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The translation of the antient Chinese architectural style



Abstract:In the text of architecture, there are many complex sentences. Therefore, the proper translation of complex sentences is very important to guarantee the quality of translation. In this paper, the author takes the Chinese ancient architecture as an example to compare the differences between English and Chinese sentences in terms of sentence structure, sentence structure and the position of the center of gravity. It analyzes the difficulties in English complex sentence into Chinese when facing, and it puts forward corresponding translation strategies and translation skills, and it uses specific translation examples to verify the effectiveness of these strategies. From the perspective of cultural translation theory, this paper discusses the translation of complex sentences of ancient Chinese architectural culture, including the sequential method, segmentation method, segmentation method, distribution method and reverse order method. The study of the thesis is of great significance to the translation of English complex sentences.

Key words: classical architecture; complex sentence; translation skills


1 Instruction (1)

2 The basic language features of 2 compound sentences (1)

2.1 sentence composition complex (1)

2.2 word order is very different from Chinese (2)

2.3 sentence making is mainly use the hypotaxis method (2)

3 current problems in the translation of English complex sentences (2)

4 the translation of Chinese architectural culture (4)

4.1 Sequential translation (4)

4.2 Reverse translation (4)

4.3 Segmentation method (4)

4.4 Shunt method (5)

4.5 Reverse translation (5)

5. Conclusion (6)

Reference documentation (7)

1 Instruction

There are great differences between the two languages, Chinese and English. There are one or more independent clause or some components of the subordinate clause in English complex sentence. Time and logical sequence is not exactly the same between the main clause and subordinate clause in complex sentences of Chinese and English. So their positions are not exactly the same. English has SVO structure; That is, the time of each component is closely linked through grammar. "The seven sentence patterns of English are derived and extended by the SV stable structure. Chinese has TC structure; that's the topic and the model. This is very different from the sentence structure of English. To grasp this is the premise of translation.

The treatment of Noun Clauses is translation in regular sequence and the division in the translation. At the same time, the sentence level should be adjusted according to the logic of the sentence. Before translating noun clauses, we must first classify the meaning groups. This can accurately determine the sentence is composed of what information and then be processed into Chinese sentences based on the information. Here is more commonly used translation in regular sequence and the division in the translation. If close to English and Chinese word order, we can directly use ordinal translation. This can not only ensure the transmission of the original information, and it is also more convenient to do. If the English sentence structure and Chinese differences too large, at the same time the components are closely connected; Use the division in the translation here. We will be connected to the information in accordance with the characteristics of Chinese that are split into several sentences. So that readers can easily understand, but also it is in line with the characteristics of Chinese language. At the same time, we should find out the logic of the sentence. Because the characteristics of the paper are logical, the translation should be logical. The implicit logic of sentences must be expressed in Translation to ensure that the implicit logic can be embodied in the translation. Only in this way can we meet the characteristics of academic papers.

2 The basic language features of 2 compound sentences

2.1 sentence composition complex

"The compound sentence is constituted by a main clause and one or more clauses in the sentence. In a sentence, usually it is the main body of the whole sentence, and can exist independently; However the clause is a sentence, which cannot exist independently." Although a clause cannot exist alone, it contains a subject and a predicate, just like a sentence. But the difference is that clauses often require an associated word to guide. Complex sentences can be roughly divided into two categories: principal and subordinate complex sentences and compound sentences. These two types of complex sentence can be subdivided into several different types of complex sentences, which leads to the difficulty of understanding of the original translation increases, so complex sentence has become a big problem in English translation.
