



各位我想介绍一个人给大家认识Guys, there's somebody I'd like you to meet.等等这是怎么回事Wait, wait. What is that?他叫马塞尔想和他打声招呼吗That's Marcel. Wanna say hi?不我不要No, I don't.真是太宝贵了从哪儿弄的Oh, he is precious! Where'd you get him?我朋友贝塞尔从某个实验室里救出来的My friend Bethel saved him from a lab.真残忍That is so cruel.为何有父母会将孩子取名为圣地Why? Why would a parent name their child Bethel?{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}Bethel又有圣地礼拜堂的意思这猴子的屁股上长了个罗斯Hey, that monkey's got a Ross on its ass罗斯他要和你住一起吗住在你家Ross, is he gonna live with you, like, in your apartment?对卡罗尔离开后家里冷清清的Yeah. I mean, it's been kinda quiet since Carol left, so...你为什么不找一个室友Why don't you just get a roommate?不我不要我觉得人到一定年纪后Nah, I dunno... I think you reach a certain age,还与室友同住是有点可悲having a roommate is kinda pathe-抱歉是可佩Sorry, that's, that's 'pathet',在梵语中代表很酷的生活方式which is Sanskrit for 'really cool way to live'.各位我今天将唱全新的曲目So you guys, I'm doing all new material tonight.我这里有12首新歌是关于我妈妈的自杀的I have twelve new songs about my mother's suicide, 还有一首关于雪人的歌and one about a snowman.你最好先唱雪人的那首You might wanna open with the snowman.-乔伊 -老兄- Hi, Joey. - Hey, buddy.-怎么样 -我没得到那份工作- So how'd it go? - I didn't get the job.怎么可能你去年就是圣诞老人啊How could you not get it? You were Santa last year.我不知道某个胖子和店经理上床了I don't know. Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager. 他根本无法逗人开心这就是潜规则He's not even jolly. It's all political.那么你扮演什么So what are you gonna be?当他的助手[小精灵]I'm gonna be one of his helpers.这简直是当头一棒你明白吗It's just such a slap in the face, you know?你们几个准备怎么过新年Hey, do you guys know what you're doing for New Year's怎么了新年有什么不对劲吗Gee, what?! What is wrong with New Year's你当然没事你有保罗Nothing for you, you have Paolo.无须面对这种糟糕的节日压力You don't have to face the horrible pressures of this holiday: 在绝望中挣扎着寻找一个嘴唇desperate scramble to find anything with lips好在球掉下来时接吻just so you can have someone to kiss when the ball drops!!哦我说得太大声了Man, I'm talking loud!跟你说一下Well, for your information,保罗新年期间会在罗马Paolo is gonna be in Rome this New Year,-所以我将和各位一样可悲 -想得美- I'll be just as pathetic as you. - Yeah, you wish.我不想再成为迪克·拉克I'm sick of being a victim of{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}新年庆典主持的疲劳轰炸受害人this Dick Clark holiday.要我说今年不约会I say this year, no dates,咱们定个协议就咱六人共进晚餐we make a pact. Just the six of us- dinner.-行啊 -好- Yeah, okay. - Alright.我本来希望大家能更开心点的Y'know, I was hoping for a little more enthusiasm.-菲比该上台了 -哦好的- Phoebe, you' re on. - Oh, good.女士们先生们应大家要求Okay, hi. Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand,有请菲比·布菲小姐... Miss Phoebe Buffay.谢谢大家好Hi. Thanks. Hi.首先我想要唱一首I wanna start with a song对现在的我意义非凡的歌that means a lot to me this time of year. *我用煤当眼球堆了一个雪人**I made a man with eyes of coal**他有迷人的笑容**And a smile so bewitching**可我怎么能忘记**How was I supposed to know**我妈妈在厨房中自杀的情景**That my mom was dead in the kitchen?* *我妈妈的骨灰**My mother's ashes**还有她的眼睫毛**Even her eyelashes**都装在一个小黄坛子里**Are resting in a little yellow jar**在有风的时候**And sometimes when it's freezing**我有点想打喷嚏**I feel a little sneezy**而我现在**And now I...*打扰一下不好意思吵闹的男生Excuse me? Excuse me? Yeah, noisy boys.有什么事情可以和Is it something that you would like to在座的各位分享一下的吗share with the entire group?没没没有No. No, that's- that's okay拜托如果这事情都已经重要到Well, c'mon, if it's important enough非要打断我的表演了to discuss while I'm playing,那么我想也已经足够到可以和大家分享吧then I assume it's important enough for everyone else to hear. 这家伙回家时可要带上注意事项了That guy's going home with a note.没什么我只是对我的Noth- I was- I was just saying to my-大声点行吗Could you speak up please?抱歉我我只是在对我朋友说Sorry, I wa- I was just saying to my friend that我觉得你是我这一生见过的I thought you were the most beautiful woman that最漂亮的女孩I'd ever seen in my- in my life.然后他说你说你觉得And then he said that- you said you thought达丽尔·汉纳Daryl Hannah.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}影星达丽尔·汉纳是他见过最美的女人Daryl Hannah was the most beautiful woman that he'd ever seen in his life. 我说我喜欢《美人鱼》中的她And I said yeah, I liked her in Splash, a lot,但《华尔街》就没那么喜欢了but not so much in- in Wall Street,我觉得她没什么气质I thought she had a hard quality.还有达丽尔·汉纳是流行的美And uh, while Daryl Hannah is beautiful in a conventional way,但你全身都散发着难得的古典美you are luminous with a kind of a delicate grace.然后你就开始喊叫了Then, uh, that-that-that's when you started yelling.好的咱们稍微休息一会吧Okay, we're gonna take a short break.那小伙拿回家的远不止注意事项了啊That guy's going home with more than a note.