等你好了就开始Ted, whenever you're ready.你要我怎么对我的人交代?What the hell am l supposed to tell my people?告诉他们公♥司♥完了,奥克登石油要来接管我们Tell them Quad Carbon is finished. Tell them Octonalis taking us over.告诉他们准备履历表吧Tell them to get their resumes out.我在路上,到办公室再打给你l'm heading for the office. l'll call you back on a landline.贝翠丝,谢谢你周日来加班,打给泰德费纳Beatrice, thanks for coming in on Sunday.说我20分钟内会到公♥司♥,我必须绕远路Call Ted Fellner. Tell him l'll be at the office in 20 minutes.说我20分钟内会到公♥司♥,我必须绕远路l've got to take the long way around. Right.我不敢相信可恶l don't believe this. Fuck!老天Shit!天啊完了My God!不,不,这只是电♥话♥,只是电♥话♥ No. lt's a telephone! lt's just a telephone.我没做什么,我没做什么No. l'm not doing anything!我要拿公事包,我要公事包,No. l just need my briefcase.这不干我的事l'm not part of this.我有坏消息,你先进去坐下来l have some really bad news.我有坏消息,你先进去坐下来彼得出事了You ought to go inside and sit down. lt's about Peter.今早他在上班路上,遇上交通管制,造成塞车突然一群蒙面暴徒冲出来This morning there was a roadblock and these guys in ski masks....他们有枪,把他和一群人一起都带走了They had guns and they took him with a bunch of other people.他被绑♥架♥了,你知道我在说什么吗?绑♥架♥ He's been kidnapped. Do you understand what l'm saying?早上我们接到塔卡拉来的电♥话♥We got a call from Tecala this morning.不要派我去那里You're not sending me there.你仔细听我说 -我才刚从车♥臣♥回来l think if you hear me out.... l just got off the plane, okay?泰瑞,我需要你跑一趟Terry, l need you down there.我现在状况不太好l'm just not good at the moment.你要把它当作第一件主管任务l want you to consider this your first management assignment.日后你会负责很多个案The first of many.我们都有低潮,这是家常便饭We all get rattled. lt's not the first time.我正担心这个That was kind of my point.爸 -嘿,亨利Sir. Hey, Henry.我马上要去赶飞机l'm on my way to the airport.我会打电♥话♥给你妈,看看她和麦可周末能不能来l'll call your mom, see if her and Michael can make it up this weekend.我来打给她l'll call her.周日何时比赛?两点吗?What time is kickoff on Sunday? 2:00?是的Yes, sir.我等不及要看你上场l was really looking forward to it.回去找你的队友吧Better get back out there with your mates.是的Yes, sir.我可以说话吗?你们抓错人了,Can l speak now? Because this is wrong.你们弄错了This is so wrong.我是来帮助塔卡拉居民的l'm here to help the people of Tecala.我是来盖水坝的,水坝l'm here to build a dam.不,我不是做输油管的案子No. l don't work on the pipeline.我在奇马雅帮忙盖水坝l'm here to build the dam at Chimaya.是输油管 -不是输油管For the pipeline. Not for the pipeline.就是输油管 -听我说Yes, for the pipeline. Listen to me听我说,注意听我说Listen to me. Just listen.是为了阻挡水灾,你了解吗?To stop the flooding. Can you understand that?你们没听到吗?我不是做输油管工程Don't you hear me? Didn't you hear me?我是来帮助塔卡拉人♥民♥的l don't work for the pipeline! l'm here to help the people of Tecala. 你是个犯人,把他带走You are a prisoner.带他去北方Una foto, por favor.就这些That's it.整盒子都是照片......This whole box is just....彼得拿出来一些,我正打算好好整理,都没机会We brought some albums with us. l was gonna...彼得拿出来一些,我正打算好好整理,都没机会anize all this, and l just never got it together.天啊,这是哪里?印度吗?Oh God, what's that? lt's lndia?爱丽丝,别这样,只要能看清楚脸的照片就行Alice, stop now. We need just one good picture of his face.对不起Sorry.该说对不起的人是我,我不知道我的国家是怎么了l'm the one who's sorry. l don't understand my country anymore.不,这是单纯掳人勒赎案件,他大概在郊区被抓走No, it was completely random.不,这是单纯掳人勒赎案件,他大概在郊区被抓走He was out in the barrio.那地方什么事都会发生,车子、金钱,什么都洗劫一空Anything can happen out there. They steal your car, your money, whatever. 不,我们现在什么都还不知道,什么状况都不确定No, we don't really know a damn thing.不,我们现在什么都还不知道,什么状况都不确定Nothing definite at all.我再打给你Let me call you back.你竟然说什么都不知道?You're telling him we don't know what happened?爱丽丝,目前为止真的是这样At this point, we don't know.他被人绑♥架♥,他在半路被人用枪带走He was kidnapped, Jerry.他被人绑♥架♥,他在半路被人用枪带走He was taken at gunpoint in a roadblock.至少有25个人看到他被一辆卡车载走Twenty-five people saw him drive away in that goddamn truck.或许是我太敏感,不过对我而言,算够确定了l don't know, maybe it's me, but that sounds pretty fucking definitive.爱丽丝,你大姑又打来了Alex, it's your sister-in-law again.珍妮丝,订到机票了吗?Janis, did you get the flight?欢迎光临请问这次打算停留多久?还不知道Welcome back, Mr. Thorne. How long will you stay this time?彼得波曼先生Mr. Peter Bowman.让我好好看看你Let's have a look at you, mate.珍妮丝Janis!爱丽丝Alice!往那边,山卓会帮你拿行李Go here. Sandro will get your bag. Okay.票根 -有的Tickets, ma'am. Okay. Yeah.行李箱别搞丢Please don't lose my luggage.有个英国来的人在等你他想跟你见面谈谈,There's a guy waiting from England. He wants to talk to you about Peter.他说是重要事He says it's important.夫人,是他们坚持要进来的l was against this, but they insist.抱歉,希望你别见怪Sorry. l hope we did the right thing.鲁森危机管理公♥司♥ -他是谈判专家What's Luthan Risk lnternational? He's a negotiator.要我陪着你吗? -不用,我自己来确定吗?Shall l go with you? No. l'll take care of it.你好,我是彼得的姐姐,请问有何指教?How are you? l'm Peter's sister. Can we help you?我是泰瑞桑恩,你好Terrence Thorne. How do you do?以目前状况而言,我们还好Considering the circumstances, we're doing all right.你好,波曼太太,我是鲁森危机国际顾问How do you do, Mrs. Bowman?你好,波曼太太,我是鲁森危机国际顾问l'm with Luthan Risk. We're an international consultancy--我有一张你的名片l have one. Your card.我们的总部在伦敦,我隶属保安与危机处理小组We're based in London. l'm with our Security and Crisis Response Unit.本公♥司♥是奎德石油签约指定的K&R的顾问公♥司♥ l'm sorry for appearing like this.本公♥司♥是奎德石油签约指定的K&R的顾问公♥司♥ My company is the designated K and R consultant for Quad Carbon.K&R,什么是K&R?"K and R." What is K and R?绑♥架♥与勒赎Kidnap and Ransom.你刚到吗? -是的,昨晚刚到You just flew in? Correct. Last night.你跟奎德石油的人谈过吗?Have you spoken to anyone at Quad Carbon?