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Uuit1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)

Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)

Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?)

GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and –MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS测绘学或者 geo代表地球,matics代表数学,或者 geo代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)

It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解)

The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or “surveying”, and by adding a number of computer science- and/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语【term术语】作为一个学科【academic discipline学科】第一次形成【emerge】于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学”或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和GIS方向【或“基于GIS”】的课程后重新命名的。)

Now the term includes the traditional surveying definition along with surveying steadily increased importance with the development of new technologies and the growing demand for a variety of spatially related types of information, particularly in measuring and monitoring our environment.(随着新技术的发展和不断增长的对空间关系的信息类型的需求,尤其是在测量和监测我们的环境方面【环境监测】,现在,传统测量学定义连同【along with】日益【steadily稳定的】增长的测量的重要性一起包含在这个术语里了。【逗号后面的句子修饰demand】)

Increasingly critical are areas of expanding populations, appreciating land values, dwindling natural resources, and the continuing stressing of the quality of our land, water and air from human activities.(日益增长的危机来自人口扩张,地价上涨,资源紧缩【紧张】,还有由于人类活动引起的土地、水、空气质量的持续的压力【由人类活动带来的土地、水、空气质量的恶化】

As such, geomatics bridges wide arcs from the geosciences through various engineering sciences and computer sciences to spatial planning, land development and the environmental sciences.(这样,测绘学在地球科学,各种工程学【engineering sciences工程学】,计算机科学,空间规划,土地开发和环境科学相互之间架起了广泛的桥梁。)

Now the word geomatics has been adopted by several international bodies including the International Standards Organization(ISO),so it is here to stay.(现在geomatics 这个词已经被包括ISO【国际标准化组织】在内的数个国际机构【international bodies】所采用,

因此它就这样被普遍接受【be here to stay 习惯用语“被普遍接受”】

The term “surveyor” is traditionally used to collectively describe those engaged in the above activities. (surveyor这个词按惯例用来总指(这换成“总称”较好)【collectively全体的】那些从事上述活动的人。)

More explicit job descriptions such as Land Surveyor, Engineering Surveyor or

Hydrographic Surveyor for example, are commonly used by practitioners to more clearly describe and market their specialized expertise.(更具体的【explicit清楚的、直接的】工作如土地测量员、工程测量员和水道测量员,一般【commonly一般地】被业内人士【practitioners从业者】用来更准确的描述他们的专门技术。【直译为:更清楚的工作描述就如如土地测量员、工程测量员和水道测量员,一般被从业者用来更准确的描述他们的专门技术。】)

The term geomatics is a recent creation to convey the true collective and scientific nature of these related activities and has the flexibility to allow for the incorporation of future technological developments in these fields.(geomatics 这个术语是个新词,表达【convey传达】了实体集合和它们相关联【related】的活动的自然科学,并使这些领域的未来技术发展的结合【incorporation结合】成为可能。【flexibility弹性、机动性】)

Adoption of the term also allows a coherent marketing of the profession to industry and schools on a worldwide basis. (这个术语的采用同时也在全世界范围里为行业【industry】里和学校建立了【allow允许了】一个一致的【coherent】专业市场)

As a result, both course and award titles in the traditional Land Surveying sector at many of the world’s leading universities are being changed to “Degree in Geomatics”. (结果,世界上许多一流大学的传统的测量专业【部门】的无论是课程还是授予资【授予学位名称】格都改为“测绘学位”【Degree in Geomatics】的了)

This does not suggest the demise of the term “surveyor” and graduates will still practice as land surveyors or photogammertrists, etc. as appropriate to their specialization.(这并不意味着“surveyor”这个词的消亡,测绘毕业生还将从事适合他们专业的【as appropriate to their specialization】土地测量员、摄影测量员及其他【ect.】的工作)

In the last decade, there has been dramatic development and growth in the use of hardware and software solutions to both measure and process geo-spatial data.(在过去的十年中,在应用硬件和软件的方法【solution解决方法】来测量和处理地球空间数据工作时有着戏剧性的发展和增长)[in the use of在使用……时]

This has created and will continue to create new areas of application, with associated job opportunities for suitably qualified graduates. (创造并将继续创造新的应用【application】领域,并为合适的、合格【qualified有资格的】的毕业生提供相关的【associated】工作。)

As a result, the role of the “surveyor” is expanding beyond traditional areas of practice, as described above, into new areas of opportunity.(结果是,“surveyor”的角色大大超越传统实践领域――如前面所述的领域,进入到新的【opportunity机会、时机】的领域。)

In addition, recent advances in the technology of data collection and processing have blurred the boundaries of practice and activity between what were previously regarded as related but separate areas.(另外,最近的数据采集和处理技术的发展模糊了以前被认为有联系却分离的领域的【实践的活动的practice and activity】界限)Such developments are forecast to continue and will create new career paths for graduates whose education and training is broadly based and of a high academic standard.(可以预见【forecast】,这种发展继续并将为涉猎广泛、学识一流的【broadly