过来马塞尔坐这儿Come here, Marcel. Sit here.菲比我真不敢相信他还没有吻你Pheebs, I can't believe he hasn't kissed you yet.天哪我和保罗第六次约会时I mean God, by my sixth date with Paolo,他就为我的胸部起好名字了I mean he had already named both my breasts!我分享太多了吗Did I just share too much?一点点Just a smidge.大卫就像科学家做事一丝不苟David's, like, y'know, a scientist guy. He's very methodical. -我认为这很浪漫 -我也这么想- I think it's romantic. - Me too!你们看过《军官与绅士》这部电影吗Did you ever see An Officer and a Gentleman?他就有点像和我一起去看这部电影的男生Well, he's kinda like the guy I went to see that with.除了他更聪明也更温柔体贴Except, except he-he's smarter, and gentler, and sweeter... 我只想整天和他厮守在一起I just- I just wanna be with him all the time.日日夜夜夜夜日日Day and night, and night and day...还有特别的日子and special occasions...等一下我知道是怎么回事了Wait a minute, wait a minute, I see where this is going,你想和他一起共度新年是不是you're gonna ask him to New Year's, aren't you.你要违反约定You're gonna break the pact.-她要违反约定了 -不不不- She's gonna break the pact. - No, no, no, no, no, no.不对我可以吗No. Yeah, could I just?-可以我已约了珍妮丝 -什么- Yeah. I already asked Janice. - What?拜托咱们有协议的还是你定的C'mon, this was a pact! This was your pact!我反悔了不行吗I snapped, okay?我受不了这种压抑所以我反悔了I couldn't handle the pressure and I snapped. 可是珍妮丝Yeah, but Janice?你们分手时不是闹得特别糟糕吗That-that was like the worst breakup in history! 我没说这是个好主意I'm not saying it was a good idea,我只是说我反悔了I'm saying I snapped.抱歉我迟到了Hi. Hi, sorry I'm late.太滑稽了Too many jokes...快嘲笑乔伊must mock Joey!鞋子正点吧Nice shoes, huh?我快笑死了God, you're killing me!罗斯他又玩我的铲子Ross, he's playing with my spatulas again!没事他又不会把它们弄疼Okay, look, he's not gonna hurt them, right?你非得每次都带他来不可吗Do you always have to bring him?我不想把他一个人留在家里好吗I didn't wanna leave him alone. Alright?我们今天早上第一次吵架了We- we had our first fight this morning.我觉得可能和我昨天工作晚归有关I think it has to do with my working late.我无心中说了一些话I said some things that I didn't mean,他就朝我扔大便了and he- he threw some faeces...如果你准备加班Y'know, if you're gonna work late,我可以替你照顾他I could look in on him for you.这太好了Oh, that'd be great!但是如果你去but if you do,请装作是去找他的好吗make sure it seems like you're there to see him, okay, 而不是过去帮我忙的and you're not like doing it as a favour to me.好但他如果问起来我就得直说了Okay, but if he asks, I'm not going to lie.但是我们无法直接实践该理论But, you can't actually test this theory.因为目前的量子加速器还远无法达到because today's particle accelerators are nowhere near powerful enough 能够模仿这种状态的能量to simulate these conditions...好我有个问题Okay, alright, I have a question, then.-嗯 -你准备什么时候吻我- Yeah? - Um, were you planning on kissing me ever?这是个正当而合理的问题Uh, that's definitely a, uh, valid question.而答案是应该是And, uh, the answer would be...是的对我曾想过yes. Yes I was.但我希望这个特殊的吻能够But, see, I wanted it to be this phenomenal kiss在一个特殊的时间中发生that happened at this phenomenal moment,因为那个人是你because, well, 'cause it's you.当然Sure.好但是我等的时间越久Right. But, see, the longer I waited,这个吻就会显得越特殊the more phenomenal the kiss had to be.我们现在已经到了一个and now we've reached a place把桌上的东西都挥下去where it's just gotta be one of those things where I just like... 然后把你扔在上面的时刻sweep everything off the table and throw you down on it.而我实际上并不是那种乱挥东西的人And, uh, I'm not really a, uh, sweeping sorta fella.大卫我觉得你是那种可以挥东西的人Oh, David, I, I think you are a sweeping sorta fella.你是被困在物理学家体内的猛男I mean, you're a sweeper...trapped inside a physicist's body -真的 -没错我确定- Really? - Oh, yeah, oh, I'm sure of it.你应该现在挥东西把我丢上去吧You should just do it, just sweep and throw me.-现在吗 -对现在- Now? Now? - Yeah, right now. Just....好好好Okay. Okay. Okay.这东西很贵的You know what? This was just really expensive.这个是人家送的And I'll take- this was a gift.你现在是在收拾东西了Okay, now you're just kinda tidying.好吧管他的Okay, what the hell, what the hell.你想被我丢上去还是自己跳上去You want me to actually throw you or you-you wanna just hop?我自己跳好了I can hop.告诉我So tell me something."不约会协议"对你而言意味着什么What does the phrase 'no date pact' mean to you?对不起I'm sorry, okay.钱德勒约了人菲比也有对象It's just that Chandler has somebody, and Phoebe has somebody... 所以我约了搞笑巴比I thought I'd ask Fun Bobby.搞笑巴比你的前男友搞笑巴比Fun Bobby? Your ex-boyfriend Fun Bobby?对Yeah.你还认识其他的搞笑巴比You know more than one Fun Bobby?我恰好认识一个搞笑鲍比I happen to know a Fun Bob.-来了给 -没法加牛奶了- Okay. Here we go. - There's no room for milk.好了这下可以了There. Now there is.好吧那么在咱们不约会之夜Okay, so on our no-date evening,你们中三个已然有约three of you now have dates.-四个 -五个- Four. - Five.抱歉保罗提早搭飞机回来Sorry. Paolo's catching an earlier flight.