伦敦方面应该有,我才刚被指派,目前只看过彼得的人事资料London may have. l was just assigned. All l've seen is an employment dossier. 我希望能研究得更清楚,我有问题要问你,相信你也是l'd like to get a proper file going. l've some questions, and so must you.我会尽我所能回答你l'll try and explain as much as l can.绑♥架♥就是一场游戏,无论喜欢与否,就当是场游戏This is a game.绑♥架♥就是一场游戏,无论喜欢与否,就当是场游戏lt's a game you play, whether you like it or not.对你而言是情感的煎熬,而绑♥架♥彼得的人,当是做生意For you, it's emotional. For thepeople holding Peter, it's a business.你越能摆脱情感因素客观处理,事情就越容易解决The sooner you get comfortable and objective about that...你越能摆脱情感因素客观处理,事情就越容易解决...the easier this willbe.全球到处都有人策划绑♥架♥,有时是单纯的恐怖行动People take hostages all over the world. Sometimes, it's purely terror...有时是政♥治♥诉求,为了宣传,在这里,纯粹是为了钱...other times it's political, propaganda purposes.有时是政♥治♥诉求,为了宣传,在这里,纯粹是为了钱Down here, it's simply about money.所以,彼得在哪?他在哪?So...所以,彼得在哪?他在哪?...where is Peter? Where is he now?可能在深山里,极可能是ELT干的Probably in the mountains. He's probably been taken by the ELT.听着......Look...我才刚下飞机,能不能再叙述详细一点?...l just got off a plane.我才刚下飞机,能不能再叙述详细一点?Can we back up a little bit here, please?这个ELT......这个组织到底是什么?This ELT...这个ELT......这个组织到底是什么?...this group, who the hell are they?你怎么确定我弟弟在他们手上?And how can you be so sure they're the ones who have my brother?本来是搞土地改革运动,这些人属于革命派This is a land reform movement. These people are revolutionaries.起初,他们很有政♥治♥诉求lnitially, there was a political agenda.不过今天的ELT,已经和当年完全不同了However, what you must understand is...不过今天的ELT,已经和当年完全不同了's version ofthe EL T...不过今天的ELT,已经和当年完全不同了 a completely different animal. Twenty years ago...20年前,他们只是一群在深山中的马♥克♥思♥革命份子...they were a struggling Marxist revolutionary group in the mountains.冷战结束,一切都变了,莫斯科的金援中断The end of the Cold War changed everything.冷战结束,一切都变了,莫斯科的金援中断The money from Moscow dried up...ELT必须自力救济,他们搞绑♥架♥生意发了大财...and the ELThad to finda new way to support itself.ELT必须自力救济,他们搞绑♥架♥生意发了大财So they got into kidnapping, which has made them millions.后来他们发现了一座金山银矿Then they realized they were sitting on an even bigger goldmine.塔卡拉是全球仅次于哥伦比亚的可♥卡♥因♥中心Behind Colombia, Tecala is the world's largest supplier of cocaine.ELT拥有武力,以及许多贫穷文盲战士The ELThad the weapons andan unlimited supply of poor, illiterate soldiers. 他们作风剽悍,行动快速,很快就接收了毒品交易市场They came in hardand they came in fast, and they took over the drug trade.当年成立的政♥治♥诉求,已完全变质了Whatever political agenda they started with...当年成立的政♥治♥诉求,已完全变质了...has been completely perverted.你来此之前知道这些吗?Did you know that when you moved here?能否开始讨论实际重点?请你一步一步解释该怎做?Listen. Can we get practical here, just for a second?能否开始讨论实际重点?请你一步一步解释该怎做?Can you just explain how this works, step by step?你就等候对方联络,他们开价,我们就开始谈判We wait for contact, they make a demand, we start negotiating.谈判?谈些什么?Negotiate? What's to negotiate?。







到底谁能相信?娜塔莉娅?泰迪?还是他自己?抽丝剥茧之后,真相呼之欲出,简单之至却又残酷无比,而莱纳是否有面对这一切的勇气?《盗梦空间》道姆·柯布(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)与同事阿瑟(约瑟夫·戈登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)和纳什(卢卡斯·哈斯 L ukas Haas 饰)在一次针对日本能源大亨齐藤(渡边谦饰)的盗梦行动中失败,反被齐藤利用。

齐藤威逼利诱因遭通缉而流亡海外的柯布帮他拆分他竞争对手的公司,采取极端措施在其唯一继承人罗伯特·费希尔(希里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 饰)的深层潜意识中种下放弃家族公司、自立门户的想法。

为了重返美国,柯布偷偷求助于岳父迈尔斯(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰),吸收了年轻的梦境设计师艾里阿德妮(艾伦·佩吉 Ellen Page 饰)、梦境演员艾姆斯(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)和药剂师约瑟夫(迪利普·劳 Dileep Rao 饰)加入行动。

在一层层递进的梦境中,柯布不仅要对付费希尔潜意识的本能反抗,还必须直面已逝妻子梅尔(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)的处处破坏,实际情况远比预想危险得多……。



《记忆碎片》(Memento)2000年The fragments of memory used to excite the fans shouted for, because seldom seen before with Nolan storytelling this way."Memory fragments" show Nolan love of nonlinear narrative, and he patted "inception," such a layer upon layer of the inevitability of the story.Guy pearce of "memory fragments" even with short-term memory, the memory of his injured before didn't lost, but unable to store new memories in the brain.In this case, he will against the tattoo, polaroid snapshot, note to raise their own memory, find gangsters raped and murdered his wife.Such a story, Nolan brother upset the time line, the clue from time to time, let the audience in the process of viewing collectivization as even, with him to collect the fragmentary clues, finally to spell out the truth of the whole thing.General linear narrative method of audience habits Hollywood blockbusters, if not timely make mind switching to another movie mode, it would be easy to miss some clues, finally to spell out the whole story, is the cause of the so-called look not to understand.《记忆碎片》曾经让影迷大呼过瘾,因为之前很少看到用诺兰这种方式讲故事的方式。



• 职业:保险公司调查 员 • 因为痛失爱妻,发誓 要找到杀死妻子的 John G。因为在与歹 徒的搏斗中头部受到 重创,失去记忆,只 能记得最近十来分钟 发生的事情。故艰难 地寻找着记忆和线索。
• 身份:毒贩Jimmy的 女友,酒吧老板 • 因为和主角一样失去 爱人,故有点惺惺相 惜。同情主角的遭遇, 帮助Lenny寻找线索, 也利用Lenny帮助自己 杀人。
启示录获得奖项2002年芝加哥影评人协会奖最佳剧本克里斯托弗诺兰2002年独立精神奖最佳影片最佳导演最佳剧本最佳女配角2001年多伦多影评人协会奖最佳剧本等等获得提名第74届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创剧本提第74届奥斯卡金像奖最佳剪辑提名2002年金球奖最佳编剧提名克里斯托2002金亲辈: 未知死亡(南印度版) 2005年
• 孙子辈: 未知死亡(北印度版) 2008年
当记忆变得支离破碎,只能靠相片、纹身 、纸笔来记录自己的记忆,是不是会变得 很悲哀!
• 本片讲述了一个复仇的故事:主人公Lenny 的妻子惨遭杀害,而Lenny也被歹徒击中头 部,得了一种“短期记忆丧失症”。为了 给妻子报仇,Lenny搜寻各种线索,他通过 相片、纹身、纸笔是否能够找到事情的真 相。而他与警察、毒贩女友之间又会发生 怎样的纠葛?看过之后,你就知道。
• 电影是从一场枪杀案开始的,Lenny ko了 Teddy,主人公杀了警察,结局又回到这个 场景,告诉我们原因。整部电影完全倒叙, 看上去支离破碎,就像它的名字—碎片, 看碎不碎。所以有人把这部电影比作一个 蛋糕,倒过来拼,仍然是一个完整的蛋糕。 可以说这是一部剪辑出来的悬疑片,神剪 辑。
• 电影有两条线,一条主线,一条副线,分 别以彩色和黑白以示区别。看似讲的是毫 不相干的故事,其实暗藏玄机。这也是这 部电影的奥妙之一。 • 每一部好的悬疑片都会给你一个意想不到 的结局和发人深思的道理。显然,它是做 到了。









【搏击俱乐部 Fight Club 】
是一部大卫芬奇的经典之作,近十年来 最好的悬疑电影之一。更不用提皮特在 其中可圈可点的表演。影迷们到现在也 不会忘记片中的经典台词: The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is, you DO NOT talk about Fight Club...
【才生死停留 Stay】
《生死停留》在影片前120分钟都 只是一个有点离奇的平铺直叙的故 事而已,但最后十分钟却有大反转 、颠覆整个影片的视角。不过至于 看到最后你能不能明白,就是个人 造化了。
This movie focuses on the attempts of a psychiatrist to prevent one of his patients from committing suicide while trying to maintain his own grip on reality. 美术大学学生亨利扬言要自杀,他 的心理医生山姆为了挽救他开始对 其进行治疗。奇怪的事情发生了, 山姆发现亨利经常会说出一些骇人 听闻的预言,更加令人不安的是, 这些预言竟然一一应验。究竟是什 么神秘的力量在操控着亨利?
《穆赫兰道》被称为史上最难看懂的电影。据 说大部分人都需要靠影评辅助才能真正明白导 演想表达的意思,你想不想挑战一下自己呢?
【剧情简介】 After a car wreck on the winding Mulholland Drive renders a woman amnesic, she and a perky Hollywoodhopeful search for clues and answers across Los Angeles in a twisting venture beyond dreams and reality. 深夜的穆赫兰道发生一桩车祸,女子丽塔在车 祸中失了忆。她跌跌撞撞来到一个公寓里藏身 ;一名男子说他长常常梦见一个叫云奇的地方 ,那里有个恶魔盯着他。于是就来到云奇,果 真见到墙后有怪物出现,男子当场晕死;另有 一名杀手杀死了他面前的男人,然而蹩脚的他 却惹来了不少一连串的麻烦。 这些看似松散的事件,就像一个迷宫,引向一 个让人猜不透的世界……


16. 魔戒二部曲:双塔奇兵;指环王2:双塔奇谋 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 8.7
17. 好家伙;盗亦有道;四海好家伙 Goodfellas (1990) 8.7
18. 黑客帝国;骇客任务;22世纪杀人网络 The Matrix (1999) 8.7
51. 异形 Alien (1979) 8.5
52. 致命魔术;顶尖对决;死亡魔法 The Prestige (2006) 8.5
53. 狮子王 The Lion King (1994) 8.4
54. 大独裁者The Great Dictator (1940) 8.4
55. 窃听风暴;窃听者 The Lives of Others (2006) 8.4
60. 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起;黑暗骑士:黎明升起;蝙蝠侠:夜神起义 The Dark Knight Rises (2012) 8.4
61. 美国美人;美国丽人 American Beauty (1999) 8.4
62. 机器人总动员;瓦力 WALL?E (2008) 8.4
63. 西北偏北 North by Northwest (1959) 8.4
9. 魔戒三部曲:国王归来;指环王3:王者无敌 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 8.9
10. 搏击俱乐部 Fight Club (1999) 8.8
11. 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身;指环王 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 8.8
35. 城市之光 City Lights (1931) 8.5




原来那帖也被俺误删删掉了,有跟贴的同学抱歉了!完整AVI下载:/d/memento_realigned_whopper.avi/f08e3958faad218c227721ac5c03e2d6379 747de00507c1c打包文件下载:/filebox/down/fc/05d4a22194a942c4b8b9ff6955e7fd80/filebox/down/fc/9d9c0050014e328a0319bee354023f18/filebox/down/fc/3aed7a415ea1da218ae52eebe0fd8ac9/filebox/down/fc/ca2a111751d867825e79cc33db8c4644/filebox/down/fc/93f343fb01093ecca0653aa40ef400f3共有5个rar文件,下载完以后用任何1个解压缩,就可以生成1个大小约450M的avi文件。


先用Allok Video Splitter按时间顺序将文件切割成44段(俺后来也试过用VirtualDubMed来切割,但可能是因为这个avi版本比较老,会出问题),其中包括:开始和黑白第1段黑白第2段到第21段黑白转换成彩色1段彩色21段结尾1段这些小段中开头和结尾要仔细处理,因为有重叠的部分要删掉,特别是倒序的彩色部分,有不少段落有重叠,否则的话看起来会有很明显的拼接痕迹,还要考虑背景音乐或声音的连续性。

输出文件的格式是视频XviD MPEG-4 Codec、音频MPEG Layer-3。


(如果俺用Windows Media Audio V2输出音频,发现音画是同步的,但更糟糕的是在结尾处总是少一段声音。



2、记忆的真实性 我们所有的行动都是有目的性的,而这些目的又是建立在过去记忆的基础之上,记忆是自 我存在的证明,如果记忆丢失,从某种意义上说这个人也就消失了。但我们所以为的那些 记忆,是真实的吗?是否我们会为了忘却而故意扭曲记忆、是否为了美化自己而修改记忆。 也许我们没有故意去修改记忆,而是潜意识、自我保护的一些为了生存而进化的生理特性 自动的去完成了这项任务。 影片中,Lenny其实就是他一直讲的Sammy,因为他的失忆,害死了自己的妻子。然而他 把这段故事假设成别人的故事,可能是因为自己拒绝事实,因为如果他接受了自己害死妻 子的现实的话,他可能整个人就会崩溃掉,这是生理上的自我防卫,所以他在自己头脑中 修改了那段记忆。
3、最后的结尾(其实也是开头) Lenny选择了继续为自己的生活寻找活下去的理由,如果 他不这样做的话,他可能就找不到下一步活下去的理由。 因为最爱的妻子离去了,自己又只能存活在过去的记忆中, 这残酷到足以使人崩溃。Some memories are best forgotten.
. 我要相信世界不是我想象出来的,我要相信我 所做的一切依旧有意义,即使我不记得做过什 么,我要相信,即使闭上眼睛,这世界依然存 在。我相不相信世界依然存在?我们需要记忆 去确定自己的身份,我并不例外。记源自忆演员表盖· 皮尔斯
Guy Pearce ——饰 Leonard
凯莉·安妮·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss ——饰Natalie
乔· 潘托里亚诺 Joe Pantoliano ——饰 Teddy Gammell
不满于警方草草结案,莱尼发誓要追查到凶手,替惨死的爱妻报仇。 通尽 抢管 劫在 案警 件 方正值新婚的谢尔比夫妇遭到 , 看了一名歹徒的袭击,凶犯残 但来 是 ,忍地杀害了莱尼的妻子 莱这 尼是 的一 生起 活每 却天 被都 彻会 底发 改生 变的 了普 。