而我在商场遇上—个火辣的单亲妈妈Yeah, and I met this really hot single mom at the store. 我这个小精灵怎能抗拒What's an elf to do?好吧那么当大球落下的时候Okay, so I'm gonna be the only one我将是唯一一个独自站在那里的standing there alone when the ball drops?我们都在啊我们会举办一个盛大的聚会Oh, c'mon We'll have, we'll have a big party,没人会知道谁是谁的and no-one'll know who's with who.你知道的我现在需要的并不是这个Hey, y'know, this is so not what I needed right now.-你怎么了 -都是马塞尔- What's the matter? - Oh, it's Marcel.他一直不让我进门He keeps shutting me out, y'know?他一直拖着手在屋里走来走去He's walking around all the time dragging his hands...真奇怪我那天晚上和他玩得很愉快That's so weird, I had such a blast with him the other night. -真的 -对啊- Really? - Yeah,我们一起玩看电视we played, we watched TV.杂耍真是太精彩了That juggling thing is amazing.什么杂耍What, uh... what juggling thing?抛袜子卷成的球啊我以为是你教他的With the balled-up socks? I figured you taught him that. 没有No.也没什么大不了的Y'know, it wasn't that big a deal.只是用袜子卷成球还有香瓜He just balled up socks... and a melon...-菲比 -麦克斯还认识大伙吗- Phoebe! Hi. - Oh, hi Max! Hey, do you know everybody? 不认识你看见大卫了吗No. Have you seen David?没有他没在这儿No, no, he hasn't been around.如果你看到他叫他赶紧收拾行李Well, if you see him, tell him to pack his bags.我们要去明斯克了We are going to Minsk.-明斯克 -明斯克在俄罗斯- Minsk? - Minsk. It's in Russia.我知道明斯克在哪儿I know where Minsk is.我们已申请到奖助金We got the grant.三年提供所有经费Three years, all expenses paid.-你们什么时候动身 -1月1日- So when do you leave? - January 1 st.你来这儿干什么What are you doing here?麦克斯告诉我明斯克的事了Um, well, Max told me about Minsk. So恭喜了这太让人激动了Congratulations! This is so exciting!如果我们真的能去的话我会更激动的It'd be even more exciting if we were going.你们不去了为什么Oh, you're not going? Oh, why?告诉她大卫 "我不打算去明斯克"Tell her, David. 'I don't wanna go to Minsk和李本斯亚马古基与法朗克共事and work with Lifson and Yamaguchi and Flench, nonononononono. 我要留下来和我女朋友在一起I wanna stay and make out with my girlfriend! "够了麦克斯谢谢Okay, thank you, Max. Thank you.你真的不去So you're really not going?我知道不知道该怎么办我只是I don't know. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just.... 你来决定You decide.-别这样 -求你了- Oh don't do that. - Please.-我是在求你 -我不能那么做- But I'm asking you. - I can't make a decision.-只要你 -好了留下来- Just - Okay. Stay.-留下来 -留下来- Stay. - Stay.你进步神速啊Getting so good at that!都是麦克斯的东西It was Max's stuff.我喜欢这个朝鲜蓟I love this artichoke thing.别告诉我里面是什么我明天才开始节食Oh, don't tell me what's in it, the diet starts tomorrow. 你记得珍妮丝吧You remember Janice.历历在目Vividly.-嗨 -嗨我是珊蒂- Hi. - Hi, I'm Sandy.珊蒂请进Sandy, hi. Come on in.-你把孩子都带来了 -对可以吗- You brought your kids. - Yeah. That's okay, right?-聚会 -这东西不可以进来- Party! - That thing is not coming in here!东西你都这样招呼客人吗'That thing'? This is how you greet guests at a party?让我问问你Let me ask you something,如果我带着我的新女友来这里if I showed up here with my new girlfriend,你也不欢迎她进来吗she wouldn't be welcome in your home?你的新女友不会尿在我的咖啡桌上I'm guessing your new girlfriend wouldn't urinate on my coffee table. 他已经够难为情了行吗Okay. He was more embarrassed about that than anyone. Okay而他还有勇气装作And for him to have the courage to什么事情都没发生一样再来到这里walk back in here like nothing happened...好啦叫他离我远点就是了All right. All right. Just keep him away from me.谢谢来马塞尔Thank you. Come on, Marcel.咱们去寒暄一下吧whaddya say you and I do a little mingling?好吧待会儿见All right, I'll catch up with you later.天啊瑞秋亲爱的你没事吧Oh, my gosh! Rachel, honey, are you okay?保罗在哪儿Where's Paolo?罗马那个笨蛋错过了飞机Rome. Jerk missed his flight.然后呢你的脸就爆炸了吗And then your face exploded?不是No.我当时在机场准备上出租车Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab...然后一个拿着袖珍书的金发女人when this woman- this blonde planet with a pocketbook-就开始朝我吼好像说车是她先拦下的starts yelling at me. Something about how it was her cab first. 后我记得的事情就是她开始And then the next thing I know开始拽着我的头发把我拖到了车外she just starts- starts pulling me out by my hair!于是我拿出哨子使劲吹So I'm blowing my attack whistle thingy结果又来了三辆出租车and three more cabs show up.当我想上别的车的时候她就开始打我了And as I'm going to get into a cab she tackles me结果我撞上了路沿And I hit my head on the curb哨子把嘴唇弄破了and cut my lip on my whistle.大家玩得还愉快吧Everybody having fun at the party?-有人吃我的蘸酱吗 -有的- Are people eating my dip? - Yes.我上周在商场看见你时Y'know, when I saw you at the store last week,我第一次产生了扒光小精灵衣服的念头it was probably the first time I ever mentally undressed an elf.-真淫荡 -是的- Wow, that's dirty. - Yeah.孩子们Hey, kids.看他啊Look at him.我并不是让他整晚上都陪着我I'm not saying he has to spend the whole evening with me, 但他至少过来转转啊... but at least check in.原来你在这儿There you are!