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So where are you? You're in some motel room.你在某个地方某间汽车旅馆房♥内?You just wake up, and you're in a motel room.一觉醒来发觉自已在汽车旅馆房♥内There's the key.钥匙在这里It feels like maybe it's just the first time you've been there... 似乎你是第一次在这里住宿but... perhaps you've been there for a week...也许是住了一个星期three months.甚至三个月It's kind of hard to say. I don't know.很难说我我不知道It's just an anonymous room.只是间普通的房♥This guy.这个人He's here already.已经来了Lenny!蓝尼!It's Leonard...是蓝纳like I told you before.我应该告诉过你Did you? I must have forgot.是吗? 我一定是忘了I guess I've already told you about my condition.我大概提过我的病Only every time I see you.每次见面都提My car. This is your car.我的车你说是你的车?You're in a playful mood.你还真爱骗人It's not good to make fun of someone's handicap.你不应该捉弄有缺陷的人Just trying to have a little fun.只是开开玩笑Roll up your window.摇起玻璃窗It's broken. I can get that fixed for you.是破的我可以修理So where to, Sherlock? I got a lead on a place.到哪里去啊私♥家♥侦♥探♥? 我在一个地方有线索What the hell you wanna go there for?天呀你干嘛要去哪里?You know it? Yeah. It's just this fuckedup building.你认识这地方? 只是间破屋Why do you wanna go there? Don't remember.为什么去? 记不起来了Looks like somebody's home. That thing's been here for years.看起来是某个人的家车已经停在这儿好几年了What are you talking about? These tracks are only a few days old.你在说什么路上痕迹是新的Tracks? What are you? Pocahontas?你懂得认痕迹? 你是印地安酋长吗?Come on!少来了!Let's take a look inside.进去看看"Teddy.""泰迪""Don't believe his lies. He is the one. Kill him.""别相信他的谎言他就是凶手杀了他"I finally found him. How long have I been looking?我终于找到他了我找了多久?Find anything?找到什么吗?Didn't think so.大概没有Let's go.我们走吧Fuck this.算了You're gonna pay for what you did.你要为你所做的付出代价Beg forgiveness, and then you pay. Leonard.一命还一命蓝纳You don't have a clue, you freak.死怪人你连一点线索都没有Beg my wife's forgiveness before I blow your brains out.先向我太太认错然后受死Leonard, you don't know what's going on.蓝纳你完全搞不清楚状况You don't even know my name. Teddy.知道我叫什么吗? 泰迪That's 'cause you read it off a fucking picture.你得靠那些烂照片才知道You don't know who you are.你不知道自己是谁I'm Leonard Shelby. I'm from San Francisco.我叫蓝纳·修比旧金山人That's who you were. That's not what you've become.那是以前的你不是现在的你Shut your mouth. You want to know, Lenny?闭嘴! 你想知道吗? 蓝尼Come on.来Come on. Let's go down to the basement.来我们到地下室去Let's go down, you and me, together.一起下去Then you'll know who you really are.你会知道自已真正是谁No!不!It's just an anonymous room.只是间普通的房♥There's nothing in the drawers. But you look anyway.抽屉空空如也尽管打开看看Nothing except the Gideon Bible,只有本基甸社送的圣经which I, Of course, read religiously.我当然诚心阅读了You know who you are, and you know kind of all about yourself. 你知道自已是谁对自已身份有点印象But just for day-to-day stuff, notes are really useful.至于过日常生活字条十分有用Sammy Jankis had the same problem...萨米·杰克斯也有一样的问题but he really had no system.不过他缺乏条理He wrote himself a ridiculous amount of notes...他猛写字条but he'd get them all mixed up.却乱放一通You really do need a system if you're gonna make it work.如果你想要奏效就要有一个系统Hi. Hi.嗨嗨I'm Mr. Shelby from 304. What can I do for you, Leonard?我是304号♥房♥姓修比的住客可以怎样效劳? 蓝纳Burt.我叫伯特Burt. I'm not sure. I think I may have asked you to hold my calls.伯特我可能说过我不接电♥话♥You don't know? I think I may have. I'm not good on the phone.你记不起来了? 我不习惯讲电♥话♥Right. You said you like to look people in the eye对你喜欢讲话的时候when you talk to them.看着对方的眼睛Yeah.对You don't remember saying that?你不记得你说过?That's the thing. I have this condition. A condition?我有种病病?It's my memory. Amnesia?我的记忆失忆症?No, no. It's different from that. I have no short-term memory.不是我没有短期记忆I know who I am. I know all about myself.我知道自已是谁不过Since my injury, I can't make new memories. Everything fades.自从受了伤我没有新记忆什么都记不牢If we talk for too long, I'll forget how we started.假如我们谈话太长我会忘记怎么开始Next time I see you, I'm not gonna remember this conversation.下次再见面我会忘记跟你谈过I don't even know if I've met you before.我甚至记不起我们见过呢So, if I seem a little strange or rude or something...假如我行动古怪无礼I've told you this before, haven't I?我都说过是不是?Yeah. I don't mean to mess with you, but it's so weird.是我不想搞混你但是这确实太奇怪了You don't remember me at all? No.你完全记不起我? 记不起We've talked a bunch of times. I'm sure we have.可是我们经常交谈可以肯定What's the last thing you remember?你最后记得的是什么?My wife.我太太What's it like?是怎样的?It's like waking. It's like you just woke up.像醒来像刚刚醒来That must suck.那一定很糟It's all backwards.全部都倒反过来Maybe you get an idea what you want to do next,你或者知道接下来要做什么but you don't remember what you just did.可是记不起做过什么I'm exactly the oppositeHow long have I been staying here? 我却刚刚相反我在这里住了多久?Couple of days. And you're holding my calls?几天而你替我阻挡来电?Like you said. Okay, but this guy's an exception.一如你吩咐除了这个人You know this guy? Yeah, it's your friend, right?认识他吗? 是你的朋友What makes you think he's my friend?为什么你觉得他是我朋友?I just saw you together, that's all. He's not my friend.我见过你们在一起他不是我的朋友Okay. If he calls or if he shows up here...好的假如他打电♥话♥来或者亲自来give me a call in my room, okay?打个电♥话♥到我房♥间His name's Teddy?他叫泰迪?Teddy, yeah. All right.泰迪对了好我知道了Look, I hope my condition's not gonna be a problem for you.我希望我的病没有给你添麻烦No, not as long as you remember to pay the bill.只要你记得结账就行Yeah. Okay.好的Forty. Forty.40块 40块This guy...那个人He's here already.他已经来了Lenny!蓝尼!You really need a system ifyou're gonna make it work.如果你有个系统就要让它奏效You kind of learn to trust your own handwriting.你必须要学习相信自己的笔迹That becomes an important part of your life.那是日常生活的重要部分You write yourself notes.你为自已写备忘字条Where you put your notes... That also becomes important.放字条的地方也很重要You need a jacket that's got like six pockets in it.外衣要有六个口袋Particular pockets for particular things.各口袋有各功能You just kind of learn to know where things go and how the system works. 要养成井井有条的习惯And you have to be wary of你得时时注意other people writing stuff for you that is not gonna make sense...要防范别人故意混淆你or is gonna lead you astray.替你乱写字条I don't know.我不知道I guess people try and take advantage of somebody with this condition. 为什么他们就想要占这种人便宜If you have a piece of information which is vital...假如有那种重要的资料writing on your body instead of on a piece of paper can be the answer. 将他们刺在身上是行得通的办法It's just a permanent way of keeping a note.可以永久备忘Who is this?谁?"Remember Sammy Jankis.""记住萨米·杰克斯"Excuse me, sir. You left these at your table.对不起你忘记拿走Thanks.谢谢Lincoln Street? Yeah.林肯街怎么走? 知道Go straight out on Sixth Street. Go east all the way...沿第六街一直向东走Hold on. I'm gonna write this down. It's easy.Just go...等一等我要写下来很容易只是直走Trust me. I need to write this down.相信我我的确需要写下来"The Discount Inn.""特惠旅馆"Discount Inn.特惠旅馆Natalie.娜塔莉My car.我的车Teddy.泰迪"John Edward Gammell.""约翰·爱德华·甘莫"This guy told me his name was Teddy.他告诉我他叫泰迪"Don't believe his lies.""别相信他的谎言"Yeah? Mr. Gammell?喂? 甘莫先生?Lenny, is that you? John Gammell?是你吗? 蓝尼你是约翰·甘莫?Lenny, it's Teddy. Stay there. I'll be right over.我是泰迪不要走开我立即来Okay. I'll be waiting.好呀我等你"White. Male."线索一: 男性线索二: 白人"First name John."三: 名叫约翰或者詹姆士名叫约翰"Last name: G" for Gammell."姓开头是G 姓甘莫"Drugs. License plate.""五: 毒贩六: 车牌SG1371U""SG13..."车牌SG13It's him.是他I found you, you fuck.我终于找到你这个混♥蛋♥了You said we talked before. I don't remember that.你说我跟你聊过? 我不记得Yeah, but it's not amnesia.不是失忆症I remember everything up until my injury.我记得受伤以前的事I just can't make new memories. So I can't remember talking to you. 只是我不能产生新的记忆所以我不记得我们谈过什么What did we talk about? Oh, Sammy Jankis.我们谈过什么? 萨米·杰克斯I guess I tell people about Sammy to help them understand.我告诉别人萨米的故事使他们了解Sammy's story helps me understand my own situation.也帮助我自己了解这种短期失忆的病Sammy wrote himself endless amounts of notes, but he got mixed up. 萨米猛为自已写备忘字条不过最后乱成一团I have a more graceful solution to the memory problem.我用一个更好的方法对付这种记忆的毛病I'm disciplined and organized.我要求自己严谨且有系统I use habit and routine to make my life possible.我用一些习惯和例行公事过日常生活Sammy had no drive, no reason to make it work.萨米没有强迫的要求自己这么做所以他没办法过日子Me? Yeah, I got a reason.我? 我当然有理由 (约翰·甘莫奸♥杀♥我的妻子) "Today, 1:00 p.m. Meet Natalie for info."今天下午一点去找娜塔莉拿消息"She has also lost someone."她也失去挚爱She will help you out of pity."会帮助你走出阴影"Natalie? You don't remember me.娜塔莉? 你记不起我Sorry. I should have explained. I have this...对不起我应该解释我有You did explain, Lenny.你解释过蓝尼Please call me Leonard. My wife called me Lenny.请叫我蓝纳我太太叫我蓝尼Yeah, I know. You told me. Then I probably told you how much I hated it. 我知道你说过那我应该也说过我有多讨厌别人那么叫我Yeah.是的Do you mind taking your glasses off? It's hard for me to...可以把墨镜拿下来吗? 我没有办法Thanks. So you have information for me?谢谢你有消息给我?Is that what your little note says? Yeah.你的小字条写的? 是的Must be tough living your life单靠字条过活according to a couple of scraps of paper.必定很辛苦You mix your laundry list with your grocery list...把洗衣单和食物清单搞乱and you'll end up eating your underwear for breakfast.你可能最后拿着内♥裤♥当早餐吃I guess that's why you have those freaky tattoos.所以我猜你才会弄那些奇怪的刺青在身上Yeah, it's tough. It's almost impossible.日子确实不好过几乎不太可能过的下去I'm sorry I don't remember you. It's nothing personal.对不起我刚记不起你请不要见怪I do have information for you.我的确有消息给你You gave me a license plate number.你给我一个车牌号♥码Had my friend at DMV trace it.我朋友在监理所上班我去查了Guess what name came up.猜猜是谁的?John Edward Gammell.John G.约翰·甘莫约翰·GDo you know him? No.你认识他? 不认识But his face on his driver's license looked really familiar. 不过驾照上的照片挺熟的I think he's been in the bar, maybe.他可能来过酒吧Here's a copy of his license, his registration, photo and all. 