差点让你跑掉You got away from me.但又被你逮到了But you found me.罗斯帮我们照一张Here, Ross, take our picture.笑一个你被照到珍妮丝的相机中了Smile. You' re on Janice Camera.杀了我吧现在就杀了我Kill me. Kill me now.各位搞笑巴比来了Hey everybody, it's Fun Bobby!抱歉我迟到了我祖父他Hey, sorry I'm late. But my grandfather, he... 他在两小时前过世了...died about two hours ago.我买不到明天之前的机票But I-I-I couldn't get a flight out 'til tomorrow, 所以我来了so here I am.搞笑巴比近来可好Hey, Fun Bobby! How's it going, man?谁死了Whoa! Who died?我们打算用开放式棺材It's gonna be an open casket, you know?所以至少我还可以再看他一眼So at least I'll get to see him again.我要把这张放大洗出来Oh, I'm gonna blow this one up,然后写上闪闪发光的"破镜重圆"and I'm gonna write 'Reunited' in glitter.好了珍妮丝够了All right, Janice, that's it!珍妮丝珍妮丝Janice. Janice.嘿珍妮丝我邀你来并不代表我们Hey, Janice, when I invited you, I didn't think it meant that we...哦不哦不Oh, no. Oh, no.抱歉让你误会了I'm sorry you misunderstood.天哪你听我说钱德勒听我说Oh my God. You listen to me, Chandler, you listen to me.这次可能是你最后一次和我在一起了One of these times is just gonna be your last chance with me.哦把那东西给我Oh, will you give me the thing?-麦克斯你好 -洋子- Hi, Max. - Yoko.{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}小野洋子造成披头士成员不合我决定自己去明斯克了I've decided to go to Minsk without you.-喔 -少了你将不太一样- Wow. - It won't be the same...但明斯克还是明斯克新年快乐... but it will still be Minsk. Happy New Year.你还好吧Are you all right?没事我没事我没事Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.来Come on.-你去明克斯吧 -不我不会去的- You' re going to Minsk. - No, I'm not going to Minsk.你一定要去明斯克You are so going to Minsk.你属于明斯克你不能因为我而留下来You belong in Minsk. You can't stay here just 'cause of me. 我可以的Yes I can.因为如果我去意味着我必须和你分手Because if I go it means I have to break up with you.-而我不能和你分手 -你可以你可以- And I can't break up with you. - Oh yes, yes, yes you can. 你可以说Just say,"菲比我爱你"Phoebe, I love you,但是工作是我的生命but my work is my life.我现在必须这样做"That's what I have to do right now. "然后我说 "你的工作你的工作And I say, "Your work? Your work?你怎么能这样说"How can you say that? "接着你说 "我的心如刀割Then you say, "it's tearing me apart,但我别无选择你就不能理解一下吗"I have no choice. Can't you understand that? "我说 "不不我不了解"And I say, "No! No! I can't understand that! "-疼 -对不起- Ow. - Sorry.然后你抱住我And then you put your arms around me.-然后你抱住我 -哦对不起- Then you put your arms around me. - Oh, sorry.然后你对我说你爱我永远不会忘记我And then you tell me you love me and you'll never forget me. 我永远不会忘记你I'll never forget you.你再说现在已接近午夜你必须走了Then you say that it's almost midnight and you have to go... 因为如果咱俩不能有结果...because you don't wanna start the new year with me你也不愿和我共度新年if you can't finish it.我会想你的科学家I'm gonna miss you, you scientist guy.我是迪克·拉克正在时代广场上直播Hi, this is Dick Clark, live in Times Square. 五彩纸屑如暴风雪般狂舞We're in a virtual snowstorm时代广场热闹非凡of confetti here in Times Square...一年更比一年好It gets better every....好好睡吧孩子Here you go, kids.然后孔雀就咬了我And then the peacock bit me.午夜的时候请和我接吻吧Please kiss me at midnight!看见珊蒂没You seen Sandy?我不知该如何告诉你Ooh. Uh, I don't know how to tell you this... 她正在莫妮卡房里but she's in Monica's bedroom,那个叫麦克斯的科学怪人在一起getting it on with Max.哦我知道该怎么告诉你Ooh, look at that, I did know how to tell you.-各位大球要掉了 -什么- Hey, everybody, the ball is dropping. - What?大球要掉了The ball is dropping!再过20秒钟就到午夜了In 20 seconds, it'll be midnight.这一瞬间的快乐就要靠咱们自己了And the moment of joy is upon us.看来那个不约会的协议确实生效了Looks like that no-date pact worked out.大家好像都很开心我讨厌这样Everybody looks so happy. I hate that!不是所有人都开心嘿巴比Not everybody is happy. Hey, Bobby!四三二four, three, two...一新年快乐...one! Happy New Year!你们知道吗我刚才算了一下Y'know, I uh.. just thought I'd throw this out here.虽然我不是数学高手I'm no math whiz...但是我确实意识到咱们这里有三男三女But I do believe there are three girls and three guys right here. 今晚我不想亲任何人I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight.我无法亲任何人I can't kiss anyone.那我就要每个人都亲So, I'm kissing everyone?不你不能亲罗斯他是你哥No, you can't kiss Ross. That's your brother.太好了大家都有亲亲就我没有Perfect. Perfect. So now everybody's getting kissed but me.不管谁来亲我Alright, somebody kiss me.谁来亲我已经到午夜了谁来亲我Somebody kiss me! It's midnight! Somebody kiss me!好吧好吧All right! All right!亲一个There!我真的希望这样能够奏效I wanted this to work so much.By F-loat 我是说我就在这里I mean I'm still in there,给他换尿布替他抓跳蚤Changing his diapers. Picking his fleas.但他却视为理所当然But he's just phoning it in.深爱某人却得不到回报Just so hard to accept the fact that意识到这个现实真是令人难过something you love so much doesn't love you back.我觉得那个贱人打断了我的牙齿I think that bitch cracked my tooth.。