这是他的驾照拷贝跟照片Are you sure you want this?你真的要这样做?Have I told you what this man did? Yeah.我有没有说过他做过什么? 有Then you shouldn't have to ask.那你就不用问了But even if you get revenge, you're not gonna remember it. 不过你即使报了仇你也不会记得You're not even gonna know that it happened.你也不会晓得自己已经报仇了My wife deserves vengeance.杀妻之仇不可不报Doesn't make any difference whether I know about it.记不记得无所谓Just because there are things I don't remember即使我记不得doesn't make my actions meaningless.我的报仇仍然不会是无意义的The world doesn'tjust disappear when you close your eyes, does it? 即使闭上眼睛世界并没有消失是吧?Anyway, maybe I'll take a photograph to remind myself...我可以拍张照片来提醒自已get another freaky tattoo.或者再刺些怪刺青在身上Tell me about her again.再说说她的事吧Why?为什么?Because you like to remember her.因为你喜欢回忆她She was beautiful.她很漂亮To me, she was perfect. No. Don'tjust recite the words.对我来说她是完美的不要不要只是顺口说说Close your eyes... and remember her.闭上眼睛去回忆她You can just feel the details.我几乎可以感觉到细节The bits and pieces you never bothered to put into words.一些平时懒得记忆的细节And you can feel these extreme moments...可以感觉到那些美妙的时刻even if you don't want to.相当轻而易举的You put these together, and you get the feel of a person.把这些感觉放在一起就好像她在我面前一样Enough to know how much you miss them...足够知道我有多么的想念她and how much you hate the person who took them away.且多么痛恨那个把它们夺走的凶手I added an address in here.我我写了个地址在上面It might be useful. It's an abandoned place outside of town.或者有用是近郊一间荒屋A guy I knew used to do bigger deals there.我认识的一个人经常在那边处理一些见不得光下的事It's isolated.附近不会有人Sounds perfect.听起来好极了Do I owe you any... I wasn't helping you for money.我是不是欠你不用我不是为了钱才帮你I'm sorry. It's okay.对不起不要紧See, you have this condition.我知道你有这种毛病Are you still staying at the Discount Inn, room 304?还住在特惠旅馆? 304号♥房♥?You left it at my place.你把钥匙忘在我家Yeah.是的They treating you okay? I don't remember.旅馆招待好吗? 我记不起You know what we have in common?你我有个共同点We are both survivors.我们都是幸存者You take care, Leonard.保重蓝纳"Remember Sammy Jankis.""记住萨米·杰克斯"I met Sammy through work. Insurance. I was an investigator.我之所以认识萨米是因为工作的关系我本来在保险公♥司♥服务I'd investigate the claims to see which ones were phony.负责调查保险索偿I had to see through people's bullshit.我必须看穿别人的谎言It was useful experience, 'cause now it's my life.这专长现在在我的生活中大派用场When I meet someone, I don't know if I've met them before.现在我靠观察别人的眼睛去辨认I have to look in their eyes and try and figure them out.眼前的人是不是认识的My job taught me the best way我工作的经验告诉我to find out what someone knew was just let them talk...了解一个人最好的方法就是一直让他说话and watch the eyes and the body language.然后观察他的眼神跟肢体动作If someone scratches their nose while they're talking,譬如一面讲话一面擦鼻子experts tell you it means they're lying.那个人可能在撒谎It really means they're nervous.或紧张People get nervous for all sorts of reasons.紧张的原因很多It's all about context.视乎情形而定Yeah, I was good.对我是高手Sammy was my first real challenge.萨米是我第一个真正的挑战Yo, Lenny! I thought you split for good.唷! 蓝尼还以为你离开了本地Things change. So I see.情形有变看得出来My name's Teddy. I guess I've told you about my condition. 我叫泰迪我大概提过我的病Only every time I see you. Come on, I'll buy you lunch.每次见面都提来我请你吃午餐Have I told you about Sammy Jankis? Yeah.我有没有提过萨米·杰克斯? 有I'm sick of hearing about the guy.我已经听到想吐了What about John G.? You think he's still here?约翰·G 呢? 你认为他还在?Who? Johnny G., the guy you're looking for.谁? 约翰·G 你要找的人That's why you haven't left town, am I right? Maybe.你为了找他才留在本地? 或者吧Leonard, look. You have to be very careful. Why?蓝纳你非小心不可为什么?The other day you mentioned that你提过maybe somebody was trying to set you up...有人想陷害你get you to kill the wrong guy.让你杀错人I go on facts, not recommendations, but thank you.我会凭事实去判断而不是建议但谢啦Lenny, you can't trust a man's life to your little notes and pictures.蓝尼你怎能凭字条照片去决定杀谁?Why not? Because your notes could be unreliable.为什么不能? 因为字条未必可靠Memory's unreliable. Oh, please!记忆也未必可靠喔拜托!No, really. Memory's not perfect. It's not even that good.记忆不准确甚至不合用Ask the police. Eyewitness testimony is unreliable.问问警♥察♥吧目击证供未必可靠The cops don't catch a killer by sitting around remembering stuff.警♥察♥不是凭记忆缉凶我明白They collect facts, they make notes, and they draw conclusions.警♥察♥搜集事实做笔记我不是那个意思然后作出结论Facts, not memories.凭事实不是凭记忆That's how you investigate. I know. It's what I used to do.我以前就是这么做调查的所以我很清楚Memory can change the shape of a room. It can change the color of a car. 形状颜色等细节未必记得准And memories can be distorted.可以记错They'rejust an interpretation. They're not a record.记忆只是一种演绎不是纪录They're irrelevant if you have the facts.掌握事实就不用靠记忆You really want to get this guy, don't you?你非报仇不可?He killed my wife. He took away my fucking memory.他杀死我妻子夺去我记忆He destroyed my ability to live.毁灭我生存的能力You're living.你还活着Only for revenge.完全为了报仇Then we'll get the bastard. Where you staying?那么我们把那杂种找出来你住在哪里?The Discount Inn.特惠旅馆I don't know what room. I haven't got my key.我不知哪间房♥ 我没有钥匙Probably left it in your room.可能留在你房♥里了Hi. I'm checked in here, but I think I've misplaced my key. 我是房♥客但是钥匙不见了How you doing, Leonard? Probably in the room, right?你好蓝纳可能在房♥里Don't see my key anywhere. Shit.我的钥匙呢? 糟糕This is the wrong room. You're in 304 now.进错了房♥ 你现在住304号♥I'm sorry. I fucked up. This is not my room?对不起我搞错了这不是我的房♥?No. Let's go.不是你的房♥ 我们走吧Why is this my handwriting?为什么有我的笔迹?This was your room, but nowyou're in 304.这"以前"是你的房♥间现在你住304When was I in here? Last week.我几时住过这间? 上个星期But then I rented you another room on top of it.不过我再多租你一间楼上的Why? Business is slow.为什么? 生意惨淡I told my boss about your condition and stuff...我对老板说你既然有这种病and he said, "Try and rent him another room."我们于是多租一间给你How many rooms am I checked into in this shit-hole?我究竟租了几多间?Just two, so far.只是两间到目前为止At least you're being honest about ripping me off.起码你坦白承认是我笨You're not gonna remember anyway.你反正不会记得You don't have to be that honest, Burt.用不着那样坦白Leonard, always get a receipt.蓝纳每次都应该拿收据Yeah. I'm gonna write that down.我会记下来What time is it? Quarter to 1:00.现在几点了? 12点45分Excuse me.对不起Your room's...你的房♥间Natalie? You don't remember me.娜塔莉? 你记不得我了I'd just become an investigator when I came across Sammy.萨米·杰克斯的保险索偿十分奇特Mr. Samuel R.Jankis. Strangest case ever.是我接手的第一宗案You know, the guy's a 58-year-old semiretired accountant.萨米58岁半退休会计师He and his wife had been in this car accident. Nothing too serious.遇到交通意外本来不算严重But he's acting funny. He can't get a handle on what's going on.奇怪的是他记不牢东西The doctors find some possible damage to the hippocampus.医生怀疑脑部受伤Nothing conclusive,但无法证实but Sammy can't remember anything for more than a couple of minutes. 萨米的记忆只有几分钟Can't work, can't do shit. The medical bills pile up.于是什么都不能做医药费昂贵His wife calls the insurance company, and I get sent in.太太通知保险公♥司♥ 公♥司♥派我调查Now, this is my first big claims investigation, so I really check into it.我初次查案于是查得份外认真Sammy can think just fine, but he can't make any new memories.萨米思考没问题不过他没有新记忆He could only remember things for a couple of minutes.只记得几分钟内的事萨米This is Mr. Shelby. He'd watch TV...这位是修比先生他看电视but anything longer than a couple of minutes was too confusing.但过目则忘He couldn't remember how it began.记得后面忘了前面He liked commercials. They were short.他喜欢看广♥告♥ 广♥告♥简短Sammy. It's time for my shot.萨米该帮我打♥针♥了The crazy part was that this guy...不可思议的是who couldn't even follow the plot of Green Acres anymore... 这个连电视也没法看的人could do the most complicated things...却能够做复杂的事as long as he learned them before the accident...只要意外前学懂的and as long as he kept his mind on what he was doing.然后专心去做就行Be gentle.轻点The doctors assure me there's a real condition医生证实有一种罕有的病called anterograde memory loss...叫"前期失忆"or short-term memory loss.即是短期失忆It's rare, but legit.很稀有但的确存在But every time I see him...不过我每次见到他I catch this look...从他的眼神察觉this slight look of recognition.他好像有点认得我But he says he can't remember me at all.他却自称一点都认不得Sammy, it's okay. I got it. I got it.萨米不要紧我开我开Hi, Mr. Shelby. Hi, Mrs.Jankis.你好修比先生你好杰克斯太太I can read people, and I'm thinking: bad actor.我能读懂人我怀疑他在演戏So now I'm suspicious, and I order more tests.于是要求再做检验Awake.醒来Where am I?我在哪里?Somebody's bedroom.某人的卧房♥It must be her room.必定是她的房♥问But who is she?不过她是谁?It's only me.是我Did you sleep okay? Yeah. You?睡得好吗? 好你呢?Oh, shit. I gotta be someplace.糟糕! 我有地方要去It's pretty weird. It's useful.相当怪异这很有用You never write a phone number on your hand?你从不把电♥话♥写在手上?I should be able to talk to my friend today about the license plate. 我今天要去监理所找朋友查查车牌的事Yeah, the license plate. John G.'s license plate.对车牌约翰·G 的车牌You have it tattooed on your thigh.你把车牌纹在你大腿上"Natalie.""娜塔莉""She has also lost someone."她也失去挚爱"She will help you out of pity.""会帮助你走出阴影"If it's registered in this state...只要是本州的车牌it should only take a couple seconds几秒钟to pull up his license and registration.就查出车主资料I'll call you as soon as I talk to him.我一有资料就打给你Do you think we could just arrange a meeting now?不如现在就约定几时见面吧I'm not too good on the phone.我不喜欢讲电♥话♥It's great that you...