老友记txt版剧本中英文对照1010 The One Where Chandler Gets Caught

老友记txt版剧本中英文对照1010 The One Where Chandler Gets Caught
Chandler: Those are all really old!
Phoebe: Ok, then maybe it'll be, uhm...
Rachel: (whispering) "Dude, Where's My Car?"
Phoebe: (glancing at her) What?
Monica: And Nancy said that it's really under price, because the guy lost his job and has to move in with his parents!
Chandler: This is bringing out a lovely color in you!
Ross: Oh my God. It's like Sophie's Choice.
Rachel: Oh God. What about you, Joe? What would you give up, sex or food?
Joey: Uhm... oh... I don't know, it's too hard.
Monica: Gotcha. When do we tell them about this?
Chandler: We don't. Not until it's a hundred percent. I mean, why upset everybody over nothing.
Monica: Okay. Right. Oh my God that is gonna be so hard.

老友记txt版剧本中英文对照1011 The One Where The Stripper Cries

老友记txt版剧本中英文对照1011 The One Where The Stripper Cries
Phoebe: Yeah, sorry boys, this ride's closing.
Ross: Oh, and Chandler and I have this stupid college alumni thing. I can't believe you get to meet Donny Osmond.
Ross: Dude. You're married to my sister.
Chandler: You're right, by saying "nice" I'm virtually licking her.
Ross: Hey, I hear she's single again, d'you think I should ask her out?
Chandler: (looking around) Did I go to this school?
Ross: Hey, there's Missy Goldberg. You gotta remember her.
Chandler: (looks over at her) Sure, nice.
Chandler: I said it first, bro.
Ross: Well, I thought it first, Holmes.
Chandler: (angrily) Look, if you did...
Ross: Woha! Wait... What are we doing? What we have is too important to mess it up over some girl. I mean, we can get laid anytime we want.








Episode 1Opening Scene: Central Perk CaféMonica: You know what, I dreamt last night that we wereall sixty years old.Ross: That’s impossible. By then, I’ll have been dead for many years.Monica: We were living happily, on a beach vacation with our grandkids.Phoebe: But how did we manage to have kids at that age?Monica: Well, you have a point.Ross: I wish for a peaceful old age.本剧是一部美国情景喜剧,由大卫·克朗斯、马塞尔·博尔和凯文·布莱特创作。




以下将为您带来第一季每集的中英文字幕:This TV show is an American sitcom created by David Crane, Marta Kauffman, and Kevin Bright. The story revolves around six best friends - Joey, Chandler, Ross, Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe. It takes place in the Central Perk Café and their apartments in Manhattan, New York City.The first season consists of 24 episodes, each with a duration of approximately 22 minutes. Below are the Chinese and English subtitles for each episode of the first season:第二集(中央咖啡馆)罗斯: 你知道吗,有一天你会发现那个人就在那里一直陪伴着你。

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本102 The One With the Sonogram at the End素材

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本102 The One With the Sonogram at the End素材

102 The One With the Sonogram at the End [Scene Central Perk, everyone's there.]Monica: What you guys don't understand is, for us, kissing is as important as any part of it.Joey: Yeah, right!.......Y'serious?Phoebe: Oh, yeah!Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. Monica: Absolutely.Chandler:Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out.Ross: Yeah, and-and it's not that we don't like the comedian, it's that-that... that's not why we bought the ticket.Chandler:The problem is, though, after the concert's over, no matter how great the show was, you girls are always looking for the comedian again, y'know? I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic... basically just trying to stay awake.Rachel:Yeah, well, word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone.Joey: (pause)....Are we still talking about sex?Opening Credits[Scene: Museum of Prehistoric History, Ross and a co-worker (Marsha) are setting up an exhibit which includes some mannequins of cave people.]Ross:No, it's good, it is good, it's just that- mm- doesn't she seem a little angry?Marsha: Well, she has issues.Ross: Does she?Marsha:He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet! Ross:Marsha, these are cave people. Okay? They have issues like 'Gee, that glacier's getting kinda close.' See?Marsha: Speaking of issues, isn't that your ex-wife?(Carol, Ross's ex-wife, has entered behind them and is standing outstide the exhibit.)Ross: (trying to ignore her) No. No.Marsha: Yes, it is. Carol! Hi!Ross: Okay, okay, yes, it is. (waves) How about I'll, uh, catch up with you in the Ice Age.(Marsha extis and Ross waves Carol into the exhibit.)Ross:Hi.Carol: So.Ross: You look great. I, uh... I hate that.Carol: Sorry. You look good too.Ross:Ah, well, in here, anyone who... stands erect... So what's new? Still, uh...Carol: A lesbian?Ross: Well... you never know. How's, um.. how's the family? Carol: Marty's still totally paranoid. Oh, and, uh-Ross: Why- why are you here, Carol?Carol: I'm pregnant.Ross: Pregnant?![Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are watching Three's Company.]Chandler: Oh, I think this is the episode of Three's Company where there's some kind of misunderstanding.Phoebe:...Then I've already seen this one! (Turns off the TV.) Monica: (taking a drink fr om Joey) Are you through with that? Joey: Yeah, sorry, the swallowing slowed me down.Monica: Whose little ball of paper is this?! 102 参加助产训练班你们男生不懂亲吻对女生的重要性没错,当真?当真.你想了解的一切全在初吻之中没错对我们而言亲吻就像是开场,就像佛洛伊飞船出场前,你得耐着性子先看完脱口秀对,我们并非讨厌脱口秀,但那不是我们买票的原因问题出在于演唱会结束后,不论表演有多精采,你们女生总还想再看脱口秀,我们在车上奋力杀出车阵,只是拼命让自己别睡着是哦?给你一个建议。



1.Shall I go on? 我还要继续吗2.Just keep smiling3.You spoiled everything 你搞砸了一切4.My friend and family are out there! How can I face them?我的亲朋好友都在场,以后我还怎么见人5.She’s just fixing her makeup 她要补妆6.I hope you don’t take this the wrong way 我希望你别误会7.I know we had plans to meet up tonight 我知道我们今天晚上约了要见面8.How could we have let this happen? 我们怎么这么不小心9.I don’t see that we have a choice. 看来我们别无选择10.I gotta ask you something. 我有事情要问你11.Is all out fault? Were we bad parents? 这是我们的错吗,没把小孩教好12.How are you supposed to eat this? 怎么来吃啊13.Forget it. That’s off.算了吧当我没说14.It’s doesn’t count 不算15.I’m sorry things aren’t working out 抱歉,事情竟然会出问题16.She’ll get over this. 她不会放在心上的17.It didn’t mean anything. It’s a mistake. 根本就没什么,只是一个无心之过18.tow the line, thread the needle听天由命,努力争取19.think outside the box 不要死心眼20.If you don’t realize that, I can’t help you如果你还不懂,我也没法了21.It could be better. It’ll be okay, right?22.If I scream, Yippee, just ignore me。


110 The One With the Monkey [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is entering.] Ross: Guys? There's a somebody I'd like you to meet. (A monkey jumps on to his shoulder.) All: Oooh! Monica: W-wait. What is that? Ross: 'That' would be Marcel. You wanna say hi? Monica: No, no, I don't. Rachel: Oh, he is precious! Where did you get him? Ross: My friend Bethel rescued him from some lab. Phoebe: That is so cruel! Why? Why would a parent name their child Bethel? Chandler: Hey, that monkey's got a Ross on its ass! Monica: Ross, is he gonna live with you, like, in your apartment? Ross: Yeah. I mean, it's been kinda quiet since Carol left, so... Monica: Why don't you just get a roommate? Ross: Nah, I dunno... I think you reach a certain age, having a roommate is kinda pathe- (Realises) ....sorry, that's, that's 'pathet', which is Sanskrit for 'really cool way to live'. Opening Credits [Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is getting ready to sing. Joey is not there.] Phoebe: So you guys, I'm doing all new material tonight. I have twelve new songs about my mother's suicide, and one about a snowman. Chandler: Might wanna open with the snowman. (Enter Joey) All: Hey, Joey. Hey, buddy. Monica: So, how'd it go? Joey: Ahhhhhh, I didn't get the job. Ross: How could you not get it? You were Santa last year. Joey: I dunno. Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager. He's not even jolly, it's all political. Monica: So what are you gonna be? Joey: Ah, I'm gonna be one of his helpers. It's just such a slap in the face, y'know? Rachel: Hey, do you guys know what you're doing for New Year's? (They all protest and hit her with cushions) Gee, what?! What is wrong with New Year's? Chandler: Nothing for you, you have Paolo. You don't have to face the horrible pressures of this holiday: desperate scramble to find anything with lips just so you can have someone to kiss when the ball drops!! Man, I'm talking loud! Rachel: Well, for your information, Paolo is gonna be in Rome this New Year, so I'll be just as pathetic as the rest of you. Phoebe: Yeah, you wish! Chandler: It's just that I'm sick of being a victim of this Dick Clark holiday. I say this year, no dates, we make a pact. Just the six of us- dinner. All: Yeah, okay. Alright. Chandler: Y'know, I was hoping for a little more enthusiasm. All: Woooo! Yeah! Rachel: Phoebe, you're on. Phoebe: Oh, oh, good. Rachel: (Into microphone) Okay, hi. Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Joey's Big Break》

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Joey's Big Break》
Phoebe:No! No, her cab! She probably won't be using it; you can drive it toLas Vegas.
Joey:All right! Thanks Pheebs!
Chandler:Whoa-whoa-whoa, what are we going to do about my job?
Ross:All right, I gotta go. I'm taking Ben to the park.
Phoebe:Ohh, give him a kiss for me!
Ross:All right, bye!
Monica: Bye!
Phoebe: Bye!
Ross:Later! (Exits.)
Joey:Oh umm, not go.
Chandler:All right, great, road trip baby! (To Monica) This okay with you?
Monica:Chandler! You don't have to ask for my permission. (Quietly) You can go.
Joey:(entering, depressed) Hey. I just got off the phone with Estelle and guess what. (Pause, then very excitedly) I GOT THE LEAD IN A MOVIE!!!!!!
Chandler:You got the lead in a movie? That's amazing! What's the movie about?!



高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本116 The One With Two Parts, part 1素材

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本116 The One With Two Parts, part 1素材

116 The One With Two Parts, part 1[Scene: Ri ft’s Restaurant, as seen in Mad About You, Joey and Chandler are there.]Chandler: This is unbelievable. It’s been like a half an hour. If this was a cartoon, you’d be looking like a ham right about now. (Ursu la Buffay, Phoebe’s identical twin sister, is waiting on tables in her inimitable manner.)Joey: There’s the waitress. Excuse me, Miss. Hello, Miss?(Ursula spins around looking puzzled, quite unable to tell where the sound is coming from.)Chandler: It’s Phoebe! Hi!(Ursula notices Joey waving his hand, and comes over.)Ursula: Hi. Okay, will that be all?Chandler: Wait, wait! Wh-what are you doing here?Ursula: Yeah, um, I was over there, then you said, "Excuse me, hello Miss," so now I’m here.Joey: No, no... how come you are working here?Ursula: Right, yeah, ’cause its close to where I live, and the aprons are really cute.Chandler: Can we start over?Ursula: Yeah. Okay great. I’m gonna be over here. (She wanders away.) Chandler & Joey: No, no, no!Opening Credits[Scene: A wintry February day in New York City, snowplows are clearing the streets. Inside Central Perk, all three girls are paying court to Ross.]Ross: I don’t know whether he’s testing me, or just acting out, but my monkey is out of control. But, he keeps erasing the messages on my machine, "supposedly" by accident.Rachel: No, yeah, I’ve done that.Ross: And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword.Rachel: I’ve never done that.(Outside in the street, Joey and Chandler arrive, to peer through the window at Phoebe, by bending down to look underneath the shop’s sign—a large steaming cup of coffee.)Chandler: All right, now look at her and tell me she doesn’t look exactly like her sister.Joey: I’m sayin’ I see a difference.Chandler: They’re twins!Joey: I don’t care. Phoebe’s Phoebe. Ursula’s... hot!(Joey and Chandler come indoors.)Chandler: You know that thing, when you and I talk to each other about things?Joey: Yeah.Chandler: Let’s not do that any more.(They hang up their coats and scarves, then approach their friends on the main sofa.) 116 双胞胎两部曲(一)真是令人难以置信已过了半个小时如果这是卡通你应该看起来像火腿一样女侍在那儿抱歉,小姐…等等是菲比!嗨好的。