多谢你that you're helping me like this.这样帮忙我I'm helping you because you helped me.我帮你因为你帮过我So next time you see me, will you remember me?那么下次见面你会记得我吗?I think you will.我认为你会I'm sorry.对不起Lenny, before you go, could I have my shirt back, please? 蓝尼你走之前可以把衬衫脱下来还我吗?Yo, Lenny! I thought you split for good.唷! 蓝尼还以为你离开了本地Sammy couldn't pick up any new skills at all.萨米完全不能学习新的技能But I find something in my research: conditioning.不过我认为他可以用惯性法则Sammy should still be able to learn through repetition.重覆又重覆的去学一定学得会It's how you learn stuff like riding a bike.就像学骑脚踏车一样You just get better through practice.熟能生巧It's a completely different part of the brain就算没有短期记忆from the short-term memory.也可以学得会So I had the doctors test Sammy's response to conditioning. 我请医生检验萨米对惯性的反应Just pick up any three objects.随便挑三件东西That's a test?这就算检验?Where were you guys when I did my CPA?我考会计师的时候你们还不知道在哪呢Sorry.对不起Ow!What the fuck?搞什么鬼?It's a test, Sammy. Test this, you fucking quack.是检验萨米检验你个死人头Some of the objects were electrified.有几件通了电They'd give him a small shock. They kept repeating the test... 会令他稍微触电通电的always with the same objects electrified.总是同样那几件The point was to see if Sammy目的是看看萨米could learn to avoid the electrified objects...能不能无须记忆not by memory, but by instinct.单凭本能去避开通电的物件Natalie, right? Who the fuck is Dodd?你是娜塔莉? 陶德是什么家伙?Guess I don't have to worry about him anymore.大概再不用理会他了What the fuck have you got me into?你把我惹进什么麻烦?Come inside.进来吧Who is he? Calm down. Okay?他是谁? 冷静点This is my problem. You offered to help.这件事你主动帮我It has nothing to do with your investigation.跟你的调查没有关系How did you get me into this?你把我惹进什么麻烦?You offered to help when you saw what he did to my face.你知道他打伤我就主动帮我How do I know he did that to your face?我怎知他打你?Because I came straight to you after he did it.因为他打我之后我就马上来找你I showed you what he did, and I asked you to help me.我给你看了伤痕并请你帮忙And I just take your word? Yeah.而我信你一面之词? 是啊Something doesn't feel right.我的感觉有些不对I think someone's fucking with me,有人要整我trying to get me to kill the wrong guy.想误导我去杀错人Did you? What?你有没有? 有没有什么?Kill him? Of course not!杀他? 当然没有Hey.嘿Sit down, okay? Sit.什么事嘛坐下来This has nothing to do with you.这件事跟你无关You helped me out, and I'm grateful.你帮我我很感激You have to burn them.你要用火烧掉它Leonard, you decided to help me. Trust yourself.蓝纳你是自愿帮我的相信你自己吧Trust your own judgment. You can question everything.相信自己的判断你可以质疑任何事You can never know anything for sure.不能够每件事情都那么肯定There are things you know for sure.不有些事情可以肯定Such as?例如呢?I know what that's gonna sound like when I knock on it.我知道敲一敲会有什么声音I know what that's gonna feel like when I pick it up.我知道捡起来会有什么感觉See? Certainties. It's the kind of memory you take for granted. 所谓肯定就是那些认同的记忆You know, I can remember so much.你知道吗我可以记得许多事The feel of the world... and her.我感觉到整个世界还有她She's gone.她已经不在人世And the present is trivia, which I scribble down as fucking notes! 我现在只能靠写字条过日子!Hey. Come on. Try and relax. Come on.嘿! 不要焦急放松It's not easy for me to relax, you know?放松不容易Come on. Take your jacket off.脱掉外衣吧Now. Come on.脱吧Hey.嘿Didn't think you were the type.想不到你是那种人It's backwards.是倒过来的Come here.过来What about here?这里呢?Maybe it's for when I find him.等我抓到凶手的时候再刺I've lost somebody too.我也失去过爱人I'm sorry.对不起His name was Jimmy.他叫吉米What happened to him? He went to meet somebody.发生什么事? 他去见人He never came back.一去不回Who did he go to meet? A guy called Teddy.见谁? 一个叫泰迪的人What do the police think?警♥察♥找不到他?They don't look too hard for guys like Jimmy.警♥察♥不会理会吉米那种人When you find this guy, this John G....你找到那个家伙约翰·G.what are you gonna do?打算怎样?I'm gonna kill him.我要杀掉他Maybe I can help you find him.我或者可以帮你找I don't even know how long she's been gone.我甚至不知道她去世了多久It's like I've woken up in bed and she's not here...就像一觉醒来而她只是不在身旁because she's gone to the bathroom or something.去上了洗手间之类的But somehow I just...不过不知道为什么I just know she's never gonna come back to bed.我就是知道她不会再回到床上来If I could just reach over and touch her side of the bed...假如我能伸手过去摸摸她睡的那边I would know that it was cold.就会知道是凉的But I can't.不过我不能够I know I can't have her back.我知道她不会再回来But I don't want to wake up in the morning thinking she's still here. 我不想早上醒来以为她还在I lie here not knowing how long I've been alone.我独自躺在这里不知躺了多久So how...那么How can I heal?我怎么能够康复?How am I supposed to heal if I can't... feel time?如果感觉不到时间我怎么能够康复?"She has also lost someone."她也失去挚爱"She will help you out of pity."。