101. The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot)the pilot: 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集,试播[Scene: Central Park, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.]Central Park: 中央公园,坐落于纽约曼哈顿市中心-Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!guy: 男人,家伙 work with: 与….共事没什么好说的!他不过是我的同事!-Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him!gotta=have got to: 必须少来了,你和那个人一起出去!和你交往的男人一定有问题!-Chandler: All right Joey, be nice. So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? hump: 驼背 hairpiece: 假发打住,Joey,嘴下留德。

他驼背?既驼背又带假发?-Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk?chalk: 粉笔慢着,他吃粉笔吗?(They all stare, bemused.)stare: 盯,凝视 bemuse: 发呆-Phoebe: Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh!go through: 经历我只是不想她重蹈我和Carl的覆辙。

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Rachel’s Assistant》

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Rachel’s Assistant》
Rachel:(reading the resume) And you were at this job for four years?
Hilda:That’s right.
Rachel:Okay, well this is all very impressive Hilda, um I just have one last question for you. Uh, how did I do? Was this okay?
(They all make happy faces as they are unable to express their feelings verbally. Finally, the phone rings and the race to answer it is won by Monica.)
Monica:(on phone) Hello? (Listens) Hold on please. Joey, it’s your mom. (Hands him the phone.)
Chandler:It’s your mommy. It’s your mommy.
Rachel:That’s nice.
Joey:Ooh, sorry. Sorry. You finish, go.
Rachel:Okay, so anyway I’m sittin’ in my office and guess who walks in.
Joey:I’m gonna be on two TV shows!
Monica and Phoebe:Oh, that’s great!!
Rachel: Joey!
Joey:Oh, you weren’t finished?

最新-高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本181 The One With Mrs Bing素材 精品

最新-高中英语《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本181 The One With Mrs Bing素材 精品
Phoebe:Yeah, but did you see the dents in his knuckles? That means he's tistic.
Monica:Okay, he's a lawyer, who teaches sculpting on the side. And- he can dance!
Mon ica:(Shouts to the guy) Woo-woo!
(The guy turns round, startled. Monica points to Phoebe. The guy gets hit by a truck)
Phoebe:I can't believe you did that!
Jay Leno:(on TV) Folks, when we come back we'll be talking about her new book, 'Euphoria Unbound': the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing. You might wanna put the kids to bed for this one.
Monica:He doesn't have anyone.
Phoebe:Yeah, we-we feel kinda responsible.
Joey:I can't believe you said woowoo. I don't even say woowoo.
Rachel:Oh, she's coming up! She's coming up! (Turns on the TV)





Episode 1: "The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate"中文台译名:《莫妮卡找室友》Scene 1: Central Perk coffee shop- Monica: 嗨,聘德。

- Phoebe: 好久不见,莫妮卡!- Monica: 是啊,真的好久不见了。

Scene 2: Monica's apartment- Monica: 你怎么来了?- Rachel: 我刚刚逃婚了。

- Monica: 你逃婚了?- Rachel: 是的,我觉得这个婚礼并不是我想要的。

Scene 3: Central Perk coffee shop- Monica: 查宁提时间早了,不过这样没关系。

- Rachel: 谢谢你让我住在这。

- Monica: 不客气,我很高兴能帮到你。

Scene 4: Monica's apartment- Monica: 这个房间挺小的,我会把床收起来。

- Rachel: 明天我得去找工作。

- Monica: 没问题,我可以帮你一起找。

Scene 5: Central Perk coffee shop- Ross: 哦,嗨,莫妮卡。

- Monica: 罗斯,嗨。


- Ross: 是啊,和我妻子离婚了。

Scene 6: Monica's apartment- Monica: 大家都上学,我希望你学会了如何当个独立的人。

- Ross: 当然。


Scene 7: Central Perk coffee shop- Monica: 你在找工作了吗?- Rachel: 是的,正在找。

Scene 8: Monica's apartment- Ross: 你在找什么类型的工作?- Rachel: 我还没确定。

《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本:103 The One With the Thumb

《Frinds老友记》第1季中英文对照完整剧本:103 The One With the Thumb
Rachel:And everybody knows this?
Joey:Yeah。 Cushions the blow。
Chandler:Yeah, it's like when you're a kid, and your parents put your dog to sleep, and they tell you it went off to live on some farm。
Chandler:I think this is probably why Damone smokes in his cell alone.
Chandler:Relax your hand!
(Joey lets his wrist go lch!
Ross:That's funny, that, no, because, uh, our parents actually did, uh, send our dog off to live on a farm.
Monica:Uh, Ross.
Ross:What? Wh- hello? The Millners' farm inConnecticut? The Millners, they had this unbelievable farm, they had horses, and, and rabbits that he could chase and it was— it w— .。..。Oh my God, Chi Chi!
103 The One With the Thumb
[Scene: Central Perk, everyone but Phoebe is there。]


101 The One Whe re Monica Ge ts a Ne w Roommate (The Pilot -The Uncut Ve rs ion)老友记(六人行)剧本(第一季)Season11of167Pages10TheOneWhereMoni caGetsaNewRoommate(ThePilot-TheUncut Version)[Scene:CentralPerk, Chandler, Joey,Phoebe, andMonicaarethere.]Monica:Ther'snothi ngt otel l!He'sj ust someguyIworkwith!型狸勺娩樟议追净拼陷部酌穿抬犯仟吟绽叮俺拽斋潜减拂龙驹次芒嗽尤裴午应迹匆坟漱狂削戊腋熊涂兴旬教颊欧撅缓前婿侮荧耻歌惜苹噎白跪伏蜂
Monica: T here' s nothing to tell! He' s jus t s ome guy I w ork w ith!老友记(六人行)剧本(第一季)Season1of167Pages101TheOneWherMonicaGetsaNewRommate(ThePil ot-TheUncutVersi on)[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler,Joey, Phoeb,andMoni caret her.]Moni ca: There'snot hingtoel!He'sjustomeguyIworkwit h!型狸勺娩樟议追净拼陷部酌穿抬犯仟吟绽叮俺拽斋潜减拂龙驹次芒嗽尤裴午应迹匆坟漱狂削戊腋熊涂兴旬教颊欧撅缓前婿侮荧耻歌惜苹噎白跪伏蜂
Chandler: All right Joey, be nice.
So does

【最新推荐】老友记剧本-word范文 (10页)

【最新推荐】老友记剧本-word范文 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==老友记剧本篇一:《老友记》中英文对照剧本(第一季)101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate外语下载中心外语下载中心外语下载中心外语下载中心外语下载中心篇二:老友记word版剧本中英文对照六人行(老友记)经典100句中英翻译1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活)4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。

/ 我懂你的意思了5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看!6、Hello? Were we at the same table?有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”)7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。

8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词)9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用)12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法)13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思)15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵)16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配)17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面[u][b] 英语[/b][/u]和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略)19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。


Joey:Comeon, you're going out with the guy! There's gottabe something wrong with him!
Chandler:All right Joey, be nice. So does he have ahump? A hump and ahairpiece?
Ross:(mortified) Hi.
Joey:This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.
Monica:Are you okay,sweetie?
Ross:I just feel like someone reached down my throat,grabbedmy smallintestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...
Chandler:And I just want a million dollars! (He extends his hand hopefully.)
Rachel:Oh God Monica hi! Thank God! I just went to your building and you weren't there and then this guy with a bighammersaid you might be here and you are,you are!
Joey:Alright Ross, look. You're feeling a lot of pain right now. You're angry. You're hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is?

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One Where Joey Tells Rachel》

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One Where Joey Tells Rachel》
Ross:So, uh, this guy, she used to go out with, is, uh… is he a good guy?
Joey:Yeah, he’s the best.
Ross:Then talk to him! He might be fine with it.
Joey:Oh, I don’t know.
816 The One Where Joey Tells Rachel
Lisa Kudrow:(voiceover) Previously on Friends
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is talking to Ross]
Joey:There’s this woman, that I like. A lot. Well, it’s complicated. She’s with this other guy. For a long time. And I could never do that to the guy, y’know? ’Ccause we’re really good friends.
Ross:Sure, because women never like Joey. Y’know, I think he’s a virgin.
Monica:Joey…he’s not even thinking about going after Rachel!
Ross:He’s not?
Monica:No! All he’s thinking about is how you’re taking this! I mean, listen it’s totally freaking him out. He’s talking about moving to Vermont.
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Max: Daryl Hannah. 他说黛瑞汉娜…
David: Daryl Hannah was the most beautiful woman that he'd ever seen in his life and I said yeah, I liked her in Splash, a lot, but not so much in- in Wall Street, I thought she had kind of a
All: Yeah, okay. Alright.
Chandler: ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ'know, I was hoping for a little more enthusiasm.
如果有事如此重要 你们非在我唱歌时谈论,那就重要的足以与我们分享
Chandler: (Quietly, to the others) That guy's going home with a note!
David: Noth- I was- I was just saying to my-我是告诉我朋友…
Rachel: Well, for your information, Paolo is gonna be in Rome this New Year, so I'll be just as pathetic as the rest of you.
I made a man with eyes of coal
And a smile so bewitchin',
How was I supposed to know
That my mom was dead in the kitchen?
(shakes bell) La lalala la la la la lalala la la...
All: Oooh!
Monica: W-wait. What is that? 等等…这是怎么回事?
Ross: 'That' would be Marcel. You wanna say hi?
Monica: No, no, I don't. 不,我不要
Rachel: Oh, he is precious! Where did you get him?
Phoebe: Yeah, you wish! 想得美
Chandler: It's just that I'm sick of being a victim of this Dick Clark holiday. I say this year, no dates, we make a pact. Just the six of us- dinner.
Opening Credits
[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is getting ready to sing. Joey is not there.]
Phoebe: So you guys, I'm doing all new material tonight. I have twelve new songs about my mother's suicide, and one about a snowman.
Max: No. No, that's- that's okay. 没.没,没事
Phoebe: Well, c'mon, if it's important enough to discuss while I'm playing, then I assume it's important enough for everyone else to hear!
Ross: My friend Bethel rescued him from some lab.
Phoebe: That is so cruel! Why? Why would a parent name their child Bethel?
Chandler: Hey, that monkey's got a Ross on its ass!
Monica: Ross, is he gonna live with you, like, in your apartment?
Chandler: Might wanna open with the snowman.
(Enter Joey)
All: Hey, Joey. Hey, buddy.
Monica: So, how'd it go? 如何?
Joey: Ahhhhhh, I didn't get the job. -我没得到那份工作
Ross: How could you not get it? You were Santa last year.
Joey: I dunno. Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager. He's not even jolly, it's all political.
110 The One With the Monkey猴子
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is entering.]
Ross: Guys? There's a somebody I'd like you to meet.
(A monkey jumps on to his shoulder.)
Phoebe: (Takes mike) Thanks, hi. Um, I wanna start with a song that means a lot to me this time of year. (Shakes bell as an introduction) (Sung:)
Ross: Yeah. I mean, it's been kinda quiet since Carol left, so...
Monica: Why don't you just get a roommate?
Ross: Nah, I dunno... I think you reach a certain age, having a roommate is kinda pathe- (Realises) ....sorry, that's, that's 'pathet', which is Sanskrit for 'really cool way to live'.
Are resting in a little yellow jar,
And sometimes when it's breezy...
(Over the sound of Phoebe singing we hear two scientists, Max and David, having a noisy discussion)
Phoebe: Could you speak up please? 大声点行吗?
David: (Stands up and speaks more loudly) Sorry, I wa- I was just saying to my friend that I thought you were the most beautiful woman that I'd ever seen in my- in my life. And then he said that- you said you thought
Monica: So what are you gonna be? 那么你扮演什么?
Joey: Ah, I'm gonna be one of his helpers. It's just such a slap in the face, y'know?
(Cut to later. Everyone is totally depressed by now.)